St. Helena’s Church 602 PHILADELPHIA PIKE, BELLEFONTE, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE 19809 (302)764-0325 • FAX: (302)764-1068 • WWW.SAINTHELENAS.ORG PARISH STAFF PASTOR: Vy. Rev. Stanley J. Russell, V.F. In Residence Rev. Edward J. Fahey DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Hummy Pennell 762-4280 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC/ORGANIST Mr. Joseph Louden 888-1743 PARISH SECRETARY Mrs. Kathy Quinn 764-0325 x106 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY – 764-7545 Mrs. Dorothy Medeiros Director, 764-0325x104 RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Mon-Thus, 8am to 2pm Fri, 8am-Noon PARISH RECEPTIONIST Ms. Leslie Savage 764-0325 x100 PARISH MANAGER Mr. Christopher Hullinger 764-0325 x102 SUNDAY MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm (except Easter Vigil) Sunday: 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00am FINANCE MANAGER Mr. Paul Penna (302) 764-0325 Ext. 102 PARISH COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr. Jim Clark 764-0325 x106 PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr. Joe Newdeck 764-0325 x106 CONVENT - Sisters of St. Joseph 610 Philadelphia Pike 764-3427 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Mr. Dominic DiChristopher, Grand Knight Christopher Council, #3182 302-562-4492 DAILY MASSES Monday through Friday: 7:00 & 9:00am Saturday: 9:00am RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION): Saturday: 3:30-4:30pm Other times by appointment. Room of Reconciliation (Confession) is located in the rear of the church on the Blessed Mother’s side. BAPTISMS & WEDDINGS: Call the Rectory to register January 11, 2015 BAPTISM OF THE LORD January 11, 2015 The Baptism of the Lord KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FREE THROW CONTEST The Lord God says through the prophet Isaiah, “Here is my servant…my chosen one with whom I am pleased.” At the Baptism of Jesus, the Father in heaven says: “This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” Indeed the Child born in Bethlehem was born to suffer and die on a Cross. The Son of God has come to be our Servant and Saviour. This concluding Feast of the Christmas season seems to provide a bridge to Holy Week when we will hear the full four Servant of the Lord “songs”. The Child born for us is to suffer and die for us. This event will take place TODAY, Sunday, January 11th. The registration will begin at 10:30am with the contest beginning at 11:00am in St. Helena’s Gym. Contest is free for boys and girls ages 10-14. All participants receive free buffet breakfast and one parent/guardian receives discount. Please bring proof of age. For more info, contact Bill Moschelle at HELP NEEDED! Today, January 11th, the decorations will be removed from the church and stored away for another year. The more people who help out, the faster this job may be completed! Come to church at 12:30pm, bring a friend! We thank you in advance for any help you can lend. TRUSTEE ELECTIONS Last weekend, as required by the State of Delaware, the annual election to determine our trustees was held after the 9:00am Mass. Elected were: Mr. James McFadden and Mr. John Mousley. WE ARE COUNTING ON YOU!! Many of our parishioners have pledged funds in our Capital Campaign to contribute in making some major repairs to preserve our Church and facilities. We thank all who have already been contributing to this effort. We are counting on you to keep your word and fulfill your pledges. If anyone was not here when we carried out this Capital Campaign, you may contribute by using one of the special gray envelopes you see at the exits of church, marked: “Sustaining Hope for the Future.” If you or someone in your family are in the hospital and would like to be visited, please call the Rectory, 764-0325 Ext. 100 or 108. THE SECOND SUNDAY BREAKFAST BUFFET IS TODAY!!! Food service begins at 8:00am and continues until 12:45pm. Join Family & Friends for a delicious breakfast! Please note new pricing: Adults: $8:50. Children still eat for $4.00. For questions, please call Nancy Cobb, 598-8685. Email: Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked for everyone to pray for the success of the World Meeting of Families. You will find copies of the prayer at all the exits of church. You are invited to take a copy home. Bulletin Deadlines Bulletin for 1/18 Due Date: 1/12 If you have any questions, you may email them to:, or call: 764-0325 Ext. 106. Thank you! Have you heard about the newest familyoriented events that we have planned for our parish for this year? Our first event is a Family Football Feast on Sunday, 1/18 starting at 2pm in Masci Hall where we will watch the NFC Championship! You can find a complete list of all of the event we have scheduled and more details at You can also use that website to sign-up to join us for any/all of the events, or feel free to call the rectory to sign-up or find out more details. We are looking forward to enjoying faith, family and fun with parishioners of all ages! Page 1 – 311 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION YOUNG AT HEART A HUGE Thank you to our Religious Ed Families! At our Mitten Tree ceremony, we collected many pairs of gloves and mittens! Also there were scarves and hats you donated to help those in our community. May God bless you for your kindness! Our next meeting, featuring Bingo, will be held Monday evening, January 19th, at 7:00pm in Masci Hall. Please come and bring a friend. Refreshments will be served. Start the New Year by joining our club. All are welcome! NEED CLEANING HELP? A highly reliable cleaning person (currently employed by a parishioner) is in need of additional clients. If you are interested or have questions, please call the rectory, 764-0325 Ext. 106. The Columbiettes are an organization which supports many different charities. They are ordinary women reaching out to help those less fortunate and to address the religious needs of our Church and community. They are committed to preserving family life and work collectively with their Brother Knights to promote faith and unity. For more info, our parish contact is Judy Wilbank, 792-0641. The chapter recruiter is Tony Ritter, 239-9222. WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, January 11-The Baptism of the Lord 8:00am Breakfast Buffet-Masci 10:30am Free-Throw Contest-Dougherty Hall 11:00am Child. Liturgy of the Word-Church Monday, January 12 5:30pm Youth Choir-Church 6:30pm Religious Ed Classes-School 6:30pm Bible Study-Religious Ed 7:30pm Liturgy Committee-Rectory Tuesday, January 13 7:00pm Finance Council-Rectory Wednesday, January 14 7:00pm Parish Council Exec. Mtg.-Rectory Thursday, January 15 5:30pm Bingo-Masci Hall 7:30pm Adult Choir-Church PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY-The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. Please join us! WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, January 10 The Baptism of the Lord 5:00pm(SR) Sunday, January 11 7:00am(SR) Thomas and Therese Lawless 9:00am(WK)Dora Amoroso 11:00am(SR) People of the Parish Monday, January 12 7:00am(SR) 9:00am(WK) Tuesday, January 13 7:00am(WR) 9:00am(SR) Stanley J. Russell, Sr. Wednesday, January 14 7:00am(WR) 9:00am(SR) Thursday, January 15 7:00am(SR) James Holland 9:00am(WK) Friday, January 16 7:00am(Cap) 9:00am(SR) Saturday, January 17 9:00am(SR) Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00pm(SR) Rosario Gracias Sunday, January 18 7:00am(WR)People of the Parish 9:00am(SR) Margaret E. Johnson 11:00am(KN)Edward Rich, Sr. ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, January 17 5:00pm – Gavin, Emily Sunday, January 18 7:00am – Cathy 9:00am – Tommy, Max 11:00am – Jared, Alaina Page 2 – 311 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Reflection by Henri Nouwen “Call to Community” “By ceasing to make our individual differences a basis of competition and by recognizing these differences as potential contribution to a life together, we begin to hear the call to community. In and through Jesus, people of different races and classes, with different languages and education can join together and witness to God’s compassionate presence in our world. Only God enables us to cross the many bridges that separate us; only God allows us to recognize each other as members of the same human family; and only God frees us to pay careful attention to each other.” The community of St. Helena’s is exceptional. Your kindness and compassion toward families with so many needs is indeed a beautiful witness to God’s presence in the world…Blessings for 2015 and for many years to come. ~From Parish Social Ministry The upcoming March for Life in DC will be on 1/22. Parishes with seats on their busses are: St. Mary of the Assumption, Ann Courtney at 302-494-4138 or; St. Thomas in Wilmington, contact/call Tom Nicastro BINGO Do you have a friend or family member who loves bingo? Gift certificates are now available in any denomination for that special gift. See any of the bingo staff or stop by the rectory! Doors open at 5:30pm with Bingo beginning at 7:00pm. Bingo is open to the public, but you must be 18 years of age in order to play. Call (302) 764-0325 Ext. 106 for questions. Door prizes, pull tabs, food, drinks & snacks. Can You Help With Bingo? We have a great group of people who volunteer some of their time each month at Bingo. If you are looking for a way to volunteer to help the parish, consider helping out once or twice a month. For info, call 764-0325 Ext. 106 Building Intercultural Connections (B.I.C.), a program developed by the U. S. Bishops’ Conference to provide church leaders with Cultural training for the growing diversity in the Church, will be on Saturday, 3/7 from 9:30am to 5:30pm at Holy Rosary Church. To register or seek further info, contact Br. Chris Posch, 655-0518, email:, or go to our diocesan website: The registration deadline for the first BIC is 2/24. Space is limited, so register today Christmas Flower Donations Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso Alicea Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Altamuro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Amoroso Ms. Theresa Amoroso Mrs. Francis Angeline Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Dale Austin Mrs. Joseph Barbera Mr. George Barone Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrett, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bovoso Miss Susan Brady Mrs. Susan Breckenridge Mrs. Dale Buckmaster Mr. Lawrence Bulat Mrs. Mary Ann Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. Sean Callaghan Mr. and Mrs. James Campion, Jr. Mrs. Anthony Canna Mrs. Jean Capodanno Mr. Lawrence Carosino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chlada Mr. and Mrs. James Clark Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cobb Mr. and Mrs. John Connell Mr. Michele Coppola Mr. and Mrs. Roy Curry Mr. and Mrs. Francis Czapka Mr. and Mrs. William D’Amato Miss Patricia Darmanin Mr. and Mrs. James Deeney Mrs. Andrew Denis Mr. and Mrs. Michael DiMauro, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Doll, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Donahey Page 3 - 311 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Dorsey Mrs. Elizabeth Dorsey Mr. C. R. Dumrauf & Ms. Kathryn McGarvey Mr. Edward Emmi Mr. and Mrs. James Fedena, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Peter Fella Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finocchairo Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert Flores Mr. Richard Flynn, Sr. Mr. Charles Fox Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Garrett Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gazzillo Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gladnick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Steven Groves Mr. Leo Hannon Ms. Margaret Harris Mr. and Mrs. John Hazewski Ms. Nancy Hill Mrs. Malcolm Hossler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ickes, Jr. Ms. Patricia Julian Mrs. Ann Kearney Ms. Patricia Keen Ms. Frances Kelleher Mrs. James Kelleher Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Kelleher Mr. David Kelly Mrs. Mary Kok Ms. Carina Konitzer Mrs. Shirley Kosek Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William LaComb Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lauer Ms. Elizabeth Lavin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lazar Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lennon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lotsis Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ludwig Ms. Agnes Maguire Mrs. Kathaline Mauro Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark McCool Mr. and Mrs. James McFadden Mr. Kevin McFadden Ms. Joan McLaughlin Mrs. Marie Milewski Mr. Eric Miller Mr. Robert Moley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Moyer Mr. and Mrs. John Muldowney Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray Mr. and Mrs. David Nemeth Mr. James Nilan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Pacitti Ms. Cynthia Paponette Mr. and Mrs. Paul Penna Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Peters Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Piccirilli Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pierce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Portante Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rachko Mrs. Nathan Ragan Mr. Paul Rapposelli Mr. Stanley Reese Mr. and Mrs. Carl Renner Mrs. Phyllis Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Jun Romero Miss Lilia Romero Ms. Kathleen Rowan Ms. Melissa Sabol Mr. and Mrs. Francis Salvatore Mrs. Lois Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Soper Ms. Janice Tigani Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tomasetti, Jr. Mr. Ronald Trexler Mrs. Rose Marie Turcol Ms. Anita Tyrawski Ms. Eugenia Vanover Mrs. Mary Ann Vari Mrs. James Vaughan Mrs. Eva Vignola Mr. and Mrs. James Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Waters Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Westman Mrs. Hardy Wilbank Ms. Augustine Williams Mrs. Mary Williams Mrs. Jacqueline Wilson Mr. David Zappacosta Mrs. Helen Zaroda Mr. and Mrs. James Zdimal Page 4 - 311 “Honoring loved ones at affordable prices” RALPH’S SCISSOR SENSATIONS Ralph & Jim Gioffre Tammy from Club Avenue Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services By: Timothy J. Meyers Licensed in DE & PA 511 Philadelphia Pike 302-438-3709 764-2744 RUDY’S Direct Cremation starting at $1,195.00 Full Service Burial starting at $3,985.00 AUTO BODY SHOP 3900 Governor Printz Boulevard 412 Philadelphia Pike Wilmington, DE 19809 (302) 764-2900 Since 1973 Free Estimates Call: Removal Pruning Insect and Disease Control (302) 475-0466 all Talle CATERING AND HALL RENTAL Weddings, Showers, Funeral Luncheons • Business Luncheons Call 654-2585 for information & prices • e-mail: 764-5677 CREMATION SERVICE OF DELAWARE 2006 Winner Delaware Better Business Bureau Torch Award ERNS BROTHERS TREE SERVICE TREE CARE Gourmet Le Chyvatilleeau Memorial H LANDSCAPING Design Certified Arborists Installation Patios • Walks • Ponds (302) 764-8666 519 Philadelphia Pike • Wilmington, DE 19809 (302) 762-0334 Simple ~ Economical ~ Dignified CLAYMONT BALLROOM Hall rental & Golden Apple Caterers Weddings • Funeral & Business Luncheons • Meetings Showers • Holiday & Family Parties SAVE $100 Fine Wine & Spirits 764-0377 522 Philadelphia Pike Parishioners Keith M. Horner, Esq. FAMILY LAW - WILLS • TRUSTS • ESTATE PLANNING 302-357-9222 (302) 737-6933 For Info & Prices Dallia Barrera Horner Realtor Office: 302-299-1100 Direct Line: 302-299-1105 Cell: 302-353-7897 706 Philadelphia Pk., Ste. 5A, Wilmington, DE F: 866-581-0122 • 1521 Concord Pk. Wilmington, DE DE Lic. #2008602594 Day-Light Electric & Contracting, Inc. 302-593-1059 Generac Sales & Service Gordon Day • Licensed & Insured FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 302-427-2424 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 517 PHILADELPHIA PIKE WILMINGTON, DE 19809 302-765-3950 Brain Mitchell, owner Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. 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