VIRGINIA WINGARD MEMORIAL UMC 1500 BROAD RIVER ROAD COLUMBIA SC 29210 803-772-0794 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 561 COLUMBIA SC Mid-week Publication of Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist Church 1500 Broad River Road, Columbia, South Carolina RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Our Mission: to proclaim Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and to make disciples through loving outreach, lively worship, quality care, and exciting education. January 7, 2015 Prayer Power “To you, O Lord, I Lift up my eyes. Have mercy upon us; have mercy upon us!” Psalm 123:1, 3 Prayer Line: 772-0794 X 110 or Immediate Prayer List for currently ill... Herb Chambers Patsy Knotts Betty Comer Pat Nelson Our Church Family during this Flu Season Please include in your daily devotions all Shut-ins and others we hold dear to our hearts. Expanded Prayer lists are available on the door of Room 206 and the display rack in the Welcome Center. 8:30 AM Sunday Service Hostesses Peggy Culp Chris McIntyre, Gay Hanks Greeters Eric & Faye Pantsari PowerPoint Christina Brannigan Sound Tech Jason Agee Donations for New Lenten Banners Our New Lenten Banners will go up in February. All donations for these banners will be appreciated. 11:00 AM Sunday Service Greeters Eric & Faye Pantsari Treasurer Kay Riley Altar Guild-January Wannelle Lefkowitz Lisa Sutker Acolyte Bailey Agee Crucifer Kate Smoak Lay Reader John Wood Ushers *Tom Cook Alan Richardson, Wayne Byrd Frank Joye “HOW TO LIVE THE NEW YEAR” Life is a Journey ~ I will live it trustingly: “though I walk through the valley of the shadow...I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.” (Psalm 23:4) Life is a Task ~ I will live it obediently: “we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight.” (I John 3:22) Life is a Mission ~ I will live it helpfully: “Be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another.” (Ephesians 4:32) Life is a Contest ~ I will live it earnestly: “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, be courageous, be strong.” (I Corinthians 16:13) Life is a Battle ~ I will live it courageously: “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid; for the Lord thy God is with thee.” (Joshua 19) THE UNKNOWN FUTURE Life is a book in volumes three – The past, the present, and the yet-to-be. The past is written and laid away, The present we’re writing every day, And the last and best of volumes three Is locked from sight–God keeps the key. Staff Pastor: Scott W. Smoak Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Eugene Holmes Director of Program: Tammy Grey Director of Music, Organist: Greg Boatwright Pianist: Winifred Goodwin Dir. of Finance & Admin.: Carolyn Jackson Secretary: Gloria Spires Phone: 803-772-0794 Fax: 803-772-6255 E-mail: FACTS & FIGURES December 14, 2014 Combined Worship Attendance 362 Church School 112 Budget Offering 11,178.30 Specials (includes 2015 prepaid) 10,442.00 December 21, 2014 January 11, 2015 ~ 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Rev. Scott Smoak “Brand Spanking New” Mark 1:4-11 December 24, 2014 Church Activities Sunday, January 11 8:30 AM - Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM - Sunday School 11:00 AM - Traditional Worship 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Monday, January 12 12:00 PM - Sarah Dawsey Circle - WC 8:00 PM - AA Study Group Tuesday, January 13 10:00 AM - Quilting Group Wednesday, January 14 6:00 PM - FROG/EPIC 6:30 PM - Children’s Choir 7:00 PM - Chancel Choir Rehearsal 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Thursday, January 15 9:00 AM - Residency One- AC, 211, 213 6:00 PM - Riverside Forest Neighborhood - AC Friday, January 16 8:00 PM - Dutch Square AA Saturday, January 17 NO EVENTS SCHEDULED Combined Worship Attendance 238 Church School 110 Budget Offering 6,507.00 Specials (includes 2015 prepaid) 19,162.00 Worship Attendance 346 December 28, 2014 Combined Worship Attendance Church School Budget Offering Specials (includes 2015 prepaid) 127 92 3,184.00 9,875.00 December 31, 2014 Budget Offering 18,624.00 Specials 17,717.00 January 4, 2015 Combined Worship Attendance Church School Budget Offering Specials (includes 2015 prepaid) 201 106 3,184.00 9,875.00 Special Gifts honor of Greg Boatwright and Winkie Goodwin to BRAC by the Chancel Choir. memory of Jack Maynard to the Food Pantry by Bobby Foster. memory of Fran Wood to BRAC by John Wood. honor of Winkie Goodwin, Diane Gilbert, Cindy Flach, Elizabeth Briggs, Lewis Shirer to BRAC by Jody Donnelly. memory of Marion Morris and J.C. & Myrline Russell to the Food Pantry by Stan & Deborah Morris. honor of Brian & Patty Hill and Donald & Sara Hill to the Food Pantry by Jody Donnelly. honor of Peggie Lipscomb to the Quilters by Selden & Dorothy Smith. honor of Gene and Eleanor Holmes to the Music Fund by Greg Boatwright. appreciation of the Christmas Pageant to the Youth Fund by Frances Richardson. memory of Ralph Ostrom to the Minister’s Outreach Fund by Furman & Liz Dailey and to the Budget by Pierce & Ann Liles. memory of Loyd Hoenshell & Bob Rice to the Budget by Pierce & Ann Liles. memory of Robert Schnackenberg, Jr. To BRAC by Pierce & Ann Liles. memory of Donna Lewis to BRAC by Pierce & Ann Liles. To the Budget by Michael & Deborah Taylor. memory of Joe Nicol to the Budget by Pierce & Ann Liles, Michael & Deborah Taylor; Rocky Bright. memory of Charles Wilbur to the Budget by John Wood. memory of June Rankin to the Budget by her son, Binky Rankin. United Methodist Men’s Meeting “Ladies Night” Thursday, February 12, 2015 ~ 6:00 PM Speaker: Dr. Amy Sander Montanez, Licensed Professional Counselor Buffet Dinner ~ Activity Center Adults: $10 Children : $5 (11 & under) Tickets available each Sunday in the Welcome Center or at the Church Office. Greeters Needed For 2014 If you are interested in serving as a Greeter for the 8:30 or 11:00 AM Worship, or if you are already serving and wish to be taken off the Greeter list please contact Faye Pantsari at or call 772-1354. 2015 Flower Calendar The Flower Calendar for 2014 is posted on the Bulletin Board. If you would like to place flowers in the Church for a special date, check the calendar now. The church has a standing weekly order for flowers from Something Special. Cost is $50 and is payable to VWUMC. Please notify the church office prior to your date as to what you would like printed in the Sunday bulletin or you may write it on the flower calendar. Daytime Fellowship Meeting Monday, January 26, 2015 10:00 AM ~ Activity Center Speaker: Roberta Jupp, Diabetes Educator “Food That Heals” PLEASE BRING YOUR BIBLES! VWUMC Messages/Email List If you would like to be placed on the list to receive VWUMC Messages, please be sure we have your current email address. Also, if you have had a change in your address, home telephone number, or mobile number please be sure it is current with the Church Office. Congratulations to... Charlie Hill on his recent election as President of The Master Singers. É É É É É Expression of Christian Sympathy... the family of Vonda Hoagland who died on December 30, 2014. the family of Gail Bishop who died on January 3, 2015.
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