The FlashPaper - Omaha Magical Society

Assembly #7 Society of American Magicians, Omaha Magical Society, – January, 2015
Omaha Magical Society
Officers for 2014
Vice President
National 2nd V.P.
Jerry Golmanavich
Larry Brodahl
Tom Neddo
Walter Graham
Bob Gehringer
Jeff Sikora
Knock, Knock. Who’s there?
Spaghetti. Spaghetti who?
Spaghetti to look a lot like
That’s right, this month was the
annual Omaha Magical Society
Christmas Party and began with
the Knock, Knock Joke above.
(Thank you, Jerry, for the ‘Punny’
humor!) After food and
refreshments, Dave Arch
presented some nice mentalism
through his ‘Psychic Santa’ act.
Tommy Hughes was next on the
list with his ‘eye dropper’ card
trick. Jeff Sikora continued the
evening with Math Magic on a
recently acquired magic apparatus.
As the evening progressed, Tom
Zepf presented a fun, Christmas
themed ‘Out-to-lunch’ trick that
involved a colorful display of
Santa and some Christmas presents
and Dick Sanders presented Santa
as the original ‘Bag Man’ with a
unique Santa Bag. Bob
Gehringer performed a 4 of
Spades Chalk Board Trick and
Joyce Chleboun finished the line
up with a Christmas 21st Century
Silk Routine using Green and Red
silks. (But wait there’s more!)
After the ordered line up of
Magicians an invitation was given
for anyone who wanted to perform
magic. To our surprise and
delight, we had two performers
from our Society of Young
Magicians (SYM) group volunteer
to perform! Duncan Sanders (age
9) put on a spectacular multiphased routine involving a chosen
card, popcorn, a dove pan and
some ‘hot air’. Immediately
following, Tucker Sanders (Age
6) performed a clever torn and
restored napkin routine with a very
special top hat. Great job guys!
Keep up the good work!
as Jeff Sikora, Denny Rourke,
and others to be announced.
This is our yearly formal dinner
and magic show. $40.00 for
adults and $15.00 for children. .
Log on to our website to order
on line or call (402) 334-8440
or email Bob Gehringer by Saturday,
January 10, 2015.
With more than enough food, a
line of 9 spectacular performers
and 2 surprise guest performers
from the SYM, I think it is safe to
say that the Christmas party was a
success and everyone truly enjoyed
the food, fun and of course, the
2015 Calendar
Wizard’s Banquet
Here is the web link:
January 17th. The tentative
lineup is Ice McDonald, 2 other
SAM Board Members as well
Also on Jan, 16th Ice McDonald
will hold a 6:00 p.m. lecture at
our regular meeting place. This
is free for anyone who
purchased a ticket to the
banquet, or $10.00 for O.M.S.
members and $15.00 for nonmembers.
Jan. 16th - Ice McDonald Lecture
Jan. 17th - Wizard’s Banquet
Feb. 9th – Duane Laflin Lecture
March 16th – Coincidence Theme
April 20th – ESP Theme
May 18th – Ropes Theme
June 15th – Contest
July 20th – Magic Words Theme
August 15th – Boys Town Picnic
Sept. 21th – Some of a Kind Theme
Oct. 19th – No Joke - Serious Magic
Nov. 16th – Holiday Magic Theme
Dec. 14th – Christmas Party
(See web site for more details.)
Bob Gehringer, Newsletter Editor
13405 Marinda Street
Omaha, NE 68144
As your new President I hope to make this year the best ever for the Omaha Magical Society. In the recent past we have
seen our Assembly develop from a troubled past into a stable group with a sound economic condition. With strong
leadership many of our long-time members have stepped up to go the “extra mile” and bring us to the point where we are
growing into a dynamic group including newcomers anxious to take us to the next level - whatever that is. With the help
and energies of a board willing to explore and improve, this next year could be full of surprises.
We want to provide what you need from our group of accomplished members. Please keep in mind that our diversity
makes us strong. Our members range from VERY experienced, to novice hobbyists (such as myself), to collectors, to
magic history buffs, and to clowns. If you are a novice and seek direction please look for someone to act as a mentor.
There are some general issues that can be addressed by many of the members; however, for advice on particular skills the
best alternative would be to ask an experienced performer to lend a hand. Ask me for direction. I know a little bit about a
whole lot.
With input from other board members we are hoping to fine tune our "typical program experience" - that is our monthly
meetings. We are asking all members to arrive before the start time- usually 7 p.m. Our thrust is toward making your
experience more enjoyable and fruitful. We are also asking for your help in preparing for meetings and tearing down any
rearrangements made to satisfy the program needs. There are other ways to chip in to assembly operations and we hope to
keep track of your involvement. Working together as a group will enrich your participation and expand your enjoyment.
I will do my best to transmit important information by every means possible. My most effective means will be through emails - either from "admin" or It is your job to read the messages; so watch for these transmissions and reply if an answer is needed.
The program year is about to start with the lecture by Ice McDonald followed by the Wizard's banquet. The next month
is already in place - the lecture by long-time friend Duane Laflin. We hope you will attend all of the events that interest
you. The more you get involved, then more you will grow.
Wish us luck!