Club Membership Number (on previous membership card) ………………………………………………………. MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM Brighton and Hove Athletic club Please use BLOCK CAPITALS when filling in this membership form and return to the membership secretary Mr Mark Donaldson, 167 Gibbon Road, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 9ET. Email: Telephone 01273 512151 Club membership fees (ages as at 1st January last) All fees include the England Athletics affiliation fee of £12 (not applicable to Under 11’s) The membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. New members pay a reduced fee for their first membership if joining after July. If joining from November 1st onwards they pay the full annual fee but this gives membership until December 31st the following year. If joining before August Joining from 1st August £16 £8.00 £32 £22 17-60 £44 £28 Over 60, unwaged and full time students £36 £24 Please circle Age the amount you are paying under 11 11-16 SECOND CLAIM: All second claim athletes pay £10 for membership. Please send payment by cheque payable to Brighton and Hove City Athletic Club The completed form and cheque should be sent to the membership secretary as above. For Office Use only Membership number EA number Membership form If you are over 16 please complete only sections A,D,E,F PLEASE COMPLETE ALL DETAILS IN BLOCK CAPITALS & RETURN WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO: MR MARK DONALDSON,167 GIBBON ROAD, NEWHAVEN, BN9 9ET SECTION A: ATHLETE DETAILS First Name Surname Address Postcode Telephone Mobile Number (If over 16 years of age) Date of Birth Email Address (DD/MM/YY) (If over 16 years of age) Address of School/ College Postcode Are you a member of any other sports club? (If yes, please state which club and which sport) County of Birth Preferred Events SECTION B: PARENT/CARER DETAILS If you are under 16 years of age, please ask your parent/carer to complete the complete the following section. First Name Surname Address Postcode Telephone Email Address Mobile Number NOW PLEASE CONTINUE THE FORM OVER THE PAGE SECTION C: PARENT/CARER HELP One of the conditions of membership of Brighton and Hove Athletic club is that we ask all parents /carers to help out at club events for a few hours each year. Please tick areas that you would be interested in helping with. The relevant club person will then contact you to see which events you would be able to help at. If there is a specific area of expertise that you feel you can bring to the club, please also indicate below. Helping at athletic meetings Assisting Training Refreshment area Team management Fund raising Supervision of athletes Facility/Equipment maintenance Committee post Website management (contact Mike Ellis-Martin or Bob Willows for more information) Promotion and marketing Helping Officials Other (please specify) SECTION D: MEDICAL INFORMATION Please detail below any important medical information that our coaches/junior coordinator should be aware of (e.g. epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, allergies etc.) Please do not leave blank – if there is no information please write ‘None’. SECTION E: EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS Please insert the information below to indicate the persons who should be contacted in event of an incident/accident. Emergency Contact One Name Emergency One Contact number: Emergency Contact Two Name Emergency Contact Two number: It may be essential at some time for authorised persons acting on behalf of the club to have the necessary authority to obtain urgent treatment which may be required whilst at representative club competition or training. Please sign below to give your consent to emergency treatment being given to the named athlete on this form by trained personnel Signature Print Name SECTION F: ATHLETE AGREEMENT By returning this completed form, I am willing to abide by the club code of conduct for athletes and agree to always behave in the manner befitting a Brighton and Hove Athlete, when attending club events. Signature Print Name SECTION G: PARENTAL/CARER AGREEMENT (PLEASE IGNORE IF ATHLETE OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE) By returning this completed form, I agree: 1. To the named athlete taking part in the activities of the club. 2. That I have read and agree to abide by the club code of conduct whenever I am present at club activities or competition 3. To helping out at club events through the year. 4. To taking responsibility for my child until they are collected from the clubhouse by their coach at the start of their coaching session and delivered back at the end. Signature Print Name
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