January newsletter News Happy New Year everyone! I would like to welcome all of our new children and families to Honey Pot Bebington, we hope you all have a wonderful time with us. Thank you to all that contributed to raising money last month for save the children when wearing our Christmas jumpers. We raised £26, which will go to potentially life-saving antibiotics to treat newborn babies fighting infections. Our next parent’s practitioner association (PPA) meeting will be held on Tuesday 13th December. Your child’s key person will be handing out leaflets with information about our PPA and to ask if you will require childcare. I would like to remind parents to bring a hat, scarf, gloves & wellies for your child, as it is quite cold in the mornings and evening when playing outdoors. Whilst you’re having a clear out for the New Year, if you come across any old clothes could you please bring them in to nursery for us. We would be grateful for anything but, we would really appreciate any spare trousers or leggings. As some of you know Jenna our manager is going off on her maternity in January, we wish her all the best & we look forward to meeting her bundle of joy! Claire will be taking over as manager and the office door is always open if you have a question or need a chat. Helpful info for new parents & families Our opening hours are 8am – 6pm Our contact telephone numbers are: 0151 644 7824 & 07741466297 Our contact email address is: honeypotbebington@aol.co.uk Our Ofsted number is: EY477406 Bumble bees Could parents please bring in some family photographs for us to use in our black and white area & our home from home baskets! Busy bees Could parents please bring in some family photographs for us to use for our displays! Please bring some Wellies for when we are out splashing in puddles! Worker bees Could parents please bring in some junk modelling materials, so any old cereal boxes, bottles drinks, cartons & yogurt pots! Please bring some family photos for our all about me board. Dates for your diary Photo of the month … Tuesday 13th January – PPA meeting Tuesday 20th January Preschool trip to the World Museum Wednesday 28th January Busy bees trip to Delemere forest for the gruffalo trail WC 26th January - Babies trip to the 3D sensory room The children in Busy Bees loved the snow! Don’t forget to check out our nursery blog at www.honeypotnursery.co.uk
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