Spring 2015 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MERRIFIELD, VA 4001 Wakefield Chapel Road Annandale, VA 22003-3796 PERMIT NO 6355 ECRWSS January – May WorkforceLink www.nvcc.edu/workforce Building Skills Let NOVA help you gain the knowledge and skills to achieve your full potential. Gain New Credentials Formalize your qualifications by choosing from over 70 programs leading to industry credentials. • PMP & CAPM p. 7 • Admin Professional p. 27 • CompTIA® A+ p. 43 • CCENT/CCNA p. 45 • Nurse Aide p. 73 • Billing & Coding p. 76 Add to Your Resume Earn a certificate in high-demand fields. Choose from over 40 certificate programs this spring. • Federal Contracts p. 9 • Human Resources p. 15 • Coaching p. 21 • Teaching ESL – TESOL p. 24 • Microsoft Office p. 38 • UNIX p. 42 Creating Success Explore new careers Get my PMP certification Explore New Careers Turn a skill or passion into a new career. Let our expert instructors guide you. Take my business to the next level • Wedding Coordinator p. 23 • Tax Professional p. 30 • Commercial Real Estate p. 31 • Web Design p. 56 • Healthcare p. 72 • Certified Welder p. 98 Work in healthcare Upgrade my job skills in Cyber Security New Year. New You. Which Box Will You Check? Register 24/7 at Alexandria Annandale Loudoun 703-845-6280 | 703-323-3168 | 703-450-2551 | www.nvcc.edu/workforce Manassas Medical Education Woodbridge 703-257-6630 | 703-822-6523 | 703-878-5770 | NOVA is committed to the environment. Please recycle when done with this publication. In Demand! Cyber Security Certificate Hot Topic! U.S. Intelligence Studies New! ITIL® Foundation page 54 page 22 page 41 Welcome to The Workforce Our catalog connects you with a wealth of learning and growth opportunities. Whether you need a new skill or a new career, NOVA has the right program for you. With our expert instructors and affordable courses, you’ll reach your goals. We’ve got the region covered. No matter where you live or work, NOVA is practically down the street. With six campuses, three centers and many off-campus sites, we make learning convenient. Anywhere, anytime learning! Online courses, designed with you in mind. Course listings begin on page 92. Stay connected: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive upto-date information about Workforce Development news & events! Our website is updated frequently. Please check it for the latest course information. www.nvcc.edu/workforce Link! Check out our comprehensive offerings: • • • • Professional Development Certificate Programs Enrichment Courses Continuing Education We are your link to the training your employees need. NOVA’s Workforce Development Division is ideally suited to provide customized training for local businesses and organizations. Your workforce needs are unique, and our customized training programs are developed to meet those specific needs. See page 70 for more information. Contact us today for a FREE consultation: Workforce Development Division Customized Training 703-323-3281 Enroll Today! Registration is continuous from December 4 throughout the spring semester ¿ Easy Ways to Register: Get the course you want – register and pay for it early! and remains open until the course maximum is reached. If the course you want is full, contact the WDD office at that campus and ask to be placed on a waiting list. Registration begins with a Student ID Number Online: If you have never taken a course at NOVA, complete the VCCS (non-credit) Application for Admission. You can do this online at www.nvcc.edu. Click the “Apply Now” tab. A – Alexandria N – Annandale Your Student ID Number will be generated and used for all future college transactions. If you prefer, you can complete the application form in person at any Workforce Development office. H – Medical Education W – Woodbridge Express credit card. See Campus Information for office hours. WDD Office Phone Numbers: Alexandria: 703-845-6280 Annandale: 703-323-3168 Loudoun: 703-450-2551 Payment: Workforce Development course fees are due at the time of Manassas: 703-257-6630 Medical Education: 703-822-6523 Woodbridge: 703-878-5770 In Person: Register at any campus during office hours. Pay with your registration. Payment plans may not be used for non-credit tuition. Students must pay to attend any Workforce class; auditing is not available. For Third Party Payment options, see page 114. VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card or with check or cash at any campus Business Office. See Campus Information for office hours. Mail: Complete the registration form below and enclose a check or money order payable to NVCC. Student ID:_______________________________________________ Mail completed form with payment to: (Required - Get your ID at www.nvcc.edu “Apply Now” ) Birth Date:________________________________________________ Northern Virginia Community College Workforce Development – CE 202 8333 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA 22003 Day/Work Phone:__________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ twitter.com/NOVAWDD L – Loudoun M – Manassas Phone: Register and pay with your VISA, MasterCard or American If it’s been more than 3 years since you’ve taken a course at NOVA, submit a new application, using your current Student ID Number, to update your records before registering. Don’t remember your Student ID Number? Call any WDD office for assistance. Home Phone:_____________________________________________ facebook.com/NOVAWDD www.nvcc.edu/workforce Select the campus. Select your course(s). Register and pay with your VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card. Campus locations are identified by letters, which are part of the course section number: (First)(M.I.) (Last) Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (Apt. #) (City) (State) (Zip Code) E–mail:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Used only for class-related notification purposes) See course example in color below. Course Prefix Course Number Section Number Course Title Course Dates Tuition ITEC 1234 01W Computer Basics 03/16 - 04/06 $145 Ex 1. 2. 3. 4. Payment is required at the time of registration. Enclose your check or money order payable to NVCC. Cash payments must be made at any campus Business Office. Make credit card payments on our website – www.nvcc.edu/workforce Check/Money Order enclosed q Office Use: Reg. Processed: Date:_________________ Time: ____________ Initials:_________ Service Indicator: _____________ Building Skills Creating Success Workforce Development Vision & Mission: We envision WDD as a driver of economic growth throughout the region. WDD’s core business is to provide market-ready education and training services to produce an agile and ready workforce. NOVA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. Workforce Development offerings are supported entirely through the fees paid by participants. 115 What’s Inside What’s New? See page 18 for new course offerings this spring. 4 Business & Management Project Management Government Contracting Leadership & Management Nonprofit Management 5 9 11 13 Human Resources 15 Marketing & Communications 17 Entrepreneurship19 21 27 29 Explore New Careers Career Switcher Program 31 32 Application Development Database Systems Networking & Communications Cyber Security Web Design & Development Multimedia & Filmmaking NOVA’s “TRiP” Program 48 49 51 54 56 65 69 20Careers Career Certificates Administrative Professional Accounting & Bookkeeping Û Ways to Save Early Bird Specials Bundle & Save Employer Deal “4 for 3” 33 Test Center Services 34 IT & Computer Skills Computer Fundamentals 35 Microsoft Office & Computer Applications36 Business Skills 41 Linux & UNIX 42 Certifications & Prep 43 AutoCAD & Revit 47 New Sunrise Classes & Metro Accessibility 70 Customized Training Look for 72 Healthcare & Dental throughout the catalog Nursing Licensure American Heart Association Career Certificates 73 74 76 Dental77 Test Preparation 78 E-Learning79 Photography81 Enrichment82 Writing84 Health & Wellness 85 Languages86 Homeowners87 Test Preparation 89 Motorcycle Training 90 The STRIVE Program 91 80 General Interest 92 Online Courses Cyber Security Web Development The Income Tax School Ed2go Online Courses Good to Know 55 57 92 93 UGotClass Online Courses & Certificates95 CE for Tradesmen 97 Wastewater Certification 99 97 98 Trades98 Wastewater Certification 99 96 Trades & Industry Instructors Wanted page 19 License Preparation Construction & Building Test Center Services page 33 100 American Culture & Language Institute Information for ESL Students 101 Part-Time ESL Courses by Level 102 Specialty Courses Intensive English Program 106 110 112Campus & General Information Student Success 115 ¿ Easy Ways to Register Read ThuyTien’s story on page 39. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 3 Business & Management Project Management 5 Government Contracting 9 Leadership & Management 11 Nonprofit Management 13 Human Resources 15 Marketing & Communications 17 Entrepreneurship19 4 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Project Management CERTIFICATE SAVE Project Management Fundamentals of Project Management ALEXANDRIA, ANNANDALE, LOUDOUN, MANASSAS, WOODBRIDGE The Project Management Certificate Program provides you with skills you can apply immediately, helping your organization meet both internal and external challenges. These courses use the vocabulary and methodology of the latest version of the Project Management Institute’s Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® version 5, 2012). You’ll learn about the five process groups: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing. The courses offered cover these processes by addressing in detail the following project management Knowledge Areas: planning and managing integration, scope, time, cost, risk, human resources, and communications. To earn the program certificate, you must successfully complete all six core courses and pass a short exam. Individual certificates of completion will be given for each course in the program. You must attend 90% of the class hours for each course in order to receive a certificate. The Continuing Education Units (CEUs) awarded for the Project Management Certificate courses fully satisfy the educational requirements you need to apply for the PMP or CAPM exam from PMI, however they aren’t sufficient preparation for those exams. We recommend that you also take an exam preparation course. For those who already have earned a PMP, courses in this program can be used to earn PDUs for PMP recertification. The classes offered by NOVA fall under PMI’s Category B designation. Required Courses: • Fundamentals of Project Management – OR – Fundamentals of Project Management with MS Project • Risk & Change Management • Developing & Managing a Dynamic Team • Defining & Measuring Organizational Processes • Project Management Communications • Project Quality Management BUSC 1557 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $599 »» 01L Reston Center Thu & Fri, Jan 29 & 30 9 am – 5 pm Register by Jan 15 and pay only $559! (after Jan 15 pay $599 – section 02L) Instructor: Michael Van Dyke, PMP »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 472 Thu & Fri, Feb 26 & 27 9 am – 5 pm Register by Feb 12 and pay only $559! (after Feb 12 pay $599 – section 02A) Instructor: Julie DeSot, DM, PMP »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Thu & Fri, Mar 26 & 27 9 am – 5 pm Register by Mar 12 and pay only $559! (after Mar 12 pay $599 – section 02M) Instructor: Michael Van Dyke, PMP »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Fri & Sat, May 1 & 2 9 am – 5 pm Register by Apr 17 and pay only $559! (after Apr 17 pay $599 – section 02W) Instructor: Julie DeSot, DM, PMP “ “ With limited resources and tight schedules, businesses find that focusing on project management discipline is a crucial success factor for delivering projects on time, and within budget, while meeting customer requirements. Managing projects effectively requires a structured approach to planning and disciplined implementation and reporting. This course reviews the standard phases of a project life cycle and explains project management terminology using the best practices from the Project Management Institute (PMI) applied by project managers worldwide. The course includes effective strategies to coordinate individual efforts to produce results as a project team. Register early and save $40! Excellent presentation of the course material. Very lively, not dry. Best PM course I have taken. PMP & CAPM Exam Prep student Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 5 Business & Management Fundamentals of Project Management with MS Project With limited resources and tight schedules, focusing on project management discipline is a crucial success factor for delivering projects on time, within budget, and in conformance to customer requirements. As you review the standard lifecycle of a project, you’ll learn how tools such as MS Project can help you develop a structured planning approach and a disciplined follow-through. You’ll initiate an actual team project and then, with a brief introduction to MS Project, you’ll use the major features of this software and many other tools to help you plan, track and manage the project effectively. Focus will be on proven techniques and processes used by PM professionals worldwide for projects of all sizes. For more thorough MS Project instruction see Comprehensive Introduction to MS Project. Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP BUSC 1582 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $599 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon & Wed, Jan 26 – Feb 4 6 – 9:30 pm »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon & Tue, Mar 16 & 17 9 am – 5 pm Risk & Change Management Change must be expected in today’s business environment. Unmanaged change results in chaos. Understanding how to handle changes and risks, and how they are related, is both an art and a science. A good project manager needs the tools necessary to identify, quantify, measure and report on all aspects of a project, including these unknowns. This course embraces not only the technical aspects of risk and change, but also the human aspect. Technical topics include risk identification and assessment, risk response development and control, configuration management, and change control. Human factor topics include acknowledging change, strategies to reduce stress induced by change, and perception as a factor in evaluating risk. BUSC 1522 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $599 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Thu & Fri, Feb 12 & 13 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Michael Van Dyke, PMP 6 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Project Management »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon & Wed, Feb 23 – Mar 4 6 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon & Tue, Apr 6 & 7 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP »» 01L Reston Center Thu & Fri, Apr 30 & May 1 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Michael Van Dyke, PMP Developing & Managing a Dynamic Team Corporations, organizations, and projects are all forms of teams, and the effectiveness of the “team” makes or breaks the business. Learn how teams function, including individual and group behavior, roles, and relationships. Through lecture, discussion, and experiential activities, you’ll become aware of the individual’s responsibilities and seven team behaviors that create a high-performing team. In addition, strategies to create effective virtual or “long distance” teams round out the course content to meet the needs of today’s cyber business relationships. You’ll create an individual action plan to enhance your current team performance. Instructors: Michael Van Dyke, PMP & Ihab Marcus, PMP BUSC 1558 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $599 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Thu & Fri, Mar 12 & 13 9 am – 5 pm »» 01L Reston Center Thu & Fri, Apr 2 & 3 Defining & Measuring Organizational Processes Project managers need to maximize performance and output from limited resources. PMI’s global standard, the PMBOK®, mentions “Organizational Process Assets” more than 50 times as an input or output of the 48 processes it identifies. Project managers need to identify and understand the interactions between project processes, organizational processes, and support processes. Learn techniques to define repeatable processes, measure process execution effectiveness (metrics), and the need for continuous process improvement (efficiency). Topics include Business Process Identification; Business Process Mapping (Process Charts) techniques and goals; Process Relationships across the organization and other projects; metric determination, collection, and analysis; Continuous Process Improvement techniques to ensure efficient use of resources; and baseline determination and control of processes. Instructor: Julie DeSot, DM, PMP BUSC 1556 / 0.7 CEU / 7 PDU / $329 »» 01L Reston Center Fri, Mar 6 9 am – 5 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Fri, Apr 24 9 am – 5 pm »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, May 11 9 am – 5 pm 9 am – 5 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Thu & Fri, Apr 16 & 17 9 am – 5 pm It’s a New Year – It’s a New You! Add a Credential to Your Resume. NOVA offers a number of professional and industry exams, making it easy and convenient to obtain a credential after completing our preparatory classes. See page 33 for more information on NOVA’s testing services. Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Business & Management Project Management Project Management Communications Effective projects require planning, delivery of goods and services, reporting results, and evaluating outcomes. Gathering and sharing information among project stakeholders, particularly the core project team, is the cornerstone of efficient project coordination. You’ll examine communication requirements and strategies specific to each phase of the project life cycle including the project management plan, the communication plan, scope statements, performance appraisals, contract administration, and project performance reports. Through lecture, discussion, case study and role-play, you’ll review and practice communication skills to enhance overall project management. COMM 1919 / 0.7 CEU / 7 PDU / $329 »» 01L Reston Center Fri, Feb 20 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Michael Van Dyke, PMP »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon & Wed, Mar 30 & Apr 1 6 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Fri, May 8 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Michael Van Dyke, PMP Project Quality Management The quality characteristics of products or services must be clearly identified to meet customer expectations and are essential to successful project management. Quality is meeting the customer’s expectations within the allocated budget and schedule. This course focuses on the basic principles of quality management, quality assurance, and quality control. Topics include: how to identify, collect, document and measure quality attributes; process improvement tools and techniques; how audits, reviews, and assessments identify corrective action and improvement opportunities; quality management plan contents, and how to execute and report on quality assurance and control activities. Also, the course covers commercial models, such as ISO 9000, related to enterprise quality management. »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Sat, Feb 28 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Julie DeSot, DM, PMP »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, Mar 23 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP »» 01L Reston Center Mon, Apr 13 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Julie DeSot, DM, PMP Accelerated PMP & CAPM Exam Prep Prepare more rapidly and efficiently for the exam with this intensive class which blends classroom and online learning to provide all of the tools and knowledge you need to earn your PMP or CAPM certification. Through guided instruction and in-class participation you’ll understand, not memorize, all exam concepts; then you’ll reinforce your learning with engaging multimedia lectures, exercises, unlimited simulated practice exams and lots more in the corresponding online course. You’ll earn ALL of the educational credits required by PMI and receive help in completing the exam application. You should be ready to take the exam in just 2–4 weeks after completing the class using this accelerated method; however, you’ll have 4 months of access to the online course if you need it. Req. Textbook: PMP Exam Prep, 8th Edition: Rita’s Course in a Book for Passing the PMP Exam (If you are planning to take the CAPM Exam, you may prefer to substitute Rita Mulcahy’s CAPM Exam Prep, 3rd Ed.) PMP & CAPM Exam Preparation This intensive, highly interactive course provides all the educational requirements and tools you’ll need to pass either of the Project Management Institute’s (PMI) certification exams – PMP or CAPM. The course focuses on understanding – not memorizing – the key concepts tested on the exam. You’ll identify knowledge gaps and develop a personalized plan for exam preparation. Learn insider exam tips and apply them in simulated exams. This is a very hands-on class designed to help you remember what you learn through active participation. You’ll receive assistance in completing the exam application, including documentation of experience, a comprehensive student workbook, practice exams, and a CD with helpful materials. This updated course addresses all of the latest requirements of the PMP and CAPM Exams, based on PMBOK, 5th Ed. Bring a bag lunch to class. Req. Textbooks: A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 5th Ed. & Rita Mulcahy’s PMP® Exam Prep, 8th Ed. (If you are planning to take the CAPM Exam, you may prefer to substitute Rita Mulcahy’s CAPM® Exam Prep, 3rd Ed.) Instructor: Julie DeSot, DM, PMP TEST 1927 / 3.6 CEU / 36 PDU / $1,499 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park Sat, Mar 7 – Apr 11 (No class Apr 4) 9 am – 5 pm »» 01L Loudoun Campus, Signal Hill Sat, Apr 18 – May 16 9 am – 5 pm TEST 1943 / 3.6 CEU / 36 PDU / $1,499 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CM 242 Sat, Jan 31 – Feb 28 9 am – 3 pm (No class Feb 14) Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP Need PDUs? If you’re currently working toward PMP certification or recertification, our project management classes provide PDUs. NOVA is a Category B educational provider as designated by the Project Management Institute (PMI). BUSC 1423 / 0.7 CEU / 7 PDU / $329 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon & Wed, Feb 9 & 11 6 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 7 Business & Management ONLINE PMP & CAPM Exam Preparation This is the online version of our popular exam prep course. Listen to multimedia lectures equivalent to those delivered in the classroom and download a wealth of extra study materials, including flashcards, practice exercises, and study guides. View a presentation on how to fill out the exam application. You’ll also have access to unlimited, timed practice exams, very similar to the actual exam. When you complete each test, you’ll get a thorough explanation of the correct answers. You may access these materials 24/7 for at least 3 months. This course satisfies all educational credits needed to take the latest version of the PMP or CAPM exam based on PMBOK 5th Ed. For more information, visit www.leighgeiger.com. Req. Textbooks: Rita Mulcahy’s PMP® Exam Prep, 8th Ed. (If you are planning to take the CAPM Exam, you may prefer to substitute Rita Mulcahy’s CAPM® Exam Prep, 3rd Ed.) A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 5th Ed. will be needed, but ways to obtain it will be discussed in the lectures. Project Management Comprehensive Intro to MS Project Introduction to Agile Project Management MS Project is a powerful and popular tool for managing schedules, tracking resources and costs, and analyzing the results. You’ll learn all the skills you need to create and manage both small and large projects. You’ll work through each phase of the life cycle from defining the project, linking and scheduling tasks and assigning resources, through managing and closing. Then you’ll explore a wide variety of views and reports including Gantt and Network charts, calendars and todo lists, complex resource allocation analyses, and statistical reports. We’ll use MS Project 2010 in class, but instruction and assistance with differences in versions 2007 and 2013 will also be offered. Tuition includes an MS Project Reference Guide and access to many additional tutorials and learning aides. This class provides the knowledge base for executing Agile Project Management in organizations of any size, with a focus on providing guidelines and best practices and aiding project teams in decisions regarding what project management methodology to use (traditional, Scrum, Kanban, etc.). Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to describe the origins and core principals, methods, tools, techniques, and terminology of Agile project management, understand the rationale for utilizing Agile techniques, manage projects using the Scrum or Kanban methodologies, and understand the key success factors to becoming an Agile organization. ITEC 1640 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $599 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Wed & Thu, Apr 8 – 16 6 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP Instructor: Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP TEST 1932 / 3.6 CEU / 36 PDU / $299 »» 01NOnline Jan–Apr »» 02NOnline Feb–May »» 03NOnline Mar–June Dr. Leigh Geiger, PMP »» 04NOnline Apr – July – Project Management Instructor – »» 05NOnline May–Aug 43 for Emp Pay for 3 loyers: em send p the 4 loyees a nd th fo r Ask how free. ! 8 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 With over 30 years of project management experience, Leigh is able to bring her classes to life with real-world examples and practical advice. Leigh has also enjoyed teaching for NOVA since the early 1980’s. She has trained thousands of professionals throughout her career and is especially proud of her NOVA students who have passed the PMP or CAPM certification exams after taking her classes. As one student remarked on a course evaluation form, “Dr. Geiger was an absolute pleasure. She shows a mastery and enthusiasm for the course material that made it easy to stay engaged.” Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 BUSC 1441 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $599 »» 01L Reston Center Thu & Fri, Mar 19 & 20 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Andrew Bennett, PMP Information Technology Project Management Get an overview of project management with a focus on the special needs of information technology projects. Gain the skills to successfully orchestrate people, resources, and tasks in order to bring projects in on time, on budget, and within scope. Along with the fundamentals of project management, you’ll examine IT project life cycles and methodologies. Learn how to cope with the unique circumstances of IT projects, such as adaptive life cycles, rush-to-market needs, technical constraints, uncertainty, and a wide range of requirements. The class is fast paced, incorporates lecture, group exercises, and discussion, and is based on PMBOK® Guide principles. Instructor: Julie DeSot, DM, PMP BUSC 1454 / 0.7 CEU / 7 PDU / $329 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, Mar 30 9 am – 5 pm »» 01L Reston Center Mon, Apr 20 9 am – 5 pm Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Business & Management Government Contracting Government Contracting Contracting III: Proposals & Costing of Federal Contracts CERTIFICATE Federal Contract Management ALEXANDRIA, LOUDOUN, MANASSAS, WOODBRIDGE This program is designed for any business person thinking about or currently conducting business with the federal government. It will provide you with basic background in the federal contract process, governing regulations, the bid and proposal process, contract management, and performance and contract closeout. This information is critical for any business involved in federal contracting. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the certificate program. All courses are not offered every semester. For information, call 703-257-6631. Required Courses: Elective Courses (Choose two): • Contracting I: Introduction • The Federal Acquisition Regulation • Contracting II: The Federal Solicitation, Bid & Proposal Process • Federal Market Business Development • Writing a Contract Proposal • Contracting III: Proposals & Costing of Federal Contracts • Statements of Work • Subcontract Management • Contracting IV: Contract Performance & Management • COR Refresher and Ethics for Contractors Discover how Federal agencies post, evaluate and award contracts to private businesses, beginning with an overview of the contracting process. You will also explore basic regulations and laws, types of contracts, proposals and cost schedules and the submission and evaluation process. BUSC 1835 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – 11 3 – 6 pm Instructor: Paul Warring Opt. Textbook: Federal Contracting Made Easy »» 01L Reston Center Tue & Thu, Feb 17 & 19 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring Opt. Textbook: Federal Contracting Made Easy »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Sat, Apr 18 & 25 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Ken Morilak, NCMA Certified Federal Contracts Manager »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Sat, Jan 24 & 31 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Ken Morilak, NCMA Certified »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Mon & Wed, Mar 16 – 25 Instructor: Paul Warring 3 – 6 pm Contracting IV: Contract Performance & Management Contracting II: The Federal Solicitation, Bid & Proposal Process Continue with the federal procurement process, which includes an introduction to the government Statement of Work (SOW) and the Request for Proposal (RFP). We will explore how documents are posted for solicitation. Discussions also include the bid and proposal process, including the three main government purchasing processes. BUSC 1836 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Mon & Wed, Feb 16 – Mar 4 Instructor: Paul Warring BUSC 1837 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01L Reston Center Tue & Thu, Mar 31 & Apr 2 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring • Contracting V: Contract Closeout Contracting I: Introduction Build on your knowledge to obtain a practical application of a brief proposal development and project cost based on an RFP posted on the Government Point of Entry (FedBizOpps). We’ll examine the proposal preparation process and learn how projects are priced. 3 – 6 pm »» 01L Reston Center Tue & Thu, Mar 10 & 12 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring Explore the basics of contract administration and performance, with a practical review, including the kick off meeting, planning, deliverables, modifications, terminations and disputes, and invoicing the government for payment. BUSC 1886 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Sat, Feb 7 &14 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Ken Morilak, NCMA Certified »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Mon & Wed, Mar 30 – Apr 8 Instructor: Paul Warring 3 – 6 pm »» 01L Reston Center Tue &Thu, Apr 14 & 16 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Sat, May 2 & 9 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Ken Morilak, NCMA Certified Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 9 Business & Management Contracting V: Contract Closeout Examine the delivery of final contract deliverables and products, resolve final contract issues, and final invoices and payments. Learn about the contractor performance rating process and how it affects the contractor. BUSC 1887 / 1.2 CEU / $299 Government Contracting COR Refresher Ethics for Contractors Review the functions and responsibilities of a Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR). This course is not a substitute for the Defense Acquisition University’s CON level courses. Ethics will provide a short review of ethical and Procurement Integrity issues that contractors and government personnel face in award and performance of contracts. Also included will be a short summary of conflicts of interest issues and the differences between government and contractor employees. BUSC 1479 / 0.6 CEU / $149 »» 01L Reston Center Thu, Apr 23 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring »» 01L Reston Center Thu, Apr 30 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Sat, Feb 21 & 28 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Ken Morilak, NCMA Certified »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Mon & Wed, Apr 20–29 Instructor: Paul Warring 3 – 6 pm BUSC 1478 / 0.6 CEU / $149 CERTIFICATE »» 01L Reston Center Tue & Thu, May 5 &7 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring Proposal Management The Federal Acquisition Regulation This program is designed to help you prepare to participate in the proposal process at a business and as an introduction to some of the areas of knowledge included on the APMP Foundation level certification exam. Topics covered will be the relationships between processes, deliverables, roles and the management dimensions of a proposal lifecycle as described in published best practice reference works, the tools available to assist with process management, planning and production, industry terminology within the proposal environment as described in the APMP Glossary of Terms, specific process stages as described in the published best practice reference works, proposal document reviews and techniques, internal organization analysis processes and procedures, external customer assessment processes and procedures, and pricing/cost analysis. Ken Morilak is certified by the National Contract Management Association as a Certified Federal Contracts Manager. Become familiar with the more commonly used parts of the FAR, including: publicizing and competition requirements, acquisition planning, commercial items, the commonly used purchasing procedures, and contract types and terminations. BUSC 1889 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01L Reston Center Wed & Thu, Jan 21 & 22 10 am – 4:30 pm »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Mon & Wed, June 1 & 3 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Paul Warring WOODBRIDGE Required Courses: • Federal Market Business Development • Writing a Contract Proposal • Pricing a Contract Proposal Statements of Work Enhance your knowledge with an overview of this starting point for every federal contract, including the importance of the SOW, the types and general format of SOW’s and the common problems encountered when writing required documents. Solidify your understanding of the types and uses of statements of work and how they are written. Samples will be given to follow and discuss. BUSC 1559 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Tue & Thu, May 26 – June 4 Instructor: Paul Warring 10 3 – 6 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Federal Market Business Development Increase your understanding of the basic requirements and resources to find opportunities within the federal government marketplace. Discover tips, tools, and activities related to capture management valuation concepts such as bid strategies, pricing, teaming, and proposal strategies. Bring a bag lunch. BUSC 1888 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Sat, Mar 7 & 14 8:30 am – 3pm Instructor: Ken Morilak, NCMA Certified Federal Contracts Manager Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Pricing a Contract Proposal Discover or increase your familiarity with how the Business Proposal is developed as well as how the cost and price for a proposal are determined. Our focus will be on the delineation of Direct versus Indirect costs within a Business Proposal. BUSC 1482 / 1.2 CEU / $299 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Sat, Mar 21 & 28 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Ken Morilak, NCMA Certified Federal Contracts Manager Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Business & Management Leadership & Management NEW NEW Legal Considerations of Contracting Using SAM and FedBizOpps for Government Contracting This course introduces the basic principles and sources of law relevant to procurement, including fiscal law. It also addresses other legal issues that may arise during the course of a contract such as protests, disputes, property rights, fraud, performance issues, and contract termination. This course will introduce you to the uses of SAM and the contractor registration system, along with use of the Excluded Parties List Systems (EPLS). You’ll gain hands-on experience with the workings of FedBizOpps, including using the system as a contracting opportunity tool and marketing source for contractors. BUSC 1490 / 1.0 CEU / $249 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Thu, Jan 15 – Feb 5 6 – 8:30 pm Instructor: Paul Holbert Paul Holbert – Workforce Instructor – has served as a government contract officer/manager and budget specialist for over 12 years and is certified as a level III Contract Officer Representative. Paul also teaches courses in the NOVA Contract Management (credit) degree program. BUSC 1491 / .75 CEU / $189 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Tue, Mar 10 – 24 6 – 8:30 pm Instructor: Paul Holbert Leadership & Management What Management Is, What Managers Do CERTIFICATE Management Practices LOUDOUN The Certificate in Management Practices provides a firm foundation in management with an emphasis on practical and applicable skills and techniques. The program is designed for those starting out in management positions or those wishing to take on a more supervisory role in their career. The required courses are based on the essential management functions – Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading and Controlling – as well as their relationship to one another. Elective courses will provide additional critical knowledge and skills necessary to perform effectively in a management position. To earn this certificate, you must complete six required courses and 24 hours (2.4 CEU) of elective courses. Note: For students who began the Certificate in Management Practices prior to spring 2014, completed coursework will qualify towards the revised certificate program. Please call the Loudoun Campus Workforce Development Office at 703-450-2551 for more information. Required Courses: Elective Courses: • What Management Is, What Managers Do • Fundamentals of Project Management (see page 5) • Fundamentals of Planning • Strategic Planning for New Managers • Essential Managerial Skills for Human Resource Management • Positioning Diversity for Greater Employee Performance • Successful Delegation • Leading for Maximum Results! • Teamwork in Today’s Work Environment • Exercising Managerial Control • Successful Time Management – How to Stay in Control Organizations are the means by which people get things done. People can accomplish more working together than they can achieve alone, but to combine and coordinate the efforts of the members of the organization, the process of management is required. Learn why management is needed in all organizations and the different levels of management. Explore what managers do, the definitions of essential management functions – planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling – and the basic skills required for effective management. BUSC 1697 / 0.35 CEU / $135 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Feb 7 9 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Sally Silberman Fundamentals of Planning To be effective, supervisors must perform the planning function – both routine and detailed – as an ongoing part of their jobs. Learn the important reasons for planning; the steps involved in planning and how to create effective objectives; how planning differs at the top, middle and supervisory levels of an organization; and, differentiate the various kinds of stand and single-use plans. BUSC 1460 / 0.35 CEU / $135 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Feb 7 Instructor: Sally Silberman Enroll online at 1:30 – 5 pm www.nvcc.edu/workforce 11 Business & Management Leadership & Management Successful Delegation Exercising Managerial Control NEW Delegating effectively is a critical skill (that falls under the organizing function) that a manager or team lead should master for success on the job. It reduces a manager’s workload and develops employees’ skills, knowledge, job satisfaction and commitment to the organization if handled correctly. Mastering delegation is also a key skill for those who want to advance to higher levels of management opportunity within an organization. Learn how to identify why managers fail to delegate; examine the concepts of responsibility, authority, and accountability; learn and apply the four major steps in the delegation process; examine the common mistakes made during the delegation process; decide what to delegate and how to do it successfully; match delegated tasks with abilities and avoid reverse delegation; recognize the types of responsibilities that can’t be delegated; and learn how to monitor progress without over managing. The management functions of planning and controlling are closely related. Planning “sets the ship’s course,” and controlling “keeps it on course.” The supervisor sets the goals and seeks information on whether they are being reached as planned. In this course, topics include: the definition of managerial control and how it directly relates to planning; the characteristics of effective control systems and the three types of control systems; the four steps of the control process, different types of standards, and when to use management by exception. Strategic Planning for New Managers BUSC 1698 / 0.6 CEU / $265 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Feb. 28 9 am – 3:30 pm Instructor: Sally Silberman Leading for Maximum Results! The role of the leader is changing. This course increases awareness and builds leadership competencies so you can lead and manage others to produce maximum results. The class is highly interactive with experiential activities that include skill practices using real-life workplace case studies and facilitated group discussions. Topics include communication, motivation, performance management, conflict management, and managing change. You’ll complete a self-assessment to understand how your leadership, personality, and communication styles impact the workplace performance of others. BUSC 1461 / 0.35 CEU / $135 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Apr 11 9 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Sally Silberman Essential Managerial Skills for Human Resource Management Employees are an organizations most valuable resource. Supervisors are responsible for effectively addressing various issues affecting their employees. This course will address the essential skills supervisors need to address employee performance and personnel actions. BUSC 1406 / 0.6 CEU / $265 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Mar 14 Instructor: Janet Ford 9 am –3:30 pm Registration is continuous throughout the spring semester. Enroll today! BUSC 1486 / 0.6 CEU / $265 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Mar 28 Instructor: Paco Valencia 12 Improve your knowledge of strategic planning to understand what senior management is thinking and why—and increase your value to your organization! This course provides an overview of the strategic planning process for new managers in order to understand the impact of strategy on a front line manager’s work and an organization’s success. Gain a perspective and vocabulary for strategic planning to help you actively and constructively support your firm’s strategic direction. BUSC 1462 / 0.6 CEU / $265 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, May 9 Instructor: Paco Valencia 9 am – 4 pm Positioning Diversity for Greater Employee Performance Valuing diversity and building an inclusive workplace are critical to the success of today’s multicultural organization. Well managed, diverse teams are outperforming homogeneous teams and they are more creative and effective. Leaders today must be aware not just of employee skills and behaviors, but also must understand employees’ values and beliefs and how these affect the organization. Most companies have identified basic core values and business plans that help lay a foundation for building a successful diversity effort. This experiential course explores the essential skills required to go beyond awareness and identifies tools and methods to maximize diverse teams. Topics include cross-cultural competency, critical thinking, conflict management, and problem solving. In addition, learn how to actively address issues of prejudice, discrimination, and biased behaviors that impact employee relations. BUSC 1870 / 0.6 CEU / $265 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, May 23 Instructor: Paco Valencia 9 am – 4 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 9 am – 4 pm Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Business & Management Nonprofit Management Teamwork in Today’s Work Environment Nonprofit Management In today’s virtual work environment, the definition of team has taken on a whole new meaning. Employees are now required to work with colleagues not only within their office, but across the globe. Face-toface meetings are now conducted via video conferencing with co-workers regardless of their location. So, how can employees overcome some of the challenges of trying to work together whether they are located in the same office or miles apart? What are some of the barriers that prevent team members from being a cohesive group? In this class, you’ll learn seven components of a wellrounded and successful team and how those components can be used to create effective synergy among team members regardless of their location. BUSC 1787 / 0.35 CEU / $135 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Apr 18 Instructor: Janet Ford CERTIFICATE Nonprofit Leadership & Administration ANNANDALE, LOUDOUN In the DC area, nearly 15% of the workforce is employed at nonprofit organizations. Working for a nonprofit organization can be fulfilling for those interested in the arts, community, philanthropy, and other important causes, but special knowledge and skills are required. This certificate program will build and enhance your skills for success in the nonprofit sector. You must complete three required courses and any two elective courses to receive the overall certificate. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the overall certificate. Required Courses: Elective Courses (Choose two): • Fundamentals of Nonprofit Organizations • How to Start a Nonprofit Organization • Event Planning • The Art of Grantwriting • How to Create a Business Plan that Works • Successful Fundraising • Strategic Planning for Success 9 am – 12:30 pm • The 3 R’s of Volunteers: Recruitment, Retention & Recognition NEW Successful Time Management – How to Stay in Control Are you stressed or find yourself overwhelmed by projects, performance issues and deadlines? Do feel like work keeps piling up and you can’t seem to see the forest for all the trees? Believe it or not, learning to manage your time can actually minimize stress and improve your quality of work and personal life. This course will address various suggestions for effectively managing your time and alleviating stress. BUSC 1758 / 0.35 CEU / $135 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, May 30 Instructor: Janet Ford 9 am – 12:30 pm Fundamentals of Project Management courses are listed on page 5. The Art of Grantwriting Writing winning grants is a highly soughtafter skill in today’s world. All of us have dreams and passions, both in our professional lives and as members of our communities. And, how many times have you wanted to act on that dream, passion or inspiration, but thought: “I could do that; if only I had the money….”? This workshop teaches you how to get the necessary funding to carry out your inspiration. You’ll learn the 7 basic parts of a proposal and how to write them; 10 strategies to make your proposal stand out; and 6 common reasons grantmakers decline to fund a proposal. COMM 1993 / 0.6 CEU / $179 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Thu, Jan 22 & 29 Instructor: Lynn O’Connell 6 – 9 pm Fundamentals of Nonprofit Organizations Develop the skills and strategies you need to become an integral part of this growing service sector in America. You’ll gain an understanding of the unique characteristics of nonprofit organizations while mastering core knowledge about the nonprofit field. You’ll be introduced to key trends and issues of the sector, while investigating the purpose and scope of the nonprofit world both in the United States and internationally. Overall, the course is designed to build your awareness of the role and importance of the nonprofit sector, and the potential for employment within the sector. BUSC 1778 / 0.3 CEU / $95 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Thu, Feb 5 Instructor: Lynn O’Connell Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 6 – 9 pm 13 Business & Management Event Planning A nonprofit fundraising event can truly be fun to plan and organize, particularly when it pays off in real dividends to your charity, PTA, church, or other nonprofit. The key is to plan carefully. This workshop will give you an overview of do’s and don’ts for running your successful event. Discuss event types (including silent auctions), budgets, vendors, sponsorship, entertainment, volunteer management, event follow-up, and more! Learn the 10 landmines and opportunities that are critical for success – regardless of the event type – and receive event checklists for the top 5 events. BUSC 1735 / 0.3 CEU / $95 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Feb 14 10 am – 1 pm Instructor: Lynn O’Connell Nonprofit Management How to Create a Business Plan that Works Are you starting an organization, or hoping to expand or improve a current one? A business plan is an organizational tool that sets objectives and lays out a plan to achieve them. Learn how to research and write the business plan you’ll need to lead you toward success. Get details on the type of advance research you should do, what sort of things should be included and the steps to use to create a usable and feasible business plan. BUSC 1894 / 0.3 CEU / $95 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Mon, Mar 23 Instructor: Lynn O’Connell 6 – 9 pm The 3 R’s of Volunteers: Recruitment, Retention & Recognition The value of volunteers to a nonprofit becomes even more important in the tough economic times of today. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are nearly 62 million volunteers in America. The Independent Sector values each volunteer hour given at more than $20 an hour. Learn how to use volunteers more effectively, and make the volunteer experience stand out. Discover easy steps you can implement right away to build numbers and commitment among your volunteer pool, whether your organization is just starting out or you already have a strong team of volunteers. BUSC 1410 / 0.3 CEU / $95 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 109 Thu, Mar 19 Instructor: Lynn O’Connell Successful Fundraising You have a great program; now, all you need is funding. Does this sound like your organization? Funding is a critical component of all nonprofit organizations. Get an overview of various effective fundraising techniques – grants, special events, personal solicitation, mailings, planned giving and web-based fundraising. 6 – 9 pm BUSC 1409 / 0.3 CEU / $95 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Thu, Mar 5 Instructor: Lynn O’Connell 6 – 9 pm All courses may be taken individually or as part of a certificate program where applicable. 14 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Business & Management Human Resources Human Resources Human Resource Law CERTIFICATE Human Resource Management ANNANDALE, MANASSAS NOVA, in cooperation with the Northern Virginia Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management, offers you the opportunity to obtain a certificate in Human Resource Management. This 123-hour certificate program provides a general overview of the dynamic and growing field of HR management. Core courses address human resource fundamentals, and provide practical techniques that can immediately be applied to the work setting. Elective courses give you the opportunity to focus on specialized areas, enhance particular skills, and explore emerging trends in the HR management field. To obtain the HR Management Certificate you must complete the eight required courses, plus two or more elective courses (totaling a minimum of 21 hours/2.1 CEU). Each course in the program meets for 12 hours (1.2 CEU) unless otherwise specified in the list below. Completion normally takes one to two years. All courses listed below are not offered every semester. Certificates are awarded for each individual course completed. In order to earn individual course certificates and the overall program certificate, you must attend at least 90% of the scheduled class hours for each course as well as complete all requirements set by the instructor. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the overall program certificate. Required Courses: Elective Courses: • Principles of Human Resource Management (Subject to change – 21 hrs/2.1 CEU req.) • Human Resource Law • HR Compliance & Recordkeeping • Introduction to Employee Benefits • Ethics in Human Resources • Intro to Compensation • Practical Skills in Employee Relations • Successful Recruiting, Selection & Placement (15 hrs) • Real-World Skills in Human Resources (9 hrs) • Performance Management • Navigating a Successful Career in HR • Training & Employee Development (15 hrs) • How to Find a Job in Human Resources (9 hrs) • HR’s Role in Organizational Development & Change Management • Readings in Human Resources (9 hrs) Principles of Human Resource Management Get an introduction to the human resource management function and its related elements and activities. Learn about its evolution, the modern-day importance of HRM and the new “corporate view” of the function. You’ll be exposed to practical situations and problem solving in relation to employee counseling, discipline and termination. Equal Employment Opportunity will be discussed to provide an understanding of its need, importance and • Measuring HR Effectiveness the legal issues surrounding it. Other critical areas to be explored include training and development, staffing and strategy. Req. Textbook: Human Resource Management, 14th Ed. BUSC 1863 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Sat, Jan 24 & 31 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Gloria Bonds, MS »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 133 Thu, Feb 5 – 26 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Shelli Jarvis, JD, SPHR How do performance evaluations, workplace conflicts, pay and promotion practices and even job interviews end up sparking lawsuits? Even unfounded legal claims distract from organizational goals. This course introduces legal standards central to the HR function, along with essential practices and policies to minimize risk. Explore racial, religious, gender and disability discrimination, harassment, leave policies, recordkeeping, required accommodations, workplace investigations, retaliation claims, termination procedures, DOL and EEOC, and OSHA enforcement mechanisms. Become proficient at legal issue spotting and discuss possible interventions and practical solutions. Evolving legal standards and social media, sexual identity and privacy rights will also be discussed. Opt. Textbook: Human Resource Management, 14th Ed. LAWS 1920 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CS 104 Tue, Feb 3 – 24 7 – 10 pm Instructor: Joanne Hardison, JD Introduction to Employee Benefits Learn about the most common types of discretionary benefits, and how they are selected and administered. Explore legal requirements, administrative problems and available options, as well as governmentmandated plans such as workers’ compensation and Social Security. Examine important policy issues on sick leave, vacation, jury duty and leaves of absence, and learn how they are related to organizational culture and policy. Also explore worklife option programs that address a range of monetary and nonmonetary options beyond salary compensation and benefits. Prerequisite: Principles of HR Management. Req. Textbook: Human Resource Management, 14th Ed. BUSC 1864 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Sat, Feb 28 & Mar 7 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Gloria Bonds, MS Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 15 Business & Management Introduction to Compensation You’ll receive an overview of a total compensation system and the resources and techniques needed to create one. Topics covered include job descriptions, FLSA classification, job analysis and evaluation, defining salary structures, using salary surveys, computing market rates, establishing salary ranges, analyzing employee salary levels, and the use of incentives and other benefits. We’ll also discuss ensuring fairness in the compensation system and the role of compensation in retention. Req. Textbook: Human Resource Management, 14th Ed. BUSC 1865 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Wed, Feb 18 – Mar 18 7 – 10 pm (No class Mar 11) Instructor: H. Varner Story, MA, SPHR Successful Recruiting, Selection & Placement Get an overview of effective employee recruitment and selection. You’ll learn how to develop a recruiting strategy, write job descriptions, determine advertising sources, assess applicants, develop interview questions, comply with legal requirements, make the selection, and evaluate the process. Three additional hours have been added to expand your training in the area of effective interviewing. Req. Textbook: Human Resource Management, 14th Ed. BUSC 1866 / 1.5 CEU / $339 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Thu, Mar 5 – Apr 2 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Shelli Jarvis, JD, SPHR Performance Management Get an overview of performance management, including its definition, benefits and application in most organizations. Learn how to implement a successful program or partner with line managers to enhance the process. Discover how to develop effective performance-management systems that involve goal setting, coaching and feedback, measuring performance against goals, performance appraisals, and employee 16 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Human Resources development. Explore practical and proven concepts, models, approaches, tools and techniques to help determine whether training is the appropriate intervention for your organization’s needs. Identify specific training needs and a process for establishing the necessary support and commitment to make training successful. Learn how to interpret and utilize the results of a systems approach to performance analysis and needs assessment. Req. Textbook: Human Resource Management, 14th Ed. BUSC 1868 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Sat, Feb 7 & 21 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Gloria Bonds, MS »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Tue, Apr 7 – 28 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Sandra Hardeman, MS, PHR HR’s Role in Organizational Development & Change Management What is the HR professional’s role in organizational development and change management? You’ll review classic and modern OD theories to gain functional knowledge and better understand how it can be used in organizations. Also, you’ll learn how to utilize an assortment of OD tools on a practical level while building partnerships throughout an organization. Establishing partnerships is a critical feature of change management. As a capstone, you’ll use course concepts to develop a comprehensive action plan to resolve specific issues in a work environment. The course includes lectures, group discussion, student presentations, and small group activities. Prerequisite: Completion of at least four other courses in the HR Management Certificate Program. BUSC 1867 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Wed, Apr 8 – May 6 7 – 10 pm (No class Apr 29) Instructor: H. Varner Story, MA, SPHR Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Practical Skills in Employee Relations Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your employee relations skills in four specific areas: developing and updating clear personnel policies and procedures that are reflected in an employee handbook; developing a formal employee exit interview process to ensure a smooth transition for departing employees and understanding the reasons for turnover, and limiting staff turnover through the creation of a formal employee retention program. Additionally, the performance warning and termination process will be covered. You’ll learn the latest best practices for each initiative. This class is overflowing with great ideas, proven strategies, and interesting training techniques. BUSC 1773 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Mon, Feb 23 – Mar 23 7 – 10 pm (No class Mar 9) Instructor: Bruce Robertson, MS, SPHR »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Sat, May 16 & 23 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Sandra Hardeman, MS, PHR HR Compliance & Recordkeeping It is critical to ensure that managers and supervisors understand how to be certain that day-to-day decisions do not violate the law or ethical standards. At least one federal court has held that “leaving managers with hiring authority in ignorance of the basic features of the laws is an extraordinary mistake for a company to make.” To mitigate civil penalties and criminal liability, employers must have standards and procedures in place to prevent and detect wrongdoing, including mandatory training for managers and supervisors. BUSC 1873 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Sat, May 9 & 16 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Gloria Bonds, MS Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Business & Management Marketing & Communications Marketing & Communications Blogging – Develop Your Small Business Voice Branding – Leverage Networks for Brand Exposure Discover the power of blogging. Learn about blogging techniques, development, and maintenance as well as industry standards in the blogosphere. Create your own Tumblr and learn how to link it to other social media sites. This course is very helpful for businesses that use WordPress® or other website platforms that are blog friendly. You’ll also discover blogging tools, the importance of forums, keywords, hyperlinking, links, and the difference between quality and quantity. Bring a UBS stick with your corporate content and laptop if desired. How does your brand resonate with consumers? Discover how you can improve your image and expose your brand to more potential consumers. This will be accomplished through leveraging your networks. Bring a UBS stick with your corporate content and laptop if desired. COMM 1831 / 0.5 CEU / $99 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Tue & Thu, Jan 27 & 29 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Hans Pedersen BUSC 1430 / 0.5 CEU / $99 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Jan 31 9 am – 3 pm Instructor: Hans Pedersen NEW Culture & Communication in Teamwork Get ready to harness the power of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ and be found by more potential customers, develop meaningful relationships, and provide thought leadership for your company. This hands-on course will take you from set up through implementation of best practices and “how to’s” for using Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for your business. Working in a computer lab, your instructor will guide you as you create branded company pages, set up detailed profiles, and tell your individual story in a cohesive and consistent way. Laptops welcome. With the growth of a culturally diverse workforce, good communication skills are primary in establishing, cultivating, and maintaining strong working relationships. The question becomes how can teams work together effectively, while being attentive to cultural diversity, and still create the team structure required for success. The purpose of cross-cultural training is to develop awareness between people where a common cultural framework does not exist. The good news is that people from culturally diverse backgrounds will bring fresh ideas and new approaches to problem solving. The overall goal of this session is for you to be able to develop receptivity to cross-cultural learning, recognize key differences and similarities between yourself and others, and develop behaviors that maximize cross-cultural effectiveness in teamwork. BUSC 1413 / 0.6 CEU / $119 COMM 1836 / 0.6 CEU / $135 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Tue & Thu, Jan 20 & 22 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Hans Pedersen »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Sat, Apr 18 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Ilse van Goth, MA Social Media: Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn for Business – Beginner Ilse van Goth – Communications Instructor – Ilse van Goth has over 25 years of experience as an expert in cross-cultural communication and its challenges in a global environment. She has worked in international leadership positions for organizations such as the Goethe Cultural Institute in Germany, as well as US Department of Defense (DOD) Dependent Schools in Europe, universities, middle and high school institutions, and private companies. Ilse is internationally known as an effective communicator, using her cross-cultural communication skills to form partnerships with leaders at every organizational level. Her satisfied clients occupy the African, Asian, European, and North and South American continents. Born and raised in Germany, Ilse received her master’s degree in German literature and language from the University of Maryland, and continued her doctoral studies in the same field. Ilse is a Certified Master Trainer and is fluent in German. Our website is updated frequently. Please check it for the latest course information. www.nvcc.edu/ workforce Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 17 Business & Management Marketing & Communications Getting Good at Grammar NEW Writing as a Business Tool In this online society of acronyms and abbreviations for chatting, instant messaging, texting and tweeting, many have forgotten that they still need to “look” their best in print. Nothing makes you appear more incompetent/unintelligent than writing with misspelled words, bad grammar and little to no or incorrect punctuation. Many times your writing may be the first (and/or only) impression another person or group will have of you as a professional. It’s imperative that you look just as good in print as you do in person. Getting Good at Grammar is an excellent start toward putting your best foot forward! Prerequisites: Familiarity with the internet, ability to use a mouse, locate, open, and save files in a Windows environment, and work with multiple browser windows quickly and efficiently. Coping with Conflict Every business communication you send impacts your image and that of your organization. Refresh your understanding of basic punctuation and grammar. Learn techniques to enable you to more easily and efficiently compose business correspondence while enhancing the clarity and effectiveness of your letters, short reports, memos, e-mails, and other business communications. COMM 1811 / 1.2 CEU / $229 Have your previous efforts to resolve conflict yielded the results you desired? Through practical examples and realistic scenarios, you’ll learn to diagnose the cause of conflict and how to use proven techniques to resolve differences, reduce the potential for continued conflict and build more positive relationships both professionally and personally. It all begins with understanding yourself. Discover your conflict intelligence level, communication style and conflict resolution preference, as well as learning to identify and cope with different types of difficult behavior. COMM 1913 / 1.2 CEU / $229 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 109 Sat & Sun, Apr 25 & 26 10 am – 5 pm Instructor: Frank Milligan Req. Textbook: Dealing with Conflict Instrument BUSC 1639 / 1.2 CEU / $229 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CS 242 Tue, May 5 – 26 7 – 10 pm Instructor: Ilene Danforth, MS »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Apr 11 – 25 10 am – 2 pm Instructor: Faydra Fields Does your class have a required textbook? Order your books online: nvcc.bncollege.com NEW COURSES. Business & Management IT & Computer Skills Healthcare & Dental Legal Considerations of Contracting 11 Using SAM and FedBizOpps for Government Contracting 11 Strategic Planning for New Managers 12 Successful Time Management – How to Stay in Control 13 Culture & Communication in Teamwork17 Coping with Conflict 18 Facebook, Twitter & Google+ for Absolute Beginners 35 Excel Formulas for Beginners 36 How to Analyze Technology Needs 41 ITIL® Foundation 41 ScrumMaster Workshop 41 iOS App Development 48 Getting Started in the Cloud 56 Inkscape for Graphic & Web Designers 56 Introduction to PHP Web Development 56 Photoshop – Level IV 57 Websites with WordPress® Boot Camp 60 Adobe After Effects – Level II 66 Apple Motion 66 Medical Administrative Assistant 76 Medical Billing & Coding Specialist 76 Careers Certified Admin Professional (CAP) Exam Prep Review Boot Camp 28 Careers in Defense & Intelligence 31 18 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 General Interest Maximize Your DSLR Camera Digital Scrapbooking Basics Parenting 2015: Today’s Technology & Your Children Journaling to Increase Your Creativity German Travel Seminar Reading Boot Camp II 81 82 83 84 86 91 American Culture & Language Institute Intro to English 102 Writing Through Reading 105 Idioms in the American Workplace 107 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Business & Management Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship How to Start a Business Gain the “know-how” to start your own small business; beginning with deciding if owning or continuing to own a business is for you, and whether the business you have chosen is suitable. Learn about the organizational structure of a business, including choosing a legal entity such as sole proprietorship, general partnership, corporations and limited liability companies, etc. Class discussions will cover marketing concepts and strategies, regulatory and employment issues, and simple accounting. Also, you’ll learn how to develop an outline for a business plan. The course will be adapted to cover your particular business interests, and you’ll be given lists of information sources to aid your business. MVP – Take Your Entrepreneurial Idea to Market Social Media for Small Business & Entrepreneurs Minimum Viable Product is a strategy used for fast and quantitative market testing of a product or product feature. If you have an idea, we’ll give you the framework to bring it to the marketplace. It doesn’t matter if you’re offering a business-to-consumer or businessto-business product or service. We’ll also discuss the differences between a business plan and an MVP. Don’t let your idea remain stagnant any longer. Laptops welcome in class. Learn about the most current social media tools available to help small business owners and entrepreneurs engage with their audience and meet business goals in a cost effective, timely manner. Get the latest info on social media etiquette, social media costs and how it can support your business plans from customer service and marketing to developing and maintaining a client base. After determining the best tools for your business, you’ll set up and activate your own social media network. Finally, you’ll learn how to create benchmarks, understand the metrics and the potential results available through social media. Prerequisites: Basic computer and web skills and a clear concept of what you want to accomplish for your business. BUSC 1483 / 0.5 CEU / $99 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Feb 7 9 am – 3 pm Instructor: Hans Pedersen BUSC 1829 / 0.75 CEU / $199 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CS 242 Tue, Feb 10 – 24 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: John McGeehan, JD BUSC 1666 / 0.6 CEU / $119 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park Mon & Wed, Feb 2 & 4 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Hans Pedersen »» 01N Annandale Campus, CS 242 Tue, Apr 14 – 28 Instructor: Keri Douglas John McGeehan – Business Instructor – John McGeehan has taught NOVA Workforce students how to start and grow small businesses for almost 14 years, and is highly respected in his field. His JD degree is from Georgetown University Law Center, his Bachelor’s degree in government, and graduate certificates in business from the University of Virginia and UCLA. He has owned businesses, and his law firm focuses on start-up and emerging businesses, commercial law and business litigation. In addition to NOVA, he also teaches for the Service Corp of Retired Executives, business groups and continuing legal education programs. When he’s not teaching, his passions are classic cars and classic movies. 7 – 9 pm Dynamic Instructors Wanted! Join our team of dedicated and enthusiastic instructors. Share your expertise and teaching talents with our Workforce students. Please contact one of our Workforce Program Developers: • IT: Scott Wood – swood@nvcc.edu • Healthcare: Katie Jennings – kjennings@nvcc.edu • AHA/ECC Courses: April McMullen-Eldert – ameldert@nvcc.edu • ESL: Keila Louzada – klouzada@nvcc.edu • Business & Careers: Martha Kossoff – mkossoff@nvcc.edu • General Interest, Trades & Industry: Pat Carrow – pcarrow@nvcc.edu Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 19 Careers Career Certificates 21 Coaching U.S. Intelligence Studies Interior Decoration Spoken-Language Interpreter Wedding Coordinator Teaching ESL – TESOL Administrative Professional 27 Accounting & Bookkeeping 29 Explore New Careers 31 Career Switcher Program 32 A Great Way to Begin the New Year: Add a Credential to Your Portfolio Prove to employers that you have the right skills for the right job. Earn your Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) through NOVA. To schedule an appointment, call 703-323-3799. Visit www.crc.virginia.gov for detailed information. 20 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Career Certificates Introductory Coaching Clinic CERTIFICATE Coaching LOUDOUN If you have a strong desire to learn foundational coaching training skills as conveniently as possible, you’ve come to the right place. The Coaching Certificate Program introduces you to the core coaching competencies and skills required to effectively coach others. After completing this introductory program, you will be able to facilitate an individual’s development and potential through the use of coaching best practices. In addition, you will be provided with coaching forms and templates to use in working with coaching clients both within an organization and in private practice. To earn this certificate, you must complete four required courses. Each course in the program meets for 16 – 18 hours (1.6 – 1.8 CEU). Completion of this certificate program normally takes two semesters. Certificates are also awarded for each individual course completed. To earn individual course certificates, and the overall program certificate, you must attend at least 90% of the scheduled class hours as well as complete all requirements set by the instructor. This program may be submitted for review as coach-specific training to apply for an ICF (International Coach Federation) Credential via the ICF Portfolio Path. These courses must be taken in the order listed below. Required Courses: Acquire a thorough understanding of the philosophical, historical, and ethical foundations of coaching. Explore similarities and differences between coaching and related disciplines and consider the scope of coaching’s potential. Learn a defined coaching framework to structure a coaching session, practice using this process in real-time conversations, and observe the effect of these skills as a coachee. (Please note that there is pre-work required for this course so early registration is strongly recommended.) BUSC 1415 / 1.6 CEU / $585 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat & Sun, Feb 21 & 22 Instructor: Sally Silberman 9 am – 6 pm Coaching Essentials, Competencies & Practices Sally Silberman Building on Introductory Coaching Clinic, this course explores various coaching competencies, operating assumptions, and practices. Continue to experiment with the language of coaching and distinguish between the effects of various techniques. You’ll deepen your learning of how to implement a defined coaching framework to structure a coaching session, learn its benefits, and employ a specific methodology to establish credibility and build trust with the coachee. Complete the course with the experience of coaching and being coached in a classroom setting, as well as working with a practice client between classroom sessions. – Coaching Instructor – BUSC 1416 / 1.8 CEU / $615 Sally brings over 15 years of professional coaching and coach training experience to the Workforce Development courses she teaches. She is also an ICF Associate Certified Coach as well as a Board Certified Coach and was instrumental in launching NOVA’s Coaching Certificate Program. »» 01L Loudoun Campus Thu, Mar 12 – Apr 23 6:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Mar 26) Instructor: Sally Silberman • Introductory Coaching Clinic • Coaching Essentials, Competencies & Practices • Coaching Practicum (Offered Summer 2015) • Coaching Mastery (Offered Summer 2015 Sally’s passion and commitment to teaching is best summed up by one of her students who observed, “Sally is a wonderful instructor. She cares about our individual development rather than just lecturing.” Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 21 Careers Career Certificates CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE U.S. Intelligence Studies Interior Decoration WOODBRIDGE ANNANDALE We designed this certificate program for a broad spectrum of careerists who work in the areas of law enforcement, defense contracting and security, as well as for anyone seeking a better understanding of the U.S. national intelligence community and how it functions. The courses are a combination of lectures and seminarstyle discussions, all of which illustrate the various agencies that comprise the intelligence community, management of intelligence assets, the history of U.S. intelligence, as well as discussions to address some of the most perplexing issues facing today’s intelligence officers. This exciting new program is taught by former members of the military reserve faculty of the National Intelligence University, all of whom have extensive experience in the defense and intelligence fields. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the certificate program. Completion of the Interior Decoration Certificate Program will give you the skills to work in a variety of settings including: Required Courses: • Upscale furniture or window treatment stores • Carpet, fabric and wall covering stores • As an assistant to Interior Decorators • As a representative for industry-related products • In Furniture & Finishes Libraries in Architectural & Design Firms After gaining adequate experience in the field, you could eventually develop your own client base. Required courses: • Basics of Interior Decoration & Design • Intermediate Interior Decoration & Design – offered in Summer 2015 • Advanced Interior Decoration & Design – offered in Summer 2015 • Management of U.S. Intelligence • U.S. Intelligence Community Basics of Interior Decoration & Design • History of U.S. Intelligence • U.S. Intelligence Issues Management of U. S. Intelligence An overview of how the intelligence community (IC) is managed from the perspective of the President of the United States, Congress, the Director of National Intelligence, and the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. In addition to the role of managing and providing oversight of the IC, we’ll review key unclassified documents that provide direction/ management for the IC, including the U.S. Constitution, National Security Strategy and Executive Order 12333. LLRN 1718 / 1.2 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Wed, Feb 4 – Mar 11 Instructor: Edward Naidamast 22 7 – 9 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Get the basics of interior decoration and design from a professional interior designer, including furniture arrangement, color schemes, fabrics, surface finish materials, interior lighting, and decorative accessories, as well as how to prepare detailed floor plans for living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms. You’ll have the opportunity to complete a design project budget using actual decorator’s costs. The instructor will provide a required course materials list in the first class session. These materials will be used for all three courses in the certificate program. Spoken-Language Interpreter Certificate Program The goal of this program is to prepare bilingual individuals to be Qualified Interpreters for community, nonprofit and government service settings. It will also serve as a first step in meeting the requirements to become a Certified Interpreter. The focus is on interpretation techniques, not teaching foreign languages or translation skills. Course topics include: the role of interpreter as dictated by the Interpreter’s Code of Conduct; the fundamental skills necessary to interpret from English to another language and vice versa; the ethical challenges encountered as diverse cultural norms affect the impact and value of interpretation in a changing world; vocabulary and terminology. Prerequisites: a high level of oral and written proficiency in English as well as another language. Some college education in the non-English language is recommended. Course completion requirements include: homework and passing of a final exam. You must have e-mail, use MS Word and are encouraged to bring a laptop to class. For those interested in furthering the experience, you will be assisted in connecting with a partnering non-profit organization to begin a 25-hour interpretation practicum as a volunteer interpreter. Opt. Textbooks: The Interpreter’s Edge Paperback or The Interpreter’s Companion Instructor: Angie Carrera COMM 1830 / 2.15 CEU / $1,049 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Tue, Feb 17 – Mar 3 Sat, Feb 21 & 28 7 – 9:30 pm 9 am – 5 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CM 213 Tue, Apr 14 – 28 7 – 9:30 pm Sat, Apr 18 & 25 9 am – 5 pm Req. Textbook: Interior Design Illustrated, 3rd Ed. BLDG 1971 / 1.2 CEU / $279 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Mon, Feb 2 – Mar 23 7:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Feb 16 & Mar 9) »» 02N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Mon, Apr 13 – May 18 7:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Rafael A. Fuentes, ASID Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Careers Career Certificates CERTIFICATE Wedding Coordinator WOODBRIDGE This program is designed for individuals who want to become professional wedding coordinators. You’ll learn about the many facets of wedding etiquette. Through lecture, discussion, and in-class activities, you’ll discover wedding traditions and current practices, and will gain expertise in managing the many details involved in wedding coordination. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the program certificate. Vanessa Baldwin is a Certified Wedding Planner and specializes in Military Weddings. For further information call 703-878-5770. Required Courses: • Wedding Coordination, Introduction • Weddings of Different Faiths & Cultures • Wedding Planning Strategies • Wedding Etiquette • The Wedding Ceremony • The Wedding Reception • Wedding-Related Events & Business Practices Wedding Coordination, Introduction Types of services, professional conduct and ethics, and the importance of professional experience and references will be addressed. Learn essential information about the wedding traditions and customs such as throwing rice, the wedding ring, wedding cake, bridal cake, bridal veil, wedding party attendants, and military weddings. Req. Textbook: The Military Wedding BUSC 1877 / 0.6 CEU / $149 »» 01W Woodbridge, Freedom High School Tue & Thu, Jan 20 – 27 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Antionette Wilson Weddings of Different Faiths & Cultures The Wedding Ceremony From the viewpoint of a wedding coordinator, we will explore the essentials needed for you to work with couples of various faiths, cultures and traditions. Prerequisite: Wedding Coordination Introduction Learn how to plan and execute the main wedding event. This course includes assignments to plan the details of a wedding ceremony, ceremony site set-up, wedding music, order of the ceremony, and the rehearsal and itinerary preparation. Req. Textbooks: Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette & Bride’s Book of Etiquette Req. Textbooks: Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette & Bride’s Book of Etiquette BUSC 1878 / 0.6 CEU / $149 BUSC 1881 / 0.4 CEU / $99 »» 01W Woodbridge, Freedom High School Thu & Tue, Jan 27 – Feb 5 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Vanessa Baldwin »» 01W Woodbridge, Freedom High School Tue & Thu, Mar 24 & 26 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Demetria Thomas Weddings Planning Strategies The Wedding Reception Creating the “perfect” wedding requires planning by a coordinator to work with the bride and groom, plan the calendar, create a wedding vision, select and work with vendors and manage the budget. Wedding planning assignments will be given in class. Prerequisite: Wedding Coordination and Weddings of Different Faiths & Cultures. It’s time to get the party started! A memorable reception requires planning and attention to details: location, catering service, floor plans, decorations, wedding day requirements and timeline management. Req. Textbooks: Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette & Bride’s Book of Etiquette BUSC 1879 / 1.2 CEU / $285 »» 01W Woodbridge, Freedom High School Thu & Tue, Apr 7 – 14 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Vanessa Baldwin »» 01W Woodbridge, Freedom High School Tue & Thu, Feb 12 & 17, Mar 17 & 19, Apr 28 & 30 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Vanessa Baldwin Wedding-Related Events & Business Practices Wedding Etiquette Planning the “perfect” wedding using proper wedding etiquette is key to advising the bride and groom. Review etiquette for invitations, announcements, save-the-date cards, wedding formality, receiving lines, seating arrangements and second weddings. Req. Textbooks: Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette & Bride’s Book of Etiquette BUSC 1880 / 0.75 CEU / $179 Req. Textbooks: Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette & Bride’s Book of Etiquette BUSC 1882 / 0.6 CEU / $149 Become familiar with planning events associated with weddings such as engagement parties, bridal showers, the long weekend wedding, the rehearsal dinner, and the honeymoon. This course also includes the business side of being a wedding coordinator. Req. Textbooks: Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette & Bride’s Book of Etiquette BUSC 1883 / 0.75 CEU / $179 »» 01W Woodbridge, Freedom High School Tue & Thu, Apr 16 – 23 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Vanessa Baldwin »» 01W Woodbridge, Freedom High School Tue & Thu, Feb 19 – 26 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Vanessa Baldwin Does your class have a prerequisite or a required textbook? Be sure to check the class description for this information! Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 23 Careers Career Certificates Introduction to TESOL CERTIFICATE Teaching ESL – TESOL ALEXANDRIA, ANNANDALE, LOUDOUN, MANASSAS NOVA’s TESOL Certificate Program prepares you to teach English as a Second Language by combining language acquisition theory with guided teaching practice from experienced instructors with advanced degrees. NOVA’s TESOL Certificate Program (120 hours) includes: • 102 hours of in-person teacher training in language acquisition methodologies, including student teaching demonstrations and a 2-day teaching practicum • Ongoing feedback & evaluation on student-teaching demonstrations • 18 hours of ESL Classroom Observation • Job placement assistance After completing this certificate, you are qualified to teach English as a Second Language to adults in an adult education setting, in a community-based program, or at a proprietary school in the US or abroad. This program caters to individuals interested in a career change or seeking to refresh their skills. Reminders: K–12 certification/licensure must be completed at a four-year institution. Higher education ESL requires a master’s degree in addition to TESOL certification. To earn NOVA’s TESOL Certificate (120 hours), you must successfully complete the 10 required workshops and 6 elective workshops, plus 18 hours of documented ESL class observation. Individual workshops may be taken without pursuing the certificate program. A Certificate of Completion is offered at the end of the program. Completion of this certificate program normally takes one-to-two semesters. To receive the certificate, you must attend 90% of the class hours for each workshop as well as completing all requirements set by the instructor, including teaching demonstrations. WDD’s general refund policy applies to all TESOL courses. This first workshop in the program outlines the TESOL Certificate Program requirements. Introduction to TESOL provides an overview of second language acquisition theory and current English language teaching strategies used in adult education and community ESL programs. (Required reading: chapters 1–3) EDUC 1817 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Sat, Jan 10 9 am – 4 pm Prerequisite for Required Workshops: Successful completion of the Introduction to TESOL workshop. ELT Methodology Take an in-depth look at current English language teaching methodologies: Scaffolding, Task Based Language Teaching, and ProblemBased Learning. EDUC 1755 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Sat, Jan 17 9 am – 4 pm Assessing English Proficiency Req. Textbook: Teaching Adult ESL, by Betsy Parrish Learn how to develop assessments that measure specific language skills. (Required reading: chapter 9) Prerequisites: EDUC 1814 / 0.6 CEU / $120 • High school completion »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Sat, Jan 24 9 am – 4 pm • Non-native English speakers must provide English proficiency results via one of these placement tests: Accuplacer Score of 300+ points and advanced writing/speaking skills or TOEFL Score of 60+ points in the IBT Prior ESL teaching experience is not required. Required Workshops: • Introduction to TESOL • Teaching Reading & Writing • ELT Methodology • Teaching Grammar • Assessing English Proficiency • Classroom Management • Lesson Planning • TESOL Practicum (2 days) • Teaching Speaking & Listening • TESOL Review Teaching Speaking & Listening Learn to teach authentic conversation and presentation skills, and listening comprehension. (Required reading: chapter 4) EDUC 1723 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 31 9 am – 4 pm Call 703-257-6536, e-mail MA-ACLI@nvcc.edu, or visit our website for information. www.nvcc.edu/wdce/pwregional/certifications/TESOLCert.html 24 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Careers Career Certificates Learn to teach reading comprehension and composition. (Required reading: chapter 5) EDUC 1821 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Sat, Feb 7 9 am – 4 pm Teaching Grammar Learn to teach English grammar in authentic and communicative ways. EDUC 1820 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Sat, Feb 14 9 am – 4 pm Classroom Management Learn effective classroom management techniques, including establishing goals and behavior norms and creating a positive classroom environment. (Required reading: chapter 7) EDUC 1839 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Feb 21 “ The primary skill I wanted to develop when I enrolled in the certificate program was lesson planning. It was frustrating to me when I “taught” previously that I simply had to just wing it each week. I feel like I am definitely getting a better understanding of what is necessary to help students learn. TESOL Certificate student 9 am – 4 pm “ Teaching Reading & Writing Lesson Planning Learn how to develop lesson plans that emphasize language skills, create class activities, and use assessment instruments. (Required reading: chapter 6) EDUC 1724 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Sat, Feb 28 9 am – 4 pm Register online for TESOL classes: http://bit.ly/1u4VdZW Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 25 Careers Career Certificates Prerequisites for Elective Workshops: Successful completion of the Introduction to TESOL workshop and four required workshops. Learn to incorporate technology as a way to engage students with the content in and outside of the classroom. (Required reading: chapter 8) EDUC 1754 / 0.6 CEU / $120 Materials Adaptation Learn how to make existing textbook materials more communicative and address students’ specific needs. (Required reading: chapter 8) EDUC 1841 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 259 Sat, Mar 7 9 am – 4 pm Teaching Content ESL Learn how to adapt an ESL curriculum to meet the needs of a specific business or industry, such as ESL for Construction Workers. EDUC 1816 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Mar 21 Using Technology in ESL 9 am – 4 pm Realia as Course Content Learn to incorporate authentic material into your lesson plans and English language teaching. EDUC 1731 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Sat, Mar 28 9 am – 4 pm Culture as Course Content Learn to incorporate cross-cultural activities in your English language teaching. »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 104 Sat, Apr 18 9 am – 4 pm Teaching Vocabulary Learn the best ways to teach one of the most important aspects of learning English: acquiring new vocabulary. EDUC 1756 / 0.6 CEU / $120 Prerequisite for the TESOL Practicum Workshop: Successful completion of eight required workshops and six elective workshops. TESOL Practicum In this two-day workshop, you’ll teach individual teaching demonstrations and receive instructor/peer feedback. All materials required for the teaching demonstrations should be brought to the workshop. EDUC 1840 / 1.2 CEU / $240 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 259 Sat & Sun, May 16-17 9 am – 4 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Sat, Apr 25 9 am – 4 pm Teaching Entry-Level Students Learn how to use Total Physical Response and other communicative approaches to effectively teach students who are at proficiency level zero. EDUC 1727 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, May 2 9 am – 4 pm Tutoring Adult ESL Students Learn to work individually with students, including conducting a needs assessment and tailoring lessons to address students’ needs. Prerequisite for the TESOL Review: Successful completion of nine required workshops, six elective workshops, and 18 hours of documented ESL classroom observation. TESOL Review In this final workshop, you’ll review teaching methodologies observed in ESL classes and plan your Teaching Philosophy. TESOL Observation Reports should be brought to the workshop. EDUC 1825 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Sat, May 23 9 am – 4 pm EDUC 1813 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 259 Sat, May 9 9 am – 4 pm EDUC 1728 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 133 Sat, April 4 9 am – 4 pm Teaching Pronunciation Learn to teach students how to recognize the stress-timed nature of English pronunciation, including pausing, stress, linking, and intonation. (Required reading: chapter 4) Please register early as TESOL classes fill quickly! Call any of our Workforce offices to register over the phone. E-mail MA–ACLI@nvcc.edu to be added to the waitlist. Additional classes will be added when necessary. EDUC 1824 / 0.6 CEU / $120 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 259 Sat, Apr 11 9 am – 4 pm 26 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Careers Administrative Professional Administrative Professional Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Exam Prep Training NOVA’s Workforce Development Division has developed an extensive training program designed to prepare administrative professionals to take the Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Exam. The series of instructional modules are designed to focus specifically on the CAP Exam Guidelines as provided by the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). For a brochure or for more information, please contact James Fabian at jfabian@nvcc.edu. Outlook Essentials for Administrative Professionals Effective Communication Skills for Administrative Professionals Human Resource Skills for Administrative Professionals The majority of administrative assistant tasks involve scheduling appointments, reviewing and responding to e-mail messages, all while also working on other tasks. Discover how to use Outlook 2010 in the most efficient and effective way. Learn to use e-mail features such as formatting and tracking messages, creating auto-signatures, attaching files to messages, and opening and saving files. Also included is instruction on how to use the calendar feature, manage contacts, create and send appointments and schedule meetings. Explore working with Tasks, utilizing voting buttons and changing message appearance, organizing items with filters and categories, as well as using address books and archiving e-mail. Much of your success as an Administrative Professional is based on how well you communicate on the job. This fast-paced, interactive class will help develop your business communications skills so you can compete in our highly diverse and competitive workforce. Topics include: Effective use of e-mail and social media on the job; surviving office politics; working with difficult people; how to build a careeradvancing relationship with your supervisor/ senior management; developing goals and performance standards; how to represent your department/manager; business etiquette; gaining trust and cooperation from coworkers; listening skills; public speaking; presentation skills; persuasion and nonverbal communication strategies. This class is designed for Administrative Professionals who may have responsibility for routine HR activities, but currently don’t work full time in HR. You’ll learn how to administer a number of important Human Resource responsibilities that are commonly done by support personnel in smaller organizations without formal HR Departments. Topics include: how to administer the recruitment and selection process; assist in screening interviews; perform New Employee Orientation and Exit Interviews/Out-processing; respond to staff questions/needs regarding the employee handbook/personnel policies and procedures; and create both electronic and paper employee files. You’ll also learn about routine benefits administration, and get an understanding of important employmentrelated laws and the best practices using technology to make HR administration more efficient and customer friendly. ITEC 1948 / 0.6 CEU / $129 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 242 Sat, Feb 7 & 14 9 am – 12 pm Instructor: Kemetia Foley, CAP-OM COMM 1917 / 0.6 CEU / $129 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 375 Tue, Mar 3 & 10 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Bruce Robertson, MS, SPHR Registration is continuous throughout the semester. BUSC 1431 / 0.6 CEU / $129 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 344 Tue, Apr 7 & 14 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Bruce Robertson, MS, SPHR Enroll today! Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 27 Careers Administrative Professional Organization & Time Management for Administrative Professionals Does multi-tasking really work? Administrative professionals must be able to track projects and tasks while supporting staff within their organization. Evernote, Outlook Task bar, Outlook Calendar are just a few of the electronic tools covered in this important course. You’ll learn best practices for getting clear and concise priorities from your supervisor and teammates. Time management practices regarding responding to e-mail, voicemail and office interruptions will be reviewed. Arrangement of workstation for increased productivity will also be explored. By the end of this course, you should be able to implement specific organization and time management skills which will improve your response time, communication with coworkers and help you implement new work efficiencies. NEW Certified Administrative Professional (CAP) Exam Prep Review Boot Camp Get an intensive review of the key concepts and terminology required to be successful in taking the CAP Exam. Each section outlined in the CAP Exam Guide will be reviewed, and practice test questions will be given along with a discussion of the correct answers. In addition, the program will include helpful information on what to expect on test day, as well as tips about what and how to study. At the end of the session, you’ll be able to pinpoint exam content that may require additional study effort prior to sitting for the exam. The instructor is an experienced certification study group leader. Please note: This is not an IAAP endorsed session. 2015 is the first year IAAP will be offering the CAP exam in the online format. TEST 1944 / 0.7 CEU / $89 BUSC 1468 / 0.6 CEU / $129 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 242 Mon & Tue, May 11 & 12 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Kemetia Foley, CAP-OM »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 241 Sat, Jan 24 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Kemetia Foley, CAP-OM 43 for E mp Pay for 3 loyers: emp send the 4 loyees a nd th fo r Ask how free. ! Our website is updated frequently. Please check it for the latest course information. www.nvcc.edu/ workforce Administrative Assistant Training: An Intensive Certificate Program This 36-hour, intensive course addresses the fundamental knowledge base and competencies required to pursue an entry-level position in the administrative support field. These core competencies include verbal and written communication skills, appointment scheduling, finance basics, and a basic understanding of administrative equipment and customer service skills. Bring a bag lunch. Instructor: Gloria Bonds, MS BUSC 1424 / 3.6 CEU / $670 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 241 Tue & Thu, Feb 17 – Apr 9 7 – 10 pm (No class Mar 10, 12, 31 & Apr 2) »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 231 Sat, Mar 21 – May 2 9 am – 4 pm (No class Apr 4) »» 02A Alexandria Campus, AA 241 Tue & Thu, Apr 21 – June 4 (No class May 26 & 28) 28 7 – 10 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Careers Accounting & Bookkeeping Accounting & Bookkeeping Become a Certified Bookkeeper If you are a small business owner or manager, this class allows you to reduce your fees for outside accounting services. If you are a working professional, this class allows you to further your career or start your own freelance bookkeeping business by obtaining certification from the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (www. aipb.org). This substantive course focuses on preparing you for the national Certified Bookkeeper examination by helping you truly master the skills and knowledge required for certification. To become a Certified Bookkeeper, you need at least two years of working bookkeeping experience and must sign a written code of ethics. You may sit for the examination before your two years’ experience is completed. Certification can increase your earning potential, enhance your standing as a professional, and give you an edge in the competitive job market. Course material covers adjusting entries (accruals and deferrals), correction of accounting errors, both GAAP and tax depreciation, payroll (includes paying wages, withholding, depositing and reporting taxes, and use and retention of forms), recording and costing out merchandise inventory, and internal controls/ fraud prevention. Six workbooks are used, one for each of the six exam subjects. The CB exam is administered at Prometric Test Centers. However, you are not required to sit for the exam in order to participate fully in learning the material covered. Prerequisite: Accounting Fundamentals, Principles of Accounting, bookkeeping experience, or instructor permission. Req. Textbook: Certified Bookkeeper Workbook Set ACCT 1936 / 4.0 CEU / $495 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Wed, Jan 21 – June 3 6:30 – 8:30 pm Instructor: Ann Robinson Accounting Fundamentals for Bookkeepers Auditing as a Career Choice Prepare for a career in accounting! A perfect foundation to prepare you for QuickBooks master, this 24-hour course provides you with the fundamentals to move into a promising future with any size organization. In addition, with this practical understanding of accounting theory, you will be able to more readily master and adapt to changes in popular computerized bookkeeping software. Successful completion awards you a certificate and 2.4 CEUs and equips you with a solid foundation for future study toward the Certified Bookkeeper designation. Bring a simple calculator to class. Req. Textbook: Schaum’s Outline of Principles of Accounting I, 5th Ed., paperback ACCT 1937 / 2.4 CEU / $375 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Thu, Jan 22 – Apr 9 6:30 – 8:30 pm Instructor: Ann Robinson Auditors are in constant demand, thanks to growing corporate fraud and taxpayer concerns about excessive government spending. Every industry hires auditors, including banks, hospitals, schools, accounting firms, and all government agencies. This course will teach the basics of why and how audits are done, standards that must be followed, phases of the audit process, and effective report writing. Videos are used to illustrate documentation techniques. Learn how to find and apply for the many job opportunities now available, including a hands-on demonstration of USAJobs. A bachelor’s degree (or those pursuing a degree) is required to work in this field. Your instructor is an experienced government auditor. BUSC 1477 / 0.8 CEU / $99 »» 01M Woodbridge Campus, WC 306 Tue & Thu, Apr 21 – 30 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Ronald Huritz, CIGA, CFE, CGFM Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 29 Careers Jump-Start Your Career as a Tax Professional Enrolled Agents (EAs) are the only tax professionals licensed by the Internal Revenue Service to represent taxpayers before the IRS and practice in any state. EAs have demonstrated special competence in tax matters and professional ethics and can work for law firms, CPA firms, tax franchise offices or your own practice. A college degree is not required to take the EA exam or work in the field. The Special Enrollment Exam (SEE) is comprised of 3 parts that can be taken separately (Individual, Business and Ethics) or as a Bundle & Save package for Business and Ethics. You are encouraged to complete the EA Exam at the completion of this course. If you plan to do so, we recommend that you take all 3 classes and purchase all 3 books at once for a discounted price. More information on the exam can be found at: www.irs.gov/Tax-Professionals/ Enrolled-Agents/Become-an-EnrolledAgent. The courses require self-study of the book material prior to class and will be discussed in class. Online quizzes and tests will be required and taken on the Gleim.com website outside of class. An online final exam will be required for each part. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of taxes or tax preparation experience recommended. Accounting & Bookkeeping SEE Exam Prep: Individual Taxes Small Business Taxes The Individual portion includes gross income and adjustments, retirement income, property, itemized deductions and credits, and various taxes including estate and gift. Explore the different types of income and expenses on a Schedule C for small business. Simplify recordkeeping, tracking methods for inventory, income and expenses, home office deductions, payroll and estimated taxes and car expenses. This course does not include how to prepare a tax return. Bring a bag lunch. Req. Textbook: Gleim: EA Review Part 1 FINL 1927 / 1.5 CEU / $149 »» 01L Reston Center Wed, Jan 21 – Feb 18 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: James Simos, MBA, CFP, EA SEE Exam Prep: Businesses The Business portion includes accounting methods, business expenses and deductions, basis, depreciation, credits, taxes, partnerships, corporations, decedents, estates, trusts exempt organizations and retirement plans. Req. Textbook: Gleim: EA Review Part 2 FINL 1928 / 2.7 CEU / $269 »» 01L Reston Center Wed & Mon, May 6 – June 3 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: James Simos, MBA, CFP, EA SEE Exam Prep: Ethics This course discusses how to become an enrolled agent, representing taxpayers before the IRS, the different types of representation, and the filing process. Req. Textbook: Gleim: EA Review Part 3 FINL 1929 / 1.0 CEU / $115 »» To be offered in Summer 2015 Bundle & Save ACCT 1904 / 0.6 CEU / $125 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 31 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Tynisa Gaines, EA, B.S., M.P.A. 1040 Basics Understand the different types of income and expenses reported and allowed on an individual tax return. Explore the different types of gross income and where they are reported on a tax return. All deductions that can be taken on the front line of the 1040 will be explained. This class will not discuss any Schedules. Bring a bag lunch. BUSC 1973 / 6 hrs / $125 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 24 8:30 am – 3 pm Instructor: Tynisa Gaines, EA, B.S., M.P.A. Investment Income We will discuss the sale of stocks and bonds and how they are reported on a Schedule D. An overview of the deductions allowed for rental properties and how to report the income/loss on a Schedule E will also be included. Bring a bag lunch. BUSC 1464 / 6 hrs / $125 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Feb 7 8:30 am – 3pm Instructor: Tynisa Gaines, EA, B.S., M.P.A. Jump Start Your Career Save $25 by registering for both SEE Exam Prep courses at the same time! FINL 1926-01L / 4.2 CEU / $393 Reston Center Registration is continuous throughout the semester. Enroll today! 30 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Careers Explore New Careers Explore New Careers Getting Paid to Talk – An Introduction to Professional Voice Acting NEW Careers in Defense & Intelligence This career enhancement course covers everything from entry-level careers to restarting your career in defense and intelligence. Topics: security clearances, worldwide defense marketplace ecosystem: government jobs, industry employers and professional resources. A special focus will be on strategies for finding open doors, strategies for making yourself marketable, and learning your market value. We’ll also review the trends within the defense and intelligence job market. The job market fluctuates, based upon the federal budget process, strategic policy and emerging world events. Laptops welcome. Instructor: Bill Golden LLRN 1719 / 0.8 CEU / $119 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 133 Fri, Jan 23 & 30 8:30 am – 12:30 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Mar 28 8:30 am – 5 pm Notary Public Preparation If you are a new or renewing notary, gain skills to authenticate documents, detect fraud, and be successful in a new career. You will be instructed on the legal and ethical requirements and duties of notaries and how to apply and receive notary commission from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Your instructor is a retired attorney. Instructor: Paul Giles LAWS 1910 / 0.3 CEU / $99 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Feb 7 12:30 – 3:30 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 133 Sat, Feb 28 12:30 – 3:30 pm Pre-Licensing for Life, Health & Annuities Insurance Have you ever been told that you have a great voice? Explore the numerous aspects of voice-over work for television, film, radio, audio books, documentaries and the internet. Learn the basics, including how to prepare the all-important demo, and how to be successful and earn a great income in this exciting field. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and listen to examples of demos recorded by professional voice actors. You’ll even have a chance to record a commercial script under the direction of our Voicecoaches.com producer! This class is informative, lots of fun, and a great first step for anyone interested in voice acting professionally. Space is limited, and registration closes one week prior to class. ARTS 1725 / 0.25 CEU / $75 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 375 Tue, Mar 24 6:30 – 9 pm »» 02A Alexandria Campus, AA 375 Thu, May 28 6:30 – 9 pm Prepare for a Commercial Real Estate Career In just 7 weeks, you’ll be prepared to enter into the commercial real estate industry. You’ll learn about every commercial real estate product type, including office buildings, flex and industrial buildings, shopping centers and retail buildings, single-tenant net-leased buildings, and multifamily apartment buildings. Topics covered include zoning requirements, supply and demand issues, development issues, pro forma income statement analysis and investment analysis, as well as the unique terminology of this field. You discuss career opportunities within the industry, including brokerage, finance, and property management. Your instructor has more than 30 years experience in the commercial real estate industry. Offered in conjunction with Virginia Assn. of Insurance Agents (VAIA), this course will assist you in passing the exam. Review the basics as well as Virginia laws and regulations. Types such as life insurance policies, annuities, policy options, retirement plans, and the different types of health insurance are included. Frequent quizzes and exams are given to help you prepare for the state exam. Tuition includes book. INSR 1901 / 2.4 CEU / $300 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Mon – Wed, Feb 2 – 4 8 am – 6 pm Instructor: Bryant Langham Pre-Licensing for Property & Casualty Insurance Gain valuable information to assist you in passing the Virginia Property & Casualty exam. Learn P & C insurance basics as well as Virginia laws and regulations. Auto, personal, liability, workers comp and commercial insurance will be discussed, along with many more. Frequent quizzes and exams are given to help you prepare for the state exam. Tuition includes book. Instructor: Bryant Langham INSR 1900 / 2.4 CEU / $300 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Mon – Wed, Jan 12 – 14 8 am – 6 pm »» 02M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Mon – Wed, Mar 23 – 25 8 am – 6 pm »» 03M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Mon – Wed, May 4 – 6 8 am – 6 pm REAL 1908 / 1.5 CEU / $259 »» 01L Reston Center Mon, Jan 26 – Mar 2 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: James Simos, MBA, CFP, EA Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 31 Careers Professional Food Manager Training SAVE Let a Registered NEHA Trainer teach you the information needed to prevent food-borne illness in your food service facility. Course topics include food microorganisms and allergens, cross contamination, time and temperature controls, personal hygiene, safe handling practices, cleaning and sanitizing, training and pest control. For Certified Professional Food Manager Certification (CPFM), you must pass the standardized test given at the end of the day. Tuition includes the $28 Prometric test fee. You must bring two #2 pencils and a photo ID for the test. If you would like to take the test in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese or Korean, you must make this request at least two weeks prior to the class date. For classes at Manassas, call 703-257-6631; for classes at Annandale, call 703-323-3168. Prerequisites: Ability to read and understand spoken English. Please read and study the textbook prior to class. Req. Textbook: NEHA Certified Professional Food Manager Instructor: Rick Kurtz, MS HOST 1907 / 0.7 CEU / $168 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Wed, Feb 18 8 am – 5:30 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus Wed, Mar 18 8 am – 5:30 pm »» 02M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Wed, Apr 15 8 am – 5:30 pm »» 02N Annandale Campus Wed, May 13 32 Explore New Careers 8 am – 5:30 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Virginia Automobile Dealer Operator Licensing The path to a dealer-operator license begins with this required two-day course, with the curriculum and instruction provided by the Virginia Independent Automobile Dealers Association. The course includes information on establishing the dealership under local zoning and Dealer Board requirements; understanding the sales process with its multitude of forms, laws and regulations; opening and operating expenses; and a discussion on ethics. Course tuition is $325 if you register at least two weeks in advance. Starting Feb 26, tuition increases to $375. TRNS 1909 / 1.5 CEU / $375 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 133 Tue & Wed, Mar 10 & 11 8:30 am – 5 pm Register by Feb 25 and pay only $325! (after Feb 25 pay $375 – section 02M) Instructor: Pete Iaricci Career Switcher Program SOME CAREERS ARE > OTHERS Teaching can be challenging, exhausting – and the most rewarding career you’ll ever have. At EducateVA, we can help turn your existing education and job experience into the skills needed to make a difference. Because we are approved by the Virginia Department of Education, our program allows you to become a licensed teacher throughout the Commonwealth. And because we offer flexible online and weekend classes, you can even earn your license while keeping your current job. To learn more, sign up for a free introductory webinar at EducateVA.com today. A program of Virginia’s Community College System organized by the Community College Workforce Alliance If you have a four–year degree and a minimum of five years of work experience, the Virginia Community College System invites you to “bring your passion to the future” and become a licensed Virginia Public School teacher by enrolling in its 18–week “Career Switcher Program”. Six Saturday sessions, a mandatory 40-hour field placement, and 6 online courses are included in the 18 weeks. A one–year, Career Switcher Provisional teaching license is granted at the end of the 18 weeks, and will be converted to a full 5–year, renewable license after one year of successful teaching. The VCCS’s Career Switcher Alternative Route to Licensure Program is designed to train participants to teach in critical shortage areas such as mathematics, English, foreign languages, social studies, sciences, English for Students of Other Languages (ESOL), technology education, family and consumer sciences, business, marketing, health and physical education. First, please go to the program website at www.educateva.com to access all pertinent information. After reviewing the website you may direct program questions to Assistant Director Jim Gaines at jgaines@nvcc.edu or 804–317–9007. Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Test Center Services Workforce Professional Test Center Services Test Center Services Workforce Professional Test Center Services CED Center for Employee Development Pitney Bowes Building 7630 Little River Tpke., Room 503 Annandale, VA 22003 703-323-3102 ACT WorkKeys® Job Skills Assessments (CED): Earn a Virginia Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) by completing three 55-minute tests that measure achievement in three areas. This portable credential proves to employers you have the right skills to be successful for the job! Call 703-3233102 to schedule an appointment, and visit www.crc.virginia.gov for detailed information. CLEP® Testing – College Level Examination Program (AL): A candidate does not need to be a NOVA student. Anyone can schedule and complete a CLEP exam at our locations. For exam details, visit: www.collegeboard.com/clep. Comira® (CED): This network includes industry certification exams from sponsors such as the American Culinary Federation (ACF), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Professional Association of Health Care Office Management (PAHCOM), McCann Associates – Association of Energy Engineers (AEE), Certification of Commission for Healthcare Interpreters (CCHI) and much more! Visit www.comiratesting.com for exam, registration, scheduling, and payment information. DSST® (AL): Adult learners, military personnel and veterans, and homeschooled students can prove mastery of subject matter for what they already know, earn college credits, and save money on their education by passing individual exams. See below for information about scheduling an appointment at our location. Choose your exam title by visiting www.getcollegecredit.com. Educational Testing Service (ETS) TOEFL®-Test of English as a Foreign Language (CED): Scores from this exam are used as evidence of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers planning to study in universities in the U.S., to apply for a visa, to gain employment, and more. Testing sessions fill quickly so make your appointment as soon as possible! Register and schedule to test at our location by going to www.toefl.org. AL Bisdorf Building 5000 Dawes Ave., Room 230 Alexandria, VA 703-845-6880 PRAXIS® & School Leadership Series® (CED): Complete your professional assessment requirement for a teaching, school principal, or school superintendent’s license by taking the corresponding PRAXIS or School Leadership Series exam. To register and schedule to test at our location, go to www.praxis.org. For detailed information about which exam you must take, go to www.doe.virginia.gov. External Proctoring Services (CED & AL): Our services are designed for students taking courses at other institutions or online courses, business professionals, employee candidates, or anyone who needs an exam proctored. We are able to proctor both paper and internet-based exams for individuals and groups by appointment. (Prices may vary depending upon type of service requested.) Scheduling/Registration/Payment: To request an appointment for CLEP, DSST, and external proctoring services, send an email to workforcetestcenter@nvcc.edu. In the subject line indicate in which location you wish to complete your exam and the type of service you are requesting. For example: CED-External Proctoring or Alexandria-CLEP. Include your contact information, preferred test date, name of school or business sponsoring the test, test name and format (paper/internet-based). You will receive a response within two business days with specific registration and payment information. For information visit www.nvcc.edu/wdce/alexandria/specialized. Kryterion® (CED): This network includes industry certification exams from sponsors such as the National Contract Management Association, Salesforce.com, ITIL®, the Construction Management Association of America, the International Association of Privacy Professionals, and many more! Register and schedule to test at our location by going to www.kryteriononline.com. NOCTI® Business Solutions & Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC); (CED): Active military and returning veterans can earn industry recognition as a Certified Production Technician or a Certified Logistics Technician. Register and schedule to test at our location at candidates.msscusa.org. NOVA is a member of the National College Testing Association. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 33 IT & Computer Skills Computer Fundamentals 35 Microsoft Office & Computer Applications36 Business Skills 41 Linux & UNIX 42 Certifications & Prep 43 AutoCAD & Revit 47 Application Development 48 Database Systems 49 Networking & Communications 51 54 Web Design & Development 56 Multimedia & Filmmaking 65 NOVA’s “TRiP” Program 69 “ “ Cyber Security Excellent! Most satisfying & valuable! MS Word Intro student 34 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Computer Fundamentals SAVE Troubleshoot Like a Geek! NEW Computer Keyboarding for Beginners Take control of your entire PC system! Learn how to troubleshoot your PC for the most irritating problems. Understand the secrets of the startup files and give new life to your old PC. Learn the quickest and best ways to maintain your current equipment, and the most efficient, cost-effective ways to upgrade aging PC systems. You’ll learn about basic system components and architecture using live PCs with a variety of operating systems. The installation problems for hardware and software are also covered. Tuition includes the course handbook and the use of a thumb drive for all hands-on exercises. Facebook, Twitter & Google+ for Absolute Beginners ITEC 1935 / 1.2 CEU / $299 ITEC 1443 / 1.2 CEU / $399 It’s time to stop the hunt and peck method. Learn to touch type using MS Word 2013, or improve your existing skills, by locating the alphabetic and numeric keys–without looking! Learn and understand basic proofreading symbols used when editing. Increase your job skills and decrease typing time. Bring a bag lunch for a ½ hour lunch break. Register by Feb 23 and save $50! ITEC 1945 / 2.0 CEU / $269 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Mon – Fri, Mar 9 – 13 9:30 am – 2 pm Instructor: Karen Szymanski Register by Feb 23 and pay only $219! (after Feb 23 pay $269 – section 02M) Windows Fundamentals This course covers the basics of using a PC. Learn how to personalize your computer by changing the desktop background and theme, setting text sizes, and creating shortcuts and adding gadgets. Learn all about file management including how to properly create, name, save, move, delete, copy and search for files. Learn keyboard shortcuts, and other time saving techniques. Become familiar with the features and layout of the operating system. Inexperienced computer users or those who are new to the Windows Operating System, will benefit from this class. Handouts provided. Required: Please bring a flash drive to class. ITEC 1531 / 0.3 CEU / $115 »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Wed, Jan 28 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Jennifer Horton »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Wed, Mar 18 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Karen Szymanski »» 02L Loudoun, Signal Hill Thu, Apr 23 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Apr 21 – May 5 6 – 10 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ There are hundreds of social media tools available on the Web, and Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are three of the most popular. Get an introduction to setting up accounts on these social media sites and the basics of using each. This class is for those who know absolutely nothing about Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and/or who may have set up accounts on one or all of these social media sites, but have never actually posted any content to these sites. »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, May 2 – 16 10 am – 2 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer Help Desk Analyst – I Get all of the necessary skills required to provide high quality service as a Tier I Help Desk and Desktop Support Services tech. You’ll learn effective incident resolution processes, how to provide efficient onsite and remote technical services, and industry best practice troubleshooting methodologies. You’ll also gain practical experience by performing Windows imaging, configuring user profiles and network settings, mapping network drives, troubleshooting Windows OS, restoring permanently deleted data, configuring MS Outlook and shared mailboxes, setting up network printers, troubleshooting printer and projector hardware, Bare-metal restore, using ticketing systems and monitoring networks using Wireshark. ITEC 1476 / 0.6 CEU / $195 »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Sat, Apr 18 Instructor: Ahmad Cheema 9 am – 4 pm IT and computer courses are popular and fill quickly. Enroll today! Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 35 IT & Computer Skills Microsoft Office & Computer Applications Microsoft Office & Computer Applications Access – Introduction Publisher NEW Get an introduction to relational database management systems. You’ll learn the basics of Access 2013 including the design of database tables and how to prepare table structures. Data types are covered in detail, as well as data entry procedures. Basic input/ output forms will be designed using the form wizard and Access reports generated using the report and label wizards. You’ll also learn how to extract information from a database table using the Access query design screen. Tuition covers the course handbook and the use of a thumb drive for all hands-on exercises. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Prerequisite: Windows course or extensive experience using Windows. If you’ve used previous versions of Publisher in the past, we’ll show you what’s new and how to make the best use of the latest features. If this is your first time using Publisher, don’t worry. We’re going to start at the beginning and teach you everything you need to know. Use Publisher like a pro to create stunning publications from your computer–even if you don’t have graphics design experience. Excel Formulas for Beginners ITEC 1591 / 0.8 CEU / $259 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Jan 13 & 20 6 – 10 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue & Wed, May 19 & 20 Instructor: Jennifer Horton 6 – 10 pm Access – Intermediate Learn to create and use a variety of queries, and do extensive editing of forms and reports. The high point of this course is learning when and how to create multiple database tables and join them effectively. You’ll join up to three database tables and retrieve selected data. Forms and reports are generated from queries based on joined tables. Macros are introduced as a way to automate many of the daily database functions such as menu creation. Tuition covers the course handbook and use of a thumb drive for all hands-on exercises. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Prerequisite: Intro to MS Access course or extensive experience with MS Access. ITEC 1663 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, May 16 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer ITEC 1300 / 0.2 CEU / $79 Excel – The Power of PivotTables Excel’s PivotTable feature is a powerful tool that makes it easy to tabulate and summarize spreadsheet data, particularly if it changes a lot. It can provide an excellent data snapshot and is helpful in producing management information. PivotTables let you automatically sum, rearrange, filter, generate, and extract important information from a large table. You get almost unlimited scope to display your data any way you wish. Its “drag-and-drop” tools can reduce hours of data manipulation to seconds. Learn how to create and work with PivotTables, saving time extracting, organizing, and summarizing meaningful data. Discover how to perform a variety of calculations, add report filters, change the structure/ format of the PivotTable report, and create PivotChart graphical reports. The course will be taught using Office 2013.Tuition includes all materials. Please bring a flash drive to class. »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue–Thu, June 2 – 4 Instructor: Jennifer Horton 36 »» 01L Reston Center Wed, Mar 18 Instructor: Scott Wood Office Readiness MANASSAS You need top-notch skills to compete in today’s job market. This certificate enables you to obtain the skills you need to begin a career, advance in a current position, or gain professional confidence in any work environment. You’ll not only explore the power of Microsoft Office but also gain valuable skills using Windows and Outlook. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the certificate program. Questions? Call 703-257-6631. Required Courses: ITEC 1910 / 0.35 CEU / $129 • Windows Fundamentals »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Wed, Apr 8 & 15 6:45 – 8:30 am 6:30 – 8:30 am CERTIFICATE Instructor: Veronica Ortiz, MOS ITEC 1592 / 1.2 CEU / $389 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Jan 27 – Feb 10 6 – 10 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ This course is designed for the Excel user who is intimidated by the concept of formulas and functions. You will learn to write simple formulas by hand, how to use the AutoSum feature, the importance of the order of operations, how to use AutoFill to copy formulas, and the difference between absolute and relative referencing. We will also explore the built-in functions to perform more complex calculations. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Prerequisites: Students should be familiar with the Excel environment and how to enter data. • Outlook Basics • Microsoft Office Boot Camp • Access Basics »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, May 4 6 – 9:30 pm »» 02L Reston Center, 319 Mon, May 11 6 – 9:30 pm Courses may be taken individually or as part of the certificate program. 6 – 10 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Microsoft Office & Computer Applications Windows Fundamentals SAVE See page 35 for course description. Microsoft Office Boot Camp ITEC 1531 / 0.3 CEU / $115 If you want to re-enter the job market and need to update your skills, this course is designed for you! Employers consider this an ideal course for new employees or employees interested in gaining new skills for promotion. Produce documents (Word), spreadsheets (Excel) and presentations (PowerPoint) using MS Office 2013. Learn how to enhance reports and projects using customized fonts, bullets, borders, graphic objects, headers/footers and indents. Create, edit and print spreadsheets. Learn the basics of formulas, functions and charts. Produce slide presentations with animation. Move easily between programs and integrate material. Discover useful tips and tricks when working with these three programs. The course will be taught using Office 2013. All materials are included. Bring a thumb drive and bag lunch for ½ hour lunch break. Prerequisite: Solid working knowledge of Windows and strong computer skills. Register by Mar 9 and save $50! Outlook Basics Use Outlook e-mail features to send/receive, reply to and forward e-mail messages. Find out how to format, track messages and create auto-signatures. Learn to attach files to messages and open and save attached files. Discover how to use the calendar feature, manage contacts, create and send appointments and schedule meetings. Use Outlook options to work with tasks, add and utilize voting buttons and change message appearance. Customize your Outlook work area, use the Navigation Pane, and work with search options. Find out how to organize items with filters and categories. Learn how to use address books and how to archive e-mail. ITEC 1948 / 0.6 CEU / $149 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Tue, Apr 7 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer ITEC 1425 / 2.8 CEU / $559 Access Basics “ Become familiar with a database management system using MS Access 2013. Discover how to build a data table and examine its contents through queries, forms and reports. Please bring a thumb drive to class. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of Windows. ITEC 1460 / 0.4 CEU / $109 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Wed, Apr 1 9:30 am – 1:30 pm Instructor: Karen Szymanski Karen Szymanski – MS Office Instructor – Karen Szymanski observes that keeping current with computer software and technology skills is essential in today’s competitive job market. She believes our Workforce courses are an asset to any resume. Karen brings more than 25 years of teaching experience to the classroom. When not teaching, Karen shares her talents by volunteering with youth programs and enjoys boating and horseback riding. »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Mon – Fri, Mar 23 – 27 9:30 am – 3:30 pm Instructor: Karen Szymanski Register by Mar 9 and pay only $509! (after Mar 9 pay $559 – section 02M) I have taken a couple of other computer classes. This by far was superior. The format of 5 consecutive days makes a big difference. The instructor was phenomenal. Microsoft Office Boot Camp student Enroll online at “ »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Wed, Mar 18 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Karen Szymanski www.nvcc.edu/workforce 37 IT & Computer Skills Microsoft Office & Computer Applications CERTIFICATE Microsoft Office ANNANDALE, ALEXANDRIA, LOUDOUN, MANASSAS, WOODBRIDGE This certificate emphasizes end user proficiency with the key components of the MS Office Suite. If you are interested in earning a Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certification, these courses will help prepare you for that exam. Students must have a basic working knowledge of Windows to participate in this certificate program. Students completing this certificate program are required to complete a comprehensive exercise demonstrating proficiency in MS Office. Required Courses: • Microsoft Word – Introduction • Microsoft PowerPoint – Introduction • Microsoft Excel – Introduction • Microsoft Word – Intermediate • Microsoft PowerPoint – Intermediate • Microsoft Excel – Intermediate Courses may be taken individually or as part of the certificate program. Courses may be taken at any campus. Word – Introduction Word – Intermediate PowerPoint – Introduction This course is designed for both new users and those who want to “fill in the gaps” of their knowledge of Word. You’ll become familiar with the Office 2013 environment including the Ribbon, Quick Access toolbar, and other features. Learn to create documents, format text, adjust margins and other basic layout elements; copy and paste within a single document; use the spelling check and grammar check tools; and preview and print documents. Discover how to effectively use tabs, indentations, and bulleted and numbered lists. Course manual provided. Prerequisite: Basic Windows skills. Extend your knowledge of Word and increase your efficiency. Learn how to create multicolumn formats; apply desktop publishing features such as borders and shading; apply Styles; create and format tables; use the Track Changes feature; and perform a mail merge. You’ll also learn to use the Reference tools to automatically create a bibliography, a Table of Contents, and an Index. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Course manual provided. Prerequisite: Word – Introduction or a working knowledge of the topics covered in that class. Get an introduction to the basics of creating and displaying PowerPoint presentations. You’ll learn to create a presentation using a design theme including working with backgrounds, layouts, placeholders, text, clip art and images. Discover how to run a presentation in many different ways including using markup and setting up a presentation to run automatically. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Course manual provided. Prerequisites: Entry-level knowledge of Windows and basic mouse and keyboard skills. ITEC 1584 / 0.6 CEU / $199 ITEC 1585 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AE 210 Sat, Feb 28 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Tim Eichers »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Feb 17 & 18 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Jennifer Horton »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Feb 3 & 4 Instructor: Scott Wood 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Feb 7 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Salvatore DeGennaro »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AE 210 Sat, Feb 21 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Tim Eichers »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Sat, Mar 28 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer ITEC 1589 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Mar 21 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Salvatore DeGennaro »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Sat, Feb 28 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Mar 24 & 25 Instructor: Scott Wood »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Mar 7 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Salvatore DeGennaro 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Sat, Apr 4 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AE 210 Sat, Mar 21 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Tim Eichers Parking on all campuses is free on weekends and weekdays after 4 pm in B (Student) lots only. Parking permits are not required at off-campus locations. 38 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Microsoft Office & Computer Applications Spotlight Student Success How NOVA Helped ThuyTien Achieve her Dream Career “I’ve worked in the Administrative field for four years and decided it was time to refresh my skills. I chose Workforce Development because they offer a variety of classes – from basic to advanced training. In addition, Workforce offers lots of classes at different times and start dates which fit my busy schedule as a mother with a full-time job. I completed the Notary course and then decided it was time to brush up on my Microsoft Office skills. I took one or two courses each semester; and in Spring 2013, I successfully completed all the requirements to earn my Microsoft Office Certificate. Workforce programs helped to boost my confidence level and I’m sure assist me in my dream career position as the Executive Assistant to the Manassas Campus Provost of Northern Virginia Community College.” ThuyTien Ngo-Nguyen, Microsoft Office Certificate Program Graduate PowerPoint – Intermediate Excel – Introduction Excel – Intermediate Build on your introductory course knowledge. Learn to use: tables, charts, shapes, embedded files, linked files, word art, narrations, animations, sound files, video files, action buttons, hyperlinks, and preset slide timings. You’ll also learn how to create a custom design theme and how to save a presentation in such a way that the supporting files such as sound and video do not become disconnected from the presentation. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Course manual provided. Prerequisite: PowerPoint – Introduction or a working knowledge of the topics covered in that class. This course is designed for both new users and those who want to become more efficient users of Excel. Explore the basics of spreadsheet design and layout as well as tips, tricks and shortcuts. You’ll learn how to add, rename and organize spreadsheets; add and format data; copy and paste data; insert/delete rows and columns; sort data; and create a simple chart. A key component of the course will be learning to manually write formulas and insert built-in functions. Course manual provided. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Prerequisite: Basic Windows skills. Annandale section – please bring a flash drive to class. Build on the skills developed in the introductory class. More advanced aspects of spreadsheet design and layout are covered. Learn advanced formatting techniques including conditional formatting and creating your own style. You’ll work with multiple spreadsheets and workbooks, apply 3-D formulas and functions, and learn how to customize and edit charts. Also get an introduction to the database features of Excel, such as multi-criteria sorting and filtering data, Lookup functions, and Outlining. Course manual provided. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Prerequisite: Excel – Introduction or a strong working knowledge of the topics covered in that class. Annandale section – please bring a flash drive to class ITEC 1590 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Sat, Mar 7 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer ITEC 1586 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AE 210 Sat, Mar 28 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Tim Eichers »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Feb 21 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Salvatore DeGennaro »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, Mar 2 & 9 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Veronica Ortiz, MOS »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Apr 7 & 8 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Jennifer Horton »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Mar 3 & 4 Instructor: Scott Wood »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Apr 11 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Salvatore DeGennaro »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Apr 25 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Salvatore DeGennaro »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AE 210 Tue, Apr 7 & 14 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Tim Eichers »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Apr 14 & 15 Instructor: Scott Wood »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Sat, Apr 25 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AE 210 Tue, Apr 21 & 28 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Tim Eichers Comprehensive Intro to MS Project See page 8 for details. »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, Jan 26 & Feb 9 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Veronica Ortiz, MOS 6:30 – 9:30 pm ITEC 1587 / 0.6 CEU / $199 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Sat, May 2 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 39 IT & Computer Skills Microsoft Office & Computer Applications Excel – Advanced QuickBooks in the Cloud Build upon your skills from the intermediate class. Learn to work with and manage large spreadsheets, how to import data from other sources, how to export data to other applications such as MS Word, and how to record and modify simple macros to automate tasks. You’ll also learn to create Scenarios to do what-if analysis, advanced database features, such as the Index and Match functions, Array formulas and an introduction to Pivot tables. Course manual will be provided. The course will be taught using Office 2013. Prerequisite: Excel – Intermediate or a strong working knowledge of the topics covered in that class. Annandale section – please bring a flash drive to class. QuickBooks Online is the world’s premier cloud-based accounting program. It’s always up-to-date and accessible from multiple gadgets (web, tablet, mobile). It’s a mobile and web experience that works however and wherever you do. It can be used by accounting professionals to provide a full range of services and can also accommodate small business owners who have no prior experience in bookkeeping and accounting practices. This course will focus on QuickBooks Online but most of the topics covered also apply to the desktop version of QuickBooks as well. This course is not required for the Microsoft Office Certificate. ITEC 1479 / 0.6 CEU / $199 Instructor: Yvonne Morton, Certified QB ProAdvisor »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park Sat, Feb 7 ITEC 1588 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, Apr 13 & 20 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Veronica Ortiz, MOS »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, May 5 & 6 Instructor: Scott Wood Business Accounting Using QB Accountant 2013 – Level II 6:30 – 9:30 pm Business Accounting Using QB Accountant 2013 – Level I This hands-on computerized accounting course will help you understand the accounting process used by businesses. Real world business transactions will be entered, using a fictitious business. Highlights include reconciling the bank account and end-ofperiod procedures. You will gain confidence in recording business transactions for a small to mid-size business and be able to use QuickBooks Pro in a real-world situation. Bring a thumb drive. Prerequisite: Computer skills & knowledge of bookkeeping/accounting. »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 24 – Mar 21 10 am – 12 pm (No class Mar 14) Instructor: Brown Dixon, Certified QB ProAdvisor »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Wed & Thu, Jan 28 – Feb 12 6:30 – 9:10 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, Certified QB ProAdvisor No textbook required ITEC 1444 / 1.6 CEU / $359 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Wed & Thu, Feb 25 – Mar 12 6:30 – 9:10 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, Certified QB ProAdvisor No textbook required »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Tue & Thu, Jan 20 – Feb 12 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Brown Dixon, Certified QB ProAdvisor »» 02M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Tue & Thu, Apr 14 – May 7 7 – 9 pm Instructor: Brown Dixon, Certified QB ProAdvisor Req. Textbook: QuickBooks Fundamentals Learning Guide 2013 40 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 9 am – 4 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 334 Sat, Mar 21 9 am – 4 pm Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 You are now ready to explore some of the advanced features which will enable you to make better business decisions. Accomplish tasks such as producing accounting and business management reports using the profit and loss and balance sheet statements, vendor list, item list plus tracking and producing inventory reports. Set up and maintain a company file which will reinforce your understanding of a majority of the key concepts of Level I and II: setting up lists, items, customizing preferences, working with charts of accounts, making adjustments to accounts and year-end procedures. Bring a thumb drive. Prerequisite: Bookkeeping & Level I course. Instructor: Brown Dixon, Certified QB ProAdvisor Req. Textbook: QuickBooks Fundamentals Learning Guide 2013 ITEC 1462 / 1.6 CEU / $359 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Tue & Thu, Mar 10 – Apr 2 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Apr 4 – May 23 7 – 9 pm 10 am – 12 pm Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Business Skills Business Skills NEW NEW How to Analyze Technology Needs ScrumMaster Workshop Small business owners often make costly mistakes when choosing technology for their businesses because they don’t understand how to assess their technology needs. Explore how to define and write a requirements document that will help you choose a technology solution that fits both your needs and budget. Learn how to define functional business requirements using a standard template and use that document to select a technology vendor. Then, discover how to read a standard technology contract so you can avoid some of the common pitfalls when working with technology vendors. ITEC 1493 / 0.8 CEU / $259 »» 01L Reston Center Thu, Mar 19 & 26 Instructor: Joey Gupta 6 – 10 pm NEW ITIL® Foundation IT Professionals, IT Support Staff, Application, Project and Business Managers, and any member of an IT team involved in the delivery of IT Services will benefit from this exciting and dynamic course. Get an introduction to the lifecycle of managing IT services delivered to business expectations. ITIL® provides businesses with a customizable framework of best practices to achieve quality service and overcome difficulties associated with growth of IT systems. This course covers the latest version of core ITIL® best practices, will introduce you to the fundamentals of IT Service Management as described in the IT Infrastructure Library and help you prepare for the certification exam. Req. Textbook: ITIL Foundation Exam Study Guide ITEC 1307 / 2.25 CEU / $1,259 »» 01L Reston Center Mon – Wed, Apr 6 – 8 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Sayed Hussaini, PMP, CSM, CISSP, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC Explore the basic principles of the Scrum framework. You’ll practice Scrum with hands-on exercises using 59-minute Scrum, and participate in Scrum simulations. Learn how to become an effective ScrumMaster in leading the Scrum team to be productive at a sustainable pace. Real-world examples are presented and discussed throughout the entire course. The instructor will stay close to the Scrum framework recommended by the Scrum Alliance and the inventors of Scrum. After completing this course, you will be able to lead your Scrum team effectively and efficiently. You will also learn how to combine Scrum and Extreme Programming to create and sustain a high performance team. You will earn 14 PDUs upon completing this course. NOTE: This course is not a Certified ScrumMaster (SCM) course. ITEC 1499 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $695 »» 01L Reston Center Thu & Fri, Feb 26 & 27 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Kiet Tran, PhD, PMP, CSP, SPC Certified Scrum Developer Workshop – Agile Engineering Practices Agile development using Scrum is a framework providing a set of principles/practices that help teams deliver products in short cycles. It enables fast feedback, continuous improvement, and rapid adaptation to change. Scrum is a leading Agile development framework for software development. Get an understanding of how to be a ScrumMaster, a Product Owner, and/or a team member on a Scrum team. Also, discover a set of best practices that you can make use of right away in your organization. Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and ScrumXP will be introduced as methods for scaling Agile to the enterprise. You will earn 14 PDUs upon completing this course. NOTE: This course is not a Certified ScrumMaster (SCM) course. Certified Scrum Developers have demonstrated, through a combination of formal training and a technical skills assessment, that they have a working understanding of Scrum principles and have developed specialized Agile engineering skills. You’ll learn how to become effective Scrum developers working in a highly collaborative team, as well as how to use pair work/programming to craft high-quality software products. Behavioral and test-driven development techniques will be introduced. In this hands-on, highly interactive course, you’ll be expected to build a simple, but complete, end-to-end enterprise application using C# or Java. At completion, you’ll be eligible to become a Certified Scrum Developer authorized by the Scrum Alliance. You will earn 21 PDUs upon completing this course. NOTE: Eligible candidates may pay an additional fee to become a Certified Scrum Developer (CSD). Details will be provided by your instructor. ITEC 1477 / 1.4 CEU / 14 PDU / $695 ITEC 1488 / 2.1 CEU / 21 PDU / $1,195 »» 01L Reston Center Thu & Fri, Mar 26 & 27 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Kiet Tran, PhD, PMP, CSP, SPC. »» 01L Reston Center Wed – Fri, Jan 28 –30 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Kiet Tran, PhD, PMP, CSP, SPC Agile Software Development with Scrum Workshop Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 41 IT & Computer Skills Linux & UNIX Linux & UNIX Linux Programming – Fundamentals CERTIFICATE Linux is the world’s fastest growing desktop OS. Data from over a thousand hiring managers found that 77 % have “hiring Linux talent” on their list of priorities for 2014. Course content includes understanding the program development life cycle, working with hands-on LINUX commands such as ufs and partitioning, understanding binaries, executables and special device files, and configuring file permissions for security. You’ll also get an understanding of file structure and editors, combining and sorting files, creating script files, using pipe operator, unique commands, difference command, printing and formatting output, environment, shell and configuration variables, shell operators (math, relational, redirection), and understanding various types of logic: sequential, case, decision, looping. Opt. Textbook: Guide to UNIX with Linux, 4th Ed. ITEC 1487 / 2.1 CEU / $479 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Feb 21 –Mar 7 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Rupen Shah, PMP, GSO CIO Certified, Masters in Information Systems UNIX Commands & Shell Programming UNIX Boot Camp LOUDOUN Attend NOVA’s UNIX Boot Camp and be ready to use UNIX in the real world in approximately six weeks! This program is designed for students pursuing careers in system management, system administration, configuration management, project management, database management, system programming and network management and operations. These UNIX classes cover operational, system and management commands which will be a valuable asset in understanding Cloud computing and server management. Our UNIX instructor has more than 20 years’ experience in both working with a variety of systems and college level teaching. Our UNIX classes provide a significant depth of knowledge, and you’ll gain the skills you need to advance your career in a short amount of time. The UNIX Boot Camp provides you with skills to develop UNIX shell script and programs, and manage and administer UNIX system environments, including networking. Required Courses: If you have no background in the UNIX Operating System, this new longer course is designed for you. You’ll learn everything from the fundamentals of a UNIX system, a necessary and sufficient set of UNIX Commands, and the key editor vi, to UNIX Shell as a programming language. Topics will include a practical discussion of UNIX Shell interpretation, execution and Shell procedures. Upon completion, you’ll be able to start using UNIX commands and UNIX Shell to create and execute Shell scripts. Tuition includes all course materials. • UNIX Level I – Introduction • UNIX Level II – Shell Scripts & Advanced Commands • UNIX Level III – System Management • UNIX IV – Administration I 6 – 10 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 In a lecture/hands-on lab format, learn the fundamentals of the UNIX (Solaris)/LINUX operating system basic structure, services and components. Topics include: UNIX functional characteristics; filing system; electronic office (electronic mail, filing, news); operating security; utilities; and the necessary and sufficient set of commands to use the UNIX/ LINUX operating system. The latest Solaris UNIX operating system is used in the lab. Some exercises are performed on the LINUX platform. Register by Jan 8 and save $30! ITEC 1810 / 1.2 CEU / $459 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Fri, Jan 23 6 – 10 pm Sat, Jan 24 9 am – 6 pm Instructor: Hashem Anwari Register by Jan 8 and pay only $429! (after Jan 8 pay $459 – section 02L) SAVE UNIX Level II – Shell Scripts & Advanced Commands This course is a continuation of UNIX/ LINUX Level I and is focused on users who have some background in UNIX. The course covers the UNIX (Solaris)/LINUX operating system. Material includes: file creation and editing, vi editor, shell functioning, command and operations, characteristics and structure, I/O redirection of designated process and errors, writing shell scripts and functions to accomplish operational tasks, shell variable applications, shell script debugging and programming, environmental control, customization, and initial file configurations. sh, ksh and bash will be used. This is a lecture/ hands-on format using the latest Solaris UNIX and LINUX operating systems in the lab. Register by Jan 15 and save $30! »» 01L Loudoun Campus Fri, Jan 30 6 – 9 pm Sat, Jan 31 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Hashem Anwari Register by Jan 15 and pay only $399! (after Jan 15 pay $429 – section 02L) ITEC 1572 / 3.2 CEU / $729 42 UNIX Level I – Introduction ITEC 1811 / 0.95 CEU / $429 Opt. Textbook: UNIX Shell Programming, 4th Ed. »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Wed, Feb 4 – Apr 1 (No class Mar 11) Instructor: Hung Vu, MS SAVE Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Certifications & Prep SAVE Certifications & Prep UNIX Level III – System Management This is a continuation of UNIX/LINUX Level II with focus on more advanced shell programming. The course covers the UNIX (Solaris)/LINUX operating system. Information includes: customizing environments, developing menu script for users, database handling, multi-program integration, control flow structure, system management basics, maintenance (using SCCS/RCCS), system operations, introducing awk programming, and file management and integrity. This is a lecture/hands-on course using the latest Solaris UNIX and LINUX operating systems in the lab. Register by Feb 5 and save $30! ITEC 1813 / 0.95 CEU / $429 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Fri, Feb 20 6 – 9 pm Sat, Feb 21 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Hashem Anwari Register by Feb 5 and pay only $399! (after Feb 5 pay $429 – section 02L) SAVE UNIX IV – Administration I This course focuses on UNIX/LINUX System Administration. Information includes: file operations, processes priority, disk space management configurations files, process and program scheduling, users account management and security, backup and archives, managing systems, system files, network planning, and system configuration and management. The latest Solaris UNIX/ LINUX operating system is used in the lab. Register by Feb 12 and save $30! CompTIA® A+ Certification Preparation Make the grade with CompTIA® A+ Certification! These four courses have been designed to prepare you to become a qualified PC diagnostic and repair technician. They’ll also prepare you to take the CompTIA® A+ Certification examinations. CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep Essentials – Software Parts 1 & 2 courses will be offered in the summer 2015 semester. Note: You can start with Software or Hardware. For information on certification testing, go to www.prometric.com. CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep Essentials – Hardware – Part 1 CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep Essentials – Hardware – Part 2 This is the first of four courses designed to prepare you for the CompTIA® A+ Essentials exam. The focus is PC hardware, including the installation, configuration and upgrading of PCs. Learn about safety and preventive maintenance, and how to correctly diagnose and troubleshoot PC problems. Each session includes lecture, demonstration, hands-on learning and testing. Prerequisites: Working knowledge of computer hardware and software. This is the second of four courses designed to prepare you for the CompTIA® A+ Essentials exam. The focus is PC hardware, including motherboards, processors, memory and printers. Also, learn about portable systems, basic networking and how to handle customers. Each session includes lecture, demonstration, hands-on learning and testing. Prerequisite: CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep Essentials - Part 1 or equivalent experience. Req. Textbook: CompTIA® A+ Complete Study Guide, 2nd Ed. Req. Textbook: CompTIA® A+ Complete Study Guide, 2nd Ed. ITEC 1782 / 1.6 CEU / $399 ITEC 1783 / 1.6 CEU / $399 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Feb 17 – Mar 10 6 – 10 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Mar 17 – Apr 7 6 – 10 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ ITEC 1814 / 0.95 CEU / $429 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Fri, Feb 27 6 – 9 pm Sat, Feb 28 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Hashem Anwari Register by Feb 12 and pay only $399! (after Feb 12 pay $429 – section 02L) Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 43 IT & Computer Skills CERTIFICATE CompTIA® A+ Computer Service Technician WOODBRIDGE Gain the knowledge and essential skills you need to become a successful computer technician. This program also serves as an excellent foundation program for other certifications. A+ Certification is a nonvendor, non-product specific certification program. It provides an industry-recognized and valuable credential that may open doors with prospective employers or lead to job advancement opportunities. The courses also prepare you to take the CompTIA ® A+ Certification Essential and Practical Application exams. This two-course program covers core hardware and operating systems technologies. Upon completion of this program, you will be able to demonstrate basic knowledge of configuring, installing, diagnosing, repairing, upgrading, and maintaining computers and associated technologies. Required Courses: • CompTIA® A+ Essentials Part 1 (Hardware) • CompTIA® A+ Part 2 (Software) Add a Credential to Your Resume! NOVA offers a number of professional and industry exams, making it easy and convenient to obtain a credential after completing our preparatory classes. See page 33 for more information on NOVA’s testing services. Certifications & Prep CompTIA® A+ Essentials Part 1 (Hardware) CompTIA® Network+ Certification Prep This course prepares you to take the hardware portion of the CompTIA® A+ certification which includes CompTIA® A+ Essentials Exam 1 and Practical Application Exam 2. Topics include installing, building, repairing, configuring, troubleshooting, and preventive maintenance of hardware. Through lectures and labs, you’ll learn how to select parts and build your own computer, configure, troubleshoot, and maintain systems hardware. At the end of course, you will build your own personal computer. A list of required tools will be distributed at the first class meeting. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of personal computers. Get ready to take the latest CompTIA® Network+ Certification Exam – N10-005. Most companies recognize this certification as the primary skill level for network technicians. CompTIA® Network+ is vendor neutral and provides you with a fundamental understanding of computer networks, including such topics as Network Media, Topologies, Technologies and Devices, Wireless Networking, Network Protocols and Standards, Network Management, Tools, Monitoring, Security and Troubleshooting. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of PCs. Req. Textbook: CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, 8th Ed. ITEC 1967 / 2.4 CEU / $599 ITEC 1782 / 3.2 CEU / $799 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 140 Mon, Mar 30 – May 18 6 – 10 pm Instructor: Kwabena Konadu, MS, BS, Security+, Network+, A+ CompTIA® A+ Part 2 (Software) This hands-on course prepares you for the hardware and software portions of the CompTIA® A+ certification exam. Topics include installing, building, repairing, configuring, and troubleshooting. Through lectures and labs, you will learn how to install and set up operating systems, configure, troubleshoot, maintain and manage hardware using operating systems. Prerequisite: Working knowledge of personal computers. Req. Textbook: CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, 8th Ed. ITEC 1623 / 3.2 CEU / $799 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 140 Thu, Apr 2 – May 21 6 – 10 pm Instructor: Kwabena Konadu, MS, BS, Security+, Network+, A+ Bundle & Save CompTIA® A+ Parts 1 & 2 Save $50 by registering for both courses at the same time! ITEC 1463–01W / 6.4 CEU / $1,548 44 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Opt. Textbook: CompTIA Network+ Study Guide, 2nd Ed. »» 01L Reston Center Sat, Feb 7 – Apr 11 9 am – 4 pm This course will meet every other week. Instructor: Chola Chhetri, MSc, MS, Network+, Security+, CCSK »» 01M Manassas Campus, Parrish 114 Sat, Feb 7 – 28 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Jim Kiker, BS, Network+, Security+, CCNA, CCNP »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Apr 25 – May 16 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Kofi Mitchual, BA, A+, NET+, Security+, MCP CompTIA® Security+ Certification Prep Get fully prepared to take the CompTIA® Security+ certification exam. This certification is recognized around the world as the first level of computer security competence. You’ll be introduced to five areas of concentration: General Security Concepts (including the wide variety of network attacks), Communications Security, Infrastructure Security, the basics of Cryptography, and Operational Organizational Security. Prerequisites: Some knowledge of Windows operating systems, UNIX, Linux and Solaris accounts, file systems and password commands. A basic networking course is recommended. Req. Textbook: CompTIA Security+ Certification Study Guide (Exam SY0-401) Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Certifications & Prep ITEC 1826 / 2.0 CEU / $559 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Fri, Apr 10 – May 1 10 am – 4 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ CompTIA® Security+ Certification Prep Get fully prepared to take the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-401) certification exam. This hands-on course is taught in a boot camp style. Practical lab exercises will help you prepare for the certification exam while gaining experience essential for IT Security professionals. You will learn how to configure and operate many different technical security controls. You will configure your own environment from the ground up. And you will build your own virtual client and server systems which will then be used to perform live computer and network attacks. Sample questions and exam prep will be included. ITEC 1826 / 3.2 CEU / $799 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus, WC 140 Wed, Feb 11 – Apr 1 6 – 10 pm Instructor: Kwabena Konadu, MS, BS, Security+, Network+, A+ Req. Textbook: Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals, 5th Ed. »» 01L Reston Center Mon – Thu, Mar 9 – 12 9 am – 4:30 pm Fri, Mar 13 9 am – 4:00 pm Instructor: Sayed Hussaini, PMP, CSM, CISSP, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC Req. Textbook: CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: SY0-401 »» 02L Reston Center Sat, Apr 25 – May 30 9 am – 4:30 pm (No class May 2) Instructor: Chola Chhetri, MSc., MS, Network+, Security+, CCSK Does your class have a required textbook? Order your books online: nvcc.bncollege.com SAVE SAVE ICND1 – 100-101 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices – Part 1 ICND2 – 200-101 Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices – Part 2 This course is designed to prepare students for the Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 Exam (100-101 CCENT), the first of two exams required for certification as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (200120 CCNA Routing and Switching). Passing this exam grants you certification as a Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT). You will utilize state-of-the-art network simulators for hands-on practice during supervised lab sessions. Topics include Basic Networking, Routing and Switching Fundamentals, TCP/IP and OSI Models, IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing, WAN Technologies, Command Line Interface for IOS, NAT, and DHCP. If you’re preparing for the Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam (200-120 CCNA Routing and Switching) you can take both ICND1 and ICND2 courses concurrently. Register early and save $49! This course is designed to prepare students for the Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 2 Exam (200-101 ICND2 Routing and Switching), the second of two exams required for certification as a Cisco Certified Network Associate (200-120 CCNA Routing and Switching). You will utilize state-of-the-art network simulators for handson practice during supervised lab sessions. Topics include the Spanning Tree Protocol, OSPF and EIGRP IP routing protocols for IPv4 and IPv6, troubleshooting IPv4 and IPv6 routing, Virtual Private Networks, and implementing Point-to-Point and Frame Relay WANs. If you’re preparing for the Cisco Certified Network Associate Exam (200-120 CCNA Routing and Switching) you can take both ICND1 and ICND2 courses concurrently. Register early and save $49! ITEC 1506 / 3.0 CEU / $799 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Mar 10 – May 12 6 – 9 pm Instructor: Paul Parker, BSCS, CCNA, CCAI Register by Feb 24 and pay only $750! (after Feb 24 pay $799 – section 02N) Req. Textbook: Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching ICND2 200-101 Official Cert Guide Opt. Textbook: CCNA Routing and Switching Portable Command Guide, 3rd Ed. »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, Feb 2 – Apr 13 6 – 9 pm (No class Feb 16) Instructor: Paul Parker, BSCS, CCNA, CCAI Register by Jan 19 and pay only $750! (after Jan 19 pay $799 – section 02N) Req. Textbook: Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide Opt. Textbook: CCNA Routing and Switching Portable Command Guide, 3rd Ed. »» 01M Manassas Campus, Parrish 114 Sat, Mar 21 – Apr 18 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: James Kiker, BS, Network+, Security+, CCNA, CCNP Register by Mar 5 and pay only $750! (after Mar 5 pay $799 – section 02M) Req. Textbook: Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120 Official Cert Guide Library, Academic Edition Opt. Textbook: CCENT ICND1 100-101 Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack ITEC 1507 / 3.0 CEU / $799 »» 01M Manassas Campus, Parrish 114 Sat, May 2 – 30 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: James Kiker, BS, Network+, Security+, CCNA, CCNP Register by Apr 16 and pay only $750! (after Apr 16 pay $799 – section 02M) Req. Textbook: Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120 Official Cert Guide Library, Academic Edition Opt. Textbook: CCNA Routing and Switching 200-120 Flash Cards and Exam Practice Pack Coming Soon – Cisco Training in Woodbridge! Call 703-878-5770 for more information. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 45 IT & Computer Skills Certifications & Prep Networking Fundamentals CERTIFICATE Cisco Networking/CCNA Preparation LOUDOUN Learn and acquire hands-on skills in a real network environment to configure, operate, and troubleshoot routed and switched networks and prepare for CCNA certification. Topics include networking essentials; the TCP/IP and OSI models; IPv4/IPv6 addressing; IP routing and LAN switching; network security and VPN; internetworking/WAN technologies; configuring, operating and troubleshooting IOS devices; implementing OSPF and EIGRP; extending switched networks with VLANS; managing IP traffic with Access Control Lists (ACL); wireless networking fundamentals; and CCNA practice test and review. To complete the CISCO Networking Certificate/CCNA Preparation program, participants must complete the required five courses. Opt. Textbook: Cisco CCNA Routing Switching 200-120 Official Cert Guide Library and Switching Study Guide: Exams 100-101, 200-101, 200-120 Required Courses: • Networking Fundamentals • Cisco Router & IP Routing Protocols • Network Security & Virtual Private Networks • Switching Technologies & VLANs • Wireless Networking & CCNA Test Review Cisco Router & IP Routing Protocols Switching Technologies & VLANs Cisco routers are widely deployed in enterprises and the Internet to support the network infrastructure. Anyone interested in networking must become familiar with Cisco routers and IOS software. Taught by an experienced network engineer with multiple certifications, this course combines lecture and hands-on labs to introduce the following topics: router basics, router architecture and hardware components, Cisco router IOS software, IP routing protocols, configuration and troubleshooting, router user interface, and user and privileged mode commands. In addition, examples are provided on how Cisco routers are used in the “real” enterprise environment. Through lectures and hands-on labs and exercises, this course teaches you to configure, operate and maintain LAN switches. Topics include bridging, network segmentation, collision and broadcast domains, switched internetworking concepts, Virtual LANs (VLANs), Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching. The course also covers the Cisco switching overview, switching family architecture, protocols and software, configuring Catalyst series switches and VLANs, switch CLI commands, menu and web access, and placing switches in the network. In addition, examples are presented on how the switching technologies and VLANs are used in the “real” enterprise environment. ITEC 1703 / 1.2 CEU / $619 ITEC 1704 / 1.2 CEU / $619 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat & Sun, Feb 7 & 8 Instructor: Chris Kong 9 am – 4 pm »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat & Sun, Mar 7 & 8 Instructor: Chris Kong 9 am – 4 pm MCTS • MCSA • MCDST Prep Cyber Security Certification Prep NEW See page 51 for details. See page 54 for details. See page 41 for details. 46 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 ITIL® Foundation Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 This course introduces networking technologies, concepts and capabilities. Information includes: LAN concepts and functions, LAN components and integration, topologies, local/remote access, TCP/IP and OSI 7 layer protocols, connectivity options, cabling media, Internet connections, wide area networks (WAN), network operating systems and network management. ITEC 1420 / 0.6 CEU / $329 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 24 Instructor: Chris Kong 9 am – 4 pm Network Security & Virtual Private Networks This course introduces network security concepts, technologies, and implementation to participants. Topics include network security policy, AAA security architecture, network device security, mitigate basic security threats, IP access list (ACL) and controlling TCP/IP services, Virtual Private Networks (VPN) and IP Security (IPsec) with real world implementation examples. Handson labs for ACL configuration are included. ITEC 1705 / 0.6 CEU / $329 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Feb 21 Instructor: Chris Kong 9 am – 4 pm Wireless Networking, IPv6 & CCNA Test Review Wireless Networks are quickly becoming commonplace in the office, home, school, and many other locations. This course provides an overview of Wireless LAN (WLAN) fundamentals, technologies, and implementation. Topics covered include WLAN networking concepts and IEEE 802.11 standards. WLAN topology, architecture and security are also introduced to participants. Since this is the last class in this certificate program, additional topics such as IPv6, reviews and practice tests for CCNA preparation will also be covered. ITEC 1706 / 0.6 CEU / $329 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Mar 21 Instructor: Chris Kong 9 am – 4 pm Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills AutoCAD & Revit AutoCAD & Revit SAVE Introduction to Revit Get an introduction to the concepts behind parametric software, and Building Information Management (BIM). Explore the application of Revit to architectural drafting, and use it to produce preliminary architectural drawings. Learn about plans, sections, elevations, and schedules through hands-on projects to gain practical experience. Prerequisites: An understanding of Architectural Drafting. CAD experience is helpful but not required. Register by Jan 6 and save $30! Req. Textbook: Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2014 CADD 1920 / 2.4 CEU / $629 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CT 118 Tue & Thu, Jan 20 – Feb 12 6 – 9 pm Instructor: Mary Kadlubowski Register by Jan 6 and pay only $599! (after Jan 6 pay $629 – section 02N) SAVE Revit – Level II This course continues where the Introduction to Revit course left off. The focus will be on topics such as detailing, creating schedules, custom families, and the creation of options. Through lecture, guided examples and hands-on exercises the course will expand on your previous experience. Prerequisite: Introduction to Revit. Register by Mar 17 and save $30! Req. Textbook: Mastering Autodesk Revit Architecture 2014: Autodesk Official Press CADD 1923 / 2.4 CEU / $629 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CT 118 Tue & Thu, Mar 31 – Apr 23 6 – 9 pm Instructor: Mary Kadlubowski Register by Mar 17 and pay only $599! (after Mar 17 pay $629 – section 02N) AutoCAD Level I: Basic 2-D Drawing AutoCAD Level II: Beyond Basic Get the tips and techniques you’ll need to quickly become comfortable with AutoCAD. Designed for both beginners and students with some AutoCAD experience, this introductory course focuses on the basic operation and application of the AutoCAD software. A wide variety of commands and applications will be covered. Also, get an introduction to AutoCAD’s Design Center, plotting in Paper Space, and Templates. Hands-on experience in a supervised CAD lab is included in the instruction to increase precision, efficiency and productivity. Tuition includes all materials. This hands-on course continues where Basic 2-D Drawing left off and is designed to give you advanced knowledge of AutoCAD. You’ll be introduced to more complex AutoCAD commands and techniques, and basic skills learned in the first class will be reinforced. Emphasis will be placed on creating complex drawings, external references, advanced blocks, polylines and regions, advanced customization, Design Center, Layouts and Paper Space, Coordinate System, Object Linking and Embedding (OLE), Raster Images, web plotting (DWF) and an introduction to 3D. Hands-on experience in a supervised CAD lab is included in the instruction to increase precision, efficiency and productivity. Tuition includes all materials. CADD 1921 / 2.0 CEU / $539 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CT 118 Sat, Feb 28 – Mar 28 8:30 am – 1:30 pm (No class Mar 14) Instructor: Edison B. Carlos, BS »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Jan 24 – Feb 7 9 am – 4:40 pm Instructor: Keith Johnson »» 02L Loudoun Campus Sat, Apr 11 – 25 9 am – 4:40 pm Instructor: Keith Johnson Bundle & Save AutoCAD Levels I & II Save $79 by registering for both courses at the same time! CADD 1919–01N / 4.0 CEU / $999 Annandale Campus CADD 1919–01L/02L / 4.0CEU / $999 Loudoun Campus CADD 1922 / 2.0 CEU / $539 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CT 118 Sat, Apr 11 – May 2 8:30 am – 1:30 pm Instructor: Edison B. Carlos, BS »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Feb 14 – 28 9 am – 4:40 pm Instructor: Keith Johnson »» 02L Loudoun Campus Sat, May 16 – 30 9 am – 4:40 pm Instructor: Keith Johnson SAVE AutoCAD Level I: Basic 2-D Drawing This hands-on course is an introduction into computer-aided drafting (CAD) and is designed for you to learn the basic commands to create and edit 2-D drawings. You’ll complete projects in class to gain practical experience. This course is beneficial for all types of drafting and the skills learned can be applied to any field that requires CAD drawings. Register by Mar 23 and save $50! CADD 1921 / 2.0 CEU / $539 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Mon & Wed, Apr 6 – 29 6:30 – 9 pm Instructor: Kevin Bowling, AutoCAD Certified Register by Mar 23 and pay only $489! (after Mar 23 pay $539 – section 02M) Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 47 IT & Computer Skills Application Development Application Development SAVE SAVE Intro to Java Programming Advanced Java Programming The Java Programming Certificate will assist you in acquiring a solid, practical knowledge base and prepare you for a wide range of IT careers. This 65-hour program is specifically tailored to go beyond basic concepts and skills in working with the Java programming language, which is universally accepted as the candidate programming language for developing web application systems. This fast-paced course focuses on basic objectoriented programming methodology. By the end of the course you’ll be able to identify the components of a Java program and compile and execute Java applications. You’ll learn how to use appropriate Java names, variables, data types and flow control in your programs. You’ll get a solid foundation for learning the Java Programming Language and object-oriented programming methodology. Prerequisites: Working knowledge of DOS commands and Windows. Programming experience is helpful. Register by Jan 8 and save $20! Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the program certificate. Req. Textbook: Java: How to Program (Late Objects), 10th Ed. Required Courses: ITEC 1978 / 1.95 CEU / $559 Move your knowledge to the advanced level by learning about more swing GUI components and get an explanation of the concept of event-driven programming. You’ll discuss how to create graphical user interfaces with various user-interface components; discover file properties using the FILE class, and understand Java I/O processing. Also, learn how to implement a dynamic list using an array; how to develop thread classes by extending the THREAD class, and how to get connected to an Oracle Relational Database using JDBC, as well as DML and DDL statements to work with the Oracle database. Prerequisites: Intro to Java Programming and Intermediate Java Programming or equivalent experience. Register by Mar 5 and save $20! • Intro to Java Programming »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Jan 24 – Feb 7 9 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Hung Vu, MS Register by Jan 8 and pay only $539! (after Jan 8 pay $559 – section 02N) CERTIFICATE Java Programming ANNANDALE • Intermediate Java Programming • Advanced Java Programming SAVE Intermediate Java Programming The IT Gateway Learning Community at NOVA Are you: • Interested in obtaining an IT industry credential? Are you: • Unemployed, under-employed or a low-wage worker? You may qualify for tuition and job placement assistance! The IT Gateway Learning Community at NOVA is waiting to serve you! Contact Brittany Jefferson at itgatewayc2c@nvcc.edu or 703-323-3895 for more information and to see if you qualify. 48 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 This fast-paced course focuses on intermediate, object-oriented programming methodology, expanding on and reinforcing basic concepts learned in the introductory course. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to write, compile and execute simple applications and applets using the Java programming language. You’ll also explore new Java programming concepts and the Java Application Programming Interface (API). Prerequisites: Intro to Java Programming, or a solid fundamental knowledge of the Java programming language, object-oriented programming methodology, WWW and HTML. Register by Jan 29 and save $20! Req. Textbook: Java: How to Program (Late Objects), 10th Ed. ITEC 1986 / 1.95 CEU / $559 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Feb 14 – 28 9 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Hung Vu, MS Register by Jan 29 and pay only $539! (after Jan 29 pay $559 – section 02N) Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Req. Textbook: Java: How to Program (Late Objects), 10th Ed. ITEC 1988 / 2.6 CEU / $749 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Mar 21 – Apr 11 9 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Hung Vu, MS Register by Mar 5 and pay only $729! (after Mar 5 pay $749 – section 02N) NEW iOS App Development Become an app developer! You’ll learn how to create your own iPhone apps through a series of demonstrations and hands-on activities. From planning, design, and coding to testing and submission to the App Store—we’ll cover all aspects of the process. Get an introduction to Objective C code and laying out interfaces with Apple’s intuitive developer tools. By the end of the course you will have built a complete app. ITEC 1494 / 2.0 CEU / $599 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Feb 27 & Mar 6 6:30 – 10:30 pm Sat, Feb 28 & Mar 7 10 am – 5 pm Instructor: Clint Bagwell Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Database Systems Database Systems Database Modeling & Design using Visio & MS Access You don’t build a house without a blueprint. Likewise, you don’t build a system without creating a Data Model. Learn what a data model is and how it serves as the foundation for data management and IT projects. Discover the different types, from high-level data modeling to physical data modeling. Understand components of a data model – data entities, attributes and associations, and their representation in data maps and entity lists. Create and illustrate the use of each data entity type used to represent business activities, processes and systems, and structure entities that are used to capture expert knowledge for development of dynamically-updated expert databases. Opt. Textbook: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management with Guide to MySQL ITEC 1894 / 2.1 CEU / $479 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Mar 21 – Apr 4 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Rupen Shah, PMP, GSO CIO Certified, Masters in Information Systems Introduction to MySQL SQL is at the heart of all relational databases, including IBM’s DB2, Oracle, Microsoft’s SQL Server, and the open source database MySQL. It’s on your phone, and the backend of banks, retail companies, educational institutions, hospitals and government. Get started working toward a SQL server certification. Explore physical data modeling concepts and learn Data Definition and Data Manipulation commands. Hands-on exercises will help you understand data types, nulls, running SQL commands, creating tables, queries, reports, forms, and joins. Understanding and working with SQL commands such as create, delete, insert, update, primary keys, foreign keys, plus many others, will also be covered. SQL developers/administrators earn an average of $90,000 per year. It is one of the most promising IT career fields. The Database Modeling & Design using Visio & MS Access course is recommended. Opt. Textbook: Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management with Guide to MySQL ITEC 1747 / 2.1 CEU / $479 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Apr 25 – May 9 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Rupen Shah, PMP, GSO CIO Certified, Masters in Information Systems CERTIFICATE Database Administrator ANNANDALE Completion of the Database Administrator Certificate is a great addition to your resume. It proves to any prospective employer that you have real hands-on experience with MS Access, the choice of most small businesses, and Oracle, the Federal Government’s #1 database tool. You’ll have knowledge up to the intermediate level on the two most popular database management systems in the US. Required Courses: • Access – Introduction • Access – Intermediate • Any Oracle 11g Course Access – Introduction See page 36 for course description. ITEC 1591 / 0.8 CEU / $259 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Jan 13 & 20 6 – 10 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue & Wed, May 19 & 20 Instructor: Jennifer Horton 6 – 10 pm Access – Intermediate See page 36 for course description. ITEC 1592 / 1.2 CEU / $389 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Jan 27 – Feb 10 6 – 10 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue–Thu, June 2 – 4 Instructor: Jennifer Horton Enroll online at 6 – 10 pm www.nvcc.edu/workforce 49 IT & Computer Skills Database Systems Oracle Database Administration 11g CERTIFICATE Oracle Developer ANNANDALE SQL and PL/SQL are key tools for all Oracle application development. SQL is the universal and fundamental language for writing queries and manipulating data in Object Relational Databases. PL/SQL is a sophisticated Oracle programming language for creating robust triggers, stored procedures and functions, and especially PL/SQL object oriented packages. Other programming languages such as Java, C and C++ also depend upon SQL and PL/SQL to interact with the Oracle Database. This specially tailored program will assist you in developing strong skills in Database SQL and Oracle PL/SQL, which are in high demand for application software development positions. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the program certificate. All courses may not be offered every semester. Required Courses: • Oracle SQL 11g • Oracle PL/SQL 11g • Advanced Oracle SQL & PL/SQL 11g Learn about identifying the main structure and functionality of the Oracle Engine, Oracle 11g, examining physical file structures that make up an Oracle database, starting up and shutting down, creating an Oracle instance and managing table space and users. Emphasis will be placed on DBA duties and tools, Oracle Database Administration features such as identifying the main structure and functionality of an Oracle Instance, unloading and loading data using Oracle SQL statements and the SQL LOADER utility and external tables. Classical Data export utility and import utility, new data pump export and import utilities, setting up of an audit trail and tuning are also covered. Database cold and hot backup recovery strategy will be discussed in depth and analyzed. Prerequisites: Oracle SQL 11g and Oracle PL/SQL 11g or equivalent experience. Req. Textbook: Oracle Database 11g DBA Handbook Oracle SQL 11g Oracle PL/SQL 11g ITEC 1571 / 4.0 CEU / $959 Learn the theoretical and practical foundation concepts of the relational database and ANSI standard SQL. The Oracle relational database query language SQL*Plus, set through Oracle version 11g, will be discussed. You’ll learn to define database structure, construct database tables, set up constraints, make ad hoc queries and manipulate and access data from the database. You’ll acquire an extensive knowledge of building relational database tables and in writing SQL scripts to manipulate data and generate reports. Creating and managing, new constraints in creating tables and new features from the Object-Relational database in Oracle Version 11g will also be discussed. Discover more features of Oracle Version 11g PL/SQL. Topics covered include standard Oracle SQL/PL SQL functions, and PL/SQL procedural features such as IF-THEN-ELSE, FOR LOOP, and WHILE LOOP. You’ll learn about Oracle PL/SQL cursors, Oracle PL/SQL stored functions and stored procedures, object types, packages, triggers, and newly added features in version 11g. Also discussed will be dynamic SQL statements and selected Oracle standard PL/SQL packages. By the end of this course you’ll be able to access, manipulate, store, update and delete data from a relational Oracle database using Oracle PL/SQL programs. Prerequisite: Oracle SQL 11g or equivalent experience. »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Thu, Apr 14 – May 14 Instructor: Hung Vu, MS Req. Textbook: Oracle Database 11g: The Complete Reference Req. Textbook: Oracle PL/SQL by Example ITEC 1568 / 4.0 CEU / $959 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Thu, Feb 24 – Apr 2 (No class Mar 10 & 12) Instructor: Hung Vu, MS »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Thu, Jan 20 – Feb 19 Instructor: Hung Vu, MS 6 – 10 pm ITEC 1569 / 4.0 CEU / $959 6 – 10 pm 6 – 10 pm Advanced Oracle SQL & PL/SQL 11g This class reinforces the principles underlying basic Oracle SQL and PL/SQL, focusing on advanced queries and sub queries such as DECODE, CASE, CONNECT BY, START WITH, ROLLUP, MULTIPLE ROW SUBQUERIES, CORRELATED SUBQUERIES, DATABASE OBJECTS, COLLECTIONS, VARRAYS, and NESTED TABLES. You’ll have the opportunity to consolidate concepts learned in Oracle SQL 11g and Oracle PL/SQL 11g, as well as develop complex Oracle SQL statements and PL/SQL programs. Also, there will be an indepth discussion of PL/SQL error handling and file handling. Prerequisites: Oracle SQL 11g and Oracle PL/SQL 11g or one year of experience working with Oracle SQL and PL/ SQL. Opt. Textbook: Oracle Database 11g SQL ITEC 1570 / 2.1 CEU / $499 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, May 2 – 16 9 am – 5 pm Instructor: Hung Vu, MS 50 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Networking & Communications Networking & Communications CERTIFICATE Network Server Administrator Our website is updated frequently. ANNANDALE This certificate program gives you the skills to install, maintain and effectively administer the MS Windows 2008 Server on any network. You’ll also get familiar with Microsoft’s programming language, PowerShell. This certification prepares you to take the Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration Exam 70-640 or the Windows Server 2008 Infrastructure Examination 70-642 or the Windows Server 2008 Server Administrator Examination 70-646 or the Windows Server 2012 Exam 70-410. Please check it for the latest course information. www.nvcc.edu/ workforce Required Courses: • TCP/IP • Microsoft’s PowerShell Scripting – 2008 Server Plus, one of the following: • MS Windows Server 2008 R2 – Active Directory Configuration • MS Windows Server 2008 R2 – Server Administrator • MS Windows Server 2008 R2 – Network Infrastructure Configuration • Installing & Configuring Windows Server 2012 TCP/IP 2015 Learn about TCP/IP in all networking environments. Areas covered include the planning for TCP/IP on a network, dealing with connectivity problems using TCP/ IP with a UNIX host, and monitoring, optimizing and troubleshooting the TCP/IP Windows network. Every session includes a lecture followed by hands-on training in all aspects listed above. This is a great course for you if you’re starting out in the networking field or you want a refresher course in TCP/ IP. Prerequisites: Understanding of basic networking terminology and Windows. ITEC 1893 / 1.8 CEU / $529 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Feb 21 – Mar 14 9 am – 4 pm (No class Mar 7) Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ MS Windows Server 2008 R2 – Active Directory Configuration (Exam 70-640) Microsoft’s PowerShell Scripting – 2008 Server Understand why every network administrator in the world needs to care about, learn about and use MS PowerShell. Learn about the Cmdlets and the commands that give you the most benefit, as well as the ones you’ll use almost every day to automate administrative tasks. See Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) in action, driven by PowerShell cmdlets. It can be used with Windows XP, VISTA, Windows 2003 Server, and is now included in MS Windows 7 and 2008 Server. Tuition includes all materials. Prerequisite: Experience as a network administrator – XP, Windows 2003 or 2008. Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ ITEC 1622 / 0.6 CEU / $269 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Fri, Feb 20 10 am – 4:30 pm »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Fri, May 22 10 am – 4:30 pm Get an introduction to the basic concepts required to successfully install and administer the Windows 2008 Server and configure the Active Directory. You’ll also get prepared for the Microsoft Windows Certification Examination 70-640: TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration. Topics covered include: the Domain Name System (DNS), planning and installation of the Active Directory and managing Trees and Forests. Advanced topics such as network security, configuring sites and replication, Group Policy Objects (GPOs), and server backup and recovery will also be covered. You’ll deal with a variety of client access situations. Prerequisites: Working knowledge of MS Windows XP Pro, Vista, and Windows 7 or equivalent networking experience. Req. Textbook: MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration Study Guide (70-640) ITEC 1692 / 2.4 CEU / $699 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Fri, Feb 27 – Mar 20 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 51 IT & Computer Skills Installing & Configuring Windows Server 2012 (Exam 70-410) Become fully acquainted with the newest server from Microsoft. Learn how to install and configure Server 2012 to be a file server, a print server, a DHCP server, DNS, the Active Directory and more. You’ll learn how add, delete, and modify users, organizational units and groups in the Active Directory. You’ll experience the power of Group Policy Objects (GPO’s) to control your office domain and be introduced to “Hyper-V”, Microsoft’s own virtual software program. All the while, you’ll be preparing yourself to take the first Server 2012 Exam 70-410 on the way to the MCSA certification. Prerequisites: Working knowledge of XP Pro, Vista & Windows 7 or equivalent networking experience. Req. Textbook: MCSA Windows Server 2012 Complete Study Guide Exam 70-410, 411, 412, & 417 Networking & Communications Networking Essentials ITEC 1576 / 1.8 CEU / $529 If you’re new to local area networks (LANs) you’ll get a good explanation of LAN, WAN and MAN terms, protocols and capabilities. Learn about the necessary hardware components of the basic LAN: the server, cabling, workstations, and network interface cards. Also, discover the intricacies of establishing advanced complex internetworks and the devices specific to them: switches and routers. The most popular network operating systems will be reviewed along with application software used on LANs. During practical exercises, you’ll physically assemble and work with local area networks. CyberWatch Security Req. Textbook: Guide to Networking Essentials, 6th Ed. ITEC 1970 / 2.4 CEU / $649 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Jan 24 – Feb 14 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Kofi Mitchual, BA, A+, NET+,Security+, MCP ITEC 1470 / 2.4 CEU / $699 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Fri, Jan 16 – Feb 6 10 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ CERTIFICATE Network Technician ANNANDALE The Network Technician Certificate identifies you as a network technician who knows all about TCP/IP and can troubleshoot any network with its tools. You’ll be ready to apply for any networking job because you can demonstrate your ability to set up and maintain networks, computers, and printers for prospective employers. Required Courses: • Networking Essentials • TCP/IP • Windows 7, Configuration (70-680) • CyberWatch Security TCP/IP 2015 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Get an introduction to the evolving world of network security. Discover what the forces of evil are doing to pry into your network or PC. What are they using to exploit your organization? How can you protect yourself? You’ll do hands-on exercises with firewalls and check out the strengths and weaknesses of leading Network Operating Systems. Discussions will focus on individual PCs and total network operations. You cannot afford to miss this course! ITEC 1714 / 0.6 CEU / $249 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, May 16 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ See page 51 for course description. ITEC 1893 / 1.8 CEU / $529 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Feb 21 – Mar 14 9 am – 4 pm (No class Mar 7) Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ Windows 7, Configuration (70-680) Get the skills and knowledge needed to support end users who run Windows 7 Professional Edition in a corporate or small business environment. You’ll learn everything you need to know to prepare for the 70680 exam including: installing, upgrading, migrating and deploying Windows 7, as well as configuring hardware, applications, network connectivity, backup and recovery. You’ll also learn how to monitor, manage and maintain systems that run the Windows 7 Client and support mobile users. Please bring an 8 GB thumb drive to the first class session. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of PCs and the MS Windows operating system. Req. Textbook: MCTS Microsoft Windows 7 Configuration Study Guide, 2nd Ed. 52 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, Mar 21 – Apr 11 9 am – 4 pm (No class Apr 4) Instructor: Kofi Mitchual, BA, A+, NET+, Security+, MCP Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 CCENT & CCNA Prep See page 46 for details. Cloud Technology “The Cloud” quite simply refers to readily available storage that is accessible from another hard disk somewhere in the world. Cloud storage is now readily available and easily accessible. It is very secure, storage is free, and it enables you to access files anywhere and at any time. All you need to know is how to take advantage of it. This instructor-led course will describe the various service delivery models of a cloud computing architecture and the ways in which clouds can be deployed as public, private, hybrid, and community clouds. In addition, we will explore and address the security challenges that cloud deployments experience. ITEC 1437 / 0.4 CEU / $109 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Fri, Apr 10 9 am – 1 pm Instructor: Yvonne Morton, MS Certified Trainer Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Networking & Communications Introduction to Video Teleconferencing Protocols & Technology The proliferation of video conferencing requires knowledge of the specific processes, protocols and systems involved in a video call. Get an introduction to the basic devices and protocols of VTC, specifically the call connection process for H.320, H.323 and SIP. You’ll learn alias registration/dialing in hands-on labs, and how to identify required components, basic audio/video signaling, environmental considerations for end users, and the difference between an Application Layer Gateway and an H.460 Traversal server as firewall traversal options. Discussions will include non-standard video protocols like Skype and Google+ as well. This course is perfect for IT staff and managers. Prerequisites: Basic working knowledge of TCP/IP networking. Recommended: Laptop or tablet with H.323 compliant app for labs (some lab equipment will be provided). Instructor: Eric Byrd ITEC 1478 / 1.2 CEU / $349 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Tue, Feb 3 – 24 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 02L Loudoun Campus Thu, Apr 9 – 30 6:30 – 9:30 pm 7 Ways to Get Your Company to Send You to a Course: 33 Ask! A verbal request is often all it takes. An e-mail is even better. 33 Show the catalog. Get them to read it. Attach it to your e-mail. 33 Stress the benefits. Seminars can help you stay fired up and ready for new challenges. 33 Emphasize the convenience. Why go out of town when quality training is available right here, including online courses? 33 Compare the price! Your supervisor will be pleased to know that he/she is paying less and getting a lot. 33 Highlight our 4 for 3 employer deal. 33 Give them our website: www.nvcc.edu/workforce 43 for E mp Pay for 3 loyers: emp send the 4 loyees a nd th fo r Ask how free. ! Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 53 IT & Computer Skills Cyber Security Cyber Security CERTIFICATE Cyber Security (Entry, Mid & Advanced Levels) Designed to add to your credentials and improve your job skills, these programs focus on the fundamentals of network protection, information assurance, preventing attacks, ensuring privacy, and gaining an understanding of the ethical, legal, and regulatory world of Cyber Security. You’ll also get prepared for several nationally recognized industry certification exams. These stackable certifications will provide a pathway to career advancement and “next step” employment. Entry Level (No experience required) Required Courses: • Cyber Jobs, Pathways & Clearances • Cyber Privacy Law, Standards & Policies • CompTIA® Network+ • Systems Security Certified Practitioner • CompTIA® Security+ • Plus 20 hours of electives from the approved list Mid-Level (1 – 5 years’ min experience required) Required Courses: • All of the Entry Level courses Cyber Jobs, Pathways & Clearances Almost all industries have a need for skilled workers in IT security. Learn about the types of jobs available in Cyber Security, the education and training required to get into those jobs, and what is involved in obtaining a security clearance for work that requires one. This is one of the courses required for earning the entry-level Cyber Security Certificate. It is also available to anyone wishing to become more familiar with this “high demand for skilled workers industry.” While you can begin working in Cyber Security with minimal training, having stackable certifications allows entry into the industry at higher levels as well as advancement within the field. LLRN 1722 / 0.6 CEU / $229 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Thu, Jan 22 – Feb 5 6 – 8 pm Instructor: John Dyson, CISSP, CISA • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) (offered in a future term) • Cyber Privacy Law, Standards & Policies II (offered in a future term) Advanced Level (5 – 7 years’ min experience required) Required Courses: CompTIA® Network+ & Security+ See page 44 for details. • All of the Entry and Mid-Level courses • World Wide Cyber Law & Policy (offered in a future term) • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Electives: • CyberWatch Security • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) • CompTIA® Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP) • Computer Forensics Evidence Collection (ONLINE) • Locking Down Linux User Accounts, File Systems, & Services (ONLINE) • Ethical Hacking Tools & Techniques (ONLINE) • Protecting Networks with Firewalls & VPNs (ONLINE) • Managing Information Security Risks, Threats, & Vulnerabilities (ONLINE) • Securing Web Applications (ONLINE) • Network Security Essentials (ONLINE) • Protecting Windows Systems with Access Controls, Encryption & Group Policy (ONLINE) • Information Security & Risk Management Planning (ONLINE) • Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery (ONLINE) Cyber Privacy Law, Standards & Policies I Get a comprehensive introduction to the principles, laws, regulations and standards used to implement US privacy policies in both private and government enterprises. Explore the US privacy landscape required to build and maintain organizational compliance with those standards. You’ll develop enterprise privacy compliance policies and procedures. LAWS 1952 / 3.0 CEU / $789 »» 01L Reston Center Wed, Feb 4 – Apr 15 6:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Mar 11) Instructor: Monty Sibley, JD, Masters, Cyber Security Policy, CIPP Courses may be taken individually or as part of the certificate program. 54 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Cyber Security Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP®) The Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP®) credential offers information security tacticians, with an implementation orientation, the opportunity to demonstrate their level of competence with the seven domains of the compendium of best practices for information security, the (ISC)²® SSCP® CBK ® . This course is ideal for those working toward or who already have positions as Senior Network Security Engineers, Senior Security Systems Analysts or Senior Security Administrators and are seeking their first security credential. Req. Textbook: Official (ISC)2 Guide to the SSCP CBK, 2nd Ed. ITEC 1484 / 2.4 CEU / $639 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue, Jan 20 – Mar 31 6:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Mar 10) Instructors: Rick Smith, CISSP, CISM, CCNA & Tony Jenkins, CISSP SAVE Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) CISSP® certification is the most well-known standard of achievement confirming your knowledge in the field of information security. Gain a solid knowledge of the field and prepare for a wide range of IT careers, especially Federal jobs. This program is specifically tailored to go beyond basic concepts and skills to cover critical topics in information security. It includes test-taking strategies and practice questions to maximize your ability to pass the exam. Register early and save $50! ITEC 1881 / 3.9 CEU / $1,029 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 125 (Hybrid) Sat, Jan 24 – Apr 11 10 am – 2 pm (No class Mar 14) This course will be delivered in hybrid format. You’ll meet online every other week. The first class session will be in person. Instructor: Santwana Das, MS, Information Security Assurance Opt. Textbook: CISSP All-In-One Exam Guide Register by Jan 8 and pay only $979! (after Jan 8 pay $1,029 – section 02N) »» 01L Reston Center Tue & Thu, Apr 14 – May 21 6 – 9:45 pm (No class May 12) Instructor: Sayed Hussaini, PMP, CSM, CISSP, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC Req. Textbook: Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, 3rd ed. Register by Mar 31 and pay only $979! (after Mar 31 pay $1,029 – section 02L) SAVE CompTIA® Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP®) Boot Camp The CompTIA® Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP®) Certification is a vendor-neutral credential and signifies that IT professionals have advanced-level security skills and knowledge. You’ll learn about all four domains of knowledge – Enterprise Security; Risk Management, Policy/Procedure and Legal; Research and Analysis; Integration of Computing, Communications, and Business Disciplines. Register by Mar 9 and save $50! Req. Textbook: CASP CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide: Exam CAS-002 ITEC 1485 / 3.7 CEU / $989 »» 01L Reston Center Mon – Fri, Mar 23 – 27 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Sayed Hussaini, PMP, CSM, CISSP, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CRISC Register by Mar 9 and pay only $939! (after Mar 9 pay $989 – section 02L) SAVE Certified Ethical Hacker (CEHv8) CEHv8 is a comprehensive Ethical Hacking and Information Systems Security Auditing program focusing on the latest security threats, advanced attack vectors, and practical, real-time demonstrations of the latest hacking techniques, methodologies, tools, tricks, and security measures. Unlike other strictly theoretical training, you’ll be immersed in interactive sessions with hands-on labs after each topic. You’ll get an understanding of how perimeter defenses work and then move into scanning and attacking networks in a lab environment. You’ll also learn how intruders escalate privileges and what steps can be taken to secure a system. This course prepares you for the EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker Exam 312-50. Register early and save $50! Req. Textbook: CEH Certified Ethical Hacker All-inOne Exam Guide, 2nd Ed. Instructor: Said Nurhussein, CISSP, GCIH ITEC 1486 / 4.0 CEU / $1,199 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Thu & Fri, Jan 29 – Feb 27 6 – 10 pm Register by Jan 15 and pay only $1,149! (after Jan 15 pay $1199 – section 02N) »» 03N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Thu & Fri, Mar 19 – Apr 17 6 – 10 pm Register by Mar 5 and pay only $1,149! (after Mar 5 pay $1199 – section 04N) CyberWatch Security See page 52 for course description. ITEC 1714 / 0.6 CEU / $249 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Sat, May 16 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: David Campbell, MCITP, MCTS, A+, NET+, Security+ Online Cyber Security Courses Designed for the practicing IT professional, our courses use up-to-date content and state-of-the-art technology. Gain relevant skills and knowledge quickly to advance your career. Courses range from 20–31 hours and contain a prerequisite. Visit www.nvcc.edu/wdce/annandale/courses/onlinelearning for course offerings. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 55 IT & Computer Skills Web Design & Development Web Design & Development NEW NEW Getting Started in the Cloud Introduction to PHP Web Development Learn the basics of cloud computing and how to put it to use for yourself or your organization. Using Amazon Web Services, you’ll learn how to store data using the Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) and to host both static and dynamic websites using Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of the Windows 7 Operating system such as saving and opening files. Basic knowledge of the Web, HTML and CSS is helpful, but not required. Get an introduction to developing dynamic websites with PHP. It is a programming language that will provide you with the ability to set up a complete PHP web development environment, including installing a complete LAMP stack in Windows 7. The second part of the course will cover the fundamentals of PHP including basic syntax, variables, conditional statements, and loops. ITEC 1496 / 0.6 CEU / $199 ITEC 1495 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01L Reston Center, 335 Wed & Thu, Feb 18 & 19 Instructor: Marvin Oey »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Wed, Jan 28 – Feb 11 Instructor: Marvin Oey 6:30 – 9:30 pm Building Websites with Drupal NEW Inkscape for Graphic & Web Designers If you want to get started in the field of Graphic Design, begin with Inkscape, a free, professional-quality vector graphics software which runs on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It’s used by design professionals and hobbyists worldwide for creating a wide variety of graphics such as illustrations, icons, logos, diagrams, maps and web graphics. Inkscape has been designed as a free alternative to commercial standard packages such as Adobe Illustrator and Coral Draw, making it perfect for beginners. Take a tour of the application and learn how to draw, work with objects using transformations and styling, add text and shapes, and much more. With these tools, you’ll create a business card and see how Inkscape can be used to create animations and technical drawings. Building Websites with WordPress® ITEC 1497 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, May 9 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Nancy Rubner »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Apr 21 & 22 Instructor: Tae Oey 6:30 – 9:30 pm Learn how to create your own website using WordPress®. Although WordPress® began as a blogging system, it has rapidly become a very popular and widely used content management system. In this course you will gain an understanding of the mechanics of a WordPress® website. After briefly touching on the various approaches to hosting a WordPress® site, the course will delve into the creation and posting of actual content then use various themes and plug-ins to integrate images and media into the site. In the end, you will have the basic knowledge to create your own feature-rich website. ARTS 1659 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Apr 28 & 29 Instructor: Tae Oey 6:30 – 9:30 pm One of the must-haves for any small business, be it start-up or long-established, is an insightful website that allows people to find out more about the company. It gives any small business credibility in an increasingly technology-driven world. Learn how to build a website quickly using Drupal, a completely free and open source content management system. You’ll be able to develop a website that looks great, attracts qualified visitors and converts them into clients. ARTS 1692 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Jan 20 & 21 Instructor: Marvin Oey Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 6:30 – 9:30 pm Advanced Drupal There are an infinite number of themes and modules available to customize the look and feel of a Drupal website. Delve into the inner workings of the Drupal theming system and get a better understanding of how to customize and make your Drupal site unique for your audience. Explore the effective use of the Views modules and theme overriding to change the look and feel of the site. ARTS 1693 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01L Reston Center, 319 Tue & Wed, Feb 24 & 25 Instructor: Marvin Oey 56 6:30 – 8:30 am 6:30 – 9:30 pm Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Web Design & Development ONLINE Web Development Online Courses Using Blackboard Your instructor, Donna Sellinger, is a 3D artist and web designer who specializes in small business websites. Prior to class, go to the My NOVA Portal: https://nvcc.my.vccs.edu/jsp/ home.jsp, to look up your User Name and Password. On the first day of class, you’ll use this information to log into Blackboard at: http://tac.nvcc.edu/blackboard/student/ and begin your course. For more details, please go to http://www.nvcc.edu/wdce/pwregional/ courses/categories.asp – Web Development – Online. Photoshop – Level III Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of a web browser less than 3 years old, and an understanding of your computer’s operating system and the Internet. You must know how to download and open zip files. In this third class, we’ll delve deeper into some of the things that make Photoshop such a powerful program: Channels, Blend Modes, Layer Styles and Camera Raw. We’ll also dabble with creating HDR images. The class has been updated to include what’s new in CS6. Each lesson has only one of the topics mentioned, so they go much further in depth than previous classes. For Designing Web Documents: ARTS 1688 / 1.5 CEU / $159 »» 01MOnline Wed, Jan 21 – Mar 3 If you don’t already have your own website, you’ll need to find a free one to post your lessons. Check with your Internet Service Provider. For Photoshop I & II and Lightroom Courses: Prior to class, create an account in an image-sharing website such as Picasa, Flickr, Snapfish, or Kodak to share your class assignments. Familiarize yourself with how to add images and where those images will be located. Questions? Call 703-257-6590 or e-mail clangguth@nvcc.edu. ONLINE ONLINE Photoshop – Level I Photoshop – Level II Photoshop is the graphics program most used by professional graphic designers. It allows you to manipulate images, create amazing graphics with equally amazing effects. Learn to repair old photos, colorize black and white photos, or freshen up a faded one. Create your own graphics from scratch and with Photoshop’s tools, do amazing things it them. The bottom line is you’ll discover the treasure that is Photoshop. You’ll learn about the tools and how to use them plus all of the basics you need to get you up and running to start creating your own wonderful images. The Photoshop Level 2 class is designed to continue from where the Photoshop Level I class left off and introduces you to more of the wonderful things you can do with this program. Armed with the knowledge of how the program works, you can now put that to use with more advanced skills. Prerequisite: Photoshop Level 1 class or equivalent experience. This class, although written for CS5, has been updated with the new additions for CS6. Anyone with Photoshop CS and above can benefit from this course. This class, although written for CS5, has been updated with the new additions for CS6. Anyone with Photoshop CS and above can benefit from this course. ARTS 1822 / 1.8 CEU / $189 »» 01MOnline Wed, Mar 11 – Apr 21 NEW & ONLINE Photoshop – Level IV Delve deeper into some of the things that make Photoshop such a powerful program: Brushes, Smart Objects and Filters, and Actions, to name a few. You can use Photoshop CS or higher, but the lessons are written in CS6, with some mention of CC 2014, where applicable. There is only one topic per lesson, allowing you to go even deeper into each of the lesson categories. Prerequisites: Photoshop Levels 1 – 3. ARTS 1407 / 1.5 CEU / $159 »» 01MOnline Wed, Mar 11 – Apr 21 ONLINE Lightroom Organize and manage your photos using a complete workflow solution which allows you to make modifications non-destructively. The work you do to your photos is not actually done on the photo itself. The information is stored in a catalog. This allows you to experiment and try different things without compromising your original photo. ARTS 1817 / 1.8 CEU / $189 ARTS 1680 / 1.8 CEU / $189 »» 01MOnline Wed, Jan 21 – Mar 10 »» 01MOnline Wed, Apr 22 – June 2 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 57 IT & Computer Skills Web Design & Development Adobe Dreamweaver – Level 1 CERTIFICATE Required Courses: Elective Courses: • Intro to Web Page Design • Introduction to JavaScript & jQuery • Intermediate HTML5 & CSS3 • Illustrator – Level 2 Dreamweaver is the number one, thirdparty web design application on the market today. Thousands of designers use it to create beautiful and dynamic websites for their clients. You can too! Learn how to navigate and use Dreamweaver’s workspace and tools; format and add text to your pages; implement cascading style sheets (CSS), and create the four types of links. Discover how to insert images in the background and foreground of your pages; create tables; use more advanced CSS; create different types of page layouts with CSS sheets; check your pages for browser compatibility; insert JavaScript into web pages, and create forms. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisites: Intro to Web Page Design and Intermediate HTML5 & CSS3 or equivalent experience. • Photoshop – Level 1 • Photoshop – Levels 2 & 3 ARTS 1631 / 1.8 CEU / $599 • Illustrator – Level 1 • InDesign – Levels 1 & 2 • Dreamweaver – Level 1 • Dreamweaver – Levels 2 & 3 • Websites with WordPress® Boot Camp • H.O.T. (Hands-On-Training) for Web Designers, Level I »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Thu, Mar 24 – Apr 9 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer Intro to Web Page Design Intermediate HTML5 & CSS3 »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue –Thu, May 26 – 28 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer This hands-on course introduces you to the exciting world of web page creation for the Internet using the newly developed HTML5 coding standards. With a text editor, such as Notepad, you’re able to write the code, validate it, upload it to the student host site at NOVA, and verify it, so that it can be seen by anybody in the world who has access to the Internet. Topics include links, images, lists and tables. Some exposure to the new CSS3, as well as the new audio and video tags, is also included. The first hour of class is crucial to your success. Please be on time and bring a thumb drive so you can save your work. Prerequisites: Familiarity with Windows and Notepad. Continue to develop your skills in designing sophisticated web pages, using the new CSS3 style and HTML5 standards. Topics covered include: new form elements, audio and video, scalable vector graphics, the new page structural elements, plus some additional details. The new CSS3 elements include HLSA color scheme, gradients, transform, transitions and animation. The QueryString will also be discussed. You’ll get hands-on experience in creating forms and multicolumn page layouts, and will work with positioning, floating, navigation, fonts and colors, hover effects, and the DOM model. IE and Firefox will be the main browsers, but we’ll also touch on Safari and Chrome. A brief introduction to JavaScript and jQuery will be made. Bring a thumb drive to class. Prerequisite: Intro to Web Page Design or equivalent course. Web Design ANNANDALE This Web Design Certificate Program is structured for those who wish to become professional web designers. The courses in this program will give you hands-on exposure to cutting-edge web design software, and you’ll develop the wide array of skills needed to create a complete website. You must successfully complete the six core courses listed below, plus two electives totaling 24 hours (2.4 CEU) in order to receive the overall program certificate. Also, you must attend 90% of the class hours for each course as well as completing all requirements set by the instructor in order to receive a course certificate. Individual classes may be taken without pursuing the program certificate. All classes may not be offered every semester. Req. Textbook: HTML5 and CSS3, Illustrated Complete ARTS 1780 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Jan 20 – Feb 10 Instructor: Dr. Albert Pinto 6 – 9 pm Req. Textbook: CSS3: Visual QuickStart Guide, 6th Ed. ARTS 1620 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Mar 10 – 31 Instructor: Dr. Albert Pinto 58 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 6 – 9 pm Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Adobe Dreamweaver – Level 2 Don’t stop with the basics. To create even more attractive, interactive websites, you definitely want to take your skills to the next level! Learn how to use Dreamweaver’s version of AJAX (Spry); how to apply behaviors to show and hide elements on a page, open browser windows as faux pop-ups, and validate forms. Discover how to navigate Dreamweaver’s Assets panel; use its reports to troubleshoot and check your entire site for issues; move your site from your local computer to the WWW; create code snippets and library items that will allow you to reuse code, and create templates that speed up the process of making multiple pages for your site. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisite: Adobe Dreamweaver – Level 1 or equivalent experience. ARTS 1683 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Thu, Apr 14 – 23 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Web Design & Development Adobe Photoshop – Level 1 Adobe Photoshop – Level II Adobe Illustrator – Level 1 Adobe Photoshop is the industry standard for image manipulation and preparation. Graphic images used in print, multimedia, and the internet are often created in Photoshop and then imported into other programs. Get a hands-on introduction to Photoshop, exploring its workspace, tools, palettes, and menu options and discussing their potential uses. No previous Photoshop or art knowledge is required. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisites: Ability to locate, open, and save files in a Windows environment and be comfortable using a mouse. With Photoshop CC, you can perfect your photography with breakthrough tools. Photoshop CC offers state-of-the-art tools to help you refine your images and get superior results faster than ever before and boost your productivity at every level. The Mercury Graphics Engine, introduced in Photoshop CC, brings unprecedented power to Photoshop. New selection technology helps you easily make complex selections of difficult subjects with superior results, and Bridge keeps your photos and media close to hand—right inside Photoshop. You’ll learn how make selections using the Pen tool, draw custom shapes, import and edit Smart Objects, create and use adjustment layers and layer styles, create layer comps, use filters, create and record actions, and use the mixer brush. You’ll edit movies, add sound tracks, and export a video. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisite: Adobe Photoshop –Level I or equivalent experience. Students should know how to use the mouse and standard menus and commands, and also how to open, save, and close files, and should be proficient in the skills learned in Photoshop – Level I. Adobe Illustrator CC software allows you to create sophisticated artwork for virtually any medium. Industry-standard drawing tools and flexible color controls help you capture your ideas and experiment freely, while timesaving features such as easierto-access options let you work quickly and intuitively. Improved performance and tight integration with other Adobe applications also help you produce extraordinary graphics. You’ll get an overview of Adobe Illustrator, learn the difference between the various selection tools, gain an understanding of the five methods to transform objects, and learn how to manipulate multiple Artboards. You’ll learn to use the Pen and Pencil tools to create and edit shapes. You learn how to apply and change color to paths in your artwork. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisites: You should have a working knowledge of your computer and its operating system. Make sure that you know how to use the mouse and standard menu and commands, and also how to open, save, and close files. ARTS 1727 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Mon, Mar 16 – Apr 6 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Jane Edwards, BA Adobe Certified Instructor Req. Textbook: Adobe Photoshop CC 2014: Classroom in a Book »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Wed, Apr 7 & 8 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer No textbook required, handouts provided by instructor »» 03N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Wed, May 12 & 13 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer No textbook required, handouts provided by instructor Req. Textbook: Adobe Photoshop CC 2014: Classroom in a Book ARTS 1728 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Apr 14 – May 5 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Jane Edwards, BA Adobe Certified Instructor Faydra D. Fields – Web Design Instructor – Faydra D. Fields is known all over the web by just her first and middle name: Faydra Deon. While other people would call her a web guru, she eschews that title and has labeled herself a “Most Things” Web Consultant. Faydra was using the Internet before most of her family and friends even knew about the World Wide Web (yes, the Internet and the Web are two different things). She has been a webmaster and web designer/developer for more than 25 years; six of which were as a soldier in the U.S. Army. Since 2006, Faydra has been a computer applications trainer in the Washington, DC, area, training others to design/develop websites for personal, business and government use. She teaches social media, SEO and grammar classes, too. Faydra is also a blogger, an author, and publisher as well as a NOVA Workforce Development instructor. ARTS 1634 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue, Feb 10 – Mar 3 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Jane Edwards, BA Adobe Certified Instructor Req. Textbook: Adobe Illustrator CC 2014: Classroom in a Book »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Wed, Apr 14 & 15 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer No textbook required, handouts provided by instructor »» 03N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Wed, May 19 & 20 9 am – 4 pm Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/Developer No textbook required, handouts provided by instructor Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 59 IT & Computer Skills NEW Websites with WordPress® Boot Camp WordPress® is the most popular content management system on the web today. Learn the difference between WordPress.com and a self-hosted WordPress® site. Create content on a WordPress.com site, which you’ll migrate to a self-hosted WordPress® site. Before migrating content, you’ll learn how to set up a self-hosted WordPress® site. This includes learning about cPanel for hosting, setting up the site’s database, creating FTP and e-mail accounts, and installing the site software. On the WordPress.com site, you’ll learn how to plan and prepare your site; write, tag, and publish content; work with image galleries; add video and audio, and name, schedule, and manage your content. Also, you’ll discover how to make your WordPress® site stand out and help others connect to it by making it search-engine friendly. Instructor: Faydra D. Fields, BA, Web Designer/ Developer ITEC 1498 / 1.8 CEU / $599 »» 01N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue & Thu, Apr 28 – May 14 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 02N Annandale, CED – 6th floor Tue – Thu, June 2 – 4 9 am – 4 pm H.O.T. for Web Designers – Level 1 H.O.T. stands for “hands-on-training.” This is an internship-like course designed to help you break out of the training mode and practically apply what you’ve learned in your introductory web design and development classes. You’ll learn many aspects of what realworld web designers do on a daily basis in order to become successful at their business and craft. Each student will have a different project to complete. You’ll be expected to keep a journal of what you do and learn in this course. Prerequisites: Introduction & Advanced HTML5 & CSS3, Dreamweaver Level 1, Photoshop Level 1 & Illustrator Level 1, or equivalent experience. »» Offered in a future term. Web Design & Development Introduction to JavaScript & jQuery This exciting hands-on course will allow you to go beyond the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3. Learn the syntax of the JavaScript language, functions and events, the DOM model, menus, and how to add or modify windows; create, access or modify elements, use animation and graphics, and enter data through forms. Time permitting, other topics include: objects, date and timing events, and validation. An introduction to jQuery will also be made. Prior exposure to a programming language is helpful. Bring a thumb drive to save your work. Prerequisite: Intermediate HTML5 & CSS3 »» Offered in a future term. CERTIFICATE Web Design ALEXANDRIA/ARLINGTON Get on the web design fast track! If you’re the kind of person who likes to jump in and experiment, this program will assist in getting you ready to sell your first site, or land your first job as a web designer. To earn the certificate, all required courses must be taken. It is recommended that courses be taken in the order listed. You must attend 90% of the class hours for each course as well as completing all requirements set by the instructor in order to receive a course certificate. Required Courses: • Intro to Web Page Design Intro to Web Page Design This hands-on course introduces you to web page creation for the Internet using the newly developed HTML5 coding standards. You will write HTML with a text editor such as Notepad, validate it, make it accessible to those with disabilities, and upload it to the student web space at NVCC. Topics include headings, lists, links, images, and tables. General design principles and an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are also included. Please bring a thumb drive so you can save your work. Prerequisite: Familiarity with basic computer operations. ARTS 1780 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01A Arlington Center, 202 Sat, Jan 24 – Feb 14 Instructor: Dr. William Pegram 1 – 4 pm CSS for Mobile Layout Learn to format web pages that adapt from desktop to tablet to phone size using CSS Media Queries as specified in international standards. Discover how to lay out a page in one, two, or three columns that can collapse or rearrange themselves, and also learn all the basic CSS for formatting the typography, colors, and backgrounds of your pages. Also learn how “include” files give you control of repeating elements like headers and footers. Please bring a flash drive so you can save your work. Prerequisite: Introduction to Web Page Design or proficiency in HTML coding. ARTS 1664 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01A Arlington Center, 202 Wed, Feb 18 & 25 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, Feb 21 & 28 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Teri Murphy, MA • CSS for Mobile Layout • Dreamweaver for Effective Web Design • Photoshop for the Web • Building Websites with Free Content Management Systems • Web Design Studio • HTML5 & CSS3 Web Frontiers Recommended Elective: All courses may be taken individually or as part of a certificate program. • Introduction to JavaScript & jQuery • Intermediate Photoshop: Shiny Cars & Youthful Faces 60 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Web Design & Development Dreamweaver for Effective Web Design Building Websites with Free Content Management Systems Dreamweaver is the tool-of-choice for professionals to create Web sites more quickly than coding by hand. In this fast-paced, hands-on course, you will learn both the strategies of effective web design and the skills for creating sites in Dreamweaver. You will shortcut the design of mobile-ready pages using starter pages and fluid grids. You will add forms for user input, create templates that permit global changes across a site, and insert interactive media and the new CSS3 transformations. Class will finish with a project in which you create a site of your own design. Prerequisite: Familiarity with basic computer operations. Base your sites on free Content Management Systems (CMS) that permit users to edit their sites online. We’ll work primarily in WordPress, the most popular CMS, but also touch on competitors like Joomla and Drupal. Learn the best sources of these systems, how to install and customize them, choose among hundreds of beautiful themes, and integrate with social media. You’ll also add “plugins” or “widgets” that provide features such as blogs, photo and video galleries, and shopping carts. Prerequisite: Dreamweaver for Effective Web Design, or Intro to Web Page Design, or solid knowledge of CSS and HTML coding. Please bring an empty thumb drive. ARTS 1631 / 1.8 CEU / $599 ITEC 1518 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01A Arlington Center, 202 Wed, Mar 4 – 18 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, Mar 7 – 21 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Teri Murphy, MA »» 01A Arlington Center, 202 Wed, Apr 22 & 29 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, Apr 25 & May 2 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Teri Murphy, MA Photoshop for the Web Web Design Studio Lab Preparing images and video for the Web, you will create banners and background graphics with appropriate resolution and color space for viewing on screen. You will create animations, compile sprites, and slice images to create navigation bars that can be finished in Dreamweaver to “rollover” to a different image. You will edit video to add transitions, still images, and titles. The class will also cover basics of image editing and masking with a focus on new features. Prerequisite: Experience working with a personal computer. Please bring an empty thumb drive. Opt. Textbook: Adobe Photoshop CS6: Classroom in a Book Sharpen your Web design skills by building a full site with support from your instructor coach. This lab is for those who have completed the Web Design Certificate program—or have comparable skills—and want to focus on a real-world project. You will create a plan for the site’s architecture, design, and search engine strategy. Working on your own, you will build the site either in Dreamweaver or in WordPress®. The instructor will offer support and will assess your completed project. Bring a project of your own or choose one proposed by the instructor. Prerequisites: All classes in the Web Design Certificate or equivalent experience. ARTS 1824 / 1.2 CEU / $399 ARTS 1671 / 1.5 CEU / $499 »» 01A Arlington Center, 202 Wed, Apr 1 – 15 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, Apr 11 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Teri Murphy, MA »» 01A Arlington Center, 202 Mon & Wed, May 6 – 20 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Teri Murphy, MA HTML5 & CSS3 Web Frontiers Continue to develop your skills in designing sophisticated web pages using the new CSS3 and HTML5 standards. Audio and video can work across all browsers. Forms look sharper and come alive with built in validation. New page elements produce content that is portable from your site to social media. You’ll get new design options with Web fonts and layered background images, more colors with gradients and transparency, plus animation techniques that can replace Flash. You’ll learn how to adapt these techniques for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome. We’ll also touch on geolocation, working offline, and Web storage. Prerequisites: Intro to Web Design and CSS for Mobile Layout or equivalent skills. Req. Textbook: HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World ARTS 1690 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01A Arlington Center, 203 Wed, Jan 21 Sat, Jan 24 6:30 – 9:30 pm 1 – 4 pm »» 02A Arlington Center, 202 Mon & Wed, June 1 & 3 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Teri Murphy, MA Intro to JavaScript & JQuery This hands-on course will allow you to go beyond the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3. Learn data types, expressions, conditional and looping statements, arrays, functions and event handlers. You will learn how to write JavaScript to create menus, access information from other web pages, dynamically modify CSS, and utilize dates and time. An introduction to jQuery will also be made. Bring a thumb drive to save your work. Prerequisite: Introduction to Web Page Design or proficiency in HTML and CSS coding. Req. Textbook: JavaScript Step by Step, 3rd Ed. ITEC 1981 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01A Arlington Center, 203 Sat, Mar 21 – Apr 11 Instructor: Dr. William Pegram Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 1 – 4 pm 61 IT & Computer Skills Intermediate Photoshop: Shiny Cars & Youthful Faces If you’re ready to move beyond the basics and really delve into industry standards of retouching skin and hair without looking like a student air-brushing project, this is the course for you. Learn how seamless composites are created, how figures with difficult elements such as hair, fur, or complex shapes such as motorcycles are selected and transposed into different environments. Get ready to unlock Photoshop’s powerful features that can make cars shinier and faces more youthful. Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Photoshop. Req. Textbook: Adobe Photoshop CS6: Classroom in a Book ARTS 1400 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01A Arlington Center, 202 Sat, Apr 18 1 – 4 pm Tue, Apr 21 – May 5 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Lawrence Getubig Web Design & Development CERTIFICATE Web Design LOUDOUN To earn the Web Design certificate, you must complete eight required courses and 24 hours of elective courses. Upon completion of this certificate program you must submit a final project prior to receiving your overall program certificate. You should have basic knowledge in using either a Macintosh or Windows-based computer. All applications in this program are cross-platform, and can be taught/used on a Macintosh or PC. The computer system used in a specific course will depend on lab availability. Required Courses: Elective Courses: • Web Design – Introduction • Adobe Illustrator – Level II • Computer Graphics – Introduction • Adobe Photoshop – Level II • Adobe Photoshop – Level I • Any JavaScript course • Adobe Illustrator – Level I • Digital Video/Filmmaking & • Adobe Dreamweaver – Introduction Adobe Premiere – Level II • Adobe Dreamweaver – Intermediate • Adobe Flash – Introduction • Web Design for Designers – Advanced Computer Graphics – Introduction Adobe Dreamweaver – Introduction Get a solid foundation in general computer graphics principles and concepts. Essential concepts for both the web and print mediums are covered, including raster versus vector, resolution, color depth, color models, color management, compression, file formats, pixels, resolution, font properties, optimization, anti-aliasing, and half-toning. Discover the particular roles and capabilities of the major graphics software packages such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, so that you’ll be clear on which software package(s) will meet your needs. If you are new to computer graphics, this course prepares you to use the software more quickly and efficiently, and is highly recommended before you take Illustrator and Photoshop classes. If you have some experience using computer graphics software but have questions about terms and basic concepts, this course answers them for you. In this introduction to Dreamweaver CC, you harness the power of this professional tool that is the industry standard for creating web pages. This class provides extensive hands-on projects in Dreamweaver CC, plus an introduction to HTML-based coding. The emphasis of the class is to understand HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) code and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) formatting. You will also explore basic formatting of web pages, implementing cascading style sheets, and creating dynamic forms. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Instructor: Christian Lopez ARTS 1729 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – Feb 5 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 02L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue & Thu, Feb 24 – Mar 5 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» Offered in a future term 62 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Web Design & Development Adobe Dreamweaver – Intermediate In this class you’ll be provided advanced hands-on projects in Dreamweaver CC. You will explore Dreamweaver templates, JavaScript, database-driven pages, and website project management. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisite: Dreamweaver – Introduction. ARTS 1730 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue & Thu, Mar 24 – Apr 2 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Christian Lopez Adobe Flash – Introduction Learn how to spice up your website with Adobe’s vector-based animation program. This course covers the basics in creating, animating, and distributing Flash projects. Topics include: the Flash interface; creating simple to complex animations; creating interactive Flash movies; and integrating sound and video into Flash projects. ARTS 1848 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Thu, Apr 13 – 23 Instructor: Robert Brown 6:30 – 9:30 pm Adobe Illustrator – Level I Learn how to use the popular graphic design application Adobe Illustrator to create graphics and artwork to be used for the web, multimedia, and print. Topics covered include: when to use Illustrator vs. Photoshop; an overview of Illustrator’s tools, palettes, and menus; drawing objects and editing them; incorporating text and using text effects; applying color; and optimizing graphics for the web. At the conclusion of the course, you’ll be able to competently use Illustrator to create basic graphic designs. If you are new to computer graphics, the Introduction to Computer Graphics class is highly recommended before you take this class. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. ARTS 1852 / 0.8 CEU / $299 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Jan 30 6:30 – 10:30 pm Sat, Jan 31 9 am – 1 pm Instructor: Clint Bagwell Adobe Illustrator – Level II Adobe Photoshop – Level II Build on the skills learned in the Level I course. Topics covered include: shape transformations, advanced text effects, appearance attributes such as transparency and multiple fills, masks and other special purpose objects, enhanced productivity features such as graphic styles, and advanced layer management. At the conclusion of the course, you’ll be able to competently use Illustrator to create complex graphics incorporating a variety of objects and techniques. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisite: Adobe Illustrator – Level I or a solid working knowledge of the application. Expand your knowledge of the Photoshop workspace by exploring the benefits of tool presets, layer comps, actions, file browser, automate options, and other advanced menu and palette options. Masks, channels, paths, shapes, styles, filters, layer properties, and blending modes will also be used as you learn to combine images seamlessly. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisite: Adobe Photoshop – Level I or equivalent Photoshop experience. ARTS 1853 / 0.8 CEU / $299 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Feb 20 6:30 – 10:30 pm Sat, Feb 21 9 am – 1 pm Instructor: Clint Bagwell Adobe Photoshop – Level I Adobe Photoshop is the imaging industry standard for image manipulation and preparation. Graphic images used in print, multimedia, and the Internet are often created in Photoshop and then imported into other programs. This class provides a handson introduction to Photoshop, exploring its workspace, tools, palettes, and menu options and discussing their potential uses. No previous Photoshop or art knowledge is required. The course will be taught using Adobe Creative Cloud. Prerequisite: Ability to locate, open, and save files in a Windows environment and be comfortable using a mouse. Instructor: Jolita Rector ARTS 1727 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Feb 23 – Mar 4 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 02L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Mar 16 – 25 6:30 – 9:30 pm ARTS 1728 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Apr 13 – 22 Instructor: Jolita Rector 6:30 – 9:30 pm Web Design – Introduction Want to learn how to create Flash animations, place them on a Web page, and then create a dynamic website? This comprehensive overview course introduces the fundamental techniques and principles involved in the planning, design, and production of webbased designs. Learn how to plan, design, and produce creative, interactive materials for the web. ARTS 1713 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Feb 20 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, Feb 21 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Robert Brown Web Design for Designers – Advanced This is an independent study, instructorassisted course. Students will be required to build a website from start to finish by following specific procedures. Students will proceed at their own pace. Completion of this final project is required for the Web Design Certification. Prerequisites: All courses in the Web Design certification program plus 24 hours of electives. ARTS 1843 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue & Thu, Apr 21 – 30 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Christian Lopez Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 63 “ Web Design & Development “ IT & Computer Skills Debbi is fantastic! Very knowledgeable and patient. She presented a lot of very interesting topics and details. Clarified many areas of confusion about the topic. CERTIFICATE Web Development WOODBRIDGE This program is designed for individuals who want to gain control for any beginning and advanced website development. It is a code-based, software independent program designed to teach the foundation skills of web design using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL working together to build interactive websites. The program also includes an overview course on basic web management to enable you to learn how to actually publish a small or medium size website in a shared hosting environment. It is ideal for individuals who wish to create sites for small business, non-profit or personal use or as a foundational lead-in to a professional development career with a large business. Individual courses may be taken without pursuing the program certificate. You may choose to complete the Level I skills certificate only. Basic Web Management student Basic Web Management JavaScript Basics You’ll learn the basics of setting up and managing in a shared web environment. Topics include: acquiring domain names and contracting for shared web services, advantages and disadvantages of shared hosting, and shared hosting feature comparisons. This class will demonstrate managing a hosted site through several management interfaces to include setting up e-mail accounts, e-mail forwarding, password protected directories, subdomains, ftp accounts, uploading websites and more. It’s ideal for someone who wishes to set up an affordable small personal website or for non‐profit activities. The concepts may apply to larger scale projects as well. Add functionality to your web pages using JavaScript. No special software is required. In this hands‐on course, you will learn the basics of programming in JavaScript, the most scripting language of the Web. You will also learn how to embed JavaScript in your HTML pages, create rollover images, add form validation, and more. Bring a thumb drive. Prerequisite: Web Basics course or equivalent knowledge. ITEC 1581 / 0.3 CEU / $109 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 24 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Debbi Rodgers Web Basics – HTML & CSS • JavaScript Advanced Explore the basics of web design by learning the actual code used to build web pages. No special software is required. This is a hands‐ on course, using HTML to create pages using text formatting, images, lists and tables. You will enhance the pages using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to add color, fonts, and many other special visual effects. Bring a thumb drive. Prerequisites: Basic understanding of your computer’s operating system and the Internet. Level II: ARTS 1639 / 1.2 CEU / $399 • MySQL Basics »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 31 & Feb 7 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Nancy Rubner Required Courses: Level I: • Basic Web Management • Web Basics – HTML & CSS • JavaScript Basics • PHP Basics Opt. Textbook: JavaScript & jQuery, The Missing Manual ITEC 1981 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Feb 21 & 28 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Nancy Rubner JavaScript Advanced Expand your JavaScript knowledge with special JavaScript frameworks. Learn how to work with cross‐browser functionality to create animation effects and dynamic page formatting, fading and sliding elements and more. This course uses the jQuery Framework for JavaScript. Prerequisite: JavaScript Basics or equivalent knowledge. Opt. Textbook: JavaScript & jQuery, The Missing Manual ITEC 1991 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Mar 7 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Nancy Rubner • PHP Advanced 64 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Multimedia & Filmmaking PHP Basics PHP is one of the most supported languages for server-side programming. You will learn the basics of the PHP language including variables, arrays, loops, and functions. Also included will be how to generate e-mail from the web server using PHP and how to validate form data. Bring a thumb drive. Prerequisite: JavaScript Advanced. Optional Textbook: PHP & MySQL, the Missing Manual ITEC 1896 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Mar 21 & 28 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Debbi Rodgers MySQL Basics MySQL is the most popular database management system for small to medium websites. You will learn the database, data types, and SQL. This course is designed to prepare you for building database-driven sites using PHP. Bring a thumb drive. Prerequisites: Comfortable with using a web browser and mouse in a Windows environment. ITEC 1747 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Apr 11 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Debbi Rodgers Multimedia & Filmmaking CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE Multimedia Design Digital Video & Filmmaking Production LOUDOUN To earn the Multimedia Design certificate, you must complete seven required courses and 24 hours of elective courses. Upon completion of this certificate program you must submit a final project prior to receiving your overall program certificate. You should have basic knowledge in using either a Macintosh or Windows-based computer. All applications in this program are cross-platform, and can be taught/ used on a Macintosh or PC. The computer system used in a specific course will depend on lab availability. Required Courses: LOUDOUN A dynamic program for the digital age, the Digital Video & Filmmaking Production Certificate Program teaches you how to take advantage of today’s digital technology to produce creative digital video visions. Whether you are an artist, video professional, aspiring filmmaker, or digital video home enthusiast, this program will take you to the next level. To earn this certificate, you must complete seven required and two elective courses. Also, you will create and submit a final project in the Advanced Digital Filmmaking course. • Multimedia Media Design – Introduction Required Courses: • Adobe Photoshop – Level I • Digital Filmmaking Production – Level II • DVD Authoring – Introduction • Adobe Illustrator – Level I • Adobe Flash – Introduction • Digital Video/Filmmaking & Adobe Premiere – Level I PHP Advanced • Multimedia Design – Advanced Combining PHP and MySQL techniques, you will learn to use PHP to interact with a MySQL database to build, validate and process forms, and regulate user access. Bring a thumb drive. Prerequisites: PHP Basics and MySQL Basics. Elective Courses: Optional Textbook: PHP & MySQL, the Missing Manual • Adobe Illustrator – Level II • Digital Filmmaking – Introduction • Digital Video/Filmmaking & Adobe Premiere – Level I • Digital Video/Filmmaking & Final Cut – Level I • Screenwriting – Introduction • Adobe After Effects • Advanced Digital Filmmaking • Adobe Photoshop – Level II Elective Courses: • Digital Video/Filmmaking & Final Cut X – Level I • Any Adobe Photoshop class • Scriptwriting I – Fundamentals • Digital Video/Filmmaking & Adobe Premiere – Level ll • Filmmaking for Beginners • Apple Motion ITEC 1408 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Apr 18 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Debbi Rodgers Be sure to register early. IT and computer courses are popular and fill quickly. Enroll today! Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 65 IT & Computer Skills Multimedia & Filmmaking Adobe After Effects – Level I Adobe Photoshop – Level II Adobe After Effects is regarded as the industry standard digital video composition tool. This course introduces you to its many facets. Topics covered include: motion paths; special effects animation; and using Photoshop, Illustrator, and digitized video and sound files to create digital composites. Exercises range from animating a flying logo to a complex composited presentation. Upon completing the course, you will have the skills necessary to design and create digital video compositions. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Photoshop Layers, Illustrator graphics, and video timecode is recommended. See page 63 for course decription. ARTS 1863 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Jan 26 – Feb 4 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Jolita Rector ARTS 1728 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Apr 13 – 22 Instructor: Jolita Rector 6:30 – 9:30 pm NEW Apple Motion Take your video project to the next level with motion graphics. Apple Motion is an integral companion to Final Cut Pro software for titling, compositing and creating effects. Short lectures and hands-on demonstrations will introduce you to the intuitive video production toolset. ARTS 1409 / 1.6 CEU / $599 NEW Adobe After Effects – Level II Explore advanced techniques in treating film and video. Learn about stabilizing shaky video footage, how to remove camera shake and matching camera motion so graphic titles move along with camera footage. Discover various rotoscoping techniques for everything from fixing faulty green-screen footage to creating clean edges with the Refine Edge Matte options. Learn how to create real 3D text to go into 3D worlds and how to add 3D lights and cameras. Also while working in the 3D environment, you’ll explore the material options of the objects you build in Cinema 4D Lite, which is actually part of the After Effects application. Prerequisite: Adobe After Effects – Level I or equivalent knowledge. »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Apr 17 & 24 6:30 – 10:30 pm Sat, Apr 18 & 25 9 am – 1 pm Instructor: Clint Bagwell Digital Filmmaking – Introduction Digital Filmmaking Production – Level II This course is a continuation of the Digital Filmmaking – Introduction course, providing more advanced techniques and procedures involved in single-camera, digital filmmaking. Major emphasis in this course will focus on exploring such techniques as proper camera set up and staging of action, camera composition, and proper lighting for a digital video/film project. Storyboarding and nonlinear digital editing procedures that include the shooting and capture of actual video footage will also be emphasized. You will work in production groups in order to produce a final digital project to showcase skills learned in this lecture and hands-on course. Prerequisite: Digital Filmmaking – Introduction or Digital Video/Filmmaking & Adobe Premiere. ARTS 1866 / 1.1 CEU / $499 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Apr 4 & 11 9 am – 3:30 pm Instructor: Michael Tolosa Digital Filmmaking – Advanced Adobe Photoshop – Level I Designed for those with little or no digital video/film production experience, this course provides a comprehensive overview of the various techniques and procedures used to produce creative digital video/film projects. Explore the technology used in creating digital productions, focusing on digital hardware and software considerations. While pre-production procedures that include scriptwriting and storyboarding are touched on, the main emphasis will focus on a discussion of post-production procedures that include non-linear digital editing and applying special visual effects to a digital project. Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on assignments, you’ll gain a basic understanding of the fundamental procedures and techniques involved in digital video/ filmmaking production. Working either individually or within a group, you will produce a digital project based on self-developed concepts and/or themes using script writing and production skills learned from previous courses in the program. Digital projects produced in this course will be exported onto videocassette, DVD, and/or the Internet. Working within a group you will be able to use camera and lighting equipment provided by Workforce Development. If you opt to work individually, you will need to have access to your own camera and lighting equipment. Everyone will have access to nonlinear digital editing hardware and software, as well as hardware and software needed for proper output of the digital project. Prerequisites: Completion of all required certificate courses. See page 63 for course description. ARTS 1864 / 0.7 CEU / $229 ARTS 1727 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Jan 23 6:30 – 10 pm Sat, Jan 24 9:30 am – 1 pm Instructor: Robert Brown »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, May 9 & 16 9 am – 3:30 pm Instructor: Michael Tolosa ARTS 1408 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, May 4 – 13 Instructor: Jolita Rector 6:30 – 9:30 pm »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Feb 23 – Mar 4 6:30 – 9:30 pm ARTS 1867 / 1.1 CEU / $499 »» 02L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Mar 16 – 25 6:30 – 9:30 pm 66 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills Multimedia & Filmmaking Digital Video/Filmmaking & Adobe Premiere – Level I Digital Video/Filmmaking & Adobe Premiere – Level II Digital Video/Filmmaking & Final Cut Pro X – Level I Get an introduction to the Adobe Premiere digital video-editing program, one of the most popular software programs used for nonlinear editing by both professionals and those with little or no experience in performing digital video editing. You’ll learn basic digital video editing techniques for creating digital video/film projects. Topics include: understanding the Adobe Premiere interface, importing digital video clips, editing digital video clips, creating and importing graphics, using digital sound, and creating special effects in Premiere. This hands-on course culminates in the production of a digital video project showcasing the techniques learned. Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on assignments, you develop skills that will enable you to use Premiere to produce creative digital projects. This class builds on the skills and understanding developed in Premiere Level I. You’ll learn more advanced techniques in using Premiere to edit and assemble digital videos. Topics covered in the course include: the concepts of compressors/decompressors (known as CODEC’s); more specific and detailed information on how to utilize various tools in the Tool Palette; how to perform more advanced editing procedures; the actual capture/transfer of digital video materials (via Firewire or USB); and integrating Adobe Photoshop, After Effects, and Encore into the Premiere editing process. You will use these and other techniques acquired in the course to create a 1 to 3 minute final digital video project. The course will utilize discussions and exercises in order to develop your skills in the digital video editing process. Prerequisite: Digital Video/Filmmaking & Adobe Premiere – Level I. This course introduces the latest version of Apple’s Final Cut (Final Cut Pro X) digital video editing software. You learn basic digital video editing techniques for creating digital video/film projects using this robust non-linear digital video-editing tool. Topics include: understanding the new Final Cut interface; nonlinear editing techniques using the application; importing video clips, sound, and graphics; creating graphics and special effects while within the application; and techniques to properly export a final digital video project by incorporating the Compressor application with Final Cut. This hands-on course culminates in the production of a digital video project showcasing the techniques learned in the course. After participating in lectures, discussions, and hands-on assignments, you will have the skills to use Final Cut to produce creative digital projects. ARTS 1838 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Thu, Feb 23 – Mar 5 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Robert Brown ARTS 1837 / 1.2 CEU / $399 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Feb 6 & 13 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, Feb 7 & 14 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Robert Brown »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Mar 20 & 27 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, Mar 21 & 28 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Robert Brown ARTS 1865 / 1.2 CEU / $399 DVD Authoring – Introduction This course expands on the various techniques introduced in Introduction to Dynamic Media on how to create interactive DVDs. In this class you receive detailed information concerning the proper planning, preparation, and eventual execution of creating sophisticated interactive DVDs. Through several hands-on DVD projects, you learn how to properly implement both video and still images as part of an interactive DVD. You also create interactive DVDs, learning how to use such DVD authoring systems as iDVD and DVD Studio Pro on the Macintosh computer, and Adobe Encore on Windows. Students should purchase at least 3 or more blank recordable DVDs for the course (DVD-R discs are recommended). »» Offered in a future term Filmmaking for Beginners See page 82 for course description. ARTS 1916 / 1.2 CEU / $169 »» 01A Alexandria Campus Thu, Mar 26 – Apr 30 Instructor: Clinton Parker Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 7 – 9 pm 67 IT & Computer Skills Multimedia Media Design – Introduction Multimedia & Filmmaking Screenwriting – Introduction Want to learn what it takes to create a digital video or digital slide show and apply it to a DVD? This comprehensive overview course introduces the fundamental techniques and principles involved in the planning, design, and production of dynamic media, such as digital videos and interactive DVDs. You will learn how to plan, design, and produce creative, interactive materials for DVDs. ARTS 1712 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, May 1 6:30 – 9:30 pm Sat, May 2 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Instructor: Robert Brown Multimedia Media Design – Advanced In this course, students will learn additional multimedia design techniques in order to produce more complex interactive multimedia programs. Participants will also learn how to place multimedia programs onto DVD’s or as part of a web site in order to deliver the multimedia material. A reexamination of multimedia design techniques will also take place to rekindle pertinent information concerning various aspects of multimedia production students may have forgotten. Students will then produce an interactive multimedia program, using graphical, text, and auditory elements created entirely by the student. Once the multimedia program is created, the student will proceed to encode and implement the program for delivery. Screenwriting is a wonderful yet rigorous craft that, at its best, is fine art and the foundation of television programs and films. This entry-level course in scriptwriting will emphasize learning how to take nebulous ideas and organize them into concrete and workable film and/or video projects. Other specifics covered in the course include how to write treatments, how to correctly create and subsequently format an audiovisual script, as well as learning about some technical aspects of film/video production crucial to the scriptwriting process. Does your class have a prerequisite or a required textbook? Be sure to check the class description for this important information! Instructor: Michael Tolosa ARTS 1868 / 0.6 CEU / $199 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 31 9 am – 3:30 pm »» 02L Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, May 23 9 am – 3:30 pm »» Offered in a future term Scriptwriting I – Fundamentals See page 84 for course description. COMM 1812 / 1.2 CEU / $169 »» 01A Alexandria Campus Thu, Feb 5 – Mar 19 (No class Mar 12) Instructor: Clinton Parker 68 7 – 9 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 IT & Computer Skills NOVA’s “TRiP” Program Seeking a New Career in Information Technology (IT)? Consider NOVA’s “TRiP” Program The Technology Retraining internship Program (TRiP) is an intensive part-time, technology training program for people interested in transitioning to an IT career. Most classes are conveniently held in the evenings and on Saturdays, with an emphasis on both classroom and hands-on training. “TRiP” is the only program in Northern Virginia that offers an optional internship. This experience enables you to add actual IT experience to your resume. For more information, go to www.nvcc.edu/wdce/annandale/specialized/tripweb. If you’re interested in the program, you should attend a “TRiP” Orientation Open House. The next orientation sessions will be held on Wednesday, Jan 7, 2015. Session A: 11 am – 12 pm Session B: 5:30 – 6:30 pm Both sessions will be held at: Northern Virginia Community College, Center for Employment Development (CED) 7630 Little River Tnpk., 6th floor, Annandale, VA Please register in advance for either orientation session by contacting: David Campbell – 703-323-3859 or Kofi Mitchual – 703-323-3829. The next TRiP session starts Saturday, Jan 24, with “Networking Essentials.” The “TRiP” Curriculum Program Requirements: You are required to complete a total of 168 class hours to finish the program. Sixty-six (66) hours are required from the Saturday Core Courses. The remaining 102 hours may be obtained by choosing any IT courses from the Workforce Link catalog: Required Core Courses: Additional Required Courses (4): Saturdays: 9 am – 4 pm • • • • • • • • Networking Essentials (24 hrs) TCP/IP 2015 (18 hrs) Windows 7, Configuration (18 hrs) CyberWatch Security (6 hrs) Any database course (intro or advanced) Any programming course One MS Server 2008 R2 or 2012 R2 course Any webpage design course Course descriptions, dates, times, and prices are listed in the IT & Computer Skills section of this publication, as well as on the NOVA website at www.nvcc.edu/wdce/annandale. All courses may not be offered every semester. CompTIA® Professional Certification Prep Courses offered: • CompTIA® A+ Cert. Prep. Essentials – Hardware – Part 1 (16 hrs) • CompTIA® A+ Cert. Prep. Essentials – Hardware – Part 2 (16 hrs) • CompTIA® A+ Cert. Prep. Software – Part 1 (16 hrs) • CompTIA® A+ Cert. Prep. Software – Part 2 (16 hrs) • CompTIA® Network+ Certification Prep (24 hrs) • CompTIA® Security + Certification Prep (20 hrs) Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 69 Customized Training Contact one of our Workforce Development Managers for more information: Kris Chowbay Corporate & Professional Services Workforce Training rchowbay@nvcc.edu 703-323-3584 Janet S. Clarke Federal Government & Information Technology jsclarke@nvcc.edu 703-323-3740 Joseph Matope Corporate & Professional Services Workforce Training jmatope@nvcc.edu 703-323-4276 Contact us today for a FREE consultation: Workforce Development Division Customized Training 7630 Little River Turnpike, Suite 600 Annandale, VA 22003 703-323-3281 43 NOVA_customizedtraining@nvcc.edu NEW E mp Pay for 3 loyers: emp send the 4 loyees a nd th fo r Ask how free. NOVA Job Network Employers: post your open positions NOVA Students: search for jobs and build a résumé ! www.collegecentral.com/nova/ 70 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 for Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Customized Training Building Skills & Creating Success … for Your Employees & Your Organization Workforce Development customized training provides the right training at the right time and place. How does it work? 33 We evaluate your needs. 33 We prepare a customized proposal tailored to your needs. 33 We deliver the training, at your location or ours – or even online. 33 We evaluate the training program and ensure your needs are met. Why choose NOVA as your training provider? NOVA’s robust education and training resources and an extensive network of community partnerships enable us to provide you with innovative and affordable customized solutions for your workforce development needs. Our personalized training services include a wide range of approaches, from short targeted skills-building courses to professional certifications to incremental employee/leadership development. We focus on practical learning solutions delivered by veteran instructors who have a wealth of training and industry experience. Tap into NOVA’s network to meet your training needs! Save time and money… Hire right the first time! The Career Readiness Certificate (CRC) Program is a national credential and reliable tool that will enhance your workforce’s long-term success. You can help new hires and veteran employees become more productive and successful. Using just three core skill assessments developed by ACT WorkKeys®, the CRC will provide valuable information that translates to workplace results! Benefits Include: • Find more qualified employees for your company • Save money and time on your training dollars • Improve retention rates • Increase employee morale • Take the guesswork out of hiring decisions • Certify your workforce • EEOC Compliant For more information on the CRC, call 703-323-3799 or e-mail cguayao@nvcc.edu. We feature timely topics that matter to you, our business customer, including: • Project Management • Business Writing • Microsoft Office Tools Who have we helped? Clients include many federal and government agencies, credit unions, military organizations, school systems, and many regional companies ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 corporations. Need a Guest Speaker? NOVA has a wealth of knowledgeable instructors with realworld experience … and we’d be happy to share this resource with you. If you’ve got a business presentation, conference, lunch meeting, or any other type of organizational event requiring a guest speaker, chances are we can meet your needs! We can provide experts on topics from A to Z. Please contact one of the Customized Training Managers listed on the opposite page for more information on this service. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 71 Healthcare & Dental Nursing Licensure 73 American Heart Association 74 Career Certificates 76 Dental77 Test Preparation 78 E-Learning79 72 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Nursing Licensure Nurse Aide Preparation (CNA) Our comprehensive 120 hour program prepares you to provide direct care and services to clients in the acute care, outpatient care, or long term care settings, under the supervision of a licensed nurse. The course consists of 80 hours classroom and skills lab instruction and 40 hours of direct patient care in a clinical setting. This program is approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing. Applicants will be required to successfully complete a BLS for HCP CPR class before beginning the clinical portion of the program and submit immunization documentation. Applicants are also required to complete a criminal background check via Certified Background. These expenses are not included in the tuition. The required textbook is available at the Loudoun and Medical Campus bookstores. Please view the online orientation at www.nvcc.edu/businesses-and-community/workforcedevelopment/healthcare/index.html. HLTH 1748 / 12 CEU / $1,400 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Didactic: Mon – Fri, Mar 16 – Apr 10 Clinical: Mon – Fri, Mar 30 – Apr 3 9 am – 3 pm 7 am – 3:30 pm »» 01H Medical Education Campus Lecture: Tue & Thu, Feb 10 – Mar 27 6 pm – 10 pm Skills Lab: Mon or Fri, Feb 13 – Mar 27 6 pm – 10 pm Clinical*: Mon – Fri, Mar 30 – Apr 10 6:45 am – 3:45 pm *Clinical will be a total of 40 hours during this 2 week period. Final dates are TBD. Recent LPN Graduate “ “ I passed my NCLEX-PN! I am a licensed nurse! I couldn’t have done it without my instructors’ help and support. I have learned so much and can’t wait to begin my career in nursing. Thank you! Practical Nurse Program (LPN) The LPN is a highly respected and vital member of the healthcare team who provides a wide range of services, focusing primarily on therapeutic, rehabilitative and preventative care for all populations in a diverse range of working environments including hospitals, primary care clinics, same day surgery clinics, medical offices, extended care facilities, and home health care settings. Graduates of this continuing education program are eligible to sit for the National Council Licensing Examination for Practical Nurses (NCLEXPN.) This program will provide you with the opportunity to enter the field of nursing after three consecutive semesters of study (one calendar year.) We are approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing. • Applications are accepted July 1, 2015 through October 30, 2015, for Spring semester, classes begin January 2016 • Contact Lundy Beard, the program director at 703-822-6536 or email lbeard@nvcc.edu if you have questions How to Apply • Review the LPN Information Packet online at www.nvcc.edu/ wdce/mec/courses/lpn or contact any Workforce Development office to receive the LPN information packet • Complete a College Application for non-credit courses • Request an official high school transcript or make a copy of G.E.D certificate • Take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Exam and receive a score of 65% or higher on TEAS • Schedule a personal interview with the program director Admission Criteria Admission to this program is competitive, and only a limited number of students will be accepted. Fully-qualified students will be ranked according to previous education and experience and TEAS scores. General Information Tuition is $5,500 per semester for 3 semesters. Classroom: 8:30am – 5pm, Fri – Sun at the Medical Education Campus. Clinical will be offered at healthcare facilities in the Northern Virginia area. Clinical hours vary Fri – Sun. * Annual NCLEX Passage Rates in 2013: 100% For more information visit our website www.nvcc.edu/wdce/mec/courses/lpn/ or e-mail Lundy Beard at lbeard@nvcc.edu or call 703-822-6523. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 73 Healthcare & Dental American Heart Association American Heart Association “The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials; do not represent income to the AHA.” – AHA Students must arrive on time for all AHA courses. Students should wear roomy, comfortable clothing to class. BLS, ACLS, & PALS students will be required to perform CPR skills on the floor with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 modification of equipment being placed on table. Students will sign a health risk statement for physical activity and infection control steps during CPR performance; this will be provided to you on the day of class. Students who successfully complete the written exam and practical skills testing will receive an American Heart Association Course Completion Card that is valid for two years. AHA Course Refund Policy: Students must provide 4 business days’ notice in writing to change a course date or request a refund. E-mail notifications should be sent to wddrefunds@nvcc.edu. HeartSaver® – CPR & AED HeartSaver® – First Aid This course provides CPR AED training for laypersons, teachers, daycare providers, law enforcement, designated first responders, and individuals needing credentialed training for job or regulatory requirements. You’ll learn basic CPR and AED skills: adult and child CPR, how to use an AED and mask or barrier device, and adult/child choking relief. Req. Textbook: HeartSaver First Aid with CPR and AED (AHA# 90-1026) This course provides First Aid training for laypersons, teachers, daycare providers, law enforcement, healthcare providers, designated first responders, and individuals needing credentialed training for job or regulatory requirements. You’ll learn adult first aid – first aid basics for medical and injury emergencies, and environmental emergency first aid. During the course, an AHA instructor conducts video-based lessons and works with you to complete your first aid skills practice. HLTH 1525 / 0.30 CEU / $80 Medical Education Campus, 256 Req. Textbook: HeartSaver First Aid with CPR and AED (AHA# 90-1026) 9 am – 12 pm »» 01H Sun, Jan 18 »» 02H Sat, Feb 14 HLTH 1985 / 0.35 CEU / $85 Medical Education Campus, 256 12:30 pm – 4 pm »» 03H Sat, Mar 21 »» 01H Sun, Jan 18 »» 04H Sun, Apr 26 »» 02H Sat, Feb 14 »» 05H Sat, May 2 »» 03H Sat, Mar 21 Manassas Innovation Park, 133 9 am – 12 pm »» 05H Sat, May 2 »» 02M Sat, Feb 21 Manassas Innovation Park, 133 »» 03M Sat, Mar 14 »» 01M Sat, Jan 24 »» 04M Sat, Apr 18 »» 02M Sat, Feb 21 »» 05M Sat, May 16 »» 03M Sat, Mar 14 Part 1: HeartSaver® First Aid CPR AED Online Part 1 – www.onlineaha.org 12:30 pm – 4 pm »» 04M Sat, Apr 18 »» 05M Sat, May 16 NEW AHA Courses! Coming Soon – Heartsaver® Bloodborne Pathogens, ECG and Pharmacology, & Airway Management. Course dates and times will be posted on our website early January. 74 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 HeartSaver® First Aid & CPR w/AED Hybrid is a blend of self-paced online lessons and a hands-on skills session. The web-based, self-directed course teaches you critical skills and knowledge needed to respond to and manage a first aid or sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Content includes how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and other first aid emergencies, as well as perform CPR and use an AED. Upon successful completion of the web-based portion of the course you’ll receive individualized instruction with an AHA Instructor before skills testing. Successful completion of this course includes all three (3) parts: »» 04H Sun, Apr 26 »» 01M Sat, Jan 24 HeartSaver® First Aid and CPR with AED Skills Testing (HS-SC) Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Part 2: Hands-on skills practice session with an authorized AHA BLS Instructor Part 3: Skills test with a certified AHA BLS Instructor. An AHA HeartSaver First Aid and CPR with AED course completion card will be issued upon successful completion. E-mail April at CEHealth@nvcc.edu for more information and to schedule your appointment! »» Enroll by Appointment Only $75 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Healthcare & Dental American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers (BLS-CPR) This course provides BLS CPR training with AED for healthcare providers, healthcare students, designated first responders, and individuals needing credentialed training for job or regulatory requirements. This course covers BLS CPR and AED skills including: adult, child and infant CPR/AED, relief of choking, and adult/child/infant bag-mask use. *This course meets the BLS/CPR Prerequisite requirement for Credit and Non-Credit Healthcare courses.* Req. Textbook: Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers Student Manual (AHA# 90-1038) HLTH 1534 / 0.65 CEU / $120 Medical Education Campus, 256 9 am – 4:30 pm Successful completion of this course includes all three (3) parts: Part 1: BLS for Healthcare Providers Part 1– www.onlineaha.org Part 2: Hands-on skills session with an authorized AHA BLS Instructor Part 3: Skills test with an authorized AHA BLS Instructor. E-mail April at CEHealth@nvcc.edu for more information and to schedule your appointment! »» 03H Sat, Jan 24 »» 04H Sun, Feb 8 »» 05H Sat, Feb 28 »» 06H Sun, Mar 8 »» 07H Sat, Mar 28 »» 08H Sat, Apr 25 »» 09H Sat, May 16 »» 10H Fri, May 22 Manassas Innovation Park, 133 9 am – 4:30 pm »» 01M Sat, Jan 10 »» 02M Sat, Feb 7 »» 03M Sat, Mar 7 Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers Skills Check (BLS-SC) This hybrid course is for those wishing to renew their current BLS for Healthcare Providers Certification. You will need to complete the AHA’s BLS for Healthcare Providers Part 1; this is a web-based selfdirected course. Submit the certificate of completion along with a copy of your current unexpired BLS for Healthcare Providers Certification Card. You’ll then receive oneon-one practice time with an AHA BLS Instructor before testing. 9 am – 6 pm »» 01H Sat, Jan 10 »» 03H Sat, Mar 7 »» 04H Sat, Apr 11 $70 »» 05H Sat, May 9 Prerequisites for ACLS, ACLS–RE, PALS & PALS–RE: Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider (PALS) These courses are designed for experienced advanced Healthcare Providers; EMT-I, EMT-P, RN’s and Doctors. Students must have a basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology, current knowledge and recognition of ECG rhythms. Current knowledge of adult emergency medications for ACLS only; and pediatric emergency medications for PALS only. Students must also have a current BLS for Healthcare Providers Card and bring a copy of the card to class. Pre-course work will be sent prior to class via e-mail. This 2-day course enables healthcare providers to enhance their skills in treating pediatric victims of cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. »» 04M Sat, Apr 11 »» 05M Sat, May 9 HLTH 1822 / 0.8 CEU / $200 Medical Education Campus, 354 »» 02H Sat, Feb 7 »» 01H Sat, Jan 10 »» 02H Sat, Jan 17 This course is for those wishing to renew their current ACLS Provider Certification. You must bring a copy of your current ACLS Provider card to class. These will be collected for the course record. Req. Textbook: Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider Manual (AHA# 90-1014) An AHA BLS for Healthcare Providers course completion card will be issued upon successful completion. »» Enroll by Appointment Only Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider Renewal (ACLS-RE) Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider (ACLS) This 2-day course enables healthcare providers to enhance their skills in treating adult victims of cardiac arrest or other cardiopulmonary emergencies. Req. Textbook: Advanced Cardiac Life Support Provider Manual (AHA# 90-1014) HLTH 1972 / 1.6 CEU / $350 Medical Education Campus, 353 »» 01H Sat & Sun, Jan 10 & 11 9 am – 6 pm Req. Textbook: Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual (AHA# 90-1052) HLTH 1644 / 1.6 CEU / $350 Medical Education Campus, 353 9 am – 6 pm »» 01H Sat & Sun, Feb 21 & 22 »» 02H Sat & Sun, Apr 18 & 19 Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Renewal (PALS-RE) This course is for those wishing to renew their current PALS Provider Certification. You must bring a copy of your current PALS Provider card to class. These will be collected for the course record. Req. Textbook: Pediatric Advanced Life Support Provider Manual (AHA# 90-1052) HLTH 1823 / 0.8 CEU / $200 Medical Education Campus, 354 9 am – 6 pm »» 01H Sat, Feb 21 »» 02H Sat, Apr 18 »» 02H Sat & Sun, Feb 7 & 8 »» 03H Sat & Sun, Mar 7 & 8 »» 04H Sat & Sun, Apr 11 & 12 »» 05H Sat & Sun, May 9 & 10 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 75 Healthcare & Dental Career Certificates Career Certificates Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) This program is intended for students who want to prepare for an exciting, challenging and rewarding career in healthcare. This program will train students to assist physicians by performing functions related to the clinical responsibilities of a medical office. Instruction includes phlebotomy, EKG and various other procedures. This course is 140 hours of didactic and skills lab. Upon successful completion of this program, students will be eligible to sit for the NHA Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA) national certification exam. 14 CEU’s will be provided upon completion. Books are included in tuition cost. CCMA Externship will consist of 160 hour commitment to be completed during business hours. This will be scheduled with your clinical coordinator AFTER the classroom portion is complete. Students typically finish externships in approximately 4 weeks. 16 CEU’s will be provided upon completion. Please view the online orientation at www.nvcc.edu/businesses-and-community/ workforce-development/healthcare/index.html. HLTH 1587 / 14 CEU / $2,950 Clinical Ext / 16 CEU / 160 Hours »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon, Wed & Fri, Feb 23 – May 13 6 – 10 pm »» 01H Medical Education Campus, 354 Tue & Thu, Feb 24 – May 28 6:30 – 10 pm Sat, Feb 28, Mar 14 & 28, Apr 11 & 25, May 9 9am – 4:30 pm NEW NEW Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) Medical Billing & Coding Specialist (CBCS) This course prepares students to function effectively in many of the administrative and clerical positions in the healthcare industry. Medical Administrative Assistants, Medical Secretary, and Medical Records Clerks are all positions in great demand. This program covers important background information on the medical assisting profession and interpersonal skills, medical ethics and law, medical terminology, basics of insurance billing and coding, telephone techniques, scheduling appointments, medical records management and management of practice finances. This program is intended to provide students with a well-rounded introduction to medical administration so that a student can gain the necessary skills required to obtain a medical administrative assistant position in the healthcare field. This program meets the necessary requirements to take the National Health career Association (NHA) – Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA) exam, which can be scheduled at a PSI testing center upon completion of the course. Book information will be provided in your course confirmation letter. Note: There is no outside clinical rotation included with this program. This comprehensive program is intended for the person who has never worked in healthcare and is looking for a new career skill set. Medical billers and coders (also called health claims specialists) are responsible for processing insurance claims for healthcare facilities and physicians practices. Medical billing and coding is a vital function for any healthcare facility where insurance is accepted. The healthcare industry relies on medical billing and coding specialists to keep accurate records, including patient treatment records, insurance information, payment plans, outstanding bills, and payments received. Course topics will include: Regulatory Compliance, Claims Processing, Payment Adjudication, Billing Procedures, CPT, ICD & HCPCS coding. This program meets the necessary requirements to take the National Health career Association (NHA) – Certified Billing and Coding Specialist (CBCS) exam, which can be scheduled at a PSI testing center upon completion of the course. Book information will be provided in your course confirmation letter. Note: There is no outside clinical rotation included with this program. HLTH 1857 / 5 CEU / $2,500 HLTH 1853 / 5 CEU / $2,800 »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Apr 10, 17, & 24, May 1 Sat, Apr 11, 18, & 25 Sat, May 2 7 – 10 pm 9 am – 1 pm 9 am – 3 pm »» 01H Medical Education Campus, 211 Sat, Feb 21 & 28, Mar 14 &28, Apr 11 & 25, May 9 9 am – 2 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 133 Thu, Jan 22 & 29, Feb 12 & 26, Mar 19, Apr 2, 16, & 30, Jun 4 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Jan 23 & 30, Feb 6 & 13 7 – 10 pm Sat, Jan 24 & 31, Feb 7, 14, & 21 9 am – 12 pm »» 02L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, May 8, 15, 22, & 29 Sat, May 9, 16, & 23 Sat, May 30 7 – 10 pm 9 am – 1 pm 9 am – 12 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 133 Tue, Jan 20 & 27, Feb 10 & 24, Mar 17 & 31, Apr 14 & 28, May 12, Jun 2 6:30 – 9:30 pm Nurse Aide Preparation, CCMA and Pharmacy Technician Courses: Please visit the online orientation www.nvcc.edu/businesses-and-community/workforce-development/healthcare/index.html 76 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Healthcare & Dental Dental Pharmacy Technician Certification with Clinical Externship Dental This comprehensive program will prepare you to work as a pharmacy technician in a pharmacy. Upon completion, you will be eligible to sit for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board’s PTCB Exam. A GED or high school diploma is required to sit for the PTCB exam. This program is 60 didactic hours. Books are included in tuition cost. Pharmacy Tech Clinical Externship will consist of an 80-hour commitment to be completed during business hours, typically finished in 2 weeks. This will be scheduled with your clinical coordinator AFTER the classroom portion is complete. 8 CEU’s will be provided upon completion. Please view the online orientation at www.nvcc.edu/businesses-and-community/ workforce-development/healthcare/index.html. HLTH 1503 / 6 CEU / $1,655 Clinical Ext / 8 CEU / 80 Hours »» 01H Medical Education Campus, 254 Sat, Mar 7 – May 16 9 am – 3:30 pm (No class Apr 4) »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Feb 28 – May 9 (No class Apr 4) 9 am – 3:30 pm Dental Hygiene Local Anesthesia & Nitrous Oxide This 36-hour course is designed to provide dental hygienists with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively administer local anesthesia and nitrous oxide/oxygen analgesia. Certification Standard as provided for in the Regulations Governing the Practice of Dentistry and Dental Hygiene, Title 18 VAC6020-80 under the Statutory Authority of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia. BLS CPR, Virginia dental hygiene license, current malpractice insurance, up-to-date immunization records are required upon registration. Req. Textbook: Local Anesthesia for Dental Professionals. Optional Textbook: Handbook of Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Sedation Fourth Edition by Morris S. Clark and Ann Brunick. DENT 1925 / 3.6 CEU / $2,495 »» 01H Medical Education Campus, 354 Didactic: Fri & Sat, Mar 20 & 21 9 am – 3 pm Clinical: Fri, Sat, & Sun, Mar 27 – 29 9 am – 5 pm Dental Radiation Safety This is a one-day program for Virginia certification. Our course meets the requirements of the Virginia State Board of Dentistry for certification in radiography safety. The course includes x-ray production, radiation biology, radiation safety and hygiene, dental radiography techniques, film placement and proper positioning of the cone. This class will not provide clinical competence in taking x-rays. Weekday evening courses will be available in March. Please visit our website for dates: www.nvcc.edu/wdce/mec DENT 1902 / 0.8 CEU / $180 Medical Education Campus, 157 9 am – 5 pm »» 01H Sat, Jan 17 »» 02H Sat, Feb 7 »» 03H Sat, Feb 21 »» 04H Sat, Mar 21 »» 05H Sat, Mar 28 »» 06H Sat, Apr 11 »» 07H Sat, Apr 18 »» 08H Sat, May 9 »» 09H Sat, May 16 BLS/CPR Prerequisite Information Many Non-Credit and Credit Healthcare courses require students to be certified in BLS/CPR. See page 74 for more information on BLS/CPR or call 703-822-6523 for more information. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 77 Healthcare & Dental Test Preparation Test Preparation TEAS Preparation for English TEAS Preparation for Reading TEAS Preparation for Math This 12-hour course is an intensive review to prepare students to take the English and Language Usage section of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). This will offer an opportunity to become familiar with the format of the exam. The instructor will support your review of grammar, word meaning, punctuation and sentence structure. Required textbook is available in the bookstore. This 12-hour course is an intensive review to prepare students to take the Reading section of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). This will offer an opportunity to become familiar with the format of the exam. The instructor will support your review of reading and informational source comprehension. Required textbook is available in the bookstore. This 12-hour course is an intensive review to prepare students to take the Math section of the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS). This will offer an opportunity to become familiar with the format of the exam and identify your strengths and weaknesses. You will explore approaches to the math questions, practice with sample test items and learn successful test taking strategies. Required textbook is available in the bookstore. TEST 1937 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01H Medical Education Campus, 355 Sat, Feb 14, 21, & 28 9 am – 1 pm »» 01H Medical Education Campus, 355 Sat, Mar 7, 14, & 28 9 am – 1 pm »» 02H Medical Education Campus, 212 Sat, May 2, 9, & 23 9 am – 1 pm TEST 1938 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 02H Medical Education Campus, 355 Sat, Apr 4, 11, & 25 9 am – 1 pm TEST 1936 / 1.2 CEU / $275 »» 01H Medical Education Campus, 212 Mon, Mar 16 & 30 6 pm – 9 pm Wed, Mar 25 & Apr 8 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Certified Professional Coder (CPC) Preparation Are you thinking about taking the AAPC or AHIMA certification exam? Do it now before ICD-10 comes! Do not put this exam off any longer, now is the time! This intensive, boot camp prep course will make you a better coder. Our expert instructors show you a unique way to tag and highlight your coding reference books so that you can move quickly from question to question. A list of required textbooks will be included in your class confirmation e–mail. HLTH 1873 / 2.7 CEU / $995 Customized Healthcare Training »» 01L Loudoun, Signal Hill Fri, Feb 27, Mar 6, 20, & 27 7 – 10 pm Sat, Feb 28, Mar 7, 21, & 28, Apr 4 9 am – 12 pm Contact us today to customize any of the Healthcare courses in this catalog to meet the individual needs of your workforce at your location or ours. 703–323–3281 NOVA_customizedtraining@nvcc.edu 78 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 E-Learning Healthcare & Dental E-Learning These courses are highly interactive and provide students with an enriched learning experience. These courses were developed through a partnership with leading education organizations including Pearson Education, E-College and Condensed Curriculum International. Courses with Clinical Externships Note: Ask us about national or state certification opportunities through these courses! Medical Billing & Coding w/Medical Administration HLTH 1407-41L / 150 Hours / $3,500 Courses are available anytime and include: Pharmacy Technician HLTH 1408-41L / 140 Hours / $2,500 • 24 hour a day instructor support & course mentors • Engaging labs, student exercises and course videos • All textbooks, workbooks and student materials • A new “Career Services” website – to help students advance in their career Certified Clinical Medical Assistant HLTH 1403-41L / 300 Hours / $3,500 Dental Assisting DENT 1924-41L / 180 Hours / $3,200 Online Only Courses EKG Technician HLTH 1414-41L / 50 Hours / $2,500 Electronic Health Record Management HLTH 1415-41L / 100 Hours / $2,500 Medical Administrative Assistant HLTH 1416-41L / 50 Hours / $2,500 Medical Billing & Coding HLTH 1417-41L / 100 Hours / $2,800 Medical Terminology HLTH 1418-41L / 20 Hours / $799 Physician’s Office Asst. w/ EMR HLTH 1411-41L / 150 Hours / $3,500 Visit us online and experience a course demo www.healthedtoday.com/nvcc. For course details call toll free 1-888-574-6218 or email caitlinb@healthedtoday.com. To register call 703-450-2551. Customized Training for Your Employees Take a Class to Save a Life! Most courses can be offered in one day or expanded over several days. Our instructors bring with them the added value of real world experience from the emergency medical field. This experience enables our instructors to help the students better associate the course content to their workplace environment. The NVCC AHA Training Center utilizes the latest training equipment including the New LifePak 15 and SimMan! Our Manikins are 2010 AHA Guideline compliant. E-mail our Training Center Coordinator, April McMullen-Eldert, amcmulleneldert@nvcc.edu to discuss the various, flexible training opportunities available. “The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials; do not represent income to the AHA.” – AHA Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 79 General Interest Photography81 Enrichment82 Writing84 Health & Wellness 85 Languages86 Homeowners87 Test Preparation 89 Motorcycle Training 90 The STRIVE Program – Classes for Students with Learning Disabilities91 80 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Digital Camera Basics student Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 “ “ Loved the class. The instructor explained each feature of our cameras, including do’s and don’ts. Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Photography Digital Camera Basics Are you new to using a digital SLR camera or thinking about moving up to an SLR? We’ll cover the fundamentals of operating your camera, the fundamentals of image making, how to choose the appropriate lens, how to use and optimize the automatic modes on your camera, and how to use the features of the camera to give your photographs more impact. We’ll spend time going through the photographic thought process and relating that process to your camera’s features. Bring your camera. The textbook is optional—but recommended. Opt. Textbook: Beyond Point & Shoot PHTG 1923 / 0.8 CEU / $145 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park Sat, Feb. 21 & 28 Instructor: Jim Harrington 9 am – 1 pm NEW Maximize Your DSLR Camera Features Gain confidence to move beyond the Auto mode. We’ll make it easy to understand all those features packed into your digital SLR camera. You’ll learn what the functions do and how to use them to capture better pictures. We’ll also look at lenses, filters and other photo equipment as well as lighting (artificial and natural) and composition techniques for people, landscapes, architecture and flowers. You’ll gain the skills to create more compelling images when traveling and in daily life. Bring your camera to class. PHTG 1541 / 6 hrs / $115 »» 01M Woodbridge, Freedom High School Tue, Feb 3 – 17 6:30 – 8:30 pm Instructor: Zachariah Szabo Photography – 35mm & Digital – Basic Photography – 35mm & Digital – Advanced If you’ve never used a SLR camera before, are new to digital photography, or just feel a little intimidated by the whole subject, this is the class for you. We cover all the basics – digital and film – including formats, lenses, exposure, lighting, and composition, as well as tips and tricks and creative ideas. You’ll learn how your camera works and what all the buttons do, some photographic terminology and lingo, and what to think about when you’re actually shooting. Both sessions include afternoon field trips near the campus, which are fun and let you share your adventures, ideas and insights with your classmates. You must provide your own SLR camera, either film or digital, and bring the manual to class, too. (They are easy to find online if you can’t find yours.) A deeper dive into the subject than the Basic class, we’ll explore techniques and procedures that allow you to use your camera more creatively. Topics include composing the shot, shooting creatively, making photographic inventories, lens selection, use of flash, and more. Field trips on both Saturdays allow you to gain practical experience with your classmates. Bring your camera, accessory flash separate from the one on your camera, and manuals to class. Prerequisite: Photography – 35mm & Digital – Basic class or instructor permission. Instructor: Matthew Randall »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 255 Sat, Mar 21 & 28 10 am – 4 pm PHTG 1947 / 1.2 CEU / $209 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Jan 24 & 31 10 am – 4 pm »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 255 Sat, Feb 7 & 14 10 am – 4 pm »» 02L Loudoun Campus Sat, Apr 18 & 25 10 am – 4 pm »» 02A Alexandria Campus, AA 255 Sat, May 2 & 9 10 am – 4 pm Registration is continuous throughout the spring semester. Enroll today! Instructor: Matthew Randall PHTG 1946 / 1.2 CEU / $209 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, Feb 28 & Mar 7 10 am – 4 pm Photography – Studio Portrait Actors call them headshots, models use them for their “comp” cards, and you’ll always be in demand when you know how to create professional-quality studio portraits for family and friends! We cover the basic equipment you need to create a home studio, a studio at another location, or even one that’s portable. We discuss how to use and manipulate light (and shadow), find and work with models (including your friends and family), props, and interesting ideas for portraits that stand the test of time. Bring your camera to class, because in the afternoon, you’ll be doing an actual photoshoot! Prerequisite: Basic Photography – 35mm & Digital course or instructor’s permission. Instructor: Matthew Randall PHTG 1528 / 0.5 CEU / $159 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Sat, May 16 10 am – 4 pm »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 255 Sat, May 30 10 am – 4 pm Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 81 General Interest Enrichment Enrichment Be Your Own Bodyguard NEW Filmmaking for Beginners Discover how to develop your own Personal Safety Plan using techniques, tactics, and procedures that will protect you and your family. The best way to counter a criminal attack is to prevent it from happening. Explore the importance of situational awareness, proper mindset, proactive security measures and how to implement them into your daily life. We will examine individual protection, home/apartment protection, mental awareness, and stress factors and mitigations for stress, should you feel threatened. We will also discuss active shooter – from possible indicators to what your actions should be. Your instructor has over 20 years of experience as a law enforcement officer, specializing in anti-terrorism and physical security. Digital Scrapbooking Basics Learn step-by-step how movies are made – what needs to be done, in what order, and how to put your movie together. We’ll discuss filmmaking pre-production basics such as how to organize your film project. You’ll learn about production basics: how to shoot the movie, what type of digital camera will fit your needs, and tips on lighting, sound, and camera work. You’ll also learn the basics of directing: how to find actors and work with a crew, visualizing the story, and directing the camera and actors. Finally, you’ll get postproduction tips on editing, completing your film, and getting it out to the public using the Internet and other tools. Whether you are making a movie for fun, as a hobby, or planning a career in movie making, this class is a plus. Please bring your own video camera (any type) since you will make a short film with the professional guidance and assistance of the instructor. E-mail any questions to the instructor at clintparkerfilms@aol.com. LLRN 1703 / 3 hrs / $75 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Fri, Feb 27 Instructor: Scott Legge 7 – 10 pm Organize those digital memories of Christmas and summer vacations. You’ll learn the basics of Digital Scrapbooking including: quick photo fixes (red eye, spot healing, off color, etc.); adding shadows, bezels, and other dimensional tricks to give your page more depth; cropping; cloning; layering; adding titles and journaling text and more. In class you will complete 3 projects using a digital quickpage, a digital template, and papers and elements to layout from scratch. You’ll receive a free digital scrapbook kit including papers, elements, a digital quickpage and a digital template. Discover how to share your pages with others. Bring a USB storage device to class. LLRN 1724 / 6 hrs / $109 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, May 16 9:30 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Debbi Rodgers ARTS 1916 / 1.2 CEU / $169 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 345 Thu, Mar 26 – Apr 30 Instructor: Clinton Parker Designing Your Life’s Next Chapter Transitions are a fact of life. Whether you are launching a family, changing careers, contemplating retirement, or you just want to switch gears, it’s important to uncover your dreams and goals. The instructor will use life coaching tools to help you identify your interests, create a vision, and outline the necessary next steps. Through individual and group exercises, you’ll develop a customized action plan that embodies your passions so you can live with no regrets. LLRN 1849 / 6 hrs / $109 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Wed, Apr 8 – 22 7:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Candy Spitz, LCSW, PCC, BCC 82 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 7 – 9 pm Candy Spitz – Workforce Instructor – Candy Spitz is president of her own career and life coaching business, specializing in helping people 40+ design career transitions aligned with their values and passions so they live with no regrets. Candy knows about re-invention. After 30 years as a licensed psychotherapist and educator, she retired, re-trained, and opened her business as a coach. Candy is a pioneer and leader in both the Positive Aging and Life Planning movements and she is the Founder and President of the Chesapeake Life Planning Network in Metro Washington, DC. She holds a Master’s in Clinical Social Work (MSW), as well as several Coaching Certifications, and is licensed in Virginia. For relaxation and fun Candy hikes the globe, collects art and crafts and makes jewelry.. Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 General Interest Enrichment NEW Quilting for the Beginner Parenting 2015: Today’s Technology & Your Children Learn the basics of modern quilting techniques from a master quilter. These techniques include fabric selection, rotary cutting, machine quilting and binding. During the class you’ll work on making your own quilted wall hanging or crib-sized quilt. A required supply list will be given out the first night of class. Prerequisites: Some basic sewing skill and access to a sewing machine. My 6 year old said to me, “Mom, you are such a lady of the ‘1’s!” (Translation – “Mom, you were born before the year 2000, so you can’t expect to understand what we are doing… listening to… playing, etc.”) REALLY!!! I don’t think so! Get out of your rocking chair, grab a tablet, smart phone, or laptop, and join me and other “People of the ‘1’s’” to break the code on media use by our “oh so advanced” youngsters. This course is ideal for parents and early childhood educators. Visit our website for a detailed course description. LLRN 1723 / 4 hrs / $59 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 143 Sat, Mar 7 & 14 9 –11 am Instructor: Bernice Mayfield, M.S., Early Childhood Education Instructor: Sharon Tindall ARTS 1946 / 16 hrs / $195 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Thu, Jan 22 – Mar 12 6:30 – 8:30 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CM 242 Mon, Jan 26 – Mar 30 6:30 – 8:30 pm (No class Feb 16 & Mar 9) Parenting & Divorce – Parent Education Seminar – in Spanish Instructor: Ruth Roberts Speed Reading Be a faster, more efficient reader. Read between 600 and 1200 words a minute. This customized course is designed to triple your reading speed while sharpening your reading skills. If your career involves extensive reading or you just love to read, you’ll find that this course is ideal for you. Periodic tests and measures will be used to assess reading speed progress. Prerequisite: Good command of the English language. PSYC 1619 / 4 hrs / $50 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CM 114 Thu, Jan 22 5:50 – 10 pm »» COMM 1948 / 1.5 CEU / $199 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CT 203 Tue, Apr 7 – May 12 7 – 9:30 pm »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 375 Wed, Apr 8 – May 13 7 – 9:30 pm Virginia reenacted legislation stating that “the parties to any petition where a child whose custody, visitation, or support is contested shall show proof that they have attended within the 12 months prior to their court appearance or that they shall attend within 45 days thereafter an educational seminar … approved by the court.” This four-hour interactive seminar fulfills these requirements. Learn about the importance of protecting and enhancing your child’s emotional development. Emphasis is placed on strengthening the family unit by focusing on what the children are going through. Tuition includes all materials. Please arrive 15 minutes before the class start time for check-in. A photo ID is required. Under no circumstance are children of any age allowed to attend this class. It is also recommended that the parties involved in the dispute attend separate sessions. Instructors: Ruth Roberts (Annandale); Ginger Hall (Manassas & Woodbridge) PSYC 1595 / 4 hrs / $50 »» 02N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, Mar 7 8:50 am – 1 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Fri, Jan 23 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park Tue, Apr 28 5:50 – 10 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, Jan 24 8:50 am – 1 pm »» 03N Annandale Campus, CM 114 Thu, June 4 5:50 – 10 pm »» 02N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, Feb 28 8:50 am – 1 pm 5:45 – 10 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Sat, Feb 28 8:45 am – 1 pm Req. Textbooks: Timed Reading, Books 7 & 8 Instructor: N. Poteat Day, MA, Reading Specialist Parenting & Divorce – Parent Education Seminar Parking on all campuses is free on weekends and weekdays after 4 pm in B (Student) lots only. Parking permits are not required at off-campus locations. »» 02W Woodbridge Campus Fri, Mar 13 5:45 – 10 pm »» 03N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, Mar 28 8:50 am – 1 pm »» 04N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, Apr 11 8:50 am – 1 pm Instructor: Padia Grant »» 02M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Sat, Apr 25 8:45 am – 1 pm »» 05N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, May 9 8:50 am – 1 pm ?? ? Income tax time is just around the corner. Have questions about your 1040 form or investment income? We can help. See page 30 »» 03W Woodbridge Campus Fri, May 15 Enroll online at 5:45 – 10 pm www.nvcc.edu/workforce 83 General Interest Writing Writing From Memory to Memoir: Writing Your Life’s Stories Your life is a tale that continues to unfold, rich in detail and experience. It’s a tale only you can tell. In this workshop, designed for the emerging writer, you’ll tap into your memories and search for those recurring motifs that are threaded through your recollections. You’ll explore the literary elements of plot, setting, character and theme, and use them to recreate some of the events and relationships that have influenced your life. You’ll begin to give your memories shape and meaning. A relaxed, supportive atmosphere will allow you to exchange insights with other students through guided writing exercises and group discussion. Between sessions, you’ll maintain a writer’s journal, expanding on the exercises practiced in class. The instructor is a published author and editor. LLRN 1978 / 1.2 CEU / $175 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 119 Wed, Jan 21 – Feb 25 Instructor: Nina Sichel 7 – 9 pm Novel Writing Ever read a novel and thought, “Hey, I could write that?” Have ideas for stories but need help and guidance turning them into fulllength novels? This intensive writing program will help you turn those ideas and partial manuscripts into an intricate and wellconstructed novel that a publishing house will want to purchase. Learn about story, structure, plot, voice, character development, and setting. Explore the different kinds of genres that exist, including thriller, legal, romance, murder mystery and others. Also, learn about manuscript formatting and how to target and submit your manuscript to the right publishing houses. 84 Introduction to Playwriting Journaling to Increase Your Creativity Theater is the oldest form of storytelling and many still consider it the most exciting! This 4-week course will be taught as a workshop, and you’ll learn the basic principles of dramatic writing. There will be in-class writing/discussion and we’ll read excerpts from scripts. By the end of the course you will have created one or two scenes or a short play. You’ll be encouraged to bring and discuss newly written material during each class session. Prerequisite: Basic English – reading and writing. Keeping a journal has many positive benefits. Journaling can help with personal growth and development. By regularly recording your thoughts, you will gain insight into your desires. Journaling can be used as a creative way to solve problems. COMM 1835 / 8 hrs / $129 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, May 2 – 23 Instructor: Marsha Jones 10 am – 12 pm COMM 1964 / 0.8 CEU / $149 Scriptwriting I – Fundamentals Get an introduction to the building blocks upon which film and television scripts are based. You’ll learn the fundaments from original concept to finishing a screenplay. Great emphasis will be placed on dramatic structure, the core of scriptwriting. This class includes discussions on story concept, character development, dialogue and visual storytelling. You’ll write a film treatment, story outline and log line upon which your screenplay will be based. Learn about the practical elements of the scriptwriting process and the relationship of the film industry and the screenwriter. This class, taught by an experienced filmmaker, will answer your questions and get you started. E-mail any questions to the instructor at clintparkerfilms@aol.com. COMM 1812 / 1.2 CEU / $169 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 345 Thu, Feb 5 – Mar 19 (No class Mar 12) Instructor: Clinton Parker »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 105 Sat, Mar 7 – Apr 11 10 am – 12 pm (No class Mar 14 & Apr 4) Instructor: Will Mallon, MFAW, Published Playwright Introduction to Playwriting II Continue working on and developing the techniques of plot, story and structure taught in Introduction to Playwriting. You’ll focus on the major aspects of a play including: scene and character development, dialogue, theme and narrative development, shaping of acts, and sounding the play in the voices of peer writers and actors. Prerequisite: Introduction to Playwriting or equivalent experience. COMM 1829 / 0.8 CEU / $149 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 105 Sat, Apr 18 – May 9 10 am – 12 pm Instructor: Will Mallon, MFAW, Published Playwright 7 – 9 pm Looking for Social Media Courses? COMM 1975 / 1.6 CEU / $255 »» 01L Loudoun Campus Tue, Apr 7 – May 26 Instructor: Tracee Garner NEW 7 – 9 pm Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Turn to pages 17, 19, and 35. Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 General Interest Health & Wellness Writing for the Fun of It This relaxed and fun overview ranges from learning to think like a writer to publishing your work. Discussion and exercises reveal simple yet effective tools for placing and organizing your thoughts on paper, including a quick grammar and style review. Learn to choose the best form to convey your unique vision. On a project you’ll begin in class, learn to apply professional techniques that will elevate your writing to the next level. COMM 1946 / 1.4 CEU / $175 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat & Sun, May 2 & 3 Instructor: Frank Milligan 9 – 5 pm Health & Wellness Power of the Subconscious Mind Reiki I Discover the power of your mind, and use it to be your best! Through self-hypnosis you can learn to change unwanted habits, manage stress, office and road rage, draw on stored energy for immediate use, and attain goals that you believed were unattainable. You’ll learn to use the power of your mind and discover how to take control of your life and health in new and exciting ways. Through relaxation techniques, visualization, imagination and your intuition, you can easily overcome life’s obstacles. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring a pad or mat for stretching out on the floor. A workbook and conditioning CDs will be provided. The instructor is a Registered Hypnotic Anesthesiologist. PSYC 1516 / 15 hrs / $235 Frank Milligan – Writing Instructor – Frank Milligan is a published writer of both fiction and non-fiction and holds a master of arts in writing fiction from the Johns Hopkins University. He’s been teaching creative writing at several colleges for many years and has been a presenter at numerous writers’ conferences. His book about writing: Time to Write: Discovering the Writer Within after 50, won a silver award at the 2009 National Mature Media Awards. In addition, he was the Virginia statewide first place winner in the fiction category of the 2010 Golden Nib writing contest. Frank is currently at work on a novel. »» 01N Annandale Campus, CC 202 Tue, Jan 27 – Mar 3 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Kay Walkinshaw, CI Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis for Weight Loss This is a powerful technique that can be used to change your behavior, enabling you to take charge and control your weight. It utilizes the concept of a “virtual” gastric band being placed around the top of the stomach, limiting the capacity of the stomach to the size of a golf ball. With the guidance of a Registered Hypnotic Anesthesiologist, you’ll learn and then practice centering and focusing techniques designed to bring about a permanent change in eating habits, as well as assisting you in making better choices within your daily routine. Also, you’ll gain an understanding of your individual blocks and your relationship with food. Tuition includes a backup CD for reinforcing new messages and placing them firmly in your mind. Reiki is a simple, holistic, and natural energy healing system. Come and experience the wonders of this dynamic alternative therapy, which can be used in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve pain and promote recovery. You will learn about Reiki, its history, and it uses. You will also be attuned to Reiki Level I Energy, learning how to use this wonderful technique to heal yourself and others. Reiki I is a prerequisite for Reiki II certification, which is needed for professional practice. Clinical Reiki™ is taught at the Loudoun Campus. HLTH 1856 / 0.7 CEU / $250 »» 01L Loudoun Campus, Clinical Reiki™ Sat, Mar 7 9 am – 4:30 pm Instructor: Ellen Labgold, Reiki Master Teacher Req. Textbook: The Reiki Sourcebook »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Mar 21 & 28 9:30 am – 1 pm Instructor: Marsha Jones, Reiki Master Teacher Opt. Textbook: Essential Reiki by Diane Stein Reiki II You will learn more advanced Reiki Principles and Reiki symbols, as well as be introduced to Reiki’s application for clinical uses. You will also be attuned to Reiki Level II Energy, which increases and broadens healing energies. Prerequisite: Completion of Reiki I. HLTH 1874 / 0.5 CEU / $350 »» 01L Loudoun Campus, Clinical Reiki™ Fri, Mar 6 9 am – 2 pm Instructor: Ellen Labgold, Reiki Master Teacher »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Apr 18 & 25 9:30 am – 12 pm Instructor: Marsha Jones, Reiki Master Teacher HLTH 1780 / 15 hrs / $235 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CM 114 Thu, Jan 29 – Mar 5 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Kay Walkinshaw, CI Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 85 General Interest Languages Languages Arabic for Beginners Italian for Travelers Italian Travel Seminar With the guidance of a native speaker, learn the fundamentals needed to read, write and speak Arabic. You’ll master the Arabic alphabet, greetings, basic conversation and grammar. By the end of this course you’ll be able to form basic sentences and conduct simple conversations in Arabic. Italy continues to be a favorite European travel destination for Americans. Given the ever-growing popularity of its culture, cuisine, art and history, we not only want to visit this lovely country, but also understand and “live” it, immerse ourselves in “La Dolce Vita”, not as an “outsider” but as a “local”. What better way to make an Italian friend and enjoy the Italian culture? Learn to communicate in Italian more confidently! Tuition includes all course materials. Have you already started planning your long-awaited, once-in-a-lifetime trip to Italy? Whether it’s your first time or you’re returning to discover more “off the beaten path” beauties such as Bellagio, Naples, Lecce or Sicily, come join our informative seminar designed to help you craft the most unforgettable Italian trip possible! Topics include: things to consider when selecting locations – accessibility, climate, local holidays, easiest routes and logistics, best choices for transportation/ connections – trains, ferries, drivers, rental cars, accommodations, banking and currency exchange, cell phone use, cultural notes, very basic survival phrases – and so much more! Don’t forget to bring your itinerary – or even just a wish list – because in just 2 meetings, your Italian fantasy could easily turn into a reality! Req. Textbook: Functional Modern Standard Arabic for Beginners: Letters & Sounds of the Arabic Language ARAB 1901 / 2.0 CEU / $225 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CC 204 Tue, Feb 3 – Apr 14 (No class Mar 10) Instructor: Mousa Al-Naseri Instructor: Sybil Haynes 7 – 9 pm NEW German Travel Seminar ITAL 1903 / 1.8 CEU / $199 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 105 Wed, Feb 4 – Apr 8 7:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Mar 11) »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 255 Thu, Feb 5 – Apr 9 7:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Mar 12) If you’re planning a trip to the Germanspeaking world, this course is ideal for you. If you already speak some German, this is a great opportunity to brush up. Whether you’re hoping to trace your family roots, hike the Swiss Alps, or just want to enjoy an authentic Wiener Schnitzel, your trip will be much richer if you have a basic understanding of the German language and its culture. Learn everyday sayings that will enable you to better communicate with the locals. Learn how to book train tickets and accommodations and choose a cost-effective local cell phone plan, as well as many other useful tips from a seasoned traveler and native German. Whether you already have a detailed itinerary for your journey or are still simply daydreaming about possibly going abroad, you’ll emerge from this seminar well prepared and ready to enjoy your trip. Instructor: Sybil Haynes LLRN 1717 / 8 hrs / $99 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 105 Sat, Feb 21 & 28 9 am – 1 pm »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 259 Sat, Mar 21 & 28 9 am – 1 pm GERM 1907 / 8 hrs / $99 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, Sat, Mar 21 & 28 9 am – 1 pm Instructor: Christiane Armstrong 86 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 General Interest Homeowners Intermediate Practical Spanish Intermediate Practical Spanish is designed for beginning Spanish students who are ready to travel beyond the basic fundamentals. If you are able to understand some Spanish, and can speak a little in return, then this is the program for you. By following more shortcuts and tips you will pick up intermediate and advanced skills along the way and in no time will be able to communicate in Spanish at a whole new level. Req. Textbook: Spanish for Gringos, Level Two SPAN 1924 / 1.4 CEU / $199 »» 01L Reston Center Tue, Jan 20 – Mar 3 Instructor: Mike Hurley 7 – 9 pm Basic Conversational Spanish – Level I If you’ve ever thought about learning Spanish, and you know nothing about the language, this class was specifically designed for you. Get the skills needed to start conversing with native Spanish speakers. You’ll learn basic greetings as well as how to talk about yourself, your family and your interests. How to form questions and conduct a conversation on a variety of topics will also be covered. Grammar lessons will only be used to build a foundation for conversation. Note: If you have a basic background in Spanish, including the use of some present tense verbs and you can formulate simple sentences, are comfortable with forming questions, negation, and using the equivalent “it”; and can tell time, please register for the Level 2 course. SPAN 1508 / 2.0 CEU / $225 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CM 213 Tue, Jan 20 – Mar 31 7 – 9 pm (No class Mar 10) Instructor: Felicia Blakeney, MS-Ed Basic Conversational Spanish – Level 2 Homeowners If you’d like to continue learning Spanish, and you know a little bit about the language, this is the best level for you. You’ll increase your vocabulary as well as learn how to talk about your lifestyle, family and interests. How to indicate obligation, articulate quantities, make comparisons, and conduct a conversation on a variety of topics will also be covered. Grammar instruction will be used to build a foundation for conversation. With a bit of effort you’ll be well on your way to reaching out to a Spanish–speaking neighbor or co– worker. Prerequisite: Basic Conversational Spanish – Level 1 or the equivalent. Instructor: Alex Belmonte, BS Req. Textbook: See It & Say It in Spanish SPAN 1509 / 2.0 CEU / $225 »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 457 Tue, Feb 3 – Apr 14 7:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Mar 10) »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 219 Thu, Feb 5 – Apr 16 7:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Mar 12) »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 134 Tue, April 7 – May 26 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Cecilia Abare Req. Textbook: Spanish is Fun Spanish for the Workplace Employers & Supervisors: Do you need to communicate more effectively with your Spanish-speaking employees? »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Tue, Jan 20 – Mar 10 7 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Cecilia Abare Req. Textbook: Spanish is Fun This course is available at the college or it can be customized and delivered at your place of business. »» 01A Alexandria Campus, AA 254 Mon, Feb 2 – Apr 20 7:30 – 9:30 pm (No class Feb 16 & Mar 9) Instructor: Alex Belmonte, BS Req. Textbook: See It & Say It in Spanish For information, please call Workforce Development 703-323-3281 Homeowner’s Association Law – Basic Gain an overview of the Virginia Property Owners’ Association Act, including requirements of full disclosure of association actions and records, homeowner disclosure packets and rights of associations to pass and enforce regulations. Your instructor is a retired attorney. LAWS 1918 / 0.3 CEU / $99 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Feb 14 Instructor: Paul Giles 9 am – 12 pm Homeowner’s Association Law – Advanced Continue to explore the association’s right to set dues and special assessments, collect dues/ assessments by garnishment sale of personal property, or by lien and foreclosure. Discussion of enforcement of association regulations by daily or one–time fines will also be included. LAWS 1919 / 0.3 CEU / $99 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Feb 14 Instructor: Paul Giles 12:30 – 3:30 pm Landlord Tenant Law Designed for you as a non-lawyer landlord, information will focus on using Small Claims/General District court forms to file eviction and secure court ordered possession of premises plus money judgment. Topics include: criteria for picking the right tenant applicant, accessing Internet court records to check credit/eviction history of rental applicants, customizing standard Internet form leases, notice and rights regarding rent and non-rent lease tenant breach, court forms to use and when, applicable portions of the VA Residential Landlord/Tenant Act, and Federal and Virginia Fair Housing Acts. LAWS 1947 / 0.3 CEU / $99 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Feb 7 9 am – 12 pm »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park Sat, Feb 28 9 am – 12 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 123 Sat, Mar 28 9 am – 12 pm Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 87 Home Electricity 1 – Wires/Boxes/Outlets This is a good starting point to understand electricity in your home. Take the mystery and fear out of attempting small electrical repairs. Topics include: types and uses of electrical boxes and switches, outlets, new requirements for Ground Fault, Arc-Fault, child proof outlets, and why a particular electrical use requires a particular type/size wire. Your knowledge is reinforced though lecture, visual and hands-on learning aids. Instructor: Paul Giles ELEC 1902 / 3 hrs / $79 Homeowners “ »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Sat, Jan 24 9 am – 12 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Apr 4 Absolutely terrific. The course was engaging and packed with information. I have recommended this course to others. Home Electricity student 9 am – 12 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 114 Sat, May 2 9 am – 12 pm “ General Interest Home Electricity 2 – Hands-On Lights/Fans/Outlets Home Electricity 3 – Breaker Box Basics Home Electricity 4 – Hands-On 220 Projects Explore the basics of wiring 110 Volt lighting, switches, and outlets. Participate in wiring projects or just observe others. Topics include: stripping and connecting wires, wiring a pull chain light, changing a single switch to a double or three-way switch, installing a ceiling fan, recessed lighting, and individual home projects. All materials and tools are supplied, but bring any electrical tools you own. The breaker box is the “starting point” of all electricity within your home and the beginning of most electrical projects. Topics include basic electrical principles, components of the box, the service entrance cable, grounding bars and rods, tandem breakers and basic breaker functions, ground and arc fault breakers, panel box projects, and more. Conquer the basics of wiring 220 Volt household electrical circuits. Participate in wiring projects or just observe others. Wiring projects include, from panel box to end of circuit, 3 and 4-prong clothes dryer circuits; oven circuits; water heater circuits with disconnect; 50 amp subpanel; and discussion of the application of 220 Volt circuit wiring to your home projects. All materials and tools are supplied, but bring any electrical tools you own. Instructor: Paul Giles ELEC 1921 / 3 hrs / $79 ELEC 1906 / 3 hrs / $95 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Sat, Jan 24 12:30 – 3:30 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Apr 4 12:30 – 3:30 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 114 Sat, May 2 12:30 – 3:30 pm 88 Instructor: Paul Giles Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Sat, Jan 31 9 am – 12 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Apr 11 9 am – 12 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 114 Sat, May 9 9 am – 12 pm Instructor: Paul Giles ELEC 1914 / 3 hrs / $95 »» 01M Manassas Innovation Park, 142 Sat, Jan 31 12:30 – 3:30 pm »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Apr 11 12:30 – 3:30 pm »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 114 Sat, May 9 12:30 – 3:30 pm Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 General Interest Test Preparation Tips for Buying & Selling a Home Buying and selling a home can be a very rewarding experience. Doing it well can greatly benefit you and your family. Discover strategies for buying and/or selling a home in any market. You’ll learn how to reach out to both buyers and sellers; how to negotiate for the best price and terms, and how to navigate the mortgage financing process, which is so critical to your success and that of your buyer. The instructor is an experienced attorney, realtor and investment property owner. REAL 1907 / 6 hrs / $135 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 105 Wed, Jan 21 & 28 7 – 10 pm Instructor: Bruce McBarnette, JD Test Preparation SAT Preparation – Critical Reading SAT Preparation – Math Get ready for the SAT! You’ll review the critical reading section; work on expanding your vocabulary and improving your critical examination skills of written text. You’ll also get comfortable with the test format for the two types of problems in this section while learning and practicing successful testtaking strategies. Please bring the required textbook and a bag lunch to class. Req. Textbook: The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd Ed. TEST 1939 / 0.5 CEU / $109 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 123 Sat, Jan 31 9 am – 2:30 pm Getting ready for the PMP or CAPM Exam? NOVA has both classroom and online courses to help you prepare – see pages 7 & 8! TEAS Preparation Are you getting ready to take the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)? See page 78 for our intensive prep courses. »» 02N Annandale Campus, CN 123 Sat, May 16 9 am – 2:30 pm Instructors: April Michelle Davis, MPS Benjamin Davis, MS SAT Prep – Writing Get ready for the SAT! You’ll review the writing section and focus on your English grammar, and writing skills. You’ll also get comfortable with the test format for the four types of problems in this section while learning and practicing successful testtaking strategies. Please bring the required textbook and a bag lunch to class. Req. Textbook: The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd Ed. TEST 1940 / 0.5 CEU / $109 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, Feb 7 9 am – 2:30 pm »» 02N Annandale Campus, CN 204 Sat, May 30 9 am – 2:30 pm Instructors: April Michelle Davis, MPS Benjamin Davis, MS Get a jump start on the skills and concepts needed to be successful on the SAT, and identify your particular math strengths and weaknesses. You’ll review concepts from arithmetic, algebra, and geometry; explore approaches to the SAT’s math questions; practice with sample test items, and learn some successful test–taking tips and strategies. Take an official SAT Practice Test, available online at http://Satcollegeboard. com/practice. Req. Textbook: The Official SAT Study Guide, 2nd Ed. TEST 1903 / 1.5 CEU / $199 »» 01W Woodbridge Campus Sat, Mar 28 – Apr 25 Instructor: Brandon Boles 9 am – 12 pm GRE Prep for Revised General Test Get a comprehensive review of the verbal, quantitative and analytical writing skills required for the latest version of the GRE. You’ll review basic concepts, learn test-taking techniques and strategies, and practice with sample test questions. Computer-based preand post-tests will be given and time will be spent on computer-based practice problems as well. Please bring the required textbook to the first class meeting. Req. Textbook: The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test, 2nd Ed. TEST 1933 / 3.3 CEU / $665 »» 01N Annandale – CED, 6th floor Mon & Wed, Mar 23 – Apr 27 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructors: Amy Brener, BA Karla Mahoney, MS Does your class have a required textbook? Order your books online: nvcc.bncollege.com Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 89 General Interest Motorcycle Training Motorcycle Training NOVA has affordable and available classes for earning your motorcycle license! Basic – $150 Advanced – $90 Sidecar/Trike – $170 Jump Start – $75 Basic Rider Course Co-sponsored by the Virginia Rider Training Program, DMV, and NOVA, this 15-hour course (8 hours on the range and 7 hours in the classroom) is for anyone who wants to learn to ride a motorcycle. The course is offered at both the Loudoun and Alexandria Campuses. You’ll learn the basic skills of motorcycle operation, effective braking and obstacle avoidance, as well as safe riding strategies – skills normally acquired only after several years of trial-and-error riding. Successful completion of the Basic Rider Course provides you with a temporary State motorcycle license. Enrollment is limited and classes fill very quickly. This is a very physically demanding program. If, in the instructor’s opinion, you are unable to meet the minimum physical or coordination requirements, you may be required to discontinue the riding portion of the course with no refund provided. You must be 18 years of age or older or have parental permission. Weekend classes are offered every weekend from mid-March through mid-December. At both the Alexandria and Loudoun locations, classes meet Fri from 6:45 – 10 pm, Sat from 7:30 am – 6:30 pm and Sun from 7:30 am – 6:30 pm. Classes are held rain or shine and you must attend all sessions. The college provides motorcycles and helmets. Visit the website www.nvcc.edu/workforce for class dates and availability at both locations – Alexandria and Loudoun. TRNS 1903 (weekend) OR TRNS 1904 (weekday) »» $150 Jump Start – Alexandria Campus Sidecar/Trike – Loudoun Campus The 3-hour Jump Start class is designed for those who have never ridden a motorcycle but would like to become familiar with a motorcycle and the basics of motorcycling. The Jump Start class does not substitute for the Basic Rider Course, which is the introductory motorcycle course. Come experience the fun! Jump Start also serves as remedial training for those who have tried a Basic Rider Course but need more time with clutch and throttle coordination in order to move on in class. Jump Start gives you the time to practice motorcycle skills in smaller classes where you can receive more attention from the instructors. Classes are held on the Alexandria Campus motorcycle range (B-1 parking lot at the corner of West Campus Dr and Filmore Ave.) You’ll meet at the campus motorcycle range for class and must be on time; loaner motorcycles are provided. There is no classroom work. Constructed in a similar manner as the Virginia Rider Training Program Basic and Advanced Rider courses, this course is a combination of classroom instruction and range exercises. Topics include: understanding the differences between motorcycles and sidecars, the secrets of successful cornering, proper braking techniques, swerving, and airborne chairs and what to do about them. Motorcycle, sidecar, and helmets provided. To register for a class you must have a NOVA Student ID #. If you do not already have one, you can apply for it on the college website: www.nvcc.edu. Call the Alexandria Campus 703-845-6280 or check the website www.nvcc.edu/workforce for class dates. TRNS 1908 / Alexandria Campus »» $75 All motorcycle students are required to bring a valid driver’s license or motorcycle license permit to class. Motorcycle Class Refund Policy: Students must provide 2–week notice in writing to change motorcycle class dates or request a refund. E-mail notifications should be sent to: Alexandria: awilliamsfor@nvcc.edu Loudoun: cwynn@nvcc.edu ?? ? Questions about the motorcycle program? Alexandria: 703-845-6280 Loudoun: 703-450-2551 Call the Loudoun Campus 703-450-2551 or check the website www.nvcc.edu/workforce for class dates. TRNS 1907 / Loudoun Campus »» $170 Advanced Rider Training In this advanced course, you’ll learn further safety skills in both a classroom and range situation. You must possess a valid motorcycle license and provide your own motorcycle and equipment, proof of registration and insurance. You must have accrued a minimum of 1000 miles on the motorcycle you will be riding in the training class. Enrollment is limited. Classes meet on Sunday from 8 am – 3 pm at the Loudoun Campus. To register for a class you must have a NOVA Student ID #. If you do not already have one, you can apply for one at the college website www.nvcc.edu (select “Apply Now” tab). Once you have an ID #, call Workforce Development at 703-450-2551 for registration instructions. Private group classes may be arranged by calling Claire Wynn at the Loudoun Campus at 703-450-2551. Visit the website www.nvcc.edu/workforce for class dates and availability. TRNS 1906 / Loudoun Campus »» $90 90 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 General Interest The STRIVE Program – Classes for Students with Learning Disabilities The STRIVE Program – Classes for Students with Learning Disabilities The STRIVE Program provides opportunities for young adults with learning disabilities to transition from school to post-secondary training, employment and successful community living. All classes listed change in content each semester so students can participate regularly. Students will be required to cover the cost of entrance/activity fees. Each course includes highly recommended parent meetings. If you have questions, call the STRIVE Coordinator, Dr. Jean Robinson, at 301-292-7600. Job Exploration This course can enhance students with learning disabilities’ job readiness through observation and participation in a variety of work experiences in the community. Classes will include outside speakers from the business community and on-site business visits, as well as potential on-site training with employers. Parent Meetings: Thu, Feb 26 & Apr 16, 12:30 – 1:30 pm BUSC 1816 / 3.0 CEU / $495 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CE 202 Thu, Feb 5 – Apr 30 1:30 – 5 pm (No class Mar 12 & 19, Apr 2) Instructor: Dr. Jean Robinson Smart Phone & Tablet Photography Capture your memories with smart phone photography as the journey of your life unfolds. Learn how to use the Instagram app to take, enhance and instantly share your smart phone photos with family and friends. Apple iPhone, iPad and iCloud will be used to demonstrate these concepts. Having a smart phone is not required. The course is also open to teachers, parents, advocates and counselors working with students with learning challenges. Parent Meetings: Wed, Feb 25 & Apr 15, 2 – 3 pm PHTG 1958 / 2.4 CEU / $395 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CE 202 Wed, Feb 4 – Apr 29 3 – 5 pm (No class Mar 11) Instructor: Shavonne Noble, MA Transitioning to Adulthood This course will enable students with learning disabilities and high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to develop selfconfidence, assertiveness and independent living skills to enhance their future. Instruction and activities will address the post-secondary transition. Topics include emotional control, communication skills, independent living and self-advocacy. This course will integrate practical accommodations to ensure an effective transition to adulthood, and students will practice skills by role playing in class sessions. Parent Meetings: Sat, Mar 7 & Apr 25, 2 – 3 pm LLRN 1715 / 2.4 CEU / $395 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CE 202 Sat, Feb 7 – May 2 12 – 2 pm (No class Mar 14) Instructor: Dr. Amanda Carter Accessing Recreational, Cultural & Community Service Opportunities Students will acquire leadership and decisionmaking skills by initiating, planning, directing and participating in recreational, cultural and community service projects with peers. Classes include discussions about dating, relationship building, budgeting, goal setting, time and conflict management, using public transportation and helping others. Parent Meetings: Mon, Mar 2 & Apr 20, 6 – 7 pm LLRN 1916 / 11 classroom sessions / 22 hrs / $365 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CE 202 Mon, Feb 2 – Apr 27 7 – 9 pm (No class Feb 16 & Mar 9) 4 Sat Activities & 2 Community Service Instructors: Dr. Jean Robinson & Richard Stone Personal Life Coaching – Part II Do you feel like you need a personal and professional “makeover”? Reach your dreams by uncovering the passion and purpose in your life. Enlarge your vision and life by building action-oriented tools for self-regulating, personal growth and empowerment. Personal coaching helps individuals working together in a group to transform and reshape their lives, open doors they never knew existed, reinvent themselves, reconnect with their passionate interests and unfulfilled goals and watch their lives really take off. Parent Meetings: Fri, Feb 27 & Apr 17, 2 – 3 pm LLRN 1925 / 20 hrs / $335 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CE 202 Fri, Feb 6 – Apr 24 12 – 2 pm (No class Mar 13 & Apr 3) Instructor: Donna Reinsel, BA, BFA NEW Reading Boot Camp II Would you like to refine your skills in reading comprehension, fluency and vocabulary? This fun course offers a diagnostic-prescriptive approach to conquer your reading challenges, using the most innovative technology and techniques. Group and individual tutoring using a variety of proven reading programs such as Read Naturally and Reading Horizons, etc. is being offered. Reinvent yourself by gaining new insight into tactical strategies to improve and jump-start your reading for pleasure and independent skills. Tuition includes all course materials. Parent Meetings: Tue, Feb 24 & Apr 14, 5:30 – 6:30 pm COMM 1834 / 2.4 CEU / $395 »» 01N Annandale Campus, CE 202 Tue, Feb 3 – Apr 28 3:30 – 5:30 pm (No class Mar 10) Instructor: Pamela Knudson, MA Transformative Therapeutic Art Art and the process of creating can be therapeutic, transporting you from the stresses of your life. Discover ways to tap into your inner resources and experience the healing power of creativity. Classes will feature demonstrations as well as making your own personal creations. Tuition includes all course materials. Parent Meetings: Wed, Feb 25 & Apr 15, 5:30 – 6:30 pm ARTS 1771 / 24 hrs / $399 »» 01N Off-Campus Location: Strive Cornerstone Residence 10616 Golden Eye Lane, Fairfax, VA Wed, Feb 4 – Apr 29 6:30 – 8:30 pm (No class Mar 11) Instructor: Donna Reinsel, BA, BFA Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 91 Online Courses Ed2go Online Courses www.ed2go.com/nova Contact the Annandale Workforce Office at 703-323-3168 for additional information and assistance. UGotClass Online Courses & Certificates www.yougotclass.org/catalog.cfm/Nvcc Contact the Annandale Workforce Development Office at 703-323-3168 for additional information and assistance. Continuing Education for Tradesmen See page 97 for course information. For assistance, call 703-257-6630. Cyber Security See page 55 for course information. For assistance, call 703-257-6590 or e-mail clangguth@nvcc.edu. Web Development Using Blackboard See page 57 for course information. For assistance, call 703-257-6590 or e-mail clangguth@nvcc.edu. Healthcare E-Learning See page 79 for course information. For assistance, call 703-450-2551. The Income Tax School® Online Courses NOVA, in a partnership with The Income Tax School®, now offers online courses in tax preparation. These courses meet the training needs for IRS test preparation, required continuing education, as well as providing new career opportunities. Learn online 24/7 with instructor support! Course/Registration Information: Go to www.theincometaxschool.com/nvcc to learn more about available courses and registration. Contact the Annandale Workforce Office at 703–323–3168 for additional information and assistance. 92 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Ed2go Online Courses Our instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners. All courses start once a month and run for six weeks (with a 10-day grace period at the end). Courses are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links, and more. You can complete any course entirely from your home or office – any time of the day or night. You’ll need a Web browser, and in some cases, additional software. Course requirements are listed in the course descriptions on our Instruction Center web page: www.ed2go.com/nova. Getting Started: • Register and pay with NOVA’s Annandale Campus for the online course of your choice. See list of course starting dates below. You can register for an online class up to one week after the official start date. Most courses are $149 each. See course list below for exceptions. • Go to www.ed2go.com/nova and complete the online orientation process for each course. (Completing the “orientation” process alone does not register you for the course.) • On the course start date, go to the website above, log in, and begin your course in the online classroom. The Internet • Achieving Top Search Engine Positions – ITEC 1855 • Introduction to Google Analytics – ITEC 1465 Graphic & Multimedia Design • • • • • • • • • • • Creating Web Pages – ITEC 1870 Advanced Web Pages – ARTS 1653 Introduction to CSS3 & XHTML5 – ARTS 1739 Intermediate CSS3 & XHTML5 – ARTS 1750 Advanced CSS3 & HTML5 – ARTS 1696 Creating Mobile Apps with HTML5 – ITEC 1431 Introduction to CorelDRAW X5 – ARTS 1656 Creating WordPress® Websites – ARTS 1641 Designing Effective Websites – ITEC 1879 Intro to Photoshop CS6 – ARTS 1666 Intermediate Photoshop CS6 – ARTS 1667 All Ed2go online courses begin on the same starting dates once per month. For registration purposes, please indicate the starting date you want by using the following section numbers (01N – 04N) along with the course code listed at the end of each course title. Every course offered by Ed2go is not listed. Check with the Annandale Campus WD Office if you do not see the course you’d like to take. Spring 2015 Online Class Start Dates: 01N – Jan 21 02N – Feb 18 03N – Mar 18 04N – Apr 15 05N – May 13 To successfully complete an online course, you need to make a score of 70 or higher on the final exam. You’ll be awarded 2.4 CEU for each successfully completed course. (CEUs are not awarded for leisure courses.) If you have any questions or concerns, call 703-323-3168. • • • • • • • Introduction to Dreamweaver CS6 – ARTS 1673 Intermediate Dreamweaver CS6 – ARTS 1686 Creating jQuery Mobile Websites with Dreamweaver – ARTS 1674 NEW Introduction to InDesign CC – ARTS 1406 Intro to Illustrator CS6 – ARTS 1679 Introduction to Final Cut Pro X – ARTS 1687 Introduction to Adobe Edge Animate – ARTS 1677 Web & Computer Programming • • • • • • • Mac, iPhone, & iPad Programming – ITEC 1427 Introduction to ASP.NET – ITEC 1789 Introduction to Ajax Programming – ITEC 1536 Introduction to Python 3 Programming – ITEC 1413 Introduction to Java Programming – ITEC 1993 Introduction to C# Programming – ITEC 1847 Introduction to JavaScript – ITEC 1469 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 93 Online Courses Ed2go Online Courses Basic Computer Literacy Languages • Computer Skills for the Workplace – ITEC 1940 • Keyboarding – ITEC 1947 • • • • Computer Applications • • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction to Microsoft Word 2011 for Mac – ITEC 1903 Introduction to Microsoft Word 2010 – ITEC 1562 Intermediate Microsoft Word 2010 – ITEC 1573 NEW Intro to Microsoft Excel 2013 – ITEC 1491 NEW Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2013 – ITEC 1301 NEW Advanced MS Excel 2013 – ITEC 1302 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010 – ITEC 1551 Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2010 – ITEC 1409 Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 – ITEC 1414 Intermediate Microsoft Access 2010 – ITEC 1421 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 – ITEC 1411 Introduction to Microsoft Publisher 2010 – ITEC 1423 Introduction to Microsoft Project 2010 – ITEC 1567 Advanced PC Security – ITEC 1795 Introduction to PC Troubleshooting – ITEC 1943 Introduction to Networking – ITEC 1968 Intermediate Networking – ITEC 1969 Basic CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep – ITEC 1964 – $185 Intermediate CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep – ITEC 1965 – $185 Advanced CompTIA® A+ Certification Prep – ITEC 1966 – $185 CompTIA® Security+ Certification Prep 1 – ITEC 1785 – $185 CompTIA® Security+ Certification Prep 2 – ITEC 1422 – $185 CompTIA® Network+ Certification Prep – ITEC 1778 – $185 PMP® Certification Prep 1 – BUSC 1840 – $179 PMP® Certification Prep 2 – BUSC 1841 – $179 Digital Photography Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer – ARTS 1697 Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer II – ARTS 1672 Photoshop CS6 for the Digital Photographer – ARTS 1668 Photoshop Elements 11 for the Digital Photographer – PHTG 1957 Secrets of Better Photography – PHTG 1530 Mastering Your Digital SLR Camera – PHTG 1960 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Business Writing • • • • Effective Business Writing – COMM 1914 Fundamentals of Technical Writing – COMM 1941 Grammar Refresher – COMM 1930 Writing Essentials – COMM 1995 Grant Writing & Nonprofit Accounting Certification/Certificate Prep 94 Beginning Writer’s Workshop – COMM 1960 The Keys to Effective Editing – COMM 1934 Writing Young Adult Fiction – COMM 1820 Writing for Children – COMM 1910 • Start Your Own Small Business – BUSC 1604 • Start a Pet Sitting Business – BUSC 1586 • Introduction to Database Development – ITEC 1824 • Introduction to SQL – ITEC 1823 • Intermediate SQL – ITEC 1549 • • • • • • • • • • Start Your Own Business Database Management • • • • • • • • Creative Writing • A to Z Grant Writing – COMM 1927 • NEW Advanced Grant Proposal Writing – COMM 1928 • Introduction to Nonprofit Management – BUSC 1843 PC Networking & Security • • • • Speed Spanish – SPAN 1507 Speed Spanish II – SPAN 1526 Grammar for ESL – ESLA 1918 Writing for ESL – ESLA 1821 • • • • • • Accounting Fundamentals – ACCT 1521 Accounting Fundamentals II – ACCT 1531 NEW Intro to QuickBooks 2014 – ITEC 1490 Intro to QuickBooks 2013 – ITEC 1445 Intermediate QuickBooks 2013 – ITEC 1446 Performing Payroll in QuickBooks 2013 – ITEC 1447 Business & Management • • • • Administrative Assistant Fundamentals – BUSC 1705 Fundamentals of Supervision & Management – BUSC 1714 Project Management Fundamentals – BUSC 1767 NEW Project Management Applications – BUSC 1774 Test Prep • • • • • GED Preparation – TEST 1905 Praxis I Preparation – TEST 1930 GMAT Preparation – TEST 1912 LSAT Preparation – Part 1 – TEST 1914 LSAT Preparation – Part 2 – TEST 1915 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Online Courses New UGotClass Online Courses UGotClass Online Courses & Certificates UGotClass courses generally run one or two months each, are available to you online 24/7, and most are offered 4 times per year. Online learning tutorials are available the week before classes start. To see a complete list of courses and to get more information go to www.yougotclass.org/catalog.cfm/Nvcc. Questions? Call 703-323-3168. Entrepreneur Boot Camp BUSC 1587 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 The Business Plan BUSC 1540 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 Entrepreneurial Marketing BUSC 1455-01N / 1.6 CEU / $195 Apr 6 – May 1 Introduction to Inbound Marketing BUSC 1470 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 Improving E-mail Promotions BUSC 1456 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 Boosting Your Website Traffic BUSC 1457 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 Facebook for Business BUSC 1686 / 1.6 CEU / $245 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 Creating Cell Phone Apps for Your Business ITEC 1566 / 1.6 CEU / $245 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 Online Advertising Funding Your Business FINL 1930-01N / 1.6 CEU / $195 Apr 6 – May 1 Cyber Security for Managers Social Media & Online Tools for K-12 Teachers EDUC 1827-01N / 1.6 CEU / $145 Apr 6 – May 1 ITEC 1439 / 1.6 CEU / $245 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 Generational Learning Styles for K-12 Teachers Podcasting Practical Math for the Workplace EDUC 1828-01N / 1.6 CEU / $145 Apr 6 – May 1 COMM 1833 / 1.6 CEU / $245 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 FINL 1918 / 1.6 CEU / $145 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 Substitute Teacher Preparation Designing Successful Webinars Effective Copywriting EDUC 1639-01N / 1.6 CEU / $145 Mar 2 – 27 BUSC 1458-01N / 1.6 CEU / $195 Apr 6 – May 1 BUSC 1685 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 Managing & Marketing Webinars BUSC 1459-01N / 1.6 CEU / $195 Apr 6 – May 1 Accounting & Finance for Non-Financial Managers ACCT 1949 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 Conflict Management BUSC 1920 / 2.4 CEU / $245 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 COMM 1832 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 Self-Publishing eBooks Certificate in Teaching Adults COMM 1828 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Mar 2 – 27 / 02N – May 4 – 29 EDUC 1971 / 3.2 CEU / $295 Feb 2 – Mar 27 Researching Public Records Business Coaching Certificate LLRN 1720 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Feb 2 – 27 / 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 Gender in the Classroom EDUC 1829-01N / 1.6 CEU / $145 Mar 2 – 27 Online Learning & Teaching for K-12 Teachers EDUC 1830-01N / 1.6 CEU / $145 Mar 2 – 27 BUSC 1588 / 3.2 CEU / $395 01N – Feb 2 – Mar 27 02N – Apr 6 – May 29 LEED v4 Green Associate Exam Prep & Study Group ENVR 1951 / 3.2 CEU / $695 01N – Feb 2 – Mar 27 02N – Apr 6 – May 29 New UGotClass Online Courses Graphic Design for Visual Presentations Program Evaluation for Nonprofits Make your visual presentations look professional, and communicate effectively. Get the latest, most advanced techniques including page layout, typography and basic graphic design considerations. These skills can be used with any presentation software program that you choose. Enhance your understanding of program evaluation within the nonprofit context. Find out how to improve your evaluation planning, data collection, data analysis and use. Special attention will be paid to real-world challenges including staff time, costs and reporting evaluation results to funders. ARTS 1411-01N / 1.6 CEU / $195 Apr 6 – May 1 BUSC 1492-01N / 1.6 CEU / $245 Apr 6 – May 1 Get Things Done Research has proven that when people have the opportunity to do what they do best every day, the effect on the individual, team, and organizational performance is powerful. A strengthsbased management approach incorporates the latest research on engagement and workplace performance from the Gallup organization. BUSC 1493 / 1.6 CEU / $245 01N – Feb 2 – 27 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 Enroll online at Female Bullying in the Workplace In recent years, the phenomenon of females being bullied by other females has been discussed in the media, but little has been done to combat or try to deal with the problem. This course is designed to not only help you understand this growing issue, but also help you to not become a victim or perpetrator. PSYC 1819 / 1.6 CEU / $195 01N – Feb 2 – 27 02N – Apr 6 – May 1 www.nvcc.edu/workforce 95 Trades & Industry License Preparation 97 Continuing Education for Tradesmen – Online Courses 97 Construction & Building 98 Trades98 Become a Certified Welder Oil & Gas Industry Certification Network Cabling Wastewater Certification 96 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 99 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 License Preparation Basic Contractor Licensing Advanced Contractor Licensing Fulfill your pre-licensing education required by the VA Board for Contractors and DPOR. This overview of the laws and regulations that govern contractors practicing in Virginia will help you take Parts 1 and 2 of the contractor’s exams. It is recommended that you take both the Basic and Advanced courses to obtain full coverage of information that is vital to run any type of contracting business. The NASCLA book and Virginia Rules and Regulations are allowed in the open-book A and B exams. Gain an advanced understanding of business management subjects for contractor license applicants to become successful in business as well as in taking the A and/or B contractor licensing exams. The course is helpful for every contractor (Class A, B, or C), and will help you take Parts 2 and 3 of the exams. This course is recognized by the Dept. of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR), Board for Contractors. The required textbook is a resource for practicing in the profession of contracting and allowed in the open-book A and B exams. Req. Textbook: NASCLA Contractors Guide to Business, Law & Project Management, Virginia 8th Ed. Instructor: Jim Bateman, GMB, GRM Basic & Advanced Contractor Licensing Save $50 by registering for both courses (Mar or May) at the same time! BLDG 1991 / 2.8 CEU / $698 »» 01M Manassas Campus Sun & Sat, Mar 14 – 22 8 am – 5 pm »» 02M Manassas Campus Sun & Sat, May 2 – 10 8 am – 5 pm Req. Textbook: See Basic course Instructor: Jim Bateman, GMB, GRM BLDG 1520 / 2.0 CEU / $499 BLDG 1513 / 0.8 CEU / $249 »» 01M Manassas Campus Sun, Feb 8 8 am – 5 pm »» 02M Manassas Campus Sat, Mar 14 8 am – 5 pm »» 03M Manassas Innovation Park Sat, Apr 11 8 am – 5 pm »» 04M Manassas Campus Sat, May 2 8 am – 5 pm »» 01M Manassas Campus Sun & Sat, Mar 15 – 22 8 am – 5 pm »» 02M Manassas Campus Sun & Sat, May 3 – 10 8 am – 5 pm Continuing Education for Tradesmen – Online Courses Tradesmen are required to take a pre-determined number of continuing education hours as part of the licensing process. Our courses are recognized by DPOR and the Virginia Board for Contractors. I have a new understanding of the contracting field—due to our amazing instructor. He was very professional and helpful. Basic Contractor Licensing student “ “ Bundle & Save Enroll online at Questions? Phone 703-257-6590. CE for Tradesmen Online Course Codes: • • • • Electricians: Gas Fitters: Mechanical: Plumbers: ELEC 1924 GASF 1903 HVAC 1902 PLMB 1904 To register, visit: www.nvcc.edu/workforce www.nvcc.edu/workforce 97 Trades & Industry Construction & Building Construction & Building Trades ONLINE ONLINE Become a Certified Welder Construction Methods & Materials Print Reading for Construction Trades – With Mobile Tablet Computing Learn to weld and be a certified welder! This 20-hour program, offered in partnership with American Iron Works and taught by certified welders, trains you in Oxy-fuel gas cutting and shielded metal arc welding processes. Topics include: safety; welding equipment, materials and use; Oxy-fuel cutting, welding and proper use of a grinder; shielded metal arc welding. At the end of the program, you will take a practical exam for designation as a Certified Welder by the American Welding Society. All materials are provided, including: Welder’s hood and gloves, Welder’s fire retardant jacket and practical exam. AIW will assist graduates with job placement. Prerequisite: Minimum age is 18, high school degree or equivalent, speak and read English at a high school level. Explore the various types of materials used in construction, along with the processes required to assemble them into a modern structure. We will focus on the basic materials and methods used in building construction and emphasize common construction systems such as timber & light wood frames, masonry bearing walls, steel frames, reinforced concrete, finishes, exterior wall treatments, door & window types, plus their installation methods. This course is taught online using Blackboard. Further information will be sent with your registration confirmation. Online prerequisite: A solid understanding of general math or a construction math course. Req. Textbooks: Construction Methods & Materials textbook and Workbook Exercises BLDG 1996 / 1.8 CEU / $219 »» 01W Woodbridge: Online Mon, April 13 – May 18 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Donald Thomas Does your class have a prerequisite or a required textbook? Be sure to check the class description for this important information! This 18-hour online course is designed as an introduction to basic print reading for residential, light, and some heavy commercial construction. Topics include: working drawings and drawing concepts, scale reading, construction math, plot plans, foundation and floor plans, elevation and sectional views, material and specification analysis, symbols and abbreviations and trade competency reviews. Learn how to use a mobile tablet to review, update, create punch-lists, send and markup drawings electronically. A mobile tablet (Android or iPad) is highly recommended for most feature applications. This course is taught online using Blackboard. Further information will be sent with your registration confirmation. Online prerequisite: A solid understanding of general math or a construction math course. Instructors: American Iron Works Certified Welders WELD 1902 / 2.0CEU / $2,685 all inclusive »» 01M American Iron Works, Chantilly Sat, Jan 24 – Feb 7 9 am – 4:30 pm Req. Textbook: Print Reading for Construction, 6th Ed. »» 02M American Iron Works, Chantilly Mon & Wed, Mar 2 – 23 6:30 – 9:30 pm BLDG 1997 / 1.8 CEU / $219 »» 03M American Iron Works, Chantilly Sat, Apr 11 – 25 9 am – 4:30 pm »» 01W Woodbridge: Online Mon, Mar 2 – April 6 6:30 – 9:30 pm Instructor: Donald Thomas »» 04M American Iron Works, Chantilly Mon & Wed, May 11 – June 3 6:30 – 9:30 pm (No class May 25) Order your books online: nvcc.bncollege.com 98 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Trades & Industry Trades Oil & Gas Industry Certification Training Obtain two valuable industry certifications to open the door to your new highly-paid and successful career. This 200-hour program includes an introduction to the petroleum industry, industrial safety, and well control & drilling. These three courses (modules) prepare you for a wide range of entry-level positions and lay a foundation for rapid career advancement. Courses may be taken in any order. Tuition includes a detailed course manual. Your instructor, Michael Jones, provides valuable job search assistance. Questions? E-mail Pat Carrow pcarrow@nvcc.edu or Michael Jones wjones@nvcc.edu. Intro to the Petroleum Industry Well Control & Drilling This 90-hour introductory course module highlights the various aspects of the petroleum industry, including history and development, basic drilling equipment, systems, and operations. This module addresses a variety of petroleum technologies, including exploration and drilling. Our course and instructor are certified by the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC). Courses may be taken individually and in any order. Tuition fee includes a course manual. This 45-hour course module provides details on the practices and procedures that are involved in drilling operations. Topics include 30 CFR 250, Subpart O and rig equipment and proper procedures to successfully drill a well. This module includes detailed instruction on performing volume calculations, calculating hydrostatic and formation pressures, and solving problems in down-hole drilling operations. Upon successful completion, you will earn an International Association of Drilling Contractors WellCAP Introductory Certificate, required for all entry-level workers in the drilling industry. Tuition fee includes a course manual. Instructor: Ward Michael Jones HVEQ 1902 / 9.0 CEU / $1,500 »» 01W Marine Corps Base, Quantico Mon – Fri, Feb 16 – Mar 11 »» 02W Marine Corps Base, Quantico Mon – Fri, May 4 – 28 (No class May 25) 5 – 10 pm 5 – 10 pm Industrial Safety The focus of this 65-hour course module is on petroleum industry safety guidelines and state and federal regulations which require industrial safety training. Topics include 29 CFR Part 1910 and 1926 standards such as general safety practices, confined space entry, emergency action, lock out/tag out, and other work related subjects. Upon successful completion, you will earn your Rig Pass certification from the IADC. Tuition fee includes a course manual. Instructor: Ward Michael Jones »» 02W Marine Corps Base, Quantico Mon – Fri, Mar 23 – Apr 14 Construct, test, and troubleshoot copperbased systems that are the basis of today’s networking, cable television, and satellite communications systems. This course provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to become a certified entrylevel technician in the Network Cabling industry. Learn proper tool use and construction techniques, “Industry Standard” termination and testing procedures, as well as troubleshooting and repair methods for copper-based cabling systems. Upon completion, you will be certified as a Level I technician in the copper cabling field and receive a certificate of completion from Leviton and Workforce Development. Instructor: Jim Bateman ITEC 1776 / 4.0 CEU / $1,399 »» 01M Manassas Campus Sat & Sun, Feb 7, 21, 22, 28, Mar 7 8 am – 5 pm »» 02M Manassas Campus Sun & Sat, Apr 12, 18, 19, 25, 26 8 am – 5 pm Instructor: Ward Michael Jones HVEQ 1904 / 4.5 CEU / $750 »» 01W Marine Corps Base, Quantico Mon – Fri, Feb 2 – 12 5 – 10 pm »» 02W Marine Corps Base, Quantico Mon – Fri, Apr 20 – 30 5 – 10 pm ONLINE Wastewater Certification NOVA, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), offers two instructor-led wastewater operator licensure preparatory courses delivered via Blackboard: Basic and Advanced Wastewater Licensure Review. Learn more about the Wastewater Program. HVEQ 1903 / 6.5 CEU / $1,050 »» 01W Marine Corps Base, Quantico Mon – Fri, Jan 6 – 29 (No class Jan 5 & 19) Introduction to Network Cabling: Copper-Based Systems 5 – 9 pm Visit our website www.nvcc.edu/wdce/alexandria/specialized/wastewater.asp 5 – 9 pm Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 99 American Culture & Language Institute English as a Second Language NOVA’s American Culture & Language Institute (ACLI) offers English as a Second Language (ESL) to local residents and to students from all over the world. ACLI is part of NOVA’s Workforce Development Division. We offer classes at all NOVA campuses and in some off-campus locations in Northern Virginia. ACLI also offers customized contract training in ESL for the work environment and in the areas of cross-cultural communication, multiculturalism, and diversity awareness. For more information about our programs and locations, visit www.nvcc.edu/future-students/esl/acli. Information for All ESL Students 101 Part-Time Courses by Level 102 Morning, Evening, Saturday Specialty Courses 106 TOEFL & Test Preparation, American Culture & Business, Academic Readiness Intensive English Program 100 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 110 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Information for All ESL Students New Students Register at any of the following locations: ESL Refund Policy • Complete an application for admission online at www.nvcc.edu (click on “Apply Now”). Apply as a “non-credit” student. You will receive a NOVA student ID number (also called EMPLID). Registration starts December 15. You will receive a full refund if you cancel your class within 7 days after the start date of the first scheduled class session. No tuition refunds will be made after these dates. All refund requests must be made in writing or in person. If your class is cancelled by the college, a full refund will be issued. All refunds are issued as checks from the Commonwealth of Virginia and will be mailed to the student’s current mailing address. Refunds take approximately 2–4 weeks to be processed. Refund checks will be made payable to the student, regardless of who paid for the course. Failure to attend: If you are not in class by the refund deadline and have not contacted us, you may be dropped from your class without a refund. If you miss 20% of the class without ever attending, you will be withdrawn without a refund. Note: This refund policy applies to ESLA courses only. • Take the ACLI ESL placement test. The test consists of a writing sample and an oral interview. Tests are given by appointment only. To make an appointment, contact the campus of your choice. See “ESL Registration Information” for campus and ACLI office locations. • Bring a photo ID and your NOVA student ID number (EMPLID) to the ACLI office when you come for testing. Alexandria Campus Bisdorf Building, Room AA 230 5000 Dawes Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 703-845-6329 AL-ACLI@nvcc.edu Registration starts December 8. Annandale Campus Student Services Building, Room CA 114 8333 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA 22003 703-323-3323 AN-ACLI@nvcc.edu Registration starts December 4. • Register for classes after you have completed the test. You will receive your ACLI placement level and ESL course information. Please keep the test results for reference. Test results can be used at all ACLI locations. Loudoun Campus Signal Hill Building, 3rd floor (off-campus location) 21335 Signal Hill Plaza Sterling, VA 20164 703-450-2597 LO-ACLI@nvcc.edu Returning Students Registration starts December 4. Register for any class at your level. Talk to an ACLI staff member if you have questions about the best class for you. (See ESL Registration Information.) Manassas Campus Parrish Hall, Room MP 204 6901 Sudley Road Manassas, VA 20109 703-257-6536 MA-ACLI@nvcc.edu ESL Prerequisites Prerequisites indicate the preparation and/ or background necessary to undertake a course. You are expected to meet prerequisites for most ACLI courses prior to registering. It is your responsibility to check for any prerequisites. You may be withdrawn or switched to another course if you register without meeting the necessary prerequisites. ESL Registration Information Register early because classes fill quickly! You may register for classes any time before they begin. Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Enrollment depends upon space availability, so register early to avoid being disappointed. Payment is due at the time of registration. For information on payment options, see page 115. Woodbridge Campus Seefeldt Building, Room 226 15200 Neabsco Mills Road Woodbridge, VA 22191 703-878-5770 WO-ACLI@nvcc.edu ? Questions about how to apply for an F–1 student visa? Call 703-323-3423 or visit www.nvcc.edu/international Books are required for most classes and can be purchased at the campus bookstore where your course is scheduled. Also, you may purchase your textbooks online at: nvcc.bncollege.com. Please keep your receipt. Books are subject to change. For bookstore locations, see information on page 113. Parking Information Registration starts December 4. ?? Textbooks Parking on all NOVA campuses is free on weekends and weekdays after 4 pm in B lots only. All other times you must have a valid parking permit. You may park at parking meters ($2 per hour) or in parking garages, or you can purchase a semester parking permit for $80 online at http://parking.nvcc.edu, or directly from the Parking Services Office for $90 on any campus. No parking permits are needed at off-campus locations. See information on page 113. ESL Classrooms & Locations Classrooms and locations are subject to change. Please check your class schedule or registration confirmation for classroom information. See information on page 112. Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 101 American Culture & Language Institute Part-Time ESL Courses by Level Part-Time ESL Courses by Level Introductory Level Courses Low Beginning Level Courses Prerequisite: ACLI placement test results or equivalent. Prerequisite: Completion of Intro Level courses, ACLI placement test results, or equivalent. NEW Reading & Writing – Intro Intro to English This course focuses on building and improving English grammar, writing skills and vocabulary. The reading activities focus on speed, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Students become more confident writing in English. This course is intended for students with limited English language skills. It will help them build a practical English vocabulary and develop vocabulary acquisition skills. Students will work with a picture dictionary and focus on different themes that will help them in daily life. This class will help students understand and use the language by giving them the opportunity to practice using new vocabulary in conversation and writing. »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1700-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge, Freedom HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1700-01W 6.0 CEU $430 Speaking & Listening – Intro This course focuses on everyday listening and speaking skills to build and improve vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Activities include speaking and listening in class, working in small groups, and roleplaying. »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 ESLA 1730-01A 6.0 CEU »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 10:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1750-01A 6.0 CEU $430 »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 ESLA 1731-01A 6.0 CEU »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1750-01M 6.0 CEU $430 Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – Apr 29 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1731-02A 6.0 CEU $430 Grammar & Conversation – Intro »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 9 – 11:30 am ESLA 1730-01M 6.0 CEU $430 102 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 8 – 10 am $430 »» Annandale Campus Wed & Fri, Jan 30 – May 13 9:20 – 11:40 am ESLA 1731-01N 6.0 CEU $430 Speak English with more confidence! In this course, students will actively practice grammar structures to improve fluency and increase confidence in their everyday conversation skills. Grammar rules will be discussed as part of in-class conversations with additional grammar presentations. Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1731-02N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Apr 7 – May 28 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1601-21L 4.0 CEU $380 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 9 – 11:30 am ESLA 1731-01M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1731-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1731-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1731-01W 6.0 CEU $430 Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – Apr 29 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1730-02A 6.0 CEU $430 Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1730-02N 6.0 CEU $430 This course focuses on everyday listening and speaking skills to build and improve vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Activities include speaking and listening in class, working in small groups, and roleplaying. Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1750-02A 6.0 CEU $430 8 – 10 am $430 »» Annandale Campus Wed & Fri, Jan 30 – May 13 9:20 – 11:40 am ESLA 1730-01N 6.0 CEU $430 Speaking & Listening – Low Beginning Connect with ACLI on Facebook facebook.com/ACLIAlexandria facebook.com/nova.acli.loudoun facebook.com/ACLIManassas Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Part-Time ESL Courses by Level Reading & Writing – Low Beginning American Culture & Language Institute Beginning Level Courses This course focuses on building and improving English grammar, writing skills and vocabulary. The reading activities focus on speed, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Students become more confident writing in English. »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 10:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1751-01A 6.0 CEU $430 Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1751-02A 6.0 CEU $430 »» Annandale Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 9:20 – 11:40 am ESLA 1751-01N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Reston Center Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 4 9:30 am – 12 pm ESLA 1751-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 6 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1751-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1751-01M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge, Freedom HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1751-01W 6.0 CEU $430 Grammar & Conversation – Low Beginning Speak English with more confidence! In this course, students will actively practice grammar structures to improve fluency and increase confidence in their everyday conversation skills. Grammar rules will be discussed as part of in-class conversations with additional grammar presentations. Prerequisite: Completion of Low Beginning Level courses, ACLI placement test results, or equivalent. Speaking & Listening – Beginning Reading & Writing – Beginning This course focuses on everyday listening and speaking skills to build and improve vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Activities include speaking and listening in class, working in small groups, and roleplaying. »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 ESLA 1732/42-01A 6.0 CEU 8 – 10 am $430 Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – Apr 29 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1732/42-02A 6.0 CEU $430 »» Annandale Campus Wed & Fri, Jan 30 – May 13 9:20 – 11:40 am ESLA 1732/42-01N 6.0 CEU $430 Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1732/42-02N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1732/42-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1732/42-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 9 – 11:30 am ESLA 1732/42-01M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1732/42-01W 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Apr 7 – May 28 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1601-21L 4.0 CEU $380 Register early because classes fill quickly. Enroll today! This course focuses on building and improving English grammar, writing skills and vocabulary. The reading activities focus on speed, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Students become more confident writing in English. »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 10:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1752/62-01A 6.0 CEU $430 Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1752/62-02A 6.0 CEU $430 Sat, Jan 24 – May 9 8:30 am – 1 pm ESLA 1752/62-03A 6.0 CEU $430 »» Annandale Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 9:20 – 11:40 am ESLA 1752/62-01N 6.0 CEU $430 Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1752/62-02N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Reston Center Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 4 9:30 am – 12 pm ESLA 1752/62-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 6 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1752/62-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1752/62-01M 6.0 CEU $430 Sat, Jan 24 – May 30 9 am – 12:20 pm ESLA 1752/62-02M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge, Freedom HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1752/62-01W 6.0 CEU $430 Grammar & Conversation – Beginning Speak English with more confidence! In this course, students will actively practice grammar structures to improve fluency and increase confidence in their everyday conversation skills. Grammar rules will be discussed as part of in-class conversations with additional grammar presentations. »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Apr 7 – May 28 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1602-21L 4.0 CEU $380 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 103 American Culture & Language Institute Part-Time ESL Courses by Level High Beginning Level Courses Prerequisite: Completion of Beginning Level courses, ACLI placement test results, or equivalent. Speaking & Listening – High Beginning Reading & Writing – High Beginning Grammar & Conversation – High Beginning This course focuses on everyday listening and speaking skills to build and improve vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Activities include speaking and listening in class, working in small groups, and roleplaying. This course focuses on building and improving English grammar, writing skills and vocabulary. The reading activities focus on speed, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Students become more confident writing in English. »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 ESLA 1733/43-01A 6.0 CEU 8 – 10 am $430 »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 10:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1753/63-01A 6.0 CEU $430 Speak English with more confidence! In this course, students will actively practice grammar structures to improve fluency and increase confidence in their everyday conversation skills. Grammar rules will be discussed as part of in-class conversations with additional grammar presentations. Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – Apr 29 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1733/43-02A 6.0 CEU $430 Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1753/63-02A 6.0 CEU $430 »» Annandale Campus Wed & Fri, Jan 30 – May 13 11:50 am – 2:10 pm ESLA 1733/43-01N 6.0 CEU $430 Sat, Jan 24 – May 9 8:30 am – 1 pm ESLA 1753/63-03A 6.0 CEU $430 Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1733/43-02N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1733/43-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1733/43-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 9 – 11:30 am ESLA 1733/43-01M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1733/43-01W 6.0 CEU $430 104 Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1753/63-02N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Reston Center Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 4 9:30 am – 12 pm ESLA 1753/63-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 6 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1753/63-01L 6.0 CEU $430 News for You This course is intended for high beginning students to help them develop reading and conversation skills. Students will read an ESL newspaper and discuss local, national and world news. The course will help students build better vocabulary, improve reading skills and express their opinions in English. »» Woodbridge Campus Mon – Thu, Jan 26 – Apr 14 11:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1793–01W 4.0 CEU $380 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1753/63-01M 6.0 CEU $430 Sat, Jan 24 – May 30 9 am – 12:20 pm ESLA 1753/63-02M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge, Freedom HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1753/63-01W 6.0 CEU $430 “ “ »» Annandale Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 11:50 am – 2:10 pm ESLA 1753/63-01N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Apr 7 – May 28 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1603-21L 4.0 CEU $380 Everything in this class was really good. I learned many things about American culture, language, and other cultures around the world. The teacher is a great person and a great teacher. Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 ESL student Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Part-Time ESL Courses by Level American Culture & Language Institute Low Intermediate Level Courses Prerequisite: Completion of High Beginning Level courses, ACLI placement test results, or equivalent. Speaking & Listening – Low Intermediate Reading & Writing – Low Intermediate Grammar & Conversation – Low Intermediate This course focuses on everyday listening and speaking skills to build and improve vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Activities include speaking and listening in class, working in small groups, and roleplaying. This course focuses on building and improving English grammar, writing skills and vocabulary. The reading activities focus on speed, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Students become more confident writing in English. »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 ESLA 1734/44-01A 6.0 CEU 8 – 10 am $430 »» Alexandria Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 27 – May 14 10:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1754/64-01A 6.0 CEU $430 Speak English with more confidence! In this course, students will actively practice grammar structures to improve fluency and increase confidence in their everyday conversation skills. Grammar rules will be discussed as part of in-class conversations with additional grammar presentations. Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – Apr 29 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1734/44-02A 6.0 CEU $430 Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 6:30 – 9 pm ESLA 1754/64-02A 6.0 CEU $430 »» Annandale Campus Wed & Fri, Jan 30 – May 13 11:50 am – 2:10 pm ESLA 1734/44-01N 6.0 CEU $430 Sat, Jan 24 – May 9 8:30 am – 1 pm ESLA 1754/64-03A 6.0 CEU $430 Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1734/44-02N 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Reston Center Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 4 9:30 am – 12 pm ESLA 1754/64-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1734/44-02L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 6 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1754/64-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1734/44-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1754/64-01M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Manassas Innovation Park Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 9 – 11:30 am ESLA 1734/44-01M 6.0 CEU $430 Sat, Jan 24 – May 30 9 am – 12:20 pm ESLA 1753/64-02M 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge Campus Sat, Jan 31 – May 16 9 am – 1 pm ESLA 1734/44-01W 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge, Freedom HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1754/64-01W 6.0 CEU $430 Most courses fulfill the academic requirement of J–1 visa holders (Au Pairs). 6.0 credits = 8.0 CEU or a total of 80 instructional hours. NEW Writing Through Reading Students will read different types of fiction and non-fiction text and practice their English skills by writing summaries, responses and personal reflections based on the readings. Students will improve their reading, writing, and vocabulary skills. »» Annandale Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 11:50 am – 2:10 pm ESLA 1813-01N 6.0 CEU $430 Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1813-02N 6.0 CEU $430 Reading & Discussing News More Focus on Grammar Attention Au Pairs! »» Loudoun, Potomac Falls HS Tue & Thu, Apr 7 – May 28 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1604-21L 4.0 CEU $380 This course provides low intermediate level students the opportunity to review and practice complex rules of grammar. It will enable students to communicate their ideas clearly in both spoken and written English. »» Alexandria Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 10:15 – 11:30 am ESLA 1818-01A 4.0 CEU $430 This course is intended for low intermediate – intermediate level students to help them develop reading and conversation skills. Students will read newspapers and discuss local, national and world news. The course will help students build better vocabulary, improve reading skills and express their opinions in English. »» Manassas Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1793-01M 4.0 CEU $380 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 105 American Culture & Language Institute Specialty Courses Specialty Courses Intermediate Level Courses Prerequisite: Completion of Low Intermediate Level courses, ACLI placement test results, or equivalent. Intermediate Oral Communication This course introduces academic vocabulary and develops listening and note-taking skills. This class is a good option for students who wish to pursue a college degree or the equivalent. »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – Apr 30 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1934-01L 6.0 CEU $430 Intermediate Reading & Composition This course develops essay structure and introduces research processes essential for college readiness. It focuses on reading accuracy and speed skills. This class is a good option for students who wish to pursue a college degree or the equivalent. »» Loudoun, Reston Center Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – May 4 9:30 am – 12 pm ESLA 1911-01L 6.0 CEU $430 »» Woodbridge, Freedom HS Tue & Thu, Feb 3 – May 5 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1911-01W 6.0 CEU $430 Intermediate/Advanced Grammar This course offers intermediate and advanced level students a review of important grammatical forms specific to the English language particularly troublesome to nonnative speakers. It includes a review of all tenses, the use of irregular plurals, and mixed constructions. TOEFL & Test Preparation Courses Introduction to TOEFL Writing for the TOEFL This overview course is designed for low intermediate students who want to improve their grammar, reading, listening, and testtaking skills. The course introduces them to all aspects of the TOEFL exam but focuses on vocabulary, reading, and grammar skills, as well as test-taking strategies. This course will prepare students to write an essay on a given topic within a set time period and to write a summary or a response to a text or listening passage. Strategies for doing well on timed writing tests will be covered, including developing an outline and a thesis, time management, and essay revision. The course will also cover several other aspects of writing, such as advanced grammar and vocabulary, proper use of transitions, and complex sentence structure. This course would be helpful for any intermediate to advanced level student looking to improve their writing. »» Alexandria Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 10:15 – 11:30 am ESLA 1844-01A 4.0 CEU $395 »» Manassas Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1844-01M 4.0 CEU $395 TOEFL Preparation This course provides intermediate and advanced level students with the necessary skills and strategies for successful test-taking. It covers all aspects of the TOEFL exam, providing review and practice in grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills for academic purposes. This course is for students pursuing college entrance or the equivalent. »» Arlington Center (register at Alexandria) Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1944-03A 4.0 CEU $395 »» Annandale Campus Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 9:20 – 11:40 am ESLA 1944-01N 6.0 CEU $475 Sat, Jan 31 – May 9 9:45 am – 2:20 pm ESLA 1944-02N 6.0 CEU $475 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – Apr 20 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1944-01L 5.0 CEU $455 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon – Thu, Jan 26 – Apr 16 11:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1917-01L 4.0 CEU $380 106 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 »» Annandale Campus Fri, Jan 23 – May 8 10 am – 2:20 pm ESLA 1945-01N 6.0 CEU $475 Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1945-02N 6.0 CEU $475 Speaking & Listening for the TOEFL This course prepares students for the speaking and listening sections of the TOEFL test. Students will practice spoken responses to test questions and oral summaries of listening passages, as well as answer written questions about listening passages. Students will also work on identifying main ideas and supporting points in a listening passage. This course is intended for intermediate to advanced level students who would like either to prepare for the test or to simply improve their speaking and listening ability. »» Annandale Campus Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 7:30 – 8:55 pm ESLA 1902-02N 4.0 CEU $395 Fri & Sat, Mar 20 – Apr 4 10 am – 1:40 pm ESLA 1902-01N 2.0 CEU $195 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Specialty Courses American Culture & Language Institute TOEFL Mini–Workshop ACLI now has a new format for the popular TOEFL preparation course. It will be offered as a mini-workshop for students who are too busy to take classes lasting the whole semester. Students will meet for two intensive sessions and will receive individual feedback on submitted work. Students will need to have regular access to a computer with the ability to play audio recordings and install software that comes with the course textbook. Accuplacer 360 Online • D evelop the skills to get a higher Accuplacer score with this 4-week online course. • Learn from the comfort of your home. • Includes instructional videos, practice exams, discussion boards and online resources. • Start anytime! Talk to an ESL staff member about how to register. • Recommended for students at the High Beginning level and above. Course description: The TOEFL Miniworkshop is an overview of the test and its components, strategies for answering reading, writing, and listening questions, strategies for writing timed TOEFL essays and TOEFL integrated essays, and finally suggestions on resources for further study. The course will include some practice with real TOEFL passages and one essay score for each type of essay. This workshop is appropriate for students who are new to the TOEFL and for those students who feel ready to take the TOEFL but want to get the highest scores possible. (Level: Low Intermediate – Advanced) Intro to American Culture NEW & Online »» Alexandria Campus Sat, Mar 21 & 28 ESLA 1944-01A 9:30 am – 3 pm 1.0 CEU $115 This course forms the basis for understanding America, its way of life, and its cultural heritage. Idioms in the American Workplace Sat, Apr 4 & 11 ESLA 1944-02A 9:30 am – 3 pm 1.0 CEU $115 »» Annandale Campus Sat, Feb 21 & Mar 7 ESLA 1944-11N 9:30 am – 3 pm 1.0 CEU $115 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Call 703-450-2597 for dates ESLA 1944-02L 1.0 CEU $115 »» ESLA 1798–01A 1.0 CEU $99 American Culture & Business Courses In this course, intermediate level students will be exposed to real-life language in which idioms are freely used and can be studied in context. A wide range of activities and exercises will ensure that students hear, read, and use the idioms in interesting and engaging ways. This course is designed to introduce intermediate level students to idioms in the American workplace. It is very important for any employee to be able to understand and use commonly spoken phrases or idioms to avoid sounding too formal to their workplace colleagues or supervisors. In this online class, you will learn how to use the most common workplace idioms whether you hear them in conversation or see them in writing. Class meets online on Blackboard every other week (see schedule below). Selfstudy work is assigned for alternating weeks (2 hours per week). Required: High-speed internet connection, webcam, speakers and/ or headset, and microphone. (Recommended levels: intermediate – advanced) »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon – Thu, Jan 26 – Apr 16 11:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1831-01L 4.0 CEU $380 »» Online Wed, Feb 4, 18, Mar 4, & 18 ESLA 1874-01L 1.0 CEU 7 – 8 pm $99 Wed, Apr 1, 15, 29, & May 13 ESLA 1874-02L 1.0 CEU 7 – 8 pm $99 »» Annandale Campus Wed & Fri, Jan 30 – May 13 11:50 am – 2:10 pm ESLA 1953-01N 6.0 CEU $475 »» Manassas Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1953-01M 4.0 CEU $380 Idioms in American Life Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 107 American Culture & Language Institute Specialty Courses Business Communication Intro to Public Speaking This course helps students address problems encountered in the business world. Students will learn about common business practices and how to write business memos, e-mails, letters, resumes, summaries and reports. They will participate in listening activities; will practice telephone calls, interviews, negotiations and meetings; and will also prepare and deliver presentations. This course will focus on oral communication skills, but will also include writing assignments. Course topics may vary by location and instructional hours offered. (Recommended levels: intermediate – advanced) This course provides intermediate to advanced level students with the skills needed to deliver formal and informal presentations. Students learn how to research, organize, and prepare presentations that will inform and persuade an audience. Topics include developing platform skills (body language, eye contact, voice projection), and delivering clear, concise, and relevant messages. »» Annandale Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 9:20 – 11:40 am ESLA 1943-01N 6.0 CEU $475 »» Annandale Campus Wed & Fri, Jan 30 – May 15 10 – 11:25 am ESLA 1829-01N 4.0 CEU $395 »» Annandale Campus Mon, Tue, Thu, Jan 29 – May 11 12:40 – 2:10 pm ESLA 1857-01N 6.0 CEU $475 Creative Writing Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 5 – 7:20 pm ESLA 1857-02N 6.0 CEU $475 This is a comprehensive writing/reading course that polishes fundamental writing skills required for most frequent business correspondence: memos, summaries, business letters, business reports and e-mail. The course will also focus on refining writing styles, developing more sophisticated vocabulary and a review of advanced grammar issues common to the professional environment. Intermediate to advanced level students will learn to write clear and correct documents that address business and professional objectives in less time. (Recommended levels: intermediate – advanced) »» Alexandria Campus Mon & Wed, Feb 2 – Apr 15 ESLA 1922-01A 4.0 CEU »» Annandale Campus Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 11:50 am – 2:10 pm ESLA 1776-01N 6.0 CEU $475 Business Writing 7 – 9 pm $395 This course has been designed for intermediate to advanced level students who want to improve their oral communication, writing and vocabulary skills by discussing and writing about current topics and world events. This class focuses on teaching students to analyze and express opinions with advanced language skills. Students will work with American news broadcasts and print media. No textbook is required. Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 6:35 – 8 pm ESLA 1829-02N 4.0 CEU $395 Students in this course will experiment with different genres of non-academic writing: personal narratives, travel writing, journalism, retelling of tales from their native countries, poetry, and fiction. Through the assigned readings, students will be exposed to a range of creative fiction and nonfiction and their varying voices, writing styles, and organization. The course includes reading assignments and writing exercises as well as working on individual creative writing projects. Assignments are designed to encourage the creation and revision of drafts, working toward a portfolio of polished material at the end of the semester. The objective of the course is to improve students’ grammar, vocabulary and confidence while expressing their thoughts and ideas in written English. (Recommended levels: low intermediate – advanced) Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1943-02N 6.0 CEU $475 Contemporary Issues & Current Events »» Annandale Campus Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1922-01N 6.0 CEU $475 Sat, Jan 31 – May 9 9:30 am – 11:50 am ESLA 1857-03N 3.0 CEU $275 Social Themes in American Film This course is designed to help students at the high beginning to low intermediate levels better understand American films in their historic and cultural context. Films will be viewed in class, with accompanying exercises to improve listening comprehension, vocabulary, and cultural understanding. Topics will include American family life, gender roles and relationships, race relations, attitudes toward disabilities, American politics, and multiculturalism in America, among other things. Each student will actively participate in the class through discussions, oral presentations on themes, and movie reviews. Students will improve their listening and speaking skills, as well as acquire new vocabulary. »» Alexandria Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1867-01A 4.0 CEU $380 Fri & Sat, Feb 20 – Mar 7 10 am – 1:40 pm ESLA 1922-02N 2.0 CEU $195 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Sat, Mar 28 – May 16 9 – 11:30 am ESLA 1922-01L 2.0 CEU $195 108 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Parking on all campuses is free on weekends and weekdays after 4 pm in B (Student) lots only. Parking permits are not required at off-campus locations. Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Specialty Courses Advanced English for Professional Success The course will focus on intercultural issues, including different values and styles of communication as well as build an awareness of the multi-cultural business environment. Students will practice their English language skills to obtain, clarify, analyze and present information; discuss their ideas, express their opinions; participate in and conduct business meetings effectively, and prepare and deliver speeches on business topics and controversial issues. Students will work independently and/or cooperatively in a team environment. They’ll use intermediate/advanced business vocabulary to speak and write about a range of business topics in the form of memos, e-mails, written and oral reports, and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of current trends in American business and the global business environment. American Culture & Language Institute History & Culture of the DC Area This is a fun, hands-on, field trip oriented course focusing on the history and culture of the DC area. Students will practice spoken and written English through off-campus field trips to historical monuments, museums and government buildings. In-class sessions on campus will alternate with required field trips to points of interest in the DC area. Students will be able to reflect on their experiences and prepare for the next field trip during their sessions on campus. (Recommended levels: low intermediate – advanced) »» Annandale Campus Fri & Sat, Apr 17 – May 2 10 am – 1:40 pm ESLA 1777-01N 2.0 CEU $195 »» Annandale Campus Fri, Coming Fall 2015 10 am – 12:20 pm ESLA 1876-01N 6.0 CEU $690 Academic Readiness Reading for Academic Success Reading & Discussing Fiction Accent Improvement This is the second level of a two-level course designed for students who want to focus on improving their reading skills and strategies. Students will study academic reading and TOEFL materials, and work on vocabulary development and grammar. There will be required reading homework, and in-class tests to work on test-taking strategies. (Recommended levels: Intermediate – Advanced) This course has been designed for intermediate to advanced level students. Students practice reading English and American literature and discussing the plots, characters, and themes. This course will help develop advanced reading, conversation and discussion skills. This course improves English pronunciation for intermediate and advanced ESL students. It provides students with a greater understanding of the comparable phonemic elements of the student’s native language and American English. »» Annandale Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 29 – May 12 7 – 9:20 pm ESLA 1926-01N 6.0 CEU $475 »» Annandale Campus Mon & Wed, Jan 28 – May 13 5 – 7:20 pm ESLA 1924-01N 6.0 CEU $475 »» Alexandria Campus (Hybrid session) Tue, Feb 3 – Apr 21 6:30 – 8:30 pm ESLA 1946-01A 4.0 CEU $395 Students will meet in person once a week; the second weekly class will be online and available to students any time throughout the week. »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon, Feb 2 – May 4 7 – 9:30 pm ESLA 1946-01L 3.0 CEU $295 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 109 American Culture & Language Institute Intensive English Program Intensive English Program The Intensive English Program (IEP) is designed to prepare students for college at NOVA or at another American college or university. Students take a combination of “core” courses that emphasize essential language skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing, and “elective” courses that cover a variety of topics. Elective courses offer an in-depth understanding in topics such as test-taking skills, American English pronunciation, vocabulary and spelling, and American culture. (Note: Elective course topics vary by semester and location.) New students must take the ACLI ESL placement test (an oral interview and a writing sample) before enrolling in classes. See page 101 for testing locations. F-1 students are required to take at least 25 CEUs to fulfill their visa requirements. The total tuition for F-1 students is $2,940 per semester. Non F-1 students may enroll full-time or part-time according to their academic goals. Intensive Core Courses Intensive Speaking & Listening: Levels Intro – Intermediate Intensive Reading & Writing: Levels Intro – Intermediate Intensive Speaking & Listening: Focus on Drama These intensive oral communication courses include work in listening, speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar. Six levels of proficiency are offered. Students at the Intro level start developing simple conversation skills for everyday life, and students at the highest level practice academic note-taking and public speaking skills. In addition to writing and reading, these intensive courses include work on grammar, critical thinking, and test-taking skills. Six levels of proficiency are offered. Students at the Intro level are introduced to writing sentences and students at the highest level have regular practice writing academic essays. These oral communication courses are open to low intermediate and intermediate students. They include work in listening, speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar with a focus on drama. Students will improve fluency through cold readings of scripts and creating role plays using advanced vocabulary. Students will contribute to group discussions on topics relating to the theater and take field trips to local theaters. Students will develop persuasive skills by expanding their emotional and expressive range of oral communication. Students will participate in class plays and perform for general audiences. »» Alexandria Campus Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 8:15 – 10 am ESLA 1971–1973 10.5 CEU $1,280 Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 2 – 3:45 pm ESLA 1973–1975 10.5 CEU $1,280 »» Arlington Center (register at Alexandria) Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 10 – 11:45 am ESLA 1972–1975 10.5 CEU $1,280 »» Annandale CED Building Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – May 8 10:10 am – 12:05 pm ESLA 1972–1975 12.5 CEU $1,470 Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – May 8 2:30 – 4:25 pm ESLA 1970–1975 12.5 CEU $1,470 »» Annandale Campus Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 7 5 – 7:20 pm ESLA 1972–1975 12.5 CEU $1,470 *Friday, Jan 23rd is a required session. »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 4 ESLA 1970–1975 10.5 CEU 1 – 3 pm $1,280 »» Manassas Campus Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 8:15 – 10 am ESLA 1970–1972 10.5 CEU $1,280 Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 2 – 3:45 pm ESLA 1973–1975 10.5 CEU $1,280 »» Woodbridge Campus Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – Apr 29 ESLA 1970–1975 10.5 CEU 110 »» Alexandria Campus Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 10:15 am – 12 pm ESLA 1981–1983 10.5 CEU $1,280 Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 4 – 5:45 pm ESLA 1983–1985 10.5 CEU $1,280 »» Arlington Center (register at Alexandria) Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 2 – 3:45 pm ESLA 1982–1985 10.5 CEU $1,280 »» Annandale CED Building Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – May 8 8 – 9:55 am ESLA 1982–1985 12.5 CEU $1,470 Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – May 8 12:20 – 2:15 pm ESLA 1980–1985 12.5 CEU $1,470 »» Annandale Campus Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – May 8 2:45 – 4:40 pm ESLA 1982–1985 12.5 CEU $1,470 »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 4 ESLA 1980–1985 10.5 CEU 9 – 11 am $1,280 »» Manassas Campus Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 10:15 am – 12 pm ESLA 1980–1982 10.5 CEU $1,280 Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 4 – 5:45 pm ESLA 1983–1985 10.5 CEU $1,280 »» Alexandria Campus Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 2 – 3:45 pm ESLA 1964-01A 10.5 CEU $1,280 Intensive Oral Communication Workshop In this intensive course, advanced level students will improve their listening and note-taking skills, acquire and use academic vocabulary, prepare small impromptu presentations as well as researched individual presentations. »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 4 ESLA 1976-01L 10.5 CEU 1 – 3 pm $1,280 »» Woodbridge Campus Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – Apr 29 8:45 – 10:45 am ESLA 1980–1985 10.5 CEU $1,280 1 – 3 pm $1,280 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Intensive English Program Intensive Writing Workshop I This intensive course is designed for students who need to master their sentence structure as well as expand their vocabulary. The course focuses on grammar, writing and vocabulary development at a high beginning/ low intermediate level. Students spend a lot of time working on their individual writing with the instructor. Students need a recommendation from ACLI staff or placement test referral to take this course. »» Annandale CED Building Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – May 8 2:30 – 4:25 pm ESLA 1995-01N 12.5 CEU $1,470 Intensive Writing Workshop II This intensive course focuses on developing academic writing skills, improving essay writing, grammar, and vocabulary development at the intermediate/advanced level. Students spend a lot of time working on their individual writing with the instructor. Reading materials provide themes for essays and other writing assignments, as well as vocabulary. Grammar is taught through specific writing tasks. Students need a recommendation from ACLI staff or placement test referral to take this course. »» Alexandria Campus Mon – Fri, Jan 21 – Apr 23 4 – 5:45 pm ESLA 1986-01A 10.5 CEU $1,280 »» Annandale Campus Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 7 2:30 – 4:50 pm ESLA 1986-01N 12.5 CEU $1,470 *Friday, Jan 23rd is a required session. »» Loudoun, Signal Hill Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 4 ESLA 1986-01L 10.5 CEU 9 – 11 am $1,280 American Culture & Language Institute Intensive Advanced Writing Seminar Intensive Elective Courses This course provides intensive instruction in English language studies at a level appropriate for college-educated non-native speakers, such as prospective graduate students, diplomats, and professionals in various fields. Students write reports, essays, stories, studies and research papers and work on advanced grammar and vocabulary. The class includes readings of various types and topics. »» Annandale Campus Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 7 2:30 – 4:50 pm ESLA 1916-01N 12.5 CEU $1,470 *Friday, Jan 23rd is a required session. Intensive English for Science, Math & Technology In this intermediate level intensive course, students will continue to develop their reading, writing and oral communication skills for academic study. This integrated skills course will focus on topics from the scientific fields and will give students an opportunity to begin practicing the language skills and vocabulary they will need when studying these subjects at the college or graduate level. The language objectives of this course are aligned with objectives of ESLA 1985/1975. At the end of the course, eligible students who are interested in continuing their studies at NOVA, will participate in the Bridge Writing Test to assist with their transition to the college credit program. It is recommended that students enrolling in this course have some familiarity with science and engineering concepts in their native language. (Recommended levels: intermediate in both S/L and R/W courses) »» Annandale CED Building Mon – Thu, Jan 21 – May 7 8:45 am – 12:10 pm ESLA 1605-01N 18.5 CEU $2,380 Interested in Teaching ESL? Apply directly at the campus nearest to you. If you would like to learn how to teach ESL, check out our TESOL Certificate Program on page 24. F-1 students take one elective course in addition to the intensive core courses to fulfill study. Additional elective courses may be available. Vocabulary Building & Spelling Strategies This course develops students’ vocabulary range and vocabulary acquisition skills through readings. Students learn new vocabulary by mastering prefixes, suffixes and roots. This class will help students understand American English spelling rules and provide opportunities to practice. Individualized instruction will address the spelling challenges of speakers of specific languages. »» Alexandria Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 –1:45 pm ESLA 1881–1883 4.0 CEU $380 Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 10:15 –11:30 am ESLA 1884–1885 4.0 CEU $380 »» Arlington Center (register at Alexandria) Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1882–1884 4.0 CEU $380 »» Loudoun Campus Tue & Thu, Jan 26 – Apr 16 11:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1881–1884 4.0 CEU $380 »» Manassas Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1881–1884 4.0 CEU $380 Pronunciation & Speech This course focuses on increasing student awareness of the sounds of American English, improving intelligibility, and helping them to speak more fluently. This class provides practice in English pronunciation with focus on rhythm, stress, and intonation. Students learn to evaluate their own speech in order to become more competent, self-assured speakers. »» Alexandria Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 –1:45 pm ESLA 1892–1894 4.0 CEU $380 »» Manassas Campus Mon, Wed, Fri, Jan 26 – Apr 15 12:30 – 1:45 pm ESLA 1891–1894 4.0 CEU $380 »» Woodbridge Campus Mon – Thu, Jan 26 – Apr 14 11:15 am – 12:15 pm ESLA 1891–1893 4.0 CEU $380 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 111 Workforce Development, Campus & General Information Medical Education Campus Alexandria Campus Annandale Campus Loudoun Campus Manassas Campus Workforce Office Bisdorf Building – AA 230 5000 Dawes Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 Loudoun, Signal Hill (off-campus) 21335 Signal Hill Plaza, Suite 300 Sterling, VA 20164 Manassas Innovation Park (off-campus) 9485 Innovation Drive, Suite 140 Manassas, VA 20110 6699 Springfield Center Drive, 210 Springfield, VA 22150 Seefeldt Building, WC 226 15200 Neabsco Mills Rd Woodbridge, VA 22191 Locations & Hours Ernst Community Cultural Center – CE 202 8333 Little River Tnpk Annandale, VA 22003 703-845-6280 703-323-3168 703-450-2551 703-257-6630 703-822-6523 703-878-5770 Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 5 pm Mon – Thu: 8:30 am – 8 pm Fri: 8:30 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 5 pm Mon – Fri: 8:30 am – 5 pm Mon – Thu: 8:30 am – 6:30 pm Fri: 8:30 am – 5 pm Mon – Thu: 8:30 am – 7:30 pm Fri: 8:30 am – 5 pm In-Person Registration: Manassas Campus Enrollment Services – Room MH 111 6901 Sudley Road Manassas, VA 20109 Loudoun Campus Classroom & Alexandria Campus Annandale, CED Pitney Bowes Building 21200 Campus Drive Off-Campus 5000 Dawes Avenue Alexandria, VA 22311 7630 Little River Tnpk Sterling, VA 20164 Locations Manassas Campus 6901 Sudley Road Manassas, VA 20109 Medical Education Campus 6699 Springfield 5th & 6th floors Center Drive Arlington Center Loudoun, Signal Hill Manassas Innovation Annandale, VA 22003 Springfield, VA 22150 4600 N Fairfax Drive 21335 Signal Hill Park Arlington, VA 22203 www.nvcc.edu/about- Plaza, Suite 300 9485 Innovation Drive nova/maps-directions/ Sterling, VA 20164 Manassas, VA 20110 (Located behind the annandale/ced/index. Holiday Inn at Fairfax Reston Center html Drive and Glebe 1831 Wiehle Avenue Road) Reston, VA 20190 Woodbridge Campus Woodbridge Campus 15200 Neabsco Mills Rd Woodbridge, VA 2191 Freedom High School 15201 Neabsco Mills Rd Woodbridge, VA 22191 Silver Line @ Wiehle-Reston East Potomac Falls High School 46400 Algonkian Parkway Sterling, VA 20165 Finding Classrooms E-mail confirmations are sent to students after registration and include classroom location information. Campus maps are available online: www.nvcc.edu/wdce/ alexandria Campus maps are available online: www.nvcc.edu/wdce/ annandale Annandale, CED: The entrance to this building is locked at 7 pm on weekdays, and is open 9 am 1 pm on Saturdays. Location phone: 703-323-3102. Loudoun Campus: Classroom locations are posted in the LR building main lobby. Classroom locations are updated daily on the website: www.nvcc. edu/wdce/pwregional Classroom locations are posted in the main corridor of the Medical Education Campus building and Reston Center & Classroom locations are also listed on the Signal Hill: are also posted at our Room 210 door and Classroom locations off-campus site, MIP – on the TV monitor are posted in the third Manassas Innovation outside Room 210. floor lobby. Park, located within the Innovation Business Center. Classroom locations are updated daily on the website: www.nvcc. edu/wdce/pwregional Read the complete Senior Citizen Enrollment Policy on page 114. Call between 2 – 5 pm only to check on course availability. Senior Citizen 703-323-3168 703-450-2551 703-257-6630 703-822-6523 703-878-5770 Registration 703-845-6280 112 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Workforce Development, Campus & General Information Alexandria Campus Bookstore Location & Hours Students with Disabilities Locations & Hours Manassas Campus Medical Education Campus Woodbridge Campus Tyler Building, 104 Mon – Thu: 9 am – 7 pm Fri: 9 am – 2 pm CA Building, 2nd level Mon – Thu: 8 am – 8 pm Fri: 8 am – 6 pm Sat: 9 am – 5 pm LR Building, 135 Mon – Thu: 8 am – 7 pm Fri: 8 am – 2 pm Parrish Hall, 1st Floor Mon – Thu: 8 am – 8 pm Fri: 8 am – 2 pm MEC, Room 117 Mon & Thu: 8:30 am – 7 pm Tue & Wed: 8:30 am – 5 pm Fri: 8:30 am – 2 pm WB Building Mon – Thu: 9 am – 7 pm Fri: 9 am – 2 pm 703-845-6221 703-323-3185 703-450-2589 703-368-8554 703-822-6605 703-878-5774 NOVA is committed to providing an accessible education and a supportive learning environment for all students, including those with documented disabilities. If you require special services or accommodation, you should contact the NOVA Counselor for Students with Disabilities at least 4 weeks prior to the start of class. Counselors are located on the first floor of the CA Building, Room 112. 703-323-3200 Interpreter Services Office: 703-323-3187 (Voice/TTY). Counselors are located in LR 253. 703-450-2571 Counselors are located in MH 110. 703-257-6610 TDD# 703-368-3748 Counselors are located in Room 202. 703-822-6633 Counselors are located in WC 202. 703-878-5760 TDD# 703-878-5790 Parking on all NOVA campuses is free on weekends and after 4 pm on weekdays in B (Student) Lots only. Semester Parking Permit: $90 or $80 if purchased online at parking.nvcc.edu. Parking Meters or Garage: $2/hr., $10 max per day – Parking meters take coins and credit cards. One-day Hangtag: $10 – enrolled students may purchase a hangtag online prior to class or at a campus parking services office. Once purchased, it is non-refundable. The permit and hangtag allow you to park in any of the B (Student) Lots on campus. Hang tags cannot be used at metered parking. Parking Services: AA 189A 703-845-6499 Metered parking lot located at Campus Dr and Dawes Ave Arlington Center: Free student parking after 5:30 pm on weeknights and all day on weekends. Other public parking is available in the area. Veterans Benefits Loudoun Campus All books listed under course descriptions are available in the campus bookstore where the course is being held. You may also purchase your textbooks online at nvcc.bncollege.com. Counselors are located in AA 194. 703-933-1840 Parking Annandale Campus Parking Services: CA Building – 1st floor 703-323-4267 Multi-story parking garage (enter on level 1) Annandale, CED: Free student parking Parking Services: LR 241 Parking Services: MH 312 Parking Services: Room 204-A Parking Services: WC 126 703-450-2523 703-257-6650 703-822-6688 703-878-5815 Metered parking available Metered parking available Parking garage Metered parking available Reston Center: Free student parking Manassas Innovation Park: Free parking. Use rear lot prior to 6 pm. Use front entrance lot after 6 pm and Saturdays. Loudoun, Signal Hill: Free parking in designated area for NOVA students. Freedom High School: Free student parking Select Workforce Development certificate programs have been submitted to the VA for approval for veterans who wish to use their educational benefits. For more information, please contact: Vonzell Mattocks: vmattocks@nvcc.edu or 703-323-3435 Lorinzo Foxworth: lfoxworth@nvcc.edu or 703-425-5736 You may also contact a campus representative: Diana St. AmandCampos veterans-al@nvcc.edu 703-933-8374 Romulo Sarmiento rsarmiento@nvcc.edu Pearson Buasen pbuasen@nvcc.edu Danae Erickson derickson@nvcc.edu Dietrich Giles dgiles@nvcc.edu Diane Malone cmalone@nvcc.edu 703-323-3145 703-450-2583 703-257-6622 703-822-6540 703-878-5748 Enroll online at www.nvcc.edu/workforce 113 Workforce Development, Campus & General Information The Continuing Education Unit Delays & Closures CEU stands for Continuing Education Unit. CEUs are earned for participation in non-credit continuing education experiences. At NOVA, non-credit courses are offered by the Workforce Development Division. Closures: If NOVA is closed, all classes and activities are cancelled, including non-credit Workforce Development classes and seminars. This also applies to classes held at off-campus sites (such as Arlington Center, CED-Pitney Bowes, Reston Center, and Manassas Innovation Park). One Continuing Education Unit is defined as: Ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience, under responsible sponsorship, capable direction and qualified instruction. You can earn CEUs for many Workforce Development courses. Registered students must attend 90% of all scheduled class hours, in addition to completing any other requirements set by the instructor, in order to be awarded CEUs and a Certificate of Completion. CEUs allow students to establish a permanent record of non-credit experiences that enhance their opportunities for personal and professional development. Lifetime Learning Tax Credit Taxpayers may be eligible to claim a non-refundable Lifetime Learning Tax Credit to help them pay for post-secondary education for themselves and/or their dependent children. These tax credits can reduce the amount of federal income tax on returns filed in 1999 or later. This credit applies to tuition and fees for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education course work taken part time to improve or upgrade job skills. For more information, call 800–829–1040 or visit the IRS website at www.irs.gov/Individuals/LLC. Third Party Payment If your tuition is being paid by a third party (employer, government agency, foreign embassy), submit a purchase order or letter of authorization with your registration. You can submit these forms in person, by mail, or fax 703–323– 3399; but we must have the original copy of the purchase order or authorization to process your payment. If the original copy of this form is not submitted with your registration, please mail it to: Northern Virginia Community College Workforce Development – CE 202, Attention: Yookie Lee 8333 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA 22003 You are responsible for full tuition payment if the third party does not pay. You cannot register using one form of payment and switch to third party payment at a later date. Senior Citizen Enrollment Policy The Virginia Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974 and amendments allow senior citizens to take courses at no charge under certain circumstances. Before the beginning of the semester in which you wish to enroll, you must have (1) reached the age of sixty and (2) had legal domicile in Virginia for one year. Tuition-paying students are accommodated in courses before senior citizens are enrolled. If you apply for free tuition AFTER you register and pay for a course, you are not eligible for a refund for that course. You are required to pay for course materials such as books and supplies. The College reserves the right to cancel any course, and you are limited to three tuition-free courses per semester. If you wish to take a Workforce Development course, you must apply to the college to get a student ID number, and come in person to campus to present proof of age and fill out a Senior Citizen Certification of Eligibility for Free Tuition form, which may be obtained from the WDD Office on any campus. A new form must be completed in person each semester. Once the necessary paperwork is on file, you must call to determine if space is available and the course is still open. For courses that begin in the morning or afternoon, you must call between 2:00 and 5:00 pm the day prior to the course start date; for evening courses, you must call between 2:00 and 5:00 pm the day the course begins. Please call the Workforce Development Office on the campus offering the course you wish to attend. To guarantee a place in a course, payment is required. 114 Alexandria Campus | 703–845–6280 Annandale Campus | 703–323–3168 Morning Delays: If NOVA opens late due to bad weather, your WD class could be impacted. We determine whether to hold class as follows: • If you are taking a Workforce Development class (except for ESL – see below) and the college is not open when your class is scheduled to begin, your class will not meet and will be rescheduled. For example, if your class begins at 10 am and the college opens at 10:30 am, your class will not meet and will be rescheduled. We will contact you by phone or e-mail. • If you are taking an ESL class with the WD ACLI department, we follow the NOVA criteria for delayed openings. This means that if your class would have started prior to the opening time and it will continue at least 45 minutes after the opening time, the class will be held. For example, if your class begins at 9:00 am and ends at 12:15 pm, and NOVA opens at 10:30 am, your class will begin at 10:30 am and end at 12:15 pm. Evening Closures: If NOVA cancels evening classes and activities, all WD classes scheduled for that evening are cancelled. If you are scheduled to attend a NOVA class held at a non-NOVA location, such as a local high school, we adhere to the decision made by that location. You can receive emergency and college closing messages on your mobile device by signing up for NovaAlert at alert.nvcc.edu. Course Changes, Cancellations & Refunds Please make sure your contact information is up to date. This will enable us to promptly notify you should there be a change or course cancellation. If we cancel a course, we will gladly transfer you to another or send you a full refund. Student Requested Course Changes To change classes or transfer to another section of a course, call the WDD Office at that campus a minimum of 4 calendar days before the course start date. Enrollment Cancellation with Full Refund E-mail your request to wddrefunds@nvcc.edu at least 4 calendar days prior to the first class session. We will gladly refund your tuition after we receive your written request. Refunds will be issued in the form of a check, regardless of the method of payment, and will be made payable to the student, regardless of who paid the tuition and fees. The refund check will be sent from Richmond to your mailing address within 2-4 weeks. Refund requests for “Bundle & Save” courses must be made at least 4 days prior to the first class session of the first course in the bundle. Motorcycle Courses: Refund requests require a two-week notice; see page 90. ACLI – ESL Courses: Refund requests must be made within 7 days of the first scheduled class session; see page 101. American Heart Assoc. Courses: Refund requests require 4 business days notice; see page 74. Veterans Refund Policy (Veterans using their Benefits): In the event that a veteran, spouse of a veteran, surviving spouse or child of a veteran is using their veterans benefits to attend school with us and that person fails to enter the course or withdrawals or is discontinued therefrom at any time prior to the completion of the course, the unused portion of the tuition and/or fees paid by the person shall be refunded. The exact amount of the refund will be determined based on the ratio of the number of days of instruction the person completed to the total number of instructional days in the course. (Example: A person attends 5 days of instruction out of 20 total instructional days. The person has completed 25% of the class. Therefore, the person would receive a refund of 75% of the total tuition.) All refunds will be made within 30 days. Loudoun Campus | 703–450–2551 Manassas Campus | 703–257–6630 Medical Education Campus | 703–822–6523 Woodbridge Campus | 703–878–5770 Welcome to The Workforce Our catalog connects you with a wealth of learning and growth opportunities. Whether you need a new skill or a new career, NOVA has the right program for you. With our expert instructors and affordable courses, you’ll reach your goals. We’ve got the region covered. No matter where you live or work, NOVA is practically down the street. With six campuses, three centers and many off-campus sites, we make learning convenient. Anywhere, anytime learning! Online courses, designed with you in mind. Course listings begin on page 92. Stay connected: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive upto-date information about Workforce Development news & events! Our website is updated frequently. Please check it for the latest course information. www.nvcc.edu/workforce Link! Check out our comprehensive offerings: • • • • Professional Development Certificate Programs Enrichment Courses Continuing Education We are your link to the training your employees need. NOVA’s Workforce Development Division is ideally suited to provide customized training for local businesses and organizations. Your workforce needs are unique, and our customized training programs are developed to meet those specific needs. See page 70 for more information. Contact us today for a FREE consultation: Workforce Development Division Customized Training 703-323-3281 Enroll Today! Registration is continuous from December 4 throughout the spring semester ¿ Easy Ways to Register: Get the course you want – register and pay for it early! and remains open until the course maximum is reached. If the course you want is full, contact the WDD office at that campus and ask to be placed on a waiting list. Registration begins with a Student ID Number Online: If you have never taken a course at NOVA, complete the VCCS (non-credit) Application for Admission. You can do this online at www.nvcc.edu. Click the “Apply Now” tab. A – Alexandria N – Annandale Your Student ID Number will be generated and used for all future college transactions. If you prefer, you can complete the application form in person at any Workforce Development office. H – Medical Education W – Woodbridge Express credit card. See Campus Information for office hours. WDD Office Phone Numbers: Alexandria: 703-845-6280 Annandale: 703-323-3168 Loudoun: 703-450-2551 Payment: Workforce Development course fees are due at the time of Manassas: 703-257-6630 Medical Education: 703-822-6523 Woodbridge: 703-878-5770 In Person: Register at any campus during office hours. Pay with your registration. Payment plans may not be used for non-credit tuition. Students must pay to attend any Workforce class; auditing is not available. For Third Party Payment options, see page 114. VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card or with check or cash at any campus Business Office. See Campus Information for office hours. Mail: Complete the registration form below and enclose a check or money order payable to NVCC. Student ID:_______________________________________________ Mail completed form with payment to: (Required - Get your ID at www.nvcc.edu “Apply Now” ) Birth Date:________________________________________________ Northern Virginia Community College Workforce Development – CE 202 8333 Little River Turnpike Annandale, VA 22003 Day/Work Phone:__________________________________________ Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ twitter.com/NOVAWDD L – Loudoun M – Manassas Phone: Register and pay with your VISA, MasterCard or American If it’s been more than 3 years since you’ve taken a course at NOVA, submit a new application, using your current Student ID Number, to update your records before registering. Don’t remember your Student ID Number? Call any WDD office for assistance. Home Phone:_____________________________________________ facebook.com/NOVAWDD www.nvcc.edu/workforce Select the campus. Select your course(s). Register and pay with your VISA, MasterCard or American Express credit card. Campus locations are identified by letters, which are part of the course section number: (First)(M.I.) (Last) Address:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (Apt. #) (City) (State) (Zip Code) E–mail:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Used only for class-related notification purposes) See course example in color below. Course Prefix Course Number Section Number Course Title Course Dates Tuition ITEC 1234 01W Computer Basics 03/16 - 04/06 $145 Ex 1. 2. 3. 4. Payment is required at the time of registration. Enclose your check or money order payable to NVCC. Cash payments must be made at any campus Business Office. Make credit card payments on our website – www.nvcc.edu/workforce Check/Money Order enclosed q Office Use: Reg. Processed: Date:_________________ Time: ____________ Initials:_________ Service Indicator: _____________ Building Skills Creating Success Workforce Development Vision & Mission: We envision WDD as a driver of economic growth throughout the region. WDD’s core business is to provide market-ready education and training services to produce an agile and ready workforce. NOVA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. Workforce Development offerings are supported entirely through the fees paid by participants. 115 Spring 2015 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID MERRIFIELD, VA 4001 Wakefield Chapel Road Annandale, VA 22003-3796 PERMIT NO 6355 ECRWSS January – May WorkforceLink www.nvcc.edu/workforce Building Skills Let NOVA help you gain the knowledge and skills to achieve your full potential. Gain New Credentials Formalize your qualifications by choosing from over 70 programs leading to industry credentials. • PMP & CAPM p. 7 • Admin Professional p. 27 • CompTIA® A+ p. 43 • CCENT/CCNA p. 45 • Nurse Aide p. 73 • Billing & Coding p. 76 Add to Your Resume Earn a certificate in high-demand fields. Choose from over 40 certificate programs this spring. • Federal Contracts p. 9 • Human Resources p. 15 • Coaching p. 21 • Teaching ESL – TESOL p. 24 • Microsoft Office p. 38 • UNIX p. 42 Creating Success Explore new careers Get my PMP certification Explore New Careers Turn a skill or passion into a new career. Let our expert instructors guide you. Take my business to the next level • Wedding Coordinator p. 23 • Tax Professional p. 30 • Commercial Real Estate p. 31 • Web Design p. 56 • Healthcare p. 72 • Certified Welder p. 98 Work in healthcare Upgrade my job skills in Cyber Security New Year. New You. Which Box Will You Check? Register 24/7 at Alexandria Annandale Loudoun 703-845-6280 | 703-323-3168 | 703-450-2551 | www.nvcc.edu/workforce Manassas Medical Education Woodbridge 703-257-6630 | 703-822-6523 | 703-878-5770 | NOVA is committed to the environment. Please recycle when done with this publication. In Demand! Cyber Security Certificate Hot Topic! U.S. Intelligence Studies New! ITIL® Foundation page 54 page 22 page 41
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