Go Annual Report 2013-2014 Gowrie SA EARLY CHILDHOOD 1 PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PROGRAM GUIDE JANUARY - JULY, 2015 Gowrie South Australia PROGRAM GUIDE OVERVIEW SECTION 1 - PAGE 5 INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 - PAGE 9 PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT & RESOURCES SECTION 3 - PAGE 17 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SECTION 4 - PAGE 46 QUALIFICATIONS SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION5 1.1 Welcome7 1.2 Frequently Asked Questions8 SECTION 2: PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT AND RESOURCES 9 2.1 Types of Professional Development and Support Available 10 2.2 Long Day Care Professional Development Programme 11 2.3 IPSP Online Library12 2.4 NQF Workbook13 2.5 DVD Resources14 SECTION 3: PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT17 3.1 Gowrie Australia Theory into Practice Professional Development Sessions 18 3.2 Theory into Practice Gowrie Australia Delivery Dates20 3.3 Gowrie SA Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions 21 National Quality Standard 21 Quality Area 123 Quality Area 231 Quality Area 332 Quality Area 433 Quality Area 535 Quality Area 637 Quality Area 739 Rural Area Sessions42 3.3 Learning Community Hubs 45 SECTION 4: QUALIFICATIONS46 4.1 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care 47 4.2 Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management (NQF Leadership Qualification) 49 3 4 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 5 6 1.1 WELCOME WELCOME Welcome to the January - June 2015 Professional Learning Program Guide for Early Childhood Services. In this guide you will find our range of professional development opportunities specifically for educators and leaders working in early childhood educatin and care settings. You will also find information about the resources and support that Gowrie SA can provide your service. For ease of use, we have adjusted the format of the Professional Learning Program Guide. To ensure that you attend the sessions that best suit your needs, we have provided a level for each of the sessions. You may consider yourself to be at an advanced level for some topics and an intermediate or introductory level for other topics. LEVELS Introductory: Designed for educators who are beginning to examine their beliefs, knowledge and theoretical perspectives against the Early Years Learning Framework and National Quality Standard in the related topic. Intermediate: Designed for educators who are confident in their knowledge and theoretical perspectives and want to strengthen these and generate new ideas. Advanced: Designed for educators prepared to critically reflect and challenge thinking and practice, through professional debate and enquiry. When browsing what’s on offer, keep in mind that all of our professional development links directly to the National Quality Standard (NQS) to assist you in aligning your professional development and support needs with your Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). Please contact our team of at Gowrie SA for advice and support in any aspect of managing and operating your service. Gowrie SA Professional Learning Team 7 1.2 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HOW DO I REGISTER FOR SESSIONS IN THIS PROGRAM GUIDE? Register online at www.gowriesa.org.au If you do not have internet access, contact Gowrie SA on 1800 129 606. HOW DO I BOOK SESSIONS FOR MY AREA OR STAFF TEAM? Call Gowrie SA on 1800 129 606 and speak with a Professional Learning Consultant. We can come to you during the day, evenings, or weekends at any location across South Australia. WHAT IS DIFFERENT IN THIS PROGRAM GUIDE? The overall look of this program guide is different to our earlier professional learning calendars. Our pre-scheduled sessions are now organised by Quality Area. Changes to funding mean that eligible Long Day Care services will receive direct funding under the Long Day Care Professional Development Program (LDCPDP) rather than accessing subsidised services through the Professional Support Coordinator. This means that LDC can access PSC services on a fee for service basis (i.e. not subsidised) as outlined in this program guide. WHAT ARE THE COURSE FEES? Most course fees are subsidised under the Inclusion and Professional Support Program for eligible services. Cheques and money orders are payable to the Gowrie Training Centre. Credit card payments can be made over the phone and EFTPOS is available at the centre. Course fees must be paid in full prior to the start date. Certificates will not be issued until payment has been received in full. All courses are inclusive of GST unless otherwise indicated. Payment plans can be negotiated for some courses, ask our staff for more information. Coming in 2015 - new register and pay online facilities. See www.gowriesa.org.au for details. 8 WHAT IF I NEED TO CANCEL? If you need to cancel your place in a course, you must notify us at least 5 business days prior to the course date. A refund or credit can then be arranged. Credits are valid for 6 months from the date of issue. Another staff member may take your place if you are unable to attend however you will need to advise us prior to the start date so we can update the certificate with the correct details. Cancellations with less than 5 business days notice, or failing to attend a course will result in no refund or credit and full course fees will remain payable. ENQUIRIES Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street Thebarton SA 5031 Phone 08 8234 5219 Toll free 1800 129 606 train@gowriesa.org.au www.gowriesa.org.au SECTION 2 PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT & RESOURCES 9 2.1 TYPES OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT AVAILABLE WORKSHOPS AND SHORT TRAINING SESSIONS One off workshops and sessions are delivered at the Gowrie Training Centre in Thebarton, at your service and various other locations around metropolitan and rural South Australia. There are pre-scheduled sessions to choose from in this program guide. Sessions can also be scheduled for a date and time suitable for your service (including evenings and weekends). SESSIONS DELIVERED AT YOUR SERVICE Most of the sessions listed in this program guide and our previous calendars can be delivered at your service. You can select from our existing courses or we can customise a course for your staff team or network group. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLANS We work with you to develop 6 or 12 month plans that incorporate a range of learning and support options tailored to meet your service needs. CUSTOMISED SESSIONS TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS If your service has a learning need that isn’t met by one of our existing sessions, we can work with you and customise a course to suit your particular needs. SATURDAY AND EVENING SESSIONS We understand that it can be difficult to find a time for your whole team to get together for professional learning. This is why Gowrie SA offers evening and Saturday sessions at a time and location convenient for you. OBSERVATION TOURS OF GOWRIE SA’S CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Come and see theory in practice at our children’s programs including integrated infant and toddler programs, natural environments, play based learning and primary care giving. Contact Gowrie SA for more details. 10 NQS INTENSIVE SUPPORT PROGRAM We develop a support package focusing on high priority areas for your service to support continuous improvement for the NQF. NQS OBSERVATION VISITS AT YOUR SERVICE We can come to your service and take observations related to specific quality areas and provide feedback and support for continuous improvement. QUALIFICATIONS Gowrie SA delivers a number of nationally recognised qualifications for educators and leaders in early childhood education and care and school age care. FACILITATED STAFF MEETINGS Gowrie SA Professional Learning Consultants can support your team to engage in critical reflection and professional dialogue through a facilitated staff meeting. COACHING AND MENTORING A Gowrie SA Professional Learning Consultant can provide coaching and mentoring for leaders, educational leaders and educators in all areas of practice at your service. CONFERENCES AND MINI-SAMPLER EVENTS We offer a range of conferences and mini-sampler events covering a wide range of Quality Areas. SPEAKERS FOR EVENTS AND PARENT TALKS Are you looking for an engaging speaker? Gowrie SA can provide a speaker for annual general meetings, parent talks and other events. FREE TELEPHONE CONSULTATIONS Could you use some support and advice in planning your service’s professional learning journey? Our consultants are available for an obligation free phone conversation about your needs. 2.2 LONG DAY CARE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME The Long Day Care Professional Development Programme (LDCPDP) was launched by the Australian Government in 2014, and is the single biggest investment ever in professional development for early learning educators in Long Day Care (LDC) centres. Gowrie SA have developed a range of tools and resources to support Long Day Care centres in South Australia to invest LDCPDP funds strategically, in order to achieve the best outcomes for children and educators. The LDCPDP Planning Tool has been designed to support centres use the data and information they already collect in a streamlined process to create their own plan. Gowrie SA consultants are available to support you in this planning process. Gowrie SA has a dedicated LDCPDP website to help centres discover the wide range of professional learning options available for Long Day Care. These options include, mentoring, qualifications, staff team packages etc. Visit the website at www.ldcpdp.org.au We also have a range of brochures and enquiry forms available listing Gowrie SA’s professional learning for centres. To view and download these materials, visit the LDCPDP website above. If you would like to receive a printed copy of the LDCPDP Enquiry Form or talk to a Professional Learning Consultant, call us on 1800 129 606. 11 2.3 IPSP ONLINE LIBRARY The IPSP Online Library is a collection of online resources and publications that provides comprehensive, practical information and support to assist in meeting the inclusion and professional development needs of Education and Care services. The library contains materials from a variety of agencies who work within the education and care sector, in Australia and internationally. Contributions come from agencies such as Early Childhood Australia, ACECQA, Professional Support Coordinators Australia wide and many others. Resources have been made available free of charge and there are no accounts or log-ins needed. Exploring a range of themes and ideas relevant to the sector, available resources include: • in-service training materials (manuals, training materials, online modules, workbooks, visual aids, audio-visual material) 12 • • • fact sheets, pamphlets and newsletters journals and professional literature resources that support quality programs, and that enable cultural inclusion and bilingual education for educators and children. Some of the most popular resources in the IPSP Online Library include: • sample policies for the NQF • team meeting packages for educators • “how to” guides around designing play spaces, documenting children’s learning and programming • Current peer reviewed research on various aspects of the Early Years Learning Framework and the Framework for School Age Care. For more information, please contact the IPSP Online Library Project Officer, Freya Lucas freyal@gowriesa.org.au or (08) 8234 5219. 2.4 NQF WORKBOOK NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK WORKBOOK A practical way for leaders and teams to deepen their knowledge of the National Quality Framework (NQF). $11 This workbook was developed to support education and care services across Australia to prepare for assessment against the National Quality Standard. The NQF Workbook presents the requirements of the NQF as building on existing practice. The NQF Workbook is a 103 page spiral bound workbook that: • • • • • • is a practical guide for education and care services is for Long Day Care, Preschool, Outside School Hours Care, Family Day Care and Budget Based Funded services across Australia includes activities to involve all educators includes spaces to record notes, actions and follow up required includes a comprehensive Action Plan template supports your Quality Improvement Plan. Contact Gowrie SA on 1800 129 606 or email details to train@gowriesa.org.au for your copy. 13 2.5 DVD RESOURCES - ORDER FORM PRIMARY CAREGIVING: WORKING TOWARDS SECURE ATTACHMENTS IN CHILD CARE 1 giving s, the cure giving All images of the children seen in this video are used with the permission of the parents. Any use of the images on this video is prohibited except with the permission of the parents and Gowrie SA primary caregiving ning ding working toward secure attachments in childcare ure care working toward secure attachments in childcare 8 nquiries contact: Australia 5031 stralia 5007 Produced by Gowrie SA SECURE ATTACHMENTS: THE FOUNDATION OF RELATIONSHIPS IN CHILD CARE PROGRAMS 2 hments All images of the children seen in this video are used with the permission of the parents. Any use of the images on this video is prohibited except with the permission of the parents and Gowrie SA secure attachments ing ding are the foundation of relationships in childcare programs ationships s ment o es. Provides an understanding of the importance of primary caregiving in child care centres, the role of the educator in developing and supporting secure attachment relationships with children and how primary caregiving systems operate. Includes a self-paced learning booklet. ORDER CODE: PC the foundation of relationships in childcare programs quiries contact: ustralia 5031 stralia 5007 Provides an understanding of attachment and how educators support the development of secure attachment relationships for children from birth to three years. Includes a self-paced learning booklet. ORDER CODE: SA Produced by Gowrie SA PARENT PARTNERSHIPS: PARENTS AND CAREGIVERS TOGETHER This video and self-paced learning package discuss the importance of quality educator and parent relationships in achieving optimal outcomes for children in child care settings. ORDER CODE: PP THE FATHER / CHILD JOURNEY Discussion Guide Workshop Booklet This DVD was developed as a result of a collaboration between Gowrie Adelaide and the Fatherhood Support Program (part of the Child, Youth & Women’s Health Service). The aim of the DVD is to help fathers to appreciate the important role they play in the emotional development of their children. The images show examples of interactions between fathers and children. 1 This DVD is suitable for use by early childhood staff in fathers’ groups to initiate discussions about issues such as attachment, role perception and understanding the needs of children. ORDER CODE: TFCJ Order Form - photocopy and send to Gowrie SA Name................................................................................ Organisation (if applicable)............................................... Address............................................................................. Suburb......................................................... State............ Post code............... Phone................................................ Email................................................................................. Cheque / Money Order Visa Mastercard Card number...................................................................... Expiry............................... BABIES COMMUNICATE An exploration of the ways in which babies from birth to two years of age communicate with their educators and respond to their environment. ORDER CODE: BC PLAY THAT’S REAL: FOSTERING A SENSE OF IDENTITY IN TODDLER PROGRAMS How educators can promote play that is authentic for toddlers through building on everyday experiences and routines in the child care setting. Includes a self-paced learning booklet. ORDER CODE: PTR Name on card................................................................... Signature........................................................................... Please make cheques and money orders payable to Gowrie SA. QTY ORDER CODE Subtotal PC ($55) $ SA ($55) $ PP ($55) $ PTR ($55) $ BC ($55) $ TFCJ ($55) $ Subtotal $ Postage & Handling $ 15.00 Total Payable $ 14 Looking for evening training? Looking for training in your area or for your team? Convenient training and support We come to you! Gowrie SA understands that finding time for your team to attend training sessions may be a barrier to accessing professional learning. This is why we offer to bring training to your service. We also offer evening and Saturday training sessions. A Professional Learning Consultant will work with your whole team, small groups or with individuals to facilitate learning customised to your needs. 15 16 SECTION 3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 17 Theory into Practice Theory into Practice is a Professional Learning partnership between Lady Gowrie Child Centres located in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria. Learning Stories: Unpacking the Myths 6 hours Documenting children’s experiences and their responses to the environment makes children’s learning visible to children, educators and families and promotes shared learning and collaboration. (ACECQA 2013, Guide to the National Quality Standard, p.20). This session will include • What is a Learning Story? • Understanding, assessment and evaluation • Looking at planning cycles • How do we ‘do’ Learning Stories? Holistic Planning: Capturing the uniqueness of the child 3 hours How can educators engage in a genuine way to ensure ‘each child’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program’ (ACECQA 2013, Guide to the National Quality Standard, p.26). This session will include • Opportunities to uncover the steps in the planning cycle and make connections to view children using a strengths based lens. • Supporting educators to plan for each child’s learning and development through drawing on multiple perspectives. • Using a mind map approach to planning with a holistic view of children. Meaningful Observations: Notice, Recognise, Respond 6 hours An opportunity to more deeply consider what it is that educators do when they are more intentional in the way they observe children at play. This session will include • Noticing - how do we gather information • Recognising - interpreting observations and identifying the learning • Responding - looking at strategies to support and enrich the learning we observe. 18 Transition to School: More than just A to B 3 hours This session will help you to develop transition to school programs responsive to individual children and that create a ‘team’ comprising of the child, educators, family and the school. You will walk away with an understanding about best practice for delivering a successful roadmap for children entering the school environment. This session will include • Reviewing and unpacking our perceptions of school readiness. • Considering the complexities of change and transition to school • Practical ideas to assist a child’s transition to school • Information to guide in setting up a ‘transition to school’ program, using State based systems. Meaningful Relationships: Valuing our families 3 hours Working towards a respectful partnership with families is a determining factor in the provision of a quality education and care service for children (QA 6). This session will examine practical ways educators can support and facilitate collaborative partnerships. Mechanisms to develop partnerships based on active communication and consultation between families and educators will also be explored. This session will include • Highlighting the importance of developing a relationship or partnership with families • Identifying the key components of an effective partnership • Discussing and sharing successful strategies for involving families within the service program. Reflective Practice: Let’s re-engage and re-examine 4 hours Continuouslyengagingincriticalreflection,bothasindividuals and as teams, maintains ownership of what we do and why we do it. This session will explore the importance of critical reflection. Reflective strategies will be used to unpack and discuss our own personal and professional values and beliefs, and how these translate into service philosophies, practices and documentation. This session will include • Providing an opportunity to reflect individually on beliefs and values and how this translates into practice and documentation • Increasing participant knowledge, ideas and resources to supportquality,reflectivepractice • Empowering educators in their role in children’s lives and to have a voice within their teams so they can guide informed decisions made in a service. 1 Inclusive Environments: Promoting children’s learning through play Children’s Agency: Enabling and empowering the child’s voice. 4 hours 4 hours Inclusive and versatile learning environments provide the foundation for children’s learning. During this session you will gain insights into establishing thoughtfully prepared indoor and outdoor learning spaces which invite children to explore, discover and imagine. This session will include • Recognising the benefits of inclusive environments in supporting children’s learning • Understanding the importance of flexible learning environments and open ended resources. Sustainable Environments: Supporting children to contribute to a sustainable future 4 hours Educators need to work together with children to learn about and promote environmental care and sustainable practices. By critically analysing your approach to sustainability and continuing to gather knowledge and resources, you can directly influence children’s understanding of the world, and our collective responsibility as its caretakers. This session will include • Understanding the significance of embedding sustainable practices into everyday processes • Understanding the possibilities for learning when children are engaged in caring for their environment. Physical Environments: Planning environments that support relationships with children 4 hours Thissessioninvitesyoutoreflectonthepowerfulconnection between the physical environment and children’s sense of belonging, being and becoming. Strengthen your understandingoftheeducator’sroleininfluencingchildren’s social learning and how it contributes, alongside the environment, to the development of children’s self-reliance and self-esteem. This session will include • Understanding how the environment influences children’s learning and relationships • Gaining insights into the influence of adults in children’s social and emotional development. Responsive Relationships: Supporting children and adults to build and maintain trusting relationships 4 hours Environments that provide opportunities for rich collaborative learning assist children to develop skills for self-regulation, positive communication and problem solving. This session will explore the many strategies educators can use to enhance children’s social and emotional development and guide their interactions. This session will include • Understanding the educator’s role in developing responsive and respectful relationships with children • Gain insights into supporting children to develop selfregulation skills. Let’s explore the true meaning of children’s agency. How we, as educators view the child will have an enormous impact on the experiences and opportunities we provide as well as influencingthechild’ssenseofself. This session will include • Building an understanding of sense of agency and why it is important for children • Understanding how educators can foster and enhance children’s sense of agency • Exploring, applying and reflecting on children’s sense of agency and how educators can enable children (in all age groups and settings) to make choices and decisions which influenceeventsandtheirworld. • Explore the myths and realities of children’s agency. Change Management: Leading successful change 4 hours Change is a process not an event so it takes time. Successful change needs planning, people to lead it and people to participate in it. The education and care sector continues to experience ‘change’, therefore it is vital that we understand the concepts of how to lead and support educators in the change process. This session will include • The theory behind successful change management • Understanding the context you work in and the culture of the organisation in regards to change • Determining why, what and how you need to change • Engaging the team through change. Mentoring and Coaching: Building capacity 4 hours Exploration of mentoring and coaching; It is possible to draw distinctions between coaching and mentoring although in practice the two terms are often used interchangeably. This workshop will explore the differences and the benefits that each provide. This session will include • MentoringvsCoaching-thebenefitsandchallenges. • Critical mentoring and coaching skills • Building effective mentoring relationships • Considering boundaries and Ethics. For further information about these professional learning sessions please contact Gowrie in your state: Gowrie SA 1800 129 606 These sessions are scheduled in our program guide on the following page, and can also be delivered at your service. 19 2 3.2 THEORY INTO PRACTICE GOWRIE AUSTRALIA DELIVERY DATES LEARNING STORIES: Unpacking the Myths Thursday, 4 June 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Bagster Community House, 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North HOLISTIC PLANNING: Capturing the Uniqueness of the Child Monday, 18 May 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton MEANINGFUL OBSERVATIONS: Notice, Recognise, Respond Monday, 4 May 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS: Valuing our Families Thursday, 21 May 2015 10am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton REFLECTIVE PRACTICE: Let’s Re-engage and Re-examine Friday, 20 March 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTS: Supporting Children to Contribute to a Sustainable Future Thursday, 14 May 2015 6pm - 9pm Ceduna Foreshore Hotel 32 O’Loughlin Terrace, Ceduna Tuesday, 26 May 2015 6pm - 9pm Roxby Downs Motor Inn Richardson Place, Roxby Downs 20 PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTS: Planning Environments that Support Relationships with Children EARLY CHILDHOOD FOCUS SESSION Wednesday, 11 February 2015 9am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton OSHC FOCUS SESSION Wednesday, 10 June 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton RESPONSIVE RELATIONSHIPS: Supporting Children and Adults to Build and Maintain Trusting Relationships Friday, 5 June 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton CHILDREN’S AGENCY: Enabling and Empowering the Child’s Voice Thursday, 26 February 2015 9am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton Wednesday, 1 April 2015 6pm - 9pm Apollon Motor Inn 15 Torrens Street, Victor Harbor Tuesday, 24 February 2015 6pm - 9pm John Pirie Motor Inn 166-172 Warner Town Road, Solomantown MENTORING AND COACHING: Building Capacity Thursday, 26 March, 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton 3.3 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTION TO THE NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK PREPARING FOR YOUR ASSESSMENT VISIT FORUMS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATRS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 2HRS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA and EECSRSB Summary Summary An introductory overview of the NQF for new staff including leaders, educators, governing bodies and service owners. We will explore the components that make up the NQF including the National Quality Standard, National Law and National Regulations and the Learning Frameworks. These forums will provide an overview of the Assessment and Rating process from beginning to end as well as keeping you up to date with the latest information about the National Quality Standard and the National Law and National Regulations. Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes • Explore the NQS including quality areas and elements • Identify key resources to support implementing the NQF • Identify professional learning and support services. Each participant receives a free copy of the NQF Workbook. • • • • COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK NATIONAL QUALITY STANDARD Explore what to expect before, during and after the Assessment and Rating Visit Explore the development/review of your Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) Ask Authorised Officers your questions Hear from other education and care services that have been through the Assessment and Rating Process. $33.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Wednesday, 4 March 2015 7pm - 9pm Gowrie Training Centre, 43 Dew Street, Thebarton Tuesday, 19 May 2015 10.30am - 12.30pm Bagster Community House, 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Tuesday, 10 February 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Education Development Centre Milner Street, Hindmarsh Thursday, 12 February 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Mawson Lakes Hotel 10 Main Street, Mawson Lakes To register visit >> gowriesa.org.au/register-training 21 NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK TALKING WITH AUTHORISED OFFICERS NQF INTENSIVE SUPPORT PROGRAM DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE SERVICES LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY - ADVANCED LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: CUSTOMISED PACKAGE OF TRAINING, MENTORING, OBSERVATIONS, RESOURCES AND OTHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING OPTIONS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA and EECSRSB NATIONAL QUALITY FRAMEWORK Summary Presented by Gowrie SA A large focus of the NQF is for all educators to be able to talk about their practice i.e. what they do and why. Summary This is an opportunity for educators to advocate for their practice. In this session, educators will have the opportunity to practice talking about and articulating their practice in a safe environment and build the confidence required to talk to Authorised Officers (Assessors). Be prepared to talk about the programs and experiences that you provide for children in your service and the interactions which support children’s engagement in these experiences. Learning Outcomes • Gain an understanding of what Authorised Officers may ask about in your service • Gain useful knowledge to assist with your QIP • Have an opportunity to ask questions and network with other services. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST Gowrie SA consultants work with you to develop a Professional Learning Plan to support you in preparing for your Assessment Visit or to make improvements once you have reeived your Assessment and Rating report. All Professional Learning Plans are tailored to meet your centre’s specific needs and budget. Packages can include: • A dedicated Professional Learning Consultant • Professional learning needs analysis • Leadership mentoring/coaching • Observation visits to reflect on current practice and identify opportunities for improvement • On-site mentoring/coaching for educators and/or teams • On-site professional learning sessions held in the evening, day or weekends to suit your service • Facilitated staff meetings • Parent talks Contact Gowrie SA for more information: Phone 1800 129 606 SCHEDULE Tuesday, 3 March 2015 1.30pm - 4.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton Email train@gowriesa.org.au Visit us at 43 Dew Street Thebarton SA FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Come along to the ‘Engaging Educators in Developing and Reviewing your QIP’ session held in the morning before this session. See page 39 for more information. To register visit >> 22 gowriesa.org.au/register-training 3.4 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 EXPLORING QUALITY AREA 1: SPECIAL EVENT WITH ACECQA LEARNING STORIES: UNPACKING THE MYTHS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 6HRS Presented by PSC (GOWRIE SA), EECSRSB, ACECQA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary ACECQA, in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Education, Professional Support Coordinator SA (Gowrie SA) and the Education and Early Childhood Services Registration and Standards Board SA (EECSRSB) invite leaders and educators to attend a workshop focusing on Quality Area 1: Educational program and practice. Documenting children’s experiences and their responses to the environment makes children’s learning visible to children, educators and families and promotes shared learning and collaboration (ACECQA 2013, Guide to the National Quality Standard, p.20). The workshops will be practical, hands-on session and supported by the SA Professional Support Coordinator and Regulatory Authority staff. • • • • The workshop is open to all educators and providers, but particularly targeted at services that have received a rating of Working Towards National Quality Standard or have not yet been rated. QUALITY AREA 1 Educational program and practice Learning Outcomes Discover the meaning of Learning Stories Understanding assessment and evaluation Exploring the planning cycle Learn how we ‘do’ Learning Stories. COST PER PARTICIPANT This session is coming in early 2015. More details including how to register will be added to our website www.gowriesa.org.au once available. Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool FREE Thursday, 4 June 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Bagster Community House, 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North SCHEDULE To be advised in early 2015 23 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 INCLUSIVE ENVIRONMENTS: PROMOTING CHILDREN’S LEARNING THROUGH PLAY DOCUMENTING CHILDREN’S LEARNING QUALITY AREA 1 DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS, LEADERS AND COORDINATORS IN OSHC AND FDC LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS FORMAT: 2 PART SERIES - 2 x 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary Inclusive and versatile learning environments provide the foundation for children’s learning. During this session you will gain insights into establishing thoughtfully prepared indoor and outdoor learning spaces which invite children to explore, discover and imagine. The National Quality Standard (NQS) Element 1.2.1 states that “each child’s learning and development is assessed as part of an ongoing cycle of planning”. This session provides an overview of different ways to document children’s learning and development in OSHC/ FDC settings, so that you can find strategies that work for your service, educators, children and families. Learning Outcomes • • Recognising the benefits of inclusive environments in supporting children’s learning Understanding the importance of flexible learning environments and open ended resources. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool $66.00 inc. GST Learning Outcomes • Explore different approaches and examples of documentation in OSHC settings • Bust common myths about documentation requirements. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool/Other NA OSHC/Family Day Care $66.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Budget Based Funded services NA Tuesday, 16 June 2015 9am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton SCHEDULE Part 1 Wednesday, 11 March 2015 7pm - 9pm Part 2 Wednesday, 25 March 2015 7pm - 9pm Bagster Community House, 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North 24 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 LEARNING STORIES: UNPACKING THE MYTHS PLAY BASED LEARNING AND INTENTIONAL TEACHING DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 6HRS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 6HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary Documenting children’s experiences and their responses to the environment makes children’s learning visible to children, educators and families and promotes shared learning and collaboration (ACECQA 2013, Guide to the National Quality Standard, p.20). Play based learning is a context for engagement that allows us to nurture children’s creativity and promote their sense of agency. • Discover the meaning of Learning Stories • Understanding assessment and evaluation • Exploring the planning cycle • Learn how we ‘do’ Learning Stories. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool/ $88.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Thursday, 4 June 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Bagster Community House, 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North QUALITY AREA 1 Learning Outcomes The Learning Frameworks state that ‘Play provides a supportive environment where children can ask questions and solve problems and engage in critical thinking. Play can expand children’s thinking and enhance their desire to know and to learn [promoting] positive dispositions towards learning’ (DEEWR 2009, p. 15; DEEWR 2011, p. 14.) Learning Outcomes • • • • Acknowledge the stages of play and the role of the educator in play Explore the opportunities for play based learning within your context Identify strategies for intentional teaching or intentionality within your own pedagogy Consider ways in which to nurture children’s creativity and learning dispositions. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool/Other $77.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Friday, 6 March 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Observe theory into practice with an optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the session. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. To register visit >> gowriesa.org.au/register-training 25 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO THE EARLY YEARS LEARNING FRAMEWORK HOLISTIC PLANNING: CAPTURING THE UNIQUENESS OF THE CHILD DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: 2 PART SERIES - 2 X 3HRS WITH TAKE HOME TASKS IN BETWEEN FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary QUALITY AREA 1 The Belonging, Being, Becoming - The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), aims to improve professional practice including curriculum decision making, knowledge building and critical reflection. This session provides an overview to support educators and leaders who are new to the EYLF become more familiar with the learning outcomes, principles and practices and explore what this looks like in practice. Learning Outcomes • Become familiar with the EYLF • Introduction to supporting documents such as the Educator’s Guide to the EYLF • Reflect on current practice and how it links with the EYLF • Access free online EYLF resources from the IPSP Online Library www.ipsplibrary.net.au How can educators engage in a genuine way to ensure ‘each child’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation of the program’ (ACECQA 2013, Guide to the National Quality Standard, p.26)? Learning Outcomes • Opportunities to uncover the steps in the planning cycle and make connections using a strengths based approach • Supporting educators to plan for each child’s learning and development through drawing on multiple perspectives • Using a mind map approach to planning with a holistic view of children. COST PER PARTICIPANT COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST $88.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE SCHEDULE Part 1 Thursday, 5 March 2015 1.30pm - 4.30pm Monday, 18 May 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton Part 2 Thursday, 19 March 2015 1.30pm - 4.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FURTHER LEARNING OPTIONS Optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the session. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. Optional Mentoring Package - 2 hours of mentoring at your service to support theory into practice for $180 per centre. To register visit >> 26 gowriesa.org.au/register-training QUALITY AREA 1 WHAT’S RIGHT FOR BABIES AND TODDLERS: PLANNING FOR BIRTH 3 YEAR OLDS SEEING CHILDREN: LENSES OF WELLBEING, INVOLVEMENT, ENVIRONMENT AND RELATIONSHIP DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE - ADVANCED FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS FORMAT: 2 PART SERIES - 2 X 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary Environments, relationships and experiences are a vital aspect of any program. Often we try to modify or make do with something that just doesn’t work for babies or toddlers. How does your environment support infants and toddlers to make choices? How do you advocate for risk in your program? The Wellbeing and Involvement Observation Scales are research tools designed to observe children and to reflect on our practice. The scales are not about making judgments about children. Observing children involves different lenses of noticing children’s wellbeing, involvement in their learning, how the environment creates a sense of belonging and how your presence as an educator and your relationship with children impact on their learning. Learning Outcomes • • • • To explore the importance of trusting supportive relationships for infants and toddlers in their learning Explore environments, relationships and experiences for children birth - 3 years Consider opportunities for babies and toddlers to take risks in a way that is safe and supported Use video footage to uncover how our play spaces impact on experiences for children. Learning Outcomes • • • • Overview and the purpose of the observation scales Reflect on theories underpinning the observation scales Introduction to each observation scale linked to the Early Years Learning Frameworks Examples to support using the observation scales. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool $88.00 inc. GST $66.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE SCHEDULE Wednesday, 6 May 2015 9am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton PART 1 Monday, 1 June 2015 10am - 1pm PART 2 Monday, 15 June 2015 10am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FURTHER LEARNING OPTION See our integrated infant-toddler programs with an optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the session. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. FURTHER LEARNING OPTIONS Optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the sessions. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. Optional Mentoring Package - 2 hours of mentoring at your service to support theory into practice for $180 per centre. 27 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 DEMONSTRATING THE CYCLE OF PLANNING DURING ASSESSMENT DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS & LEADERS EMERGENT CURRICULUM (DEMONSTRATING DURING ASSESSMENT) LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS & LEADERS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Sally Barnes, EECSRSB Summary Summary How do we critically reflect on and evaluate the program? How is this documented? How are our evaluations used to make informed curriculum decisions and improve outcomes for children? One way that educators can plan for children’s learning is by using an emergent curriculum approach. But what is emergent curriculum and how can educators use such an approach to plan for children’s learning and development? These questions, along with the theories that underpin an emergent approach to curriculum planning will be explored during the session. Practical suggestions about how to ‘get started’ and how to assess children’s learning using an emergent curriculum approach will also be provided. This session will be presented by Sally Barnes who is an Authorised Officer with the South Australian Regulatory Authority (EECSRSB). We will explore the documentation and practices at your service and consider how you can articulate and demonstrate this ongoing cycle with Authorised Officers, educators, children and families. Learning Outcomes • Explore the NQF and the cycle of planning • Access resources to support the planning cycle • Gain an awareness of intent behind planning • Learn how effective evaluation can influence planning • Explore how to demonstrate the planning cycle during assessment. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool Learning Outcomes • Understand how emergent curriculum can be used to plan for children’s learning and development • Understand the theories that underpin an emergent approach to curriculum planning • Acquire strategies for ‘getting started’ and assessing children’s learning within an emergent curriculum approach. $55.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE COST PER PARTICIPANT Monday, 23 February 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm Bagster Community House, 17 Bagster Rd, Salisbury North Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Thursday, 12 March 2015 2pm - 5pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton To register visit >> 28 gowriesa.org.au/register-training QUALITY AREA 1 ELECTRONIC RESOURCES CHILDREN’S AGENCY: ENABLING AND EMPOWERING THE CHILD’S VOICE This set of booklets will support understanding of relationship based programs and working in multidisciplinary teams within early childhood settings. DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS The resources have been developed from work undertaken over many years in early childhood programs and are written in an accessible, user friendly style. LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS UNDERSTANDING ATTACHMENT THEORY, EMOTIONAL AVAILABILITY AND APPLICATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SETTINGS Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Let’s explore the true meaning of children’s agency. How we, as educators view the child will have an enormous impact on the experiences and opportunities we provide as well as influencing the child’s sense of self. Learning Outcomes This resource discusses attachment and its importance in early childhood. It focuses on the formation of relationships between people; specifically, between children and the adults who care for and educate them. It explores the ways educators can integrate aspects of attachment theory and use self reflection to enhance their Gowrie relationships with children in their care, in order to help children feel emotionally secure, provide optimal developmental opportunities for children, and cultivate a harmonious working environment. Understanding Attachment Theory, Emotional Availability and Application in Early Childhood Settings A practical resource for staff working in early childhood education and development programs based on research and findings of 15 years of action research work “Through the Looking Glass” project. • • • • Building an understanding of sense of agency and why it is important for children Understanding how educators can foster and enhance children’s sense of agency Exploring, applying and reflecting on children’s sense of agency and how educators can enable children (in all age groups and settings) to make choices and decisions which influence events and their world. Explore the myths and realities of children’s agency. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool SCHEDULE Thursday, 26 February 2015 9am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton $66.00 inc. GST Author: Yasmin Harman-Smith PhD, University of Adelaide Published by Lady Gowrie Child Centre (SA) South Australia CONCEPTS OF PRIMARY CAREGIVING AND STRUCTURES THAT SUPPORT IMPLEMENTATION IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SETTINGS Concepts of Primary Caregiving and Structures that Support Implementation in Early Childhood Settings A practical resource for staff working in early childhood education and development programs based on research and findings of 15 years of action research work undertaken at Lady Gowrie Child Centre within the children’s programs and in the “Through the Looking Glass” project. Author: Yasmin Harman-Smith PhD, University of Adelaide Published by Lady Gowrie Child Centre (SA) Gowrie Primary Care Giving (PCG) is a model of care provided in early childhood settings that facilitates children’s development of secure attachments to early childhood educators. This resource discusses the ways in which PCG can provide benefits to children, families and educators as well as addressing some of the challenges of PCG. South Australia ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAMS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD SETTINGS Establishing and Maintaining Multi-disciplinary Teams in Early Childhood Settings A practical resource for staff working in early childhood education and development programs based on research and findings of 15 years of action research work undertaken at Lady Gowrie Child Centre within the children’s programs and in the “Through the Looking Glass” project. Author: Yasmin Harman-Smith PhD, University of Adelaide Published by Lady Gowrie Child Centre (SA) Gowrie South Australia Multi-disciplinary teams are groups of professionals working together to achieve a common goal. In an early childhood context, these are discussed in terms of outcomes for children and families. Early childhood services that bring together a team of professionals from a variety of health and education disciplines are best suited to support children and families through challenging circumstances. These electronic booklets are $11 each or buy all 3 for $22. To order call Gowrie SA on 1800 129 606 to receive an order form. 29 QUALITY AREA 1 undertaken at Lady Gowrie Child Centre within the children’s programs and in the QUALITY AREA 1 QUALITY AREA 1 LINKING WITH LITERACY AND NUMERACY FOR 5-6 YEAR OLDS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD MEANINGFUL OBSERVATIONS: NOTICE, RECOGNISE, RESPOND DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 6HRS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 6HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary An opportunity to more deeply consider what it is that educators do when they are more intentional in the way they observe children at play. QUALITY AREA 1 All school aged children now commence school on the first day of term 1 each year. This means that some children will remain in early childhood settings for longer which may bring challenges and require changes to curriculum. Learning Outcomes • • • • • • • Explore communication and its importance in literacy and numeracy development Discover ways of encouraging literacy development Explore pedagogy for engaging literacy environments Explore play and symbolic thinking Share and record stories Explore using mathematics in daily life Pedagogy for engaging numeracy environments and explore numeracy dispositions. Learning Outcomes • • • Noticing - how do we gather information Recognising - interpreting observations and identifying the learning Responding - looking at strategies to support and enrich the learning we observe. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool/Other $77.00 inc. GST Family Day Care$66.00 Budget Based Funded services FREE COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool/Other $77.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Family Day Care $66.00 inc. GST Budget Based Funded services FREE Monday, 4 May 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton SCHEDULE Friday, 22 May 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton 30 FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the session. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. 3.4 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions QUALITY AREA 2 Children’s health and safety QUALITY AREA 2 RESPONDING TO ABUSE AND NEGLECT EDUCATION & CARE TRAINING 2015-2017 DESIGNED FOR: ALL TEACHERS AND ALL STAFF WORKING WITH CHILDREN SCHEDULE All sessions are 9.30am - 4.30pm and are delivered at Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 7HRS Summary Are you aware of your legal obligations to notify and respond to abuse and/or neglect? This workshop is essential for all staff working with children and young people. Please note this course was previously referred to as “Mandated Notification”. This is the course required for teachers and all staff working on DECD sites. Thursday, 15 January 2015 QUALITY AREA 2 Presented by DECD approved trainers Wednesday, 21 January 2015 Tuesday, 10 February 2015 Saturday, 28 February 2015 Wednesday, 4 March 2015 Friday, 13 March 2015 Friday, 27 March 2015 Monday, 13 April 2015 Thursday, 23 April 2015 COST PER PARTICIPANT Saturday, 9 May 2015 Weekday sessions$88.00 inc. GST Tuesday, 26 May 2015 Weekend sessions$99.00 inc. GST Friday, 12 June 2015 Wednesday, 24 June 2015 Tuesday, 7 July 2015 Saturday, 18 July 2015 Monday, 27 June 2015 To register visit >> gowriesa.org.au/register-training 31 3.5 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions QUALITY AREA 3 Physical environment QUALITY AREA 3 QUALITY AREA 3 EMBEDDING SUSTAINABILITY INTO PRACTICE - DEVELOPING A SUSTAINABILITY ACTION PLAN PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTS: PLANNING ENVIRONMENTS THAT SUPPORT RELATIONSHIPS WITH CHILDREN DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 7 HRS + PROJECT FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary QUALITY AREA 3 Sustainability is thinking about what we need to live now, without jeopardising the resources for the future. “Children develop positive attitudes and values by engaging in learning experiences, joining in discussions that explore solutions to the issues that we face, and watching adults around them model sustainable practices” (Hughes, M 2007, in ACECQA 2011, p. 104). This session includes practical assessments against CHCECE025 Embed sustainable practice in service operations from the new Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113). As this competency is funded under the Government of South Australia’s Skills for All initiative for eligible participants, your only need to pay a bond to secure your place which will be refunded in full once you have completed the assessments. All participants completing the competencies will receive an Academic Transcript. COST PER PARTICIPANT Pay a bond of $150 per person which will be refunded after assessment is completed - fully funded under Skills for All for eligible participants. Check your eligibility at www.skills.sa.gov.au SCHEDULE Wednesday, 18 February 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton 32 Summary Reflect on the powerful connection between the physical environment and children’s sense of belonging, being and becoming. Strengthen your understanding of the educator’s role in influencing children’s social learning and how it contributes, alongside the environment, to the development of children’s self-reliance and self-esteem. Learning Outcomes • • Understanding how the environment influences children’s learning and relationships Gaining insights into the influence of adults in children’s social and emotional development. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool $66.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Wednesday, 11 February 2015 9am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Observe our environments with an optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the session. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. 3.6 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions QUALITY AREA 4 Staffing arrangements QUALITY AREA 4 QUALITY AREA 4 STUDY SKILLS DESIGNED FOR: ANYONE STUDYING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE: LET’S RE-ENGAGE AND RE-EXAMINE LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 2HRS LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Presented by Gowrie SA Join us if you are a learner studying your Certificate III, Diploma or Advanced Diploma with Gowrie SA or if you would like to learn more about how to effectively study and research and see an improvement in your wellbeing and self management during study. Summary Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes • • • Reflect individually on beliefs and values and how this translates into practice and documentation Increase your knowledge, ideas and resources to support quality, reflective practice Empower educators in their role in children’s lives and to have a voice within their teams so they can guide informed decisions made in a service. COST PER PARTICIPANT COST PER PARTICIPANT Current Gowrie SA learners FREE Non Gowrie SA learners $22.00 inc. GST Long Day Care/Preschool $66.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE SCHEDULE Friday, 13 February 2015 10am - 12pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton Friday, 20 March 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton 33 QUALITY AREA 4 • Discover the value of critical reflection • Learn how and when to reference your work • Explore the opportunities of using the Internet to research your work • Learn how to find credible internet references • Explore managing time and other research skills. We encourage you to bring your own “device” (such as a laptop or iPad). We will be using the skills learned in the session to “unpack” an assignment question, and work on developing and structuring quality responses. Continuously engaging in critical reflection, both as individuals and as teams, maintains ownership of what we do and why we do it. This session will explore the importance of critical reflection. Reflective strategies will be used to unpack and discuss our own personal and professional values and beliefs, and how these translate into service philosophies, practices and documentation. QUALITY AREA 4 BALANCING SUPERVISION AND INTERACTIONS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL: ADVANCED Presented by Gowrie SA FORMAT: 2HR FORUM Summary A requirement under the NQF is understanding and recognising the importance of meaningful interactions with children. How do you move beyond designated spaces for supervising children to prioritising relationships for learning? Relationships and interactions are the foundation of our work as educators and inform our program. Learning Outcomes Explore how we can support our interactions with children to be meaningful and that “meaningful everyday interactions and shared learning opportunities form the basis of the relationships that educators build with each child” (Guide to the NQS, p.126) Principles and Practices from the learning frameworks will be used to explore practice and service culture. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Meet with other directors to hear how some of the challenges of meeting the Early Childhood Teacher requirement have been successfully overcome. There will be opportunities to explore how directors can work with their Early Childhood Teacher to develop a shared understanding of this role and maximise the benefits for staff and children. Learning Outcomes • • • Understanding the role of the Early Childhood Teacher Strategies for supporting the Early Childhood Teacher in your service Redefine the potential and plan for success. COST PER PARTICIPANT $55.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE QUALITY AREA 4 MOVING FORWARD: SUPPORTING YOUR EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHER DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS IN LONG DAY CARE SERVICES FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS • • QUALITY AREA 4 Thursday, 5 March 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton Long Day Care/Preschool $33.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Thursday, 7 May 2015 4pm - 6pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the session on 5 March. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. To register visit >> 34 gowriesa.org.au/register-training 3.6 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions QUALITY AREA 5 Relationships with children QUALITY AREA 5 QUALITY AREA 5 INTRODUCTION TO ATTACHMENT AND THE CIRCLE OF SECURITY RESPONSIVE RELATIONSHIPS SUPPORTING CHILDREN AND ADULTS TO BUILD AND MAINTAIN TRUSTING RELATIONSHIPS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE SERVICES LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: 2 X 3HR SESSIONS WITH TAKE HOME TASKS Presented by Gowrie SA Attachment, is a term that describes the bond that is formed between people as a result of their interactions. These bonds influence the way people feel about others and impacts on their behaviour. This session will provide an overview of Attachment theory and the Circle of Security (COS) to support your relationships with children. Learning Outcomes Explore what individual children’s behaviours might mean Exploring strategies to support children to organise and understand their feelings, feel secure in their relationships and engage in play and learning Explore how to support children when they experience big feelings or show challenging behaviours. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool inc. GST LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS Summary • • • DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Environments that provide opportunities for rich collaborative learning assist children to develop skills for self-regulation, positive communication and problem solving. This session will explore the many strategies educators can use to enhance children’s social and emotional development and guide their interactions. Learning Outcomes • • Understanding the educator’s role in developing responsive and respectful relationships with children Gain insights into supporting children to develop self regulation skills. $88.00 Part 1 Monday, 16 March 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm Part 2 Monday, 30 March 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm Long Day Care/Preschool/Other $66.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Friday, 5 June 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Optional Mentoring Package - 2 hours of mentoring at your service for $180 per service. 35 QUALITY AREA 5 SCHEDULE COST PER PARTICIPANT QUALITY AREA 5 QUALITY AREA 5 GUIDING BEHAVIOUR USING MARTE MEO BALANCING SUPERVISION AND INTERACTIONS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: 2 PART SERIES - 2 X 3HR SESSIONS WITH TAKE HOME TASKS IN BETWEEN FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary Often with behaviour, educators wonder about the words and actions they use in response to particular situations. Using the Marte Meo approach will deepen reflection on interactions during these moments with children and provide you with strategies to support children. The Marte Meo program uses plain language to help educators to develop skills to support children’s learning and development. It uses an approach where you are really looking and seeing to understand what is happening in interactions and then provides a way of relating this information in really accessible steps. Learning Outcomes • Discuss and explore Marte Meo concepts • Reflect using video clips • Consider implications for practice. Learning Outcomes • Explore how we can support our interactions with children to be meaningful and ensure that “meaningful everyday interactions and shared learning opportunities form the basis of the relationships that educators build with each child” (Guide to the NQS, p.126) • Principles and Practices from the learning frameworks will be used to explore practice and service culture. COST PER PARTICIPANT COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool A requirement under the NQF is understanding and recognising the importance of meaningful interactions with children. How do you move beyond designated spaces for supervising children to prioritising relationships for learning? Relationships and interactions are the foundation of our work as educators, and inform our program. $88.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Part 1 Monday, 16 February 9.30am - 12.30pm Part 2 Monday, 2 March 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm The Arts Centre 22 Gawler Street, Port Noarlunga FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Tuesday, 4 March 2015 9.30am - 12.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Optional Observation Tour at Gowrie SA Thebarton Children’s Programs for $15 per person following the session on 4 March 2015. If you wish to attend, note this on your registration when booking. Optional Mentoring Package - 2 hours of mentoring at your service for $180 per service. To register visit >> 36 gowriesa.org.au/register-training 3.6 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions QUALITY AREA 6 Collaborative partnerships with families and communities QUALITY AREA 6 QUALITY AREA 6 MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS: VALUING OUR FAMILIES WHAT CAN SOCIAL MEDIA DO FOR YOUR SERVICE? DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary Working towards a respectful partnership with families is a determining factor in the provision of a quality education and care service for children (QA 6). This session will examine practical ways educators can support and facilitate collaborative partnerships. Mechanisms to develop partnerships based on active communication and consultation between families and educators will also be explored. Social media is a powerful tool – a means of reaching out to and connecting with families and a valuable source of engagement and sharing for educators. This session is designed to assist services to navigate the waters of social media – what are other services doing? What might social media look like for your service? What aspects of policy development and broader digital safety need to be considered? Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes • Highlighting the importance of developing a relationship or partnership with families • Identifying the key components of an effective partnership • Discussing and sharing successful strategies for involving families within the service program. • • • COST PER PARTICIPANT COST PER PARTICIPANT SCHEDULE Thursday, 21 May 2015 10am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton $55.00 inc. GST Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST QUALITY AREA 6 Long Day Care/Preschool Investigate Quality Area 6 and connections between social media engagement with families and the community Learn about how other services are using social media to connect with families Explore social media platforms and policy development. SCHEDULE Thursday, 14 May 2015 10am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton 37 QUALITY AREA 6 QUALITY AREA 6 CULTURAL COMPETENCE AND INCLUSION DEVELOPING A RECONCILIATION ACTION PLAN DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY - INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: 2 PART SERIES - 2 X 7HR SESSIONS WITH PROJECTS FORMAT: 2HR FORUM Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Are there children in your service who you worry might need more from you but you are not sure what this looks like? Do you want to explore the ideas of social justice and cultural competence more deeply? This two part series includes practical assessments against two units of competency from the new Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113) - CHCECE001 Develop Cultural Competence and HLTIR404D Work Effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander People. As these competencies are funded under the Government of South Australia’s Skills for All initiative for eligible participants, you only need to pay a bond to secure your place which will be refunded in full once you have completed the assessments. All participants completing the competencies will receive an Academic Transcript. Learning Outcomes • • • • • Reflect on your own cultural identity and biases Exploring social justice Create environments to support children’s cross-cultural understanding and relationships Support children in developing confidence and strength in personal and cultural identity Reflect an awareness of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and cultures in work practices including understanding the impact of European settlement, loss of land and culture, the importance of law and kinship. Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) identify “practical actions that organisations will take to build strong relationships and enhanced respect between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. A RAP also sets out the organisation’s aspirational plans to drive greater equality by pursuing sustainable opportunities to support building relationships and connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in your service and broader community” (Reconciliation Australia, www.reconciliation.org.au). This session will provide an overview of our ongoing journey towards reconciliation and links to resources and organisations such as Reconciliation Australia that can support you to develop a Reconciliation Action Plan for your service. Learning Outcomes • • • Consider where to start your reconciliation journey Identify where to access support Explore processes for engaging educators and management in developing a RAP for your service. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool $44.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE COST PER PARTICIPANT Pay bond of $300 which will be refunded after assessment is completed - fully funded under Skills for All for eligible participants or pay full fee (no assessment) of $480. Check your eligibility at www.skills.sa.gov.au QUALITY AREA 6 SCHEDULE Part 1 Thursday, 28 May 2015 9.30am - 4.30pm Tuesday, 24 March 2015 6.30pm - 8.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton (includes light supper) Wednesday, 20 May 2015 8am -10am Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton (includes light breakfast) Part 2 Thursday, 11 June 2015 9.30am - 4.30pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton 38 To register visit >> gowriesa.org.au/register-training 3.6 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions QUALITY AREA 7 Leadership and service management QUALITY AREA 7 QUALITY AREA 7 ENGAGING EDUCATORS IN DEVELOPING AND REVIEWING YOUR QIP APPLYING FOR GRANTS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY Presented by Community Business Bureau FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3.5HRS Summary Presented by Gowrie SA and EECSRSB Summary A Quality Improvement Plan is important in detailing a service’s strengths and goals for improvement. A committment to ongoing improvement and honest reflection will ensure your QIP supports positive outcomes for children. This session is delivered in partnership with Education and Early Childhood Services Registration and Standards Board (EECSRSB). Learning Outcomes • • • DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS Explore how the development of the QIP is a collaborative approach with educators, children, families and the community Understand the regulatory requirements Learn how to develop and review your QIP. Knowing how to successfully apply for grants can be an important skill for Leaders and Coordinators in all services. Come along and gain an understanding of what you can do to support successful applications. Learning Outcomes • • • • • • • Learn how to establish whether grant funding is required or not Evaluate grant opportunities Determine the size of the grant Find grant funds Prepare a grant application Meet the expectations of the grant provider Manage the grant once received. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool COST PER PARTICIPANT $55.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE Tuesday, 3 March 2015 10am - 1pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton SCHEDULE Thursday, 28 May 2015 10am - 1pm Education Development Centre 4 Milner Street, Hindmarsh QUALITY AREA 7 Long Day Care/Preschool $44.00 inc. GST FURTHER LEARNING OPTION Also attend the ‘Talking with Authorised Officers’ session from 1.30pm - 4.30pm the same day. See page 22 for more information. 39 QUALITY AREA 7 QUALITY AREA 7 MENTORING AND COACHING: BUILDING CAPACITY REFLECTIVE PRACTICE: LET’S RE-ENGAGE AND RE-EXAMINE DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 4HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary Exploration of mentoring and coaching; it is possible to draw distinctions between coaching and mentoring although in practice the two terms are often used interchangeably. This workshop will explore the differences and the benefits that each provide. Continuously engaging in critical reflection, both as individuals and as teams, maintains ownership of what we do and why we do it. This session will explore the importance of critical reflection. Reflective strategies will be used to unpack and discuss our own personal and professional values and beliefs and how these translate into service philosophies, practices and documentation. Learning Outcomes • Explore mentoring vs coaching - the benefits and challenges • Learn critical mentoring and coaching skills • Discover how to build effective mentoring relationships • Spend time considering boundaries and ethics. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool SCHEDULE Thursday, 26 March, 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton $66.00 inc. GST Learning Outcomes • • • Reflect individually on beliefs and values and how this translates into practice and documentation Increase participant knowledge, ideas and resources to support quality, reflective practice Empower educators in their role in children’s lives and to have a voice within their teams so they can guide informed decisions made in a service. COST PER PARTICIPANT Long Day Care/Preschool/Other $66.00 inc. GST SCHEDULE QUALITY AREA 7 Friday, 20 March 2015 10am - 2pm Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton To register visit >> 40 gowriesa.org.au/register-training QUALITY AREA 7 QUALITY AREA 7 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIONAL LEADERS NETWORK NATIONAL NQF LEADERSHIP QUALIFICATION DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATIONAL LEADERS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EMERGING LEADERS LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: 4 SESSIONS OVER 1 YEAR FORMAT: 12 MONTH QUALIFICATION Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary This qualification is ideal for professionals, leaders (Director, Assistant Director, Team Leaders) and educators who are responsible for coordination and leadership of an education and care service such as long day care, outside school hours care, preschool and budget based funded services. This series of network events will bring together Educational Leaders keen to share, reflect, challenge and explore their role further with others in a supportive environment. Learning Outcomes • Deeper understanding of the role of Educational Leader • Critical reflection of current practice • Creating a vision for children’s learning • Strategies for supporting other educators in their service. “A key aspect of the role of educational leader is to create an inspirational vision for children’s learning and curriculum collaboratively. A clearly articulated vision for learning can motivate and connect educators to work toward shared goals for children and their learning” (Cheeseman, 2012; ECA NQS PLP Newsletter No. 33; p. 3). This NQF Leadership Qualification is now offered nationally. In South Australia it is funded under the Skills for All initiative with a gap payment of only $990 per person. Strong leadership is linked with delivery of quality programs and improved outcomes for children. Strong and dynamic leadership is vital for implementation of the National Quality Framework (NQF) to be successful. Critical elements of leading and implementing the NQF are embedded in each module which are grounded in current research within education and care settings and leadership theories and practice. Working through the modules, leaders will be undertaking practical projects that link with their current practice and the NQF requirements. COST PER PARTICIPANT See page 49 for more information about this qualification. $44 per session or $150 for all four sessions Downloada course brochure and an enrollment pack from www.gowriesa.org.au SCHEDULE GROUP 1 Friday, 20 February 2015 Friday, 15 May 2015 Friday, 21 August 2015 Friday, 20 November 2015 1.30pm - 3.30pm Noarlunga Community Children’s Centre 5 Windsong Court, Morphett Vale GROUP 2 $990 gap fee, subsidised under Skills for All Check your eligibility for Skills for All subsidies at www.skills.sa.gov.au QUALITY AREA 7 Monday, 23 March 2015 Monday, 25 May 2015 Monday, 3 August 2015 Monday, 16 November 2015 9.30am -11.30am Gowrie Training Centre 43 Dew Street, Thebarton COST PER PARTICIPANT 41 3.6 Scheduled Professional Learning Sessions RURAL AREA SESSIONS MURRAY MALLEE Meaningful Observations: Notice, Recognise, Respond Tuesday, 10 March 2015 6pm - 8.30pm Murray Bridge Districts Community Club For session description see page 30 Apollon Motor Inn 15 Torrens Street, Victor Harbor For session description see page 28 FLEURIEU PENINSULA Children’s Agency: Enabling and Empowering the child’s voice Wednesday, 1 April 2015 6pm - 9pm PORT PIRIE Children’s Agency: Enabling and Empowering the child’s voice Tuesday, 24 February 2015 John Pirie Motor Inn 166-172 Warner Town 6pm - 9pm Road, Solomantown For session description see page 28 FAR WEST - CEDUNA Sustainable Environments: Thursday, 14 May 2015 Supporting children to 6pm - 9pm contribute to a sustainable future Ceduna Foreshore Hotel 32 O’Loughlin Terrace, Ceduna For session description see page 19 Gowrie Australia Theory into Practice Session Embedding Sustainability Saturday, 28 March 2015 into Practice - Developing a 9am – 3.30pm Sustainability Action Plan Grand Tasman Hotel 95 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln Professionalism Grand Tasman Hotel 95 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln For session description see page 35 Linked to Diploma competency CHCECE025 For session description see page 51 PORT LINCOLN Saturday, 6 June 2015 9am – 3.30pm ROXBY DOWNS Sustainable Environments: Tuesday, 26 May 2015 Supporting children to 6pm - 9pm contribute to a sustainable future 42 Roxby Downs Motor Inn Richardson Place, Roxby Downs For session description see page 19 YORKE PENINSULA Demonstrating the Cycle of Planning During Assessment Monday, 16 February 2015 Kadina Town Hall 6pm - 9pm 51 Taylor Street, Kadina For session description see page 27 Monday, 15 June 2015 6pm - 9pm Clare Country Club White Hut Road, Clare For session description see page 51 Tuesday, 12 May 2015 6pm - 9pm Westland Hotel, 100 McDouall Stuart Avenue, Whyalla For session description see page 27 Cooinda Club 32 Flinders Terrace, Port Augusta For session description see page 35 Linked to Diploma competency CHCECE025 Saturday, 20 June 2015 9.30am - 3.30pm Naracoorte Town Hall 95 Smith Street, Naracoorte Saturday, 21 March 2015 9.30am - 1.30pm Inclusive Directions 71 Suttontown Road, Mount Gambier For session description see page 35 Linked to Diploma competency CHCECE025 For session description see page 36 Gowrie Australia Theory into Practice Session LOWER MID NORTH Cultural Competence WHYALLA Demonstrating the Cycle of Planning During Assessment PORT AUGUSTA & FLINDERS RANGERS Embedding Sustainability Saturday, 21 March 2015 into Practice - Developing 9.30am - 3.30pm a Sustainability Action Plan LIMESTONE COAST Embedding Sustainability into Practice - Developing a Sustainability Action Plan Reflective Practice: Let’s re-engage and re-examine RIVERLAND Meaningful Observations: Saturday, 21 February 2015 Berri Resort Hotel, Notice Recognise, 9.30am - 4pm Riverview Drive, Berri Respond Guiding Children’s Behaviour Saturday, 20 June 2015 9.30am - 4pm Berri Resort Hotel, Riverview Drive, Berri For session description see page 30 Gowrie Australia Theory into Practice Session For session description see page 51 COST PER PARTICIPANT FULL DAY SESSSIONS HALF DAY SESSIONS Long Day Care/Preschool $55.00 inc. GST Long Day Care/Preschool $88.00 inc. GST To register visit >> gowriesa.org.au/register-training43 QUALITY AREA 5 QUALITY AREA 7 GUIDING CHILDREN’S BEHAVIOUR PROFESSIONALISM DESIGNED FOR: EDUCATORS DESIGNED FOR: LEADERS AND EDUCATORS LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY LEVEL: INTERMEDIATE FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - FULL DAY FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Summary Often with behaviour, educators wonder about the words and actions they use in response to particular situations. This session will provide strategies to deepen reflection on your interactions and relationships with children. This module explores professionalism, developing a professional culture and identity, leading with integrity, understanding accountability, critical analysis of situations, codes of conduct, the need for analysis, and critical reflection. Learning Outcomes • Gaining insight into what children are trying to communicate through their behaviour • Exploring behaviour to understand what is happening in interactions • Reflect on and explore strategies to support children in these moments • Consider implications for practice at your service. For location and date, see page 43. Learning Outcomes • • • Explore practical methods for developing a professional culture within your service Reflect on and update your professional code of conduct making it relevant to current issues such as social media Analyse issues with an ethical and social justice lens. For location and date, see page 42 QUALITY AREA 6 CULTURAL COMPETENCE DESIGNED FOR: ALL STAFF LEVEL: INTRODUCTORY FORMAT: SINGLE SESSION - 3HRS Presented by Gowrie SA Summary Are there children in your service who you worry might need more from you, but you are not sure what this looks like? Do you want to explore the ideas of social justice and cultural competence more deeply? Cultural competence in education and care settings is important if we are to make a difference in the lives of children and families and ensure that our children are growing up to be proud and confident learners. Being culturally competent doesn’t mean denying our own culture or having to know everything about all cultures. Rather, it is about being willing to find out more about the cultural identities of the children and families in our community (Educators Guide to the EYLF, p21-22; Educators Guide to My Time Our Place, p57). Learning Outcomes • • • Reflect on your own cultural identity and biases Explore social justice Explore ways to support children in developing a sense of belonging, being and becoming. For location and date, see page 43. 44 To register visit >> gowriesa.org.au/register-training 3.3 LEARNING COMMUNITY HUBS Learning Community Hubs are an initiative of the Professional Support Coordinator (PSC) SA that aim to bring together professionals from the education and care sector and the health and community services sector. They offer professional learning opportunities with specialist presenters and networking with others in local areas across South Australia. For information on upcoming events near you, contact your local Learning Community Coordinator. These hubs are available for a small fee of $11 per person per hub, payable to Gowrie SA. If you are interested in becoming a learning hub coordinator in your local area, contact Christie Sellmann at Gowrie SA christies@gowriesa.org.au or phone 1800 129 606. Is your area not listed? Why not apply to become a Learning Community Coordinator in your area to take advantage of this initiative, get paid to organise hubs and receive free professional development and networking opportunities. LEARNING COMMUNITY HUBS IN SA Adelaide Southern Suburbs Jodie Berkinshaw director@sdccc.com.au Adelaide Adelaide Hills Sheryle Joseph OSHC.HPS832@schools.sa.edu.au Adelaide Western Suburbs Lauren Robertson Lauren.Robertson@networksa.org.au Adelaide North East Suburbs Tracy Nelder tracy.neldner2@sa.gov.au Rebecca Heathrebecca.heath410@schools.sa.edu.au Limestone Coast John Merrett John.Merrett@directions.org.au Murray Bridge Kathy GadsdenKathy.Gadsden@directions.org.au Riverland Kirsty Smith Kirsty.Smith@directions.org.au Port Lincoln Sonia Regan sonia.regan2@sa.gov.au Lower Mid North Alex Nichollsalex@thegumsccc.com.au Jackie Scott admin@thegumsccc.com.au Port Pirie Ebony Roberts Ebony.Roberts@sa.gov.au 45 SECTION 4 QUALIFICATIONS 46 46 4.1 DIPLOMA OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE DIPLOMA OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND CARE (CHC50113) Fee free priority course. Skills for All funded for eligible learners. One of the key changes with the introduction of the National Quality Framework (NQF) is to have more qualified educators. Since 1 January 2014, it has been a requirement for at least 50% of educators in all child care and preschool services to have (or have completed units of competency towards) a minimum of Diploma of Children’s Services. Gowrie SA encourages learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners. Gowrie SA also supports learners with a disability to access this course. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS There are no pre-requisites to gain entry into this course. However, learners undertaking this qualification through Gowrie SA must be existing workers within the education and care sector. This will enable application of theory into practice throughout the course. You can enrol at any time to commence this qualification in 2015. CAREER PATHWAYS Career pathways include authorised supervisor (children’s services), centre manager (children’s services), children’s services coordinator, childhood educator, group/team coordinator/leader (children’s services), children’s adviser, program leader (children’s services), children’s service director/manager, early childhood educator, child development worker. RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING In recognition of current experience, learners can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfers. An individual learning plan will be developed for each learner identifying RPL and Credit Transfer options and gap training required. COURSE FEES AND TRAINEESHIP INCENTIVES This course is fee free, with no gap payment required as it is subsidised by the Government of South Australia’s Skills for All initiative. For information about Skills for All including eligibility criteria go to www.skills.sa.gov.au STUDY SKILLS SUPPORT All Gowrie SA learners undertaking qualifications have access to a free Study Skills session offered as a 3 hour workshop (see page 36 for more information). This session is not compulsory, however it aims to support learners in undertaking research, writing assignments and completing assessments. COURSE STRUCTURE The Gowrie SA Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (CHC50113) qualification is delivered full time over a period of up to 24 months. This program is delivered with a combination of online units, workplace assessment and a requirement to attend a full day event every six weeks, including an initial orientation session. The program includes online study, workbooks, practical assessments, written assignments, on-site visits and support for learners currently working in education and care services. Employers who have a number of learners undertaking this qualification will be supported to develop study groups and peer networks to enhance and share learning and development. To gain CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Educaton and Care, learners are required to complete 28 units of competency (23 core units and 5 elective units). DIPLOMA OF SCHOOL AGE EDUCATION AND CARE OPTION Learners that complete the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care have the option of undertaking additional units for a gap fee of $100 and also being awarded the Diploma of School Age Education and Care CHC502136 (Skills for All funded). Please note the Diploma of School Age Education and Care is not currently available as a stand-alone qualification with Gowrie SA. 47 G 48 4.2 Gowrie ADVANCED DIPLOMA OF COMMUNITY SECTOR MANAGEMENT (NQF LEADERSHIP QUALIFICATION) South Australia ADVANCED DIPLOMA OF COMMUNITY SECTOR MANAGEMENT (CHC60308) (NQF LEADERSHIP QUALIFICATION) Funded under the Skills for All initiative with a gap fee of $990 per person for eligible learners. This qualification is ideal for professionals, leaders (Director, Assistant Director, Team Leaders) and educators who are responsible for coordination and leadership of an education and care service such as long day care, outside school hours care, preschool and budget based funded services. This NQF Leadership Qualification is now offered nationally. In South Australia it is funded under the Skills for All initiative with a gap payment of only $990 per person. Strong leadership is linked with delivery of quality programs and improved outcomes for children. Strong and dynamic leadership is vital for implementation of the National Quality Framework (NQF) to be successful. Critical elements of leading and implementing the NQF are embedded in each module which are grounded in current research within education and care settings and leadership theories and practice. Working through the modules, leaders will be undertaking practical projects that link with their current practice and the NQF requirements. BENEFITS OF STUDYING WITH GOWRIE SA • Access to a free Study Skills workshop (see page 36) • The course focuses on requirements under the National Quality Framework, Early Years Learning Framework and Framework for School Age Care • Free access to Gowrie SA study centre with computers, resources, internet access and learner support • Facilitators are experienced early childhood educators and leaders with current practical experience • Scholarships available for FDC, OSHC and BBF services. Download course brochures and an enrollment pack from www.gowriesa.org.au YOU CAN COMPLETE THE COURSE IN A NUMBER OF WAYS • • • Undertake the whole qualification over 12 months. You can enrol at any time to commence this qualification in 2015 Online modules - there are 3 online modules that can be completed individually. Gowrie South Australia Check your eligibility for Skills for All subsidies at www.skills.sa.gov.au Gowrie SA is a Registered Training Organisation. Our qualifications are linked to the National Quality Framework (NQF) and the Learning Frameworks. 49 Gowrie South Australia CONTACT GOWRIE SA PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Ask to speak to one of our Professional Learning Consultants Freecall: 1800 129 606 Phone: (08) 8234 5219 Email: train@gowriesa.org.au Register Online: www.gowriesa.org.au/register-training Websites: www.gowriesa.org.au & www.ldcpdp.org.au 50
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