Sales Flyer Specials Jan 01 - Feb 28 2015 ADVANTAGES OF LUMINESSE ZIRCONIA • Incredible Strength of 1,200 MPa • Increased Durability and Resistance to Breakage • 14 unit bridges with no distortion • Beautiful life-like results • Superior color absorption • Best priced premium zirconia on the market • Clinically tested for biocompatibility • Health Canada Approved • FDA Approved talladium Luminesse zr high translucency premium zirconia 6+1 120 98x10mm High Translucency $ 98x12mm High Translucency $ 98x14mm High Translucency $ 98x16mm High Translucency $ 98x18mm High Translucency $ 98x20mm High Translucency $ 98x25mm High Translucency $ 140 160 176 198 215 280 PURCHASE 6 DISCS GET 1 FREE! MIX & MATCH* *JAN-FEB ONLY Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 1 Jeltrate Chroma Dustless, color-changing Jeltrate® Chroma alginate impression material is formulated to change color for each preparation phase. It is fuchsia during mixing; lavender during tray loading Aquasil Smart wetting impression material. Available in Rigid, Heavy Monophase, Low Viscosity, Extra low viscosity. Also available in regular and fast set. and seating to light blue during setting in the mouth. The impression material has a 2-minute setting time and is 5-day dimensionally stable when stored in a hermetically sealed plastic bag. 15197 $ 605700-1 Pkg (4 x 50ml Refills) 1995 $ 4+1 3+1 Mouldable Edentulous Trays Border-Lock Mouldable Edentulous Kit Impak clear Powder & Liquid Advantages • Increased patient comfort compared to traditional hard acrylics • Minimizes the need for cast blockout during fabrication • Bonds well to conventional acrylics • Polishes easily when cold • Makes it quicker to insert appliances Item: 3746 1lb Powder and Liquid 11270 $ 2 9995 188641 Set of 10 Assorted trays $ 188641 Set of 5 Refill trays $ 2195 295 63305 lb Powder $ 52 3306 1 qt Liquid $ Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 GC EXA’lence With its extensive background in chemistry and creating solutions for dentistry, GC EUROPE has harnessed the best qualities of two great materials to form the next generation impression material: Vinyl PolyEther Silicone (VPES™). Advantages With EXA’lence GC takes dentistry to a new level by solving a number of common problems related to impression taking. With distinctively predictable impressions under all conditions, EXA’lence represents the next generation impression material. 11000 $ Pkg (4 x 48ml) 4+1 COE Metal Impression Trays COE Metal Impression Trays have long been the first choice of most schools and dentists worldwide. These GC trays are available in many different sizes, shapes and types including Full or Partial, Solid or Perforated, and Pediatric. When poured and mounted on the articulator, Check Bite Impressions (Bite Registration) produce a pair of contemporary, separable models in true occlusal relationship. The next generation impression material - makes a perfect impression look like child’s play. Acry Tray LC Bases of light cure resin, that are very simple to use, have excellent dimensional stability and twisting resistance. 3+1 Special 5495 $ Reg. $64.95 Item:0800001 Acry Tray LC bases are indicated for: • Individual impression trays • Functional impression trays for edentulous cases • Bases for mounting teeth in removable dentures • Bite plates Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 3 Top spin • • • • The Top spin provides the advantages of precision, reliability and durability. Absolute precision for drilled pinholes with max. rotation accuracy of ≤ 0.01mm. Suitable for all pin systems thanks to variable drill depth adjustment (0 – 20 mm) and individual drill alignment. Optimal precision control due to individual drill selection (small, medium, large). Smart Pins or Bi-V-pins • Narrow, short model pin with optimum insertion into metal sleeve. new! 119500 $ free* pins! Item:1840-1000 *Buy 1 Topspin, Get a Free 100 Pack of Smart Pins or Bi-V-Pins Basic classic • • • 2 tank Sandblaster with LED lighting The easy filter cartridge replacements are a great way to keep your Sandblaster running at optimal performance. Precise working procedures and great cost efficiency with the special Renfert mixing chamber. COBRA 90µm, white 109500 $ Item: 2947-4025 4 • • • • • • • • Mildly abrasive Oxide removal/deflasking Frame preparation (precious/non-precious metals) Surface conditioning (porcelain/acrylic) 1584-1005 Preparation for soldering 5 Kg / Reg. $39.20 Surface conditioning of denture acrylics Highly effective in the vario jet recyclable Blasting unit Tel: 1(800)250-5111 Fax: (416)694-1071 vlttoolkit - TOOL KIT/FINISHING SET Composite finishing set incl. Acrypol polishing paste Abraso-Starglanz high-gloss polishing paste. 28829 $ VLTOOLKIT Dentaclean mixing fluid for pumice powder • Protects against germs. Dentaclean mixing fluid for pumice powder • Remains moist and free of germs for two to three weeks without having to be remixed. • Contains skin-care additives to protect employees’ hands. • Contains natural odours which still smell fresh after several weeks. • Mixed polish adheres to the brush and restorstion better so that the 5200999 pumice splatters less. This saves time when polishing as the pumice slurry (1000ML) does not have to be applied repeatedly. $ 89 52000998 (5000ML) 6208 $ 274 OPTI-COLD powder & LIQUID Cold-curing, pink resin for CoCr dentures, repairs and relinings. 1000 g powder 500 ml liquid. LIQUID 16213 $ powder 46 $ 95 54001146 (1000ML) 5760 54001144 (100ML) $ pink opaque 54001138 (100gr.) transparent 18000 54001137 (1000gr.) $ Dipping Wax, tooth coloured Accurate, precise fitting wax copings with properties similar to resin. 130 g bottle. 8191 $ 51000890 (130gr.) Tel: 1(800)250-5111 Fax: (416)694-1071 5 connect your lab chairside lab-centric implant planning 15 years of clinical success • Realtime dentist-lab collaboration with DWOS LiveLink • Fully open library of 2,000+ implants from 70+ manufacturers • Merge of STL with DICOM files for prosthetic driven implant positioning and advanced CAD prosthesis design • Design of custom healing abutments and screwretained provisionals • Easy surgical guide design with STL output • Integrated with DWOS CAD apps: 100,000+ cases planned implants crown & bridge model builder new full dentures partial frameworks bite splints new orthodontic archiving .com integrated with our scanners Dental Wings’ digital workflows allow your lab to have direct case collaboration with your customers. Expand your business opportunities and strengthen your client relationships with our integrated solutions. To have a Dental Wings team member contact you or to schedule a live demo, email us at or call 888-856-6997, ext. 1503. 6 Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 Cordless LED Curing Light wax carving set • Lightweight aluminum handle design. • Interchangeable tip for convenient wax-up. 25000 $ new! Item: 07TEKCL • High Capacity Lithium Ion Battery. • Cures in 10 seconds • Cures all brands of resins • One year warranty Item: 04150 Set of 2 handles and 8 tips. LABO-MATE 150 ARTICULATOR • Handle can pull out change the position so you can fix the mounting plate tightly. Item: 02060 Item: 02060-set 95 LABO-MATE 80 articulator • Magnetic split cast insures removing and exact setting with lateral excursions. new! Labomate Only 49 $ Item: 02030 Labo-mate 80 Labomate Full Set 3495 $ $ 7995 Full Set • Lower mounting plate is front and rear moveable. Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 7 Professional Brushless Micromotor • • • • • Brushless DC motor design, no electric spark, maintenance-free and long life High quality bearings support heavy load applications Big torque and high efficiency, close loop speed control Standard wheel head supported and replaceable Simple man-machine interface, comfortable and easy-to-use • Smooth startup • Wide speed range brushless micro motor for under $700 Save $100 Special 69800 $ Reg. $795.00 Item: 01010 Reline Jig Spring Type • The split cast magnet allows a model with artificial teeth to be taken off easily. • Designed specially for indirect relining • Quick and single handling with highest precision due to exactly positioned column marking grooves and speed Spring. 8 4895 $ Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 Item: 02772 micro burners (torch) mini flame • State-of-the-art piezo electric ignition system 25000F flame • Air adjustment and gas flow knobs for superior flame control • The refillable butane gas chamber provides hours of use • This Super torch is a multi-purpose instrument. It comes with two tips; crown and bridge tip and wax finishing tip. Operates on regular butane fuel. Special 4495 $ Item: 04010A Type I Item: 04030 Special 3995 $ 2495 $ Item: 04015 Type II stain & opaque mixing palette sonic denture cleaner • Stain and Opaque mixing plate porcelain mixing plate made of ceramic it has 19 small wells for stains or opaques. • The Sonic Denture Cleaner can quickly and safely remove tarter from bacteria and food particles by chemical action and sonic vibration. 2795 $ 895 $ Item: 04189-19 Spitfire Boil-Out Gloves 2795 $ Item: 00003 Boil-out Gloves Item: 04210 Real Color PL Desk Lamp 13W/9W Lamp Folding compact Automatically turns on when opened and shut off when folded down. 3350 $ Item: 08050A 110V (13W) Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 9 optiglaze Nature-cryl mc Item: 349674 - Light 349675 - Light Reddish Pink 349676 - Original Buy 1 get 1 free! 5150 $ 2.6ml. All Colours Mix & Match pattern resin free liquid! 32oz. 28550 $ fuji rock ep Item: 890226 12 kg. Golden Brown free liquid! 8500 $ $43 value Item: 335203 Free Liquid (100ml) 5175 $ Item: 335202 100 gr. Powder gradia gum Item: 001889 Gradia Gum Kit Buy 4 get 1 free! initial m/c free metal primer! Buy 3 get 1 free! All Colours Mix & Match Item: 000554 Metal Primer $ 421 $ 10 75 $115 value Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 2850 NEW YEAR CLEARANCE EVENT! PT-3-BLA-C (3 Only) Reg. $350.00 Special $150.00 UC95D115 Biosonic Ultrasonic Cleaner (3 only) Reg. $568.39 Special $400.00 400 Foredom Arch Trimmer (1 Left) Reg. $780.00 Special $550.00 K.3280 Foredom Filter Hood Complete with Lathe (1 Left) Reg. $543.05 Special $395.00 24-100 Abrasive Stones Green Pkg.(100) (23 Left) Reg.$27.95 Special $9.95 1104 Occlupol Dark GrEy Pkg.(100) (24 Left) Reg.$80.85 Special $56.00 0042-100 Alphaflex Mtd. Polisher Brown PKG. (100) (8 left) Reg.$265.00 Special $85.00 0043-100 Alphaflex Mtd. Polisher Brown PKG.(100) (7 left) Reg.$265.00 Special $85.00 0510-100 Exa-Intropol K/E wheel Fine Pkg.(100) (16 Left) Reg.$78.80 Special $56.00 400.514.190 Diamond Disc open-meshed (11 Left) Reg.$26.50 Special $18.50 400.514.220 Diamond Disc SUPERFLEX (13 Left) Reg.$34.50 Special $24.00 40020s0 K-Diamond Kit (4 Left) Reg.$94.40 Special $65.00 DLC-5620.04 Volcano Carbide Bur (24 left) Reg.$37.85 Special $26.00 31600 Eve PLUS Mixing Bowl (Large Blue) (97 Left) Reg.$8.75 Special $5.95 33005 Eve Acrylic Mixing Bowl Small Pkg.(3) (81 Left) Reg.$12.95 Special $9.95 33025 Eve Acrylic Mixing Bowl Medium Pkg.(3) (118 Left) Reg.$15.95 Special $10.95 PDS25CZBK PD Polisher, Black Zirconia (14 Left) Reg.$62.75 Special $42.00 25002 DurOlAn Die Spacer Red (28 Left) Reg.$11.95 Special $7.95 84201 DFS Modeling Wax Blue (18 Left) Reg.$17.85 Special $12.50 84206 DFS Cervical/Margin Wax Violet (8 Left) Reg.$18.50 Special $12.95 1006 Z-CAD WAX PRESS DISC (98mm x 18mm) (24 LEFT) REG. $29.75 SPECIAL $15.00 1007 Z-CAD DIAGNOSTIC WAX DISC (98mm x 18mm) (8 LEFT) REG. $29.75 SPECIAL $15.00 1010 Z-CAD pOLYCAST WITH POLYMER DISC (98mm x 18mm) (3 LEFT) REG. $52.95 SPECIAL $30.00 531490AN PRO-BASE COLD TRIAL KIT (3 LEFT) REG. $49.00 SPECIAL $39.95 0012FLASK STRONGBOX DENTURE FLASK (8 LEFT) REG. $166.95 SPECIAL $120.00 0012JIG STRONGBOX DEFLASKING JIG (22 LEFT) REG. $166.95 SPECIAL $120.00 42150 MAGNETIC BUR HOLDER (23 LEFT) REG. $18.95 SPECIAL $12.95 030130 MESTRA BRASS COMPRESS 2 FLASK (4 LEFT) REG. $170.00 SPECIAL $125.00 040000 MESTRA G3 CASTING MACHINE (1 LEFT) REG. $1375.00 SPECIAL $995.00 080089 MESTRA CAPACITY DECANTER (1 LEFT) REG. $1050.00 SPECIAL $750.00 950 META E-BITE INTRA ORAL LIGHTING SYSTEM (2 LEFT) REG. $265.00 SPECIAL $195.00 87553 MOUNTED POINTS RED #39C MEDIUM BARREL 100 (85 LEFT) REG. $19.95 SPECIAL $9.95 405364 Z-CAD DISC (98mm X 14mm) (13 LEFT) REG. $208.00 SPECIAL $70.00 405366 Z-CAD DISC (98mm X 18mm) (11 LEFT) REG. $235.00 SPECIAL $95.00 405415 Z-CAD DISC (98mm X 10mm) (3 LEFT) METOXIT REG. $190.00 SPECIAL $70.00 405500 Z-CAD DISC (98mm X 16mm) (20 LEFT) REG. $225.00 SPECIAL $75.00 407014 Z-CAD DISC white (98mm X 14mm) (15 LEFT) REG. $250.00 SPECIAL $85.00 407016 Z-CAD DISC white (98mm X 18mm) (7 LEFT) REG. $275.00 SPECIAL $90.00 407019 Z-CAD DISC light (98mm X 14mm) (5 LEFT) REG. $240.00 SPECIAL $80.00 1271120 PREFORMED CLASP #13-0 (54 LEFT) REG. $31.55 SPECIAL $20.00 1670140HATHO COTTON BRUSH WOOD/CENTER (14 LEFT) REG. $16.50 SPECIAL $9.95 1680040 THE SPIDER TRAY (2 LEFT) REG. $70.10 SPECIAL $40.00 Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071 11 CLEARANCE AND COURSES CLEARANCE CONTINUED 1900170 heatless wheels #8 grey (15 left) REG. $22.00 SPECIAL $12.00 7000477air vac xq (1 LEFT) REG. $707.00 SPECIAL $400.00 cd201cd201 grey rubber wheels (34 LEFT) REG. $9.95 SPECIAL $6.00 cd202 cd202 grey rubber points (5 LEFT) REG. $9.95 SPECIAL $6.00 p390-009 PROFORM FINISHING WHEELS (62 LEFT) REG. $3.50 SPECIAL $1.80 305-120 POST DAM CARVER (33 LEFT) REG. $58.50 SPECIAL $45.00 305-311NESS MATRIX WAXER (14 LEFT) REG. $83.95 SPECIAL $65.00 A101A AIRPORT QUATRO (2 LEFT) REG. $212.00 SPECIAL $150.00 AF600-DMQUATRO FRESH AIR PURIFIER (1 LEFT) REG. $1877.00 SPECIAL $1595.00 206010 SYNTHETIC POLISHING BRUSH YELLOW (20 LEFT) REG. $34.50 SPECIAL $15.00 8000C UBERLIGHT (3 LEFT) REG. $92.25 SPECIAL $75.00 CSU3 TUTTNAUER ULTRASONIC CLEANER (1 LEFT) REG. $1285.00 SPECIAL $895.00 10310VANGUARD 1X DUST COLLECTOR (2 LEFT) REG. $804.35 SPECIAL $595.00 08842 #7600 VAC-U-MIXER (13 LEFT) REG. $243.50 SPECIAL $100.00 disc Courses Feb,7,2015 DISC Course Mar,7,2015 DISC Course Apr,18,2015 DISC Course May,23,2015 DISC Course Sep,26,2015 DISC Course DTA courses Jan,31,2015 - Toronto ON Digital Day Mar,28,2015 - Toronto ON Business Day May,9,2015 Removable Prosthetics Sep,12,2015 Ceramics Nov,7,2015 Fixed Implants 3420 Pharmacy Ave. Unit 3, Scarborough, ON, M1W 2P7 Tel: 1(800)268-4442 Fax: (416)694-1071
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