TC2 application form - The New Zealand Teachers Council

Office Use Only: Registration #:
Application to gain Full
Teacher Registration
Complete this form when you have provisional registration or
registration subject to confirmation and have met the
requirements to move to full registration.
Use the Completion Guide provided to fill out your
responses correctly.
Section A: Personal details  Applicant to complete
Identifying details - You must provide certified copies or evidence of any name changes, please refer to the completion guide.
Surname or family name:
First and middle name(s):
Are you known by or have you used any other names?:
Title: [ ] Mr
[ ] Mrs
[ ] Male
[ ] Miss
[ ] Ms
[ ] Dr
[ ] Other:
[ ] Female
Date of birth:
Contact details
Home address:(required)
Postal address: (if different)
Home phone: (0
Cell phone: (0
Other phone: (0
Fax number: (0
Email address — personal: (recommended)
Alternate email address: (used if first fails)
Previous registration
Current registration type:
[ ] Provisional [ ] Subject to confirmation
Registration number:
Practising certificate expiry:
New Zealand Teachers Council Electoral Sector Roll (Select one) [ ] ECE
Council Election communications should be sent to me by (we recommend email):
[ ] Primary
[ ] Email
(date printed on card)
[ ] Secondary
[ ] Print and post
Section B: Fee Payment  Applicant to complete
Payment method: Teachers Council must have the full fee payment before we will begin processing your application
[ ] Cheque, bank cheque or money order, as attached
[ ] Learning Centre payment, as attached for:
[ ] Credit/Debit card, to be charged as per the following details:
Cheques payable to:
NZ Teachers Council
[ ] full
[ ] Visa
GST No. 81–270–112
[ ] part
[ ] Mastercard
Cardholder name
Card number:
Expiry Date:
Cardholder signature:
Fee schedule (non-refundable) I authorise you to deduct the fee as below:
The fee that applies will be determined by the date the application form and payment is received by the Teachers Council.
Processing fee $81.77 (incl. GST 15%)
FormTC2, Version (2015-01-07)
(For web and email transfers)
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Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
Section C: Current employment  Applicant to complete
See the TC2 Completion Guide for detailed instructions on completing this section.
If you have evidence of completing an induction/support programme overseas this evidence can be considered to count up to one year of the two year requirement. The evidence
of overseas supervised teaching will need to be submitted with your TC2 application if it was not seen and approved by the Council with your initial application for registration. You
would have received a letter with your initial registration and first practising certificate telling you about this.
Current learning centre
Learning centre name
MOE number
Start date
Month & Year
Details of your Induction and Mentoring programme
Learning centre name
MOE number
Start date
Month & Year
Finish date
Month & Year
Name and registration number of mentor
Continue on a separate sheet if needed.
Teaching service
Please list your recent teaching service. If you are employed part-time please enter the full time teacher equivalent (FTTE) of your position. See Guide for further details. Only list
your overseas teaching service in the table below if this is to be considered by Council towards the supervised teaching service required for full registration.
Learning centre
Full time
Part time
Month & Year
Month & Year
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Continue on a separate sheet if needed.
Section D: Applicant declaration  Applicant to complete
I  Name: (print full name) ______________________________________________ solemnly and sincerely declare that, to
the best of my of my knowledge and belief, all the information in this application is entirely true and correct.
I understand that the New Zealand Teachers Council may contact any of the institutions or individuals named in this application,
to verify the information provided.
I understand that the New Zealand Teachers Council will retain the information I provide on and with this application for the
purposes of the Education Act 1989.
I consent to the disclosure of the information contained in this form to the following organisations for the purpose of processing
my application and allowing confirmation of registration dependent allowances:
 Ministry of Education (and their pay agents)
 New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
 Education Review Office (ERO)
 New Zealand Immigration Service.
I also consent to the New Zealand Teachers Council obtaining information from the above organisations that is relevant to my
application, for the purpose of determining whether I meet the criteria for full registration.
I accept that the New Zealand Teachers Council may use any of the information on this form for statistical purposes, within the
obligations and requirements of the Privacy Act 1993.
Date signed:
Please ensure that the declaration form has the following sections completed correctly:
(1) D8 Applicant name is printed and can be clearly read
(2) D9 the declaration has been signed
(3) D9 Declaration must be dated within the last three months from the day the form is received by the Council.
A practising certificate must be current for a minimum of three months or more from the date your TC2 application form is received by the
Teachers Council. If your practising certificate expires less than three months from the date your application is received by the Teachers
Council you will need to apply for a practising certificate using a TC1A-PROV or TC1A-STC application form before your application for full
registration can be finalised.
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Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
Section E: Recommendation  Supervising teacher to complete.
Who can make this recommendation
This section must be completed by the teacher who supervised the applicant’s programme of induction and mentoring. The
supervising teacher must have held full registration for the entire period of the programme.
Statement of recommendation - complete the recommendation checkboxes on this page (tick)
If you believe the applicant does not meet these criteria, do not complete this recommendation. Instead, discuss with the
applicant that they complete a further period of supervised teaching. If uncertain, contact the Teachers Council to discuss.
 Name of teacher (print full name) ______________________________________________________
[ ] Yes [ ] No
This teacher has participated in an induction and mentoring programme as required by the Teachers
* If recommending an experienced teacher registered subject to confirmation they are required to undertake mentoring (appropriate for an experienced teacher) sufficient to allow
for meaningful assessment against the Registered Teacher Criteria to take place.
[ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Yes [ ] No
I have appraised this teacher in accordance with the criteria listed below.
I recommend that this teacher is given full registration as a teacher in New Zealand, because their
demonstrated performance is satisfactory and s/he meets all the Registered Teacher Criteria.
Registered Teacher Criteria - complete the criteria checkboxes below (tick)
Consider the applicant’s performance in terms of each of the following criteria. (For detailed descriptions, see the Teachers
Council web site.) Tick to indicate that the teacher has met each of the criteria listed. (If you need to add any explanations do so
at the foot of the page or attach a separate letter.)
1. Teachers play a critical role in enabling the educational achievement of all ākonga/learners.
2. The Treaty of Waitangi extends equal status and rights to Māori and Pākehā. This places a particular
responsibility on all teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand to promote equitable learning outcomes.
3. In an increasing multi-cultural Aotearoa New Zealand, teachers need to be aware of and respect the
languages, heritages and cultures of all ākonga.
4. In Aotearoa New Zealand, the Code of Ethics/Ngā Tikanga Matatika commits registered teachers to the
highest standards of professional service in promoting the learning of those they teach.
1. Establish and maintain effective professional relationships focussed on the
learning and well-being of all ākonga
2. Demonstrate commitment to promoting the well-being of all ākonga
3. Demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand
4. Demonstrate commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of
personal professional practice
5. Show leadership that contributes to effective teaching and learning
6. Conceptualise, plan and implement an appropriate learning programme
7. Promote a collaborative inclusive and supportive learning environment
8. Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how ākonga learn
9. Respond effectively to the diverse language and cultural experiences, and the
varied strengths, interests and needs of individuals and groups of ākonga
10. Work effectively within the bicultural context of Aotearoa New Zealand
11. Analyse and appropriately use assessment information, which has been
gathered formally and informally
12. Use critical inquiry and problem-solving effectively in their professional practice
[ ] Met with evidence
[ ] Met with evidence
[ ] Met with evidence
[ ] Met with evidence
[ ] Met with evidence
] Met with evidence
] Met with evidence
] Met with evidence
] Met with evidence
[ ] Met with evidence
[ ] Met with evidence
[ ] Met with evidence
Details and signature
The Teachers Council uses these details to confirm you are eligible to recommend a teacher for full registration. Always provide
your registration number.
Supervising teacher’s full name:
Learning centre:
Registration no (Mandatory)
Date signed:
If you need to add any explanations please write a note here or provide this in a separate letter and attach it to the application
form and mark the criteria.
Endorsement continued next page
FormTC2, Version (2015-01-07)
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Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
Section F: Endorsement  Professional leader to sign and complete
Who can endorse this application
Your “professional leader” is normally the principal of a school, senior teacher of a kindergarten association, or centre
manager/owner licensee of an early childhood education centre.
If you are employed in this role yourself, seek this endorsement from your employer (usually the Chairperson of the Board of
Trustees or head of a similar governing body).
If your teaching service listed in Question 7 was with more than one employer, you must obtain this endorsement from your
current professional leader. (This may require reference to previous professional leaders as well.)
Statement of endorsement
Complete and sign this section before forwarding the application to the Teachers Council.
I endorse the above supervising teacher’s recommendation that this teacher be given full registration as a teacher in NZ.
Professional leader name:
Learning centre:
Registration no:
FormTC2, Version (2015-01-07)
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Date signed:
Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
TC2 Completion Guide
Complete this form to apply for full registration. Please check your practising
certificate expiry date as you may also need to submit a TC1A application form as well.
Read the form and
guide carefully
Download and
complete the latest
TC2 application
Attach the fee
Attach any additional
documents required
Post to the
New Zealand Teachers
Once approved you
will be notified by
email, post & online
via the register
Contact us if you
have had no contact
within 4 weeks
We will communicate
with you by email or
post if more
information is required
Our standard
processing time is
4-6 weeks
You will be sent an
acknowledgement letter
upon receipt of the
application form
About this form
How to use this guide
This guide aims to help you fill out the TC2 form correctly. While you complete the form, have this guide open at the relevant
question. (Each question on the form is explained in the note marked with the same number in this guide.)
This makes sure you give the New Zealand Teachers Council (called the Teachers Council in this form and guide) the right
information first time, so we can process your application quickly and accurately. If you write the wrong details, leave information
out, or fail to provide the required documentation, processing your application is delayed while we contact you.
The Teachers Council requires the documents you provide to be in English. If your documents are not in English/Maori, you must
provide a translation from an official service, as well as a certified copy of the documents that have been translated.
• In this form and guide, the phrase “learning centre” is used to mean schools, kindergartens, early childhood centres and other
institutions in which you can teach while working towards full teacher registration.
• Completing and submitting this form does not necessarily mean you will be granted full registration. The Teachers Council will
consider your application in light of Sections 123 and 124 of the Education Act 1989, as well as any relevant information on
your file.
• For the purpose of quality assurance the Teachers Council selects applications and requests that details of an applicant’s
supervised induction and mentoring programme are sent in for assessing before approval for full registration can be made.
When to use this form
Use this form to apply for full teacher registration when you hold a current practising certificate and have either:
• Provisional registration, or
• Subject to Confirmation registration.
• If your practising certificate has already expired and you had provisional or subject to confirmation registration complete both
this form and the TC1A form
About practising certificate expiry
Gaining full registration does not automatically renew your practising certificate. Your practising certificate expires and needs
renewing three years from when it was granted to you. (This is not necessarily three years from the date you were granted full
A practising certificate must be current for a minimum of three months or more from the date your TC2 application form is
received by the Teachers Council. If your practising certificate expires less than three months from the date your application is
received by the Council you will need to apply for a practising certificate using a TC1A-PROV or TC1A-STC application form
before your application for full registration can be finalised. Note: There is a separate application fee for a practising certificate.
More information on registration forms and application fees can be found on the Teachers Council website
Where to go for more information
If you have any questions about completing this application, including detailed information about the Registered Teacher Criteria,
visit the Teachers Council web site If you cannot find the information there that you are looking for,
phone the Teachers Council. When enquiring by phone or in writing, please give your full name and either registration number or
date of birth, so that we can identify your correct record in our systems.
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Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
Completing Section A: Personal details
Identifying details
Please complete these fields with your current details. Providing your date of birth ensures we do not mix up your records with
those of another person who has the same name. In "Other names used" give any other names by which you have been known,
or that may appear on any documents that you are attaching to the application. e.g. a maiden name.
If you have changed your name since you were last registered with the Teachers Council you must provide a certified copy of
your identification. Acceptable identification include one form of government-issued documentation stating your full legal name
and date of birth (New Zealand birth certificate, overseas birth certificate, New Zealand passport, overseas passport, drivers
licence, Marriage and Civil Union Certificates, official name change certificate)
Contact details
This information gives us ways to contact you about your application, and helps us keep your records up to date. If you are only
available at the contact number you provide on certain days or at certain times, please also note the day(s) and time(s). If
providing an email address, please make sure it is personal and permanent. If given we will use e-mail contact firstly.
Previous registration
Answer this question as follows:
Provisional or
Tick the relevant box for your current type of teacher registration. If you are not sure what this is, check
your most recently issued practising certificate or the Teachers Council’s on-line register.
Everyone who applies to the Teachers Council for registration is assigned a unique registration number.
Give this number as it appears on your registration certificate or practising certificate. This ensures we
do not confuse your records with any other person’s.
certificate expiry
Give the expiry date of your current practising certificate. Please note changing categories does not
change the expiry date of your practising certificate.
Electoral Sector Roll
Every three years, the New Zealand Teachers Council conducts an election to select sector representatives. Choose the sector
that you intend working in. Principals should enter the sector in which they are working and they will be assigned to the principals’
roll at the time of creating electoral rolls which happens every three years. We will notify you of the Council Election which gives
you an opportunity to vote or to stand as a candidate. Choosing to receive election notices by email significantly reduces the
paper we send you. Tick the email box and we will use email for election communications. (We will send printed material to
those whose email address bounces and to those who choose print and post.)
Completing Section B: Payment details
Payment method
You can pay the fee required using one or a combination of methods. (Do not send cash) This fee is non-refundable.
The application processing fee is non refundable. If the information provided is sufficient to make the decision to approve or
decline an application, the Teachers Council will make this decision. It is therefore important that all specific service and
qualification requirements have been met at the time of applying. If more information is required, it is expected that this is obtained
promptly and sent to us. Please keep us informed about any difficulties/delays. We would usually only keep an application open
for these reasons for up to 6 months.
If your learning centre is paying the whole fee, tick both “learning centre payment” and “Full”, and attach the payment. If you and
your learning centre are each paying part of the fee, tick both “learning centre payment” and “Part”, as well as the other method
used for paying your portion and attach both payments.
Fee schedule (non-refundable) - Important: No registration without payment!
This document is an application to apply for/renew your registration. The Teachers Council must have the full amount of your fee
payment before we will begin assessing your application. Your application to register/ renew is not approved until you are formally
advised. If any problem arises with your payment (such as dishonour of a cheque or credit card transaction) we will contact you.
Please ensure you attach the full payment, and be certain that any cheque or credit/debit card account you provide has sufficient
credit for the transactions, and will not expire for at least a month from when you submit the application. The fee schedule on the
latest version of the application form outlines the amount required to be paid. If paying by credit/debit card we will deduct the fee
applicable at the time of receipt.
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Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
Completing Section C: Current Employment and Teaching Experience
Current learning centre
Provide the name and address of the learning centre where you are currently working plus the date you started.
Details of your induction and mentoring programme
Provide the date you began and completed your induction and mentoring programme and the details of your fully registered
mentor teacher/s. If you have undertaken your induction and mentoring programme across a number of learning centres ensure
you supply the mentor's details for each of the learning centres you have taught at. It is expected that if during your two year
induction and mentoring programme you move to another school/learning centre you will have kept records of your earlier
programme, and that your new employer and subsequent mentors have the opportunity to review this material.
Teaching Service
List all your teaching service since you were granted provisional or STC registration.
Give the type of employment, e.g. “teacher”, “principal”, “reliever”, “centre manager”, “Head of Department”,
"home based coordinator" etc.
centre and
The learning centre must be an “approved setting” for gaining full registration. If unsure, call the Teachers
Council or see our web site. If the name does not already make it clear, also include the learning centre type
(e.g. secondary, kindergarten, area school, early childhood centre, etc.) and it is useful to include the learning
centre’s MOE number.
Give the town or city where the learning centre is located. If overseas, also give the country.
If the work was full time, tick the box in the “Full time” column.
If it was part time, list the full time teacher equivalent (FTTE) of your position. For registration purposes
the Council considers 0.5FTTE to mean at least half of a full time teaching week. To calculate whether a
position is 0.5FTTE you divide a full time teaching role within your learning centre in half.
Work type
Give the month and year when your employment in this position began and ended.
Teaching service requirements — provisional registration
You must have completed “satisfactory recent teaching experience”, as described below.
• Usually, this means completing a total of two calendar years of uninterrupted teaching service in the last five years. However,
the Teachers Council has discretion to accept blocks of service making up a total of at least two calendar years, at the same or
different learning centres completed in the last 5 years. If so, each block of service must be for at least six weeks at the same
learning centre, uninterrupted by any significant breaks, e.g. leave, holiday periods.
• You can include both permanent and fixed term relieving teaching roles. You cannot include day relieving positions.
• Only include positions with a teaching load of at least 0.5 of the fulltime teacher equivalent.
• The earliest you can be recommended for full registration is when you are already in your eighth block of relevant teaching
• During the teaching service, you must have participated in an appropriate, supervised induction and mentoring programme of
sufficient length and that spans at least two calendar years. The Teachers Council may request evidence of this programme.
• “Satisfactory” means you must have endorsement of your teaching performance, in Sections E and F. The Teachers Council
may also consider any information it holds about whether your teaching experience was satisfactory.
Teaching service requirements — subject to confirmation (STC) registration
You can be recommended for full registration if all the following apply to you:
• You have completed at least three months’ continuous supervised teaching service (full or part time) from the date you were
granted STC registration.
• During the teaching service, you participated in an appropriate mentoring programme for an experienced teacher.
• Your professional leader and supervising teacher affirm that your performance demonstrates the Registered Teacher Criteria in
all respects. (They do this in Section E & F.)
• Please also ensure all other sections are filled in.
Completing Section D: Applicant declaration
This section asks for your confirmation that the information you have provided is true and correct. Make sure you sign and date
the form before sending it to the Teachers Council. We cannot process and approve the application without your signature, which
signifies your authorisation and requests us to proceed.
Consequences of false declarations
If the Teachers Council finds you have knowingly declared false information on this form, you may be prosecuted and fined up to
$2,000, and your registration may be cancelled.
Completing Section E: Recommendation and F: Endorsement
In Questions 10. to 13. your supervising teacher and professional leader confirm that you meet the criteria to be granted full
registration. Instructions for completing these sections are provided on the form itself. If you have been at your current learning
centre for less than one term your previous professional leader and supervising teacher will also need to endorse this form.
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Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
Teachers Council’s Commitment to Your Privacy
The Teachers Council is committed to observing all the obligations and responsibilities of the Privacy Act 1993, in relation to the
information you provide to us. We offer you the following assurances to support this commitment:
• You are asked to provide the information on this form so that the Teachers Council can consider your eligibility to be granted
full New Zealand registration. We consider this in terms of Section 123 or 124 of the Education Act 1989 (as applicable).
• The Teachers Council will hold the information securely, and will not disclose it to any person or organisation without your
authority, unless required or authorised to do so by law. Note that, in signing Section D, you give your consent for us to make
contact with the listed organisations and people, so that we can process this application quickly and accurately and so that
registration dependent allowances can be confirmed.
• You can request under the Privacy Act to see any information that the Teachers Council holds about you at any time, and you
have the right to ask us to correct the information. Note that this only applies if you:
 Are a New Zealand citizen
 Have permanent residency in New Zealand, or
 Are in New Zealand when you make the request.
• If the Teachers Council uses your information for statistical purposes, it will be published in such a way that you cannot be
Note: The Teachers Council makes a Register available to the public on its web site of all registered teachers. This register will detail
the Practising Certificate expiry date for anyone who is still PROV, FULL, STC and those who are cancelled (CANC).
To avoid processing delays, use this checklist to confirm you have done everything, before you send in your application.
[ ] Section A: All questions are answered.
[ ] Section B: Attached payment and/or credit card details
[ ] Section C: (If required) Attached official statement of supervised teaching programme
[ ] Section D: Completed and signed
[ ] Section E: Supervising teacher has completed and signed
[ ] Section F: Current professional leader has completed and signed
What happens next?
• Return the completed application form and any supporting information by post to;
New Zealand Teachers Council
P O Box 5326
Wellington 6145
New Zealand
• or by courier to; New Zealand Teachers Council, Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street, Wellington 6011. Our contact telephone number is
+64 4 471 0852.
• The Teachers Council processes your application fee.
• The Teachers Council confirms you have provided everything on the form that we need. If we do not have enough information to
make a decision on your application, we will contact you to ask for those details.
• The Teachers Council decides whether you meet the criteria to be granted full registration.
• The Teachers Council sends you notice of the decision (including your full registration certificate, if it is granted). The online register
is updated with your registration details.
If the Teachers Council needs to contact you, this will usually be within 3 weeks.
FormTC2, Version (2015-01-07)
(For web and email transfers)
Page 8 of 8
Physical Address:
Level 12, 80 Boulcott Street
Wellington 6011
Telephone (04) 471 0852
Postal Address:
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145