Extended Hours Welcome Pack

& C h ild c a r e S e r v ic e s
extended hours welcome pack
January 2015
what’s in y our welcome pa ck ?
3 welcome
3 contact information
4 people you will meet
5 useful information
5 sessi ons and clubs
5 sessi on prices
6 how plum tree is managed
6 poli cies, rules and health and safety
First, welcome to our Extended Hours Services.
Plum Tree Pre-School has been in the village since 1991 and has grown immensely over the years. Our
biggest change in recent years is to move into our new purpose built building and garden next to the local
Primary School. This has been a fantastic opportunity for Plum Tree and means we can now offer Extended
Hours clubs for school aged children.
We run two Extended Hours Clubs per day, a Breakfast Club and an After School Club. We aim for these
clubs to be relaxed and friendly environments where your child can prepare for school at our Breakfast
Club with a healthy toast and cereal breakfast or wind down in our After School club with child led
We are registered with OFSTED and were last inspected in March 2014; we received a glowing report,
attaining a standard of GOOD within all areas. For a copy of the report, please go to www.ofsted.gov.uk .
We are a member of the Pre-School Learning Alliance (PLA) which is a National Voluntary Organisation
registered as a Charity to promote the development and education of children under school age through
community groups.
We are a community based Pre-school, which means that we are run by a Voluntary Committee, allowing
us to keep prices down and use any profit within the setting.
We hope our Welcome Pack answers the many questions you might have, if there are other things you
would like to know we can be contacted using the information on the next page.
conta ct information
Address Plum Tree Pre-School
Church Road
Bury St Edmunds
IP29 5AU
Telephone 01284 810077
Extended Services Leader Mobile Number: 07769594358
Office Email: plumtreeoffice@gmail.com
Finance Administrator Email: plumtreefinance@gmail.com
Chairperson Email: plumtreechair@gmail.com
Website www.plumtreepreschool.co.uk
people y ou will meet
Nikki Thompson: Setting Manager
Oznur Pasli: Deputy Play Leader
Becky Wright: Play Assi stant
Hannah Cogan: Play Assi stant
Caroline Manning: Play Assistant
Heidi Utley: Finance Admini strator
useful information
EYFS - For children in reception class and pre-school we will be making observations as evidence to
support their development in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). This will involve general
observations and photographs taken which will be kept in an EYFS evidence folder at the Pre-School. As the
children are receiving their main learning experiences in the school or pre-school, we are not required to
meet all the learning and development requirements of the EYFS.
Labels - We ask that all clothing and possessions brought to Plum Tree are clearly labelled with your
child’s name. If you would like to purchase name labels we would appreciate it if you bought them from a
company called mynametags. Plum Tree receive a percentage of profits from this company for every order.
There are order forms available on the notice board in the hall, you can also go to
http://www.mynametags.com and quote our school ID which is 57141, thank you!
sessions and clubs
All clubs and sessions run Monday to Friday during term time only. Extended Hours clubs (Breakfast and
After School clubs) are for children aged 2 ½ – 10 years.
breakfast club
8.00am – 8.50am
Breakfast provided
Primary school children escorted to school by our staff for 9.00am
Pre-school children can stay for morning session at pre-school (booked separately)
after school club
Two sessions available, either 3.30pm – 4.30pm or 3.30pm – 6.00pm
Snack provided
Primary school children picked up from local school by our staff at 3.20pm
session prices
Breakfast Club (8.00am – 8.50am) £3.75
After School club (3.30pm – 4.30pm) £3.75
After School club (3.30pm – 6.00pm) £8.50
Payments are invoiced one half term in advance based on the normal sessions your child attends.
Additional sessions and clubs may be billed separately. Please make cheques payable to “plum tree preschool”.
how p lum tree is ma na ged
Plum Tree Pre-School and Childcare Services is managed by a voluntary committee consisting of parents
and people from the local community. The childcare side of the business is led by our Acting Extended
Services Club Leader Nikki Thompson who also advises the committee on issues relating to childcare and
the commi ttee
The committee meets once a month and always welcomes new members, ideas and suggestions about how
to make Plum Tree a nicer place for your child.
Our AGM is held in November and is open to all committee members, parents and staff.
If you would like to contact one of the key members of the committee please use the details below. If you
would like to find out more about the committee members please see our committee notice board in the
hall at Plum Tree.
Vice Chairperson
policies, rules and health and safety
Our pre-school runs according to a set of policies and procedures agreed by the Plum Tree staff and
committee. Policies and procedures are essential to help us provide a good quality provision that is
compliant with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). If you would like to
view our Policies and Procedures there is a copy for parents to view in the hall.
rules and behaviour
We expect children at Plum Tree to be respectful of others feelings and possessions and to not run inside
the building. We encourage children to be independent and self disciplined and to negotiate their way
through disagreements.
health and safety
It is important to us that children and parents feel happy and secure in our setting. To achieve this we ask
that parents do the following:
No nuts or nut based foods – Plum Tree is a nut free setting so we ask that parents do not send
nuts as young children can sometimes sample each others foods.
Dress your child appropriately for the weather – although the building is warm the children like to
play outside.
Please do not lift children over the fence at pick up time – each child must be collected from the
hallway and ticked off the register by a member of Plum Tree staff.
Make sure that you inform Plum Tree if someone new is going to pick up your child – we will not
release children to people we don’t know or under 16’s.