Jan. 2015

L a w r e n c e Fr e e S t a t e H i g h S c h o o l
Parent Newsletter
January 2015 Volume
, Issue
The end of the year is always a time of reflection on
what we have done and where we have been. Of
course, it is also a time to start thinking about what’s
next. What are our goals and aspirations for the
future? How can I plan and prepare for my future?
Inside this issue:
Scholarship Info
From the Librarian
Drivers’ Education
Inclement Weather
The Lawrence Public Schools are thinking ahead too. We are looking forward to opening
the Lawrence College and Career Center in August 2015. This brand new educational facility, open to Lawrence High School and Lawrence Free State High School juniors and seniors,
will provide flexible, innovative education options that will help students prepare for whatever is next.
Students who attend the Lawrence College and Career Center have an opportunity to
take free college courses, preparing them for the rigor and demand of post-secondary
education. They will work closely with business and industry mentors who can share the skill
sets that are needed in today’s workforce. Designed around six program areas, students
can explore and develop skills in hi-tech, high demand fields such as:
Health & Emergency Care
Bio & Forensic Sciences
Computer & Network Technology
Engineering & Innovation
Law & Government
All courses at the Lawrence College and Career Center have a hands-on curriculum with
off-site learning opportunities. Students, teachers and business and industry mentors will
work collaboratively to design projects that are relevant to a student’s future goals and
authentically represent the skills needed for success within the chosen field. This project
based format allows students to differentiate themselves, providing tangible evidence not
only what they know, but what they can do with the knowledge they have.
The Lawrence College and Career Center will be located at 2920 Haskell and transportation is provided from both Lawrence High School and Lawrence Free State High School.
Courses are approximately two (2) hours in length, providing time for off-site experiences
and project work. For a sample student schedule you are encouraged to visit the Lawrence
College and Career Center website at: www.usd497.org/discoverwhatsnext.
Students will enroll in courses for the Lawrence College and Career Center through their
regular high school enrollment process in February. Information on the courses offered will
be shared to students and parent information sessions are being scheduled. Preparing for
the future and discovering what’s next can be both exciting and intimidating for parents
and students. The Lawrence College and Career Center provides an opportunity to embrace the exciting future and prepare for the challenges ahead. We encourage you to visit
the website and talk to your school counselor as we all Discover What’s Next.
For more information or questions , please contact:
Patrick Kelly, Director of Career and Technical Education
pkelly@usd497.org or (785)330-2405
Free State High art students participated in the City of
Merriam's 18th Annual High School Visual Arts
Competition. Of the 832 works submitted representing
22 high schools, 144 works were accepted for the exhibit. Free State had 34 artworks accepted, 12 finalists,
and completely swept the Photography and Computer
Generated categories. Their works can be seen on display
at the Tim Murphy Art Gallery in Merriam, Kan., through
January 10. The following list includes award winners,
finalists and artists accepted.
Kristina Foster
Photography Category:
First place—Kristina Foster
Second place—Christina Craig
Third place—Morgan Noll
Honorable Mention—Dalma Olvera
Photography Finalists:
Cierra Campbell
Kayla Clark
Finn Dobbs
Christina Heinicke
Nolan Stopel
Alexa Malik
Computer Generated Category:
First place—Alexa Malik
Second place—Clare Browning
Third place—Lindsey Wethington
Honorable Mention—Alexa Malik and Clare Browning
Computer Generated Finalists:
Mary Brady, Sophia Coen, Lisa Criswell and Lane Weis
2D Finalists:
Sarah Conley, Kate Odgers and Peyton Townsend
Lindsey Wethington
Accepted for the exhibit:
Andrew Chavez (Computer Generated/Photography), Samantha Diaz (Computer Generated/Photography),
Madison Fowler (Photography), Emily Hopkins (Computer Generated), Kat Lafever (Photography),
Chantell Rayton (Photography) and Klaire Sarver (Photography).
Dear Parent/Guardians,
The Free Press student newspaper has done a wonderful job of covering news and
information of interest to the students of Free State and our extended Firebird family.
The publication has been recognized this year by the National Scholastic Press Association as a Pacemaker
Finalist. A distinction earned only by the top 50 student news publications in the country.
Please take a look at the work our staff of 28 has produced and consider keeping up with news and events at
Free State by . . .
1. Following the digital version of the student newspaper via . . .
Issuu (follow http://issuu.com/fsfreepress on the web and on your IOS/Android device)
2. Following the online newspaper website . . .
The Free Press Online (fsfreepressonline.com)
3. Following our social media accounts (students report daily on news) . . .
Facebook (follow https://www.facebook.com/fsfreepressnewspaper?ref=hl)
Twitter (follow @fsfreepress)
Instagram (follow @fsfreepress)
4. Reading the digital versions of our print publication . . .
Issue 1: August 28
Issue 2: September 25
Issue 3: October 23
Issue 4: November 20
Lawrence Student Choice Issue—a collaboration with Lawrence High:
Laurie L. Folsom, MJE
Free State HS Newspaper Adviser
December 15
Every year, Douglas County businesses, organizations and individuals generously sponsor local scholarships for
seniors at both Lawrence Free State High School and Lawrence High School. For 2015, over 60 scholarships
have been established for Lawrence Free State Seniors. Students may be eligible to apply for multiple scholarships; all students are encouraged to apply for as many scholarships for which they qualify. Some scholarships have additional requirements such as letters of recommendation, an essay, personal statement and letters of recommendation. ALL scholarships require an unofficial copy of your transcript. Students are responsible for providing and attaching all items required by the scholarship committee. Incomplete and late applications will not be accepted. Please staple individual scholarships together (no paperclips or envelopes).
How to apply for local scholarships
Visit the Lawrence Free State High School webpage at www.usd497.org/fshs click on the Student Services tab
to locate the Local Scholarships link. You will find:
●Local Scholarship Quick Reference Sheet and Local Scholarship Packet which contains the list of scholarships and their
●LFSHS Local Scholarship General Application which can be used to apply for most scholarships.
●Private Applications for those local scholarships which do not accept the LFSHS General Application.
●Request an unofficial copy of your transcript through Parchment.com and attach a copy to each application.
Important Dates
●All local scholarship applications must be submitted to the Student Services office by 4:00 p.m. on Monday February 23,
2014. Local scholarship recipients will be notified of their award the 3 rd week of April. The Senior Recognition Ceremony is
scheduled for Monday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the LFSHS Auditorium. Local Scholarship winners are required to attend or
send a representative.
Step by Step Instructions
1. Review and Get Organized - Review the quick Reference Sheet followed by the Local Scholarship Packet and learn
which scholarships you are eligible for. Take note of their requirements and get organized by creating a checklist for each
scholarship so you know which scholarships require extra materials. Take note of scholarships that use a Private Application and those using the LFSHS General Application. Using the wrong application will disqualify you.
2. Complete Applications
Fill the forms out neatly and accurately and follow the instructions on the application. If you are applying for more than
one Local Scholarship that uses the LFSHS General Application, you may photocopy it and use it multiple times, but be
sure to change the scholarship name as needed. Do not use the LFSHS General Application for those scholarships requiring the Private Application form.
3. Essays and Letters of Recommendation
Write any necessary essays or personal statements. Request and collect letters of recommendation from teachers or other external sources. If you are obtaining letters of recommendation from a teacher or external source, you must collect
these yourself by having the writer enclose their letter in an envelope and then staple the envelope to your application.
4. Final Check
Verify that all materials required are included in each application. Staple your applications individually and do not use
paper clips or envelopes.
5. Submission
As you produce completed applications, bring them to Student Services. The deadline is Monday, February 23 at 4:00
Private Applications
Some private applications list a different due date and mailing address for applications. Please ignore this and follow the
submission instruction of our LFSHS Local Scholarship Program. Failure to use the appropriate application will result in your
application being disqualified.
Questions & Assistance
For questions or assistance with the Local Scholarships program, please contact your counselor or Bryan Duncan at
For a week AP Studio Art collected poems written by students and
faculty of Free State (in collection boxes and personal
delivery). After gathering all of the poems, they organized and
installed them in our school's display case. Next, yarn was used to
create visual connections between like themes. This project mirrors
a larger project in Lawrence called Common Threads. In December the Free State's installation, the Lawrence project, a middle
school project from Topeka and an elementary school project from
Kansas City, Kansas were on display in the main gallery of the
public library.
AP Art, Suburban meets Rural: Building Creative Communities
Project Artist Trading Cards 2014: Free State High School and Riley County High School
Free State High sixth-hour Drawing 2 and Drawing Studio
classes have been in contact with a class at Riley County
through an artist trading card project all semester. Every
week each student made a card based on a prompt and
traded it with their partner. Partners stayed intact the
entirety of the project. Together they built both a creative
relationship and artistic dialogue presented in the form of
evaluative writing.
Students constructed nine cards throughout the
process. To cap the project, Free State students
went to Riley County High School to meet, have
pizza, trade cards, make "exquisite corpses" and
design buttons. This is the second time Riley
County and Lawrence students have collaborated in this way.
Fun was had by all,
and it was certainly a beautiful bus ride!
During the state and local government unit,
Free State High freshmen in Laura Koenig and Cat Monroe's
Civics classes investigated the consequences of graffiti. Students
dove into the topic, including graffiti removal, state statues and
local instances of graffiti, through documents. Once students had
formed a base knowledge, they worked as a group estimating
the cost of removal of graffiti (pictured), and then discussed who
is responsible for preventing graffiti.
Monday, JANUARY 5
Date: January 20, 2015
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Monday, JANUARY 19
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
An e-mail goes out every Thursday letting students know
of overdue books and fines owed in the library. This e-mail
goes to both the parent and the student.
All students have a Microsoft Outlook
e-mail account which they can check at
school for library with questions about
overdue books and/or fines. Students may
check out books for three weeks and
renew them one time. Remember also the option for
e-books which are never overdue and have no fines.
Check in the library for information about how to access
Diane Toplikar, LIBRARIAN
Place: LHS Auditorium
ACT Test Dates—2014-15
Registration Deadline
Feb. 7, 2015
April 18, 2015
June 13, 2015
Jan. 9, 2015
Mar. 13, 2015
May 8, 2015
SAT Test Dates 2014-2015
Registration Deadline
Jan. 24, 2015
Mar. 14, 2015
May 2, 2015
June 6, 2015
Dec. 29, 2014
Feb. 13, 2015
April 6, 2015
May 8, 2015
Free State High's first hour Interpersonal Skills class
volunteered in the early childhood, kindergarten and
second grade classrooms at Kennedy Elementary
throughout the semester. The students also helped to
provide childcare during parent and family events
throughout the semester.
In addition, the students held fundraisers
to collect money to purchase clothes
and coats for the clothing closet.
It was a wonderful semester for all students involved!
~Paula Pepin and Stacie Jackson, Kennedy Elementary
Overdrive is here!
The Free State Library is happy to announce that more e-books are now available to students, and staff.
E-books allow users to access digital content on a variety of devices phones, tablets, laptops and desktops.
1. Go to the Overdrive website: https://www.overdrive.com/ and set up a free Overdrive account with an
mail address and password. Look at the top right side of the page to sign up for an account.
2. Go to the link for the page for the USD 497 Overdrive account: http://usd497.lib.overdrive.com/ and use
your network username and password to access the content.
3. From there you can check out books or put books on hold. You are in charge!
4. Need help? Go to help.overdrive.com to get help with installing the app for your device.
As part of our AVID class requirements, the AVID
junior class raised money this past October to donate
to local non-profits. As a class, we chose four local
organizations to invite to our class to share in more
detail about their services and clientele. We also
wanted more information about how we can
become more actively involved within each
organization. Our class presented $100 checks to
Operation Wildlife (pictured), the Social Service
League and Just Food.
Free State High's first-hour Interpersonal
Skills class has been busy performing a
service for children at Lawrence Memorial
Hospital. Students conducted a fundraiser
at Freddy's Frozen Custard, and then used
their money to purchase stuffed animals to
help reduce stress and anxiety for the
children at LMH. This class has also visited
our LMH Project SEARCH students each
week this semester to discuss and participate in social awareness, social justice
and social skills training activities.
It has been a fun year, full of service and
Pictured here is Kathy Clausing-Willis with the LMH Endowment,
and students presenting the stuffed animal donations.
~Llara Baska, Project Search
Free State High student Christina Craig earned second place
in the Photography category of the City of Merriam's 18th
Annual High School Visual Arts Competition. Her work can
be seen on display at the Tim Murphy Art Gallery
in Merriam through January 10.
Lodge of AF & AM of Kansas
presented scholarships to Free State
High students for their participation
in the 2014 essay contest.
Students were asked
to consider the topic:
"At least 13 signers of the
U.S. Constitution were Free
Masons. Discuss how the Masonic
Values shaped the formation
of our nation's republic."
AJ Zarnowiec placed first, Linda Liu
second and Samantha Grinage
third in the essay contest. The firstplace winner continues in the
contest for a chance of winning an
additional $1,500.
Congratulations, Firebirds!
~Janice Fullerton,
gifted education resource teacher
Pictured l to r: Mr. Case, students Madison Harrell, Samantha Grinage,
Stewart Merz, Bailey Wilson, Adam Strathman, AJ Zarnowiec,
Steven Ozaki and Linda Liu, and Mr. Johns.
Information regarding Driver’s Education and the enrollment form
can be found on the District Website under Parent & Students.
Enrollment date is Saturday, April 11, 8:30 am—11:00 a.m.
at Free State High School
Classes will be June 1 through June 30 at Free State High School.
Enrollment fee is $150 per student
Students must be 14 at the time of enrollment.
Private Driving Instruction
Midwest Driving School
(785) 841-7749
Cost: $290
GO Driving School, LLC
(785) 764-2214
Cost: $285
The Free Press staff yesterday handed out a special edition created as a collaboration between the Lawrence High Budget and Free State Free Press newspaper
staffs. The staffs surveyed, reported, photographed, designed and sold ads for this
combined issue. For this issue, 2,000 FS and LHS students were surveyed about
their favorite Lawrence establishments. The result is our "Student Choice" issue. Included on the ads pages are many offers from local businesses that may interest
you AND your students: $.75 off Pizza Shuttle (with coupon); 10% off for students at
J&S coffee (w/ a student ID); $5 off at Mad Greek one meal (w/ a student ID); and
10% off order at Yello Sub (w/ a faculty or student ID).
If you see a Free Press staffer, tell them what you think of this one of a kind issue. I don't know of any student
newspapers in Kansas and few outside of the state who have attempted this kind of collaboration. It speaks to
the quality of students we have at BOTH high schools in Lawrence that they joined forces to create the
"Lawrence Student Choice" issue.
~Laurie L. Folsom, Free State High journalism/graphic design teacher
The district’s goal is to make
announcements by 10 p.m. the
preceding night whenever possible, or
by 6 a.m. No announcement is made
if schools are in session as scheduled.
hours after their regularly scheduled
start time.
Any before-school care, practices,
activities or zero-hour classes will be
canceled. A cold breakfast will be
served two hours later than your
school’s regularly scheduled serving
time. School lunch will be available as
usual and school dismissal times
remain the same.
supervision of their children.
It is important for schools to be able to
reach parents and designated child
care providers during daytime hours.
Please make sure to give your child’s
school current phone numbers and
emergency contact information.
When it is necessary to dismiss
children early during a regular school
You! Parents may choose to keep their
day, the district will contact parents
children home for health and safety
While school administrators report to
and area media outlets. If weather
reasons. Please notify your child’s
school at the regularly scheduled time, condition worsen and schools remain
school of this decision.
teachers and staff will not be on duty
open, parents may choose to pick up
until 15 minutes before school begins. their children early after informing
The superintendent confers with other
As a result, schools cannot provide
school staff.
administrators and the district’s student
supervision for students prior to the
transportation provider and makes
start of school. Custodians report to
school schedule decisions based
work at the direction of the Facilities
upon safety, current weather condiMADE FOR ELEMENTARY RECESS?
and Maintenance Department. The
tions, forecasts and the condition of
Elementary recess is held indoors if the
District Office will open at its regularly
roads, sidewalks and school parking
temperature or wind chill falls below 15
scheduled time, unless an alternative
degrees. Children should always wear
announcement is made.
appropriate clothing, including winter
Safety is the primary focus when a
coats, hats, gloves or mittens and
determination is made to close schools
boots during cold-weather months.
or to delay the start of school by two
The district sends automated phone
hours. A delayed start may allow
and email messages to staff and
temperatures to warm, storms to pass,
parents. Call 785-832-5000 or visit
morning fog to lift and/or roads,
School schedule change
www.usd497.org Local media also
sidewalks and parking lots to be
announcements apply to Adult
make frequent announcements. If
Education Services, but do not affect
there is no announcement, it is likely
Lawrence Virtual Schools.
classes are in session as scheduled.
The District Office is open and staffed.
School employees with 12-monthy
contracts report to their buildings for
When unsafe weather
duty. Schools cannot provide child
conditions require the district to delay care when buildings are closed.
the start of school by two hours, buses
will pick up students at their regular bus
stop two hours after the regularly
scheduled time.
For example, if a child normally catches the bus at 6:45 a.m., the pick-up
time on a two-hour delayed schedule
is 8:45 a.m. Likewise, schools open two
The district tries to avoid
unexpected early dismissals.
However, on occasion, early
dismissal is unavoidable. Parents
should make prior arrangements for
Student Growth & Development
Students will be committed to high levels of academic achievement in order to develop skills
necessary to become independent, life-long learners.
Students will grow in their awareness and preparation for careers.
Students will participate in community service and increase their awareness of and participation
in the democratic process.
Students will give their best efforts to achieve high, yet attainable, goals.
Students will accept personal responsibility for their actions.
Students will be involved in academic pursuits that will contribute to personal growth.
Effort and achievement will be encouraged, recognized and celebrated.
Lawrence Free
State High School
The mission of
Lawrence Free State
is to create a safe,
positive learning
environment so
students can
become lifelong
learners and
productive citizens in
a global society.
Students will engage in comprehensive studies of college preparatory and vocational courses.
Through active, relevant instruction, teachers will challenge and hold students to attain high
standards of achievement.
Students will attain mastery of essential knowledge and skills. Staff will collaborate to develop
integrated curriculum that raise expectations and hold students accountable for achievement.
Learning Community
Staff will model life-long learning by participation in effective staff development aimed at
student and school improvement.
There will be open and ongoing communication among all members of the Free State community. Free State staff and students will create and sustain effective partnerships with the Lawrence
business and civic community.
Parents will play an active role in the education of their children, monitor their children’s performance, and understand the importance of their children’s attainment of proficiency on all
Co– and Extra-Curricular Activities
Students will be involved in at least one co– or extra-curricular activity.
Staff members will be expected to moderate, coach, assist, or direct at least one co– or extracurricular activity.
Students parents, and staff will demonstrate school spirit by attendance of co– or extra-curricular
Climate and Culture
All members of the learning community will be responsible for promoting a positive atmosphere
through collaboration and communication.
Staff, students, and parents will celebrate student and staff achievements.
Staff and students will seek wellness physically, emotionally, and intellectually.
All members of the learning community will treat each other with mutual respect, consideration
and acceptance.
Principal: Ed West
4700 Overland Drive
Lawrence, KS 66049-4130
(785) 832-6050
Fax: (785) 832-6099
Mascot: Firebird
School colors:
Hunter Green & Silver
Students are assigned
to the following
Assistant Principals:
Keith Jones
Steve Heffernan
Mike Hill
Lisa Boyd
Students are assigned to
the following counselors:
Bryan Duncan
Joel Frederick
Tina Mitchell
Ken Hile