South Britain Congregational Church, South Britain, CT 06487

South Britain Congregational Church, South Britain, CT 06487 · 203.264.5890
United Church of Christ · “God is Still Speaking”
Dear Church Family,
It has taken us a little while to get going, but we are excited to announce that our “Finding God’s
Way Forward” Discernment Group is now meeting on a monthly basis. The purpose of the
group is to listen to the church and various groups of stakeholders about what we love about this
church and what additional opportunities we might consider. In addition, the group will be
looking at broad trends in our churches and denomination, as well as society at large. We will be
reading articles by church vitality experts and scholars. All of this input will be considered
prayerfully as we seek to discern a long-term vision for the South Britain Congregational Church
that can then be used to guide strategic plans.
We will be scheduling a series of listening sessions over the next months, seeking input from
various groups within the church and even outside of it. In teams of two, discernment group
members will be asking a series of questions and bringing your input back to the full group. We
want to hear your thoughts, your dreams, and your ideas!
We are all so blessed that these people have accepted the invitation and agreed to do this work on
our behalf: Jeanne Crane-Shepherd, Jean Dunn, John Erickson, Ginny Geils, Dean Moll, Cathy
Somers, Roger Tashjian and Tracy Watson. I will be facilitating the sessions. Please feel free to
contact any of us if you have thoughts, ideas or questions about the process, or if you would like
to provide input in a listening session.
We ask for your prayers and support as we approach this work with joy and faith that the good
things that God is doing through SBCC will continue to thrive and evolve!
Many New Year’s blessings,
Every Sunday:
First Sunday:
Most other Sundays:
Every Tuesday:
Worship, 10:00 am
First Floor Singers, 9:30 am – Communion during worship
Choir, 9:00 am; Bell Choir, 11:15 am
Knit-Wits, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Bible Study, 1:00 to 2:00 pm (resumes on January 13)
In January 2015:
Thursday, January 1: Church office will be closed
Sunday, January 4: Board of Outreach, 9:00 am; Sandwich Brigade following worship
January 2015
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Wednesday, January 7: Craft Group, 6:00 pm
Thursday, January 8: Property, 7:00 pm
Friday, January 9: Men’s Group, 6:00 pm (place to be determined)
Sunday, January 11: Finance, 9:00 am; Board of Christian Education, 9:00 am; guest speaker
Christine leronimo during the children’s message
Monday, January 12: Stewardship, 7:00 pm
Tuesday, January 13: Bible Study resumes, 1:00 pm
Thursday, January 15: Deacons, 6:15 pm; Trustees, 7:00 pm
Sunday, January 18: Blanket Sunday offering will be received; Choir participates in Service of
Palms at B’nai Israel, 4:00 pm
Monday, January 19: Caregivers’ Support Group, 12 noon
Wednesday, January 21: Newsletter deadline
Sunday, January 25: Confirmation Class, 11:30 am; Youth Group service project after
Confirmation Class
Wednesday, January 28: Council, 7:00 pm
In February:
Sunday, February 1: Board of Outreach, 9:00 am; Sandwich Brigade following worship;
Souper Bowl of Caring
Thursday, February 5: Property Committee
Friday, February 6: Men’s Group, 7:00 pm
Sunday, February 8: Finance, 9:00 am
Monday, February 9: Stewardship, 7:00 pm
Tuesday, February 17: Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper – Confirmation class helps to
serve, 4:30 to 7:00pm
Wednesday, February 18: Ash Wednesday Service at the UCC, Southbury, 7:00 pm;
Lent begins; newsletter deadline
Thursday, February 19: Deacons, 6:15 pm; Trustees, 7:00 pm
Sunday, February 22: Confirmation Class, 11:30 am
Wednesday, February 25: Council, 7:00 pm
Kya Atkinson
Fran and Stephen Barber
The Creighton family
Chuck Dzienis
John Fleming
John Geils
Ann Graham
Joyce Hornbecker
Deb Hull
Diane Hynd
Dawn Johnson
Nancy Maher
Janet Malm, Sue Wilson’s mother
Eileen Major and family
Amy Mather
January 2015
Joan McAleer
Shirley McIlroy
Mary Perry
Sue Potz’ mother Sandy and father-in-law Jack
Penny Skerrett
Anne Townsend
June Tschauder
Arch and Blair Turrentine
Alice Vitti
Wil Warner
Joan Waterhouse
Marian Whiting
Carol Zagnoli
Zach Zeno
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Eileen Major’s cousin Randy Reynolds who died on December 12
We want to thank everyone who supported our 11th Victorian Tea. Once again many attended
and enjoyed the food, fellowship and shopping. To all who baked and worked at the Tea, a
sincere thank you from all of us.
Please join us on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 beginning on January 6, 2015. All are welcome!
The Knit Wits
At the turning of the year, I want to thank all of the folks who made our Advent and Christmas
music extra special in 2014. Thank you to:
Six new singers who joined our faithful Choir members in the balcony to make beautiful
and exciting music during the season. We all hope the new folks will stay with the choir
in 2015!
Three new Bell Choir members who joined the group during the fall to ring praises.
We’ve had fun getting ready for Christmas, and expect our fun to continue in 2015.
Choir folk who went the extra measure to play or sing solos and duets or add rhythmic
accompaniment to an anthem.
And as always, there is room for you in the Music Ministry here at SBCC. You can sing, or ring,
or play your instrument in the Band, or play or sing a solo if you can’t commit the weekly time
to Choir or Bells.
As we enter January, our Choir will have the opportunity to participate in a Service of Psalms
honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. This will take place at B’nai Israel on January 18 at 4 pm.
We’ll join with B’nai Israel’s choir to sing psalms. Their 6th grade choir will also present one
piece from the Kaddish for Sandy Hook written by B’nai Israel’s choir director, Linda Goodman.
We’re looking forward to this chance to sing with other musician friends, and hope you’ll come
to hear it.
January 2015
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Pageant and Potluck
Much thanks to all the teachers, students and church members for wonderfully sharing the sacred
story of our Savior’s birth. Special thanks to Ann Ferraro for so patiently practicing with and
directing our children. Her warm spirit and musical talent inspired us all.
Also, much thanks to our kitchen elves on the Hospitality Committee and Board of Fellowship
who coordinated the potluck. That was the best potluck ever!
Caregivers’ Group meets on Monday, January 19, 2015 at 12 noon. Lunch will be served.
Confirmation Class meets on Sunday, January 25 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. At 11:15 that
day, there will be a meeting of parents and teens interested in the 2015 mission trip. We are
coming into the home stretch. The Confirmation service will be held Sunday, May 3, 2015.
The Mitten Tree
We delivered 40 mittens, hats and scarves to the children served by Greater Waterbury Interfaith
Ministries (GWIM). Much thanks to all those who donated, warming the hearts, hands, and
heads of these little ones.
Sunday School
The winter/spring session begins on January 11, 2015. Our students will be studying the gospel
of Mark. This gospel presents the story of Christ with a focus on what Jesus did, rather than just
on his teaching. Hopefully we will cultivate little “doers” of faith.
A New Year’s Blessing
Author and spiritual teacher, Sharon Salzberg writes:
“May we, in this new year, know ever more clearly that all of our lives are intertwined, that
everyone counts, and everyone matters. May it be a year where we recognize ourselves in one
another and bring wholehearted aspiration and dedicated effort for the happiness and well being
of all.” Let us remember it is essence of our faith and motto of the UCC “That they all may be
one” (John 17:21). In 2015, let us work toward unity. Happy New Year.
Yours in loving kindness,
Weathervane Youth Report – Edition 17
Our eighth grade confirmands worked with adult faith partners to discern their beliefs about God
January 2015
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and what God is calling them to do. For the next few months I will be sharing their individual
faith perspectives and prayers.
Confirmand Liesl Ohngemach wrote the following:
“God is generous and caring and wants us to do good things in life, like giving back to
family, friends and the community. It’s important to always try to become a better
person. If you do good by God you’ll get good back. With God’s help nothing is as
hard as you think.”
Liesl composed this prayer:
“Dear God,
Please keep me on the path of good deeds and help me make good choices. Please forgive
me when I have done wrong. I give thanks to everybody in my life that has guided me
into becoming the person I am today. Amen.”
On the calendar:
On Sunday, January 25, we'll have our service project after confirmation class. We'll make
favors to deliver to River Glen residents in time for Valentine's Day. Bring a lunch and we'll
work until 1:45 pm. Delivery date to River Glen TBD.
On Sunday, February 1, we'll assist with the Souper Bowl after church. We'll count, box, and
deliver soups to the Southbury Food Bank. Then, we'll stock the shelves. Pick up at the Food
Bank (88 Main Street South) at 12:45pm.
Sunday, January 25
Sunday, February 1
Tuesday, February 17
Sunday, February 22
Sunday, March 22
Sunday, April 19
Sunday, April 26:
Sunday, May 3
Confirmation Class 11:30-12:30; Service project until 1:45 pm
Super Bowl of Caring, 11:15 am – 12:45 pm
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper (Confirmation Class helps to
serve, 4:30 – 7:00 p.m.)
Confirmation Class 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Confirmation Class 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Confirmation Class 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Confirmation Rehearsal, 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Confirmation Sunday, 10:00 am
From Ed Naylor:
A few weeks ago, Pastor Shannon handed out money during her sermon. I kid you not! There
was a catch though. We were challenged to multiply those ‘talents’ for the good of God’s
kingdom. On January 4, there will be many stories far more creative and illustrious than ours,
but here is our idea.
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Jennifer, Joseph and I were struck by the interesting brief biographies of the new members who
joined our congregation recently (see last month’s Weathervane). What a great way to learn
about each other! We don’t usually review work history, education and hobbies during Coffee
Hour. We might be standing in front of a fellow alum or someone with a shared personal
Please write a short (1 page max) biography of yourself. Where were you born? What is/was
your profession? Where have you lived? What are you hobbies? Where did you go to school?
Who is your soul mate and how did you meet that person? What parts of the world have you
visited? In short, what’s your story?
Please include a picture of yourself, which can be old, new, professional or a snapshot – doesn’t
matter. Send those items plus a good will donation payable to SBCC to help defray costs to Ed
Naylor at the contact information below. Luke was in Sunday School, but Jennifer, Joseph and I
will combine those donations with our $12 to create an SBCC Congregation Biography binder to
be placed in the Library for all to enjoy. Maybe we can also post them somewhere on the
Church website in the future; we’ll see. Any extra monies will be returned to Shannon’s
discretionary fund (from whence they came) so as to Multiply Our Talents!
Electronic submissions & scanned photos:
Donations & hardcopy submissions: Ed Naylor, 195 Homestead Road, Southbury, CT 06488
Questions? 203.707.8399
A great big thank you to all who supported our Fair Trade sales last month. At this writing, we
have sold over $1000 worth of beautiful, handmade items to support the women artisans in
Guatemala. Also, thanks go to those of you who chose an angel from our annual Angel Tree to
brighten a child’s Christmas. Finally, thanks to those of you who donated gift cards, or gently
used clothing to our displaced family in Waterbury. What a generous spirit we have at SBCC!
Looking forward to this month, we will be collecting gently-used coats of all sizes and types for
the St. Vincent de Paul shelter in Waterbury. We will begin collecting on January 4 and conclude
on January 25. Our Outreach Offering for January will go to the Southbury Fuel Bank to help
local residents to pay their heating costs.
On January 11, we will welcome Christine Ieronimo from Plymouth who will speak to us during
the children’s message and have a table at coffee hour to promote her book, “A Thirst for
Home.” Christine and her husband adopted a two- year-old girl from an orphanage in Ethiopia
are trying to raise awareness about the need for clean water in that area. Proceeds from the sale
of her book will go to help fund improvements at the medical clinic where her daughter was
born. Please visit Christine’s website at to learn more.
2015 Pledges to date are $147,522. Our goal is $160,000.
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There will be no Women’s Fellowship meeting in January or February.
Meetings will resume on March 5, 2015.
The SBCC Men’s group will meet for dinner on Friday,
January 9 at 6:00 pm. This month’s restaurant will be
announced after the holidays.
Our committee is very excited about the upcoming Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper. It’s hard to
believe that Lent is nearly upon us when we have so recently celebrated Christmas.
Last year’s supper was a record breaker, so many new guests and such great pancakes. It would
be difficult to decide which was greater, the friends and fellowship or the pancakes!!
We hope to be just as successful and have as great a time this year. Keep your eyes peeled for
more details about the Pancake supper in future Weathervanes.
January 2015
Faith Kuehn
Bob Stiles
Jeffrey Thomas
Calvin Peterson
Vinny Cihal
Ruth Warner
Jodi Mitchell
Fuller Walker
Tyler Fritzinger
Lainie Jedlinsky
Helen Tashjian
Mikayla Flick
Joseph Naylor
John Potz, Jr.
Phil Valenti
Dave Schupack
Jared Isbell
Kevin Sullivan
Derrek Guertin
Teresa Nardecchia
John Geils
Linda Long
Don Creighton
Melissa Agnello
Ellie Hanna
Susan Mahoney
Judith Cruz
Myles Fritzinger
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Bible Study
South Britain Congregational church
Tuesdays, 1:00-2:00 pm
Bring a Bible (any translation); all are welcome!
Winter/Spring 2015
What Jesus Did: from the Gospels of Mark and John
January 13
Mark 5:21-43—Jesus heals two daughters
January 20
Mark 6:30-44—Enough food by the sea
January 27
Mark 6:45-52—Jesus walks on water and calms a storm
February 3
Mark 7:24-30—Jesus heals a little girl
February 10
Mark 10:13-16—Jesus blesses the children
February 17
(Shrove Tuesday)
February 24
Mark 10:17-31—the rich man
March 3
Mark 11:1-11—Jesus enters Jerusalem
March 10
Mark 12:41-44—The widow’s offering
March 17
John 13:1-20—Jesus washes the disciples’ feet
March 24
Mark 14:32-15:47—the Passion narrative
March 31
Mark 16; John 20: 1-18—the Resurrection
April 7
John 21:1-14—Breakfast on the beach
April 14
John 2:1-11—the wedding at Cana
April 21
April 28
January 2015
John 9:1-41—Jesus heals a blind man
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January 2015
Hospitality Committee
Scholarship Committee
Church Council
Stewardship Committee
Board of Christian Ed
Finance Committee
Music Committee
Board of Deacons
Board of Outreach
Property Committee
Board of Trustees
Board of Christian Fellowship
All are invited to sign up for coffee hour any week. The designated committee or board can help
and/or fill in if no one signs up. Thank you!
Please sign up in the Gathering Room to bring flowers for Sunday worship in memory or in
honor of someone special. A new flower chart for 2015 is posted in the Gathering Room.
In the event that worship or other scheduled church activities need to be cancelled due to
weather, we will post notices in the following places:
SBCC website:
Church voicemail: 203-264-5890
Facebook: South Britain Congregational Church
WSFB Channel 3: on TV and at
News Channel 8: on TV after 9:00 a.m. and at
NBC Connecticut Channel 30: on TV and at
The current issue of the Weathervane is always available online, on the church website! It's even
available before your printed copy hits your mailbox, and all month --until the next issue is
Go to
Click on the What's New? tab
Click on Monthly Newsletter
Enjoy! And while you are on the website, check out the photos, the Events Calendar, and many
other features!
January 2015
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