January 11, 2015 - St. Paul of the Cross Church

January 11, 2015
St. Paul of the Cross
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel
Seeking Adorers!
This weekend, Rev. Francis Hoffman, JCD, “Fr. Rocky,” will be our
guest homilist as he shares the life-changing benefits of Adoration.
Electronic Recycling Event, This Weekend, January 10 & 11
Recycling Avenues provides employment to adults with intellectual, physical and developmental
challenges. Event is co-sponsored by the Servants of St. Francis and the SPC Green Team.
Saturday: 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Sunday: 10:00am to Noon
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January 11, 2015
Early Childhood Open House
Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Come see why…..SPC is the Place to Be!
St. Paul of the Cross Welcomes…
Riley Ann Haugeberg
Daughter of John & Lauren Haugeberg
Brody Scott St. John
Son of Daniel & Kristin St. John
August George Lazzaro
Son of Alan & Nicole Lazzaro
Kaleb Michael Roberts
Son of Anthony & Lisa Roberts
Elin Constance Kurowski
Daughter of Jack & Jaime Kurowski
Anthony John Usemack, III
Son of Anthony & Shannon Usemack
Annual Blood Drive 2015 – Save the Date!!
Arrange with priest or deacon
at least 6 months in advance.
The next Music for Weddings
will be held on
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
at 7:30 pm - Duffin Hall.
Please call (847) 825-7605 to register.
The Holy Family Guild will once again be coordinating the parish’s
Annual Blood Drive on Palm Sunday. The date is Sunday, March 29, 2015
from 8AM-2PM, so mark your calendars now! We are getting the word out
sooner this year, in case you’d like to make your appointment now. Most
times are currently open at this early stage.
Another reason to inform you now of the date of the Blood Drive is
there must be a minimum of 8 weeks between whole blood donations. If you
are a frequent blood donor, and you want to donate at St. Paul’s Blood
Drive, do not donate blood anywhere else after January 31, 2015.
Watch the bulletin for more information about the Blood Drive as it
gets closer. But if there’s a particular appointment time you prefer, it’s not too
early to call! Contact the Blood Drive Coordinator,
Dolores Vonderheide, at 847-704-0210 to schedule
your appointment.
For all young adults (in their
20s & 30s, single or married)
Our next meeting is Monday,
January 19th at 7:30pm
in the Kinane Center.
Join us for an evening of fellowship.
We hope to see you there!
Questions? Contact Beshar:
Journeys is a divorce recovery support group that meets monthly.
Our sessions this year will be based on the DVD series
“The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide.” Our first meeting for 2015 will be:
Monday, January 12th from 7:00 pm – 8:45pm in the Kinane Center.
The topic will be “Getting Your Bearings.”
The Journeys’ meetings are “open.” You do not need to register or commit to
attendance. Throughout the year meetings will be held the second Monday of every
month. For more information, contact Deacon Bob at bobbulger@spc-church.org.
Baptism of the Lord
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Dear St. Paul Parishioners,
As a child and as a young man, I did not like history. My first undergraduate degree
was in physics because I love math and science. To me history was boring, filled with a bunch
of dates and facts that did not concern me. My lack of interest in history was an unintended
slight to my dear dad who was a professor of history at a Jesuit university for almost forty years.
His specialties included World History and European History.
Now I am beginning to appreciate the value of history. My dad used to tell us all the
time: “History is the teacher of life.” As I am getting older and hopefully wiser, history is
beginning to make a lot of sense. Without knowing where we came from, we cannot forge
ahead meaningfully to where we want to go. The more knowledge I acquire of the Church’s history, the more understanding I develop of the Church today.
This fact holds true also for our parish. When we celebrated our centennial three years ago, we became aware
of the numerous sacrifices made by those who have gone before us. There are many current members of our parish who
have blessed our community for several decades. I cannot even imagine how hard it must have been for parishioners in
the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s, to raise money to build our beautiful church. I don’t believe many of those parishioners
had great financial resources.
I just came across the campaign materials put together by the parish under Monsignor Duffin to raise money to
build the convent and the junior high building in 1955. Parishioners were asked to be part of the “Fair Share Plan”
whereby each member would contribute according to their means. The smallest weekly contribution expected was as
low as 65 cents for a period of three years. It is through gifts big and small that our beautiful parish was established.
We cannot even list the thousands of parishioners who have given in different ways to make St. Paul of the Cross
Church what it is today.
A couple of days ago I was talking to a parishioner who graduated from our school in 1963. He has been a
member of the parish his entire life. There are many of you who have been active, contributing building blocks of this
faith community. You have contributed in time and talent as well as financially. I know that many of you have served
over the years on committees and groups, running ministries and festivals. We would not be what we are without the
sacrifices of thousands of faithful parishioners who have gone before us. I want to publicly acknowledge “our elders”
who have established God’s Kingdom here in Park Ridge. Many of those parishioners are with the Lord but several are
still very active at St. Paul. I thank especially those who served with Fr. Kinane or Fr. Carl in positions of leadership
and responsibility. May God bless them all!
The best way we can honor the sacrifices of “our elders” is to ensure the long-term vibrancy and efficacy of
our great parish. The capital campaign, “Fulfilling our Centennial Promise,” is our grateful response to the sacrificial
gesture of those who built our parish over the years. With the help of our Parish Pastoral Council and our campaign
Leadership Committee, we have done much of the groundwork. The campaign itself will be launched officially on
Saturday, February 7, at 6:30 pm in our Parish Life Center. We will have a Mardi Gras celebration with two live
bands, and ample food and drink. We have invited our new archbishop to be with us. Hopefully Archbishop Cupich
can attend even a small part of the evening.
Over the last several months many parishioners have expressed to me their satisfaction in being part of our
community. Some even have said to me that they are proud to be St Paul of the Cross parishioners. Here is a concrete
way to demonstrate our love for the parish and our investment in this faith community. Come and be active participants
in our campaign. First of all, plan to attend our official launch on February 7th. Second, make sure you are present at
one of our several Town-Hall Meetings (February 9th, 17th and 22nd) that will familiarize you with the details of our
campaign. Third, contribute to the success of the campaign not only through your financial gifts but also through your
prayers and your enthusiasm.
I am hoping that our participation in this campaign will be an act of prayer. May our gift be a response to the
God who has been very generous to us! I am inviting every household to pray about this and make a decision as a
family. Please hold the parish in your daily prayers during the coming months. Let us remind ourselves of the words of
Scripture: “If the Lord does not build the house, the builders labor in vain.”
Yours warmly,
Fr Britto, Pastor
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January 11, 2015
(847) 692-6767 adriennetimm@spc-church.org
Christmas 2014
What a whirlwind it was on
Saturday morning, December 20th, when
155 families came to our church for
Christmas food and gifts.
So many people supported this effort by donating
food, gift cards, money and gifts. It is impossible to
name you all. Just know that Christmas was special
for so many people because of your generosity.
Baptism of the Lord
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An army of volunteers arrived early in the morning
to make it all happen.
St. Therese the Little Flower Guild shopped for and delivered
food items and many brought their spouses and children
to help distribute.
Special thanks go to Jean & Mark Rausch for all the planning &
organizing. Things ran smoothly again this year because of them.
Two couples, Tim & Denise Podlin, and Jeff & Mary Tone, again
checked people in and distributed all the adopt a family gifts.
Marie Greco, Monica Weitzel and Lisa Muench were there to
check people in for their food. Thanks to them for being
so kind and welcoming.
Faculty members, Kristine Nader, Jeanette Wagrowski, and
Maria Mejicanos were on hand to welcome, direct, and offer
interpretation for Spanish speaking families. Emily Nader, a
junior at Resurrection High School, had babysitting available
for the children who came, so their parents could attend to the
food and gifts. Emily was part of the Thanksgiving outreach
and saw the need. She took it upon herself to make it happen
by bringing coloring books, paper, crayons and toys, for the
children. It certainly was a welcomed addition and an
important addition to the morning.
Thanks especially to parishioner, Mary Kelly, for all the crackers!
We had more than enough.
As always Maintenance was there to set up, take down and
trouble shoot along the way.
We close the books on 2014 knowing we made the season bright
for others who would have gone without.
Adopt-A-Family Gifts
Christmas 2014
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January 11, 2015
(847) 692-6767 adriennetimm@spc-church.org
See the parish website (www.spc-church.org) for more details
and to reserve your spot for these events. On the home page,
click the link for Volunteer Opportunities.
Catholic Charities Community Dinner, Thursday, January 15, 2015 - 5:30-7:30 pm
Join us at Catholic Charities in Des Plaines to serve a meal to those in need. All food will be delivered; help is
only needed to serve, clean-up and interact with those in the community. Ages 14 and older are welcome.
Registration is required.
♦ Electronic Recycling Event, This Weekend, January 10 & 11, 2015
Save your old electronics for recycling by Recycling Avenues, and provide employment to adults
with intellectual, physical and developmental challenges. We are co-sponsoring the event with
the SPC Green Team.
"Blessed are those who are generous because they feed the poor."
Proverbs 22:9
We thank the 87 volunteers who gave up their Saturday morning
on December 13, 2014 to pack 17,712 meals to feed malnourished
children in Swaziland. Those meals will feed 48
children for an
entire year. Thank you for
being so generous with your
time and talent.
Donut Sunday, February 1, 2014
Join our Hospitality Committee for complimentary donuts and coffee following Mass!
Please stop by the school gym on February 1 after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses for donuts,
coffee, and to socialize with fellow parishioners. No sign-up required!
Baptism of the Lord
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(847) 692-6767 adriennetimm@spc-church.org
The next meeting of the Senior Singles will be
Sunday, January 25th at 3:00 pm
There will be a meeting followed by a presentation by Robin Thomas, of The Body Repair Shop here in Park Ridge,
on the Healing Oils of the Bible. Immediately following the meeting, the group will enjoy dinner at the
Canton Tea Garden, 805 East Devon Avenue, Park Ridge. Make your reservations for dinner by January 22nd, with
Loretta Fleischmann 847-696-3061, lfleischmann@sbcglobal.net or
Helen Roppel 847-823-2998, hmroppel@gmail.com.
Meetings are held on the fourth Sunday of every month, from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM, in the Kinane Center.
For additional information contact Loretta Fleischmann or HelenRoppel at the contact information above.
Cub Scout Pack 24 will be holding their annual
Super Bowl Sunday Food Drive
Saturday, January 31st and
Sunday, February 1st.
The scouts will be collecting non-perishable food items outside of
church at all Masses for the St. Paul of the Cross Food Pantry.
Save the Date:
The evening of Saturday,
February 21, 2015!
St. Paul of the Cross will swing into the first of its new
“Great Date Nights” events.
Married couples of all ages will want to plan to join the fun.
Stay alert for more information or contact
Deacon Bob at bobbulger@spc-church.org
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January 11, 2015
The concerns for non-violence,
sustainable development, justice,
peace, & care for our environment
are of vital importance for
humanity. They cannot, however,
be understood apart from a
profound reflection upon the
innate dignity of every human life
from conception to natural death:
a dignity conferred by God Himself
and thus inviolable
Pope Benedict XVI
Today at St. Paul, we will hear Rev. Francis Hoffman, JCD
“Fr. Rocky” speak at all of the Masses about Eucharistic
Adoration. He will review the beauty, benefits and graces of this
devotion. His talk will also be considered as a petition to the Holy
Spirit, asking for graces to inspire many to become adorers at our
Chapel, particularly seeking those who may be willing to become
Committed Adorers by agreeing to cover the same hour and day
every week.
Christ bids us to visit Him in the Chapel. We receive His Body and Blood
at every Mass we attend and yet, most of us will not visit Him in His Real
Presence in the Chapel. In our lives we attack every problem that we have by
every means possible. By answering the Call of Jesus to visit Him in the
Chapel to experience His promise that He will help us, we demonstrate to our
Lord that we trust Him and through the Graces we receive we honor His Will
and are receptive to the help He will bestow upon us.
What a Gift Eucharistic Adoration is. It is a
Blessing to us, our parish and our community.
It is a guarantee from Jesus for the help and
happiness that we seek in our daily lives. He
promises to lighten any load that we may
have. Jesus in our Eucharistic Adoration
Chapel is there, inviting us, waiting for us.
How will we handle His invitation?
Strong Catholic Family
Prayer Corner
Pope Francis gives advice to young
1. Never give up
2. Take an interest in the needs of
the poorest
3. Love the Church, love the priests
4. Put yourselves in the service of
the community
5. Be apostles of peace and serenity,
beginning with your families
6. Talk to your best friend Jesus in
If you choose an hour which already has one Committed Adorer, this
enables the Committed Adorers for that hour to have some flexibility,
if they are unable to be at the Chapel for their hour.
1 am
2 am
2 am
4 am
3 am
3 am
4 am
7 am
11 am
8 am
7 am
10 am
3 pm
4 pm
5 pm
12 pm
12 pm
5 pm
1 pm
10 pm
11 pm
8 pm
10 pm
8 pm
7 pm
*All hours have 2 committed Adorers
Can You Share One Hour With Our Lord?
Please contact Bob Maszka bobpeap@wmconnect.com, or call 847-825-1869.
Baptism of the Lord
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TODAY! Sunday, January 11th ~ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
All families are invited to participate in a spiritual hour of Adoration
with their children. The hour gives families an opportunity to give thanks
for the gift of time together and to be in the presence of Jesus.
The Holy Hour includes vocal prayer, meditation, rosary & singing.
Families or children should use back entrance of the Kinane Center by 1:45pm.
Everyone is asked to bring a rosary.
Please use the Prayer Garden Entrance if you arrive late.
If you have any questions or if you are interested in volunteering your time for this monthly ministry for children,
please call Christine Maszka 847-825-1869.
Praying With
Come join Praying with Scripture
as we let the Holy Spirit guide us
through meditation and reflection
on the Sacred Scripture.
No experience necessary.
All are welcome!
Thursdays at 7:30pm
in the Kinane Center
For more information, feel free to
call Beshar at 847-858-2374.
The Young At Heart's first
meeting of the year will be held
on Tuesday, February 10th at
11:00 am in Duffin Hall
(lower level of the rectory).
Meetings are held on the 2nd and
4th Tues. of the month from
February to November.
Dues are $15.
New members are always welcome!
Please come and check us out.
For more info, please contact
Joanne at (847)292-0226.
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January 11, 2015
Did you know?
Styrofoam takes
20,000 years to
Go Green Park Ridge
is sponsoring
Foam Recycling
Save your white BLOCK
Styrofoam from the landfills.
White Styrofoam Blocks
will be collected
January 5 – 23, 2015
Packing Peanuts
will not be accepted.
Drop off location:
Park Ridge Public Works
400 Busse Hwy, Park Ridge
7am – 3pm
Contact Mike McGrath at
Public Works 847-318-5243
• • No straws, lids, plastic wrap,
food service/beverage
containers or trash.
• • No packaging peanuts (these
can be dropped off at the UPS
Store at 310 Busse Highway)
• • No foam building insulation.
SPC Trivia Night!
Friday, January 23, 2015 - Parish Life Center
Join the company of your friends & family and share your knowledge of
everything from pop culture to Catholic theology in our very own SPC
Trivia Contest! Pick a theme, decorate your table, and dress accordingly!
Bring snacks, food and drinks for your table and enjoy the festivities.
This event is for adults only (over 21).
Prizes awarded for top trivia teams and best costumes/themes.
Doors open at 6:30 PM for table decoration.
Trivia starts promptly at 7:30 PM
Price of Tickets: $20 per individual or $160 per table of eight
All tickets will be held at the door.
All proceeds from the event will benefit the
St. Paul of the Cross Parish Educational Endowment Fund.
Please reserve my tickets to this entertaining evening
_______Number of Individual Tickets at $20 each
_______Full Table(s) of eight at $160 each
_______I cannot attend but would like to make a donation to the Fund
Ticket Reservation Form (Please Return Ticket Reservation Form to the
School Office or Rectory)
Email Address:
Amount Enclosed: ______________________
Check # _______________________
If you have any questions, please call the rectory at
Baptism of the Lord
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We will be accepting registrations for new students for the 2015 – 2016 school year
in the Morello Parish Life Center Meeting Rooms from 8:00-9:30 AM and 6:00-7:30 PM.
(numbers will be handed out beginning at 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM) according to the following schedule:
Tuesday, 2/3/15 – New students in current school families registering for Grades PS – 8
Thursday, 2/5/15 – New students in new families registering for Grades PS – 8
(Students registering for Preschool must be 3 years old by 9/1/2015.)
(Students registering for Prekindergarten must be 4 years old by 9/1/2015.)
(Students registering for Kindergarten must be 5 years old by 9/1/2015.)
Non-refundable registration fee(s) are due at the time of registration and are as follows:
New Families: $200 for the first student in a family new to SPC, $162 for each additional student in a new family,
not to exceed a total of $570 per family.
New Students from Current SPC Families: $162 for each new student in a current SPC family.
Families will receive a refund if St. Paul of the Cross School does not accept the registration for the child(ren).
♦ The completed St. Paul of the Cross School 2015-2016 Student Application Form
♦ The completed Smart Tuition Enrollment Form (or completed on-line enrollment at www.EnrollWithSmart.com)
♦ The child’s ORIGINAL legal birth certificate issued by the state in which the child was born (NOT a copy and NOT a hospital
certificate) as required by the Illinois State Board of Education
♦ A copy of the child’s baptismal certificate if the child was not baptized at St. Paul of the Cross Church; the baptismal date if the
child was baptized at St. Paul of the Cross Church
♦ Your parish envelope number (the 3 or 4 digit number on the far left side of your envelope)
♦ Registration fee as listed above. **Refundable ONLY if St. Paul of the Cross School does not accept the child(ren)
♦ A copy of the child’s latest report card and/or a copy of the latest standardized test scores if registering for grades 1 – 8
NOTE: Registrations will not be accepted with any missing information or missing registration fee.
• Currently enrolled students of families whose fee and tuition payments are up to date.
• Siblings of currently enrolled students of families whose fee and tuition payments are up to date.
• Children of parishioners not currently enrolled.
• Students transferring from other Catholic schools and/or students whose current parish has no school.
• Children from non-parishioner families. These children would be required to pay the actual cost of education for a child who
attends St. Paul of the Cross School. During the 2014-2015 school year, the actual cost was $4,616 per child (Half Day Kindergarten only) and $5,333 per child (Grades Full Day K – 8).
St. Paul of the Cross School
(Preschool through Grade 8)
Sunday, January 25, 2015
10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON
St. Paul
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January 11, 2015
Calling all babies,
toddlers and
Please join us for the
Fun, Faith & Music class in the Kinane Center!
You and your little ones attend this weekly, fun music class together!
New songs and tried and true songs! Songs for seasons, songs of praise, fun songs to sing!
Wednesdays from 9:30 – 10:00 am
Classes will meet in the Kinane Center (215 Ridge Terrace) ~ Classes will be held begin January 14 through March 18
Cost: $45 (checks payable to St. Paul of the Cross), $25 for each additional child
Questions? Contact Anna Mae Parkhill at 847.692.2758 or annamaeparkhill@spc-church.org.
Fun, Faith & Music
Parent Name:
Adult Bringing Child:
Best Phone Number:
Child’s Name:
Child’s Name:
Child’s Name:
Mail or Drop Off (leave in mailbox at top of steps – pulls down to open!)
St. Paul of the Cross – 215 Ridge Terrace – Park Ridge, IL 60068
making music class 2014-2015 winter
Baptism of the Lord
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Calling all Parish children with
Special Needs* Grade K - 8!
Please join us for a new class in 2015
Special Needs, God & Fun!
This class will be offered quarterly with each having a different theme and will focus on “finding each child’s spiritual
voice through prayer, art, song & dance.” There will also be a social element where the participants share in
community – celebrating their uniqueness & building new friendships!
Classes will meet in Holy Family Chapel (the handicapped accessible basement of the church)
Classes will be on January 24, April 18, September 26 & December 12
Time: 10:00 – Noon
Cost: FREE
Questions? Contact Anna Mae Parkhill at 847.692.2758 annamaeparkhill@spc-church.org or
Maureen Wudtke Van Mieghem at moe345@att.net
All information will be kept confidential & only used for purposes of this ministry per IL State Law (105ILCS 10/)
Special Needs, God & Fun!
Child’s Name:
Home Phone:
ALL general class information will be sent by email
Mom’s Cell:
Dad’s Cell:
Type of Disability:
Diet Restrictions:
Special Interests:
Mail or Drop Off: St. Paul of the Cross Rel Ed ~ 215 Ridge Terrace ~ Park Ridge, IL 60068
*At this time we are only enrolling children with physical special needs and not behavioral special needs.
Your enrollment in this class grants implicitly allows St. Paul to use unidentified photos/recordings on our websites.
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January 11, 2015
From Our Neighbors
Theology of Park Ridge at Our Lady of Hope, 9711 W. Devon, Rosemont
Register by January 10 for the Winter 2015 Series - Warm Touch of the Spirit
Jan 14 Pauline Vivano, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Loyola University - A Gentle Breeze and Blazing Fire: The spirit in the Bible
Jan 28 Kenneth J. Brucks, Sr. Mgmt Analyst, H.U.D. - Priesthood of Everybody
Feb 11 Rev. Richard Fragomeni, Professor, C.T.U. - The Joy of the Gospel: The Warm Touch of Pope Francis Fills the Pages of
the Apostolic Exhortation
Feb 25 Rev. Daniel Brandt, Directing Chaplain, Chicago Police Department - Faith on Tough Streets
Mar 11 Theresa Collins, Ph.D. Exec. Director, Main Community Youth Assistance Foundation - The Straight Dope on the
Prevention of Teen Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Coffee at 9:15 am
To Register: Send check for $35 payable to Theology of Park Ridge with your name & address to:
Lecture at 9:30 am
Mary Lou Murphy, 5813 N. Nicolet, Chicago, IL 60631
Men & Women are invited.
(Single session cost is $10.)
A Clothing Drive Thank You
Dear Friends of St. Paul of the Cross Parish,
Many, many thanks once again for all the work and time you put into your clothing drive for St Benedict the
African Parish. As I have said before, everything comes so neatly packed with lots of care and consideration.
The definition of our thanks cannot be found in an ordinary dictionary. Your bigheartedness has a more
heavenly origin. We would call it benevolence, and our gratitude for you is to God.
We have had a long connection together and this is important. It acknowledges that we are all ONE in the
Spirit and our world is a better place because of it.
Sister Mary Pokorny, OP, Pastoral Minister
On behalf of all of St Benedict the African Parish
For widowed men/women
There will be a retreat/workshop March 7 & 8 at
Our Lady of the Angels House of Prayer
(located in Lemont on Alvernia Manor’s campus).
An additional program will be held March 21 & 22 at
Holy Family Medical Center (now Presence) located at
Golf Rd. & River Rd., DesPlaines.
Being widowed is a special loss, and this program is designed especially
to help the widowed find hope & joy again.
Space limited – register early.
Joyful Again Widowed Ministry
Our Second Collection,
Next Weekend,
January 17 & January 18
Baptism of the Lord
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Hi everyone!
I hope that the holidays were happy, meaningful and as stress free as possible! Now it’s back
to basics for many of us.
Speaking of basics.....let’s talk carbohydrates. The most basic “carbs” are the simple sugars
and can be found in jelly, jam, syrup, table sugar, honey,
candy, fruit, sodas, and fruit juice. Glucose is a simple sugar found in
vegetables, fruit and honey. Then there are complex carbohydrates. These
are formed from more complicated molecules when several simple sugars are
linked together. The simple sugars get into the bloodstream quickly and can
raise the blood sugar. When this happens, if all is functioning well, insulin is
released to help usher the sugar into the cells, thereby again lowering our
blood sugar. Complex carbohydrates take longer to be digested and don’t get
into the blood stream as quickly as the simple sugars do. So, our blood sugar
doesn’t rise quite as fast as is possible when we consume simple sugars. The
complex carbohydrates that come from plants are known also as “starch” and
can be found in foods of good quality, these being: vegetables, grains, seeds,
breads, beans and legumes.
What are legumes? They are vegetables belonging to the bean and/or
pea families. They are a rich complex carbohydrate and supply the following
nutrients: protein, fiber, B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium and
phosphorous. They are part of the meat group (because they contain protein)
and they are part of the bean group (because they supply complex carbs and protein) and they are part of the vegetable
group. The following are all legumes: pinto beans, black beans, navy beans, kidney beans, lima beans, chick peas (or
garbanzo beans), soybeans, lentils, split peas, black eyed peas and nuts and seeds. Simple sugars and complex carbs
may have similar calories. A candy bar for instance, may have the same number of calories as a large, sweet potato but
the candy bar (a simple sugar) has very little nutrient value. The sweet potato is a rich source of vitamins A and C, fiber, vitamins and minerals while the candy bar is an empty-calorie food. Of late, the low carb diet has been popular
with many folks because it’s thought that starchy foods can create weight gain. The basic here is that too much of any
food has the potential for helping us to gain weight, especially if we don’t burn off excess calories. This is a somewhat
controversial subject as some folks who consume fewer carbs have lost weight. As with so much in life, moderation
and a well balanced diet appears to be important to health and weight management. We are different and sometimes,
can digest and metabolize foods with differing results, but the basic here is we must use up our calorie intake and if
there are too many calories, be they protein, fat or carbs, there’s the potential for weight gain. Good sources of carbs
can be: oatmeal, brown rice, barley, fruit, veggies, legumes, whole grain bread or whole wheat tortillas, whole grain
breads and cereals and crackers. Less popular, but certainly nutritious and good sources of complex carbs are these
grains: quinoa, amaranth, millet, wild rice and wheat berries a good rice substitute). We’ll discuss the glycemic index
(or how quickly a food becomes blood sugar) in the future.
Until next week, let’s remember, “health and good humor are to the human body like sunshine to vegetation.”
Stay warm and well.
Linda Burk, Your Parish Nurse
The St. Paul of the Cross Book Group
will meet Monday, January 26th at 7:30 pm in the Morello Center
Meeting Room to discuss Runaway, a collection of short stories by
Nobel prize-winning author, Alice Munro.
All are welcome.
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January 11, 2015
Monday, January 12 - Weekday
Joseph Giovenco
James & Anne Coyle, Edward Heckman,
Mark Showalter
Tuesday, January 13 - Weekday
People of the Parish
Dr. John Kurkowski, Ann Wiggins,
Christopher Dietz
Wednesday, January 14 - Weekday
Joe & Joey Ligas
Walter Jerz, John Reckert,
Ardis Dumalski, Mary Virgina Colby
Thursday, January 15 – Weekday
Fr. Seeley
Joan Stephenson
Saturday, January 17 - Weekday
Gilberta Venute, Mary Coleman
4:30 UP Mary A. Ferraro Walsh
4:30 DN Tanner Palmer
Sunday, January 18 - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 UP Mia Pace
9:00 UP Myrtle Reckert, Mary Coleman, Jennie Benigno
9:00 DN Helen Davis, Barry Francis Tharpe
10:30 UP Irene & Stanley Penkala, Chris Lenzini,
Beatrice Bryniczka, Antoinette Garafalo
10:30 DN Joe & Barbara Rubino, Jim Springer
12:00 UP Bishop Fulton Sheen, Mary Heneghan,
Aldo Bragagnolo
Anthony DeRosa, Margaret Loftus
Friday, January 16 - Weekday
People of the Parish
Michelina Scavelli
Our prayers go out
to all who serve
our country.
Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule for the weekend of January 17 & January 18
Day &
Saturday Fr. Matthew Nagle,
Deacon Andy
4:30 up preaching
Eucharistic Ministers
Jack, Korcz, Loftus, Nowak,
Kirkland, Kirkland, Mulcrone
Saturday Fr. Smilanic Tanqueray,
Deacon Bob
4:30 dn preaching
Fr. Matthew Andreoni,
Deacon Al
9:00 up
Fr. Marshall
9:00 dn
Fr. Smilanic Olijnyk,
Deacon Bob
Fr. Marshall
10:30 up
Fr. Peter
Fr. Peter
Deacon Al
Deacon Andy
Mueller, Mueller
Skadow, Teresi, Weitzel, Angelini, Byron, Cooney, Ginger
DiMeo, Munce,
Bull, Buggy, Borucki, Ahern,
Vivona, Walton, Battersby
Miulli, Nader,
Scheller, Shannon, Smith, Soifer,
Talarico, Vallejo, Andrews
Fr. Smilanic
10:30 dn
Altar Servers
Hoffman, Feeney,
Teen-Hosted Mass
Leahy, Meehan, Naum, Stefanski,
Teich, DePaul
Nowak, Nowak,
Those Who Are Ill:
Zia Siegel, Veronica Gabriel,
Nick Milazzo, Madalyn Carrol,
Lucille Jansen, Ernie Komornicki,
Peg Basile, Sr. Josephine Berchmans,
Julie Koenig, Jean Zurawski,
Brenda Prince, Jimmy Rancich,
Peter Faraci, Baby Jayce Conley,
Midge Smith, Joan Ziomek,
Mary Kedzie, Madelyn Pukal,
Theresa Olsen, Donna Stefanovic,
Iryna Rymar, Tom Meehan,
Shirley Van Ornum, Jim Smith,
Baby Charlie Winchester,
Ed & Christine Sloper, Julius Sivori,
Robyn Costantani, Karen DuBoff,
Bernadette LaPalagia, Maggy Colby,
Eileen Fitzsimmons, Mary Valentine,
Virginia Mast, Bernard Krejcik,
Gloria Zito, Phyllis Knirko,
Dannish Rozwan & family,
Ben Kimlinger, Bruno Fabris,
Baby Ellen Fagan, Julio Torres,
Joyce Byron, Julia Rose,
Raymond Devlin, Jr.
Those Who Have Died:
Kathleen Sullivan,
Anthony Alvizu,
James Donovan,
Irene Lynch,
James J. McCarthy.
REV. PETER GNOINSKI, Associate Pastor
320 South Washington
Phone Number
(847) 825-7605
Fax Number
(847) 825-5186
Web Address
Joan Macpherson
Parish Office:
Mary Hoff
Joanne Stewart
Michele Yarbrough, Communications &
Pastor’s Administrative Assistant
(847) 825-6366
Lorelei Bobroff, Principal
Web Address
(847) 692-2758
Anna Mae Parkhill, Director
Web Address
(847) 825-7605
Deacon Bob Bulger
(847) 825-7605
Edward J. Eicker, Director
Andrea Bartolomeo, Assistant Director
(847) 692-6767
Adrienne Timm, Director
(847) 825-7605
Caroline Hopkinson
(847) 692-6727
Linda Burk, R.N.,B.S.
(847) 692-6024
Judy Kaplan
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Up & Down),
10:30 AM (Up & Down), 12:00 PM, 5:30 PM
Monday - Friday: 6:25 AM, 8:30 AM
8:00 AM, 4:30 PM (UP)
4:30 PM (Down)
Monday-Friday: 8-8:15 AM
(Reconciliation Room in vestibule)
3:30 to 5 PM (Opus Dei Priest)
3:00 to 4:00 PM
1:15 PM ceremony every Sunday of each month.
Please call the rectory to register for Baptism.
An instruction class for parents provided.
(Baptismal Preparation Class - 4th Thursday of
every month at 7:00 PM in the Morello Parish
Life Center). Please call the rectory to register
for the preparation class.
Arrange with priest or deacon at least 6 months in advance.
First Sunday of every month in the
Morello Parish Life Center from 8:30 AM to Noon.
First Saturday of each month: After the 8:00 AM Mass.
Call the rectory and leave a message for Kathy Bulger
Monday - Friday:
Prayed after the 8:30 AM Mass.
Prayed after the 8:00 AM Mass.
Open 24 Hours a Day
*During the hours of 6 AM to 9 PM, enter through the
Mother Cabrini Garden Entrance.
*During the hours of 9 PM to 6 AM, enter through the
Kinane Center front door.
Visit us on the web: www.spc-church.org
*PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE: Thursday by Noon in the Rectory