Uptime Service Levels Effective Monday 16th July 2012, your existing Uptime® service levels will be changed to the new global naming standards. These will be reflected on all your new quotes, invoices and records of service entitlements. Please be advised that all Dimension Data service entitlements will have an applicable service calendar, e.g. 10x5 - Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. An example of a typical service entitlement is "AU Uptime Ship Result 10x5xNDB". As the naming convention for the service calendar is not changing, this component has been omitted in the table below for simplicity. Old Entitlement Name Old Vendor Code New Entitlement Name New Vendor Code New Long Entitlement Name AU Blue Coat Call Management MSAUC30033 AU Blue Coat Call Management MSAUC30033 Contract between client and vendor. Dimension Data on request will log calls with the vendor on behalf of the client. AU Cisco Call Management MSAUC30005 AU Cisco Call Management MSAUC30005 Contract between client and vendor. Dimension Data on request will log calls with the vendor on behalf of the client. AU Cisco Warranty Call Management MSAUC30021 AU Cisco Call Management MSAUC30005 Contract between client and vendor. Dimension Data on request will log calls with the vendor on behalf of the client. AU Tandberg Call Management MSAUC30059 AU Cisco Call Management MSAUC30005 Contract between client and vendor. Dimension Data on request will log calls with the vendor on behalf of the client. AU Uptime Extend Warranty 10D MSAUE21259 AU Cisco Call Management MSAUC30005 Contract between client and vendor. Dimension Data on request will log calls with the vendor on behalf of the client. AU Uptime L1 Best Effort MSAUE21326 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 Ess Op + UCSS MSAUE21385 AU Uptime Remote Response + Pat + Upg MSAUE21417 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches, version upgrades, minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 Ess Op plus L2 PO4H MSAUE21338 AU Uptime Ship Result 4H+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21468 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 4H + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L1 Ess Op plus L3 PLO10H MSAUE21340 AU Uptime Reconfig Response NBD+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21471 Incident Management; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) within NBD to initiate replacement & loading of backup configuration + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L1 Ess Op plus L3 PLO4H MSAUE21339 AU Uptime Reconfig Response 4H+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21472 Incident Management; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) within 4H to initiate replacement & loading of backup configuration + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L1 Essential Operate MSAUE21311 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 SP MSAUE21307 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 SP Remote BOC MSAUE21335 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. Page 1 of 4 Uptime Service Levels Old Entitlement Name Old Vendor Code New Entitlement Name New Vendor Code New Long Entitlement Name AU Uptime L1 SS MSAUE21261 AU Uptime Remote Response + Pat + Upg MSAUE21417 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches, version upgrades, minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 SS UCS ISV1 MSAUE21413 AU Uptime UCS Rem Resp + Pch + Upg ISV1 MSAUE21672 Incident Mgt; Complete diag telephonically or online. Access to SW patches, ver upg, minor & major ver releases provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 T10H MSAUE21306 AU Uptime Remote Response + Pat + Upg MSAUE21417 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches; version upgrades; minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 T2H MSAUE21263 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 T4H MSAUE21265 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 T60M MSAUE21267 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 T60M SS MSAUE21262 AU Uptime Remote Response + Patches MSAUE21415 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software patches and minor/maintenance releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L1 UCSS Unified Communication MSAUE21312 AU Uptime Remote Response + Upgrades MSAUE21416 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online; Access to software version upgrades and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime L2 LO10H MSAUE21268 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response NBD MSAUE21443 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of NBD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L2 LO2H MSAUE21269 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response 2 Hours MSAUE21445 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) within 2 hours to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L2 LO4H MSAUE21270 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response 4 Hours MSAUE21444 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) within 4 hours to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L2 PO NBD MSAUE21351 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2 PO NBD + UT MSAUE21401 AU Uptime UCS Ship Result NBD + UT MSAUE21684 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Part (if required) reaches client site in NBD+SW Triage. AU Uptime L2 PO NBD/Remote 24x7 MSAUE21341 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2 PO10H MSAUE21271 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2 PO12H MSAUE21273 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2 PO2BD MSAUE21333 AU Uptime Ship Result 2BD MSAUE21426 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of 2BD. AU Uptime L2 PO2BD + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21396 AU Uptime Ship Result 2BD+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21466 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 2BD + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L2 PO2H MSAUE21274 AU Uptime Ship Result 2 Hours MSAUE21429 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 2 hours. AU Uptime L2 PO3BD MSAUE21313 AU Uptime Ship Result 3BD MSAUE21425 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of 3BD. Page 2 of 4 Uptime Service Levels Old Entitlement Name Old Vendor Code New Entitlement Name New Vendor Code New Long Entitlement Name AU Uptime L2 PO3BD + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21393 AU Uptime Ship Result 3BD+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21465 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 3BD + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L2 PO4D MSAUE21275 AU Uptime Ship Result 3BD MSAUE21425 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of 3BD. AU Uptime L2 PO4H MSAUE21276 AU Uptime Ship Result 4 Hours MSAUE21428 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 4 hours. AU Uptime L2 PO4H + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21387 AU Uptime Ship Result 4H+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21468 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 4H + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L2 PO5D MSAUE21277 AU Uptime Ship Response 3BD MSAUE21420 Incident Management; Initiate shipment of part (if required) before end of 3BD. AU Uptime L2 PO6H MSAUE21278 AU Uptime Ship Result 4 Hours MSAUE21428 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 4 hours. AU Uptime L2 PO8D MSAUE21328 AU Uptime Ship Response 3BD MSAUE21420 Incident Management; Initiate shipment of part (if required) before end of 3BD. AU Uptime L2 PO8H MSAUE21279 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2 POBE Best Effort MSAUE21303 AU Uptime Ship Response Best Effort MSAUE21419 Incident Management; Initiate shipment of part (if required) Best Effort. AU Uptime L2 POBE Best Effort Blue Coat MSAUE23300 AU Uptime Ship Response Best Effort MSAUE21420 Incident Management; Initiate shipment of part (if required) Best Effort AU Uptime L2 PONBD + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21386 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21467 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within NBD + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L2PONBD M DoD MSAUE70020 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2PONBD MR DoD MSAUE70021 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2PONBD R DoD MSAUE70022 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L2PONBD Re DoD MSAUE70023 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime L3 PLO NBD MSAUE21352 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response NBD MSAUE21443 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of NBD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO NBD + UT MSAUE21407 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response NBD + UT MSAUE21699 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in NBD to initiate replacement & loading of backup config+SW Triage. AU Uptime L3 PLO NBD/Remote 24x7 MSAUE21323 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response NBD MSAUE21443 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of NBD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO10H MSAUE21281 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response NBD MSAUE21443 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of NBD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO12H MSAUE21282 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response NBD MSAUE21443 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of NBD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. Page 3 of 4 Uptime Service Levels Old Entitlement Name Old Vendor Code New Entitlement Name New Vendor Code New Long Entitlement Name AU Uptime L3 PLO2BD MSAUE21342 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response 2BD MSAUE21442 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of 2BD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO2BD + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21397 AU Uptime Reconfig Response 2BD+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21470 Incident Management; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) within 2BD to initiate replacement & loading of backup configuration + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L3 PLO2H MSAUE21284 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response 2 Hours MSAUE21445 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) within 2 hours to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO3BD MSAUE21343 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response 3BD MSAUE21441 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of 3BD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO3BD + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21394 AU Uptime Reconfig Response 3BD+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21469 Incident Management; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) within 3BD to initiate replacement & loading of backup configuration + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L3 PLO4H MSAUE21287 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response 4 Hours MSAUE21444 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) within 4 hours to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO4H + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21390 AU Uptime Reconfig Response 4H+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21472 Incident Management; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) within 4H to initiate replacement & loading of backup configuration + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L3 PLO4H + ITSCM SWARH MSAUE21392 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response 4 Hours MSAUE21444 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) within 4 hours to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLO4H + UT MSAUE21408 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response 4H + UT MSAUE21700 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in 4H to initiate replacement & loading of backup config+SW Triage. AU Uptime L3 PLO4H Critical MSAUE21410 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response 4H Crit MSAUE21707 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 30 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in 4H to initiate replacement & loading of backup config+SW Triage+Tech Lead. AU Uptime L3 PLO4HR5H MSAUE21304 AU Uptime Restore Result 4 Hours MSAUE21459 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 4 hours. AU Uptime L3 PLO8H MSAUE21288 AU Uptime Reconfigure Response NBD MSAUE21443 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) before end of NBD to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLOBE Best Effort MSAUE21289 AU Uptime Reconfig Response Best Effort MSAUE21440 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware ) or logs on remotely ( for software) on a Best Effort basis to initiate replacement and loading of backup configuration. AU Uptime L3 PLONBD + ESW + UCSS MSAUE21389 AU Uptime Reconfig Response NBD+ESW+UCSS MSAUE21471 Incident Management; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) within NBD to initiate replacement & loading of backup configuration + ESW (Patches) + UCSS (Upgrades). AU Uptime L4 PLCSO R10H for Suncorp MSAUE21319 AU Uptime Restore Result NBD MSAUE21458 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) before end of NBD. AU Uptime L4 PLCSO R4H for Suncorp MSAUE21318 AU Uptime Restore Result 4 Hours MSAUE21459 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 4 hours. AU Uptime L4 PLO2HR4H MSAUE21301 AU Uptime Restore Result 4 Hours MSAUE21459 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 4 hours. AU Uptime L4 PLO4HR5H MSAUE21316 AU Uptime Restore Result 4 Hours MSAUE21459 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 4 hours. Page 4 of 4 Uptime Service Levels Old Entitlement Name Old Vendor Code New Entitlement Name New Vendor Code New Long Entitlement Name AU Uptime L4 PLR10H MSAUE21310 AU Uptime Restore Result NBD MSAUE21458 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) before end of NBD. AU Uptime L4 PLR2H MSAUE21293 AU Uptime Restore Result 2 Hours MSAUE21460 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 2 hours. AU Uptime L4 PLR3H MSAUE21331 AU Uptime Restore Result 2 Hours MSAUE21460 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 2 hours. AU Uptime L4 PLR4H MSAUE21296 AU Uptime Restore Result 4 Hours MSAUE21459 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 4 hours. AU Uptime L4 PLR5H MSAUE21332 AU Uptime Restore Result 4 Hours MSAUE21459 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 4 hours. AU Uptime L4 PLR6H MSAUE21298 AU Uptime Restore Result 4 Hours MSAUE21459 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) within 4 hours. AU Uptime L4 PLR8H MSAUE21299 AU Uptime Restore Result NBD MSAUE21458 Incident Management; Restoration of functionality completed (onsite or remotely) before end of NBD. AU Uptime Return To Base T4H 30D MSAUE21309 AU Uptime Ship Response Return to Base MSAUE21419 Incident Management; Initiate shipment of part (if required) Best Effort. AU Uptime Secure L1 SS MSAUE22010 Uptime Vendor Patches + Upgrades MSEUPT1105003 Business hours Patches & Upgrades Software update provision. AU Uptime Secure L1 SS-SD MSAUE22011 Uptime Vendor Patches + Upgrades MSEUPT1105003 Business hours Patches & Upgrades Software update provision. AU Uptime Secure L2 SST2H MSAUE22012 AU Uptime Rem Resp+Pat+Upg 24x7x30M MSAUE26998 24x7 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online within 30 mins; Access to software patches, version upgrades, minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime Secure L2 SST30M MSAUE22013 AU Uptime Rem Resp+Pat+Upg 24x7x30M MSAUE26998 24x7 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online within 30 mins; Access to software patches, version upgrades, minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime Secure L2 SST4H MSAUE22014 AU Uptime Rem Resp+Pat+Upg BusHrsx4H MSAUE26997 Business Hours Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online within 4 hours; Access to software patches, version upgrades, minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime Secure L2 SST4H MSAUE22014 AU Uptime Rem Resp+Pat+Upg 24x7x4H MSAUE26999 24x7 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online within 4 hours; Access to software patches, version upgrades, minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime Secure L3 SSLO24H MSAUE22016 AU Uptime Rem Resp Pat/Upg+SWEngr24x7x4H MSAUE26970 24x7 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online within 30 mins; Access to software patches, minor and major version releases as provided by the vendor. SW engineer may attend site for resolution if required within 4 hours. AU Uptime Secure L3 SSLO4H MSAUE22018 AU Uptime Rem Resp Pat/Upg+SWEngr24x7x4H MSAUE26970 24x7 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online within 30 mins; Access to software patches, minor and major version upgrades as provided by the vendor. SW engineer may attend site for resolution if required within 4 hours. AU Uptime Secure L4 SST4H 2R MSAUE22024 AU Uptime Rem Resp+Pat+Upg 24x7x4H MSAUE26999 24x7 Incident Management; Complete diagnosis telephonically or online within 4 hours; Access to software patches, version upgrades, minor and major version upgrades as provided by the vendor. AU Uptime Secure L6 PLO10H MSAUE22035 AU Uptime Replace Response NBD MSAUE21432 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware) or logs on remotely (for software) before end of NBD to initiate replacement. AU Uptime Secure L6 PLO4H MSAUE22033 AU Uptime Replace Response 4 Hours MSAUE21433 Incident Management; Engineer arrives onsite (for hardware) or logs on remotely (for software) within 4 hours to initiate replacement. Page 5 of 4 Uptime Service Levels Old Entitlement Name Old Vendor Code New Entitlement Name New Vendor Code New Long Entitlement Name AU Uptime Secure L6 PO10H MSAUE22039 AU Uptime Ship Result NBD MSAUE21427 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site before end of NBD. AU Uptime Secure L6 PO4H MSAUE22037 AU Uptime Ship Result 4 Hours MSAUE21428 Incident Management; Part (if required) reaches client site within 4 hours. AU Uptime Secure L6 POBE Best Effort MSAUE22044 AU Uptime Ship Response Best Effort MSAUE21419 Incident Management; Initiate shipment of part (if required) Best Effort. AU Uptime UCS L1 SS ISV1 MSAUE21650 AU Uptime UCS Rem Resp + Pch + Upg ISV1 MSAUE21672 Incident Mgt; Complete diag telephonically or online. Access to SW patches, ver upg, minor & major ver releases provided by the vendor. AU Uptime UCS L2 PO 3BD + UT MSAUE21652 AU Uptime UCS Ship Result 3BD + UT MSAUE21682 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Part (if required) reaches client site in 3BD+SW Triage. AU Uptime UCS L2 PO NBD + UT MSAUE21653 AU Uptime UCS Ship Result NBD + UT MSAUE21684 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Part (if required) reaches client site in NBD+SW Triage. AU Uptime UCS L2 PO4H MSAUE21658 AU Uptime UCS Ship Result 4H MSAUE21675 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases; Part (if required) reaches client site in 4H. AU Uptime UCS L2 PO4H + UT MSAUE21657 AU Uptime UCS Ship Result 4H + UT MSAUE21685 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Part (if required) reaches client site in 4H+SW Triage. AU Uptime UCS L3 PLO NBD MSAUE21664 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response NBD MSAUE21689 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in NBD to initiate replacement & loading of backup config. AU Uptime UCS L3 PLO2H + UT MSAUE21665 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response 2H + UT MSAUE21701 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in 2H to initiate replacement & loading of backup config+SW Triage. AU Uptime UCS L3 PLO2H Critical MSAUE21666 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response 2H Crit MSAUE21708 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 30 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in 2H to initiate replacement & loading of backup config+SW Triage+Tech Lead. AU Uptime UCS L3 PLO4H MSAUE21670 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response 4H MSAUE21690 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in 4H to initiate replacement & loading of backup config. AU Uptime UCS L3 PLO4H + UT MSAUE21668 AU Uptime UCS Reconfg Response 4H + UT MSAUE21700 Incident Mgt; Commence diag in 60 min; maint SW releases & ver upg; Engineer onsite (for HW) or remote login (for SW) in 4H to initiate replacement & loading of backup config+SW Triage. Should you need to raise a service request, the procedures to contact our GSC [1800 NET HLP (1800 638 451)] remain unchanged. Dimension Data Australia Pty. Ltd. 121-127 Harrington Street The Rocks NSW 2000 Tel: +61 2 8249 5000 Email: info.au@dimensiondata.com Page 6 of 4 www.dimensiondata.com/au
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