www.liwomanonline.com December 2011 FREE exclusive interview with Hoda Kotb Woman’s Health Update Book Corner Philippa Gregory December Calendar of Events plus an extensive listing of Support Groups know you need an annual mammogram You deserve : You personal attention compassion doctors who care Complete Women’s Imaging at South Nassau takes a patient-centered approach to heath care, paying specific attention to the individualized needs of each patient, while maintaining a friendly and relaxed environment. Each patient has the opportunity to receive and discuss her results, with her physician, on the same day of service. It’s no wonder our patient satisfaction exceeds 99%! Complete Women’s Imaging, PC Breast Imaging Specialists Abraham Port, M.D., Medical Director George Autz, M.D., Medical Director Michael V. Golia, M.D. 440 Merrick Road, Oceanside, NY 11572 For more information call 516-255-8220 or visit www.southnassau.org 2rDecember 2011r-0/(*4-"/%80."/ To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com advertisement S tephen T. Greenberg, MD, a nationally renowned Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon based in Manhattan and Woodbury, has been nominated for the 7th year in a row as one of Long Island’s best cosmetic surgeons.* Dr. Greenberg can meet the needs of anyone from today’s top movie star to the ‘soccer mom’ next door. He performs breast augmentation, breast lifts and breast reductions and provides beautiful, natural looking results. He also combines these procedures with liposuction, tummy tuck, body lift, facelift, eyelid lift or other non-surgical services is for extremely effective results. Regardless of which procedures you select, the focus of Dr. Greenberg is to make his patients as happy and as beautiful as they can be by turning back the hands of time in a caring, safe and supportive environment. Most procedures are performed right in his fullyaccredited, beautifully-appointed ambulatory surgery centers. “Whichever procedure, or combination of procedures that you choose, you can enhance your appearance and feel confident that you have selected an expert in the field; one who will deliver the results that you seek.” Dr. Stephen T. Greenberg – Once Again Nominated as One of L.I.’s Best Cosmetic Surgeons* *LI Press The eyelid lift only takes about an hour and can give a very youthful appearance to both the upper and lower lids. A facelift, whether it is a mini, lower, or full lift can take years off of facial appearance. A facelift is a great way to pull up the excessive skin, rejuvenate the neck and lift the jowls. Mini, or modified facelifts are often performed on much younger patients before the signs of aging are advanced. Overall, the natural look is of utmost importance. Combining laser resurfacing procedures and rhinoplasty is effective in completing a full facial rejuvenation. In addition, injections work well to eliminate facial lines and wrinkles, such as Botox Cosmetic® and Juvederm, coupled with non-surgical skin tightening and laser hair removal to ensure phenomenal results. Whichever procedure, or combination of procedures that you choose, you can enhance your appearance and feel confident that you have selected an expert in the field; one who will deliver the results that you seek. Not an Actual Patient Dr. Greenberg is committed to working with his patients on the importance of overall health, diet, exercise and maintaining a positive state of mind. A comprehensive assessment of a person’s needs allows people to achieve a positive and realistic result as well as a natural and younger look. Dr. Greenberg always uses the latest in new technology including CoolSculpting® by ZELTIQ®, a body sculpting, fat-freezing, nonsurgical procedure that reduces inches quickly around the abdomen. He also perfected a new procedure called Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation. Using new techniques he can offer patients a truly "Rapid Recovery." Breast augmentation recovery with minimal pain, swelling and bruising, coupled with a notably decreased recovery time and natural look have resulted in proven patient satisfaction. Recognizing the need for patients to quickly return to their normal activities, Dr. Greenberg prides himself in his patients' natural results and faster recovery time. Dr. Greenberg is well-known for his expertise in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery and is frequently interviewed for his knowledge on the latest cosmetic surgery techniques. He has appeared on CBS, Fox News, NBC and News 12 Long Island. He has also appeared in national magazines such as Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, More, and Elle, as well as in The New York Times and Newsday. Dr. Greenberg hosts 7 NY area Cosmetic Surgery Radio Shows on Fridays and Saturdays on KJOY 98.3 FM, Party 105.3 FM, WALK 97.5 FM, LaFiesta 98.5/96.9 FM, My Country 96.1 FM, WRCN 103.9 FM and WILD 102.7 FM (NJ) and he is often a featured speaker for women's groups, spas, and health and skin care institutes. “See the doctor who wrote the book, hosts 7 area radio shows and is sought after by the media.” The hottest surgical techniques to make you look younger include eyelid lifts, facelifts, deeper laser resurfacing, and rhinoplasty. Not an Actual Patient For a complimentary consultation, call 516.364.4200. If you have a question for Dr. Greenberg, please e-mail him at docstg@aol.com or for more information visit www.GreenbergCosmeticSurgery.com. *Most procedures are performed right in his fully accredited, beautifully-appointed ambulatory surgery centers. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 3 Contents December 2011 Good Advice Advice columns from Long Island Woman advertisers Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/ or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS Painful Intercourse, (Part 2) by Dr. Marilyn Freedman Many of my patients come seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth; a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. more on page 5 Physical therapists are in the unique position to provide comprehensive pelvic floor rehabilitation when pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is present. more on page 22 HCG – Your Last Stop to Weight Loss by Ellen Piernick Women’s Imaging by Dr. Betty Motroni HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin, a large glycoprotein made up of 244 amino acids that is found in great abundance in pregnant women. more on page 15 With more women diagnosed with breast cancer every day, early detection is the key to survival. Routine yearly mammograms are the gold standard that women have lived by for years. more on page 22 Customized Skin Treatments by Annette Pennington Breast Reduction Using The Lollipop Scar Technique by Charlotte Rhee, M.D., FACS Combining the expertise of the surgeon with that of the medical aesthetician can produce results that far exceed a patients expectations. more on page 16 The weight of large breasts can cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large breasts get in the way of physical activities, such as running.. more on page 22 The Future Lift: A New Hybrid Facelift Technique by Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS Good News for Back Pain by Dr. Dazhi Chen, Ph.D., LAC For years, my patients have had to choose between better results or less scarring. With hybrid face lifts, they get the best of both worlds. more on page 17 Millions of people suffer from chronic low back pain and it is one of the top reasons people seek medical treatment. more on page 23 Does Laser Hair Removal Really Work? by James. C. Marotta, MD My Mother Is Now My Child? by Cynthia Shaw, M.S. The simple answer is “yes” provided that you truly understand how it works and what it can and can’t do. Dr. Marotta explains the basics. more on page 21 The notion of “getting some help at home” is met with resistance. It is important for a parent to understand that seeking “wellness care” is not tantamount to relinquishing independence. more on page 23 Pooled Income Trusts by Alberthe Bernier, Esq. and Yana Feldman, Esq. End Urinary Incontinence by Scott M. Press, M.D. Individuals who suffer from a disability, including the disabilities that occur with aging, can now qualify for Medicaid, even if their monthly income exceeds current Medicaid limits. more on page 22 Distribute Free Copies of FREE exclusive interview with Marlo Thomas Stretc h and Stay Flexib le Novem ber Calen dar of Eventofs So many of my patients are young mothers with young children. Now as they enter the “soccer mom” years, life enters a new phase. more on page 25 Get your free e-subscription to the November 2011 m www.liwomanonline.co Holida y Cookb ooks Volume 11 Number 7 At your upcoming event At your business $W\RXURIÀFH plus an extensive listing Suppo rt Group s Call 516-505-0555 x2 to have Long Island Woman delivered to your business at no charge. 4r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember 2011 page-flip digital edition of Long Island Woman at www.liwomanonline.com 0/"OX-ALVERNE.9s INFO LIWOMANONLINECOMsWWWLIWOMANONLINECOM 3UBSCRIPTIONS/NEYEARISSUESn visit: www.liwomanonline.com/subscriptions.html ¹#OPYRIGHTBY,ONG)SLAND7OMAN!LLRIGHTSRESERVED No portion of Long Island Woman may be reproduced without permission. 10 Fyi/Picks 6 Book Corner 10 Philippa Gregory Health 14 Woman’s Health Update Feature 18 exclusive interview with Hoda Kotb Catching Up with Carol 24 Happy Birthday News 12 Meet The Health Professional 26 Happenings 29 Classes, Entertainment, Events, Exhibits Support Groups 33 next issue: January 2012 exclusive interview with Susan Lucci Advertising Reservation Deadline December 1 To Advertise call 516-505-0555 x1 or email ads@liwomanonline.com Long Island Woman is published monthly by Maraj, Inc. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com A Woman Knows… Cosmetic Surgery performed by a female surgeon committed to the quality care of women SURGERY OF THE BREAST .#/01%*#+00',+6.#/0-)'$0 .#/0#"1!0',+,))'-,-!. SKIN CARE '!.,"#.* ./',+6&#*'!)##)/ #/05)+#12#"#.*6,0,45/-,.0 COSMETIC SURGERY !##!('$065#)'"1.%#.56'-,/1!0',+ 1**51!(6#-'.,$,.+.), #/ complimentary consultation Winter Specials ,."#.0'$'#")/0'!#!,+/0.1!0'2#1.%#,+ #.'!&,-(#1+0'+%0,+00',+ $,.,/*#0'!1.%#.5.,!#"1.#/ ))$,.#0')/ 631.424.6707 www.liplasticsurgery.com Good Advice Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, MD, F.A.C.S., P.C. Many of my patients come to me seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth. Following childbirth, a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. A woman’s breast can actually lose volume and shrink, resulting in the breast appearing “deflated.” Additionally, a large number of women come to me seeking help with the post partum changes of their abdomen. During pregnancy the skin and abdominal wall muscles are stretched. Following childbirth, the abdomen can protrude and the skin can be loose or sag. In some cases, the abdominal muscles can be so weakened that the individual may look like she is still pregnant. Despite daily workouts including sit ups and crunches, a tummy tuck may be needed to restore these muscles. ing breast reduction. Both groups of women want to have breasts that are proportional to their body size with the most natural result possible. In certain situations, a breast lift is also needed to tighten lax skin. The laxity can be the result of pregnancy or weight loss. When a breast lift is needed, I utilize the lollipop scar technique. A breast lift procedure is very similar to a breast reduction. The only difference is that with a breast reduction, breast tissue is removed. Combined Breast/Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Procedures. Many of my patients who have breast surgery also have other procedures performed at the same time. This allows for one surgery and one recovery. The most common combined procedures performed by Dr. Rhee are breast surgery, whether it is a breast reduction or augmentation, combined with tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. For those patients Breast Reduction Many of my patients who desire breast augmentation together with a tummy tuck, I am able to place Women with very large pendulous breasts may experience varied medical the breast implants through the tummy tuck incision, leaving the breasts without who have breast problems including back and neck pain. Also, the weight of large breasts can any scars. cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large surgery also have other Liposuction is also commonly performed at the same time. Despite diet and breasts get in the way of physical activities such as running, making exercise procedures performed exercise, certain areas of the body are prone to carry excess fat. For these areas, liand weight loss very difficult if not impossible. Breast reduction (reduction posuction can help. The most common areas for liposuction are the love handles at the same time. This (upper hip area) and thighs. mammaplasty), is a surgical procedure which makes breasts smaller. There are many different breast reduction techniques. The more traditional allows for one surgery Patients who have combined procedures do surprisingly well. In addition to method (inverted T-scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical, long horizontal having the benefit of just one recovery process, there can also be a significant and one recovery. scar (along the breast crease). “I utilize the Lejour technique, which leaves savings in price. the breast with a single vertical incision (lollipop scar) and, in my opinion, To learn more, please call our Huntington office to schedule a complimentawith a rounder more natural appearing breast and a better cosmetic result.” Breast reduc- ry consultation with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. Located at 257 E. Jericho Tpke., Huntington tions are performed as an outpatient procedure and are covered by insurance. Station. www.liplasticsurgery.com. Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Breast Augmentation Women who come to me seeking breast enlargement have very similar goals to those seek- breast surgery. advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 5 fyi by Debbi Honorof For this special Holiday FYI column, we focus on Long Island entrepreneurs who offer unique gifts for everyone on your list. Meet This Long Island Woman DOGOODBUY.US Courtney Biondo Dix Hills native Zack Rosenberg started a wonderful website, dogoodbuy.us, which offers unusual items from around the world that all have something in common: proceeds go to support organizations for social good. For example, when you buy the Guachito Journal Bundle — which includes three hand-crafted eco-friendly journals filled with unlined recycled paper — you help to support New Forest Earth, a nonprofit organization that works with indigenous communities in Mexico and Ecuador to create sources of income without sacrificing the environment. New Forest Earth’s projects help indigenous people retain their culture and restore their forests. The journals are made from paper that was once industrial and commercial waste and comes in one of three color schemes: Ice (blue, light green and white), Fire (red, orange, and yellow) and Earth (dark green, light green, and brown). Visit dogoodbuy.us to view the entire selection of products. CORPORATE GIFTS ARE A FAMILY AFFAIR Need gifts for clients and business associates? Lisa Chalker of Family Affair Distributing is the go-to person. Her custom-designed gifts are sure to please everyone on your list. For selecting the perfect corporate gift, Lisa offers these guidelines: s$ONTSENDGIFTSWITHPRODUCTSTHATAREHIGHLYPERSONal and subjective such as scented soaps, bath product or even candles. Not only is this an inappropriate, but some people are highly allergic to certain scents and your good intentions can take a very bad turn. s&OODGIFTSARESTILLTHENUMBERONEGIFTTHATEVERYONE loves to get — especially for the holidays — but be sure to order your food gifts from companies where you know the food is fresh. s-AKESURE9/52COMPANYNAMEISONTHEGIFTAND not a retailer’s name. 6rDecember r-0/(*4-"/%80."/ Owner, Homegrown Boutique (homegrownboutique.com) s'IFTSSHOULDBEDELIVEREDDURINGTHElRSTTWOWEEKS of December. There’s nothing worse than having your gift sit on someone’s desk until after New Year’s. s $ONT PROCRASTINATE /RDER YOUR GIFTS BY THE BEGINning of November so you know it’s done and you won’t have to stress. For more information, visit familyaffairdist.com or call Lisa at 516-797-8770. BON BONS CHOCOLATIER As women, we tend to focus so much of our time and energy on those around us that sometimes the importance of living the life we want for ourselves gets lost. One day, I found myself with three wonderful daughters, a loving husband, a beautiful home on Long Island, and a boring desk job. But the knitting and sewing that I was doing as a hobby was so wonderfully fulfilling, creative, and interesting. The fabrics, the textures, the jewels and stones ... it all made me feel so inspired! And so began the Homegrown Boutique. I focus on simple shapes that flatter a woman’s figure, while at the same time, allow me to indulge my artsy and whimsical tendencies, creating designs that are trendy yet timeless, and celebrate the contours and landscape of every woman. My earth-friendly philosophy is borne of raising children in a world fraught with issues. The terms “global warming” and “carbon footprint” are in their vocabularies before they enter kindergarten! The old-fashioned concept of hand-made just seems to it right in with the concept of earth-friendly. We utilize good old American woman power. No factory means no emissions and no pollutants. But we take it a step further with our focus on organic cottons, bamboo, silk and other sustainable materials. It adds a richness of quality and character, and quite honestly, it just feels good! Homegrown Boutique is an eco-friendly brand of dresses, tops, outerwear and accessories. Each piece is 100% hand knit, sewn, crafted and created by local artists. We offer employment to Long Island women who need to earn a living in this crazy economy. And if I ever need ideas or inspiration, my daughters are sure to tell me what they would like me to design next. Welcome to Bon Bons Chocolatier, one of the most delicious shops on Long Island, located at 319 Main Street in the heart of Huntington. Bon Bons offers more than 50 varieties of hand-crafted chocolates plus a mouth-watering selection of beautifully molded chocolate Santa’s, angels, sugarplum cottages and nutcrackers to delight chocolate lovers of every age. “Everything is made fresh, in small batches, and still forkdipped or en robed by hand,” says proud owner Mary Alice Meinersman. “As a complement to our confections, each year my daughter Susannah and I carefully select a unique collection of gifts and decorations to make our customers’ homes sparkle for the holidays.” Stroll through Bon Bons and enjoy sweet aromas wafting through the air as you view the chocolate-making process through their glass-enclosed candy kitchen. Whether you crave a piece of luscious chocolate, a gift box or a special party favor, you’ll be dazzled by the brilliant selection and presentation at Bon Bons Chocolatier. For more information, visit bonbonschocolatier. com or call 631-549-1059. NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY BY LIZ IRWIN “I find my inspiration in nature,” says Long Island photographer Liz Irwin. “My goal is to capture the moments that take our breath away and fill our souls with joy. Texture, the play of light, and color are my tools.” Thanks to Etsy, which provides a marketplace for crafters, artists and collectors to sell their handmade creations, vintage goods and crafting supplies, Liz Irwin’s stunning photographs are available for sale. Visit etsy.com/shop/PhotosPhibersnPaint. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com What is Sublingual Immunotherapy? Unlike most allergy drugs - which treat only symptoms - sublingual immunotherapy addresses the underlying cause of allergies. Allergy drops are administered in gradually increasing dosages until the patient develops a tolerance to the allergy-causing substance. 7KHEHQH¿WRIVXEOLQJXDOLPPXQRWKHUDS\LVWKDWDEURDGUDQJHRIDOOHUJLHVLQFOXGLQJWKRVHFDXVHGE\GXVWPLWHVSROOHQDQLPDOVIRRGVDQGFKHPLFDOVFDQEHWUHDWHG$OWKRXJKPRVWDOOHUJ\VXIIHUHUVFDQEHQH¿WIURPDOOHUJ\GURSVWKH\DUHHVSHFLDOO\LGHDOIRUSHRSOHZKRFDQQRWWROHUDWHRUGR QRWUHVSRQGWRDOOHUJ\VKRWVDVZHOODVSHRSOHZKRDUHXQDEOHWRFRPPLWWRDOOHUJ\VKRWWKHUDS\7KHVHSHRSOHLQFOXGH Asthmatics +LJKO\VHQVLWLYHSHRSOH 7KRVHZLWKFKURQLFFRQGLWLRQVLQFOXGLQJVLQXVLWLV 3HRSOHZLWKIRRGDQGPROGDOOHUJLHV 3HRSOHZLWKPXOWLSOHDOOHUJLHVLQFOXGLQJGXVWSROOHQDQLPDOV 5LFKDUG/LQFKLW]0' $OOHUJ\GURSVKDYHEHHQXVHGDURXQGWKHZRUOGIRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUVDQGQXPHURXVVWXGLHVYDOLGDWHERWKWKHVDIHW\DQGHIIHFWLYHQHVV,QIDFW WKH:RUOG+HDOWK2UJDQL]DWLRQKDVHQGRUVHGVXEOLQJXDOLPPXQRWKHUDS\DVDYLDEOHDOWHUQDWLYHWRLQMHFWLRQWKHUDS\7KH&RFKUDQH&ROODERUDWLRQ WKHZRUOG¶VPRVWWUXVWHGLQWHUQDWLRQDORUJDQL]DWLRQGHGLFDWHGWRUHYLHZLQJKHDOWKFDUHWUHDWPHQWVUHFHQWO\FRQFOXGHGDOOHUJ\GURSLPPXQRWKHUDS\ VLJQL¿FDQWO\UHGXFHGDOOHUJ\V\PSWRPVDQGWKHXVHRIDOOHUJ\PHGLFDWLRQV,QDGGLWLRQWREHLQJDYLDEOHRSWLRQIRUSHRSOHRIDOODJHVWKHUHDUHRWKHU DGYDQWDJHVWRDOOHUJ\GURSV /RZHUFRVWIHZHUGRFWRU¶VRI¿FHYLVLWV&RPSDUHGWRVKRWVDOOHUJ\GURSVFRVWOHVVDQGUHTXLUHIHZHUYLVLWV 0RVWSDWLHQWVUHFHLYLQJDOOHUJ\GURSVQHHGRQO\DIHZYLVLWVWKH¿UVW\HDUDQGRQFHHYHU\PRQWKVWKHUHDIWHU until visits are no longer needed. 0RUHFRQYHQLHQW<RXFDQWDNHDOOHUJ\GURSVDWKRPHRUZKHUHYHU\RXQHHGWREHPDNLQJLWPXFKHDVLHUWR stay with your treatment. 5LFKDUG/LQFKLW]0'LVWKH RQO\/RQJ,VODQGSK\VLFLDQ IHDWXUHGLQ6X]DQQH6RPHUV¶ ERRNVLQFOXGLQJ³$JHOHVV´ ³%UHDNWKURXJK´³.QRFNRXW´ /HVVPHGLFDWLRQ2XUSDWLHQWVUHSRUWDQGUHVHDUFKFRQ¿UPVWKDWWKH\W\SLFDOO\QHHGOHVVPHGLFDWLRQWRFRQWURO symptoms after beginning allergy drops. 7KHHQGEHQH¿W"(QMR\KHDOWKLHUGD\V)HHOEHWWHU3DWLHQWVW\SLFDOO\UHSRUWIHZHUGRFWRUYLVLWVKRVSLWDOL]D WLRQVDQGOHVVORVWWLPHIURPZRUNDQGVFKRRODIWHUWDNLQJGURSVFRQVLVWHQWO\ &RQWDFW/LQFKLW]0HGLFDO:HOOQHVVWRVFKHGXOH\RXUFRQVXOWDWLRQ *OHQ6WUHHW6XLWH*OHQ&RYHZZZOLQFKLW]ZHOOQHVVFRP Aesthetic Medical Studio by Kelly O MD Where Science Creates Beauty Be Lifted Innovative Cosmetic Alternatives to Injections, Lasers and Surgery without pain or downtime Q First Physician in New York to perform InvisiLift™ Non-Surgical Facelift SLEEP APNEA SNORING Q Introduced MicroCurrent Facial Sculpting to Long Island, courtesy of Oprah Q Won international awards for her work with MicroCurrent Facial Sculpting Q Liquid Face Lift in less than an hour Relief is only a phone call away. Let us show you how to replace your uncomfortable CPAP machine with a comfortable, effective, easy-to-use, easy-to-wear, oral appliance. Covered by Most Medical Insurance plans with Little or No out of Pocket to Patient Medicare Accepted 324 South Service Road, Suite 116, Melville Kelly O’Malley Mattone, M.D. Medical Studio Services Botox Q Restylane Q Juvederm Q InvisiLift* Q MicroCurrent Facial Sculpting* Q Endermologie* Facials by Grace, Licensed Aesthetician, -ICRODERMABRASION#HEMICAL0EELSAND0URE7AXING CUMULATIVERESULTSWHENDONEINASERIES 631-393-6888 Kelly O’Malley Mattone, M.D. www.chasedentalhealth.com "OND3TREET3UITE'REAT.ECKs WWWAESTHETICASSOCIATESCOM ' & ' &" ' & ' & To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 7 fe i L r u o Y Get Back! fyi December Picks PRODUCT PICK IMPROVE: UÊ"LiÃÌÞ UÊÞ«iÀÌià UÊ>LiÌià UÊ-ii«Ê«i> lle, NY ard of Manorvi Ahmad BEFORE: Rich . Arif Dr by ed rm rfo pe Gastric Bypass r 2008, Lost: 226 lbs. in Decembe LUSH Home for Christmas Gift Box ,UCKILYFORUSTHERESA,53(STORECOMINGSOONTO2OOSEVELT&IELDBUTIN the meantime, you can order their unique products online, including the “Home for Christmas” gift box, which contains bath and skin product with the fragrances of gingerbread, cinnamon, vanilla and honey. The gift is sure to warm hearts and soften skin. Visit lushusa.com to view the entire product line. EVENT PICK Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony at Planting Fields Friday, December 9 at 6 p.m. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to see Planting Fields in its winter splendor. Experience the lighting of the magnifiCENTTHIRTYlVEFOOT*APANESE5MBRELLA Pine, and view the first floor of Coe Hall and the spectacular poinsettia display in the Main Greenhouse. Admission is free. For more information, call 516922-9200 or visit plantingfields.org. RESTAURANT PICK A New You Can’t Wait to Emerge… One of America’s Top Surgeons, Dr. Arif Ahmad, has performed over 4,000 minimally invasive procedures including Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass, Gastric Banding and Sleeve Gastrectomy. Dr. Ahmad continues to be a pioneer in minimally invasive procedures through utilizing single-incision needlescopic laparoscopic surgery (SILS needlescopic) and the most advanced surgical technology available today, the Davinci Robot. Don’t let obesity and related disease stop you from enjoying life. Attend one of our FREE seminars on WEIGHT LOSS and learn about the latest surgical approaches, nutrition, exercise and a complete aftercare program offered by Dr. Ahmad and his highly skilled staff. For more information or to register, call 631-689-0220 Long Island Laproscopic Surgery Arif Ahmad, M.D, F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S., Director of Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence at Mather Hospital 625 Belle Terre Rd., Suite 202 Port Jefferson Dr. Arif Ahmad 8rDecember r-0/(*4-"/%80."/ www.drahmadmd.com Milleridge Inn 585 North Broadway, Jericho sMILLERIDGECOM The Milleridge Inn is one of Long Island’s treasures during the holiday season: the Inn is festively decorated, you can enjoy carolers every night throughout December, and the glowing warmth of the many fireplaces provides the intimate ambiance of home. The menus reflect the traditions of the season: Christmas Goose, Vermont Turkey with all the trimmings, Honey Baked Christmas Ham, and so much more! BOOK PICK Grammar Girl’s Punctuation 911: Your Guide to Writing it Right by Mignon Fogarty Previously published as part of Grammar Girl’s New York Times best-seller, Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing, the book is now in a shortened, low-priced eBook that you can take with you on-the-go. Grammar Girl makes punctuation fun and easy and is available in all major e-book formats. CLICK PICK history.com/topics/Hanukkah Visit this informative website to learn all about the history and traditions of Hanukkah. Plus, you can view videos that teach you how to make latkes (potato pancakes and sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts), two traditional Hanukkah dishes. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Experience Winter Renewal New! Botox & Fillers Now Offered at Fusion ¾,ASER(AIR2EMOVAL ¾,ASER4ATTOO2EMOVAL ¾,ASER4REATMENTFOR 4OENAIL&UNGUS ¾,ASER3KIN2EPAIR Where Beauty & Nature Fuse with Science 798 Grand Blvd., Deer Park 631.940.1672 WWW.FUSIONSKINSPA.COM 30% Off ¾,ICENSED-ASSAGE4HERAPIST ¾,ICENSED%STHETICIAN ¾-ICRODERMABRASION ¾0ERMANENT-AKEUP ¾4EETH7HITENING For Every $100 Gift Certificate Purchased, Buyer Will Receive an Additional Gift Certificate for $25 Specializing in Teen Acne -AKEUPs&ACIALSs3KIN#ARE0RODUCTS "ROW,ASH3HAPING4INTING (OLISTIC(EALTH .UTRITION#OUNSELORON3TAFF 2EmEXOLOGYs,IFE#OACHON3TAFF Teeth Whitening VI Peel Special Customized Bridal, Girls Night Out or Couples Packages HydraFacial Tattoo Removal $99 $175 (regularly $225) $130 Offer not to be combined. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/11 Offer not to be combined. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/11 Offer not to be combined. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/11 Offer not to be combined. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/11 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com 40% Off Any Permanent Make-up Procedure Offer not to be combined. With coupon only. Expires 12/31/11 LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 9 Book Corner by Debbi Honorof Women Hidden in History Author Philippa Gregory Writes about Lesser-Known English Royals On her first U.S. tour in two years, bestselling author Philipa Gregory made Port Washington her first stop. A lively presentation – complete with Powerpoint and a video – thrilled the capacity crowd at Landmark on Main Street, in a program jointly hosted by Landmark and the Friends of the Port Washington Library. Observing Ms. Gregory’s exquisite presenting style, punctuated by a superb sense of humor and boundless knowledge of her subject, one quickly understands the author’s immense popularity. Perhaps the best known of Philippa Gregory’s books, The Other Boleyn Girl, was subsequently made into a blockbuster Hollywood movie, but the author has also written 22 other books, mostly historical fiction. She is undoubtedly the most prolific writer about English queens and other royal women – including obscure figures never chronicled before. Her meticulous research, a Ph.D in history, and a passion for women’s history, make Ms. Gregory one of the most widely recognized authorities in the field. In her latest endeavor – about an era commonly referred to as “The War of the Roses” – Ms. Gregory delights us once again with not just one book, but two: an historical novel and a biography. Both introduce us to Jacquetta, Dutchess of Bedford, a captivating woman who survived two reigns and two wars to become an admired figure at two rival courts and whose daughter was the first commoner to marry a king of England for love. In the novel, The Lady of the Rivers, the reader is treated to a magical tale about a remarkable woman who, up till now, has been just a footnote in history. The biography, The Women of the Cousins’ War: The Duchess, The Queen, and the King’s Mother – coauthored with two other prominent historians—David Baldwin and Michael Jones – focuses on Jacquetta, plus her daughter, Elizabeth Woodville, and Margaret Beaufort, who married Henry VII to become the matriarch of the House of Tudor (and the mother of Henry VIII). The book offer fascinating insights into the characters explored She is undoubtedly the most prolific writer about English queens and other royal women. 10r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember 2011 by Ms. Gregory in The Lady of the Rivers, as well as in Ms. Gregory’s two other historical novels of this period, The White Queen and The Red Queen. I had a chance to catch up with Philippa Gregory over a cup of tea before she took the stage at Landmark. Did you always write? From the time I was a child, I always loved writing. My first job was as a print journalist, then I was a radio journalist, and then I earned a Ph.D in History. So I’ve always written. Who are some of your literary influences? I read the classics: Dickens, Austen, E.M. Forster, Henry James, F. Scott Fitzgerald. I don’t read much contemporary fiction. Why did you decide to write historical fiction rather than history books? Because I love writing novels. Writing fiction is an elegant craft. Writing history is totally different. I like researching and writing, but I am foremost a creative writer. You did something unique: you wrote both a fictional account and a biography of Jaquetta at the same time. When I was researching Jacquetta for my novel, I found her to be a fascinating woman, yet she was primarily an historical footnote. I learned that there were no biographies written about her, and I had learned so much about her from my research for the novel, that I felt I had the building blocks for a biography. In your introduction to the Women of the Cousin’s War, you discuss the different language needed when writing historical fiction versus history. Yes, when writing history, especially when you are piecing together bits of research, you must often speculate about what has happened. When writing fiction, you have to write about characters with more certainty. For a historical account, we may not know if a woman had a child in March or September, but a fictional character must be able to speak with certainty. You conduct extensive research for all your books. What is your process? I use the same process for all my books. I visit significant sites, I talk to specialist historians and museum curators, I read and read and read, and when I have completed about four months of research I start to write, and then rewrite, while continuing to read. The whole process takes about 18 months. I work wherever To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com f e s s e h a - s a - - . h y . . . I u Book Corner in the world I happen to be, and I often travel with a box of research notes! How do you choose the women you write about? I don’t choose them; they choose me. I come across an interesting woman while doing my research for one book, and decide to write about her in my next book. Will they be making any more Hollywood feature films from any of your novels? I do hope so, but period movies are very expensive. The Other Boleyn Girl cost at least 72 million dollars to produce. Tell me about your project in The Gambia. When I was researching A Respectful Trade, my novel about slavery, I traveled to The Gambia. While there, I met a schoolmaster who wanted to build a well in the schoolyard to be used for supplying the students with fresh water, and for an irrigation system to grow crops to supplement lunch. I paid for that well, and have since raised the money to pay for 160 additional wells. The project has become the largest builder of wells in the country. For more information about Philippa Gregory, including how to donate to her Gardens for Gambia project, visit philippa.gregory. com. O inner source H E A LT H & AC U P U N C T U R E , P C 631-421-1848 www.InnerSourceHealth.com 11 Stewart Ave., Huntington Dr. Pina LoGiudice Dr. LoGiudice has appeared on the Dr. Oz Show & FOX News ORGANIC? For Your Health For Your Children For Superior Taste 1V5MLQ]U4IZOM*W` ;UITT*W` 5MLQ]U*W` 4IZOM*W` 2495 $ 3995 $ 4995 $ 3495 $ ;MZ ^M[ ;MZ ^M[ P OPTION A OPTION B e A Box of your size will be automatically shipped to you on a Weekly or Bi-weekly basis m Dr. Pina LoGiudice specializes in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. As a Naturopathic Doctor and national lecturer, along with years of experience, Dr. Pina LoGiudice can safely and effectively get YOU back. P You Choose 10 Vegetables and 5 Fruits from This Week’s List of 19 ? e e r Bioidentical Hormone Therapy 10 VEGGIES + 5 FRUITS t h g s n r r Are You Struggling With: .IZ5WZM)NNWZLIJTM<W\ITTa+WV^MVQMV\ )J[WT]\MTa.ZM[P FREE Registration FREE,MTQ^MZaNO+WV\ZIK\[ P Restore Health, Restore YOU 2]QKQVO*W` VEGETABLES 1. Potatoes ;_MM\8W\I\WM[ 3. Beets <WUI\WM[ 5. Green Leaf 4M\\]KM ;XQVIKP +MTMZa +IZZW\[ !+PIZL ;MZ ^M[ 10. Peppers -OOXTIV\ +]K]UJMZ FRUITS 13. Bananas 14. Grapefruit 15. Oranges )XXTM[ 17. Pears 18. Kiwis 19. Mangos To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com 7ZOIVQKNIZUQVOXZWL]KM[NWWL[\PI\ IZMNZMMWNXM[\QKQLM[PMZJQKQLM[ N]VOQKQLM[KTMIVQVOIOMV\[IVL various residues. P Other Items Available (Non-Organic) ,MTQ^MZQVO.IZU.ZM[P7ZOIVQK.Z]Q\[IVL >MOM\IJTM[\WAW]Z,WWZAMIZ:W]VL P ?MIZMI4WVO1[TIVL+WUXIVa <PI\7VTa,MTQ^MZ[\W4WVO1[TIVL 8TMI[M+ITT<WLIa\W;KPML]TMAW]Z,MTQ^MZa,I\M .]TTa+WWSML 0MI\;MZ ^M >MOOQM*]ZOMZ[ <]ZSMa*]ZOMZ[ /ZQTTML4MUWV+PQKSMV Proud to be a sponsor with L.I. Har vest Donating 5% of 7]Z8ZWÅ\[\W0MTX Feed the Hungry on Long 1[TIVL Decemberr-0/(*4-"/%80."/r11 Top Tier Medical Breast Specialist, P.C. What Sets a Breast Program Apart? In today’s health care field, specialization is quickly becoming the standard to deliver the highest quality of care. A true understanding of each individual patient’s needs ensures the most effective diagnosis and treatment, while optimizing positive outcomes. Dr. Karen Barbosa and her staff are very excitied to practicing on Long Island at her new breast care program in Huntington. By partnering with a team of dedicated physicians who participate in interdisciplinary care, she is able to provide pateints with compassionate, comprehensive, state-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment. This is not your typical, sterile medical institution. From the moment a patient enters the office, we hope to provide a sense of reassurance and guidance. Each patient is viewed as part of our family that continually grows, supporting one another as we seek to create an environment that adapts to each individuals needs. Karen Barbosa D.O. Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Breast Surgeon 6WHZDUW$YHQXH+XQWLQJWRQ1<631-923-2477 karen@drkarenbarbosa.com Visit our website for more information: www.drkarenbarbosa.com Sale! Company’s Coming! 15% Off Select Custom Window Treatments Call Today 631-367-9071 Expires 1/31/2012 We’ll come to your home and do it all - from concept to completion. Custom window treatments, furniture and floor coverings, lighting, accessories and more. Call for a complimentary consultation with your personal decorator. Limited time offer. Not valid with any other discount, coupon or promotion. Creating Beautiful Rooms Since 1969 www.DecoratingDen.com Custom Window Treatments | Furniture | Lighting | Floor Coverings | Accessories 12rDecember 2011r-0/(*4-"/%80."/ Each franchise independently owned and operated To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Permanent and Pain Free Results Using Master Injection Technique Roger B. Katz, M.D. Medical Director EnhancetRefinetRestore THE9OUTHFUL#ONTOURSOF9OUR&ACE Introducing The Newest Wrinkle Relaxer XEOMIN Long Lasting Fast Acting Results s0ERMANENT&ILLERS s"OTOX s$YSPORT s0ERLANE s2ESTYLANE s*UVEDERM s#HEMICAL0EELS s0ERMANENT-AKE5P Eliminate Wrinkles Permanently Enhance Your Lips Permanently Restore Your Jawline Permanently Sculpt Your Cheekbones Winter Rejuvenation Special 2ECEIVEUPTOAREBATE ANDAREASOF"OTOXWITHA LIQUID LIFT TREATMENT Not to be combined with any other offers. Expires 12/31/11 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR ADDITIONAL PACKAGES #!,,4/$!9&/2!#/-0,)-%.4!29#/.35,4!4)/. 4HE.ORTH3HORE#OSMETIC-EDICAL#ENTER 2OGER"+ATZ-$-EDICAL$IRECTOR *%2)#(/452.0)+%39/33%4s To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 13 Health by Kathy Sena Woman’s Health Update STARTING TO NOTICE A HOT FLASH NOW AND THEN? THERE MAY BE A POSITIVE SIDE Women who have experienced hot flashes (also called hot flushes) and other related symptoms on the road to menopause may have a 50-percent lower risk of developing the most common forms of breast cancer after menopause than do postmenopausal women who have never had such symptoms, according to a recent study by researchers at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. The results of this first study to examine the relationship between menopausal symptoms and breast-cancer risk were published in the medical journal Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. The protective effect appeared to increase along with the number and severity of menopausal symptoms, according to senior author Christopher I. Li, M.D., Ph.D., a breast-cancer epidemiologist in the Hutchinson Center’s Public Health Sciences Division. “In particular, we found that women who experienced more intense hot flushes — the kind that woke them up at night — had a particularly low risk of breast cancer,” he says. Li and colleagues suspected a link between menopause misery and decreased breast-cancer risk because hormones such as estrogen and proges- Women who experienced more intense hot flashes – the kind that woke them up at night – had a particularly low risk of breast cancer. terone play an important role in the development of most breast cancers, and reductions in these hormones caused by the gradual cessation of ovarian function can affect the frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms. “Since menopausal symptoms occur as hormone levels fluctuate and drop, we hypothesized that women who experienced symptoms such as hot flushes and night sweats — particularly frequent and severe symptoms — might have a lower risk of breast cancer due to decreased estrogen levels,” he says. Indeed, the researchers found a 40- to 60-percent reduction in the risk of invasive ductal and invasive lobular carcinoma (the two most common types of breast cancer) among women who experienced hot flushes and other 14r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember 2011 symptoms. The association between such symptoms and decreased cancer risk did not change even after the researchers accounted for other factors known to boost breast-cancer risk, such as obesity and use of hormone replacement therapy. For the study, which was funded by the National Cancer Institute, Li and colleagues interviewed 1,437 post-menopausal Seattle-area women, 988 of whom had been previously diagnosed with breast cancer and 449 of whom had not. (They served as a comparison group.) The women were surveyed about perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms ranging from hot flushes, night sweats and insomnia to vaginal dryness, irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding, depression and anxiety. “While menopausal symptoms can certainly have a negative impact on quality of life, our study suggests that there may be a silver lining if the reduction in breast-cancer risk is confirmed in future studies,” Li says. “If these findings are confirmed, they have the potential to improve our understanding of the causes of breast cancer and to improve approaches to preventing this disease.” MOM’S OBESITY MAY LEAD TO INFERTILITY IN THE NEXT GENERATION, STUDY SUGGESTS Levels of the hormone ghrelin are low in obese women, and a recent study, accepted for publication in the medical journal Endocrinology, reports that mice whose mothers had low ghrelin levels were less fertile due to a defect in implantation. Hormones involved in energy balance and metabolism, such as ghrelin, have been shown to regulate reproductive function in animals and humans. However ghrelin’s role in reproductive-tract development remains unclear. The current study examined the effect of ghrelin deficiency on the developmental programming of female fertility. “While our study involved mice, we believe our findings have significant implications for women,” says Hugh Taylor, M.D., of the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, Conn. and lead author of the study. “Our results suggest that low ghrelin levels could program the development of the uterus in the female children of obese women. These women may then be less fertile as adults.” ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE MAY BE INHERITED FROM YOUR MOTHER, RESEARCHERS SAY When it comes to family tendencies toward developing Alzheimer’s disease, the odds of you inheriting it from your mother are higher than from your father, according to the results of a new small study published in the medical journal Neurology. The study was supported by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. It’s estimated that people who have first-degree relatives with Alzheimer’s disease are four to 10 times more likely to develop the disease themselves compared with people with no family history, says study author Robyn Honea, D.Phil., of the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City. For the study, 53 dementia-free people age 60 and over were followed for two years. Eleven participants reported having a mother with Alzheimer’s disease, 10 had a father with Alzheimer’s disease and 32 had no history of the disease in their family. The groups were given brain scans and cognitive To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com South Shore Wholistic Weight Loss Good Advice HCG – Your Last Stop to Weight Loss “Lose Weight the Healthy Way!” by Ellen Piernick, Wholistic Nutritionist HCG stands for hu- use of HCG and a very low calorie diet man chorionic go- is designed to simulate this combination nadotropin, a large of conditions to cause rapid weight loss glycoprotein made up in both men and women. HCG will also of 244 amino acids help the body to reset its metabolism by that is found in great “tuning up” the way the body burns abundance in pregnant women. HCG calories, removing the food triggers that supports the growing fetus by ensuring plague so many people who have issues with weight gain. it receives all the nutriAt South Shore Wholistic ents it requires. HCG does HCG will also help Weight Loss we’ve add this successfully, despite the body to reset the wholistic approach. inconsistent and/or inadits metabolism by We educate, empower, equate food intake from “tuning up” the and encourage our clients the mother, by utilizing the stored unhealthy “ab- way the body burns to look at this as not just a way to finally lose all that normal” fat in the mothcalories. unhealthy fat, but as a er’s body, which triggers the release of up to 2500 calories per way to continue in great health for the day from the fat in order to meet the rest of their lives as well as arming them caloric needs of the fetus. The result is with tools, recipes, products, and so weight loss during pregnancy for wom- much more to ensure excellent health! en who do not eat enough to meet the Please contact Ellen Piernick, Wholisbaby’s nutrient requirements. tic Nutritionist at 516-897-0369. The HCG diet, which combines the www.theHCGCoaches.com. (#'0HASESFOR7EIGHT,OSSs!LKALINE0("ALANCE#ELLULAR$ETOXIlCATION "IO)DENTICAL(ORMONE4HERAPY"REAST4HERMOGRAPHY Our Clients Lose a Pound Per Day! Receive our Winter Special of $100 off HCG! #ALLNOWFORACOMPLIMENTARYPHONEAPPOINTMENT Dr. Moshe Dekel As Seen on News 12 Ellen Piernick 516-897-0369 www.TheHCGCoaches.com “Your Last Stop to Weight Loss!” advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 15 a r s - d f m d , l n e g Good Advice Customized Skin Treatments by Annette Pennington as reducing fine lines, wrinkles, enlarged Combining the expertise pores and hyper pigmentation. of the surgeon with that of Laser hair removal, camouflage make-up the medical aesthetician and IPL (intense pulsed light) treatments by can produce results that Lumenis, is a breakthrough technology that far exceed a patient’s corrects a variety of benign skin conditions, expectations. The Aesthetic Suite located such as signs of aging, sun damage, small in the offices of Dr.’s Randall Feingold, facial veins, broken capillarRon Israeli and Peter Korn ies, acne and Rosacea while is where this professional Pre and Post surgical smoothing and tightening collaboration exists and the skin. This safe and nonprovides an array of servskin care increases invasive solution is tailored ices to treat problematic hydration and accelerate to the individual’s skin type skin conditions that “turn cell turnover prior to and condition providing back the hands of time.” outstanding satisfaction Pre and Post surgical surgery... through a process called skin care increases hydraPHOTOREJUVINATION. tion and accelerate cell Medical grade skincare products are availturnover prior to surgery; speeds healing able for effective home care regime that and reduces edema after surgery. corrects skin conditions and enhances treatCustomized facials are therapeutic and ments and surgeries. relaxing. Call Annette at The Aesthetic Suite @ Microdermabrasion and chemical peels (516) 498-8400 for a complimentary skin treat the epidermis through exfoliation, analysis and evaluation. www.bodyplassafely removing the upper layers resulting ticsurgery.com. in improved skin tone and texture as well , t t , . . - f t e , r l - s s - r s f e m advertisement Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, P.C. Randall Feingold, MD, Ron Israeli, MD and Peter Korn, MD & Medical Aesthetician, Annette Pennington Look & Feel Your Best This Holiday Season Eliminate Hyperpigmentation, Rosacea, small capillaries and sun damage with state of the art Photorejuvenation - Lumenis IPL, the safe, non-invasive solution! We offer the finest lines of skin care products Gift Certificates and Holiday Gift Baskets Available Please call for a complimentary consultation with our Medical Aesthetician, Annette Pennington 516-498-8400 x223 833 Northern Boulevard, Suite 160, Great Neck, www.aestheticplasticsurgerypc.com 16r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember 2011 Health Woman’s Health Update tests throughout the study. The researchers found that people with a mother who had Alzheimer’s disease had twice as much gray-matter shrinkage as the groups who had a father or no parent with Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, those who had a mother with Alzheimer’s disease had about one and a half times more whole-brain shrinkage per year compared to those who had a father with the disease. Shrinking of the brain, or brain atrophy, occurs in Alzheimer’s disease. “Using 3-D mapping methods, we were able to look at the different regions of the brain affected in people with maternal or paternal ties to Alzheimer’s disease,” says Honea. “In people with a maternal family history of the disease, we found differences in the breakdown processes in specific areas of the brain that are also affected by Alzheimer’s disease, leading to shrinkage. Understanding how the disease may be inherited could lead to better prevention and treatment strategies.” NATURAL SUPPLEMENTS MAY REDUCE COMMON-COLD DURATION BY JUST HALF A DAY Ugh. You just realized you’ve you’re catching a cold. Should you run out and buy one of those frequently advertised over-the-counter herbal treatments? According to research by the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health, these products don’t make a big difference in the duration or severity of a cold. Their study, published in the medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine, involved echinacea, a wild flower (also known as the purple cone flower) found in meadows and prairies of the Midwestern plains. The supplement is sold in capsule form in drug and retail stores. Dried echinacea root has been used in other remedies, such as teas and liquid extracts, as well. The randomized trial involved more than 700 people. The subjects, all of whom had very early symptoms of a cold, were divided into four groups. One group received no pills, a second group received what they knew was echinacea and a third group was given either echinacea or a placebo, but they did not know which. Participants recorded their symptoms twice a day for the duration of the cold, up to two weeks. According to Bruce Barrett, lead researcher and an associate professor of family medicine, patients receiving echinacea saw the duration of their cold reduced by 7 to 10 hours. But he says this was not considered a significant decrease. “Trends were in the direction of benefit, amounting to an average half-day reduction in the duration of a week-long cold or an approximate 10 percent reduction in overall severity,” he says. “However, this dose regimen did not make a large impact on the course of the common cold, compared either to blinded placebo or to no pills.” Barrett says a larger trial involving people who have found echinacea useful may help provide more answers. He adds that there were no side effects seen, so there is no reason that cold sufferers should stop using echinacea if they think it helps them. O Patients receiving echinacea saw the duration of their cold reduced by 7 to 10 hours. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Now Offering $UAL"OARD#ERTIkED&ACIAL 0LASTIC2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGEON ANDREW A. JACONO, MD, FACS $500 OFF* Non-Surgical Facelifts with # 0509 3&45:-"/& +67¤%&3. 3"%*&44& 6 -5 ) & 3 " 4$6-153" '3"9&--"4&3 -"4&3(&/&4*4 An ultrasound treatment to tighten, firm and LIFT your skin! AS SEEN ON THE DR. OZ SHOW! ANDREW A. JACONO, MD, FACS 4PEWXMG7YVKIV]7IQMREVW &ACIAL0LASTIC2ECONSTRUCTIVE3URGEON &ELLOWSHIP4RAINED$UAL"OARD#ERTIkED -INIMALLY)NVASIVE&ACIAL0LASTIC 3URGERY.ON3URGICAL4REATMENTS 6IEH(V.EGSRS W&SSO &ACETHE&ACTS4HE4RUTH!BOUT &ACIAL0LASTIC3URGERY0ROCEDURES 4HAT$OAND$ONT7ORK ,OCATEDON4HE-IRACLE-ILE $ATE 7EDNESDAY$ECEMBER 7EDNESDAY*ANUARY 2SVXLIVR&SYPIZEVH +VIEX2IGO2= [[[.7TE1IH7TEGSQ MRJS$.7TE1IH7TEGSQ 4IME PMPM !VAILABLEAT"ARNES.OBLE AND!MAZONCOM 2360 440 Northern Boulevard Great Neck, New York 11021 (516) 773-4646 www.newyorkfacialplasticsurgery.com 990 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10075 (212) 570-2500 - " 4 & 3 ) " * 3 3 & . 0 7" - - " 4 & 3 7 & * / 5 ) & 3 " 1 : -*.&-*()5-"4&3 . "5 3 * 9 $ 0 '3"$5*0/"--"4&3 1 & " 3 - - " 4 & 3 5 * 5" / - " 4 & 3 $ISCOUNTFORFULLFACETREATMENTONLY HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE * FREE VISIA DIGITAL COMPUTER SKIN CARE ANALYSIS * Good Advice Breast Surgery Combined with Tummy Tuck and/or Liposuction by Charlotte Rhee, MD, F.A.C.S., P.C. Many of my patients come to me seeking help with the changes that can occur after childbirth. Following childbirth, a woman’s breast can grow to uncomfortable proportions or just the opposite can happen. A woman’s breast can actually lose volume and shrink, resulting in the breast appearing “deflated.” Additionally, a large number of women come to me seeking help with the post partum changes of their abdomen. During pregnancy the skin and abdominal wall muscles are stretched. Following childbirth, the abdomen can protrude and the skin can be loose or sag. In some cases, the abdominal muscles can be so weakened that the individual may look like she is still pregnant. Despite daily workouts including sit ups and crunches, a tummy tuck may be needed to restore these muscles. ing breast reduction. Both groups of women want to have breasts that are proportional to their body size with the most natural result possible. In certain situations, a breast lift is also needed to tighten lax skin. The laxity can be the result of pregnancy or weight loss. When a breast lift is needed, I utilize the lollipop scar technique. A breast lift procedure is very similar to a breast reduction. The only difference is that with a breast reduction, breast tissue is removed. Combined Breast/Tummy Tuck and Liposuction Procedures. Many of my patients who have breast surgery also have other procedures performed at the same time. This allows for one surgery and one recovery. The most common combined procedures performed by Dr. Rhee are breast surgery, whether it is a breast reduction or augmentation, combined with tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty. For those patients Breast Reduction Many of my patients who desire breast augmentation together with a tummy tuck, I am able to place Women with very large pendulous breasts may experience varied medical the breast implants through the tummy tuck incision, leaving the breasts without who have breast problems including back and neck pain. Also, the weight of large breasts can any scars. cause the bra straps to dig into the shoulders leaving groove markings. Large surgery also have other Liposuction is also commonly performed at the same time. Despite diet and breasts get in the way of physical activities such as running, making exercise procedures performed exercise, certain areas of the body are prone to carry excess fat. For these areas, liand weight loss very difficult if not impossible. Breast reduction (reduction posuction can help. The most common areas for liposuction are the love handles at the same time. This (upper hip area) and thighs. mammaplasty), is a surgical procedure which makes breasts smaller. There are many different breast reduction techniques. The more traditional allows for one surgery Patients who have combined procedures do surprisingly well. In addition to method (inverted T-scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical, long horizontal having the benefit of just one recovery process, there can also be a significant and one recovery. scar (along the breast crease). “I utilize the Lejour technique, which leaves savings in price. the breast with a single vertical incision (lollipop scar) and, in my opinion, To learn more, please call our Huntington office to schedule a complimentawith a rounder more natural appearing breast and a better cosmetic result.” Breast reduc- ry consultation with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. Located at 257 E. Jericho Tpke., Huntington tions are performed as an outpatient procedure and are covered by insurance. Station. www.liplasticsurgery.com. Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Breast Augmentation Women who come to me seeking breast enlargement have very similar goals to those seek- breast surgery. advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 17 Keeping it Real with Hoda Kotb by Rachell Koegel T here is nothing artificial about Hoda Kotb. She celebrates herself and the people in her life with complete honesty, sincerity and a full heart. The newly released Hoda: How I Survived War Zones, Bad Hair, Cancer, and Kathie Lee is the story of her life told boldly and sprinkled with humor. She shares with her reader stories of her family, her rigorous search landing her first job as a reporter, her battle with cancer fought simultaneously with the discovery of her husband’s infidelity, the wide array of stories covered while trekking across the globe and working along-side Kathie Lee Gifford on the Today Show. Interviewing Hoda Kotb feels very much like conversing with an old and dear friend – talk flows effortlessly and naturally and time passes quickly. She is no different from most of us, as she explains, and that is one of the many endearing qualities that make her interesting and relatable. Considering how vast your experiences and how many stories you have covered, how did you decide which stories to include in your autobiography and which to leave out? I can’t remember anything. I used to remember all kinds of things, but then suddenly “boom” it went, so I went with the ones with that really stuck with me, the ones I thought people could connect with. It wasn’t about the place or setting. I chose the ones that made an impact on me and on our viewers; the ones that I thought people would enjoy reading about. I didn’t want it to be like watching someone’s home movies because that can get dull. I wanted it to make an impact. You have done so many interviews, and mention a few as standing out, but are there any you would still love to do or would like to talk about specifically? At the end of the day I think the people I love to interview the most are the ones who tell the truth. It doesn’t matter who they are. It took me all these years to realize that is what makes the best interview. I could have the best subject in the world sitting across from me, but if they aren’t going to tell you everything or they tell you in the way they want to be perceived, it won’t be a great interview. If someone is raw, and tells you the truth – suddenly the interview is a million times better. That is what you describe in your autobiography as happening when Ann Curry interviewed you and you said you started to cry and hadn’t expected that to happen. I didn’t expect it then with Ann because I am a journalist and was aware of what I was doing, but suddenly you lose control and you cant believe it is you. You think, “I do interviews, I don’t get interviewed,” and it reminded me about how vulnerable we all are and how delicate we have to be as reporters. We are all one question away from falling apart. I was interviewing Angelica Houston, and her dad had died a few years earlier and I was asking her about her dad. She has told the story a thousand times, I am sure, about her father. I asked, “What did you lose that day?” She looked at me and she kept looking at me, and I thought maybe she hadn’t heard me, and then she started crying and said “I lost everything.” We are all right there on the edge: the strongest of us, the weakest of us. We have to be gentle with each other and that is one of the things I learned. That is one of the reasons Anne Curry was with me because she took care of me; that’s why I picked her, because I knew she would. There has to be an incredible trust with someone, especially when you are sharing the tenderest parts of you. You have such a positive attitude and one technique you share in the autobiography is that when you struggle with something you don’t dwell on it. How did you come to master this approach? People are wired differently. When things are too big for me to handle or are out of my control, I honestly know I can’t do anything to fix it, so knowing that, I end up freeing myself a little bit. But when a lot of little things worry me, I can be up all night. Big things I know I can’t control, like when I was sick, all I could do was pick the right doctor and fall asleep. People would say to me: “You really beat it.” And I said: “We need to thank Dr. Freya R. Schnabel, because she beat it – she got in there and did what she was trained to do.” Life is funny that way. We have to realize there are certain things we can’t control. It makes life so much easier when we take those things off our plate, and then deal with the things we can control. You use the word ”forward” often throughout your book. Will you talk a little about why it is so significant? I’m looking at my ring now. It says “forward” on it. In life you can really get stuck in a bad place. It’s easy. You can get stuck in the weeds and suddenly you wonder how you got there and you may think there is no way out. If you talk about things too much and you only have one conversation in your life, you get stuck. I remember when I got sick I would write in my journal every day what I was feeling at the time and at the bottom I wrote the word “forward” because It reminded me I am here now, but this is not where I am going to live my life, in this hole. It’s funny how a single word can be so impactful, but it was and it is still to me, because it reminded me you shouldn’t live your life sitting and holding yourself in deeper – there is a way out. You need to remind yourself of that. Tomorrow is not going to be like today. A lot of people who get sick only have one conversation – and that can be detrimental and harmful if that is all you have. It sounds as if that is what propelled you from the very beginning of your career when you kept facing rejection but got right back in your car and kept driving from state to state to land a job. Without using the word forward, was that philosophy motivating you or something else? That was just insanity. I don’t even know what that was. How on earth I didn’t just drive back to my mom’s house...? I think it was that I was stubborn and I couldn’t believe everyone thought I was so terrible. I wasn’t cocky. I was sort of freakish looking and I had a weird name. By the time I got to the tenth interview I would have scared away just about anybody, but for some reason, I hate losing. (My sister always said I am stubborn and I am bossy, and those traits can be really bad or good, it depends on what it is.) I felt like you can’t have that many bad days before you get a good one. I am generally an optimist, so I was surprised when one after the next everyone was saying no. I thought something doesn’t seem right, something isn’t going right; I must not be hitting the right spot or meeting the right person. And I, of course, began questioning my abilities, because they needed to be questioned, especially then. But I had played sports in high school and never gave up, until the buzzer rang, “We have to realize there are certain things we can’t control. It makes life so much easier when we take those things off our plate, and then deal with the things we can control.” even if we were getting creamed. I just really thought there was a chance...and I think I play that way in life. I think there is a chance: you can hit that crazy three point shot and get fouled and suddenly you can win the game. Can it be done? I think it can. I think that way about life too. Given your own experiences and being a woman in her forties, what would you say are biggest challenges facing women in their forties, especially in the entertainment industry? I was talking to somebody yesterday who said there should be something called “the end of striving.” We always feel like we are fighting to get ahead- clawing and scratching and working and by the end of the day we are exhausted; then we go to bed to do it all again the next day. She said the end of striving means you find your sweet spot, the thing you are meant to do on the planet, and suddenly you aren’t scratching and clawing anymore; suddenly, it is like you’re riding a wave. You are finally doing what you’re supposed to be doing. I think for all of us in life, sometimes we find it, sometimes we don’t or can’t. We have other obligations: kids to raise and bills to pay, so we can’t say “this isn’t exactly right for me,” but we all know what that feeling feels like when you are doing something and you look up at the clock and you can’t believe it’s four o’clock already because your day flew as you were doing something you loved more than anything. Women in our forties are trying to find that spot, because we give to everyone: our kids, husbands, bosses; everybody is ahead of us on the food chain. I think sometimes it is good to take a breath and ask “Is this right for me?” Once we find the right spot, life suddenly becomes easier, and then life is not always a struggle, a challenge, and we can be riding a wave. One issue you didn’t really address in your book, but surrounded by in your industry, is the world of plastic surgery. What is your view on it? I’m one of those people who believes if it makes you feel better you should do it. I once interviewed a plastic surgeon for Dateline and he was working on young girls (underage) and I said, “I don’t understand why you are doing that.” And he said “I am helping their self-esteem.” I remember thinking at that time, but not saying it; “If their self-esteem is what needs fixing, are you really the kind of doctor they ought to be seeing?” I think if you have something that has been bothering you your entire life, then go do it. I have never done it, but I won’t say I never will, because one never knows, but I haven’t done it and I like when people look like who they are. Sometimes you look at someone and you think “Who is that?,” because it doesn’t look like him or her at all, and it seems a little strange to do. But I understand if something bothers you and has always bothered you, why not fix it if you can? For some people it changes everything: How they approach people, their confidence level.... In your book you mention how much you always wanted to become a teacher and that you still want to become a teacher. Do you see your line of work as a form of educating and you as a type of teacher? Or are you still determined to realize that goal of becoming a teacher? I think we can inspire or lighten the load for people, but we are not teachers in the purest sense. I remember my seventh grade teacher who made me believe there is nothing I couldn’t do. She inspired me. There is that time in your life when you’re growing up and you have that teacher who can really change the course of your life. I like it when kids are young and they aren’t feeling the grown up issues or feeling embarrassed – when they get to be themselves completely. I have interviewed so many really great teachers. I remember this one I loved so much, she was a kindergarten teacher, and she was asking the kids from a bad part of town to go up to the board and draw a bad part of a monster. They would tell her to draw red scary fingernails or mean eyes and at the end each kid came up and was able to erase part of the scary monster and there was this one little kid who kept scrubbing the chalkboard and scrubbing it and I looked at him, and the teacher whispered to me, “That little boy is being abused and I know it, but I can’t prove it yet.” I watched her and how she nurtured him and I thought how these kids for this period of time are safe. Their homes may not be safe but they are safe here with this teacher. I thought what a great thing to give a kid: a safe place and a place to inspire him or her. Meeting all these great teachers always made me want to be one and I am going to be one so mark my words... It is such a cool profession. Describe your typical morning. After hitting the snooze button at four am, I will have my morning coffee, look at a few websites and head to the gym by five. I go in, pad around, do some working out, talk to people; it’s kind of a work out and kind of a way to wake up. Before we know it, it’s time for the meeting at eight o’clock where we talk about topics we will discuss on the Today Show. By nine am we are picking outfits (for me and Kathy) and at ten we do the show. From 11 on it can be anything from a lunch meeting to a Dateline meeting to a Today Show interview or an interview like this, and sometimes there are evening events, but I try to tuck in early, because by nine pm I can’t believe anyone is awake. I had to stay awake to watch The Bachelorette last night!” X Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford on the set of the Today Show. Hoda’s Favorites Food: My mom’s grape leaves and also her baklava. Song: “Who Dat Girl” by Flo Rida (he’s very loveable) Author/Book: Paulo Coelho’s I Sat Down by the River Piedra and Wept. I also loved The Alchemist. Quote: “The way you spend your days is the way you spend your life (big changes are small).” “If you survive and you are upright, you can’t scare me.” “Fall on your back and you can see up. If you can see up, you can get up.” Movie: Shawshank Redemption, Love Actually TV Show: Law and Order Actress: Meryl Streep Actor: George Clooney (he’s hot) or Ryan Reynolds (he’s also hot). “THE COOLEST SHOW—FANTASTIC!” –Jimmy Fallon, “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” PHOTO BY JOAN MARCUS The musical comedy sensation TELECHARGE.COM . 212-239-6200 BROADWAY THEATRE, BROADWAY AT 53RD45s4*45&3"$5#30"%8":$0. 20 rDecember2011r-0/(*4-"/%80."/ “BLUE MAN GROUP MEETS GLEE!”–VH1 OVER 20 MILLION HITS TELECHARGE.COMt212-239-6200 Westside Theatre, 407 West 43rd Street tVocaPeopleNYC.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Give theGift ofBeauty Buy $200 in Gift Certificates $130 Value get a FREE Microdermabrasion or PCA Peel Buy $75 in Skin Care Products $20 Value get a FREE Marotta MD Moisturizer Must be purchased by 12/31/11. Cannot be combined with any other offer except RAF & VIP. Not redeemable for cash. Leading Facial Rejuvenation Specialist u Injectable Treatment Expert Dr. James C. Marotta Dual Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Yale University Trained Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery, P.C. " Main Street " Smithtown " 631-982-2022 " MarottaMD.com Good Advice Does Laser Hair Removal Really Work? by James C. Marotta, MD You see signs advertising “Laser Hair Removal” everywhere. The How a machine is used, on what setting and in what area of the body can all impact big question is: “Does it really work?” The simple answer is “yes” the effectiveness of hair removal treatment. In my office, I use an Intense Pulsed provided that you truly understand how it works and what it can Light, (IPL) machine for hair removal treatments. IPL is like a laser but instead of one wavelength, it uses the energy of many different wavelengths. The benefit of the IPL and can’t do. To understand how laser hair removal works, you first have to machine is that the wavelengths chosen ideally target pigment in hair follicles, which understand how hair grows. Hairs are produced in follicles all over increases the safety and efficacy of the treatment. To assure that laser/IPL hair removal is most effective, keep in mind these followyour body. Follicles do not produce hair all at the same. Rather, ing guidelines: (1) Laser hair removal works best on dark hairs. they generate new hair in cycles and pass through 3 separate It does not work on light or blonde hairs like the “peach-fuzz” phases of growth, independent of the neighboring hairs, as Laser hair removal is not a on the sides of your face. (2) Laser hair removal is not a one-time follows: (1) a growth phase (Anagen), (2) a transitional phase (Catagen), and (3) a resting phase (Telogen). Approximately 85% one-time procedure. To work, procedure. To work, it requires multiple sessions administered of all hairs are in the growing phase at any one time with apit requires multiple sessions over a period of time (for reasons explained above). Take advantage of treatment packages which offer multiple sessions at a proximately 10-15 percent of all hairs in the resting phase. administered over a period of reduced price. These are designed to encourage the appropriate The key to successful hair removal is to destroy each foltime. number of sessions to see results. (3) Don’t let just anyone adlicle’s root so it does not generate new hair. Unfortunately, minister your treatment. Lasers are powerful tools and safety is lasers are only truly effective in the anagen phase. Because hairs are not all in the anagen phase at any one time, laser hair removal is as much a priority as results. The training, skill and knowledge of the technician can most effective when performed in multiple treatment sessions. With spaced make a difference in your treatment. (4) Do your homework on the place you plan treatments, there is a greater likelihood of targeting and destroying all of the to go for treatment. Stick to medical facilities, medispas and places where physicians oversee the settings used during your treatment sessions. (5) Don’t let price be the follicles in the anagen phase. There are various laser/light source machines on the market that can reduce and deciding factor. Keep in mind the old adages, “You get what you pay for” and “if remove body hair. In general, they all tend to be referred to as “lasers,” but they do you think it’s too good to be true, it usually is.” differ and, in fact, vary not only in how they function, but also in their effectiveness. For more information, please visit www.MarottaMD.com or call 631-982-2022 advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 21 Good Advice Good Advice Painful Intercourse, Part 2 Breast Reduction – The Lollipop Scar Technique by Dr. Marilyn Freedman Dyspareunia is the medi- manual therapy (massage and stretching cal terminology for pain to tight muscles), as well as helping these in the genitals caused muscles to relax. They may use tools to by sexual intercourse: help stretch (for example, vaginal dilators), While the most com- and to teach you how to relax and contract monly recognized health these muscles correctly (for example, bioprofessionals associated with treating feedback, electrical stimulation). Electrical stimulation may also dedyspareunia are physicrease pain and increase cians, psychologists and Physical therapists are blood flow in the vagina. sex therapists, physical therapists are trained to in the unique position to Increased blood flow and restore function, facilitate provide comprehensive tissue mobility can help movement, and relieve pelvic floor rehabilitation healing and prevent injury (e.g. tearing of tissue) pain. Physical therapists when pelvic floor muscle during penetration. are in the unique position dysfunction is present. Physical therapists are to provide comprehensive neuro muscular skeletal pelvic floor rehabilitation when pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and movement specialists, which makes is present. The pelvic floor is made up of them an integral part of the collaborative muscles and connective tissue which sur- team of providers when treating the multiround the genitalia. These muscles may faceted problem of dysparunia. be too tense, which causes pain and fricFor more information contact Pelvic tion during intercourse. Physical therapy Wellness Center, 8 Bond St., Ste. 202, Great techniques to treat this problem include Neck. 516-829-0960. www.pelvicology.com. by Dr. Charlotte Rhee Women with very scar) leaves the breasts with a vertical large pendulous and a long horizontal scar (along the breasts may experi- breast crease). I utilize the LeJour techence a variety of nique which leaves the breast with a medical problems single vertical incision (lollipop scar) including back and neck pain. Also, and in my opinion, with a rounder the weight of large breasts can cause and more naturally appearing breast the bra straps to dig into the shoul- with a better cosmetic result. ders leaving groove Breast reductions are markings. Large breasts performed as an outpaThe LeJour technique tient procedure and are get in the way of physical activities such as leaves the breast with covered by insurance. If running and other a single vertical incision you would like to learn sports which can make more about this proce(lollipop scar). exercise and weight dure, please call our loss very difficult if not Huntington office to impossible. schedule a complimentary consultaBreast Reduction, also known as tion with Dr. Rhee at (631) 424-6707. reduction mammaplasty, is a surgical Dr. Charlotte Rhee is a Board procedure undertaken to make the Certified Plastic and Reconstructive breasts smaller. There are many differ- Surgeon who specializes in surgery ent breast reduction techniques. The of the breast. Visit www.liplastic surmore traditional method (inverted T- gery.com. advertisement advertisement Good Advice Good Advice 8PNFOµT*NBHJOH 1PPMFE*ODPNF5SVTUT by Dr. Betty Motroni by Alberthe Bernier, Esq. and Yana Feldman, Esq. Zwanger-Pesiri Radiol- types of Molecular Breast Imaging, which ogy prides itself for be- are BSGI (Breast Specific Gamma Imaging) ing at the forefront of and PEM (Positron Emission Mammograthe newest technology. phy). Both allow the patient to sit or stand With more women diag- upright while obtaining the images. The nosed with breast can- scanner uses little or no compression so cer every day, early detection is the key the patient is very comfortable. Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology is the only fato survival. Routine yearly mammograms cility on Long Island with are the gold standard that two Molecular Breast Imwomen have lived by for Molecular Breast years. If the mammogram Imaging has become a aging technologies. Women with dense breasts, is not conclusive, Molecular Breast Imaging has be- useful, advanced nuclear breast augmentation, surmedicine tool. gical scarring, or at high come a useful, advanced risk (family history), please nuclear medicine tool for physicians to clarify those hard-to-inter- know Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology provides pret mammograms and eliminate unnec- comprehensive breast imaging capabilities. Visit our website at www.zprad.com essary biopsies. Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology now offers or call 516-681-8400. Dr. Betty Motroni is a board certified raMolecular Breast Imaging to women. Molecular Breast Imaging highlights ab- diologist since 1997 who has an additionnormal cells in the breast by looking at al board certification in Nuclear Medicine how cells are functioning. It can detect and has been a part of the Zwanger-Pesiri lesions as small as 2mm. We offer both team since 2008. Individuals who abled individual will maintain continued suffer from a eligibility for Medicaid. The funds placed disability, includ- into a pooled income trust account can ing the disabili- be used by the Medicaid recipient to pay ties that occur for household and living expenses that with aging, can are not covered by Medicaid. Pooled income trusts are run by nonnow qualify for Medicaid, even if their monthly income profit agencies and the trust’s funds exceeds current Medicaid limits. Medicaid are administered by experienced trustees. A pooled income eligibility requires that an applicant have minimal as- A pooled income trust is trust participant must be sets and minimal monthly “determined disabled” income. The current Med- a powerful tool for elderly by Medicaid, the Social icaid monthly income limit and disabled individuals Security Administration, is $767 for a single appliwho want to continue or a medical doctor. A cant, $1,117 for married pooled income trust is a living at home. applicants. powerful tool for elderly Under previous laws, and disabled individuals individuals with income exceeding these who want to continue living at home, Medicaid levels would ordinarily have to but can only do so with the assistance of “spend down” their “excess income” be- Medicaid home care benefits. fore they can receive Medicaid benefits, Before proceeding with a pooled inincluding Medicaid home care services. come trust, contact the experienced Current laws allow a disabled person of elder law attorneys at Karol Hausman any age to deposit their “excess income” & Sosnik, P.C. at 516-745-0066. www. with a pooled income trust, and the dis- khspc.com advertisement advertisement 22rDecember 2011r-0/(*4-"/%80."/ To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Good Advice Good Advice Good News for Back Pain .Z.PUIFS*T/PX.Z$IJME by Dr. Dazhi Chen, PhD, LC, IPA of NS-LIJ by Cynthia Shaw, M.S. Millions of people with acupuncture. More than 60% of suffer from chronic lower back pain can be relieved after low back pain and 3-4 treatments and then you will learn it is one of the top how to manage the pain yourself. In the meantime, I have introduced reasons people seek medical treatment. a special program for weight loss and Anyone suffering from it for many diabetes. For weight loss, acupuncture will actually change your years may have had metabolism, stop the injection(s), physical therapy, chiropractic More than 60% of food cravings and you treatments, medications lower back pain can will not gain back the weight that you have and operation(s). Even with these treatments, be relieved after 3-4 lost. These treatments treatments. will also help manmany are still experiencage your glucose levels ing a lot of pain. Acuwhich in turn can also puncture also works for neck pain, knee pain and ankle pain. help you lose weight. Call 516-562-9221 or email us at If you are in that situation, this news altmedny@gmail.com for an appointwill help you! Research studies are showing that ment. For more information, go to our acupuncture is very effective for low website: www.camtherapycenter.com. Our office is located at 277 Northern back pain. Additionally, I have developed a more effective treatment Blvd, Ste. 306, Great Neck. We are “Baby Boom- driven, and cared for. Our solution lies ers.” We are the “Sand- with a company specializing in helping wich Generation.” We seniors and their families. Commonly, are overwhelmed. We the child who has broached the notion take care of our chil- of “getting some help at home” is met dren. We help to take with resentment and resistance. It is care of our folks. Our parents are living important for a parent to understand that seeking “wellness longer. With this comes care” is not tantamount a strong likelihood that It is important to relinquishing indesome help with daily to understand pendence. In fact, havtasks becomes necesing a non-medical comsary. Oftentimes, it is not that seeking Mom or Dad who recog“wellness care” is panion makes life safer and easier. This is the nizes the need, but we, not tantamount very thing that increases their children. Calls for to relinquishing independence. Seniors help come with greater deserve wellness care frequency. T.V. dinners independence. that allows them to rehave replaced more numain active in their own tritious meals. Mom or Dad seem sullen. They are lonely. We homes while not intruding in their long to do all we can for those who lives. As Managing Director of familydid all they could for us. But we work operated Helpful Care, I welcome your outside the home more than full-time. call at 516-599-5870 or your visit to Our own children need to be fed, www.helpfulcare.com. advertisement advertisement Do You Have Good Advice Let Textile Mill End Shop Help You Decorate Your Dreams! Replace Your Drapery or Slipcovers New Fabrics Arrive Weekly For Our Readers? Find out how Long Island Woman advertisers can have a Good Advice column included in RECEIVE $50 OFF any order of $500 or more Not to be combined with any other offers or previous offers, Good thru 12/31/11 FABRIC • BEDSPREADS • WINDOW TREATMENTS call Long Island Woman at 516-505-0555 x1 or email us at ads@liwomanonline.com 57 Garfield Ave., East Islip • 631-581-9877 (S.W. corner of Carleton Ave. and Sunrise Hwy) Hours: Mon. thru Fri. 9:00-5:00 • Sat. 9:00-4:00 • Closed Sunday www.textilemillendshop.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 23 Catching Up With Carol by Carol Silva Happy Birthday News 12 STYLE, LUXURY RELIABILITY We’ve come a long way baby! Tw e n t y - f i v e years ago this month, News 12 Long Island was born. The father of News 12 is one of my personal heroes, Charles Dolan. Mr. Dolan started in the business with his wife, editing and distributing sports and industrial films from their Cleveland apartment. They sold that business and headed east. In the early 1960s Mr. Dolan established Teleguide - those early informational channels on NYC hotel TVs. Next, he started Sterling Manhattan Cable, and in the early 1970s he put movies on those cables when he founded HBO. By 1986, Mr. Dolan was a real Long Islander and became hyper-local. He created News 12 Long Island – America’s first, regional, 24-hour “neighborhood” news network. You might remember our early LIRR billboards that said things like, “Babylon, not Brooklyn.” “Shelter Island, not Staten Island.” The idea was to save you from waiting through hours of NYC television news, for just a mention of Nassau or Suffolk. We were writing those first stories of your neighborhood, your schools, your taxes, your kids, on typewriters. We typed on 5-ply carbon-copy paper. We made script changes by crossing out type and handwriting over it. The best production assistants could rip the carbon out, without tearing our scripts to shreds. (They weren’t all that good.) Major change came in the early 1990s when we brought personal computers into News 12. I remember wondering if I’d ever figure them out. In those early days, the majority of Long Island homes didn’t have computers, so we couldn’t direct viewers to news12.com for more details on stories. How times have changed. We’ve gone HD, gotten new anchor desks and just like your home cameras, our equipment has gotten much smaller. But these days we’re very big on viewer input, viewer story tips and viewer pictures. Our morning assignment editor, Tara McDonald, was a new college graduate when she started at News 12 in 2006 and recalls that “even though that was only five and half years ago, Facebook was still a ‘college thing’ back then, and I hadn’t even heard of Twitter yet.” Now we use them everyday. My co-anchor since 2004, Elizabeth Hashagen, says the best part of News 12 is the family feeling that comes with a core of people who’ve been here for the whole ride: Lea Tyrrell, Colleen McVey, Doug Geed and writers, producers, editors and engineers you never see including director Kevin Benjamin, our most veteran employee. This News 12 idea has really caught on. We’ve sprouted wings with our News 12 neighborhood coverage on News 12 New Jersey, Connecticut, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Westchester and Hudson Valley. And we’ve been copied from Washington D.C. and New England, to Orange County, California. We’ve come a long way Long Island. Thanks Mr. Dolan. O News 12’s Carol Silva has been bringing Long Islanders their local news for more than 20 years weekday mornings at 5:30AM on News 12 Long Island. This News 12 idea has really caught on. -JNPVTJOF4FSWJDF8PSMEXJEF 8FPGGFSBXJEFWBSJFUZPGBMMOFXWFIJDMFT JODMVEJOHBXJEFWBSJFUZPGCVTFTMJNPVTJOFT TFEBOTTQFDJBMUZWFIJDMFT467µTBOEPVS TJHOBUVSF3PMMT3PZDFMJOF 5PTFFPVS¿FFUWJTJUXXXBMMTUBSMJNPDPN 8&%%*/(4 8*/&50634 (0-'065*/(4 41035*/(&7&/54 "*310354 $03103"5&&7&/54 1"35*&4 "/%.6$).03& -FU6T&TDPSU:PVGPS:PVS )PMJEBZ4IPQQJOHJO$PNGPSUBOE$MBTT /FX)JHIXBZ-JOEFOIVSTU XXXBMMTUBSMJNPDPN +BOJOF1PXFST $&0PG"MM4UBS-JNPVTJOF 24r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember 2011 To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Feel Younger Again… End Urinary Incontinence Seven Minutes that Will Change Your Life The 7minute Sling™ A minimally invasive procedure that will restore continence and have you back doing the things you used to do. This is an easy treatment that lasts. Minimally invasive treatments for overactive bladder, leaking with coughing, sneezing or activity and during intercourse. Stop worrying where the next bathroom is. We also offer: Botox treatments for overactive bladder medical as well surgical treatments. -/1'$**$$!## !01$1!2)$15 !//(0-,3$ (3$/'$!#5 1*!,1("3$ /$$,.-/15 444+(,21$0*(,&"-+ Scott M. Press, M.D. P.C. Certified by the American Board of Urology Fellow American College of Surgeons One of the few physicians on Long Island trained to do Interstim Sacral Nerve Neuromodulation therapy. Good Advice End Urinary Incontinence by Scott M. Press, M.D So many of my patients are young mothers with young chil- at soccer, they have to consciously think about holding in the urine otherwise an dren. They have experienced the thrill and the agony of labor, embarrassing stain can result. This has the effect of making women feel old enjoyed nursing, and endured diaper changes. Now as they before their time. Many women stop doing the things that active young women enter the “soccer mom” years, life enters a new phase. Moms do and become sedentary. Everyone wants to be able to laugh without worrywant to get to play and enjoy sports with their kids (ie. soccer, ing about needing to wear a pad. Most women who come to my office are surbaseball, basketball, skiing etc.), they want to get to go to the prised that there are minimally invasive treatments available that can restore gym, run, and exercise to get back to pre-baby shape. their urine control and allow them to get back to doing the things that they loved but had to put on hold. Unfortunately for many women in this situation, urinary control The state of the art in treatment of stress incontinence is the problems can rear their ugly head and deprive many women of this Everyone wants to be vaginal tape procedure. The procedure is minimally invasive with important time. Now there is something that can be done that with able to laugh without minimal recovery time. It is done as an outpatient and is pera small investment of time can restore urinary control forever. Stress incontinence is urine that leaks out during laughing, worrying about needing formed so easily and quickly that I call it the 7 minute sling™. to wear a pad. Patient come in the morning for the procedure and are out before coughing, sneezing or vigorous activity. It can be caused by many noon. When they leave, they are dry immediately. Soreness and factors but one of the most common is childbirth. After child birth many women complain that they leak urine when they laugh or cough. This downtime is so minimal that many women do not even require pain medication. unfortunately can progress to losing urine during physical activity such as play- What a surprise and thrill the first time a woman coughs and nothing leaks out. ing with the kids, working out at the gym or while being intimate. The natural Women are back to their activities in no time. Of all the procedures that I do, response to this leaking problem is to compensate by avoiding these activities. this is the procedure that time and again I hear changed a patient’s life. Moms So many women in my practice complain that they just want to be able to go to are returning to the gym and chasing their children free of any worry about urithe gym and go on the elliptical machine or kick box without worrying about nary control. They can keep up with their kids without leaving anything behind! Contact Dr. Press at 631-675-2810. 226 North Belle Mead Rd., East Setauket. leaving a wet spot on their workout clothes. This can be very embarrassing. www.7minutesling.com Many women tell me that when they are chasing their kids around the house or advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 25 Meet The Health Professional Arif Ahmad M.D., FRCS, FACS George Autz, M.D., Medical Director Dr. Karen Barbosa Barry N. Chase, DDS Dr. Dazhi Chen, Ph.D., La.C Long Island Laparoscopic Surgery 625 Belle Terre Rd., Ste. 202, Port Jefferson, 631-689 0220 www.drahmadmd.com see ad on page 8 Complete Women’s Imaging, PC 440 Merrick Road, Oceanside 516-255-8220 www.completewomensimaging.com see ad on page 2 Top Tier Medical Breast Specialist PC 11 Stewart Ave., Huntington 631-923-2477 www.drkarenbarbosa.com see ad on page 12 Chase Dental Health, PLLC 324 South Service Road, Ste. 116, Melville, 631-393-6888 www.chasedentalhealth.com see ad on page 7 277 Northern Blvd., ste. 306 Great Neck 516-562-9221 www.camtherapycenter.com see ad on page 23 Dr. Ahmad is one of “America’s Top Surgeons.” He specializes in both the Laproscopic Gastric Bypass and the Lap Band. Dr. Ahmad is trained in utilizing the DaVanci Robot, the most advanced surgical platform in the world. Dr Ahmad has more than 20 years of surgical experience and has performed over 4,000 minimally invasive procedures. He is currently the Director of Bariatric surgery at John T Mather Hospital with a Center of Excellence status. He is a member of the American Society of Bariatric Surgery, fellow of the American College of Surgeons as well as member of the Society of American Gastroendoscopic Surgeons. Dr. George Autz is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Radiology with fellowship training in breast imaging and specialization in MRI-guided breast biopsies. Dr. Autz was previously Director of Women’s Imaging at Long Island Jewish Hospital. He is currently President of Long Island Radiological Society and Chair of the Mammography Committee for the New York State Radiological Society. Dr. Autz is also a member of the American College of Radiology. He currently serves as Director of Breast MRI at South Nassau Communities Hospital. He has served the Long Island community for 18 years and has earned a reputation for providing excellent, compassionate care for all women.. Dr Karen Barbosa is a Cleveland Clinic, Fellowship trained, board certified breast surgeon. During her stay at Memorial Sloan Kettering, the director of breast surgery encouraged her pursue a career as a Breast Surgeon due to her compassion, patience and love of people. She established a successful breast program at a Long Island hospital and is anoted lecturer at national conferences. She educates her patients and uses the latest state-of-the art diagnosis and treatments available. Her goal is to build an all-inclusive private breast center offering new technologies that are not currently available to patients on Long Island. She encourages patients to get second opinions and come in for routine breast exams. Dr. Barry Chase is a 1976 graduate of Georgetown University Dental School and has been practicing on Long Island for over 30 years. In addition to general dentistry, Dr Chase treats CranioFacial Pain, Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (breathing disorders and snoring). OSA is associated with higher risks for hypertension, coronary heart disease, strokes, short term memory loss and cognitive problems. The dental oral appliance solution is extremely effective for the treatment of OSA. If you would like to see Dr. Chase for a complimentary consultation, please call for an appointment. Dr. Dazhi Chen, a credentialed acupuncturist and research scientist in the North Shore-LIJ Health System, graduated from Liaoning College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China and received his master’s degree in acupuncture. He then worked as an Assistant Professor in the Acupuncture Department at his college as well as The Beijing College of Acupuncture and Osteopathy, Beijing. Dr. Chen received his Ph.D. from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in Japan. He has trained and practiced traditional Chinese Medicine, specializing in acupuncture for more than 20 years and has helped many people live painfree and healthier lives. Vladimir Dadashev, M.D. Moshe Dekel, M.D. Stephen T. Greenberg M.D., FACS Andrew A. Jacono, M.D., FACS Roger B. Katz, M.D. Neurological Surgery, P.C. 4230 Hempstead Tpke, Ste. 205, Bethpage, 516-605-2720 www.nspc.com see ad on page 15 South Shore Wholistic Weight Loss 220 E. Beech St., Long Beach 516-897-0369 www.thehcgcoaches.com see ad on page 15 Dr. Dekel served as Chief Resident at Brooklyn Jewish Hospital and is board certified in OB-GYN and Breast Thermography. He was an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Department of OB-GYN, at SUNY Stony Brook, served as Chief of OB-GYN Surgery at the Long Island Surgi-Center and as Medical Director of the Long Island Birthing Center. He has been in private practice since 1981 and transitioned into alternative medicine in 2000. Dr. Dekel brings a breadth of knowledge and expertise to each patient’s individual situation to identify and correct the fundamental issues that are at the core of the patient’s condition. The New York Center for Facial, Plastic and Laser Surgery 440 Northern Blvd., Great Neck 516-773-4646 www.newyorkfacialplasticsurgery.com see ad on page 17 The North Shore Cosmetic Medical Center 239 Jericho Tpke., Syosset 516-496-9797 see ad on page 13 Vladimir Dadashev, M.D., is a neurosurgeon who specializes in the treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine and spine tumors. Dr. Dadashev utilizes both minimally invasive and traditional open approaches for the treatment of spinal stenosis, sciatica, disc herniation, fractures, spinal instability, and back pain. Some of these treatments include kyphoplasty, microdiscectomy and spinal fusion. He also employs innovative techniques such as 3-D navigation and neuro-endoscopy in the treatment of brain tumors. He has authored numerous articles, book chapters, and presented extensively. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons. He is fluent in Russian. New York’s Premier Center for Plastic Surgery 195 Froehlich Farm Blvd., Woodbury 516-364-4200 461 Park Ave. South, New York 212-319-4999 www.greenbergcosmeticsurgery.com see ad on page 3 Dr. Greenberg is one of NY’s bestknown, board certified, plastic surgeons. Using the latest advances in technology, he performs the most advanced cosmetic surgical procedures in his fully-accredited, state-of-the- art ambulatory surgical center. Author and radio show host, he also has an antiaging skin care line to help reduce lines and wrinkles. He is sought after by patients and the media for his expertise in the field. He’s appeared on 20/20, CBS Evening News, and in Newsday, New York Times, Vogue, and many others. Dr. Greenberg offers complimentary consultations in his Woodbury and Park Ave. offices. Dr. Andrew Jacono is a Dual Board Certified, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon practicing in Great Neck and Manhattan. He is Section Head of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at North Shore Univ. Hospital, Assistant Clinical Professor at The NY Eye and Ear Infirmary and Albert Einstein College of Medicine; and author of the book Face the Facts: The Truth About Plastic Surgery Procedures. He has been featured on Good Morning America, CNN, USA Today and has his own television show on Discovery Channel called Facing Trauma! He specializes in minimally invasive Facelifts, eyelid lifts, browlifts, rhinoplasty, laser skin resurfacing, Botox, Juvederm, Radiesse and more. Roger B. Katz, M.D. is a Fellowshiptrained cosmetic surgeon specializing in non-invasive facial rejuvenation. The most advanced techniques and procedures are utilized to enhance and sculpt the face in a personal and private setting. Dr Katz of Long Island’s premier North Shore Cosmetic Medical Center and Spa offers a multidimensional, multi-modality approach to rejuvenating the face from the inside out with permanent or long term results, all without downtime or surgery. Call for a complimentary consultation. The information in Meet The Health Professional is provided by the advertisers, who are responsible for its accuracy and does not necessarily represent the editorial views of Long Island Woman 26 r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com m Meet The Health Professional Richard Linchitz, M.D. Dr. Pina LoGiudice James C. Marotta, M.D. Kelly O’Malley-Mattone M.D. Steven Mendelsohn M.D. Linchitz Medical Wellness, PLLC 70 Glen St., Ste. 300, Glen Cove 516-759-4200 www.linchitzwellness.com see ad on page 7 Inner Source Health 11 Stewart Ave., Huntington 631-421-1848 www.innersourcehealth.com see ad on page 11 Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery, P.C. 267 E. Main St., Ste. B5, Smithtown 631-982-2022 www.MarottaMD.com see ads on pages 21 & 27 Aesthetic Medical Studio 8 Bond St., Great Neck 516-482-2424 www.aestheticmedicalstudio.com see ad on page 16 Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology 9 locations throughout Long Island 516-798-4242, 631-444-5544 www.zprad.com see ad on back cover Richard Linchitz, MD is the Medical Director of Linchitz Medical Wellness which specializes in maintaining patient health through the “Six Pillars of Vibrant Health: diet, supplements, exercise, stress management, detoxification and hormone balancing. Dr. Linchitz is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, the American Board of Pain Medicine, the American Board of Antiaging Medicine, the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine, American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology and the International Board of Oxidative Medicine. He is also trained and certified in Insulin Potentiation Therapy™, an innovative cancer treatment. Hailed as a ‘world expert’ by Dr. Mehmet Oz on the Dr. Oz show, Dr. LoGiudice is truly a recognized expert in natural medicine. She is a licensed acupuncturist and naturopathic doctor. She is a past board member, secretary and Vice-President of the N.Y. Assoc. of Naturopathic Physicians. She is on the adjunctive faculty staff at the Natural Gourmet Institute for Food and Health and has taught at New York University. She has recently been published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine. Her newest inspiration is creating The BirthPlan,™ The9MonthPlan.com a unique and original seminar series approach towards teaching women about healthy pregnancy and birthing. Dual Board Certified Facial Specialist Dr. James Marotta is a leader in cosmetic and reconstructive facial plastic surgery on Long Island. Because of his expertise in the face, head & neck, Dr. Marotta is the ideal surgeon for facelifts, mini lifts, rhinoplasties, facial implants, fat injections, brow/ eye lifts & fractional CO2 laser treatments. Dr. Marotta is also one of Long Island’s top injectors of Botox, Dysport & fillers achieving beautiful, natural results. The office hosts an on-site accredited operating suite for your privacy & comfort. Dr. Marotta & his staff are committed to making your experience a positive one offering personalized attention & treating you with compassion & respect. Kelly O’Malley Mattone, M.D. is a Mount Sinai trained physician and anatomy expert who received her Medical Degree in 1989 and served as Chief Resident and Gross Anatomy Teaching Assistant. Dr. O’Malley Mattone continued at Mount Sinai Hospital as an Attending Physician, Clinical Residency Instructor and Associate Professor of Gross Anatomy. At her practice, Aesthetic Medical Studio, she will erase years from your face and take inches off your body without pain, surgery or downtime. During your private complimentary consultation, you will see unretouched photo albums of Dr. O’Malley Mattone’s work that undeniably confirm her state-ofthe-art non-surgical procedures yield visible and measurable results. Steven Mendelsohn, M.D., Medical Director of Zwanger-Pesiri Radiology, has been practicing his philosophy of “patients first” for the past 28 years. This attitude has helped him grow one of the largest radiology practices in the tristate area. He was the first to introduce advanced-level radiology technology to Long Island, such as the CT-Flash and 3T Open Skyra MRI. Dr. Mendelsohn is responsible for providing free radiology testing to Long Islanders who do not have health insurance, through a program he developed called “Give Back Sunday.” Dr. Mendelsohn is a member of the Long Island Radiological Society and The Nassau County Medical Society. The information in Meet The Health Professional is provided by the advertisers, who are responsible for its accuracy and does not necessarily represent the editorial views of Long Island Woman Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery Gives Back! All money donated by Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery to The Damien House Foundation will be directly applied to providing medications & treatment to Hansen’s patients at the Damien House hospital and clinic. Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery will be donating 10% of the profits from every gift card they sell during the month of December to a charitable organization in need. Don’t miss their special holiday offer: For every $200 of gift certificates that you buy for someone else, you’ll receive a free Microdermabrasion or PCA Peel for YOURSELF (a $130 value)! Gift certificates can be used for any treatment or product offered at Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery. Make sure to get yours today and help make a difference while making someone happy! ABOUT MAROTTA FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery is Long Island’s premier cosmetic & reconstructive facial surgery center. Led by dual Board CertiGive a Gift — Get a Gift fied Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. James C. Marotta, the practice offers facial rejuvenation surgeries & non-surgical treatments in a Help a Cause! private, luxurious setting. Dr. Marotta’s extensive training in the ABOUT THE CHARITY Call (631) 982-2022 to purchase highly complex anatomy of the face makes him a leader in his Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery helps support The Damien House a gift certificate today! field. Recognized as a full facial rejuvenation specialist, he expertly Foundation, a charitable hospital and clinic in Guayaquil, Ecuador that transforms the lives of patients with Hansen’s Disease (leprosy). Hansen’s Disease performs facelifts, mini-lifts, endoscopic brow/midface lifts, & permanent fat injecis a mild but persistent infectious disease caused by bacteria that enter the body by tions in the privacy & comfort of his on-site accredited operating suite. Additionally, aerosol droplets and cause symptoms including nerve damage, lumps and/or ulcers on Dr. Marotta performs rhinoplasties, eyelid lifts, facial implants, hair transplants, as the skin, selective muscle paralysis, and blindness. The disease also frequently leads well as his signature EZ Lift™ Mini-Facelift and Eyelift surgeries under local. Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery is also center for laser and non-surgical skin rejuto deformities of the face, nose, ears and hands requiring corrective plastic surgery. Although rare in developed countries such as the US, the disease is prevalent in impov- venation featuring treatments like CO2 fractional laser skin resurfacing, IPL photoerished areas of Asia, Africa, and South America. According to Dr. Julie Gerberding, the facials, and now the revolutionary Ulthera skin tightening “non-surgical facelift.” director of the United States Center for Disease Control, “leprosy could be eradicated Make Marotta Facial Plastic Surgery your center for medical grade aesthetic skin worldwide, if that goal were to be set.” The disease is completely curable. After only care. The practice offers microdermabrasion, laser hair removal, anti-aging facials two weeks on antibiotics, Hansen’s patients are no longer contagious. Full treatment & chemical peels as well as an extensive line of Jane Iredale Mineral Makeup, PCA to cure the disease takes anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the products and the exclusive MarottaMD Signature Skincare line. To learn more, visit www.MarottaMD.com. individual’s immune system and the severity of disease present. advertisement To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Decemberr-0/(*4-"/%80."/r27 Meet The Health Professional Annette Pennington Ellen Piernick, Wholistic Nutritionist Charlotte Ann Rhee MD Jackie Rubino David A. Schelssinger. M.D. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, PC 833 Northern Blvd., Great Neck 516-498-8400 aestheticplasticsurgerypc.com see ad on page 16 South Shore Wholistic Weight Loss 220 E. Beech Street, Long Beach 516-897-0369 www.thehcgcoaches.com see ad on page 15 Fusion Skin Spa 798 Grand Blvd., Deer Park 631-940-1672 www.fusionskinspa.com see ad on page 9 Annette Pennington, Licensed Medical Aesthetician at Aesthetic Plastic Surgery P.C., will analyze, refresh and rejuvenate your skin. An expert in anti–aging skin care as well as problematic skin conditions, she graduated St Vincent’s Hospital School of Nursing. She has brought years of medical experience as well as her compassionate nature into her aesthetic practice. Services include customized skin care programs to “turn back the hands of time”, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, laser hair removal, and the latest state of the art IPL Photorejuvenation by Lumenis. Skin care services are coordinated with Dr’s Feingold, Israeli and Korn. Call for a complimentary consultation. Ellen Piernick has appeared on TV and radio programs throughout the U.S. discussing numerous cuttingedge nutritional topics and is the author of Wholistic Nutrition eBooks: A Synergistic Approach to Health. She is an avid student and a vocal proponent of alternative health and healing. In 1994, she founded The Organic Frog, Inc., to share information about nutritional information. She also launched Greens Today, a 72 ingredient superfood formula that she developed. She shares a holistic health practice with the acclaimed Dr. Moshe Dekel, and specializes on HCG weight loss. 257 East Jericho Tpke., Huntington Station 631-424-6707 www.liplasticsurgery.com see ads on pages 5 & 22 Dr. Charlotte Ann Rhee is a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon. Dr. Rhee specializes in surgery of the breast; Lejour (lollipop scar) breast reduction/lifts and mommy makeovers. She is a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS). Her in-office surgical facility is fully accredited by the Joint Commission (JCAHO). If you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Rhee, please call her Huntington office at 631-424-6707. Please feel free to visit her web site at www.liplasticsurgery.com. Schlessinger Eye & Face 75 Froehlich Farm Blvd., Woodbury 516-496-2122 www.schlessingereyeandface.com see ad on page 9 Dr. Schlessinger, is Board Certified by the American Academy of Ophthalmology and completed his Fellowship training in Eyelid Plastic Surgery and Neuro-Ophthalmology. Dr. Schlessinger was the director of Oculoplastic Surgery and Neuroophthalmology at Brooklyn Jewish Hospital and was given the prestigious “Outstanding Clinician of the Year” award. He is Director of Oculoplastic Surgery at Nassau University Medical Center. As an Ophthalmic Plastic Surgeon with over a dozen years of experience, Dr. Schlessinger is uniquely qualified to treat the delicate skin of the eyelid and face. When it comes to your eyelids, Dr. Schlessinger is the physician of choice. Jackie Rubino is the co-owner of Fusion Skin Spa. She is also a certified Health and Nutrition Coach. She treats all aspects in wellness with an extensive knowledge in allergies, pregnancy and diabetes. Children and teens are also a focus of her practice. Some other services she offers at her spa are; permanent makeup, laser hair removal, laser tattoo removal, life coaching and educational testing, massage, acupuncture, botox and fillers, facials, HydraFacial, microdermabrasion and much more. Health & Wellness Professionals coming in January Health & Wellness Guide Women are Responsible for 80% of Healthcare Purchases Dr. David Steiner, Medical Director Five Towns Neuroscience Research 222 Rockaway Tpke., Ste. 1, Cedarhurst, 516-239-1800 www.ftniresearch.com see ad on page 31 Reach Long Island’s Healthcare Decision-Makers in this special issue David Steiner, MD trained at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, with a subsequent Fellowship at the acclaimed Mentefiore Headache Center and Pain Management. Dr. Steiner is Chief of Neurology at Peninsula Hospital Center, Medical Director of their Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Unit (one of only 5 in all of New York City) and is the Director of their Stroke Center that he founded. Dr. Steiner is head of the local Parkinson’s Chapter and has widely lectured on topics of headache, pain management, stroke and general neurology in addition to speaking for the local epilepsy society. Long Island Woman Health & Wellness Advertisers Receive a Free write up in this Special Guide Reserve Your Space & Copy by December 2nd Long Island’s only Island-wide award-winning woman’s publication For more information and to reserve your space, call: 516-505-0555 x1 or email: ads@liwomanonline com The information in Meet The Health Professional is provided by the advertisers, who are responsible for its accuracy and does not necessarily represent the editorial views of Long Island Woman 28r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Happenings December classes 1 •Crystal Crossover: 10am-12:30pm. Beads n’ Stitches. 153 Broadway, Hicksville. 516-296-9893. beadsnstitches.com. $25 fee. 4 •Crystal Crossover: 12:30-3pm. See December 1st. 5 •Crystal Crossover: 10am-12:30pm. Beads n’ Stitches. 2330 Merrick Rd., Merrick. 516-2969893. beadsnstitches.com. $25 fee. 6 •How to Meditate: 7:30-9:30pm. Judith S. Giannotti R.Hy., Smithtown. 631-724-9733. lightawakeningsmeditationandbeyond.com. Reduce stress and improve your life. 8 •Wire Linking: Call for times. Beads n’ Stitches. 153 Broadway, Hicksville. 516-296-9893. beadsnstitches.com. $25 fee. 10 •Crystal Crossover: 11am-1:30pm. See December 5th. •Touch of Beading: Call for times. Beads n’ Stitches. 233- Merrick Rd., Merrick. 516-296-9893. beadsnstitches.com. $10 fee. 13 •Meditation Group: 7:30-9:30pm. Judith S. Giannotti R.Hy., Smithtown. 631-724-9733. lightawakeningsmeditationandbeyond.com. Achieve inner peace and understanding. 15 •Crystal Crossover: 10am-12:30pm. See December 5th. 18 •Bead Embroidery: 10am-12:30pm. Beads n’ Stitches. 153 Broadway, Hicksville. 516-296-9893. beadsnstitches.com. $25 fee. 23 •Knotting with Silk: 7:30-10pm. Beads n’ Stitches. 153 Broadway, Hicksville. 516-296-9893. beadsnstitches.com. $25 fee. 24 •Basic Jewelry Making Workshop: 11am-1pm. Beads n’ Stitches. 153 Broadway, Hicksville. 516296-9893. beadsnstitches.com. $20 plus close of materials used. 30 •Dutch Spiral Stitch: 10am-12:30pm. Beads n’ Stitches. 153 Broadway, Hicksville. 516-296-9893. beadsnstitches.com. $25 fee. Ongoing •Adolescent Support & Mentoring: By appointment. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator: Marlene Natalie. For those adolescents whose lives have been touched by cancer-related illnesses. •Breast Cancer Exercise Program: Noon-1pm, Saturdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. For breast cancer patients who are finished with treatment. Provided by personal trainers certified in teaching exercise & wellness to breast cancer survivors. •Cancer Discussion: 1-2:30pm, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator, Geri Barish. An informal, ongoing chat for people whose lives have been touched by cancer. •Cancer Support Group: 11:15am-12:15pm, Tuesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. For those in need of support for all cancer-related illnesses. Group members of different ages and with different types of cancer come together each week to support one another. •Cancer Support Group for Bilateral Surgery: 5:30-6:30pm, Tuesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator, Geri Barish. For women who have had bilateral surgery, double mastectomy. •Carol M. Baldwin Breast Cancer Education: 7pm. First Wednesday of every month through December 7th. Holiday Inn Express, Stony Brook University Room. 3131 Nesconset Hwy., Centereach. 631-444-4970. ic.sunysb.edu. •Crochet Class: noon-1:30pm, Thursdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-3743190. 1in9.org. The group is designed to help cancer patients draw strength from each other and enjoy togetherness in this circle of friendship. •Decoupage Art Class: 12:30-2:30pm. Tuesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. The art of decoupage under glass is in reformatting paper images to create something else. •Family Support & Cancer Support: By appointment, Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator, Florence Brodsky. For family members of those who have had cancer or are undergoing treatment. •Fit and Fabulous Yoga for Breast Cancer Patients: 6pm. Every Thursday until December 29th. Stony Brook University Cancer Center. 3 Edmund Pellegrino, Stony Brook. 631-444-9869. ic.sunysb.edu. •Fitness for Older Adults: 9:05am, Fridays. Long Beach Public Library, 11 W. Park Ave., Long Beach. 516-432-7201. nassaulibrary.org/ longbeach. •Italian Classes: October 1st through April 28th. Stony Brook University. 100 Nicolls Rd., Stony Brook and John Glenn HS, Elwood Rd., Elwood. 631-6327444. •Mat Yoga Mondays: 9am-10am Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341 x111. friedbergjcc.org. Yoga Instructor Sandy Pinz. •Music Appreciation: 11am-noon, Mondays. Mid Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516822-3535 x335. myjcc.org. Listen to operas, operettas and Broadway musicals. $110. •Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Support: 12:30-1:30pm, Tuesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Facilitator, Jill Alper. For those recently diagnosed with breast cancer. •Pilates: 6:30-7:30pm, Wednesdays. Huntington Library. 338 Main St., Huntington. 631-427-5165. thehuntingtonlibrary.org. Registration required. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com $12 for the series. •Pots of Hope: Thursdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. An innovative art class for cancer patients, using terra cotta flowerpots. •Reiki Clinic: Wednesdays by appointment. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Learn about and experience this simple healing technique. For all cancerrelated illness. •Sherlock Holmes: 12:30-1:30pm, Tuesdays. Mid Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Discussion group. $15. •Writers Round Table: 11am-noon, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Freelance writer and author Lyna Caruso facilitates this creative writing workshop for those affected by cancer. Eight-week program. Registration required. Free. •Yoga By Nature: 8:30am. Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center, 134 Cover Rd., Oyster Bay. 516-922-3200. audubon.org. A sixweek series of yoga classes for all levels. •Yoga for Beginners with Linda Cadle Hinton: 6:30-7:30pm, Wednesdays. Huntington Library Station, 1335 New York Ave., Huntington Station. 631-421-5053. thehuntingtonlibrary.org. Registration required. $24 for the series. •Yoga for Beginners with Augusta Berner: 1011am, Thursdays. Huntington Library, 338 Main St., Huntington. 631-427-5165. thehuntingtonlibrary.org. Registration required. $12 for the series. •Yoga Intermediate: 9:15-10:15am., Saturdays. Huntington Library, 338 Main St., Huntington. 631-427-5165. thehuntingtonlibrary.org. Registration required. $15 for the series. •Yoga/Stress Reduction: 11am-noon, Wednesdays. Hewlett House, 86 East Rockaway Rd., Hewlett. 516-374-3190. 1in9.org. Mondays 1:30-2:30 pm. 6-week program. For all cancer-related illness. Spotlight Tapestry Tapestry, a vocal ensemble of women called “utter perfection” by Gramophone magazine, presents composer Sheila Silver’s “The White Rooster,” commissioned by the Smithsonian to accompany the museum’s exhibit In the Realm of the Buddha. Tapestry’s “Song of Songs” interprets Bibical text as well as Latin chant, medieval compositions, Hebrew cantillation, Israeli songs, and improvisation between vielle (medieval fiddle) and percussion. Vocalists Laurie Monahan, Cristi Catt, Diana Brewer and Daniela Tosic will be joined by Shira Kammen on vielle (medieval fiddle) and Takaaki Masuko on percussion. When: Sunday, December 4, 2011 at 3pm Where: Staller Center for the Arts, Stony Brook University Tickets: stallercenter.com or call the box office at 631-632-ARTS 969-1101. boultoncenter.org. 3 ©Long Island Woman •Adelphi Opera Workshop: 8pm.ofAdelphi May not be used without permission Long UniverIsland Woman sity Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. •Bombino: 8pm. Landmark of Main St.. 232 Main 1 •Between Two Worlds: 7:30pm. Cinema Arts St., Port Washington. 516-767-6444. landmarkonCentre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423- mainstreet.org. 7611. cinemaartscentre.org. Documentary explor- •Paul Anka Christmas My Way: 7pm NYCB Theing the community and family divisions that are atre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. redefining American Jewish identity and politics. •David Archuleta: My Kind of Christmas Tour 2011: •Pink Floyd: Dark Side of the Moon: 8pm. Tilles 8pm NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. •My Reincarnation: 7:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. •Vanilla Fudge- The Farewell Tour: 8pm. YMCA 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cin- Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. emaartscentre.org. With Filmmaker Jennifer Fox. Entertainment 2 •Anna Dagmar and David Goldman: 8:30pm. UU Congregation of Central Nassau. 222 Stewart Ave., Garden City. 516-248-8891. uuccn.org. •Cesar Millan- The Dog Whisperer: 7pm NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. •The Hit Men: 7:30 and 9:30pm. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. •Raul Malo: 8pm. YMCA Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631- 4 •Boston Pops Esplanade Orchestra 2011 Holiday Pops Tour: 2pm. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516-2993100. tillescenter.org. •C.W. Post Department of Music Holiday Concert: 7pm. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. •Jeffrey Biegel: 2:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. Holiday season concert. December 2011 • Long Island Woman • 29 Happenings December •Tapestry: 3pm. Staller Center for the Arts. 100 Nicolls Rd., Stony Brook. 631-632-2787. stallercenter.com. •Winter Medley Concert: 2pm. Baldwin Public Library. 2385 Grand Ave., Baldwin. 516-223-6228. baldwinpl.org. Featuring the Moonlight Serenaders Swing Band. 6 •Adelphi Concert Band: 7:30pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. •Buster Keaton’s Seven Chances: 7:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. A 1925 American comedy silent film. 7 •Chamber Music Ensemble: 7:30pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. 8 •Olivia Newton-John: 8pm NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800745-3000. livenation.com. 9 •Adelphi Jazz Ensemble: 7:30pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. •A Christmas Carol: 8pm. Houghton Hall Theatre at Trinity Episcopal Church. 130 Main St., Northport Village. 631-732-2926. minstrelplayers.org. •Collaborators: 7:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. A new play by John Hodge broadcasted live from the National Theatre. •Dunkin Sheik: 8pm. YMCA Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. •Holidays in Harmony: 8:30pm. UU Congregation of Central Nassau. 222 Stewart Ave., Garden City. 516-248-8891. uuccn.org. Featuring The Folk Goddesses, Gathering Time, Strike the Bell, and Martha Trachtenberg and Tom Griffith. •Psychic Medium John Edward: 7:30pm NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. •Momix Botanica: 8pm. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516- 299-3100. tillescenter.org. 10 •A Christmas Carol: 8pm. See December 9th. •Darlene Love: Love for the Holidays: 8pm. Landmark of Main St.. 232 Main St., Port Washington. 516-767-6444. landmarkonmainstreet.org. •Emerson Hart with Jeffrey Gaines: 8pm. YMCA Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. •Itzhak Perlman: 8pm. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516299-3100. tillescenter.org. •A Leahy Family Christmas: 8pm. Staller Center for the Arts. 100 Nicolls Rd., Stony Brook. 631632-2787. stallercenter.com. •The Nutcracker: 12 and 5pm. Hofstra University. Hempstead Turnpike, Hempstead. 888-695-0888. ohmanballet.org. Under the artistic direction of Frank Ohman. 11 •The Adelphi Chorus: 3pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. •A Christmas Carol: 3pm. See December 9th. •The Homegrown String Band: 2:30pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulalibrary.org. Georgianne and Rick Jackofsky and their two daughters. •Judy Collins and Arlo Guthrie: 7pm. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. •The Nutcracker: 1pm. See December 10th. 13 •Eileen Ivers- An Nollaig “An Irish Christmas”: 8pm. YMCA Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. 14 •Eileen Ivers- An Nollaig “An Irish Christmas:” 8pm. See Dember 13th. 15 •Carla Ulbrich and Rupert Wates: 8:30-10:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. Live music from the Folk Society of Huntington. You’re Right! You should be advertising in The most cost-efficient way to deliver your message to over 140,000 Long Island women for advertising information 516-505-0555 x1 • ads@liwomanonline.com 30 • Long Island Woman • December 2011 16 •America and Jim Messina: 8pm NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 17 •Aztec Two Step: 8pm. YMCA Boulton Center for the Performing Arts. 37 W. Main St., Bay Shore. 631-969-1101. boultoncenter.org. •Hal Linden “I’m Old Fashioned”: 8pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi.edu. •The Nutcracker performed by The Eglevsky Ballet: 12 and 5pm. Tilles Center for the Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516-2993100. tillescenter.org. •The Nutcracker: See December 10th. 18 •Liza Minelli: 7pm NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. •A Staged Reading of A Christmas Carol: 2pm. Adelphi University Performing Arts Center. 1 South Ave., Garden City. 516-877-4000. aupac.adelphi. edu. •The Nutcracker performed by the Eglevsky Ballet: 1 and 5pm. See December 17th. •The Nutcracker: 1pm. See December 10th. 23 •Kenny Rogers Christmas and Hits: 8pm NYCB Theatre at Westbury. 960 Brush Hollow Rd., Westbury. 800-745-3000. livenation.com. 27 •The Rolling Stones: 7:30pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. With Shelley Archives Speaker, Bill Shelley. 28 •Love Exposure: 7pm. Cinema Arts Centre. 423 Park Ave., Huntington. 631-423-7611. cinemaartscentre.org. A 12008 Japanese film written and directed by Sion Sono. 31 •Long Island Philharmonic Annual New Year’s Eve Spectacular: 7:30pm. Tilles Center for the PATRICIA BONO ANIMAL COMMUNICATOR PSYCHIC Gain insight into the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your animal friends 516-922-7574 patricia@optonline.net www.patriciabono.com Performing Arts. 720 Northern Blvd., Greenvale. 516-299-3100. tillescenter.org. Ongoing •A Wonderful Life: Through January 8th. John W. Engeman Theatre, 250 Main St., Northport. 631261-9700. engemantheatre.com. events 1 •Night of Shopping: 5:-9pm. Lakeside Elementary School. 21 Babylon Rd., Merrick. 516-992-7231. Fundraiser for cultural arts programs for K-6 students hosted by Norman J. Levy Lakeside PTS in Merrick. •Your Health Means Everything: 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516239-3262. peninsulalibrary.org. Lecture/.Discussion on preventative tips to avoid falling. 2 •15th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony: 5:307:30pm. Bayard Cutting Arboretum. Montauk Highway, Great River. 631-581-1002. nysparks. com. •General End- User PC Technology: 6:308:30pm. Brentwood Public Library. 2nd Ave., Brentwood. 516-350-0090. iconpcug.org. 3 •Free Long Island Influenza Symposium: 10am2pm. 510 Grumman Road West, Bethpage. Contact Brendan Beebe at 516-390-5203 or BBeebe@asfhs.org. This free symposium is open to all Long Island residents and business owners who want to learn the ways to prevent infection from the influenza. •Pitchapalooza: 2pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. 4 •How Terribly Strange To Be 70: 2pm. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341. friedbergjcc.org. Presentation honoring Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel. •Gingerbread House Contest and Bake Sale: 1-4pm. Valley Stream Historical Society. 143 Hen- ONE COMPANY. ONE AGENT. MANY WAYS TO SAVE. Let me help you save time and money. Protecting more of your world with Allstate makes your life easier. And it can put more money in your pocket. Bundle your policies and you can save even more. Why wait? Call me today. ROSEANN VERCILLO (516) 561-7777 32 CENTRAL COURT VALLEY STREAM a049943@allstate.com Subject to terms, conditions and availability. Savings vary. Allstate Property and Casualty Insurance Company, Allstate Indemnity Company: Northbrook, Illinois © 2011 Allstate Insurance Company. To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com May not b Happenings December drickson Ave., Valley Stream. 516-825-7157. 5 •A Catskill Retrospective: 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-2393262. peninsulalibrary.org. Exploration of the history of this resort setting, the “mountains” with Larry Stricker. •Health Lecture: 12pm. Wild By Nature Oceanside. 2709 Long Beach Rd., Oceanside. 516-7643580. thehcgcoaches.com. Topics include: PH alkaline balance of the body, cellular detoxification, applied kinesiology, organic foods & dehydrating, HCG weight loss, benefits of infrared and more with Ellen Piernick, wholistic nutritionist. 6 •Lights of Love Ceremony: 6pm. Astoria Federal Savings. 180 W. Main St., Babylon Village. 631465-6350. goodshepherdhospice.net. Christmas tree and menorah lighting. •Paul Griffin: 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-271-1442. bookrevue.com. He will speak about and sign his new book, Stay With Me. •Sarah’s Key: 10am and 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulalibrary.org. 7 •Afternoon Book Discussion: 2pm. Baldwin Pub- lic Library. 2385 Grand Ave., Baldwin. 516-2236228. baldwinpl.org. Discussion of Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin. •Alix Strauss and Susan Henderson: 7pm. Book Revue. 313 New York Ave., Huntington. 631-2711442. bookrevue.com. They will speak about and sign their respective novels, Based Upon Availability and Up from the Blue. 8 •How to Buy and Sell on eBay: 7pm. Baldwin Public Library. 2385 Grand Ave., Baldwin. 516223-6228. baldwinpl.org. •Lights of Love Ceremony: 6pm. Astoria Federal Savings. 1047 N. Country Rd., Stony Brook. 631465-6350. goodshepherdhospice.net. Christmas tree and menorah lighting. •Syosset Camera Club Competition: Call for times. Community center in Hypath Park. Hypath Rd., Old Bethpage. 516-528-0421. syossetcc.org. •Your Health Means Everything: 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516239-3262. peninsulalibrary.org. Lecture/discussion on exercises to improve balance. 11 •Human Rights Talk: 11am. Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island. 38 Old Country Rd., Garden City. 516-741-7304. Dr. David B. Lowry will be presenting the talk of Business, social devel- opment and human rights in a transitional world. 13 Minimally invasive plastic surgery and non-surgical treatments. •Human Impact on Long Island Wildlife: 7:30pm. Freeport Memorial Library. 144 W. Merrick Rd., Freeport. 516-432-8156. ssaudubon.org. Meet some of the center’s permanently disabled resident wild animals and learn about the wildlife cases that have come to Volunteers for Wildlife’s Hospital with Lauren Schulz. •Jane Eyre: 10am and 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulalibrary.org. •Lights of Love Ceremony: 6pm. Astoria Federal Savings. 3887 Merrick Rd., Seaford. 631-4656350. goodshepherdhospice.net. Christmas tree and menorah lighting. •Weight Loss Seminar: 6:30pm. Mather Hospital. Port Jefferson with Dr. Anif Ahmad. For more information call 631-689-0220 x104. Free. 15 14 •Illustrated Lecture: 1pm. Peninsula Public Library. 280 Central Ave., Lawrence. 516-239-3262. peninsulalibrary.org. Hidden corners of the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Vivian Gordon. •Health Lecture: 7pm. Wild By Nature Huntington. 369 W. Main St., Huntington. 631-424-6480. thehcgcoaches.com. Topics include: PH alkaline balance of the body, cellular detoxification, applied kinesiology, organic foods & dehydrating, HCG weight loss, benefits of infrared and more with Ellen Piernick, wholistic nutritionist. •Plastic Surgery Seminar: 5-6pm. 516-773-4646. •Ken Bausert at the Syosset Camera Club: 7:3010pm. Community center in Hypath Park. Hypath Rd., Old Bethpage. 516-528-0421. syossetcc.org. Ken will present The Past Five Years of My Vision. 17 •Festival Of Lights Benefit: 7pm. Middle Bay Country Club. 3600 Skillman Ave., Oceanside. For more information contact Tamar Segura at 516634-4148. tsegura@friedbergjcc.org. 18 •Community Chanukah Party: 11am-1pm. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341. friedbergjcc.org. 19 22 •Syosset Camera Club Photography Critique: 7:30-10pm. Community center in Hypath Park. Hypath Rd., Old Bethpage. 516-528-0421. syossetcc.org. OngOing MeditatiOn grOup achieve inner peace & understanding Newcomers Always Welcome Chakras Your personal energy system 128 Old Town Road, Suite B, Setauket Awaken Your Spiritual Power, Energize, Clear Your Body Now accepting registration for 8 Week Course WIll only be offered once - Begins January 2012 www.goldcoastpilates.com (631) 675-2787 astrOlOgiCal insights GET YOUR SLEEK PHYSIQUE… AlWAYS AvAIlABlE Group Reformer & Pilates Arc Classes Private Instruction on Full Apparatus Teacher Education Courses Wellness and Beauty Services Balanced Body® Authorized Training Center Prepaid Discounts Available - call for details *Alternate Tuesdays ~ 7:30 – 9:30 PM All Events - Smithtown Judith s. giannOtti, M.a., r.hY. 631-724-9733 www.lightawakeningsmeditationandbeyond.com TAROT PSYCHIC-MEDIUM READINGS ©Long Island Woman May not be used without permission of Long Island Woman IN PERSON - BY PHONE AVAILABLE FOR PARTIES: PRIVATE • BUSINESS • CORPORATE USUI/KARUNA REIKI MASTER TEACHER & PRACTITIONER PRIVATE & DISTANCE SESSIONS CLASSES OFFERED PATRICIA BONO 516-922-7574 patricia@optonline.net www.patriciabono.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Imagine the Possibilities… Trouble Trouble Wake-Up with Sleeping? Waking Up? Make-Up TO:______________________ SENT: Date:________ Time: _______ Sales Rep:________________ Permanent We can help you PLEASE RETURN this form to LONG ISLAND WOMAN by fax: 1-866-675-3811 or email: ads@liwoman ©LONG ISLAND WOMAN May not be used without permission of LONG ISLAND WOMAN Get your nights back! CosmetiCs NO LATER THAN: DATE:_________________ TIME: ___________ by Phoebe Reines CORRECTIONS AND CHANGES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY TELEPHONE & will not be made without authorizatio Eyebrows • Eyeliner • Line • Full Lipswe will assume that th If we do an not appointment! receive this form with signature or an email by date and time Lip indicated above Call now to schedule (Please check one of the choices below.) Receive $50 Off your treatment w/mention of this ad. Exp. 12/31/11 __ AD IS FINE AS IS.222 rockaway turnpike, cedarhurst, ny 631-331-8934 631-681-0484 __ Please make the following CHANGES (that were not on my original instructions). 301 Maple Ave., Smithtown I understand that since I did not originally give these instructions I will be charged a minimum $40 p Also Specializesorincopy, Laser Hair Removal 516-239-1800 __SeSSionS Please For make Shomer ShabboS Facility. Separate menthe and following women uponCORRECTIONS requeSt. (errors fromwww.PermanentMakeUpbyPhoebe.com my original instructions). Authorization Signature _________________________________ December 2011 • Long Island Woman • 31 ©Long Island Woman May not be used without permission of Long Island Woman Happenings December 26 s#ANDLELIGHT 4OUR OF 0AGAN&LETCHER 2ESTORA TION 6-8pm. Valley Stream Historical Society. 143 Hendrickson Ave., Valley Stream. 516-825-7157. 27 s7EIGHT ,OSS 3EMINAR 6:30pm. See December 13th. ONGOING s!DULT #ONNECTIONS 7 or 7:30pm (time varies), Thursdays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-766-4341 x111. friedbergjcc.org. $10 dues per month. Additional fees apply occasionally for theme dinners, etc. s!DULT (APPENINGS 7:45-9:15pm, Tuesdays. Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x328. miyjcc.org. Ages 40 and up. s"ABY"OOMERS#LUB 7:30-9:30pm, Wednesdays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-6344170. friedbergjcc.org. For those between 1946 and 1964. $10. s"OOK ,OVERS "ONANZA 1:30-5pm, on the first Wednesday of each month. Extended hours until 8pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Library Wing on Merrick and Kirkwood Avenues. 516-379-6434. s#ONNECTIONS 6:30-7:45pm, second and fourth Tuesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. syjcc.org. Widow and widowers group for ages 50 and up. $9 or 516465-2520. s#REATURE &EATURE 2pm on Saturdays. Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary & Audubon Center, 134 Cove Rd., Oyster Bay. 516-922-3200. audubon.org. A Sanctuary naturalist will provide you with an upclose look at one of our resident wild creatures each week. Free. s&RIENDSHIP#IRCLE 7:30-10pm, Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s'ETTINGTHE*OB/FFER3ECRETSFROMTHE/THER 3IDEOFTHE$ESK6-9pm on Wednesdays through December 28th. The Business Corners Ste B13. 200 Motor Pkwy, Happauge. 631-757-2936. gettingthejob.eventbee.com. Get interviews, work with headhunters, learn to negotiate, image assessment, resume evaluation and more. s'IVE "ACK 3UNDAYS Once a month ZwangerPesiri Radiology provides free radiological exams ( MRI, CT SCAN, X-ray, Mammography, etc.) for uninsured Nassau and Suffolk County residents. For more information, upcoming dates, and phone numbers, visit ZPgivebacksundays.org. s)NSURANCE%NROLLMENT3ESSIONS 5-8pm, first and third Thursday of each month. Franklin Hospital, Admitting Dept., 900 Franklin Ave., Valley Stream. 516-256-6397 or 866-381-1931. healthcareaccess.edu. Family & Child Health Plus free or lowcost health insurance available for NYS residents. s*APANESE #LASSICAL $ANCE: 4:30-6pm & 6:308pm Tuesdays. Long Island Japanese Culture Center. 12 Lincoln Ave., Roslyn Heights. 917-226-1195. takahashi.mieko@gmail.com. Learn to wear kimono and dance with a fan in the elegant Soke Fujima style. Beginners of all ages. For free trial lesson, contact the instructor. s-AIN (OUSE 4OURS 1-3:15pm. Through December 4th. Connetquot River State Park Preserve. Sunrise Highway, Oakdale. 631-581-1072. nysparks.com. s-ICHAEL &AIRCHILD 7ANDERLUST THE 1UEST FOR )MAGES OF "EAUTY Through January 3rd. Huntington Public Library’s Main Art Gallery. 338 Main St., Huntington. 631-427-5165. artgallery@ thehuntingtonlibrary.org. Fairchild photographs weddings, and does portraiture, as well as public relations work, and corporate and human interest video production. s-ONDAY-INGLE 11am-1pm, Mondays, Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Elders-Long Island (SAGELI), 34 Park Ave., Bay Shore. (516) 484-9338, sageli.org. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people 50+0. Coffee and cake is provided. s.IGHT 3KY /BSERVING 3ESSIONS 7pm-midnight, Saturdays. Custer Institute and Observatory, 1115 Main Bayview Rd., Southold. 631-765-2626. CusterObservatory.org. Guided tours of the night sky through powerful telescopes. Weather permitting. Suggested donation $5. s2!$)3( (Reserve a Day for Interesting Social Happenings): 11:30am-1:30pm, Tuesdays, MidIsland Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $6. s2!02ETIREES!CTIVITY0ROGRAM: 2-4:15pm, Mid- DIVORCE or ANNULMENT 2"1(-3,"- ,%+.%*)-%''"! ("2",0% "3*),"(%-",%'/13+*,.-2"#'--"-3",%)#%!Largest Selection of Frames from Modest to Eclectic *(*,!3%')!",3* $3% $"'*,-3%*, '0%)'"%)3*' ")3",- "3,! */." .*)2,**& "!*-.",$*++%)#").", 631-246-5468 www.stonybrookvisionworld.com +")*).$,/.3* .*,0%''"2++*%).("). 32r-0/(*4-"/%80."/rDecember 2011 in as little as one day Fully Guaranteed Over 50 years experience From $995 www.Divorcefast.com 978-443-8387 Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516822-3535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 55 and up. $6. s2%!#( 2ECREATIONAL %DUCATIONAL!RTISTIC #ULTURAL (APPENINGS 10:30am-noon, Tuesdays. Sid Jacobson JCC, 300 Forest Drive, East Hills. 516484-1545 x134. sjjcc.org. Ages 60 and up. $10. s3!'% 3ENIOR !DULT 'ROUP %NTHUSIASTS 10:30am, second Thursdays. Woodbury Jewish Center, 200 S. Woods Rd., Woodbury. 516-496-9100. s3INGLES #HAT #HEW 7:45-9:30pm, Wednesdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x139. syjcc.org. Group for all singles facilitated by a certified social worker. Refreshments served. $9. s3OCIABLE 3INGLES 3-5pm, first and third Thursdays. Suffolk Y JCC, 74 Hauppauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 x121. syjcc.org. Group for active, single seniors ages 60 and up. $4. Registration required. s3OPHISTICATED 3INGLES 7:30-9:30pm, Mondays. Friedberg JCC, 15 Neil Ct., Oceanside. 516-7664341 x133. friedbergjcc.org. Singles ages 40 and up meet weekly; facilitated by Irwin Pfeffer. $8. s7EDNESDAY#LUB 10:30am-1:30pm, Mid-Island Y JCC, 45 Manetto Hill Rd., Plainview. 516-8223535 x335. miyjcc.org. Ages 70 and up. $6. EXHIBITS ONGOING s4HE !LEF "ET OF "EING A -ENSCH Sundays 1-4pm. Suffolk Y JCC, Alan and Helene Rosenberg Discovery Museum. 74 Happauge Rd., Commack. 631-462-9800 xt. 140. suffolkyjcc.org s$AHLIA %XHIBITION: 1-4pm. The Carriage House. Bayard Cutting Arboretum on Montauk Hwy., East Islip. 516-832-3652. longislanddahlia.com. s&AMILY3UNDAYATTHE-USEUM 1pm, Sundays. One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-4849337. nassaumuseum.org. 1pm. Docent-led family walk-through of the exhibition and, beginning at 1:30 pm, supervised art activities for the whole family. Special family guides of the main exhibition are available in the galleries. Museum admission required. s*OHN!DAMS5NBOUND Through February 17th. Sachem Public Library. 150 Holbrook Rd., Hol- Beads n’ Stitches A LONG ISLAND BEAD STORE brook. 631-588-5024. sachemlibrary.org. Explore the personal library of John Adams. s.#-!S 3CULPTURE 0ARK Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. More than 50 works by renowned artists set amidst the 145acre property. s.#-!S 7ALKING 4RAILS AND 'ARDENS Nassau County Museum of Art, One Museum Drive, Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. The museum’s 145 acres include many marked nature trails through the woods. Experience the many lush examples of horticultural arts. s4HE0AINTINGSOF,OUIS#OMFORT4IFFANY7ORKS FROM A ,ONG )SLAND #OLLECTION December 10th through March 18th. 11am-4:45pm Tuesdays through Sundays. Nassau County Museum of Art. 1 Museum Dr., Roslyn Harbor. 516-484-9337. nassaumuseum.org. This exhibition showcases approximately 125 oils on canvas and works on paper by Louis Comfort Tiffany. s3ITESFOR3CULPTURE Through July 2012. Dowling College. 150 Idle Hour Blvd., Oakdale. 631-2443016. dowling.edu. Featuring artists; Breon Dunigan, Dorothy Frankel, Elaine Grove, Gloria Kisch, Wendy Klemperer and Arden Scott. s7INTER#HEER!RTFOR(OLIDAY'IVINGThrough December 23rd. Gallery North. For more information call 631-751-2676. !LL LISTINGS FOR (APPENINGS CONSIDERATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY EMAIL CALENDAR LIWOMANONLINECOM BYTHEFIRSTOFTHEMONTHFORTHEFOLLOWINGMONTH .OINFORMATIONWILLBEACCEPTEDBYTELEPHONE ,ISTINGSAREPUBLISHEDONASPACEAVAILABLEBASIS To Spotlight your event call the advertising department at 516-505-0555 x1 or email ads@liwomanonline.com. Deadline for January Happenings submissions December 1st Buy this space for as low as visit www.beadsnstitches.com for a listing of our Workshops and see our listing in Long Island Woman’s Happenings Calendar 2330 Merrick Rd., Merrick 153 Broadway, Hicksville Just west of Newbridge Rd. Just north of Old Country Rd. 516-783-1124 516-396-9893 129 $ a month For more information: 516-505-0555 x1 ads@liwomanonline.com To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com Support Groups Alcohol, Drug and Other Addictions s!!!L!NON-EETINGS *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s!LCOHOLICS!NONYMOUS NASSAUNYAAORGSUFFOLKNYAAORG "AY3HORE516-435-2863 &REEPORT s#ARE#ENTER#HILDRENOF!LCOHOLICS'ROUP s$EBTORS!NONYMOUS212-969-8111 !SCENSTION,UTHERAN#HURCH"AYSHORE2D$EER0ARK DANYCINFO s&AMILIES!NONYMOUS *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s&OOD!DDICTS!NONYMOUS ,AKE'ROVE )SLIP s'AMBLERS!NONYMOUS s/VEREATERS!NONYMOUS631-473-1320 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s3EXUAL!DDICTIONS!NONYMOUS3!./.3!#OUPLES 347-531-5977 s7OMENFOR3OBRIETY215-536-8026 WOMENFORSOBRIETYORG Alzheimers s!DULT#HILDRENOF)NDIVIDUALSWITH!LZHEIMERS'ROUPS ,)!& ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATIONLIAFORG s!LZHEIMERS!SSOCIATION 2ONKONKOMAALZORGLONGISLAND !LZHEIMERS'ROUPS ,)!& ,ONG)SLAND!LZHEIMERS&OUNDATIONLIAFORG s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERSX #OMMUNITY0ROGRAMS#ENTEROF,)2ONKONKOMA s!LZHEIMERS#AREGIVERS'ROUP 516-432-0570 4EMPLE%MANU%LOF,ONG"EACH,ONG"EACH s&RIENDSHIP#IRCLE 516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s,ETS$O,UNCH9OUNG/NSET 516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s3HABBAT2ESPITE0ROGRAMX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMYJCCORG s3POUSESOF!LZHEIMERS$EMENTIA0ATIENTS 631-264-0222 "ROADLAWN-ANOR!MITYVILLE Bereavement s!NIMAL"EREAVEMENT'ROUP 516-785-6416 ,ONG)SLAND6ETENARY3PECIALIST#ENTER0LAINVIEW s"EREAVEMENT 631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s"EREAVEMENT 516-465-2500 .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEMVARIOUS LOCATIONSNORTHSHORELIJEDU s"EREAVEMENT 3T,OUISDE-ONTFORT2##HURCH s"EREAVEMENTX &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG s"EREAVEMENT 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s"EREAVEMENTX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s"EREAVEMENTX 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s"EREAVEMENTX 3T-ARYS#HURCH(ARRISON!VE%)SLIP MARYSEASTISLIPORG s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSUICIDE "ROOKHAVEN(OSPICE s"EREAVEMENTX 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s"EREAVEMENTON 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s"EREAVEMENT'ROUPSFOR#HILDRENAND&AMILIES 516-626-1971 .ORTH3HORE#HILDAND&AMILY'UIDANCE#ENTER s$ROP)N"EREAVEMENT'ROUP631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s$EATHOFA#HILD3UPPORT'ROUP 631-738-0809 3T3YLVESTERS#HURCH-EDFORD s'RIEF3HARE 516-731-6736 0LAINEDGE"APTIST#HURCH"ETHPAGE s(%!,(ELP%ASE!,OSS 3T4HOMASOF#ANTERBURY#HURCH3MITHTOWN s(OLOCAUST3URVIVORSAND&RIENDS X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s,OSSOFA"ABY 631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s,OSSOFA#HILDX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s,OSSOFA3IBLINGX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s,OSSOF3POUSE 516-634-4190 &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG s2ECENT7IDOW7IDOWERX &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG s2ECENTLY"EREAVED'ROUP 866-789-5423 3UNRISEOF.,YNBROOK.,YNBROOK s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERS X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s7IDOW7IDOWERX *##OF7EST(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD &%'30ARTNERSIN#ARING&RIEDBERG*## s7IDOW7IDOWERX 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s7IDOW7IDOWERAGESANDUP 516-395-8303 0ARKWAY#OMMUNITY#HURCH(ICKSVILLE s7IDOW7IDOWERAGES X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG s7IDOWS'ROUPX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s7IDOWSAND7IDOWERSTO!GE X 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG Breast and other Cancers s!DELPHI.EW9ORK3TATE7IDE"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE s!MERICAN#ANCER3OCIETY !#3 CANCERORG s"REAST#ANCER516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s"REASTAND/VARIAN#ANCERX To advertise: 516-505-0555 x1 or ads@liwomanonline.com 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s"REAST#ANCER631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER "REAST(EALTH#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s"REAST#ANCER&AMILYAND&RIENDS631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER "REAST(EALTH#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s#ANCER'ROUP &RANKLIN(OSPITAL6ALLEY3TREAM s#ANCER0ATIENTAND3URVIVOR'ROUP631-675-9003 ,ONG)SLAND#ANCER(ELPAND7ELLNESS#ENTER "AY3HOREBREASTCANCERHELPINCORG s#ANCER'ROUPS516-465-2500 .ORTH3HORE,ONG)SLAND*EWISH(EALTH3YSTEMVARIOUS LOCATIONSNORTHSHORELIJEDU s#ANCER3URVIVORS631-473-1320 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s#ANCER3UPPORT'ROUP516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s#ANCER3UPPORT'ROUPFOR7OMENWITH"ILATERAL -ASECTOMIES516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s$AY4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s&AMILY3UPPORT516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s(UNTINGTON"REAST#ANCER!CTION#OALITION 631-547-1518 HBCACORG s,EAN/N-E516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s,IFE'OES/N631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s,IVE,OVE,AUGH!GAINBREASTCANCER 631-476-2776 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s,OOK'OOD&EEL"ETTER631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER "REAST(EALTH#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s-ETASTATIC"REAST#ANCER516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s-ID)SLAND3KIN#ANCER516-352-4227 CCMACORG s.ATIONAL/VARIAN#ANCER#OALITION./## 631-672-2027 ,ONG)SLAND#HAPTER(UNTINGTON3TATION OVARIANORG s"REAST#ANCERAVARIETYOFSUPPORTGROUPS 516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s.EWLY$IAGNOSED"REAST#ANCER OR -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s.IGHT4IME'ROUPFOR"REAST#ANCER516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s#LOSE+NIT'ROUPKNITANDTALKGROUPFORWOMENWITH BREASTCANCER516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s3OUTH&ORK"REAST(EALTH#OALITION631-726-8606 SOUTHFORKBREASTCOM s3PANISH3PEAKING7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER 516-877-4314 s3POUSESAND0ARTNERSOF4HOSEWITH"REAST#ANCER 516-877-4314 3UPPORTFOR0EOPLE7ITH/RALAND(EADAND.ECK s#ANCER 3YOSSET3TONY"ROOKSPOHNCORG s4HRIVING4HROUGHAND"EYOND#ANCER516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s4HYROID#ANCER3URVIVORS(OTLINE877-588-7904 s9OUNG7OMENWITH"REAST#ANCER516-877-4314 !DELPHI5NIV3CHOOLOF3OCIAL7ORK'ARDEN#ITY s"REAST#ANCER(OTLINE800-877-8077 Caregivers s!DULT#HILDREN#AREGIVERS516-742-2050 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEW *!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER MIYJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX &%'33YOSSETFEGSORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX 'OOD3HEPHERD(OSPICE GOODSHEPHERDHOSPICENET s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP516-742-2050 4EMPLE%MANUEL,ONG"EACH s*!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER #AREGIVERS'ROUPS631-585-2020 DAYHAVENORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUP631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s#AREGIVERS'ROUPX 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s#ARING&OR9OUR3POUSE516-742-2050 *##OF7(EMPSTEAD7(EMPSTEAD *!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER s,ETS$O$INNERSPOUSESOF9OUNG/NSET!LZHEIMERS PATIENTS516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s,ETS$O0IZZAKIDSWITHPARENTSWITH9OUNG/NSET !LZHEIMERS516-484-1545 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s3ANDWICH'ENERATION516-742-2050 &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG s*!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER 3POUSES3IBLINGS516-742-2050 4EMPLE#HAVERIM0LAINVIEW *!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER s3POUSES#HILDREN3IBLINGS516-742-2050 -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG *!3!.ASSAU#OUNTY#AREGIVER2ESOURCE#ENTER s7ELL3POUSESOR0ARTNERSOFTHE#HRONICALLY)LLAND $ISABLED516-829-8740 3T#HARLES2EHAB#ENTER!LBERTSON ROSEBIRDLADY AOLCOM Divorce and Seperation s$IVORCE#ARE516-731-6736 ,IFE#ENTEROF"ETHPAGE s$IVORCE3UPPORT'ROUP516-992-2873 !LLIANCETO2ESTORE)NTEGRITYIN$IVORCE!2)$ s$IVORCED3EPARATEDX -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATED3TEP'ROUP 718-468-2654 #OMMUNITY#HURCHOF%AST7ILLISTON s$IVORCEDAND3EPARATED'ROUPX LONG ISLAND WOMANrDecember 2011r 33 Support Groups 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s$IVORCED3EPARATED'ROUPS631-462-9800 3UFFOLK9*###OMMACKSUFFOLKYJCCORG s-ARRIAGE!LIVE3UPPORT'ROUP631-525-3646 s3EPARATED$IVORCED#OUNSELING'ROUP 516-599-1181 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK s3EPARATION$IVORCEX 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s#HRONIC&ATIGUE&IBROMYALGIA631-548-8237 $IABETES(EART#LUBOR 'LEN#OVE(OSPITAL'LEN#OVE s$IABETES'ROUP516-596-4357 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETT s%ATING$ISORDERS516-637-0965 2EACHING/UT!GAINST%ATING$ISORDERS"ALDWIN ROAEDORG s%PILEPSY631-474-6489 3T#HARLES(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON s&ACE0AINAND4RIGEMINAL.EURALGIA3UPPORT'ROUP 516-442-3527 ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,ONG)SLAND LMNIORG s(EARING)MPAIREDAND#OCHLEAR)MPLANT0ATIENTS 718-470-8631 .ORTH3HORE,)*(EALTH3YSTEM(EARINGAND3PEECH #ENTER.EW(YDE0ARK s3OUTH3HORE7OMENS(EART631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s(EPATITIS#3UPPORT'ROUP!MERICAN,IVER&OUNDATION631-754-4795 s()6!)$3631-691-7080 &%'3#OPIAGUEFEGSORG s)RRITABLE"OWEL3YNDROME516-371-0660 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITIES(OSPITAL#OUNSELING #ENTER"ALDWIN s,UPUS516-783-3370 ,UPUS&OUNDATIONOF,ONG)SLAND"ELLMORE s,YMPHEDEMA516-374-3190 (EWLETT(OUSE(EWLETTINORG s-ELANOMA0ATIENTS#AREGIVERS516-352-4227 CMBC OPTONLINENET -ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS631-864-8337 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s-YASTHENIA'RAVIS631-765-2186 %MMA3#LARK-EMORIAL,IBRARY3ETAUKET s.ATIONAL&EDERATIONOFTHE"LIND516-868-8718 s.ATIONAL-ULTIPLE3CLEROSIS3OCIETY -ELVILLE s.ECKAND"ACK0AIN3UPPORT'ROUP516-442-3527 ,ESLIE-UNZER.EUROLOGICAL)NSTITUTEOF,ONG)SLAND LMNIORG s/STOMY!SSOCIATIONOF,ONG)SLAND.ASSAU s0AIN-ANAGEMENT3UPPORT'ROUP631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s0ARKINSONS3UPPORT'ROUP631-265-6621 3MITHTOWN0ARKINSON4HERAPY#ENTER 3MITHTOWN-ETHODIST#HURCH3MITHTOWN s0ARKINSON$ISEASE3UPPORT'ROUPS LIAPDAORG s3LEEP!PNEA 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s3LEEP$ISORDERS631-476-2721 -ATHER(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s3TROKE3UPPORT516-562-4947 .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL #OMMUNITY$RIVE%NTRANCE!PT-ANHASSET s3TROKE3URVIVORS#AREGIVERS 0LAINVIEW(OSPITAL0LAINVIEW s3TROKE4")#AREGIVERS'ROUP516-586-4480 #OMMON'ROUND!LLIANCE0LAINVIEW WWWCOMMONGROUNDALLCOM Mental Health s!NXIETYAND0ANIC'ROUP631-226-3900 MHASUFFOLKORG s#OUNSELING631-691-3347 &%'3FEGSORG s%MOTIONS!NONYMOUS631-584-5604 *OHN4-ATHER-EMORIAL(OSPITAL0ORT*EFFERSON MATHERHOSPITALORG s-ENTAL)LLNESS&AMILY3UPPORT(%,0 -ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATIONOF.ASSAU#OUNTY (EMPSTEAD s-ENTAL(EALTH!SSOCIATIONIN3UFFOLK#OUNTY 631-226-3900 ,INDENHURSTMHASUFFOLKORG s-OOD$ISORDERS631-226-3900 MHASUFFOLKORG s-OOD$ISORDER'ROUP516-546-1370 3OUTH.ASSAU#OMMUNITIES(OSPITAL/UTPATIENT#LINIC "ALDWIN s.ATIONAL!LLIANCEON-ENTAL)LLNESS.!-) .!-),ONG)SLAND2EGIONAL#OUNCIL/LD"ETHPAGE NAMIORG s.!-)(UNTIGTON s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORKPOSTPARTUM.9ORG s0OST4RAUMATIC3TRESS$ISORDER631-226-3900 MHASUFFOLKORG s2ELATIVESAND&RIENDSOFPERSONSWITHA-ENTAL)LLNESS 631-226-3900 MHASUFFOLKORG s3UICIDE0REVENTION(OTLINE 35)#)$% 0ARENTING&AMILY)SSUES s!DOPTION(OTLINE516-799-7445 *##! s$EVELOPMENTAL$ISABILITIES)NSTITUTE631-360-4600 3MITHTOWNFAMILYSUPPORTSERVICES DDIINFOORG s'RANDPARENTS2AISING'RANDCHILDREN516-569-6600 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER7OODMERE s,ONG)SLAND)NFANT$EVELOPMENTAL0ROGRAM 516-546-2333 s.ATIONAL)NFERTILITY.ETWORK%XCHANGE.).% 516-794-5772 s.EW-OTHERS'ROUP631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s0ARENTING3PECIAL.EEDSX 3ID*ACOBSON*##%AST(ILLSSJJCCORG s0ARENTING9OUNG#HILDREN631-376-4444 'OOD3AMARITAN(OSPITAL-EDICAL#ENTER7)SLIP GOODSAMARITANHOSPITALORG s0ARENTSOF!DULT#HILDREN7ITHA$EVELOPMENTAL$ISABILITY "ETHPAGEACLDORG s0ARENTSOF#HILDREN7ITH!UTISM X -ID)SLAND9*##0LAINVIEWMIYJCCORG s0ARENTSOF,ESBIANAND'AY#HILDREN516-569-6600 0ENINSULA#OUNSELING#ENTER,YNBROOK s0ARENTSOF3PECIAL.EEDS#HILDREN X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDEFRIEDBERGJCCORG s0ARENTSOF9OUNG#HILDREN"IRTHTO&IVE X &RIEDBERG*##/CEANSIDE 0ARENTING2ESOURCE.ETWORKORG s0OSTPARTUM$EPRESSION631-422-2255 0OSTPARTUM2ESOURCE#ENTEROF.EW9ORK POSTPARTUM.9ORG s0REGNANCYAND)NFANT,OSS516-562-8422 .ORTH3HORE5NIV(OSPITAL-ANHASSET s0REGNANCY)NFORMATIONAND2EFERRAL631-853-3033 s3INGLE0ARENT3UPPORT'ROUPX 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