__ June 2014 __ VIEW FROM THE STUDY WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT M AKE? I have been elected by our Presbytery as a commissioner to the General Assembly for the PC (USA), which gathers in Detroit, June 13-21. I have been assigned to the committee on Middle East relations. Peace in the Middle East, concerning Israel and Palestine, has been an issue since the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. What has that got to do with me, with us here at Buffalo? Ever since the Reformation and the formation of Presbyterianism under John Knox in Scotland, the Presbyterian Church has spoken concerning its view of political and world events. Our obligation to voice our collective opinion, guided by the Holy Spirit, is a touch stone of our faith. The Great Ends of the Church are: 1) the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of the world; 2) the shelter nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; 3) the maintenance of divine worship; 4) the preservation of the truth; 5) the promotion of social righteousness; and 6) the exhibition of the Kingdom of God for the world. Consequently it is our collective obligation to speak concerning issues of truth and social righteousness. It is both our collective obligation, and our individual obligation to be an exhibition of the Kingdom of God for the world, and to follow the model of the good Samaritan, even when it means putting ourselves at risk, standing for the greater good. Please keep all those participating in our General Assembly in your prayers, so that we may hear and act in Christ’ name. In Christ’s Service, Paul OUR HOMECOMING SERVICES AND FELLOWSHIP MEAL WHICH FOLLOWED WERE WELL ATTENDED AND A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL. SEE THE FACES, BOTH NEW AND OLD. June is here and that means Vacation Bible School – “Surfin’ with the Savior”! All children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren from preschool age through 5th grade are invited to participate in an exciting and fun time. All older children are encouraged to come and be helpers. We will start at 9:30 and have our story of Jesus and the disciples around the Sea of Galilee. They will learn to: Follow Jesus, Become Fishers of Men, and Refresh after the Storm is Calmed. The children will sing songs with hand motions that reinforce these stories, songs about Jesus and our beach theme and other fun songs. In crafts the children will have fun making art projects that encourage creativity and further reinforce the day’s story or the beach theme. On the last day these creations will be ready to take home to share with family and friends. Of course, it would not be VBS without special snacks and recreation. So cast your net and bring your children to enjoy VBS. Mark the dates June 24th, 25th, and 26th from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Adult volunteers will be very welcome. For adults, Bible study on the Book of Mark on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. in the Women’s Parlor continues. We are enjoying this time together to ask questions and share ideas about this first written book of Glad Tidings. We would love to have you join us as we study God’s Word together. Members: Dr. David Ciliberto, Jackie Frie, Penny Shields, Jean Wilberg, and Rev. Paul Shields. Jean Wilberg, Chairman Christian Education Committee Brothers and Sisters in Christ, OUR WORSHIP SERVICE ON MAY 11TH INCLUDED OUR ANNUAL PRESCHOOL PROGRAM AND GRADUATION CEREMONY. SIX ENTHUSIASTIC GRADUATES WERE RECOGNIZED: KHAYDEN, TARIQ, CARTER, ANDREW, PEYTON, AND WYATT As you all know, the Session has been moving forward on the sale of the Manse. Last month we sent out letters to get a general consensus as to how you felt toward either keeping or selling the Manse, with an extremely limited response. This is an issue that has been on the minds of everyone for the past few years as the last time it was used for a minister was when Rev. Marshall was here. This is an extremely sensitive subject with all the members of our congregation, whether they are for or against the sale. We all have our reasons for keeping the Manse as well as selling it and no matter what is decided during the congregational meeting, we are still one family at Buffalo no matter what our thoughts! The Session has approved going forward with a congregational vote after Presbytery approved the sale. That vote is scheduled for June 29th. Please make sure you are in Church that day to cast your vote. Yours in Christ, The Administration Committee Mother’s Day MAY 11, 2014 The Presbyterian Women Birthday celebration was held on Monday, May 12th, with a joint meeting of the circles. The Mary Lou Campbell Circle hosted the event and Betty Robinson led the program. This year’s Birthday Offering will go to the Blue Corn Mothers Alliance, a ministry in Albuquerque that provides services to Native American women who have experienced domestic violence. A total of $279.00 was collected in support of this mission. A big THANK YOU to Cathy Bridges for putting the attractive finishing touches to our new restrooms and to Pat Setzer for heading up the cleaning and organization of the kitchen prior to Homecoming. Our women did a wonderful job of providing food for the receptions following the funerals of Jean Chester and Paige Davis during May. Thank you to all who participated in providing this service to the families. Sheila Brewer Interim PW Moderator for May RED CARNATIONS In Honor of: Given by: Mary Bailes.……………………………………..Cathy Bridges Lynda Bowers……………...Her Children and Grandchildren Sheila Brewer…………………………………….Andy Brewer Sheila Brewer………………Karen Brewer and Adam Hurley Cathy Bridges………...Jessica Whitaker, Jonathan Bridges, and Jamie McElreath Virginia Brown…………………….Frank and Betty Robinson Vialee H. Cashion……………………….Lisa Cashion Moore Nellie Lett Cox………………………………………..Greg Cox Jamie Crompton…………………………..Jackson Crompton Paige Davis……………………………………….Jan Renwick Frances Foushee…………………………………Diane Davis Virgie Frie………………………………………………Ken Frie Allison Goodwin………………………………..Cash Goodwin Allison Goodwin………………………………Chase Goodwin Amy Hart………………………………..Alexis and Avery Hart Karen Johnson……………………………………..Billy Moore Karen Johnson………………………………...Heather Moore Pat Kelly………………………..Patrick Kelly and Jason Kelly Marie Macko…………………….Bobby and Evelyn Johnson Jamie Bridges McElreath………......Cathy and Rick Bridges Susan Patterson……………………………Caman Patterson Jan Renwick…………………………………….Cathy Bridges Lindi Renwick…………………………………….Jan Renwick Claire B. Robinson……………….Frank and Betty Robinson Ellen Robinson-Catania…………Frank and Betty Robinson Heather M. Robinson…………….Frank and Betty Robinson Jackie Watson…………………….Frank and Betty Robinson Jessica Bridges Whitaker…………..Cathy and Rick Bridges Theresa Williams…………………………………Jan Renwick Courtney Nicole Wilson…………….Cathy and Rick Bridges Our Candy……………………......Bill and Elizabeth Shermer To Honor My Sisters at Buffalo…………………Jan Renwick WHITE CARNATIONS In Memory of: Given by: Evelyn Bailes…………………………...J.W. and Mary Bailes “Granny” Geraldine Bridges……………….Jessica Whitaker, Jonathan Bridges, and Jamie McElreath “Hanny Geraldine Bridges……..”Honeybun” Caitlyn Bridges Geraldine Bridges……………………………….John Bridges Annie Geraldine Bridges………………………...Rick Bridges Eloise Sawyer Cashion……………………………Jackie Frie Ethel W. Cashion……Vialee H. Cashion and Lisa C. Moore Jean Kirkman Chester……………………......Caitlyn Bridges Jean Kirkman Chester………………Cathy and Rick Bridges Ina Foushee Cox…………………………………….Greg Cox Clara Lee Dowdy………………………J.W. and Mary Bailes Mattie Foushee…………Frances Foushee and Diane Davis Sara Gibbs………………………......Paul and Penny Shields Dorothy Groome (sister)…………Frank and Betty Robinson Ola Kennedy Holder……Vialee Cashion and Lisa C. Moore Dinah M. Hunsinger……………...Frank and Betty Robinson Inez Jackson……………………………Brooks and Pat Kelly Inez Jackson………………………..J.L. and Debbie Thomas Inez Jackson…………………..Patrick Kelly and Jason Kelly Treva Kelly………………………………Brooks and Pat Kelly Treva Kelly…………………….Patrick Kelly and Jason Kelly Vera Layne…………......Frances Foushee and Diane Davis Peggy McGinty……………………Frank and Betty Robinson Nell Medlin…………………………………….Bobby Johnson Mary Olinger…………………………………..Evelyn Johnson Frances G. Patterson…………….Frank and Betty Robinson Alice Porter………………Her Children: Richard, Ray, Faye, Jerry, Vernon, and Peggy Mary McKay Ritter…………………………......Cathy Bridges Ellen R. Robinson……………......Frank and Betty Robinson Dorothy Jane Shields……………....Paul and Penny Shields Nellie Thomas…………………......J. L. and Debbie Thomas Mary Jessie Wicker……………………Cathy Wicker Bridges Our Parents……………………......Floyd and Virginia Brown In Memory of Sisters Passed at Buffalo……….Jan Renwick Remember with love and prayer: Jonathan Bridges, Floyd Brown, Vialee Cashion, Nellie Cox, Greg Deck, Barbara Jo Glass, Pam McDonald, and Ann Seymore CHURCH MEMBERS: FAMILY OF CHURCH MEMBERS: Michael Holt, Edna Johnson, Terry Johnson, Taylor Jones, Elaine McBryde, Sam McClearen, Jacob Monson, Robin Padgett, Carson Setzer, Mary Smith, Louise Stewart, Jan Thomas, and Edward Wilberg FRIENDS OF CHURCH MEMBERS: Aragon Family, Amber Austin, Jennifer Avent, Ryan Buell, Roy Dinkens, Leah Everette, Frank Foushee, Marty Foushee, Kay Hale, Hunter Hazelton, Roy Holt, Tate Jackson, Charlotte Johns, Bob & Grace Johns, Will Kirkland, Amanda Mager, Melissa Miles, Megan Nelson, Dr. Michele Roberson, Lenora Seagroves, Allison Upchurch Smith, Frank Tibbett, Jerry Vuncannon, Evelyn Watson, Gaye Watson, and Marie Wicker ********************************************************************************************* WEEKLY OFFERING TOTALS & ATTENDANCE May 04, 2014 – $1786.00 May 11, 2014 – $2385.00 May 18, 2014 – $2202.00 May 25, 2014 – $1339.00 69 127 60 58 5 Cents A Meal Offering – $169.71 BackPack Kids Offering – $82.22 ********************************************************************************************* I now know that kind words, get well cards, and prayers are very much a part of the healing process. Thank you so much, - Floyd Brown HAPPY BIRTHDAY THE DEEPEST SYMPATHY OF THE CONGREGATION IS EXTENDED TO: The Families of: Jean Chester and Paige Davis Gifts to the Church In Honor of Lynda Bowers Lynda’s Children and Grandchildren In Honor of Virginia Cashion’s Birthday June June June June 01st – Jan Tart 02nd – Buddy McNeill 05th – J. L. Thomas 06th – Susan Patterson June June June June 13th 19th 26th 29th – – – – Tiffany Davis Brooks Kelly Karen Johnson Kevin McDonald WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES June 20th June 28th Ken and Jackie Frie J. L. and Debbie Thomas Nikki Cashion Thomas In Memory of Jean Chester Jean Wilberg Bill & Elizabeth Shermer The Bower’s Family Lee & Pat Setzer Geri Hales Gary & Karen Rosser Gracie McLeod American Legion Post 382 Julie J. Conder Bob & Mattie Kelly Joel & Teresa Harrison John & Ellen Mangum Jan Renwick Bobby & Pat Beard Nelson and Kathy Jolly Burke In Memory of Paige Davis Jean Wilberg Jan Renwick Bobby & Evelyn Johnson Wilodae D. Wood Bob & Mattie Kelly Nelson and Kathy Jolly Burke Wanda & Price Edwards Thomas & Sue Dodson & Betty Price Congregational Greeter’s for June June 01st – Karen Johnson June 08th – Kathy Jolly June 15th – Pat Setzer June 22nd – Penny Shields June 29th – Kay Davis Greeting Elder’s for June June 01st – Lee Setzer June 08th – COMMUNION June 15th – Jean Wilberg June 22nd – Jeff Cashion June 29th – David Ciliberto ********************************************************************************************* Thank you so much for the gifts of food during the time of our loss. Everything was wonderful and enjoyed very much. Your kind expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged by the family of Paige Dodson Davis. ********************************************************************************************* June Leaders June 01st – Jan Tart June 08th – COMMUNION June 15th – Jackie Frie June 22nd – Jean Wilberg June 29th – Anna Renwick ALLISON, CHASE, & CASH AT HOMECOMING (Lesson A-42) (No Joy Worship) (Lesson A-43) (Lesson A-44) (Lesson B-04) Session Corner Highlights from Stated Meeting held May 20, 2014 SAVE THE DATE: VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2014 June 24th – 26th, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. ********************************************************************************************* BUFFALO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1333 Carthage Street Sanford, NC 27330 Lee County Presbyterian Churches will host the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina meeting on Thursday, June 12, 2014 at the Dennis Wicker Civic Center. Our church, along with four other churches, has been asked to help prepare and manage a hospitality table for the event. Food items such as muffins and breakfast breads will be needed. If you would like to provide a food item for the table or work at the event, please contact Penny Shields at 919-776-1402. Your help would be greatly appreciated. ********************************************************************************************* Admin.: Beginning Balance: 04/01/2013 $21,309.47 Income $8,647.58 Expenses $11,180.76 Ending Balance: 04/30/2014 $18,776.29 Given the general decline of money, all purchases must be authorized the committee chairperson and receipts forwarded to disbursing treasurer. Worship: Communion is moved from June 15th to the 8th. Christian Ed.: Preschool Summer Camp will be subsidized out of Preschool money, currently $5005.11. A permanent sign will be made for the front lawn advertising the Preschool. VBS is June 24th, 25th, and 26th. Cong. Care: Buddy said several meals were delivered and food for two funeral receptions were prepared. Pat Setzer and Cathy Bridges are organizing funeral reception teams responsible for preparing and serving food at future events. Evang./Growth/Com.: Patrick is organizing help for parking for the June 12th Presbytery meeting at the Civic Center. Women: The women are working towards having a fold down baby changing station installed in the Women’s Handicap Bathroom stall. Old Business: Paul will be at General Assembly in Detroit June 13th-23rd. He is on the Committee on Middle East Issues. 919-776-7313 New Business: A Called Congregational Meeting will be held on June 29th to: buffalochurch@windstream.net 1. Vote on the sale of property from the Monger Estate. 2. Vote on the sale of the Manse. Next Stated Meeting will be June 24th. www.buffalopres.org COURTNEY, JONATHAN, & PAISLEY AT HOMECOMING Jean Wilberg, Clerk of Session
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