Newsletter - Westminster Presbyterian Church in Salem, Oregon

Boulder Knoll Scroll
Jan. 9,2015
We s tm i n s te r P r esb yte r ian Ch u rch , 3737 L iber t y Rd. S, Salem , O R 9730 2
www. sal em westpr es. or g
2..............From the Pastor
3......................Prayer List
5.................News & Events
4..............Weekly Calendar
It’s time to think about
our 2015 Lenten Devotional
Booklet. We are asking
for contributions of either
favorite scriptures, prayers,
poems, songs, stories or other
inspirational thoughts that can
be included in this booklet. You
don’t have to write it yourself.
The Lenten
Booklet will
be available
to the
congregation on
Sunday, February 15,
which is the Sunday preceding
Ash Wednesday. If you have
something you would like
included, please email it to If
that does not work for you, it
can be turned in to Gail in the
church office. The deadline for
submissions is February 1st.
Westminster’s Annual Meeting
is set for Sunday, January
25, 2015 immediately
following the third service.
The annual reports will
be reviewed. Mark your
calendars and watch the BKS
for further information.
Our next Sunday morning Adult Opportunity will be on Sunday, January
11th at both 9:45 and 11:00 and will be led by Krisha Horn. Krisha’s topic
will be Old Testament Narratives. We’ll explore the art of story-telling in
the Old Testament and how an understanding of the way a story is told
can help us appreciate and interpret the narrative portions of our Bible.
Krisha has a MA in Biblical Languages and a ThM in Old Testament. Please
join us in Russell Hall at either 9:45 or 11:00!
Dear Friends,
{ Thoughts
Fr om O u r Pastor {
The New Year has dawned following what was a busy but meaningful Advent/Christmas
season at Westminster. Last Sunday we enjoyed the presence of Scott and Elmarie Parker in
worship. Through their preaching, we gained a deeper appreciation for the witness of the Church
in portions of the Middle East in which warfare, strife between religious and ethnic factions and
violence have disrupted life in specific lands and communities.
Despite the destruction, along with fear that such engenders, the Bright Morning Star, Jesus
the Christ and His people shine in the darkness in and through works of hope, reconciliation
cooperation and love: Armed with faith in the triumph of the purposes of God, the faithful stand
firm in their witness in threatening circumstances. Through their creativity and keen attention to
the movement of the Holy Spirit in their midst, the Gospel is offered up and proclaimed in new
and fresh ways. Let us continue to pray for them all.
Last Sunday’s worship was a good beginning to 2015 and we were honored to host the
Parkers as our guests.
This Sunday we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. As we do we are reminded of our own
baptism in Christ Jesus. Regardless of how or when we received baptism, it is our individual
baptism that unites us not only to Christ, to one another at Westminster; but with the Church,
our brothers and sisters in lands and places spoken about on Sunday.
As I reflected back on the first Sunday of 2015 and the sermon offered by the Parkers, I
thought of how it is that through our baptism, that the struggle of the faithful to remain faithful
in their witness throughout the world, is our struggle too; we are in communion with them not
only through the sign and symbol of waters of baptism, but also through the broken bread and
spilled out cup of the Lord’s Table.
In what is a deeply splintered world, these two sacraments join us together in common
fashion with people that we may neglect to consider as we become so enmeshed in our own
personal agendas, whether they are personal or congregationally centered. In and through
baptism and the Lord’s Supper we celebrate that we are part of God’s story as such unfolds in
the world beyond the confines of our lives and in our life together at Westminster.
As the New Year continues to dawn upon us let us remember the Parkers in our prayers.
Let us lift up in our prayers, the Church, our brothers and sisters in the faith. And let us pray for
our congregation as we seek to be faithful in our witness to Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is at
work - let us decipher how it is we can join in what God is doing not only within our midst but
within the Salem community and the global community as well.
Yours in Christ’s service,
Please add to y ou r P ray er s :
Bill Marshall.
Al Hawkins.
Laurie East. Susan Tanabe. Dennis Bergvall.
Max Von Schimmelmann.
Doris Evans.
Helen Schafer.
Bob McGauhey.
Dale and Bev Parnell who have moved to Manor Care at Capital Manor.
Jackie Hilfiker and family at the passing of Hollis Hilfiker on January 2, 2015. Services
will be January 10 at 2 pm.
The family of Marian Minty at Marian’s passing on January 4, 2015. Services are Services
for Marian will be held at a future date at the decision of the family.
Ke ep in y ou r P ray er s :
Ben Alfiero
Peter Anderson
Jackie Archibald
Bill and Nancy Avery
Andrew Bell
Dennis Bergvall
Lansing Bulgin
Ruth Davis
Jack Dean
Laurie East
Mary Jane Edmonds
Marian Embick
Carole English
Doris Evans
Candy Falkenstein
Elaine Fisher
Dawn Geiling
Rosemary Greenamyre
Beth Grigg
Al Hawkins
Tom Heimburger
Jean Hoem
Tim & Louella Holsten
Jackie Hilfiker and family
Nancy Hruska
Bev Hunt
John Hunt
Jerry Koskela
Lauren Lichy
Nancie Lionberger
Bill Marshall
Bob McBee
Bob McGauhey
Chris & Cindy Mendez
Joe Miller
Marian Minty ‘s family
Paul Negstad
Dave Nelson
Julie Papke
Gene Peterson
Dick Posekany
Helen Schafer
Margaret Schaffer
Margaret Shirts
Greg Smith
Mary Smith
George Squire
Scott Tallman
Susan Tanabe
John Trigg
Max Von Schimmelmann
Bud Walters
Fred Wiggins
Want to receive prayer requests
mid-week? Want people praying
for a specific need right away?
email: westpresprayer@gmail.
USHERS NEEDED for 9:45 and 11 am services. Training will be provided. Non members
welcome. Contact Rosamund Irwin at 503-931-0738 or by email
eekly Calendar
Sun., January 11
Rev. John R. Moody preaching
8:15 am
9:45 am
9:45 am
Education Hour
9:45 & 11:00
10:45 am
Children’s Choir
11:00 am
11:00 am
Mid- Hi youth
5:30 pm
9th - 11th grade youth
7:00 pm
12th grade youth
Mon., January 12
10:00 am
1:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Library Staff
Stephen Min.
Women’s Night Out
Tue., January 13
10:30 am
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Bible Study
Joyful Noise
Wed., January 14
6:45 am
9:30 am
12:00 pm
3:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
WBS @ Rock’n’ Rogers
Staff Mtg.
Sr. Lunch
BS Troop #108
Family Ministry
Thur., January 15
9:30 am
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
Tea w/Jesus
Library Staff
Budget & Finance
Praise Team
Fri.,January 16
Sat., January 17
8:00 am
Habitat for Humanity Build
Sun., January 18
Rev. John R. Moody preaching
8:15 am
9:45 am
9:45 am
Education Hour
11:00 am
11:00 am
Mid- Hi youth
12:00 pm
Women’s Retreat plan.
5:30 pm
9th - 11th grade youth
Mon., January 19
7:30 pm
Tue., January 20
10:30 am
3:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Bible Study
Joyful Noise
Girl Scouts
Men’s Group
Wed., January 21
6:45 am
9:30 am
3:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
WBS @ Rock’n’ Rogers
Staff Mtg.
BS Troop #108
Thur., January 22
2:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Library Staff
Praise Team
Girl Scouts
Chancel Choir
Fri., January 23
Sat., January 24
5:00 pm
{ News
& Ev ents {
There will be an Appreciation Reception for Wilma Stramp Sunday, January 11,
2015. Wilma has donated her services as Westminster’s Financial Secretary
for over 17 years. Please join the congregation between services this Sunday in
Boulder Hall to thank Wilma for her many years of dedicated service.
Please come for Lunch and Fellowship (aka Senior Lunch) on January 14. Lunch is at
12:00 and the Program is at 12:45. The Program will be a slide show of their recent trip
to Israel presented by the Westminster Travelers.
The Menu is Chicken Supreme, Dinner Rolls, Jell-o Fruit Salad and No-bake
Cheesecake for dessert. All recipes can be found in the Westminster Cook Book
which is on the church website. We hope you will attend the lunch and program.
Westminster Book Club will meet January 28, 10:30 a.m., to review “Olive
Kitteridge” by Elizabeth Strout. The writer constructs her stories with rich irony,
the heroine: funny, wicked and remorseful. The books are available in the club’s book
box. Info: Dolores Byrnes, 503-364-6646 or
The Youth Group will be having a can drive fundraiser through the month of January! Tell your
friends and family to drop off any empty soda cans and bottles to the Winola House garage
at church! Individual students will return the cans to earn money for their mission trips this
summer to Seattle and New York. Thanks for all your support in our summer mission projects!
Women’s Night Out will take place on Monday, January 9 at Guadalajara Grill,
3969 Commercial St. S. beginning at 6 pm. Any questions please call Judy Austin at
Charity Circle will meet this month on Tuesday, January 27 at 1:30 pm in the Eastminster
room. Ruth Manhire will present the lesson “Reconciliation and the Whole Creation” from Paul’s
letters to the Corinthians. Questions? Call Lucile Newton at 503-364-0876.
{ Thank
You {
All Giving Tree tags were retrieved and gifts
purchased.Your love and generosity,Westminster,
means so much to students at Salem Heights
Elementary (our neighbor) who may not have
another gift for their holiday. And OSH, of which
there are over 700 patients, some of which
have no family or contacts in the area.What
a joy for patients and students to receive their
gifts, thanks to each one of our members who
took the time to shop for them.Westminster is
truly a giving membership--no wonder we have
that reputation! Thanks from the
Mission/Peace/EcoJustice committee.
We are overwhelmed and humbled by the
outpouring of support and love we have
received throughout my illness. Recent reports
from my oncologist have been encouraging and
the original tumor appears to be shrinking.
Thank you all so much for your prayers, emails,
cards and visits; we are blessed by everyone
of you.Through your love and support we find
Al and Mary Anne Hawkins
Dear Westminster church members,
We want to share our heartfelt gratitude for the
generosity and love you shared with our students
during this year’s Holiday giving Tree. Because
of you, 40 Salem Heights Elementary students
and their families had a Christmas to remember!
Much love, Salem Heights Elementary staff
T hanks to
the D ecember
Usher s
Jeff Kovach
Trish Hanna
Ron Hanna
Linda Tenney
Reg Tenney
Jim Pate
Arlene Pare
Judi Liechty
Greg Barrick
T.C. Curlee
Rosamund Irwin
Roger Budke
Janet Budke
Pam Schmidling
Dan Schmidling
Wendy Crane
Bill Grupe
Donna Grupe
Dorothy Heyen
Dianne Greenlee
Rachelle Hughes
Dorothy Eberhardt
Peggy Hershey
Bob Hershey
Diane Miller
Linda Miller
Bev Silveira
Ben Silveira
Katy Tillotson
Office Staff:
Pastor: The Reverend John R. Moody;
Music Director: Linda McCreery;
Dir. of Christian Education: Gail Moody;
Financial Secretary: Dianne Calvert;
Business Manager: Val Ruczay;
Office Manager: Jo Jablo;
Organists: Ariana Recher, Kathleen Knauss
Facility Manager: Mike Behnke
Youth Director: Vik Schaaf;
Young Adult Coordinator: Nikki Paxton
Church Office Hours:
3480 Winola Ave SE
Monday–Thursday: 8:30am - 12:00 pm
& 1:00pm – 5:00pm;
Friday: 8:30am - 12:00pm & 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Phone: 503-364-3327
Fax: 503-589-0929
Web Site:
Printing: Bert & Carol Huber, Sara Morgan
Distribution: Bill & Donna Grupe, Kenn &
Nancy Battaile, John & Bev Hunt and Jean
Mail Coordinator: Bill Grupe
The deadline for submission of articles
to the Boulder Knoll Scroll is Monday,
January 19, at 10:00 am. Publication
is every other week. Articles may be
submitted directly to the church office or
by email at
Ne ed A R i de
To Chu r ch?
Do you need a ride to church? Are
you available to provide a ride
so someone can attend church
services? The Ride to Church
program would be happy to assist
connecting those needing rides with
those who are available to drive.
Contact Barb Friday
at 503-689-4217.
Westminster Presbyterian
3737 Liberty Rd. S., Salem, OR 97302
503.364.3327 fax: 503.589.0929
Return Service Requested
The mission of Westminster Presbyterian Church is to embody God’s purpose in Jesus
Christ by reflecting and actively sharing God’s love within a dynamic community for all
God’s creation through worship, education, development of faith, service and fellowship.
Westminster Variety Show
Friday, January 30
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Sermon: “Baptism as Story”
Scripture: Mark 1: 4-11
8:15 am & 11 am - Worship Service
9:45 am - Informal Worship Service
Leading in Worship:
The Rev. John R. Moody, Pastor