Together we can make a real and lasting difference to quality healthcare.
- we need you!
see page 4
BiliBeds helping newborns with jaundice.
Welcome the Big
Red Kidney Bus.
A heartfelt thanks
to the Danks Trust.
Monash Children’s Hospital
Cancer Centre reduces
waiting times.
Hello and welcome to the new-look
Monash Health Foundation newsletter
– Foundation for Health – where we
showcase the incredible contributions
and care you give, which helps create the
foundations for better health.
We want to show you the difference
your support has on the lives of the
people we care for, celebrate the gift you
bring to them, and let you know of the
opportunities and challenges that we can
face together.
Shelly Park,
Chief Executive,
Monash Health
We know how important the support of
family and loved ones is for our patients
in their treatment. Similarly, the care and
support we have from you is paramount
in providing a world of healthcare at
Monash Health.
As we head into the second half of
2014, we are excited to be starting
the construction of our new Monash
Children’s Hospital and engaging in a
number remarkable fundraising initiatives,
including the Celebrate Life Ball, hosted
by Nicole Kidman. These stories and more
are contained in this issue.
I invite you to consider a tax deductible
donation to the Monash Health
Foundation at this time of year. Just
$30 will support our Monash Women’s
Bilibed appeal, $300 will support a Play
Therapist for a day, $550 will support
leading nephrology research for a day,
$2,500 will purchase a round-the-clock
cardiac monitor and a donation of
$50,000 will create a supportive parenting
room for new parents. Together, we
can provide exceptional care and
outstanding outcomes.
This is our vision, and I’m pleased you
could join us on this special journey.
Shelly Park, CE, Monash Health.
BiliBeds – helping newborns with jaundice.
“Why is my child yellow? Why are you
taking her away?” This is a common
question asked by mothers with a
newborn that has been diagnosed with
jaundice. You can imagine the pain
and worry at a time when there should
be joy. Natahl Ball, a midwife at the
Dandenong Hospital of Monash Health,
has seen the hurt too often.
“It’s an awful feeling to have to take
a sick newborn away from its mum,”
Natahl says.
Jaundice can bring serious health
risks to a newborn child, with potential
to disrupt the critical bonding time
between mother and baby. Jaundice
occurs in 60% of babies and is caused
by the build-up of a chemical called
bilirubin in the baby’s liver which causes
a yellowy tinge in the eyes and skin.
Many babies recover naturally as
their liver grows and can process the
bilirubin, some require treatment to
prevent potentially life long problems.
Budney Lim has been a midwife for
seven years and recently gave birth to
her first child, Ethan, in March 2014.
“It was so lovely being on the other side
of the bed, but painful”, Budney said.
Ethan developed jaundice shortly
after birth and had to be kept in a
special isolette under blue lights all
day in a separate room within Special
Care Nursery.
“It was a difficult walk to get to the
nursery every three hours to try and
have skin-to-skin contact and breast
feed. At night time it was more
difficult because you’re half asleep and
exhausted,” said Budney.
“When Ethan wasn’t in the room I
missed him so much. You have that
bond, as soon as they are born they are
put on your chest and you just look into
each other’s eyes. Then all of a sudden,
he is in an isolette in another room and
you can only touch his hand through
the box.”
Last Mother’s Day the Monash Health
Foundation began raising funds for
a BiliBed at Casey and Dandenong
Hospitals where every year about
4,100 babies are born, so new mums
and babies like Budney and Ethan can
spend those first special days together.
To support the treatment of babies
with jaundice, please make a
donation to Monash Health using
the tear-off form in this newsletter
or online at www.monashhealth.
org/donate or phone us on
(03) 9594 2700.
Vince Tripodi had a dream. He wanted
to go on holidays with his family.
However Vince, like all dialysis patients,
was restricted to a regimented routine
of dialysis treatment.
Vince dreamt of a mobile dialysis
unit that could go to popular holiday
destinations, like Lakes Entrance, so
people with kidney failure requiring
life sustaining treatment, could enjoy
a change of scenery and create
new memories with their families
and friends.
On 14 March 2014, World Kidney
Day, the Minister for Health David
Davis officially launched Kidney
Health Australia’s Big Red Kidney
Bus with Latrobe Valley Bus lines and
Monash Health.
“Monash Health is proud to be a
partner and bring this wonderful
program to the Australian Kidney
community,” said Professor Peter
Kerr, Director of Nephrology at
Monash Health. “This initiative will
give patients the flexibility to get away
and take a break, something that
many of us take for granted, and
ultimately will lead to a better quality
of life.”
Sadly Mr Tripodi and two other
members of the original group passed
away before they could see their
dream become a reality.
All donors have dreams – they are the
same dreams we have, for those that
are ill to be healthy and enjoy life. So
Patients and families are grateful for the
opportunities the Big Red Kidney Bus will bring.
we think donors like you and people
like Vince are pretty special.
What’s your dream? The dream of
Professor Kerr and his team is to
stop kidney failure and find a cure
for transplant rejection. We would
like to invite you to join Monash
Health Nephrology team and support
their dream with a donation to their
important research.
The second inaugural Friends of
the Children Foundation ‘Walk for
Monash Children’s Hospital’, was
held in Jells Park on Sunday 2
March 2014.
raised over $4,754. A result which was
beyond anything Sonny’s Mum Heidi could
have imagined.
The event was a great success,
raising over $30,000 to purchase
eight new fold-out parent beds for
children’s wards at Monash Medical
Centre. The beds will help parents
sleep comfortably by their child’s
bedside when spending the night in
Among the 400 participants
who gathered that morning were
two large teams who stood out.
Wearing their own team shirts
and singlets representing their
respective teams, they had been
driven to achieve incredible
fundraising results through their
own personal experiences with
Monash Children’s Hospital.
Team Sonny Days, named after
10-month-old Sonny Millier,
Team Sonny Days
“We wanted to help Monash Children’s
Hospital because of all they have done
for Sonny. He has been in and out of
the hospital since he was born and has
struggled with life-threatening respiratory
illnesses,” she said.
of Sale, where I live, really got behind
it and supported Sonny.”
Team Xavier Tillydog did an amazing
job, raising close to $3,000 for
Monash Children’s Hospital in
recognition of the care their six year
old son, Xavier, has received since
being diagnosed with cancer in
January 2014.
The success of the 2014 Walk for
Monash Children’s Hospital was due
to the tremendous support of the
400 wonderful individuals and teams
supporting the event on the day and
in the lead up.
Our sincere thanks to the Friends
of the Children Foundation who
did a terrific job in organising the
event once again. All their hard work
and support of Monash Children’s
Hospital is something that is truly
appreciated and greatly admired.
“I never expected that we would have such
an incredible response, but the community
FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH | Winter Edition 2014 | |
The Danks Trust generously funded
the refurbishment of an apartment
for Aboriginal families to have a safe
home away from home close to the
hospital, so they can provide the
vital support required for a patient’s
recovery and wellbeing.
our forefathers who shared a great
vision for the future of Victoria, his
grandfather established The Danks
Trust so that philanthropic grants
could make a difference to the lives
of others for many decades into
the future.
When Elder Aunty Pat Ockwell put
her arms around Professor Danks,
Head of Neurosurgery at Monash
Health, it was a gesture of heartfelt
joy and thanks.
Leanne Summer, Aboriginal Hospital
Liaison Officer, was overcome
with emotion at the opening of the
apartment called ‘Wilim’ (meaning
peace), from the Wurundjeri land
council. “This means so much to the
community – having family members
close by can sometimes be the
difference between people coming
here for treatment or deciding not
to come. It is a dream come true for
our Aboriginal community and is the
second such facility in Melbourne.
Let’s hope that others follow this
example of support.”
The apartment located adjacent to
Monash Medical Centre is designed
to make things easier for Aboriginal
family members and improve access
to healthcare.
Professor Andrew Danks with Elder Aunty
Pat Ockwell.
The Danks Trust was established
by the grandfather of Professor
Andrew Danks. Like so many of
Join the 2014 Monash Children’s Hospital
Run Melbourne team.
Walk or run 5km, 10km or half marathon,
bring your family and friends.
The leisurely stroll is a gift.
The Age Run Melbourne will be held
on Sunday 27 July at Federation
Square and this year the Monash
Children’s Hospital teams are aiming to
raise $30,000.
Run Melbourne is a great way to spend
a Sunday in support of a charity of your
choice. Run to beat your personal best
time or have a leisurely stroll with friends
and family. Categories include the 3km
kids (Saturday 26 July), or the 5km and
10km walk/run categories.
Mother Sheri will be running the half
marathon for the first time in her life, in
memory of someone very special.
“There’s no better job than being
a mum. Recently, I set one of the
biggest challenges of my life completing a half marathon in Run
Melbourne. I would like to raise funds
for the Monash Children’s Hospital
in memory of my daughter Scarlett.
She is the source of my strength, my
focus and my inspiration,” Sheri said.
“In Scarlett’s final days, Monash
Children’s Hospital staff treated my
family with wonderful compassion,
respect and care. I hope that no
family ever has to deal with a sick
child and I think it’s great that they are
building a new children’s hospital in
our area. I’ve set myself a $700 target
and would appreciate all your help.”
How to join:
Step 1 Sign up for Run Melbourne on the
Everyday Hero website
Step 2 Make sure you join the ‘Monash
Children’s Hospital’ team by following
this link https://runmelbourne2014.
Step 3 Encourage your friends and family
to support your efforts and raise funds for
Monash Children’s Hospital
For more information email
By the first week in July 2014 Sheri had
already raised $1,500.
Seven-year-old cancer survivor Charlie Garcia had the honour
of proudly cutting the ribbon at the official opening the Monash
Children’s Hospital Cancer Centre expansion on 20 February 2014.
The redevelopment, made possible thanks to the generosity of
donors, has added more room and greater comfort for our young
cancer patients.
“By expanding our centre, we are not only providing patients with
more comfort, but we will also be able to reduce waiting times and
enable more children to receive treatment close to their home –
which is tremendously important,” said Chief Executive of Monash
Health, Ms Shelly Park.
The opening was an opportunity to invite long-time supporters of
the Monash Children’s Hospital Cancer Centre and thank them for
their incredible ongoing support and celebrate this wonderful and
much needed new space.
Children’s Cancer Centre Foundation Chief Executive Officer,
Aileen Boyd-Squires, organiser of charity golf day ‘Bailey’s Day’
Patrick Tessier, Program Director of Koala Kids, Mandy Mandie and
Members of the Bayside Blue Healers all joined in the celebrations.
This expansion was largely made possible thanks to the generosity
of a very special woman who was determined to help sick children
before she sadly passed away last year. It was very moving to have
members of her family there on the day to see the difference she
made to the lives of so many children.
Charlie was all too happy to try out the celebrational cake
at the launch.
Charlie asked his friends and family to donate money to the
Monash Hospital Children’s Cancer Centre instead of buying him
presents for his seventh birthday. Charlie proudly donated $529
for cancer research. “I did it so hopefully other children don’t have
to go what I went through,” he says. Charlie has completed his
treatment and now just comes in for check ups.
The generosity of our supporters and partners helps ensure
Monash Health provides exceptional health care to our patients
and their families.
Please complete the attached donation form and return to
Monash Health Foundation - every dollar helps to deliver
our vision of exceptional care and outstanding outcomes.
FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH | Winter Edition 2014 | |
For many people wanting to give to
others, the idea of making a donation
can seem like an impossible and
daunting process. Funds are not
always easy to come by and deciding
who to donate to and how can be
difficult. But Mr and Mrs Neville found
a way.
In 2002, both Mr and Mrs Neville were
treated for heart conditions at Monash
Health’s MonashHeart in Clayton.
“I’m so grateful for the treatment and
care we received. I will never forget
how much the staff helped us during
that tough time. We wanted to find a
way to support the hospital, but as
pensioners, weren’t sure how best to
do it,” Mr Neville said.
Sadly, recently Mr and Mrs Neville
passed away and shortly afterwards
MonashHeart received a generous
donation from the sale of the estate.
This tremendous gift-in-will from the
Nevilles will help fund new equipment
and services at MonashHeart, allowing
them to continue to provide the highest
level of care to the people who need it
the most.
For a donor, it is an incredibly selfless
gesture to consider others after you
have provided for your family and loved
ones. Gift-in-wills are a great way to
support a cause that may have been
important to you over your lifetime and
to make a positive difference to others
in need.
The Monash Health Foundation
will continue to acknowledge the
generosity our supporters have made
and the legacy they leave behind long
after they have gone.
If you have included Monash
Health in your will please let us
know as we would welcome
the opportunity to thank you
Janene Blanchfield Brown DSJ MFIA
Monash Health Foundation
(03) 9594 2063
Proudly supporting the Monash Children’s Hospital
On 13 June 2014, the Melbourne
Grand Hyatt played host to one of the
biggest fundraising events in Australia,
the Swisse Celebrate Life Ball hosted
by Nicole Kidman. The glamorous ball
is the inaugural event of the Celebrate
Life Foundation - proceeds from the
night will support the new Monash
Children’s Hospital.
The Ball is the first major event for
the Celebrate Life Foundation, which
supports charity programs that inspire
wellness throughout the community.
Patients, families and staff were
treated to a surprise visit by Nicole
Kidman and Keith Urban at the
Monash Children’s Hospital. Before
the couple were due to appear at the
ball, they stopped in and visited a number
of children’s wards and spoke to staff
and families. The highlight of the visit was
an unplugged acoustic performance by
Keith, singing Amazing Grace to all on the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Nicole said that as a mother herself,
she didn’t think twice about supporting
the event.
“I am pleased to be able to lend my
support to the wonderful work of the
children’s hospitals and in particular to the
inaugural Celebrate Life Ball,” she said.
“As a mum, and as any parent would
agree, there is nothing more important in
life than the good health and happiness of
your child.”
Image supplied by Swisse.
Corporate Australia jumped on board to
support the event. Supporters included
Swisse, Qantas, the Nine Network,
Laurent Perrier, Audi Centre Melbourne
and Zagame Automotive, Wolf Blass
and Grand Hyatt Melbourne.
Guests enjoyed an evening of stunning
food, French champagne, world-class
entertainment, live fundraising auctions
and performances by Jessica Mauboy
and Timomatic.
For some, turning the big “five-zero”
is confronting; a reminder that time is
passing all too quickly and the autumn
years are just around the corner. But
for me, turning 50 was something to
embrace and celebrate with enthusiasm
– I am a survivor!
I was diagnosed with an aggressive
form of breast cancer just after my 45th
birthday, so the prospect of actually
reaching 50 at times seemed a distant
hope. Now, five years down the track,
I am grateful for my second chance at
life, and no longer take the ‘little’ things
for granted.
For more information
a December
or With
for tickets:
www.birthday, celebrating
had not been a high priority over
the years. In fact, I had not actually
celebrated my birthday since turning
21. With this in mind, I decided to go
‘all out’ and host a special ‘Think Pink’
50th Party.
Held at the Brentwood Community
Centre in Glen Waverley, my family and
friends went all out in decorating the
venue in pink. DJ Cam donated his time
and equipment, pumping out music from
70s classics through to today’s ‘just
have to dance’ tracks. Cam also put
on the final touches with an awesome
lighting display.
This was a time of celebration. Everyone
present had made a contribution to my
survival. From the support of my family
through to the wry humour of friends,
who never allowed me to feel sorry
for myself, or forget those priceless
moments in time.
But it was also an opportunity to give
something back. I have two very special
people in my life, my daughter Nicola
and my son, Benjamin (Ben). Without
the professional expertise and support
from the medical and nursing staff
associated with Moorabbin Hospital,
I would not have been here, proudly
watching Nicola and Ben mature into
the independent and responsible
individuals they are becoming.
I had one wish for my birthday – that
I could do something that would
help others struggling with this cruel
and indiscriminate disease. I asked
my family and friends to share in my
vision, by making a donation towards
the purchase of an iPhone for the
Breast Care Nurses. We placed pink
envelopes and donation slips beside
the ‘Hope Tree’ with special pink pegs
to attach these hope filled envelopes
to the tree. I was truly humbled by
the generosity of these special people
in my life. We raised enough to
cover the purchase on an iPhone –
hopefully in a brilliant pink case!
I am lucky. I had the benefit of an
exceptionally talented medical and
surgical team, backed by caring,
professional nursing staff at Monash,
experts in the field of caring for
cancer patients. While it is not a
journey that I willingly undertook,
thanks to the combined efforts of all
these wonderful people, I have the
opportunity to continue along my
path, enjoying all that life has to offer.
If you would like to share your special occasion with a gift in celebration please go to or contact Kathryn Fisher on (03) 9594 7681.
FOUNDATION FOR HEALTH | Winter Edition 2014 | |
Our community partnership with the Lions Club of Oakleigh
is dedicated to advancing aged care through research
and travelling fellowships for Monash Health employees
in rehabilitation and aged care services. Research activity
focusses on conditions associated with ageing and
the elderly.
The Lions John Cockayne Memorial Fellowship Trust Fund
was established many years ago with donations from
the Oakleigh Lions Club Elderly People’s Home Inc. and
Monash Health. The interest generated is allocated yearly
to support research activities in the area of aged care.
Mr Norm Fidge of the Lions Club of Oakleigh had been a
Trust Fund committee member since 1996 when the Trust
was formed. Sadly Norm passed away in November 2013.
Lions Club of Oakleigh representatives Dr Kate Bristow and
Mr Brian Ormsby presented a cheque for $25,000 from
the Trust Fund in memory of Norm Fidge. The funds will
be added to the principal of the Trust Fund and will be an
enduring legacy.
In the past four years the Trust Fund has supported
seventeen research projects and nine travel fellowships.
These include a trial of a new treatment for diabetes-related
foot ulcers; a study of the language needs of residents
from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with
dementia in aged care facilities; an investigation of the
role of doctors and GPs in the provision of falls prevention
information to older adults; and travel to the World Union of
Wound Healing Societies Conference in Yokohama, Japan.
Lions Club of Oakleigh representatives Mr Brian Ormsby and Dr
Kate Bristow, and Professor Barbara Workman – Medical Director,
Rehabilitation and Aged Care Services and Chair of the Lions John
Cockayne Memorial Fellowship Trust Fund Committee.
Mr Gary Hannah, a grade three allied health assistant
working in the physiotherapy department at Kingston
Centre, Monash Medical Centre and Moorabbin Hospital
has been awarded a travelling fellowship. Gary will attend
the conference Implementing the Calderdale Framework
to be held in Edinburgh in June 2014. He is one of four
funding recipients for 2014.
As an acknowledged leader in the Allied Health Assistant
(AHA) leadership group Gary will work with the newly
appointed AHA Advisor for Monash Health, Annette Davis,
to develop an implementation plan to progress extended
task roles, using the Calderdale Framework, in the
rehabilitation setting at Kingston Centre. This will be added
to the broader Allied Health Assistant workforce strategic
plan for Monash Health and will be an excellent outcome
from this fellowship.
Calls for applications are announced in September
each year.
For more details please see the Lions John Cockayne
Memorial Fellowship Trust Fund website:
My Contact Details (please print clearly)
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I would like to make a single gift of: $
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Where it is most needed
Other (please nominate area)
Please send me information about leaving Monash Health a gift in my will
Please keep me informed about the work of the Monash Health Foundation
Recognition (donors will be recognised in campaign materials unless they wish to remain anonymous)
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*A Direct Debit Authorisation Form will be sent to you **Please make payable to Monash Health Foundation
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Donations of $2 and over are tax deductible. Please allow seven business days to process your donation. A receipt will be sent by mail/email.
Thank you!
Thank you for supporting exceptional healthcare at Monash Health.
Please send completed form to: Monash Health Foundation, Locked Bag 29 CLAYTON SOUTH VIC 3169 Tel: (03) 9594 2700