Document 69091

Lexington County Chronicle & The Dispatch-News |
Thursday, April 30, 2009 | A9
Earley is new Chapin football coach
hapin High School welodist Church. Donations will
comes a new Athletic Dibe accepted at the door. For inSTAN SHEALY
rector and head football
fo, visit www.dutchforkchoralcoach. He is Scott Earley, who
guided the Myrtle Beach High
happy birthday april 30 to:
School Seahawks to the 2008
Paul LaRosa, Eddie Muldrow,
Class AAA state championDamon Lindler, Jim Huffstetler,
_ Hannah Brooks, Fred Falls, Anship. In eight seasons with the AROUND CHAPIN
Seahawks, he has compiled a
dy Murray, Brittany Howell,
record of 72 wins against 29
Michael Nichols, Suzanne
losses, including last season’s 14-1 campaign Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Sarah Pittman
and Class 3A coach of the year honors.
Fox, Laura Long, Gladys Wyly, Bryson HolEarley replaces Larry Grady, who reland, Verta Lathrop, Joshua Taylor, Kate
signed in February following an investigaBugenske, Samantha Knight.
tion into “inappropriate” behavior involvmay 1: Jim helms, Elizabeth Emmer,
ing a student. Chapin High School Principal Calvin Fitts, Vernon Fulmer, Doris Fulmer,
Mike Satterfield selected Earley for the job
Beverly Brubach, Tyler Piehl, Anne Pillow,
after a review committee made recommen- Linda Ruilova, Noah Schelble.
dations from a field of as many as 40 canmay 2: tim cOmOse, Brooke Elliott,
didates. The Lexington-Richland District 5
Marilyn Finley, Frances Kendra, Grace Mcboard was to award the contract Monday.
Clure, Christen Snedecor, Gayle ArmcOngratulatiOns tO seniOr JacOb
strong, Lisa Burch, Betsy Daugherty, MiGray, who was crowned “Mr. Chapin” in a
chael Shealy, Brichette Holland, Sarah
pageant Saturday at Chapin High School to Wolford.
raise money for a scholarship. Tyler
On may 3 tO: Mary Vacula, Paul Ashley,
Leaphart was named Mr. Senior; Evan DeY- Ben Anderson, Maxie Lewis, Jill Messervy,
oung, Mr. Junior; Jamison LeGrand, Mr.
Ava Noller, Lauren Lowman, Adam ComaSophomore; and CJ O’Dell, Mr. Freshman.
lander, Ronald Beckett, Gary Johnston,
cOngratulatiOns alsO tO Kimberly
Marian Langmeyer, Joe McClintock, Jim
Wiedel, a senior at Chapin High, who reSiroky, Nick Spatharos, Ryan Swistak.
ceived the Kristi Dawn McNair Student of
may 4: carOl clarK, Mary Ferreira, Adthe Year Award. The award is given annualam Kawamoto, Eric Moore, Gary Nistler,
ly by Columbia Mayor Bob Coble’s Commit- Kevin Vitkus, Mark Wilson, Devin Swintee on Employment of People with Disabilidall, Kenneth Lannigan, Kevin Sheppard,
ties. Wiedel was honored at a luncheon in
Carol Weathers, Pam H. Frick, Joyce ElliColumbia, with her parents and grandmoth- sor, Charles Blau.
er in attendance. She received a plaque and
may 5: bert watsOn, Gary Patterson,
was congratulated by the mayor.
J.H. Cartrette, Celeste Huber, Mary Grathe dutch fOrK chOral Society will
ham Targonski, Kelsey Smith.
present “A Night of Grand Singing” May 2
may 6: linda neely, Rhoda Sanga, Anne
and 4, at 7:30 p.m. McGregor PresbyteriVoigt, Andrea Bickley, Brent Weatherford,
an Church in Irmo will host the Saturday
Chandler Edwards, Summer Justice, Kathevening concert on May 2. The May 4, per- erine Davis, Janice Hallman, Peyton Frick,
formance will be at Chapin United MethDr. Ed Bull, and Nicole Frick.
lexington medical center foundation
presents an evening with
Lee Trevino
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Embassy Suites
Presenting Sponsor
per person
Dinner & Speaker
6:30 p.m.
Cash bar available
beginning at 6:00 p.m.
60 is magic number for Harriet Berzins
ixty seems to be the
dy, Marijo Cooper, and Lynn
magic number and
Pasco. Also in attendance for
that number came up
our area were Annette Amick,
Saturday night, April 18,
Jo Shealy, and Liz Shealy.
for Harriet Enlow Berzins.
have yOu ever wanted to
Her husband, John, along 794-4079
Fireproof Your Marriage? That
with family and friends reis what seven couples from St.
ally pulled a surprise birthDavid Lutheran Church did
AROUND OAK GROVE _ April 17-19 The classes were
day party with the fiesta
theme. Harriet was told
taught by Pastor James Lauthat they were going to Lexington Arms to rence and his wife Karen. But all was not
celebrate her 60th birthday. Her children
work for Ann and Gene Alexander, Andy
and grandchildren were there along with
and Larry Lown, Sharon and Vince
about 75 of her family and friends. The
Bouronich, Vicky and Chris Bowers, Linda
crowd feasted on Mexican food and celand Bob Rea, and Jeanne and Steve Husebrated the night away. Happy birthday,
man. I’m told there was never a dull moHarriet.
ment with Andy Lown in the bunch and
Other awards were in store for the
others egging her on. After all, what is
Oak Grove area. Woodmen of the World
life if you can’t see the fun in it!
Lodges 273 and 1276 held their awards
aubrey KesecKer writes in her blog
banquet April 14 at the Woodmen of the
from Buxton, England, of some of the exWorld building on Augusta Road. During
periences she has had this year doing ELthe night, Honor Awards were presented
CA Mission work at the Charis House.
to Pennie Peagler and Samantha Johnson. The pictures of England really remind
The Conservation Award was presented
you of some of the History of England
to Lisa Thornbury. Receiving the Perfect
and her experiences are both heart warmAttendance Awards were Ann Addy, Mari- ing and sometimes sad. Charis House is a
jo Cooper, Bobbi Bouknight, and Annette
home that caters to women and children
Amick. Safe Driving Awards for school
in crisis situations.
bus drivers were presented to Paula GuntBirthday wishes to Nadra Bachman, Lauer, Mary Leaphart, Lori Bennett, Brenda
ra Stevens, Dan Roof, Lorien Donald, PauPoplin, and Sokino Lowman. Recognized
la Hutchins, Bryan Wessinger, Carl Hallas,
with a Homeland Hero Award was Cody
Jr., Amanda Corley, Sarah Bruice Smith,
Cooper. Thanks to everyone who helped
April Laughlan, Denise Malejko, Patty
to make our neighborhood a better place! Rauch, Bennett Bearden, Astrid Bruce,
after all Of the excitement here, the
Charles Hendrix, Lisa Kelly, Donna Jo CorWoodmen Jurisdictional Convention was
ley, Robert McCombs, Kathy Bupp, Gege
held April 19-21 at the Marriot in SparKimball, Wil Wiggins, Savannah Wingard,
tanburg. Attending as delegates from
Joyce Childs, Janet Hentz and Thomas
Lodge 1276 were Janice Johnson, Bobbi
Bouknight, Frances Johnson, Betty PritCelebrating anniversaries are Nell and
chard, Pat Campbell and Catherine Hutto. Tom Panyard, Debbie and Ben Spears, and
The Jurisdictional Officers were Ann AdBrenda and Doug Bearden.
Tickets $50
To order tickets,
please call
(803) 791-2540
or online at
Presented by
South Carolina Blue Star Mothers and
benefiting South Carolina Veterans
May 16, 2009 • Embassy Suites Hotel • Columbia
Cocktails 6:00 | Dinner 7:00
Golf tournaments, tours planned
ur Lady of the Lake
provide sponsorship or
Catholic Church will
play, call Laura at 345KERRI RABON
have its annual golf out1100. Some of the ceeds will benefit the Aning at Timberlake Country
Club May 2 at 2 p.m. Pronie Epting Scholarship
ceeds will benefit the scholFund.
arship fund, which distribthe dutch fOrK chOral
utes $4,000 each year. If you AROUND LAKE MURRAY
Society will present “A
would like to participate or
Night of Grand Singing”
help call Bob Falsetti at 518on May 2 and 4. Concerts
6163 or email him at rfalsetti@sc.rr.
will be held in Irmo and Chapin. The
music will include Handel’s Coronation
if yOu want tO take in the annual
Anthem, Zadok the Priest, Richard
Lake Murray Pontoon Tour of Homes
Wagner’s Pilgrims’ Chorus and some
on May 9, you should call Ginny LanBroadway tunes. McGregor Presbyteridis at 520-7509 for ticket information
an Church will host the event on May
immediately. The tours will begin at 9
2 at 7:30 p.m. Then, on May 4, the
a.m. with another departing from the
performance will be at Chapin United
Lighthouse Marina at 1 p.m. Cost is
Methodist. Donations will be accepted.
$30 per person.
For more information, visit www.
may 18 is the date for the 15th
nual Chapin Chamber Golf TournacOngratulatiOns tO brian and
ment at Timberlake Country Club.
Hannah Majewski on the birth of their
Shotgun start is at noon. Proceeds will
daughter Melissa Lynn.
aid the Chamber in continuing its missympathy is extended tO the famision of promoting the growth of comlies of Anthony Thomas Pellicci, Angie
merce, community, and culture in and
Nieman, Jimmy Sarratt and William J.
around Chapin. If you would like to
Keynote Speaker
Ron Young
Iraqi Freedom POW
Special Guest
James Smith
Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran
Tickets are still available and can be purchased at
or by calling 803-206.6088
Beneficiaries of this year’s Ball:
Dorn Veterans Hospital Transportation Network
Program, Fisher House Foundation, Angel’s
House and Blue Star Mothers of South Carolina