Med Workshops ABBREVIATIONS Med Workshops, LLC 303 91st Avenue NE, PMB 197 Lake Stevens, WA 98258 Toll free (866) 640-2605 Medical Transcription Home Study CA CAD CCE CCU CHF CNS COPD C&S C-section CT CVA CXR DOA DOB EKG EEG ENT EOMI FUO GI ICU IVP JVD KUB LMP MI MRI NAD OR OTC PE PERRLA PID PMH PSH PT ROM TSH TIA URI UTI WNL WD/WN Cancer Coronary artery disease Clubbing, cyanosis, edema Coronary care unit Congestive heart failure Central nervous system Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Culture and sensitivity Cesarean section Computed tomography Cerebrovascu lar accident (stroke) Chest x-ray Dead on arrival Date of birth Electrocardiogram Electroencephalogram Ears, nose, and throat Extraocular movements intact Fever of undetermined etiology Gastrointestinal Intensive care unit Intravenous pyelogram Jugular venous pressure Kidney, ureters, and bladder (x-ray) Last menstrual period Myocardial infarction Magnetic resonance imaging No acute distress Operating room Over the counter Physical exam Pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation Pelvic inflammatory disease Past medical history Past surgical history Physical therapy Range of motion Thyroid stimulating hormone Transient ischemic attack Upper respiratory infection Urinary tract infection Within normal limits Well developed, well nourished 2 More Common Medical Abbreviations ABBREVIATION MEANING ABG Arterial blood gas ABO A system of classifying blood groups a.c. Before meals ACE Angiotensin converting enzyme ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone, corticotropin ADH Antidiuretic hormone ADL Activities of daily living ad lib As desired Afib Atrial fibrillation AFL Atrial flutter AFP Alpha-fetoprotein AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ALT Alanine aminotransferase (formerly SGPT) AST Aspartate aminotransferase (formerly SGOT) ANA Antinuclear antibody AP Anteroposterior A&P Anterior and posterior AQ Water ARDS Adult respiratory distress syndrome ASHD Atherosclerotic heart disease ASO Antistreptolysin-O AV Arteriovenous, atrioventricular 3 bact Bacteriology b.i.d. Twice a day BLS Basic life support BMR Basal metabolic rate BP Blood pressure BPH Benign prostatic hypertrophy bpm Beats per minute BSA Body surface area BUN Blood urea nitrogen BX, Bx Biopsy C Celsius, centigrade, complement Ca Calcium CA, Ca, ca Cancer, carcinoma CAB Coronary artery bypass CAD Coronary artery disease caps Capsules CAV Cytoxan, adrimycin, and vincristine CBC Complete blood count CC, C.C. Chief complaint cc Cubic centimeter CCU Coronary care unit CEA Carcinoembryonic antigen cg Centigram CHF Congestive heart failure CK Creatine kinase Cl Chloride, chlorine CLL Chronic lymphocytic leukemia cm Centimeter 4 CNS Central nervous system CO Carbon monoxide, cardiac output CO2 Carbon dioxide COMP Compound COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CPK Creatine phosphokinase CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, C-reactive protein C&S Culture and sensitivity CSF Cerebrospinal fluid CT Computed tomography CTS Carpal tunnel syndrome cu Cubic CVA Cerebrovascular accident D&C Dilatation and curettage DIC Disseminated intravascular coagulation DIFF, diff Differential blood count dl Decliter (100 ml) DM Diabetes mellitus DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid DO Doctor of osteopathy DP Dorsalis pedis DPT Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (toxoids/vaccine) DSA Digital subtraction angiography D/W Dextrose in water DX, Dx, dx Diagnosis ECF Extracellular fluid ECG Electrocardiogram ED Emergency department 5 EEG Electroencephalogram EMG Electromyogram ENT Ear, nose, and throat ERA Estroadiol receptor assay ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate exc Excision F Fahrenheit FBS Fasting blood sugar FDA Food and Drug Administration FSH Follicle-stimulating hormone ft Foot, feet, (measure) FUO Fever of undetermined origin g, gm Gram gastroc Gastrocnemius GFR Glomerular filtration rate GI Gastrointestinal GP General practitioner G6PD Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase gr Grain gt, gtt Drop, drops GTT Glucose tolerance test GU Genitourinary GYN Gynecology Hb Hemoglobin HCG Human chorionic gonadotropin HCI Hydrochloric acid, hydrochloride HCO3 Bicarbonate HCT Hematocrit 6 HDL High-density lipoprotein HDN Hemolytic disease of the newborn Hg Mercury Hgb Hemoglobin HGH Human growth hormone HI Hemagglutination inhibition HLA-B27 Human leukocyte antigen HR Heart rate Hr Hour h.s. At bedtime, hour of sleep Hx History Hz Hertz (cycles per second) IABP Intra-aortic balloon pump ICF Intracellular fluid ICS Intercostal space ICU Intensive care unit IgA Immunoglobulin A IgD Immunoglobulin IgE Immunoglobulin IgG Immunoglobulin IgM Immunoglobulin IHSS idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis IM Intramuscular inf Inferior inj Inject I&O Intake and output IPPB Intermittent positive-pressure breathing IU International unit 7 IUD Intrauterine device IV Intravenous IVP Intravenous pyelogram IVU Intravenous urography JRA Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis K Potassium kcal Kilocalorie (food calorie) kg kilogram 17-KGS 17-ketogenic steriods 17-KS 1 7-ketosteroids KO Keep open KUB Kidneys, ureters, and bladder l Liter LAD Left anterior descending (coronary artery) lat lateral lb Pound LBBB Left bundle branch block LDH Lactate dyhdrogenase LDL Low-density lopoprotein LE Lupus erythematosus LH Luteinizing hormone lt left LUQ Left upper quadrant LV Left ventricle M Molar m Meter, minim MCH Mean corpuscular hemoglobin MCHC Meancorpuscular hemoglobin concentration 8 MCV Mean corpuscular volume MD Medical doctor, muscular dystrophy mm Millimicron (nanometer) mEq Millequivalent Mg Magnesium mg Milligram mg Microgram MI Myocardial infarction ml Milliliter m Micron ml Microliter mm Millimeter mM Millimole mm Micrometer, micron m mol Micromole mo Month mol wt Molecular weight mOsm Milliosmole m Osm Micro-osmole MRI Magnetic resonance imaging MS Multiple sclerosis, morphine sulfate MSH Melanocyte-stimulating hormone MUGA Multigated acquisition (scanning) N Nitrogen, normal (strength of solution) Na Sodium NaCl Sodium chloride ng Nanogram (millimmicron) NGT Nasogastric tube 9 n.p.o.O Nothing by mouth OB-GYN Obstetrics and gynecology 1 7-OHCS 1 7-hydroxcorticosteroids OTC Over the counter (a drug that can be obtained without a prescription) oz Ounce P Phosphorus, pressure, pulse PaCO2 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood PaO2 Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood Pap smear Papanicolaou smear p.c. After meals PCO2 Partial pressure of carbon dioxide PO2 Partial pressure of oxygen peds Pediatrics PERRLA Pupils equal, round, react to light and accommodation pg Picogram (micromicrogram) pH Hydrogen ion concentration PID Pelvic inflammatory disease PKU Phenylketonuria PMS Premenstrual syndrome p.o. By mouth PPD Purified protein derivative (of tuberculin) ppm Parts per million p.r.n. As needed, whenever necessary pro time Prothrom bin time psi Pounds persquare inch PT Physical therapy PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 10 PTH Parathyroid horomone PVC Premature ventricular contraction q. Every q.d. Everyday q.h. Every hour q.2h. Every 2 hours q.4h. Every4 hours q.i.d. Four times a day R Respirations, roentgen RA Rheumatoid arthritis RAIU Radioactive iodine uptake RBBB Right bundle branch block RBS Red blood cell RCA Right coronary artery RF Rheumatic fever, rheumatoid factor Rh Rhesus blood factor Rh neg. (Rh-) Rhesus factor negative Rh pos. (Rh+) Rhesus factor positive RLQ Right lower quadrant RN Registered nurse RNA Ribonucleic acid R/O Rule out ROM Range of motion (of joint) RUQ Right uper quadrant Rx Prescription SaO2 Systemic arterial oxygen saturation (%) SBE Subacute bacterial endocarditis S.C., SQ, subq Subcutaneous 11 sec Second sed rate Sedimentation rate SGOT Serum glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (see AST) SGPT Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (see ALT) SI Internation System of Units SIADH Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone SIDS Sudden infant death syndrome SLE Systemic lupus erythmatosus SOB Short of breath spec Specimin sp gr Specific gravity S&S Signs and symptoms ss* One-half stat Immediately STD Sexually transmitted disease sx Symptoms T Temperature; thoracic, to be followed by number designating specific thoracic vertebra T&A Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Tabs Tablets TB Tuberculosis T&C Type and crossmatch temp. Temperature TIA Transient ischemic attach TIBS Total iorn-binding capacity t.i.d. Three times a day TMJ Temporomandibular joint TPA Tissue plasminogen activator 12 TPN Total parenteral nutrition TPR Temperature, pulse, respirations TSH Thyroid-stimulating hormone tsp Teaspoon UA Urinalysis ung Ointment URI Upper respiratory infection USPHS United States Public Health Service VDRL Veneral Disease Research Laboratory (test for syphilis) Vfib Ventricular fibrillation VS Vital signs VSD Ventricular septal defect VT Ventricular septal defect VT Ventricular tachycardia UTI Urinary tract infection WBC White blood cell WHO World Health Organization 13 SURGICAL ABBREVIATIONS AP AV block Anteroposterior Atrioventricular block BX Biopsy CABG Coronary artery bypass graft CVA Cerebrovascular accident CHF Congestive heart failure CRIF Closed reduction internal fixation CSF Cerebrospinal fluid D&C Dilation and curettage EGD Esophagogastroduodenoscopy I&D Incision and drainage ICP Intracranial pressure LLQ Left lower quadrant LUQ Left upper quadrant ORIF Open reduction internal fixation PA Posterior/anterior PID pelvic inflammatory disease PTCA Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 14 SURGICAL ABBREVIATIONS RLQ RUQ Right lower quadrant Right upper quadrant SAB Spontaneous abortion SBO Small bowel obstruction T&A Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy T&C Type and cross TURB TURP Transurethral resection, bladder Transurethral resection, prostate 15 RADIOLOGY ABBREVIATIONS AIDS ARC ASAP acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS-related complex as soon as possible BE BX barium enema biopsy CA CAD CHF CNS COPD CS CVA CXR cancer coronary artery disease congestive heart failure central nervous system chronic obstructive pulmonary disease central supply cerebrovascular accident chest x-ray DOA DOB DX dead on arrival date of birth diagnosis EKG EMG ENT ER electrocardiogram electromyogram ears, nose, and throat emergency room FUO fever of unknown origin GI gastrointestinal HH HX hiatal hernia history I/O ICU IVP intake/output intensive care unit intravenous pyelog ram LMP last menstrual period MRI MI magnetic resonance imaging myocardial infarction OP OTC outpatient over-the-counter PAR PID postop preop PT postanesthesia recovery pelvic inflammatory disease postoperative preoperative physical therapy R/O rule out TIA TKO UGI URI UTI transient ischemic attack to keep open (refers to IV line) upper GI series upper respiratory infection urinary tract infection AHA American Hospital Association AMA American Medical Association JCAHO Joint Commission on Acreditation of Healthcare Organizations VIEWS: anteroposterior view (AP) posterior-anterior view (PA) cross-table view Panorex view Waters’ view IMAGES: amplified contrast enhanced fluoroscopic multiecho phantom scout suboptimal tomographic zoomed 16 PATHOLOGY/LAB ABBREVIATIONS % % FI02 percent percent fraction inspired oxygen %TIME % TOT percent time percent of total % BOUND percent bound ABR antibody response units ABS absolute B/L billion per liter C Celsius; complement CELLS cells cmm cubic millimeter CPS DEG C counts per second degrees Celsius EIA U enzyme immunoassay units EVENTS events f1 fetoliter G/5 HR grams per 5 hour collection g/DL grams per deciliter g/TV grams per total volume g gram g/24 H grams per 24 hours g/DL grams per deciliter GPL IgG phospholipid unit HOURS hours Index index IU/2 HR international units per two hours IU/DL international units per deciliter IU/L international units per liter IU/ML international units per milliliter k/MM3 kEq/mL thousand per cubic milliliter kilo-equivalents per milliliter 17 kI U/ML L/MIN killi-international units per milliliter liters per minute m/MM3 million per cubic millimeter mcg/DL micrograms per deciliter mcg/ML micrograms per milliliter mEq/L milliequivalents per liter mEq/TV mg % milliequivalents per total volume milligram percent mg/24 H milligrams per 24 hours mg/dL milligram per deciliter mg/L milligram per liter mg/TV milligrams per total volume mic/S microns per second MICRON micron MIL millions MIL/ML millions per milliliter MIN minute MINUTE minute mIU/ml milli-international units per millimeter mL milliliter mL/MIN mmHR milliliters per minute millimeters per hour mm3 cubic millimeters mmHg millimeters of mercury mmol/L millimoles per liter mosm/K milliosmols per? MPL IgM phospholipid unit mu/ML micro-units per millimeter ng/dL nanograms per deciliter ng/L nanograms per liter ng/ML nanograms per milliliter nmol/L nanomoles per liter O.D. pg optical density picogram (=micromicrogram) pg/mL picograms per milliliter pH hydrogen-ion concentration 18 PPB parts per billion RATIO SEC ratio seconds SECOND seconds U/10 C U/L units per 10 cubic milliliters units perliter U/mL units per milliliter mcg/24h. micrograms per 24 hours mcg/DAY micrograms per day mcg/dL micrograms per deciliter mcg/G micrograms per gram mcg/L micrograms per liter mcg/ML micrograms per milliliter mcg/TV micrograms per total volume UMOL/L micromoles per liter UNITS units UU/mL micro-units per milliliter VOL % volume percent 19 MEDICAL TITLE ABBREVIATIONS AAP ABAI ABFP ABO ABPN AK American Academy of Pediatrics American Board of Allergy and Immunology American Board of Family Practitioners American Board of Otolaryngology American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology Acupuncturist (Pennsylvania) ANP AOBFP AOBSPOMM AP ASG Adult Nurse Practitioner American Osteopathic Board of Family Physicians American Osteopathic Board of Special Proficiency in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine Acupuncture Physician Affiliated Study Group BCFM BHMS BHMS (Cal) BSN BVScAH CA CAAPM CAC CCD Forensic Examiner in Medicine Board Certified Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery Bachelor in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (Calcutta) Bachelor of Science, Nursing Bachelor of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry Certified Acupuncturist Clinical Associate of the American Academy of Pain Management Certified Animal Chiropractor Certification in Chronic Disease CCH CCN CCSP CHES CHom CHt CNHP CNM Certified in Classical Homeopathy Certified Clinical Nutritionist Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician Certified Health Education Specialist Certified Homeopath Certified in Hypnotherapy Certified Natural Health Professional Certified Nurse Midwife CNP CNS CPM Certified Nurse Practitioner Certified Nutrition Specialist Certified Professional Midwife CRM CRNP CRRN CSI CSPOMM Certified Reiki Master Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse Certified SHEN Physioemotional Release Instructor Certified Specialty of Proficiency in Osteopathic Manipulation 20 DIHom Medicine Certified Trained Homeopath (ESSH School of Homeopathy) Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist Certified Veterinary Chiropractor Certified Veterinary Homeopath Diplomate of American Academy of Pain Management Diplomate of the American Board of Family Practice Diplomat of American Board of Homeopathic Medicine Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine Diplomate in Acupuncture Doctor of Acupuncture, Rhode Island Doctor of Acupuncture, West Virginia Diplomate of American Chiropractic Board of Nutrition Diplomate of Acupuncture Diplomate of Acupressure Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Dermatology Doctor of Chiropractic Doctor of Divinity Doctor of Natrology Doctor of Dentistry Diplomate of the Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians Diploma/Homeopathy Postgraduate Diploma of the British Institute of Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (India) Diplomate in Homeotherapeutics Diploma of the British Institute of Homeopathy and Complementary Medicine Dip NIH Diploma in Homeopathy by National Institute of Homeopathy (Calcutta) CTHom CVA CVC CVH DAAPM DABFP DABHM DABIM DAc DAc (RI) DAc (WV) DACBN DAch DAcu DACVD DC DD DN DDS DHANP DHom DHM DHMS DHt DMD DN DNBHE DO DOM DPM DVM EMT FAAEM FAAFP FAAP FACFAOM Doctor of Medical Dentistry Doctor of Natrology Diplomate of the National Board of Homeopathic Examiners Doctor of Osteopathy Doctor of Oriental Medicine Doctor of Podiatric Medicine Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Emergency Medical Technician Fellow of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine Fellow of the American Academy of Family Practitioners Fellow of the Association of American Pediatrics Fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Medicine 21 FACFO FACGP FACOG FAGD FBIH FCAH FIACA FIAOMT FICCMO FNP GCEH HASG HLL HMA HMC HMD HNC HSG JD Fellow of the American College of Foot Orthopedics Fellow of the American College of Family Practice Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry Fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy Fellow of Canadian Academy of Homeopathy Fellow of the International Academy of Clinical Acupuncture Fellow of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology Fellow of the International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics Family Nurse Practitioner Graduate Course in Classical/Educational Homeopathy Homeopathic Affiliated Study Group Homeopathic Laymen's League Homeopathic Medical Assistant Homeopathic Master Clinician Homeopathic Medical Doctor (Nevada) Holistic Nurse Certified Homeopathic Study Group Juris Doctorate LAc LCH LCh LCSW Licensed Acupuncturist Licentiate of the College of Homeopathy (UK) Licensed Chinen Herbologist LCSW Licensed Certified Social Worker LicAc LL LM Licensed Acupuncturist Laymen's League Licensed Midwife LMT LN LNC Licensed Massage Therapist Licensed Nutritionist Licensed Nutritionist Counselor MD MD(H) MFCC MN MNNP MPH MRCP MRCVS MSEd MSN MSW MTS NCCA Doctor of Medicine Homeopathic Medical Doctor (Arizona) Marriage, Family and Child Counselor Master of Nursing Master of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner Master of Public Health Master of Royal College of Physicians Member of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Master of Education Master of Nursing Master of Social Work Master of Theological Studies National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists 22 ND ND* NM NMD NP Doctor of Naturopathy Doctor of Nursing Nurse Midwife Doctor of Naturopathy Nurse Practitioner OMD Doctor of Oriental Medicine PA PA-C PhD PsyD PT RMT RN RN-C RNCS RN/NP RPh RPT RSHom (NA) SG TRS/CTRS VMD Physician Assistant Physician Assistant Certified Doctor of Philosophy Doctor of Psychology Physical Therapist Registered Massage Therapist Registered Nurse Registered Nurse Certified Registered Nurse Clinical Specialist Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner Registered Pharmacist Registered Physical Therapist Certified by the North American Society of Homeopaths Study Group Therapeutic Recreational Specialist Veterinary Medical Doctor 23
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