City of Canby 2014-2015 Proposed Budget TABLE OF CONTENTS CITY BUDGET Budget Message 1 Council Goals 6 Budget Summary 8 5-Year History Fund Balance Trend Analysis 9 13 Recurring Revenue/Expense Summaries General Fund Other Funds 14 15 Reserves 16 Internal Charges & Overhead Cost Allocation 17 Personnel Worksheet 19 Allocated Salaries 20 Employee Benefits by Type Bar Graph Pie Chart General Fund General Fund Revenues Trends 25 Pie Chart 26 Detail General Fund Expenditure Charts Budget Introductions and Expenditure Details by Department: Special Revenue Funds Internal Service Funds Enterprise Fund Closed Funds 27 28 Administration 29 Court 32 Planning 35 Parks 37 Building 40 Police 42 Cemetery 47 Finance 49 Economic Development 52 Library Fund 54 Streets Fund 57 Systems Development Fund 61 Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund 63 Forfeiture Fund 65 Transit Fund 67 Swim Center Levy 70 Fleet Services Fund 73 Facilities Fund 76 Tech Services Fund 79 Sewer Combined Fund 82 Parks Development Fund 91 Street Reserve Fund 93 911 Emergency Fund 95 Library Endowment Fund 97 Debt Service Fund Capital Reserve Fund URBAN RENEWAL BUDGET 23 24 99 101 Budget Message 103 Urban Renewal General Fund 108 Urban Renewal Debt Service Fund 111 City of Canby May 8, 2014 Honorable Mayor and City Council Budget Committee Members PO Box 930 Canby, OR 97013 Dear Mayor, Councilors and Budget Committee: This Budget Message shall serve as the official letter of transmittal for the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015. OVERVIEW Pursuant to Oregon Budget Law, the budget message must contain certain information which assists the reader of the budget in understanding major differences in the proposed budget from the current year adopted budget. For example, ORS 294.391 requires that the budget message accomplish the following: Explain the budget document Contain a brief description of proposed financial policies used in preparation of the proposed budget Call out significant features of the proposed budget Explain any major changes in financial policy reflected in the proposed budget The City Charter designates the City Administrator as the Budget Officer for the City and, as such, the responsibility for the 2014-2015 Proposed City Budget preparation rests with the Interim City Administrator. However, it should be clearly noted that the vast bulk of the work in developing this proposed budget was done by the members of the City’s Management Team and the Finance Department staff who conducted the financial analysis. FINANCIAL POLICIES The over-arching principle guiding the development of the proposed budget is adherence to the City Council’s Adopted City Values and Goals. Revenue estimates for the proposed budget have been based on a conservative approach. 182 N Holly - PO Box 930 - Canby, Oregon 97013 - Phone 503-266-4021 - Fax 503-266-7961 1 STATUTORY BUDGET INFORMATION ORS 294.391 and ORS 294.401 require that the Budget Officer deliver the budget document for public inspection and comment and provide the document to the Budget Committee for review and deliberation. In keeping with these requirements, a copy of the Proposed Budget for FY 2014-2015 is on file with the City Recorder and available for public inspection at City Hall. In addition, a copy of the document is available at the Canby Public Library. Pursuant to ORS 294.401(1), the Budget Committee must hold at least one meeting to receive the budget document, hear the budget message and deliberate over its content prior to recommending the budget in its current or modified form to the City Council for adoption as set forth in ORS 204.406(1). It is during the Budget Committee meetings that department directors will answer specific questions from Committee members and the public. Finally, the City Council will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed budget prior to formal adoption. EXPLANATION OF THE BUDGET DOCUMENT The financial information presented in the proposed budget document list the Budget Officer’s recommendation under the 2014-15 “Proposed Budget” column ORS 294.376 requires that we show the actual (audited) amounts for each budgeted item for the previous two fiscal years (2011-2012 and 2012-2013). The adopted budget for FY 20132014 and new this year a column titled Projected YE (yearend) Totals is also provided for comparison. The financial information is organized by specific fund and department if applicable. Each department/fund has a budget introduction including a purpose and/or description, a section titled Goal Integration to outline how this budget is supporting the department/fund reach the goals as presented to City Council earlier this year, an outline of Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 and a Budget at a Glance section outlining in narrative form the applicable expense categories. Then a line item detail is presented and subtotaled by the following categories: Revenue Personnel Services Materials & Services Capital Transfers Other which includes contingencies and reserves 182 N Holly - PO Box 930 - Canby, Oregon 97013 - Phone 503-266-4021 - Fax 503-266-7961 2 New this year you will note that we have classified accounts by highlighting the account Title as follows: Recurring Revenue or Expense Restricted or one-time Revenue or Expense Inconsistent/Unreliable Revenue or Expense Prospectively irrelevant Revenue or Expense There is a summary of these classifications by Revenue and Expense at the bottom of each department/fund. This was added to the document to start the conversation about moving towards a structurally balanced budget which is defined as a budget in which recurring revenues meet or exceed recurring expense. This is a policy being considered by the new Municipal Audit and Financial Oversight Committee. Local budget law just requires that total resources equal total requirements, therefore reserves and other onetime resources can be used to offset ongoing requirements - which isn’t financially sustainable long-term. The final budget document will show the amount approved by the Budget Committee under an “Approved by Committee” column which will include any changes made by the Budget Committee during their deliberations and the amount adopted by the City Council under an “Adopted by Governing Body” column. This amount would include any changes made by the City Council. SIGNIFICANT FEATURES AND CHANGES Closing the Street Reserve Fund – Street Capital projects will now be integrated into the Street Fund. Closing the Parks Development Fund – Capital projects have been integrated into the General Fund Parks Department and improvement System Development Charges will be recorded and maintained in the new System Development Fund. Adding a new System Development Charge (SDC) Fund where SDC improvement revenue will be recorded and maintained by type so that compliance with allowable use can be more easily tracked and controlled in accordance with state statutes. Allocation methodologies for internal charges and overhead has remained consistent with prior year. See Internal Charge and Overhead Cost Allocation handout provided herein for an outline of methodology used. Established a PERS contribution Stabilization Reserve and Retirement and Separation Payout Reserve during the current year, see the Reserves handout provided herein for more information on how these were established and the impact they have on the proposed budget. Established a Municipal Audit and Financial Oversight Committee that is in the process of evaluating recommended updates to the City’s Financial Policies. Added a Personnel Worksheet to the proposed budget book that summarizes actual FTE (Full – time equivalents) for the 3 prior year, the current year budgeted FTE and the proposed FTE. Included additional trend and graphical information in the proposed budget book. 182 N Holly - PO Box 930 - Canby, Oregon 97013 - Phone 503-266-4021 - Fax 503-266-7961 3 BUDGET PREPARATION PROCESS Each Department/Fund has a Director/Lead Worker who is responsible for drafting a requested budget based on requirements of planned operations and capital projects for the upcoming year. Finance provides historical data and current year to date figures as well as a template to aid in this process. In addition finance is responsible for projecting personnel service cost based on salary schedules, anniversary dates, etc. Key Assumptions used in estimation of personnel services expense in the proposed budget include: A cost of living adjustment (COLA) effective July 1, 2014 of 2.5% Health insurance increase of 10%. Note PERS contribution rates are set bi-annually therefore there was no change in our rate for the current year. However, in the prior year subsequent to the adoption of the budget PERS issued reduced contributions rates, we reallocated these savings to a PERS stabilization reserve so benefits in the proposed budget are at a rate that is 3.96% of salaries lower than budgeted in the prior year. Finance is also responsible for preparing the estimates of general revenues. Based on guidance provided by Clackamas County; property taxes, which make up approximately 60% of general fund revenue, are estimated to increase 3%, which amounts to approximately $120,000 over the projected current yearend total. Other revenues are estimated based on a historical trend analysis. Once the general fund department’s requested budgets and estimated general revenue is compiled the management team comes together to address any requested budget deficits or surplus. In the current year there was a 1 million dollar deficit in the general fund requested budget. This was the result of the following: Requested increases in staffing levels amounting to approximately $300,000 Requested increases in materials and services of approximately $150,000 An increase in the cost of salaries and benefits of approximately $250,000 An increase in budgeted contingencies and reserves of approximately $300,000 Over the course of several weeks the general fund management team worked together to make hard decisions and produce the proposed budget presented to you today in this document. 182 N Holly - PO Box 930 - Canby, Oregon 97013 - Phone 503-266-4021 - Fax 503-266-7961 4 CITY OF CANBY CITY COUNCIL VALUES AND GOALS VALUES Fiscal Responsibility and Financial Stability – We constantly strive for the proper use of public funds and resources. We are prudent in our fiscal policies and practices as we plan for long-term financial sustainability within the City. Honesty, Ethics, Accountability – We adhere to the highest standards of honesty, ethical conduct and accountability that inspire public confidence and trust. These are the foundations of public trust and confidence. Livability – As a City we honor the importance of maintaining the small town feel while continuing to address economic development, housing, parks, long-term planning, public safety and transportation. Inclusive Community – We are committed to open communication and outreach to engage all segments of the community. Exceptional Service – We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and delivery of public services to our whole community. GOALS Community Maintaining a small town feel as we grow Manage growth in a responsible and measurable manner, while continuing to improve the quality of life of our citizens Continue to enhance communication between City Hall and citizens in and around the City of Canby, including use of electronic and social media Integrate the adopted Community Vision Plan throughout City Goals, plans, and communications Growth and Economic Development Identify and implement strategies for attracting additional tenants to industrial parks Identify and implement strategies for improving overall health of the business community Collaborate with Clackamas County Tourism and Event Center to encourage increased cultural and commercial activity Build on strategies to improve business development in downtown and other business areas Plan for future housing needs and development Develop plan to make Main Street Program and Economic Development office self-funding by close of the Urban Renewal District 6 Parks and Recreation Refine, revise, and update Parks Master Plan to include long-term recreation plan that includes community center, aquatic center, sports facilities, and Willamette River front recreation Identify future park lands Identify funding and strategic alliances for acquisition and improvement of park lands Transportation, Public Safety, and Public Services Maintain and improve City infrastructure – stormwater, road maintenance, water, WWTP, and others Continue to provide quality public safety and services that enhance Canby’s livability Develop strategy for improving and sustaining Canby Area Transit System Develop method to enable northern access for emergency services and economic development Develop strategy for implementing Transportation System Plan (TSP) with emphasis on neighborhood safety and economic development Develop and implement facilities plan to appropriately provide Library and City Hall services Encourage long-term services and infrastructure plans for NE and SE development Develop strategy for implementing Oregon 99E Corridor and Gateway Plan 7 CITY OF CANBY BUDGET SUMMARY 14-15 FY 2014-2015 General Fund Personnel Materials Contingency/ Services & Services Other Debt Transfers Capital Total Service Unap FB Budget FTE 0 Administration 3.93 520,077 542,132 843,643 0 62,217 74,964 0 2,043,033 Court 3.05 236,575 84,242 0 0 0 0 0 320,817 Planning 1.30 143,221 71,163 0 0 0 0 0 214,384 Parks 3.35 327,600 131,028 0 0 527,900 0 0 986,528 Building 0.25 38,578 5,607 0 0 0 0 63,195 28.20 3,868,048 914,158 0 0 26,000 0 0 4,808,206 Cemetery 0.05 4,058 98,112 0 0 0 0 0 102,170 Finance 3.03 337,267 100,554 0 0 0 0 0 437,821 Economic Developmen 3.41 386,412 98,488 0 72,367 0 0 0 557,267 46.57 5,861,836 2,045,484 843,643 91,377 616,117 74,964 0 9,533,421 Library 8.50 615,832 167,905 1,305,389 103,142 0 0 0 2,192,268 Street 6.23 555,310 370,044 390,706 98,649 1,130,507 0 0 2,545,216 SDC Fund 0.00 0 0 1,430,258 521,700 0 0 0 1,951,958 Cemetery Perp Care 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 876,099 876,099 Forfeiture 0.00 0 36,560 0 0 0 0 0 36,560 Transit 2.85 290,194 1,332,393 777,374 155,216 165,000 0 0 2,720,177 Swim Center Levy 9.03 492,865 126,960 316,720 76,712 15,000 0 0 1,028,257 26.61 1,954,201 2,033,862 4,220,447 955,419 1,310,507 0 Fleet Services 2.45 241,890 515,846 157,556 0 0 0 0 915,292 Facilities 0.90 100,222 171,300 71,073 0 27,800 0 0 370,395 Technical Services 0.95 95,369 183,375 69,029 0 71,589 0 0 419,362 4.30 437,481 870,521 297,658 0 99,389 0 0 1,705,049 5.975 665,798 582,531 295,413 408,689 0 0 0 1,952,431 Sewer Collections 3.33 326,050 87,358 0 44,988 0 0 0 458,396 Stormwater 2.43 260,404 53,638 0 42,084 0 0 0 356,126 Sewer Const Res 0.00 0 0 0 40,000 5,609,261 0 0 5,649,261 Sewer Debt 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 594,176 0 594,176 11.74 1,252,252 723,527 295,413 535,761 5,609,261 594,176 0 9,010,390 Police 19,010 Special Revenue Funds 876,099 11,350,535 Internal Services Funds Enterprise Fund Sewer (WWTP) 0 Total all funds 89.22 9,505,770 5,673,394 5,657,161 1,582,557 7,635,274 669,140 876,099 31,599,395 Less transfers -1,582,557 30,016,838 8 City of Canby 5‐Year General Fund History Actuals 2009‐10 2010‐11 Transfers In ‐ non O/H Subtotal 3,593,431 58.4% 393,742 6.4% 309,296 5.0% 531,505 8.6% 19,125 0.3% 125,178 2.0% 4,972,277 51,120 0.8% 593,282 9.6% 27,021 0.4% 5,816 0.1% 109,194 1.8% 121,874 2.0% 73,136 10.3% ‐ 0.0% 981,443 200,000 3.3% 6,153,720 109% 3,679,102 57.7% 428,300 6.7% 328,256 5.1% 544,103 8.5% 9,348 0.1% 153,809 2.4% 5,142,918 52,314 0.8% 553,888 8.7% 38,095 0.6% 3,294 0.1% 260,424 4.1% 163,829 2.6% 56,218 11.8% ‐ 0.0% 1,128,062 104,000 1.6% 6,374,980 111% Overhead Transfers In 711,500 478,005 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Property Tax Franchise Fees State Shared Revenues Canby Utility Interest Other Administration Court Planning Parks Building Police Cemetery Economic Development Total Current Revenues 6,865,220 6,852,985 Projected 2013‐14 Proposed 2014‐15 3,722,477 57.4% 3,794,510 54.7% 463,062 7.1% 687,924 9.9% 360,710 5.6% 374,953 5.4% 576,813 8.9% 595,905 8.6% 10,339 0.2% 7,652 0.1% 136,860 2.1% 540,050 7.8% 5,270,262 6,000,994 58,100 0.9% 57,320 0.8% 506,205 7.8% 451,715 6.5% 37,685 0.6% 30,023 0.4% 232 0.0% 1,145 0.0% 340,888 5.3% 14,170 0.2% 130,625 2.0% 119,900 1.7% 66,231 8.6% 72,753 8.5% ‐ 0.0% ‐ 0.0% 1,139,966 747,025 75,000 1.2% 192,960 2.8% 6,485,228 108% 6,940,979 107% 3,924,100 56.6% 711,620 10.3% 393,500 5.7% 632,000 9.1% 7,400 0.1% 377,639 5.5% 6,046,259 55,200 0.8% 380,270 5.5% 85,646 1.2% 2,346 0.0% 15,000 0.2% 180,523 2.6% 68,772 9.1% ‐ 0.0% 787,757 94,806 1.4% 6,928,822 108% 4,046,557 53.0% 722,000 9.4% 395,500 5.2% 638,000 8.3% 7,000 0.1% 81,965 1.1% 5,891,022 56,950 0.7% 387,900 5.1% 44,480 0.6% 8,860 0.1% 15,000 0.2% 114,380 1.5% 69,325 0.9% 500 0.0% 697,395 1,052,496 13.8% 7,640,913 100% 772,897 757,435 759,857 2011‐12 7,258,125 2012‐13 859,562 7,800,541 7,686,257 8,400,770 Page 1 of 4 9 City of Canby 5‐Year General Fund History Actuals GENERAL FUND EXPENSES Administration Personal Services Materials & Services Capital Debt Transfers Total Administration 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 2012‐13 Projected 2013‐14 Proposed 2014‐15 702,991 455,851 ‐ ‐ 672,099 1,830,941 734,111 393,362 ‐ ‐ 309,878 25.2% 1,437,351 690,441 353,218 ‐ ‐ 448,855 19.9% 1,492,514 659,451 840,434 ‐ ‐ 428,293 20.1% 1,928,178 609,772 546,420 25,721 73,267 70,000 23.7% 1,325,180 520,077 542,132 62,217 74,964 ‐ 16.9% 1,199,390 214,290 54,906 219,564 59,442 195,467 53,807 190,415 70,331 ‐ ‐ 3.6% 260,746 236,575 84,242 15,316 264,590 201,062 60,914 15,650 14,349 3.6% 291,975 Court Personal Services Materials & Services Capital Transfers Total Court 10,344 279,540 3.8% Planning Personal Services Materials & Services Capital Transfers Total Planning 215,843 46,018 2,326 10,344 274,531 247,530 78,494 ‐ 13,071 3.8% 339,095 243,163 33,607 ‐ 15,536 4.7% 292,306 295,613 21,322 ‐ 14,349 3.9% 331,283 102,273 96,557 ‐ ‐ 4.1% 198,830 Parks Personal Services Materials & Services Capital Transfers Total Parks 262,959 63,358 ‐ 59,026 385,343 303,561 60,221 59,821 62,855 5.3% 486,458 304,610 51,415 42,103 62,448 6.7% 460,576 376,515 59,694 ‐ 40,807 6.2% 477,016 467,555 118,703 ‐ ‐ 5.9% 586,258 11,203 290,209 4.0% 3.3% 320,817 13.8% 3.7% 143,221 71,163 2.5% 214,384 2.5% 327,600 131,028 527,900 7.5% 986,528 Page 2 of 4 10 11.4% City of Canby 5‐Year General Fund History Actuals 2009‐10 Building Personal Services Materials & Services Transfers Total Building Police Personal Services Materials & Services Capital Transfers Total Police Cemetery Personal Services Materials & Services Transfers Total Cemetery Finance Personal Services Materials & Services Transfers Total Finance Economic Development Personal Services Materials & Services Transfers Total Economic Developmt 2010‐11 2011‐12 Projected 2013‐14 2012‐13 Proposed 2014‐15 218,222 34,149 33,358 285,729 183,187 38,737 (32,340) 3.9% 189,584 147,413 125,488 51,857 2.6% 324,758 68,205 5,493 86,149 4.4% 159,847 77,890 8,738 19,197 2.0% 105,825 38,578 5,607 19,010 1.4% 63,195 3,142,444 269,796 3,471,003 213,715 35,747 301,249 54.2% 4,021,715 3,582,842 243,949 61,918 455,034 54.3% 4,343,743 3,905,492 823,055 10,000 ‐ 53.4% 4,738,547 3,868,048 914,158 26,000 369,733 3,781,973 3,242,063 255,174 10,117 407,787 52.0% 3,915,141 3,600 98,586 24,636 126,822 3,842 93,796 24,636 1.7% 122,274 4,545 99,424 ‐ 1.7% 103,969 4,996 95,262 ‐ 1.4% 100,258 3,984 98,129 ‐ 1.2% 102,113 236,832 65,235 6,895 308,962 340,805 88,876 7,469 4.2% 437,150 357,324 69,883 23,816 6.1% 451,023 397,088 79,231 21,349 6.1% 497,667 416,583 99,464 ‐ 6.1% 516,047 60.5% 4,808,206 1.3% 102,170 6.6% 437,821 5.0% 6.4% 8,689,778 95% 0.0% ‐ 0.0% ‐ 0.0% ‐ 0.0% ‐ Total General Fund Exp. 7,273,841 96% 7,217,262 94% 7,411,451 94% 8,129,967 94% 7,833,546 93% Revenues Over (Under) Expenses (1) (408,621) (329,426) (147,289) 1.2% 337,267 100,554 ‐ (153,326) 55.3% 4,058 98,112 386,412 98,488 72,367 0.0% 557,267 (364,277) 0.7% (289,008) Page 3 of 4 11 City of Canby 5‐Year General Fund History (1) 5‐year total is: (1,402,939) Fund balance 7/1/2009 Fund balance 6/30/2014^ 2,535,591 1,132,652 (1,402,939) Personal Services Materials & Services Capital Debt Transfers 4,997,181 1,087,899 2,326 69% 5,274,663 15% 1,068,102 0% 69,938 73% 5,413,967 15% 1,000,557 1% 77,850 73% 5,585,771 14% 1,406,298 1% 77,568 1,186,435 7,273,841 16% 804,559 1 7,217,262 11% 919,077 1 7,411,451 12% 1,060,331 1 8,129,967 71% 5,773,964 18% 1,861,397 1% 35,721 73,267 14% 89,197 7,833,546 $ change in Personal Services % change in Personal Services (505,687) ‐9.19% 277,482 5.55% 139,304 2.64% 171,804 3.17% 188,193 3.37% $ change in expense % change in expense (280,998) ‐3.72% (56,579) ‐0.78% 194,189 2.69% 718,516 9.69% (296,421) ‐3.65% $ change in property taxes % change in property taxes 198,342 5.84% 85,671 2.38% 43,375 1.18% 72,033 1.94% 129,590 3.42% $ change in revenue % change in revenue (373,686) ‐5.16% (12,235) ‐0.18% 405,140 5.91% 542,416 7.47% (114,284) ‐1.47% 74% 24% 0% 1% 1% 1 5,861,836 2,045,484 616,117 74,964 91,377 8,689,778 Page 4 of 4 12 75% 26% 8% 1% 1% 1 General Fund ‐ Fund Balance Trend Analysis Ending Fund Balance Revenue vs Expense 2,500,000 8,500,000 2,000,000 8,000,000 1,500,000 7,500,000 1,000,000 7,000,000 500,000 6,500,000 ‐ Revenue Expense 6,000,000 2009‐2010 Beginning Balance Revenues Expense Ending Balance 2010‐2011 2009‐2010 2,535,600 6,865,219 7,273,840 2,126,979 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 Actual 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 2,126,979 1,762,699 1,609,373 6,852,985 7,258,129 7,800,535 7,217,265 7,411,455 8,129,967 1,762,699 1,609,373 1,279,941 2013‐2014 Projected Budgeted 2013‐2014 2014‐2015 1,279,941 1,132,652 7,686,257 8,400,770 7,833,546 8,689,778 1,132,652 843,644 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 2013‐2014 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 2013‐2014 2014‐2015 Revenues 6,865,219 6,852,985 7,258,129 7,800,535 7,686,257 8,400,770 Expense 7,273,840 7,217,265 7,411,455 8,129,967 7,833,546 8,689,778 Difference (408,621) (364,280) (153,326) (329,432) (147,289) (289,008) * * Budgeted Budget vs Actual Ending Fund Balance Budget vs Actual 2,500,000 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 2013‐2014 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 Budget 1,353,489 872,567 674,328 445,400 505,798 Actual 2,126,979 1,762,699 1,609,373 1,279,941 1,132,652 Difference (773,490) (890,132) (935,045) (834,541) (626,854) ^ 500,000 ^ Projected ‐ 2009‐2010 2010‐2011 Budget 2011‐2012 2012‐2013 2013‐2014 Actual 13 GeneraL Fund Recurring Rev/Exp Summary 13/14 Gen Admin Court Planning Parks Building Police Cemetery Finance EconDev GF Total Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 5,682,732 1,629,295 14,173 ‐ 7,326,200 55,200 ‐ ‐ ‐ 55,200 380,270 ‐ ‐ ‐ 380,270 7,128 21,100 57,418 ‐ 85,646 ‐ ‐ 2,346 ‐ 2,346 15,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 15,000 94,718 74,718 11,087 ‐ 180,523 68,772 ‐ ‐ ‐ 68,772 757,435 94,806 ‐ ‐ 852,241 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 7,061,255 1,819,919 85,024 ‐ 8,966,198 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,198,220 48,391 70,000 8,569 1,325,180 260,746 ‐ ‐ ‐ 260,746 172,830 26,000 ‐ ‐ 198,830 586,258 ‐ ‐ ‐ 586,258 105,825 ‐ ‐ ‐ 105,825 4,717,347 21,200 ‐ ‐ 4,738,547 102,113 ‐ ‐ ‐ 102,113 516,047 ‐ ‐ ‐ 516,047 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 7,659,386 95,591 70,000 8,569 7,833,546 Net Recurring Rev/Exp (598,131) 14/15 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 5,823,322 57,300 10,400 ‐ 5,891,022 56,950 ‐ ‐ ‐ 56,950 387,900 ‐ ‐ ‐ 387,900 4,000 15,000 25,480 ‐ 44,480 ‐ 521,700 8,860 ‐ 530,560 15,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 15,000 91,580 21,800 1,000 ‐ 114,380 69,325 ‐ ‐ ‐ 69,325 759,857 ‐ ‐ ‐ 759,857 ‐ 530,796 500 ‐ 531,296 7,207,934 1,146,596 46,240 ‐ 8,400,770 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,137,173 905,861 ‐ ‐ 2,043,034 320,817 ‐ ‐ ‐ 320,817 199,384 15,000 ‐ ‐ 214,384 458,628 527,900 ‐ ‐ 986,528 63,195 ‐ ‐ ‐ 63,195 4,774,906 33,300 ‐ ‐ 4,808,206 102,170 ‐ ‐ ‐ 102,170 437,821 ‐ ‐ ‐ 437,821 24,378 532,889 ‐ ‐ 557,267 7,518,472 2,014,950 ‐ ‐ 9,533,422 ‐ Net Recurring Rev/Exp (310,538) 14 Other Fund Recurring Rev/Exp Summary 13/14 Library Special Revenue Funds Streets SysDev Transit Swim Capital Projects Fund UR Internal Service Funds Facilities Forfeiture Fleet Tech Enterprise Fund Sewer Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 747,811 1,373,694 76,600 ‐ 2,198,105 939,252 1,578,929 7,670 ‐ 2,525,851 ‐ 1,644,857 ‐ ‐ 1,644,857 1,725,282 1,710,153 58,650 ‐ 3,494,085 731,339 227,061 3,850 ‐ 962,250 ‐ 12,658,653 60,535 ‐ 12,719,188 252,130 79,358 1,264 ‐ 332,752 ‐ 75,039 ‐ ‐ 75,039 693,146 267,396 3,950 ‐ 964,492 336,908 176,640 879 ‐ 514,427 3,570,000 3,453,019 1,164,842 201,043 8,388,904 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 734,019 74,064 ‐ ‐ 808,083 958,554 ‐ ‐ 978,778 1,937,332 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,622,214 808,175 ‐ 200,936 2,631,325 681,688 ‐ ‐ ‐ 681,688 ‐ 3,524,897 ‐ ‐ 3,524,897 256,504 7,100 ‐ ‐ 263,604 ‐ 38,089 ‐ ‐ 38,089 693,787 92,802 ‐ ‐ 786,589 280,726 17,044 ‐ 94,806 392,576 2,458,344 701,584 ‐ ‐ 3,159,928 Net Recurring Rev/Exp 13,792 (19,302) ‐ 103,068 49,651 ‐ (4,374) ‐ (641) 56,182 1,111,656 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 776,746 1,409,522 6,000 ‐ 2,192,268 941,981 1,555,885 7,350 ‐ 2,505,216 ‐ 1,946,758 5,200 ‐ 1,951,958 1,757,693 938,684 23,800 ‐ 2,720,177 746,495 280,562 1,200 ‐ 1,028,257 ‐ 9,707,546 35,025 ‐ 9,742,571 300,947 69,148 300 ‐ 370,395 ‐ 36,950 ‐ ‐ 36,950 733,590 177,903 3,800 ‐ 915,293 297,011 121,851 500 ‐ 419,362 3,700,000 5,294,390 16,000 ‐ 9,010,390 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 867,379 1,324,889 ‐ ‐ 2,192,268 1,024,003 1,269,310 ‐ ‐ 2,293,313 ‐ 521,700 ‐ ‐ 521,700 1,777,803 942,374 ‐ ‐ 2,720,177 696,537 331,720 ‐ ‐ 1,028,257 ‐ 9,742,571 ‐ ‐ 9,742,571 271,522 98,873 ‐ ‐ 370,395 ‐ 36,950 ‐ ‐ 36,950 757,736 157,557 ‐ ‐ 915,293 278,744 140,618 ‐ ‐ 419,362 2,471,540 6,499,804 ‐ ‐ 8,971,344 Net Recurring Rev/Exp (90,633) (82,022) ‐ (20,110) 49,958 ‐ 29,425 ‐ (24,146) 18,267 1,228,460 14/15 15 Reserves = Contingency + Restricted/Committed Reserves + Reserve for future expenditure(R/UNR) + Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance PERS Contribution Stabilization Reserve (Committed Reserve) Established in the current year by the City Council through Resolution No. 1170 and committed by Ordinance No. 1384. In the current year this was funded by the difference between the original contribution rate provided by PERS which was budgeted in prior year and a reduced rate provided by PERS subsequent to the adoption of the budget. The rate reduction was a result of the state legislature passing Senate Bill 822 which included some cost savings due to changes in PERS benefits and a budget note requesting an additional 1.9% of the previously issued rates be collared, or in other words deferred to a future period. The actuarial method used by OPERS also includes a rate collaring provision, again these provisions defer current expense to future periods. Per Milliman’s Actuarial Methods, Rate Calculations & Financial Projection presentation at the PERS board meeting March 29, 2013 rates are projected to increase for the next 2 biennium rate adjustments and level off in the 20%‐25% of payroll range for an extended period of time. Our current rates after the adjustment are currently 7.61%‐11.96%, they were reduced by 3.96%, which was allocated to fund the reserve. This is projected to have accrued $224,600 at yearend of which only approximately $130,000 would be returned to the general fund if the reserve was eliminated. Originally finance requested that this reserve be funded at the same rate in the current year which would have generated approximately $250,000 of which $160,000 would have been contributed by general fund departments but in order to balance we eliminated the current year contribution in the proposed budget. Retirement and Separation Payout Reserve (Committed Reserve) Established and committed in the current year by the City Council through Ordinance No. 1394. As of 5/1/2014 the City had 23 employees eligible for retirement or early retirement under PERS which in accordance with benefit agreements have an approximate liability of $350,000 that would be paid out upon retirement. In addition the City has an approximate $300,000 liability or accrued vacation that would be payable upon an employee’s separation from the City, which in total is an approximate $650,000 unfunded liability. In the current year this reserve was funded by the difference between budgeted healthcare insurance expense and actual healthcare insurance expense. We had budgeted a 15% increase and the increase was actually only 9.9%. This amounted to approximately $68,000 in funding however we have paid out approximately $23,000 in the current year so the projected yearend balance is only $45,000 of this only approximately $26,000 would be returned to the general fund if the reserve was eliminated. Originally finance requested that this reserve be funded at a rate of 2% of salaries, which would have generated approximately $120,000 of which $76,000 would have been contributed by general fund departments but in order to balance we eliminated the current year contribution in the proposed budget. 16 Internal Charges and Overhead Cost Allocation Internal Charges: Facilities Purpose: Its purpose is to provide for the maintenance and repair of all City-owned structures. Cost basis: Costs include utilities, alarm monitoring, janitorial services and supplies, pest control and other repairs and maintenance costs. Cost allocation methodology: Costs are allocated to departments/funds on a per square foot basis. Department Administration (includes Council Chambers/Main Street/Warehouse) Adult Center Court Planning Parks Building Police Finance Economic Dev Library Streets Fleet Tech Services Transit Sewer Combined Total Facilities Allocation Sewer Facilities Allocation 17,384 32,937 4,640 2,627 26,638 437 73,982 4,218 2,856 33,995 26,793 37,211 4,175 6,203 24,952 299,048 Combined 8% Transit 2% Tech Services 1% Administration (includes Council Chambers/Main Street/Wareho use) 6% Adult Center 11% Fleet 13% Court 2% Planning 1% Parks 9% Streets 9% Building 0% Library 11% Economic Dev 1% Police 25% Finance 1% Tech Services Purpose: The purpose of the Technical Services Department is to provide reliable phone services and computer-based informational systems and services for all city staff. Cost basis: Costs include contract IT services, internet and phone service, web hosting and maintenance costs, IT supplies and equipment, basic software licenses and computer replacement costs. Cost allocation methodology: Costs are allocated to departments/funds on a per computer basis. Department Admin Court Planning Parks Building Police Finance Economic Dev Library Streets Fleet Swim Levy Transit Sewer Combined Total Tech Allocation 26,731 17,821 14,851 5,940 2,970 95,044 14,851 11,880 8,910 17,821 11,880 8,910 23,761 35,641 297,011 Tech Services Allocation Sewer Combined 12% Transit 8% Court 6% Admin 9% Planning 5% Parks 2% Building 1% Swim Levy 3% Fleet 4% Streets 6% Library 3% Economic Dev 4% Finance 5% Police 32% 17 Internal Charges and Overhead Cost Allocation Internal Charges (continued): Fleet Services Purpose: The Fleet Services Department facilitates the purchase, outfitting, maintenance and repair of all City rolling stock and most machinery owned by the City to maximize safety and minimize equipment downtime. Cost basis: Costs include Mechanic labor, contract services, oil, gas, parts, other supplies and equipment. Cost allocation methodology: Costs are estimated by department based on historical information and adjusted to a 12 month actual at the end of March. Sewer Combined 5% Department Admin Parks Police Streets Facilities Transit Sewer Combined Total Fleet Allocation* 5,920 41,950 244,245 92,680 5,000 297,790 36,705 Fleet Allocation Admin 1% Parks 6% Police 34% Transit 41% 724,290 Streets 13% *Budget allocation is converted to 12-month actual in March each year Facilities 0% Overhead: Administration/Finance Purpose: These departments provides a number of direct and support services to City departments/funds and the City Council. It includes human resources, the office of the City Recorder, the office of the City Attorney, and finance. Cost basis: Costs include salaries and benefits for department employees, election costs, professional and technical services, costs to broadcast city council meetings, liability insurance, recruitment costs, travel and training for department employees and City Council, accounting software licenses, audit fees and other related supplies and services. Cost allocation methodology: HR costs are allocated based on FTE (full time equivalent) count. Attorney costs are allocated based on an estimation of time spent on initiatives for each department. Administration and Finance costs are allocated based on a % of prior year budgeted operating expense (personnel services + materials and services, capital outlay was excluded to promote consistency from year to year). Department Court Planning Parks Building Police Cemetery Economic Dev Library Streets Transit Swim Levy Sewer Combined Total Administrative Overhead Allocation 78,385 27,833 70,165 19,010 506,425 14,427 72,367 103,142 98,649 155,216 76,712 234,761 1,457,092 Administrative Overhead Allocation Swim Levy 5% Sewer Combined 16% CourtPlanningParks 5% 2% 5% Building 1% Transit 11% Police 35% Streets 7% Library 7% Economic Dev 5% Cemetery 1% 18 CITY OF CANBY 2014-2015 BUDGET PERSONNEL WORKSHEET Department FULL TIME Administration Building Cemetery Court Economic Development Facilities Finance Fleet Library Parks Planning Police Sewer Collections Sewer Stormwater Streets Swim Center Tech Services Transit Sewer Sub-Total Full Time PART TIME Administration Building Cemetery Court Economic Development Facilities Finance Fleet Library Parks Planning Police Sewer Collections Sewer Stormwater Streets Swim Center Tech Services Transit Sewer Sub-Total Part Time TOTAL FULL TIME EQUIVALENT Actual 20102011 Actual 20112012 Actual 20122013 Budgeted 2013-2014 Proposed 2014-2015 5.91 2.03 0.05 2.05 2.75 0.00 3.40 3.30 5.85 4.00 2.22 27.85 2.43 0.00 4.16 3.00 0.65 1.60 5.64 76.89 5.10 1.33 0.05 1.88 4.15 0.50 3.15 2.51 6.60 5.00 3.03 28.45 2.13 0.40 5.00 3.00 1.09 1.90 5.64 80.91 5.25 0.80 0.05 2.18 3.65 0.90 3.33 2.30 6.00 4.69 2.50 27.83 3.53 1.35 4.63 3.00 1.15 1.80 5.70 80.64 4.95 0.83 0.05 2.05 3.35 0.90 3.90 2.40 5.00 5.30 1.13 28.55 3.38 3.38 5.33 3.00 1.15 2.90 5.48 83.03 3.88 0.25 0.05 2.60 3.35 0.90 3.03 2.35 5.00 3.35 1.30 28.20 3.33 2.43 5.43 3.00 0.95 2.75 5.48 77.63 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.67 0.00 3.44 0.00 0.49 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.38 88.27 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.72 0.00 3.42 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 5.86 0.00 0.01 0.00 10.99 91.9 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.00 3.34 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.77 0.00 0.09 0.00 10.73 91.37 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.87 0.00 0.10 0.00 10.41 93.44 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.10 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 6.03 0.00 0.10 0.5 11.60 89.23 19 City of Canby FY 14‐15 Allocated Salaries Position City Administrator/URD Director Department Total 30% 30% 15% 10% 15% 100% City Recorder GF Administration Economic Dev Total 75% 25% 100% Assistant City Admin/HR Director GF Administration HR Tech Services Economic Dev Total 25% 40% 15% 20% 100% Main Street Manager GF Economic Dev Economic Dev (UR) Total 10% 90% 100% Planning Director GF Planning GF Building Collections Stormwater Streets Total 35% 15% 10% 20% 20% 100% Total 15% 10% 5% 30% 10% 30% 100% Total 80% 10% 10% 100% Senior Planner Code Enforcement Officer Administration Economic Dev Collections Stormwater Streets % Planning Economic Dev Collections Parks Stormwater Streets Police Planning Building 20 City of Canby FY 14‐15 Allocated Salaries Position Office Specialist II Office Specialist II Utility Office Specialist III Operator II Office Specialist II Public Works Lead Public Works Lead Administrative Assistant Department GF Planning Economic Dev Collections WWTP Streets % Total 20% 50% 0% 15% 15% 100% Total 5% 95% 100% Total 45% 23% 10% 23% 100% Total 100% 0% 100% Total 40% 30% 15% 15% 100% Total 25% 25% 50% 100% Total 90% 3% 5% 3% 100% Total 40% 60% 100% GF Cemetery Admin Streets WWTP Finance Stormwater WWTP Stormwater Streets Fleet Services Collections Stormwater Collections Stormwater Streets Facilities Collections Stormwater Streets Police Court 21 City of Canby FY 14‐15 Allocated Salaries Position Associate Planner Office Specialist II Maintenance Worker III Maintenance Worker II Public Works Director Financial Analyst Office Specialist III Department GF Planning Stormwater Streets Collections % Total 45% 10% 10% 35% 100% Total 75% 25% 100% Total 50% 50% 100% Total 50% 50% 100% Total 25% 25% 25% 10% 5% 5% 5% 100% Total 75% 25% 100% Total 50% 50% 100% Finance Admin‐HR Stormwater Collections Stormwater Collections Collections Stormwater Streets WWTP Parks Fleet Planning Finance Transit Finance Transit 22 Employee Benefits by Type Budget FY 11/12 to FY 14/15 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Soc Sec & Medicare 470,783 458,151 476,405 469,549 PERS 988,835 942,461 1,236,708 977,382 Transit 36,925 35,931 37,364 36,828 SUTA 18,461 41,922 43,270 30,687 Life/AD&D 18,101 17,377 18,268 17,799 Health 1,359,454 1,344,419 1,555,261 1,634,791 Workers Comp 133,676 139,734 149,495 175,078 Other 26,551 24,970 25,827 25,743 Total 3,052,786 3,004,965 3,542,598 3,367,857 ‐0.3% ‐1.2% ‐0.3% 66.2% ‐1.7% 20.3% 31.0% ‐3.0% 10.3% 4‐yr inc 1,800,000 1,600,000 1,400,000 11/12 1,200,000 12/13 1,000,000 13/14 800,000 14/15 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Soc Sec & Medicare PERS Transit SUTA Life/AD&D 3,600,000 3,500,000 3,400,000 3,300,000 3,200,000 3,100,000 3,000,000 2,900,000 2,800,000 2,700,000 Health Workers Comp Other 11/12 12/13 13/14 14/15 Total 23 City of Canby Employee Benefits by Type ‐ 14/15 Budget Other 1% Social Security & Medicare 14% Retire/Sep Reserve 0% PERS Reserve 0% Workers Comp 5% 14/15 PERS 29% Transit 1% Health 49% SUTA 1% Life/AD&D 0% Social Security & Medicare 469,549 PERS 977,382 Transit 36,828 SUTA 30,687 Life/AD&D 17,799 Health 1,634,791 Workers Comp 175,078 PERS Reserve 0 Retire/Sep Reserve 0 Other 25,743 Total 3,367,857 24 General Revenue Trends Property Tax Revenue 4,100,000 4,000,000 3,900,000 3,800,000 3,700,000 3,600,000 3,500,000 3,400,000 3,300,000 2009‐10 2010‐11 2011‐12 2012‐13 2013‐14 2014‐15 Franchise Fees 700,000 600,000 CUB In Lieu 500,000 Sewer 400,000 Natural Gas 300,000 Cable 200,000 Solid Waste Telephone 100,000 0 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Proj 14/15 Est State Shared Revenues 250,000 200,000 150,000 Liquor Tax* State Shared Rev** 100,000 Cigarette Tax 50,000 0 09/10 10/11 11/12 12/13 13/14 Proj 14/15 Est 25 General Fund 2014‐15 Budget Revenue By Type Overhead Transfers In 9% Transfers In ‐ non O/H 12% Property Tax 48% Departmental 8% Other General 1% Interest 0% Canby Utility 8% State Shared Revenues 5% Property Tax Franchise Fees State Shared Revenues Canby Utility Interest Other General Departmental Transfers In ‐ non O/H Overhead Transfers In Total Franchise Fees 9% 4,046,557 722,000 395,500 638,000 7,000 81,965 697,395 1,052,496 759,857 8,400,770 26 General Fund General Revenue Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 3,642,460 80,018 128,753 65,931 106,318 162,060 23,154 202,100 135,456 576,813 10,160 ‐ ‐ 1,016 ‐ 93,249 22,511 ‐ 3,925 6,000 ‐ ‐ 10,339 ‐ ‐ 5,270,263 3,666,650 127,860 120,477 80,540 113,538 144,545 22,515 211,210 141,227 595,905 13,300 1,112 620 ‐ ‐ ‐ 516,787 ‐ 2,730 5,500 ‐ ‐ 7,652 228,824 ‐ 6,000,992 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Property Tax Current Property Tax Prior Cable Franchise Fee Telephone Franchise Fee Solid Waste Franchise Fee Natural Gas Franchise Fee Cigarette Tax Liquor Revenue State Revenue Sharing CU In Lieu of Taxes Title Lien Search Fees SDC Compliance Cost Fee Main Street Fees Economic Improvement District PEG Access Fees AAA Revenue To Adult Center FEMA Grant ‐ CU AFD 3 LRIP Phase I Prin/Int Miscellaneous‐Income Lease receipts (Adult Center) PERS Reserve Retirement/Separation Reserve Interest Revenues Revenue Trans Franchise Fee Cash Carryover GENERAL REVENUE 3,765,263 134,000 139,256 57,810 120,910 153,405 20,900 222,800 149,300 620,000 10,000 4,610 1,000 ‐ 54,100 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,600 6,000 ‐ ‐ 8,500 241,800 1,192,150 6,905,404 3,806,500 117,600 141,000 57,000 118,000 145,620 21,200 224,100 148,200 632,000 11,000 4,512 160 ‐ 56,500 ‐ ‐ 3,213 3,400 6,000 224,600 68,254 7,400 250,000 1,279,941 7,326,200 3,928,957 117,600 141,000 57,000 118,000 146,000 19,900 226,000 149,600 638,000 11,000 4,265 ‐ ‐ 57,300 ‐ ‐ 1,200 2,200 6,000 ‐ ‐ 7,000 260,000 1,132,652 7,023,674 5,682,732 1,629,295 14,173 ‐ 7,326,200 5,823,322 1,189,952 10,400 ‐ 7,023,674 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 27 General Fund 2014‐15 Budget Expenditures by Department Contingency Transfers 9% 1% Economic Dev 5% Administration 13%Court 3% Planning 2% Finance 5% Cemetery 1% Parks 10% Building 1% Police 50% General Fund 2014‐15 Budget Expenditures by Type Interfund Transfers 1% Capital Outlay 6% Debt Serivce 1% Contingencies 9% Personnel Services 62% Materials & Services 21% 28 General Fund: Administration Department Description This department provides a number of direct and support services including overall day-today management of operations for the City organization and City Council. Additional responsibilities of the department include Human Resources, administration of the City’s Safety and Risk Management programs, and the offices of the City Recorder. The department also provides legal counsel to the Mayor and City Council through the office of the City Attorney. Department personnel provide clerical and staff support for the City Administrator and City Council. Responsibilities include the production and distribution of City Council agendas, packet materials and minutes, public records requests, along with correspondence, elections, records management, noise variance requests, issuing small animal permits, sidewalk vending permits, processing business and liquor licenses, municipal code codification, and assistance with citizen inquiries and concerns. Due personnel reductions in all General Fund Departments, staff is working on ways that essential services can be provided between the various departments with less personnel. Goals Integration Administration staff will continue to work on Departmental goals to the best of their abilities, budget constraints and corresponding staffing reductions will affect the level of service we can provide to the public and has deferred some initiatives. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 The Deputy City Recorder position was eliminated. A $70,000 transfer to the Library Fund was eliminated. An increase in liability insurance of 11.5% in addition to the addition of new bus insurance for CAT has been included based on recommendations received from our insurance provider. Note insurance for all City owned property and equipment is paid out of the administration department. Main Street and flower basket expenses have been moved to the new Economic Development Department. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies, employee training, memberships in professional organizations for the City and its officers, insurance, contract professional services, printing and publishing costs, codification, and other miscellaneous costs of providing customer service. Capital Outlay – Funds available to pass through to CTV5 as requested for their capital needs. Contingency – 8% of personnel services plus materials and services less approximately $20,000 to balance the fund, a 1% increase from PY, transfers/internal charges are excluded as those respective funds have their own contingencies. 29 General Fund Administration Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 58,100 57,320 58,100 57,320 90,804 165,683 90,090 56,878 32,459 9,550 35,910 ‐ 3,623 240 1,816 ‐ ‐ 203,388 690,441 2,089 7,152 8,657 16,000 8,652 4,001 1,481 348 3 6,000 103,330 8,896 17,026 9,860 254 4,041 ‐ 118 2,970 ‐ 3,557 14,779 252 ‐ ‐ ‐ 95,834 65,880 102,303 62,442 38,381 9,600 37,743 2,473 8,437 ‐ 1,133 ‐ 29,193 206,032 659,451 337 11,408 3,397 26,000 286 3,262 395 4,250 ‐ 5,500 186,424 6,141 20,000 ‐ 424 5,240 3,546 120 1,636 2,248 3,422 14,503 264 ‐ ‐ ‐ Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Business Licenses ADMIN REVENUE 55,200 55,200 55,200 55,200 56,950 56,950 City Administrator City Attorney Assistant City Administrator City Recorder Deputy City Recorder Mayor & Council Office Specialist II HR Assistant Main Street Project Mgr Facilities Maintenance Part Time/Office Spec II Overtime Retirement Payout Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Election Prof/Tech Services HR‐Professional Services CTV5 Professional Services HR‐Legal/Labor Negotiations HR‐Recruit/Employ Testing Codification Copier Lease & Maint Building Maintenance Ground Lease (Adult Center) Liability Insurance Non‐Insurance Claims Liab Ins Deductible Accrued Communications Printing & Binding Mayor & City Council Mayor & CC Travel & Training Mayor & CC Membership Dues Admin Staff Travel & Training Attorney Travel & Training HR‐Travel & Training Admin Membership Dues & Fees HR‐Membership Dues & Fees Internal Charge‐Fleet Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services 43,564 85,124 76,614 71,619 41,237 9,600 38,521 13,713 4,626 ‐ 2,000 250 ‐ 204,059 590,927 ‐ 4,423 5,200 36,000 7,000 7,300 2,500 4,800 ‐ 6,100 224,000 10,000 30,085 ‐ 600 6,450 5,625 195 5,200 2,500 4,800 15,761 545 6,115 139,216 23,584 27,526 85,124 79,347 71,619 41,237 9,600 38,521 13,713 4,626 ‐ 2,000 ‐ 22,670 213,789 609,772 ‐ 4,423 28,000 36,000 15,000 7,300 2,000 4,800 ‐ 6,100 201,861 10,000 ‐ ‐ 480 4,500 6,900 122 4,000 600 4,800 15,000 545 7,420 139,216 23,584 42,449 90,900 82,909 60,488 ‐ 9,600 41,453 10,547 ‐ ‐ 2,097 ‐ ‐ 179,634 520,077 500 10,000 13,485 36,000 7,000 5,300 3,000 5,000 ‐ 6,000 273,252 10,000 36,878 ‐ 600 9,000 ‐ 150 5,400 2,500 4,300 15,755 550 5,920 50,321 26,731 30 General Fund Administration Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 6,878 Supplies & Services 3,742 HR‐Supplies & Services 3,370 Main Street Supplies & Svcs 5,822 Downtown Flower Baskets 1,299 Visioning 2,548 Employee Recognition 1,185 HR‐Risk Mgmt/Safety Committee ‐ Grant‐AAA Funds to Adult Cente 516,787 FEMA Grant Pass‐Thru (CU) 840,434 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES ‐ Capital ‐ PEG Access SUBTOTAL CAPITAL ‐ ‐ Logging Road Principles Phs 1 ‐ Logging Road Principle Phs 2 ‐ Logging Road Interest Phs 1 ‐ Logging Road Interest Phs 2 SUBTOTAL DEBT SERVICE ‐ 70,000 Transfer to Library 4,185 OP Transfer to Fleet 146,341 OP Transfer to Facilities ‐ Transfer to Forfeiture 19,132 OP Transfer to Technical Svc. 188,635 Transfer to Debt ‐ Transfer to Sewer Res (LID) SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 428,293 ‐ Contingency Retirement/Sep Contingency Reserved for Future Exp‐PERS SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ ‐ 7,700 5,000 6,000 7,800 ‐ 3,150 4,435 ‐ ‐ 582,084 87,938 87,938 45,351 17,797 5,561 4,560 73,269 70,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 70,000 505,798 505,798 5,700 5,000 2,672 5,897 ‐ 2,500 2,000 ‐ ‐ 546,420 25,721 25,721 45,350 17,797 5,560 4,560 73,267 70,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 70,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 5,700 5,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 750 3,040 ‐ ‐ 542,132 62,217 62,217 50,293 17,936 3,065 3,670 74,964 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 573,460 45,584 224,600 843,644 1,492,517 1,928,178 1,910,016 1,325,180 2,043,034 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 55,200 ‐ ‐ ‐ 55,200 56,950 ‐ ‐ ‐ 56,950 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 1,198,220 48,391 70,000 8,569 1,325,180 1,137,173 905,861 ‐ ‐ 2,043,034 Account Title 7,569 3,687 (1,312) 4,898 ‐ 2,787 679 92,936 22,511 353,221 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 113,266 5,874 99,488 3,160 13,316 202,812 10,939 448,855 ‐ TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 31 General Fund: Court Department Description The purpose of the Municipal Court Department is to provide effective and efficient application of the judicial process on a fair and equitable basis for the good of the community. Canby Municipal Court has jurisdiction over all city and state law offenses committed within city limits other than felonies. These include: citations for traffic and parking violations, traffic crimes, misdemeanors, and City code violations directed to the Municipal Court. Court operations include violation and trial docketing; preparation of discovery materials; coordination of trial notices for officers and witnesses; processing collections and victim restitution; oversight of probation and diversion programs. Staff collects all fines and state and county assessments, and funds are balanced and distributed to the proper agency each month. Goals Integration The Municipal Court will work with the Finance Department to develop an online credit and debit card payment service for the convenience of constituents. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 Court operations moved to Police department facility effective January 1, 2013. This involved a Court program supervision change. Supervision costs are allocated between the Court and Police departments. The allocation of supervision to Court has been revised from 5% to 60% to reflect current status of supervision. The addition of two new employees (replacements for two existing budgeted positions): o Two Court Clerks Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - include office supplies, postage and forms; interpreter and court appointed attorney costs; employee training and travel; fees for jury, witness and discovery; and traffic safety costs. Capital Outlay – None at this time. 32 General Fund Court Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 376,506 17,721 8,698 63,827 1,460 18,462 12,474 7,057 506,205 356,023 18,540 10,119 33,549 630 12,542 13,782 6,530 451,715 3,799 64,809 ‐ 42,336 ‐ 29,968 5,161 49,395 195,468 1,189 3,800 ‐ 37,800 2,965 438 775 ‐ 120 ‐ ‐ ‐ 5,724 9 ‐ 986 53,806 ‐ ‐ 13,316 2,000 15,316 3,641 Court Supervisor 41,040 Office Spec IV 12,085 Office Spec III 42,336 Municipal Judge ‐ Municipal Court Clerk I 47,234 Municipal Court Clerk II 6,008 PT Court Services Officer 48,720 Employee Benefits 201,064 SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,425 Software Support/Maint 1,170 Interpreter ‐ Protem Judge 41,400 Court Appointed Attorneys 3,105 Technical/Attorney ‐ Communications 598 Training/Conf/Travel ‐ Membership & Dues ‐ Jury Fees ‐ Witness Fees ‐ Internal Charge‐Facilities ‐ Internal Charge‐Tech Services 9,520 Supplies & Services 23 Discovery Expense 1,681 Bank Charges 1,992 Helmets & Carseats 60,914 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 15,650 Capital Office Equipment SUBTOTAL CAPITAL 15,650 14,349 OP Transfer to Tech Svc. ‐ Reserve Transfer to Computers SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 14,349 264,590 291,977 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Fines and Bail Fines / Justice Court Past Due Collections Traffic Safety Helmets & Carseats Court Costs City Costs Attorney Reimbursements COURT REVENUE 315,000 12,500 5,000 30,000 2,000 13,500 11,000 4,500 393,500 310,000 13,000 ‐ 33,000 570 12,500 5,500 5,700 380,270 315,000 14,000 ‐ 35,000 1,000 12,500 5,500 4,900 387,900 3,192 ‐ ‐ 47,099 ‐ 79,730 7,000 52,630 189,651 2,060 1,275 500 41,400 3,200 300 3,180 ‐ 150 50 ‐ 13,476 5,555 75 2,800 2,000 76,021 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,192 ‐ ‐ 47,099 19,911 51,918 7,000 61,295 190,415 1,961 1,170 ‐ 41,400 3,252 ‐ 250 ‐ 100 50 ‐ 13,476 5,000 40 3,500 132 70,331 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 40,839 ‐ ‐ 45,511 73,385 ‐ 7,000 69,840 236,575 2,060 1,260 ‐ 41,400 3,276 ‐ 1,690 195 150 75 4,640 17,821 6,310 65 3,800 1,500 84,242 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 265,672 260,746 320,817 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 33 General Fund Court Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 380,270 ‐ ‐ ‐ 380,270 387,900 ‐ ‐ ‐ 387,900 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 260,746 ‐ ‐ ‐ 260,746 320,817 ‐ ‐ ‐ 320,817 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 34 General Fund: Planning Department Description The Planning Department works to maintain and improve the quality of the community and life of citizens who live in the community through the provision of land use planning and development services. This includes the dissemination of information and advice as it relates to development, maintenance, and administration of the Comprehensive Plan, other area specific master plans, the Land Development and Zoning Ordinance, coordination of the development review process, and enforcement of land use regulations. Goals Integration The Transportation Growth Management Grant funded North Redwood Master Plan is the primary long range planning project planned for completion this fiscal year. Staff will be doing the analysis to produce a new Canby Buildable Land Needs Study. Use of the Open Counter software program is expected to assist in improved delivery of needed information to new business prospects. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 A portion of planning staff salaries continues to be allocated to streets, parks, collections, stormwater, and urban renewal departments, as representative of the overall work activities performed. Funds provided in professional services for City Engineer review of development is mostly offset with applicant payment for construction plan review. Cash match to increase competitiveness when seeking possible available planning grants has been removed due to necessary budget reductions and will be sought out from City contingency if opportunity presents itself. We have included a Public Works Director in the proposed budget allocated across various public works departments to address the need for supervision, strategic planning and compliance initiatives. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies, planning commission expenses, employee training, contract professional services, internal technical services charges and the pass-thru revenue/expense neutral annexation and traffic study line items that are generally paid by the applicant. Capital Outlay – none. 35 General Fund Planning Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 27,290 5,050 4,599 ‐ ‐ 36,939 17,478 5,393 6,920 ‐ 233 30,024 Land Use Applications Traffic Studies Plan Reviews Annexations Miscellaneous‐Planning PLANNING REVENUE 17,000 13,000 3,000 4,350 100 37,450 50,042 21,100 7,128 7,214 162 85,646 21,000 15,000 4,000 4,350 130 44,480 73,069 ‐ 62,870 15,498 19,992 9,816 61,919 243,164 1,669 2,281 8,428 209 1,695 236 31 1,566 551 ‐ ‐ 9,203 7,739 33,608 15,536 15,536 86,001 ‐ 66,377 18,858 29,794 10,299 84,284 295,613 ‐ 774 8,339 300 74 800 408 923 655 ‐ ‐ 6,186 2,863 21,322 14,349 14,349 Planning Director Public Works Director Senior Planner Office Specialist II Associate Planner Code Enforcement Officer Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Contract Labor Annexation Expenses Prof/Tech Services Building Maintenance Communications Mapping Planning Commiss. Expenses Travel & Training Fees & Dues Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Traffic Study SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES OP Transfer to Technical Svc. SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 12,521 ‐ 7,544 8,103 29,088 10,414 34,603 102,273 750 2,500 42,000 ‐ 100 700 400 2,100 900 ‐ 16,845 7,657 13,000 86,952 ‐ ‐ 12,521 ‐ 7,544 8,103 29,088 10,414 34,603 102,273 ‐ 300 42,000 ‐ 80 400 375 2,000 900 ‐ 16,845 7,657 26,000 96,557 ‐ ‐ 35,938 4,448 11,601 8,719 28,161 10,674 43,680 143,221 ‐ 2,500 24,000 ‐ 100 400 600 2,200 1,135 2,627 14,851 7,750 15,000 71,163 ‐ ‐ 189,225 198,830 214,384 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 7,128 21,100 57,418 ‐ 85,646 4,000 15,000 25,480 ‐ 44,480 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 172,830 26,000 ‐ ‐ 198,830 199,384 15,000 ‐ ‐ 214,384 292,308 331,284 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 36 General Fund: Parks Department Description The purpose of the Park Department is to provide safe, clean, well-maintained recreational facilities that serve the community-wide recreational and leisure activity needs for all ages. Currently the department maintains the property and existing facilities at 30 properties that total over 200 acres. Goals Integration The number one goal of the Parks Department will be to continue to provide excellent internal and external customer service while being fiscally responsible. Due to budget constraints 2 parks maintenance positions are proposed for elimination. This will significantly reduce the service level received throughout City Parklands. All capital maintenance improvements have been deferred due to budget constraints. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 The Parks Development Fund is proposed to be closed resulting in the addition of capital parks projects being integrated into the General Fund Parks Department budget. Elimination of 2 Full time equivalents (FTEs) has been proposed due to budget constraints in the General Fund, this will result in a significant reduction in service. We have included a Public Works Director in the proposed budget allocated across various public works departments to address the need for supervision, strategic planning and compliance initiatives. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes grounds maintenance supplies, building maintenance supplies, tools, small equipment, internal charges for fleet and technical services and employee training. Capital Outlay – Current year proposed projects including improvements at Northwoods Park and phase 1 of the Canby Dog Park. Funding for capacity increasing capital projects comes from improvement System Development Charges (SDCs) which are proposed to be maintained in the new SDC Fund due to their restricted nature. Revenue to offset the proposed allowable projects has been included in the parks department proposed budget. 37 General Fund Parks Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual ‐ 645 232 500 232 1,145 ‐ 62,983 22,061 ‐ 59,675 52,710 1,033 104,248 1,900 304,610 906 7,529 6,884 4,685 1,807 460 ‐ ‐ ‐ 7,100 8,024 14,020 51,415 7,364 34,739 ‐ ‐ ‐ 42,103 60,229 2,219 62,448 Account Title Park Rentals Miscellaneous‐Parks Donations‐Parks Transfer from SDC Fund PARKS REVENUE ‐ Public Works Director 64,621 Maint Lead Worker 61,658 Park Maintenance I ‐ Senior Planner 48,184 Park Utility Maint II 53,940 Park Utility Maint III 3,284 Overtime Employee Benefits 142,942 1,885 Clothing Allowance 376,514 SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,170 Contract Services 9,094 Parks Ground Maintenance 7,458 Park Bldg Maintenance 2,090 Vandalism Repair 1,940 Communications 2,245 Training/Conf/Travel ‐ Internal Charge‐Fleet ‐ Internal Charge‐Facilities ‐ Internal Charge‐Tech Services 11,851 Supplies & Services 8,875 Park Equipment 14,971 Utilities 59,694 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES ‐ Equipment ‐ Park Paving ‐ Molalla Rrv PW/Will. Wayside ‐ North Woods Estates Park ‐ Community Park Expansion SUBTOTAL CAPITAL ‐ 36,024 OP Transfer to Fleet 4,783 OP Transfer to Technical Svc. SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 40,807 460,576 477,015 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 500 ‐ 110 2,236 ‐ ‐ 2,346 500 3,360 5,000 521,700 530,560 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 65,604 77,308 22,633 50,808 55,176 3,000 191,026 2,000 467,555 5,500 9,500 6,100 3,141 2,000 2,450 48,324 ‐ 6,738 10,950 8,000 16,000 118,703 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,448 67,232 ‐ 23,203 52,091 56,555 3,000 119,071 2,000 327,600 2,500 8,500 6,100 3,000 2,000 2,450 41,950 26,638 5,940 9,950 6,000 16,000 131,028 6,200 ‐ 216,700 5,000 300,000 527,900 ‐ ‐ ‐ 586,304 586,258 986,528 500 ‐ 65,604 77,308 22,633 50,808 55,176 3,000 191,026 2,000 467,555 2,500 9,500 6,100 3,141 2,000 2,450 51,370 ‐ 6,738 10,950 8,000 16,000 118,749 ‐ ‐ 38 General Fund Parks Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues ‐ ‐ 2,346 ‐ 2,346 ‐ 521,700 8,860 ‐ 530,560 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 586,258 ‐ ‐ ‐ 586,258 458,628 527,900 ‐ ‐ 986,528 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 39 General Fund: Building Department Description The City of Canby maintains control and responsibility for the Building Inspection Program while contracting all day-to-day operational building permit and inspection functions and activities to Clackamas County through an intergovernmental agreement. The Clackamas County Building Codes Division continues to ensure that the life, health and safety of Canby citizens as they relate to the built environment are protected through the provision of building information and advice to citizens and the professional administration of construction code standards for the benefit of the community. The Clackamas County Building Codes Division provides plan review, building inspection, grading, and all necessary permitting services – including the collection of fees, storage of building records, and pass through revenue collection of the local Canby school excise tax and the State building surcharge fee. The City of Canby Development Services (Planning & Building) office coordinates simultaneous zoning review and final authorization to the County for the issuance of all building permits to assure conformance with local Zoning and Land Development Code standards and compliance with applicable land use review conditions of approval for new construction and sign permits. Twelve percent of County collected building permit revenue is returned to City to assist with coordinating permit activities. The revenues and expenses of the Building Department are accounted for in the General Fund as required by Oregon law. Shortfalls are absorbed by the General Fund, but surpluses must be held in reserve for Building Department costs. Therefore, unlike other General Fund departments, the Building Department includes interfund transfer costs. Goals Integration City development services staff discuss and review all building permits to assure that that all land use or zoning related standards are met prior to creating a building permit authorization letter that the applicant presents to Clackamas County Building Codes division that allows the County to release a building permit when they have completed their review with all building codes. We strive to move each one of our permit reviews forward as rapidly as possible so that the City review is never a source of delay in the issuance of a building permit by the County. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 The contract building inspections line item has been closed as basically all permits originally issued by the City have been closed out since contracting with the County in Dec. 2011. The half-time permits coordinator position has been eliminated as a necessary cost saving measure with duties spread to existing staff. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. This staffing level is considered to be the minimum operating level necessary to retain program control, provide administrative oversight and coordination with in-house land use review and approval, and assist with local building code enforcement. Materials and Services – Includes funds for basic office supplies and internal charges for services for facilities and technical services. Transfers – To General Fund for administrative and finance overhead. Capital Outlay – None 40 General Fund Building Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 129,336 72,563 20,767 350 99,301 796 ‐ 17,746 30 340,889 14,071 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 99 ‐ ‐ 14,170 Building Permits School District Excise Tax Mechanical Permits Mobile Home Permits Plan Check Fees‐Structural Grading Permits Fee Reinspection Fees Building Permit Surcharge Mobile Home Surcharge BUILDING REVENUE 12,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 12,000 15,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 15,000 15,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 15,000 18,045 28,433 44,855 9,816 46,265 147,414 2,087 32,980 ‐ 1,008 17,621 69,660 ‐ ‐ 2,132 ‐ 125,488 44,501 1,011 1,906 4,439 51,857 9,556 22,245 ‐ 10,299 26,104 68,204 ‐ 3,759 385 74 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,274 ‐ 5,492 79,781 ‐ 389 5,979 86,149 Planning Director Office Specialist II Building Official Code Enforcement Officer Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Contract Labor Contract Building Inspections Computer HW/SW Communications Building Permit Surcharge School District Excise Tax Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Service Archive Costs SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES O/H Transfer to General Fund OP Transfer to Fleet OP Transfer to Facilities OP Transfer to Technical Svc. SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 12,521 22,866 ‐ 10,414 32,089 77,890 749 750 ‐ 100 ‐ ‐ 370 6,738 950 200 9,857 19,197 ‐ ‐ ‐ 19,197 12,521 22,866 ‐ 10,414 32,089 77,890 ‐ 550 ‐ 80 ‐ ‐ 370 6,738 950 50 8,738 19,197 ‐ ‐ ‐ 19,197 15,402 ‐ ‐ 10,674 12,502 38,578 800 ‐ ‐ 100 ‐ ‐ 437 2,970 1,150 150 5,607 19,010 ‐ ‐ ‐ 19,010 324,759 159,845 106,944 105,825 63,195 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 15,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 15,000 15,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 15,000 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 105,825 ‐ ‐ ‐ 105,825 63,195 ‐ ‐ ‐ 63,195 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 41 General Fund: Police Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Police Department and each of its employees is to consistently enforce state and local laws, and to promote, preserve and deliver quality law enforcement services to our community in order to assure safety and security to all. Department Description The Canby Police Department provides the community with a full range of police services twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Emergency calls for service are received by Clackamas County Central Communications (CCOM) located in Oregon City and dispatched to our officers. The mission of the Canby Police Department is to protect life and property; enhance community safety and improve quality of life by reducing crime and the fear of crime and to perform in such a manner that promotes the public’s trust and confidence, sense of safety and security; while ensuring every member is in compliance with the professional standards established by the Oath of Office, Professional Code of Ethics and Department Policies and Directives. This year’s budget focuses on stabilizing and maintaining our current staffing and level of service. Due to budget constraints an entry level police officer position including salary and benefits has been and continues to be unfunded (frozen) since the 2010-11 FY. This reduction changed our department’s authorized strength of sworn police officers; from twenty-five to twenty-four positions. Goals Integration $1,500 is budgeted to the development of an annual Police Officer & Citizens Award Ceremony and independent method of recognizing positive community interaction. $500 committed to the Citizens Academy for the purpose of continuing training opportunities to the community. $60.00 per sworn member is budgeted monthly for the activation of the RegJIN Police Records Database. The implementation of this technology is expected to take place in November of 2014 $90,000 is budgeted to continue the yearly vehicle replacement program. 50% of the SRO’s salary and benefits is being paid for by the School District to maintain the SRO position at the high school. Six (6) MDC’s will be replaced with a plan to replace the remaining twelve (12) MDC’s within the next three years. $10,000 is being budgeted to implement technology options that may be available to better the efficiency of the department’s daily operations and complete the electronic citation (e-cites) program and mobile video & body cameras. $400 is budgeted to expand and formalized the Volunteer Program. 42 General Fund: Police Due to budget constraints the following goals will not be realized for the fiscal year 2014 – 2015: o Fill the police officer vacancy position/hire personnel to meet the authorized sworn position. o Implement a Police Reserve Program. o Add two police officer positions, expanding the authorized sworn positions to twenty-seven. o Create one Lieutenant and two Sergeant positions to establish proper supervisory oversight. o Participate in Multi-Agency Task Force – Clackamas County Inter-Agency Task Force (CCITF) Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 At no cost to the City, the police department received approximately $60,000 worth of technology equipment and training toward the Forensic Computer Program. Technology advancement in the following areas: o The addition of the Regional Justice Information Network (RegJIN) Records Management System. o Purchase and use of Cellebrite software that provides Decryption, Decoding & Extraction of electronic data. o Implementation of new property & evidence software. o Installation of “Watch Guard” in-car video system in patrol cars. o Access to the WebLEDS Browser that allows investigators to interface with crime information sites such as LEDS & NCIC. o The installation the electronic traffic citations for mobile computers into patrol cars. o Access to the Regional Automated Property Information Database (RAPID) that tracks pawn, secondhand and metal recycling dealer transactions in Oregon. The addition of two employees (replacements for two existing budgeted positions): o 1 Police Officer o 1 Records Clerk Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies, employee training, contracted dispatch services, crime prevention expenses, canine expenses, vehicle leases and internal charges for fleet, facilities and technical services. Capital Outlay – Includes budget for Vehicle Mobil Data Computers and Police Bullet Proof Vests. 43 General Fund Police Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 29,938 4,360 ‐ 4,280 1,485 ‐ 2,079 11,000 11,525 3,300 1,780 624 58,004 ‐ ‐ 2,250 130,625 ‐ 4,440 12,915 1,520 ‐ ‐ 2,388 11,375 8,480 4,170 2,020 1,352 60,188 4,804 3,819 2,429 119,900 Grant ‐ Homeland Security Grants ‐ DUII Grants‐PoliceTraffic Grant ‐ Seatbelt Grant ‐ Pedestian Safety Grant ‐ Equipment Grant ‐ OJP Vest Program Vehicle Release/Tow Fees Alarm Permit Fees Finger Printing Fees Reports Revenue Miscellaneous‐Police CSD‐Shared SRO Reimbursemt Federal Task Force Reimbursemt County GREAT Pgm Reimbursement Donations‐Police POLICE REVENUE ‐ 3,000 ‐ 3,000 ‐ ‐ 1,000 10,000 8,000 4,000 1,500 ‐ 64,423 ‐ ‐ 500 95,423 ‐ 1,000 ‐ 3,300 ‐ 61,918 3,395 12,000 9,000 4,000 1,900 9,337 64,423 7,500 1,000 1,750 180,523 ‐ 2,500 ‐ 2,500 ‐ ‐ 1,000 10,000 8,200 4,000 1,650 500 66,730 16,800 ‐ 500 114,380 115,029 107,484 52,246 81,339 ‐ 29,447 357,438 706,580 316,323 72,903 87,695 78,379 71,424 54,827 53,076 32,892 33,744 54,499 37,477 7,267 3,027 11,142 4,701 117,720 110,011 56,631 83,669 ‐ 30,899 370,854 723,346 261,571 75,540 76,217 80,892 75,801 56,128 45,939 24,693 42,842 38,667 55,764 4,403 2,790 10,339 7,569 Police Chief Lieutenant Administrative Assistant Records Clerk/OSII Records Clerk/OSI Code Enforcement Officer Sergeants Patrol Officers Detectives School Resource Officer Traffic Safety Officer Canine Officers Gang Officer Property & Evidence Overtime Court Overtime Holiday Overtime SIU Overtime Training Overtime TET Training OT Special Events Overtime CC SWAT OT Supervision Overtime 120,432 112,548 60,650 87,291 ‐ 31,241 372,772 785,654 251,898 76,342 78,766 79,798 76,702 57,406 48,000 25,000 38,000 32,000 30,000 9,000 5,000 8,000 6,000 120,432 112,548 60,650 67,548 3,878 31,241 372,772 777,439 251,898 76,342 78,766 79,798 76,702 57,406 58,000 33,000 43,000 42,000 40,000 8,000 4,500 10,000 6,000 123,443 115,362 27,226 42,478 35,077 32,022 383,378 805,289 261,595 78,250 81,796 81,796 80,732 59,607 66,800 30,000 40,000 35,000 40,000 10,000 5,000 8,000 6,000 44 General Fund Police Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 3,734 3,221 ‐ ‐ 1,075,884 13,225 2,550 3,450 3,471,003 1,385 2,810 ‐ 6,098 1,320 927 33,705 ‐ 2,500 31,300 26,670 654 8,874 ‐ 2,623 1,270 9,372 ‐ ‐ ‐ 29,920 17,106 1,011 195 24,930 4,343 3,761 1,891 1,050 213,715 12,177 5,000 4,085 1,405 ‐ 13,112 1,193,256 13,325 1,925 3,450 3,582,843 ‐ 705 ‐ 9,935 1,560 127 24,929 ‐ 2,500 38,602 28,724 1,200 7,561 150 10,563 1,025 15,765 ‐ ‐ ‐ 41,879 22,821 817 1,456 20,085 3,283 6,917 2,294 1,050 243,948 ‐ ‐ Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Grant ‐ DUII Wages Exp Grant ‐ Seatbelt Wages Exp Grant ‐ Pedestrian/Wages Exp Grant ‐ ODOT Employee Benefits Uniform Cleaning Allowance Clothing Allowance Footwear Allowance SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Professional Services Storage Facility Rent Vehicle Lease Payments Investigation & Info Prisoners Board & Medical Crime Prevention Communications County Dispatch Fees Juvenile Diversion Services Training & Travel Firearm Equipment Traffic Safety Training Tactical Entry Team Equipment E.O.C. Detective Equipment Membership Fees & Dues Information System Services Internal Charge‐Fleet Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Uniforms & Patrol Equipment Equipment Repair & Maint Radio Repair 800 Radio Operating Fee Canine Expenses Traffic Safety Equipment Donations‐Police Accreditation SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES Equipment‐800 Meg Radio LEDS Software & Equipment 4,050 4,050 1,350 ‐ 1,440,773 13,800 2,400 3,450 3,862,373 1,000 ‐ 95,544 8,000 1,000 1,000 23,000 155,864 2,500 32,000 26,000 1,000 4,000 500 11,000 1,000 15,000 264,750 ‐ 131,395 34,000 20,000 2,000 2,000 26,830 2,000 4,000 500 1,050 866,933 ‐ ‐ 4,050 4,050 1,350 ‐ 1,464,472 13,800 2,400 3,450 3,905,492 500 ‐ 95,548 8,000 1,000 1,000 23,000 155,864 2,500 32,000 26,000 1,000 3,500 100 10,000 1,000 15,000 230,518 ‐ 131,395 30,000 18,000 1,000 2,000 26,830 1,000 3,500 1,750 1,050 823,055 ‐ ‐ 3,400 3,400 ‐ ‐ 1,391,247 15,000 2,400 3,750 3,868,048 1,000 ‐ 94,131 8,000 1,000 1,500 26,000 164,336 2,500 32,000 30,000 1,000 4,000 500 15,000 1,000 27,552 244,245 73,982 95,044 34,000 20,000 2,000 2,000 25,818 2,000 4,000 500 1,050 914,158 ‐ ‐ 45 General Fund Police Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 18,570 ‐ ‐ ‐ 35,747 241,681 ‐ 42,168 5,000 12,400 301,249 ‐ 61,918 ‐ ‐ 61,918 237,037 111,902 86,095 20,000 ‐ 455,034 Equip‐Homeland Security Grant ODOT Grant ‐ Equipment Equip ‐ Computer/Software Equip ‐ Vests SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OP Transfer to Fleet OP Transfer to 911 OP Transfer to Technical Svc. Reserve Transfer to Computer Reserve Transfer To Capital SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS ‐ ‐ 10,000 6,000 16,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10,000 ‐ 10,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20,000 6,000 26,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,021,714 4,343,743 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 4,745,306 4,738,547 4,808,206 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 94,718 74,718 11,087 ‐ 180,523 91,580 21,800 1,000 ‐ 114,380 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 4,717,347 21,200 ‐ ‐ 4,738,547 4,774,906 33,300 ‐ ‐ 4,808,206 46 General Fund: Cemetery Department Description Zion Memorial Cemetery is owned by the City and is currently operated by a contract sexton. KR Maintenance conducts all sales and burial services, maintains records on-site, provides and services all equipment, and does building maintenance for the Cemetery facilities. The sexton provides weekly mowing, edging, and trimming during the growing months. Turf maintenance and shrub and tree maintenance are done seasonally Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 Cemetery records have been incorporated into the City’s financial software Caselle, previously they were maintained in a separated database. Budget at a Glance Personal Services – Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes the cost of contract services with KR Maintenance, miscellaneous small expenses and refunds. All maintenance and equipment costs are covered by the sexton’s contract. Capital Outlay – None. 47 General Fund Cemetery Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 9,450 25,600 7,920 1,830 5,484 9,327 2,570 4,050 66,231 17,150 28,225 10,200 1,460 4,008 1,960 5,100 4,650 72,753 3,056 0 1,490 4,546 93,110 225 6,090 99,425 3,220 Office Specialist IV 0 Office Specialist II 1,775 Employee Benefits 4,995 SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 94,850 Contractual Agreement 412 Miscellaneous 0 Refunds 95,262 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 103,971 100,257 Grave Sales Grave Open & Close Liner Sales Marker & Monuments Mausoleum Name Bars Mausoleum Sales Mausoleum Open & Close Miscellaneous‐Cemetery CEMETERY REVENUE 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 13,300 32,700 10,100 1,400 4,000 5,600 3,100 4,800 75,000 8,825 24,650 8,280 250 2,342 18,350 2,775 3,300 68,772 8,825 24,650 8,280 1,250 2,000 18,350 2,670 3,300 69,325 0 2,027 1,957 3,984 94,800 1,200 4,000 100,000 0 2,027 1,957 3,984 93,100 1,029 4,000 98,129 0 2,182 1,876 4,058 93,100 1,012 4,000 98,112 103,984 102,113 102,170 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 68,772 0 0 0 68,772 69,325 0 0 0 69,325 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 102,113 0 0 0 102,113 102,170 0 0 0 102,170 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 48 General Fund: Finance Department Description The Finance Department manages the City’s finances, and provides financial information to the Council, City Administrator, and Department Directors. The Finance Department is made up of the following accounting operations: general ledger, payroll, cash management, accounting for fixed assets, accounts payable, accounts receivable, improvement districts, transit payroll tax collection and utility billing, as well as ongoing financial analysis and investment as needed. The department prepares the annual budget and the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Each year’s CAFR is audited by a firm of independent CPAs. Goals Integration Within this proposed budget we have proposed closing 2 funds, the Parks Development Fund and the Street Reserve Fund, integrating the capital acquisitions into the corresponding operation budgets and have proposed adding a System Development Charge (SDC) Fund to help track and control expenditure of improvement SDC revenue in accordance with state statutes. In addition an Economic Development Department has been added to the General Fund to enhance transparency and start the conversation of succession planning subsequent to the end of Urban Renewal operations. We will continue to evaluate opportunities to promote efficiency, transparency and understandability through fund and account structure changes. Efforts to update the financial policies, initiate forecasting and capital improvement planning have been started and will be presented throughout this budget process. The finance department plans to expand the scope of these planning initiatives over the next year as time and resources allow. Due to staffing reductions as a result of budget constraints finance is working with the management team to develop a strategy to allocate tasks and address customer service initiatives with less personnel. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 Due to structural efficiency considerations the Transit Payroll Tax Collections position has been proposed for elimination and absorbed by other finance personnel; the re-allocation of function and corresponding salaries contributed to reducing the deficit in the requested budget. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies and equipment, employee training, professional services, printing and binding, software maintenance agreements, bank service fees, internal charges for technical services and auditing. 49 General Fund Finance Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 44,501 ‐ 179,242 104,178 600 600 600 600 48,212 88,764 90,418 121,452 44,422 48,108 600 600 ‐ 75,000 847,897 79,781 ‐ 118,976 133,971 600 600 600 600 68,883 97,624 47,132 160,050 74,152 75,393 600 600 192,960 ‐ 1,052,522 O/H from Building O/H from Economic Develop O/H from Library Fund O/H from Street O/H from 911 O/H from Parks Dev O/H from Library Endow O/H from CPC O/H from Transit O/H from Swim Levy O/H from UR O/H from WWTP O/H from Collections O/H from Stormwater O/H from Sewer Reserve O/H from Street Reserve Transfer from Closed Funds Reserve Trans from Tech Res TRANSFER REVENUE 19,197 ‐ 105,423 85,597 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 132,985 77,600 97,969 163,728 45,863 29,073 ‐ ‐ ‐ 94,806 852,241 19,197 ‐ 105,423 85,597 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 132,985 77,600 97,969 163,728 45,863 29,073 ‐ ‐ ‐ 94,806 852,241 19,010 72,367 103,142 98,649 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 155,216 76,712 ‐ 147,689 44,988 42,084 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 759,857 92,148 58,057 66,322 27,714 113,083 357,324 5,250 4,050 29,603 9,737 490 3,485 525 288 992 2,633 390 ‐ ‐ 4,037 7,815 30 44 97,985 61,184 73,541 32,455 131,923 397,088 7,150 5,310 25,400 14,096 100 3,453 ‐ 746 1,473 3,164 885 ‐ ‐ 9,165 6,818 346 472 Finance Director Office Specialist IV Office Specialist III Office Specialist II Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Prof/Tech Service Prof SrvTitle Lien Search Cost Auditing Software Maintenance Repairs & Maintenance Copier Lease & Maint Communications Publications/Books Printing & Binding Training/Conf/Travel Membership Dues & Fees Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Service Bank Charges Cash Over & Short Misc Office Equipment 89,083 67,860 69,501 31,423 158,716 416,583 7,000 4,000 28,000 13,590 ‐ 3,500 ‐ 510 2,000 4,000 1,500 ‐ 23,584 6,000 8,000 ‐ 1,000 89,083 67,860 69,501 31,423 158,716 416,583 5,000 4,260 26,300 13,057 ‐ 3,700 ‐ 425 2,000 5,500 1,000 ‐ 23,584 6,550 7,600 88 400 95,818 52,177 35,653 31,641 121,978 337,267 4,000 4,740 28,250 13,710 ‐ 3,700 ‐ 500 2,000 5,575 1,065 4,218 14,851 8,545 7,900 ‐ 1,500 50 General Fund Finance Department Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 154 368 69,891 13,316 10,500 23,816 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget ‐ ‐ 102,684 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 99,464 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100,554 ‐ ‐ ‐ 519,267 516,047 437,821 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 757,435 94,806 ‐ ‐ 852,241 759,857 ‐ ‐ ‐ 759,857 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 516,047 ‐ ‐ ‐ 516,047 437,821 ‐ ‐ ‐ 437,821 Account Title ‐ Bldg Maintenance & Cleaning 652 Software 79,230 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 14,349 OP Transfer to Technical Svc. 7,000 Reserve Transfer to Computer SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 21,349 451,031 497,667 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 51 General Fund: Economic Development Statement of Purpose The Canby Economic Development Department supports existing Canby businesses, recruits new business and development, and ensures that our community remains an attractive place for business. Staff focuses on initiatives outlined in the Canby Urban Renewal plan, the Canby Economic Development Strategy adopted in 2013 and related goals identified in the Canby Community Vision. Department Description The department promotes Canby as an attractive business location, assists businesses with their growth and expansion plans, and connects them to programs and resources. Staff supports the objectives for the Urban Renewal District and implements its programs focused on stimulating new industrial and commercial development, investment, businesses and jobs. Staff administers business oriented programs including the Canby Main Street Program, the Façade Improvement Program, and Revolving Loan Fund and incentive programs. Staff coordinates activities for a vibrant and attractive downtown. They also promote business districts to visitors, businesses and jobs to Canby and work to attract developers and tenants and stimulate new investment. Goals Integration Major goals that align with Canby’s Community Vision for this fiscal year include: Supporting existing businesses through business outreach to major employers, by convening three industry cluster groups, and by coordinating three Canby Industrial Forums. Building on the successful Main Street program to support downtown businesses, coordinate events to attract visitors and future customers. The program focuses on promotion, design, economic restructuring and organization. Recruiting new businesses downtown and to the Industrial areas, assisting them in the development process and providing resources and technical assistance to help them succeed. Promoting new development and redevelopment through the available site and building inventory, positioning industrial sites for site certification and Regionally Significant Industrial Site designation, the Canby in the Spotlight Newsletter, and links to business resources. Expanding events, attractions and art through the Main Street program, a business survey, and a way finding system, especially between the event center and downtown. Noteworthy Changes for 2014 - 2015 This is a new general fund department that has been created to enhance transparency, align the accounting form to be consistent with methodology that the Urban Renewal Agency contracts services from City employees to administer initiatives, memorialize costs of operations and initiate the conversation on succession planning related to economic development initiates that may be intended to be continued beyond the life of the Urban Renewal Agency and the better track revenues and expenditures including accounting for fund raising, event revenue and sponsorships envisioned as the Main Street Program evolves. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services – Economic Development related materials and services include business recruitment, expansion and promotion efforts, the Main Street Program, downtown beautification efforts through art and the flower basket and planter program, event coordination and promotion, Light Up the Night lighting and installation among others. Urban Renewal District administration includes staff support for URA meetings, general agency and project specific record keeping, contracting and project specific implementation efforts. Transfers – To General Fund for administrative and finance overhead. 52 General Fund Economic Development Department 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Event Revenue Transfer from UR ECONOMIC DEVELOP REVENUE 500 530,796 531,296 City Administrator Assistant City Administrator Economic Development Director City Recorder Office Specialist II Senior Planner Main Street Manager ‐URD Main Street Project Mgr ‐ non URD PT Help Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Main Street (General Fund) Flower Program Light the Night Costs Main Street (UR Allowable) SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES O/H Transfer to General Fund SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 42,449 25,511 103,580 20,163 21,796 7,734 44,802 4,978 2,272 113,127 386,412 2,856 11,880 49,164 6,000 3,400 10,000 15,188 98,488 72,367 72,367 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 557,267 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues ‐ 530,796 500 ‐ 531,296 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 24,378 532,889 ‐ ‐ 557,267 53 Special Revenue Fund Library Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Library Fund is to provide dynamic, relevant, efficient and cost-effective library services to Canby residents of all ages. Department Description The Library Department provides a wealth of resources designed to address the community’s educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs. In addition to offering free access to books, e-books, DVDs, CDs, audio books, magazines and online resources from the 13-member LINCC (Libraries in Clackamas County) network at, the library also offers reference help, free internet access via WiFi and public computers, book groups, community forums and cultural events. Services to children and families include storytimes, family-oriented events, teen events, Summer Reading and a homework center. The library’s service area is roughly equivalent to the boundaries of the Canby School District. Funding for the library comes from the permanent library district Clackamas County voters approved in 2008, as well as the city’s General Fund, the Friends of the Library, grants, and individual donations. Goals Integration Personnel costs include additional on-call staffing hours, equivalent to approximately $360/month, to cover front desk shifts while library staff members perform outreach activities in the community. An $800 budget for parks & recreation programming, to cover the costs of presenters and supplies for 2 programs, is included in the Supplies line of the Materials & Services section of the budget. $240 annually for CMS & web hosting services will be included beginning FY 15-16. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-15 The proposed budget includes the elimination of the director position, the reclassification of the Library Supervisor to a Library Manager- Director of operations. If the new civic center is approved to proceed the project budget will need to include funds to contract resources that specialize in Library design to maximize operating efficiency and optimal programming space. Cash Carryover and corresponding restricted contingency includes restricted funds for the new library, including $1 million from Clackamas County and funds transferred from the Library Endowment Fund. Note because of savings realized due to position vacancies and structural staffing changes proposed the library is able to maintain current service levels without a current year general fund contribution however the District levy was not structured to full support library operations and to maintain services levels in the future it is likely that a general fund contribution will be needed. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services – Includes purchases of new library books and other materials, office supplies, building maintenance costs, employee training costs, internal charges for facilities and technical services and other expenses. Transfers – Includes the cost of services provided by Administration and Finance. Capital Outlay – None Contingency – Is approximately 20% of personnel services plus materials and services, a minimum of 10% is recommended but current year savings due to position vacancies provides additional reserves for future use. 54 Library Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 753,412 75,134 2,371 1,981 25,486 1,125 9,937 13,316 ‐ 113,266 ‐ ‐ 996,028 707,376 1,010,682 2,820 2,803 23,520 3,547 3,527 12,980 50,935 70,000 135,481 ‐ 2,023,671 CC Library District Grants‐Library Lost Book Revenue Copier Receipts Miscellaneous‐Library Interest Revenues Donations‐Library Donations‐FOL Special Drive Donations‐New Library Building Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Library Endow Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 711,418 10,189 2,500 2,000 23,000 3,700 3,500 13,000 ‐ 70,000 ‐ 1,344,202 2,183,509 720,000 10,589 2,500 2,311 23,000 6,600 3,215 12,270 ‐ 70,000 ‐ 1,347,620 2,198,105 749,246 3,000 2,500 2,000 23,000 6,000 3,500 13,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,390,022 2,192,268 89,593 ‐ 37,544 130,099 64,809 81,665 16,108 33,007 19,247 172,093 644,165 1,141 5,700 2,610 2,346 ‐ ‐ 19,726 ‐ 18,466 19,897 ‐ 85,234 49 2,487 4,790 6,004 974 12,297 ‐ 181,721 94,435 ‐ 40,144 137,657 66,336 45,793 40,050 ‐ 18,906 181,509 624,830 2,366 ‐ ‐ 1,837 ‐ ‐ 13,101 ‐ 7,795 13,451 10,021 58,091 74 3,148 10,561 ‐ 2,376 10,118 ‐ 132,939 Library Director Library Manager ‐ Director of Ops Library Office Spec I Office Specialist II Library Coordinator Tech Ref Librarian Reference/Access Librarian Bilingual Librarian Library Page (Shelvers) Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Computer Hardware/Software Professional Services Communications Travel & Training Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Cash Over & Short Audio Materials Visual Materials Electronic Materials Books Lost Books Refunds Periodicals (Magazines) Grants‐Library Expended State Library Grant Donations‐Library Expended Donations Expended FOL Library Proj Donation Refunds SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 100,495 ‐ 42,105 142,524 67,860 45,732 34,829 ‐ 19,500 205,289 658,334 10,000 ‐ ‐ 1,000 28,779 13,476 13,000 ‐ 6,500 11,000 12,000 48,000 500 2,700 10,189 ‐ 3,500 13,000 48,205 221,849 37,650 ‐ 42,105 142,524 37,707 45,732 16,940 ‐ 19,500 141,659 483,817 7,000 ‐ ‐ 1,000 28,779 13,476 12,500 ‐ 7,000 11,000 10,517 50,000 25 3,482 10,589 ‐ 3,000 12,270 48,205 218,843 ‐ 71,586 49,011 149,622 ‐ 46,875 51,642 ‐ 20,943 226,153 615,832 7,000 ‐ ‐ 1,500 33,995 8,910 13,800 ‐ 7,000 11,500 12,000 49,100 100 3,500 3,000 ‐ 3,500 13,000 ‐ 167,905 55 Library Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 179,242 31,503 11,097 ‐ 221,842 ‐ ‐ ‐ 118,976 30,252 7,175 ‐ 156,403 ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,047,728 914,172 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget O/H to General Fund OP Transfer to Facilities OP Transfer to Tech Svcs. Transfer to Building Project SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS Contingency Contingency‐Restricted Lib Proj SUBTOTAL OTHER 105,423 ‐ ‐ ‐ 105,423 59,662 1,138,241 1,197,903 105,423 ‐ ‐ ‐ 105,423 ‐ ‐ ‐ 103,142 ‐ ‐ ‐ 103,142 167,148 1,138,241 1,305,389 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 2,183,509 808,083 2,192,268 NET BALANCE ‐ 1,390,022 ‐ 747,811 1,373,694 76,600 776,746 1,409,522 6,000 2,198,105 734,019 74,064 2,192,268 867,379 1,324,889 808,083 2,192,268 13,792 (90,633) Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense Net Recurring Rev/Exp 56 Special Revenue Fund Streets Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Street Fund is to facilitate the proper use of State Shared Highway Revenue and other restricted revenue designated for the purpose of maintaining and improving City road infrastructure. Department Description The Street Department is responsible for street construction and maintenance, and all related aspects of the public streets, alleys and rights-of-way. Tasks include paving, oiling, chip sealing, overlaying, sweeping, patching, striping lanes and crosswalks, landscaping and spraying the rights-of-way, creating and repairing street signs and maintaining City parking lots. Streetlights are also serviced and maintained. Goals Integration In addition to normal maintenance operations the proposed budget includes continuation of the street maintenance program as well as a few other improvement projects to maintain and improve city street infrastructure. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 In this budget we have proposed closing the street reserve fund and incorporating street capital improvement projects into this fund. The addition of a part-time street maintenance person has been proposed to manage maintenance of 1st and 2nd ave flower baskets and other season projects. We have included a Public Works Director in the proposed budget allocated across various public works departments to address the need for supervision, strategic planning and compliance initiatives. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies, street light utilities and repairs, cell phones, equipment rentals, street signs, consulting engineer, street preventive maintenance, curb/sidewalk repair, street and right-of-way maintenance supplies, materials and related services, training and education, , safety items, internal charges for fleet, facilities and technical services and other miscellaneous department expenses. Transfers - Include charges for finance and administrative services. Capital Outlay – $120,000 is budgeted for new truck for the Streets crew. This vehicle would be equipped with a service body with bucket lift. The streets crew does not currently have a service truck. The vehicle would serve many purposes such as street light repair, tree pruning and street signs. $525,000 is budgeted for street maintenance projects. Also, the completion the North Juniper street project and 2 other street improvement projects have been budgeted for completion in this proposed budget. Contingency – Is 15% of personnel services plus materials and services. A reserve for future street maintenance is also budgeted, amount is based on a reconciliation of street maintenance fee revenue and allowable projects completed through this proposed budget year. 57 Streets Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 862,247 258,359 454,637 9,740 527,109 3,113 900 ‐ 1,859 3,448 ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,121,412 866,842 249,410 ‐ 35,219 525,416 5,946 1,600 ‐ 1,290 3,376 ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,689,099 State Highway Fund Local Gas Tax Federal Fund Exchange Construction Excise Tax Street Maintenance Fee Erosion Control Fees Street Excavation/Opening Fee Transportation Reimbursement SDC Miscellaneous Revenue Interest Revenues Transfer from Sewer Transfer from Street Reserve Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 890,100 208,400 ‐ 33,600 527,000 4,000 1,300 ‐ 400 3,700 ‐ ‐ 464,138 2,132,638 889,500 235,000 ‐ 42,487 533,800 7,265 1,300 ‐ 3,570 2,800 ‐ 310,856 499,273 2,525,851 910,500 235,000 164,533 25,481 533,800 6,000 1,500 34,033 1,350 4,500 40,000 ‐ 588,519 2,545,216 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 26,378 ‐ 23,052 61,090 84,614 43,849 ‐ 111 134,745 960 374,799 626 3,591 1,013 ‐ 57,524 16,472 161 ‐ 784 34,376 9,288 3,783 2,885 ‐ 635 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 29,107 ‐ 24,481 47,769 106,313 32,144 ‐ 262 150,125 1,179 391,380 ‐ 3,329 ‐ 278 62,973 7,262 95 ‐ 716 35,765 7,983 9,244 1,664 292 280 City Administrator Planning Director Public Works Director Senior Planner Office Specialist II Associate Planner Office Specialist III Public Works II Public Works III Public Works Lead Man Part Time Help Overtime Employee Benefits Clothing Allowance SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Contract Labor‐Utility Billing Consultant Engineer Software Maintenance Curb/Sidewalk Repair Street Lighting & Maint Street Maintenance Equipment Rental Sweeper Lease Copier Lease & Maint Street Maint Billing Street Signing Street Marking & Striping Communications Publications Travel & Training 21,782 25,041 ‐ 22,633 33,778 ‐ 25,793 50,829 105,052 33,791 ‐ 2,000 214,031 1,600 536,330 ‐ 12,000 1,700 1,500 60,000 18,000 1,500 42,455 800 36,000 8,000 6,000 2,000 300 1,500 13,763 25,041 ‐ 22,633 33,778 ‐ 25,793 50,829 105,052 33,791 2,400 2,000 212,841 1,600 529,521 ‐ 12,000 1,700 1,500 60,000 18,000 400 42,455 800 37,400 8,000 6,000 4,342 ‐ 1,500 21,224 20,536 22,242 23,203 25,289 6,258 26,740 96,396 51,465 35,297 9,216 2,000 213,844 1,600 555,310 ‐ 12,000 2,700 1,500 70,000 33,000 150 ‐ 800 39,000 20,000 6,000 2,000 150 1,500 58 Streets Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 175 ‐ ‐ ‐ 5,163 1,591 240 18 553 692 4,998 3,367 2,604 150,539 ‐ 1,144 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,144 ‐ ‐ ‐ 104,178 110,598 27,428 7,768 42,455 ‐ 454,637 443,964 206,687 1,397,715 40 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,808 2,099 421 84 947 22,241 6,118 3,846 ‐ 169,485 31,463 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 31,463 ‐ ‐ ‐ 133,971 99,254 23,844 10,762 42,455 328,000 ‐ 436,980 199,528 1,274,794 1,924,197 1,867,122 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Membership Dues & Fees Internal Charge‐Fleet Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Small Tools Uniforms Cleaning / Supplies Safety Supplies Tree Replacement Landscaping 2nd Ave Utilities Bad Debt Expense SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES Equipment Software/Computer Equip Street Maint Fee Projects NW 1st Ave Street Improvements NW Territorial RD Improvements N Juniper Reconstruc N Ivy‐9th SUBTOTAL CAPITAL Streets Contingency Restricted for future Street Maint. SUBTOTAL OTHER O/H Transfer To General Fund OP Transfer to Fleet OP Transfer to Facilities OP Transfer to Technical Svc. Transfer to Debt Service Reserve Transfer to Street Res Trans ‐ Fed Fund Ex Res Trans ‐ St Maint Fee Res ‐ Canby Gas Tax SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 500 124,550 22,683 16,845 4,150 3,000 ‐ 150 950 2,000 10,000 5,500 ‐ 382,083 70,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 70,000 113,150 ‐ 113,150 85,597 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 348,778 ‐ 430,000 166,700 1,031,075 85 84,106 22,683 16,845 4,000 3,000 ‐ 150 950 2,020 10,000 5,500 ‐ 343,436 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 85,597 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 348,778 ‐ 435,000 195,000 1,064,375 150 92,680 26,793 17,821 4,150 3,000 ‐ 150 1,000 ‐ 30,000 5,500 ‐ 370,044 120,000 ‐ 525,000 180,000 170,000 135,507 1,130,507 138,803 251,903 390,706 98,649 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 98,649 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 2,132,638 1,937,332 2,545,216 NET BALANCE ‐ 588,519 (0) 59 Streets Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 939,252 1,578,929 7,670 ‐ 2,525,851 941,981 1,555,885 7,350 ‐ 2,505,216 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 958,554 ‐ ‐ 978,778 1,937,332 1,024,003 1,269,310 ‐ ‐ 2,293,313 Net Recurring Rev/Exp (19,302) (82,022) Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 60 Special Revenue Fund System Development Charge (SDC) Statement of Purpose The purpose of this fund is to record SDC improvement revenue and maintain restricted balance by type so that compliance with allowable use can be more easily tracked and controlled in accordance with state statutes. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 This fund is new in the current year, SDC improvement balances as reconciled to corresponding activity is budgeted to be transferred into this fund from corresponding operating funds. Budget at a Glance Transfers – are budgeted for capacity increasing projects as allowed by state statute, actual transfers will be reconciled to actual cost of projects once complete. 61 Systems Development Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 98,801 20,657 7,510 174,933 ‐ Parks Improvement SDC's Sewer Improvement SDC's Storm Improvement SDC's Transportation Improvement SDC's Transfer from Other Funds Street Reserve Parks Development Fund Sewer Fund Interest Revenues Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 694,233 869,327 81,297 ‐ ‐ 1,644,857 5,200 1,644,857 1,951,958 Transfer to Parks SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS ‐ ‐ 521,700 521,700 Restricted for Street Improvements Restricted for Parks Development Restricted for Sewer Improvement Restricted for Stormwater improvements SUBTOTAL OTHER 694,233 869,327 50,891 30,406 1,644,857 871,361 449,176 71,709 38,012 1,430,258 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 1,644,857 1,951,958 NET BALANCE ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,644,857 ‐ ‐ 1,644,857 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,946,758 5,200 ‐ 1,951,958 ‐ 521,700 ‐ ‐ 521,700 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 62 Special Revenue Fund Cemetery Perpetual Care Department Description The Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund exists to provide for the future care of the Zion Memorial Park Cemetery once operational revenues from sales and activities cease. Sources of revenue for the fund are charges for perpetual care fees, which are collected when cemetery property is sold, and interest. With Resolution 1109 in 2011, Council formalized commitment of the fund balance to the purposes and uses for which the fund was established. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 None 63 Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 15,505 3,951 24,636 ‐ 44,092 23,060 4,390 24,636 ‐ 52,086 Perpetual Care: Current Sales Interest Revenues Trnsfr Mausoleum IF Loans Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 21,000 4,600 ‐ 834,049 859,649 13,000 4,500 ‐ 840,599 858,099 13,000 5,000 ‐ 858,099 876,099 600 600 ‐ ‐ 600 600 ‐ ‐ O/H to General Fund SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS Unapprop Ending Fund Balance SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ ‐ 859,649 859,649 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 876,099 876,099 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 859,649 ‐ 876,099 NET BALANCE ‐ 858,099 ‐ Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 13,000 840,599 4,500 ‐ 858,099 13,000 858,099 5,000 ‐ 876,099 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 876,099 ‐ ‐ 876,099 Net Recurring Rev/Exp 13,000 13,000 600 600 64 Special Revenue Fund Forfeiture Statement of Purpose The Forfeiture Fund exists to accumulate and account for assets received by the Police Department as a result of Federal and State drug forfeitures. Proceeds from the forfeiture of property due to drug arrests are placed into a Federal or State fund. These proceeds can only be used for drug enforcement and equipment. By law, only funds in hand can be budgeted. If additional funds are obtained during the course of the year, a supplemental budget would be required to appropriate the funds. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 None 65 Forfeiture Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget ‐ 1,181 24 35 191 3,160 ‐ 4,591 16,817 29,080 49 78 136 ‐ ‐ 46,160 Forfeiture Funds‐Federal Forfeiture Funds‐State Interest Earned‐Federal Interest Earned‐State Interest Earned‐Misc Transfer from General Fund Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 35,828 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 36,781 72,609 35,829 ‐ 61 99 ‐ ‐ 39,050 75,039 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 36,950 36,950 ‐ 13,981 Supplies & Services‐Federal 1,915 6,715 Supplies & Service‐State 1,915 20,696 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 47,704 24,905 72,609 34,034 4,055 38,089 10,628 26,322 36,950 1,915 20,696 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 72,609 38,089 36,950 NET BALANCE ‐ 36,950 ‐ Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues ‐ 75,039 ‐ ‐ 75,039 ‐ 36,950 ‐ ‐ 36,950 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense ‐ 38,089 ‐ ‐ 38,089 ‐ 36,950 ‐ ‐ 36,950 Net Recurring Rev/Exp ‐ ‐ 66 Special Revenue Fund Transit Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Transit Department (Canby Area Transit) is to provide reliable public transportation. Department Description The Transit Department is responsible for providing public transit services within the City of Canby and connecting transit service to neighboring communities. Other responsibilities of the Department include operating transit vehicles, assuring compliance with all regulations, overseeing contacted operations, maintaining community relations, and participation in city planning efforts. Goals Integration The Transit Department budget addresses the City Council’s “Community” goal with improved Canby Area Transit (CAT) support to Canby residents and businesses, increased community outreach and the completion of a Transit Master Plan process. The Council’s “Transportation, Public Safety, and Public Services” goal is also addressed by a departmental focus on improved transit facilities; the provision of a valuable public service; and planning efforts which will provide strategies for improving and sustaining CAT service. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-15 Personal services costs include 0.1 FTE for special projects, .75 FTE for transit tax billing and collections and 2 FTE for transit management and administrative support. The professional services contract for transit management has been changed to a Transit Manager employee position. This budget includes an estimated lease cost and one-time costs for bus yard improvements. As of the publication of the proposed budget the selection of an appropriate bus yard was still in process. Budget at a Glance Grants – Both operating grant funds and capital grant funds are provided through various Federal Transit Administration grant programs (5309, 5310 & 5311). Additionally, Oregon’s Special Transportation Fund provides an operating grants to provide transportation for the elderly and people with disabilities. Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes the cost of transit facility leases, supplies, printing costs, marketing, internal, a planning effort, charges for fleet, facilities and technical services and the service contract for the operation (dispatchers & drivers). Transfers - Includes charges for finance and administrative services. Note - all inter-fund loans will be paid in full by June 30, 2014. Capital Outlay – Includes matching funds of 10.27 to 20% as required by Federal Transit Administration grants. The “Transit Projects” line includes an estimated one-time cost for capital improvements to prepare and secure a bus yard for transit bus storage. The “Bus Shelters” line includes funds for the installation of bus stop signs which was also scheduled for 2013-14 and was delayed. Contingency – Is approximately 50% of personnel services plus materials and services, surplus due to Business Energy Tax Credit revenue will be used to help sustain cash flow and will be available for future capital expense or other one time purchase opportunities. 67 Transit Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 139,052 ‐ 232,243 145,714 81,583 228,589 ‐ 42,948 ‐ 50,000 935,734 10,664 1,005 27,005 (1,337) 1,207 250,000 ‐ 2,144,407 115,704 19,150 255,467 512,436 81,583 5,381 ‐ 89,493 19,971 63,919 996,290 10,098 68,860 2,332 3,743 727 250,000 ‐ 2,495,154 Grant ‐ STF/STO Grant ‐ 5309 Grant ‐ 5311 Grant ‐ Dept of Energy Grant ‐ JARC 5316 Grant‐JTA 5310 Grant ‐ Planning Grant‐STF Discr‐Prevent Maint Grant ‐ Discretionary Capital Grant ‐STF Discret Oper Transit ER Payroll Tax Payroll Tax Penalties & Int Fares Miscellaneous‐Income Interest Revenues Donations‐Transit IF Loan from Sewer Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 115,704 15,924 342,344 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 66,220 684,856 55,000 930,000 5,000 60,000 15,000 2,000 700 ‐ 870,711 3,163,459 120,963 ‐ 342,344 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 66,220 672,075 93,916 1,015,000 8,839 78,000 54,250 3,800 600 ‐ 1,038,078 3,494,085 203,363 15,924 323,580 ‐ ‐ ‐ 60,000 66,220 ‐ 53,530 1,027,500 8,500 75,000 20,000 3,200 600 ‐ 862,760 2,720,177 ‐ ‐ 50,051 42,433 292 47,299 140,075 87,180 665,400 3,723 ‐ 2,741 275 ‐ 8,639 2,087 ‐ 703 116 1,170 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 45,217 44,700 2,783 49,846 142,546 91,386 669,426 4,405 2,160 121 ‐ ‐ 5,396 8,777 51,342 4,117 917 1,245 ‐ ‐ ‐ Transit Manager Office Specialist IV Office Spec III Office Specialist II Part Time Help Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Prof/Tech Services Contract Services Transit Center Maintenance Space Lease Vehicle Maintenance Vehicle (Non‐Ins) Repair Insurance Deductible Communications Marketing Applications/Grants Printing Travel & Training Membership Dues & Fees Internal Charge‐Fleet Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services 31,000 ‐ 52,175 45,732 6,000 66,311 201,218 127,833 783,000 6,000 72,000 4,000 5,000 1,000 7,000 10,000 ‐ 4,000 1,000 5,300 323,585 2,258 23,584 31,000 ‐ 52,175 45,732 6,000 66,311 201,218 80,000 817,000 5,000 40,475 1,000 ‐ ‐ 7,000 10,000 ‐ 3,000 500 5,300 276,894 2,258 23,584 78,917 17,392 78,257 ‐ 6,000 109,628 290,194 70,000 824,100 6,000 54,239 4,000 5,000 1,000 7,000 10,000 ‐ 4,000 2,000 5,300 297,790 6,203 23,761 68 Transit Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 7,114 10,112 Supplies & Services ‐ 645 Charitable Donations 779,148 850,049 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES Transit Projects 254,877 52,406 Vehicles ‐ ‐ Bus Shelters SUBTOTAL CAPITAL 254,877 52,406 48,212 68,883 O/H to General Fund 298,369 295,692 OP Transfer to Fleet 2,472 2,374 OP Transfer to Facilities 15,536 19,132 OP Transfer to Technical Svc. 99,588 101,277 Transfer to Debt Service ‐ 200,499 Transfer to Sewer IF Loan SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 464,177 687,857 ‐ ‐ Contingency SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ ‐ 9,000 700 1,385,260 808,960 19,905 828,865 132,985 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 201,043 334,028 414,088 414,088 16,000 ‐ 1,288,011 ‐ 808,175 ‐ 808,175 132,985 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,936 333,921 ‐ ‐ 12,000 ‐ 1,332,393 140,000 ‐ 25,000 165,000 155,216 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 155,216 777,374 777,374 1,638,277 1,732,858 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 3,163,459 2,631,325 2,720,177 NET BALANCE ‐ 862,760 (0) Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 1,725,282 1,710,153 58,650 ‐ 3,494,085 1,757,693 938,684 23,800 ‐ 2,720,177 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 1,622,214 808,175 ‐ 200,936 2,631,325 1,777,803 942,374 ‐ ‐ 2,720,177 Net Recurring Rev/Exp 103,068 (20,110) Account Title 69 Special Revenue Fund Swim Center Levy Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Swim Center is to develop swimming skills and provide the knowledge for safe participation in and enjoyment of water activities to benefit the health, fitness and recreation of the community. Department Description The 40 plus-year-old Canby Swim Center is a year-round indoor swimming pool providing aquatic activities to Canby and the surrounding communities. The facilities include a 25-yard 6-lane pool with spectator area, dressing and shower facilities, and an office and lobby. The Canby Swim Center is open 90 hours per week, not counting rentals, which average another 10 hours per week. An estimated 50% of Canby Swim Center usage is from outside the City limits. Swim lessons, public swims, fitness swims and competitive swimming (Gators swim team and high school swim team) round out the programs offered. The Canby Swim Center has traditionally been funded through a combination of property tax dollars and user fees. The current tax levy was approved in the November of 2011 election and is effective from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2017. User fees are increased when needed to the extent that market forces will allow. Canby Swim Center must remain competitive with other swimming pools in the area in order to retain customers and revenue. The latest fee increase was made in the 2010-11 budget year. Goals Integration During the 2014-2015 budget year the Canby Swim Center will continue to provide a full range of programing for the community and outlying area. Our programing provides health and safety to the community with swimming lessons, public swims and exercise programs for all ages. We will continue to build on the outreach program that we started about a year ago. We started by offering all information from the pool in English and Spanish. Through our events and competitions, such as the Gator Grinder and meets from our three different swimming teams, The Canby Swim Center helps to bring people from all over Oregon and SW Washington which gives others a chance to see what our community can offer. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 This fall The Canby Swim Center will have a shorter closure, as we painted the pool tank last year it does not need to be done this year. We will ensure all equipment gets a check-up and the whole facility will get a fresh coat of paint. We have started scheduling school lessons for next year and due to the fact that some other facilities are having some budget issues it looks as we may be teaching lessons to some neighboring school districts. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes routine maintenance costs, pool chemicals, utilities etc. Transfers - Includes charges for finance and administrative services. Capital Outlay – None. Contingency – Is approximately 50% of personnel services plus materials and services, this will be used in future years to sustain operations as the tax levy fluctuates cyclically. 70 Swim Center Levy Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 438,725 9,536 180,953 10,294 (478) 2,714 970 50 ‐ 642,764 501,300 15,367 189,519 10,743 (481) 3,593 1,189 ‐ ‐ 721,230 Property Tax Levy Property Tax ‐ Prior Pool Revenue Pool Revenue‐School District Less: Pool Refunds Pool Concessions Interest Revenues Pool Donations Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 514,489 16,000 165,000 10,300 (500) 2,600 800 2,500 221,229 932,418 533,524 15,100 172,000 10,300 (2,585) 3,000 1,350 2,500 227,061 962,250 550,695 15,100 168,000 10,300 (600) 3,000 1,200 ‐ 280,562 1,028,257 68,308 45,072 59,164 122,757 5,106 120,011 420,418 15,334 14,000 2,773 4,964 2,579 69,912 46,128 60,552 132,466 6,296 145,564 460,918 14,618 14,000 ‐ 5,018 1,361 71,520 47,184 61,944 133,389 5,000 159,912 478,949 25,500 14,000 3,560 5,000 4,250 5,110 1,244 ‐ 9,269 5,089 1,648 28,527 2,535 9,985 ‐ 103,057 10,491 1,155 ‐ 6,045 3,860 1,886 26,277 2,581 10,566 ‐ 97,858 Aquatics Program Manager Swim Program Coordinator Aquatics ‐ Facility Operator Guards & Instructors Overtime Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Bldg Maintenance Ground Lease Communications Advertising & Marketing Training & Travel Internal Charge ‐ Tech Services Supplies & Services Bank Charges Cash Over & Short Pool Chemicals Janitorial Supplies Pool Concession Purchases Utility ‐ Gas Utility ‐ Water Utility ‐ Electric Pool Donations ‐ Expended SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 71,520 47,184 61,944 140,000 5,780 163,110 489,538 19,200 14,000 ‐ 5,000 4,250 ‐ 11,500 1,300 ‐ 8,500 4,800 2,500 27,000 3,200 10,800 2,500 114,550 73,320 48,376 63,493 143,077 5,000 159,599 492,865 16,500 14,000 ‐ 5,000 4,250 8,910 11,300 1,300 ‐ 9,000 5,200 2,500 33,000 4,000 12,000 ‐ 126,960 11,625 1,300 ‐ 12,500 6,000 2,500 33,000 4,000 11,500 2,500 137,235 71 Swim Center Levy Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 34,181 34,181 88,764 88,764 ‐ ‐ 14,065 14,065 97,624 97,624 ‐ ‐ Bldg Improvements >$5k SUBTOTAL CAPITAL O/H to General Fund SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS Contingency SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ ‐ 77,600 77,600 238,634 238,634 ‐ ‐ 77,600 77,600 ‐ ‐ 15,000 15,000 76,712 76,712 316,720 316,720 646,420 670,465 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 932,418 681,688 1,028,257 ‐ 280,562 ‐ Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 731,339 227,061 3,850 ‐ 962,250 746,495 280,562 1,200 ‐ 1,028,257 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 681,688 ‐ ‐ ‐ 681,688 696,537 331,720 ‐ ‐ 1,028,257 Net Recurring Rev/Exp 49,651 49,958 NET BALANCE 72 Internal Service Fund Fleet Services Department Description The Fleet Services Department facilitates the purchase, outfitting, maintenance and repair of all City rolling stock and most machinery owned by the City to maximize safety and minimize equipment downtime. The department provides maintenance and repair services for all City rolling stock and other departmental equipment. The age and type of the rolling stock varies considerably. Everything from dump trucks to weed eaters is maintained in good order by this department for safe, efficient, and effective use by City employees in the performance of their duties. This fund contains the budget for the operation of Fleet Maintenance, large capital purchases and replacement should be budgeted in the corresponding department budgets. This department also provides repair services to the Adult Center van which is billed to them. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 We have included a Public Works Director in the proposed budget allocated across various public works departments to address the need for supervision, strategic planning and compliance initiatives. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies, contract repair labor, vehicle and equipment materials, parts, employee training, tools and equipment, gasoline and diesel fuels, lubricants, charges for services provided by the Facilities and Technical Services Funds and other miscellaneous expenses. Capital Outlay – Capital projects for the Fleet Services scheduled for this fiscal year: * None Contingency – A contingency equal to approximately 20% of operating expenses (personal services plus materials and services) is proposed, this fund could absorb an unexpected repair if needed however replacement of cars and equipment would be budgeted by the corresponding department. 73 Fleet Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 74,899 2,635 2,049 ‐ 8,744 ‐ 5,874 60,229 1,011 241,681 110,598 2,000 298,369 21,009 36,828 865,926 ‐ 2,463 2,351 ‐ 8,249 ‐ 4,185 36,024 ‐ 237,037 99,254 3,000 295,692 21,499 34,344 744,098 Lease Proceeds Miscellaneous‐Income Interest Revenues Cash Carryover Canby Adult Center Internal Revenue‐Fleet OP Transfer From Admin OP Transfer from Parks OP Transfer from Building OP Transfer from Police OP Transfer from Streets OP Transfer from Facilities OP Transfer from Transit OP Transfer from Sewer OP Transfer from WW Coll TOTAL REVENUE ‐ ‐ 2,500 248,568 10,500 825,255 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,086,823 ‐ 2,200 1,750 267,396 9,000 684,146 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 964,492 ‐ 2,300 1,500 177,903 9,300 724,290 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 915,293 ‐ 62,650 13,106 68,788 ‐ 21 69,654 1,200 215,419 2,007 16,529 10,026 1,000 563 1,444 37,841 1,741 708 330 1,585 ‐ ‐ 66,925 16,039 2,942 3,753 ‐ 64,128 13,410 58,620 1,494 81 71,436 800 209,969 5,290 16,420 23,629 7,138 515 945 36,523 1,549 408 360 230 ‐ ‐ 71,635 16,336 20,794 3,039 Public Works Director Mechanic Senior Office Specialist II Mechanic Part Time Help Overtime Employee Benefits Clothing Allowance SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Contract Services‐Shop Contract Services‐Vehicles CAT Contract Services Deductibles/Self‐insure repair Copier Lease & Maint Adult Center Maintenance Canby Area Transit Expenses Communications Travel & Training Membership Dues & Fees DEQ/DMV Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Tires Tires‐Transit Misc Shop Supplies ‐ 65,604 13,720 59,964 5,772 2,500 85,417 800 233,777 3,500 20,700 27,500 8,000 625 1,735 46,275 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,800 31,502 10,107 121,000 25,000 25,000 4,573 ‐ 65,604 13,720 59,964 5,772 2,500 85,417 800 233,777 2,500 18,000 25,000 6,500 625 3,960 50,600 2,000 ‐ 500 1,800 31,502 10,107 47,000 17,750 15,500 5,000 4,448 67,232 14,063 61,463 5,916 2,500 85,468 800 241,890 3,000 15,000 27,500 8,000 625 4,160 53,150 2,000 2,000 500 1,045 37,211 11,880 50,000 20,000 20,000 5,000 74 Fleet Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 4,124 221,514 2,399 2,820 527 ‐ 394,817 ‐ ‐ 34,484 11,097 7,285 ‐ 52,866 (4,260) ‐ 74,899 ‐ 70,639 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 7,500 237,435 2,450 1,500 850 4,000 586,552 116,808 116,808 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 103,686 ‐ 46,000 149,686 7,500 210,716 750 1,850 850 ‐ 460,010 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 53,255 ‐ 39,547 92,802 7,500 241,675 1,500 2,000 850 1,250 515,846 157,557 157,557 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 1,086,823 786,589 915,293 NET BALANCE ‐ 177,903 ‐ 693,146 267,396 3,950 ‐ 964,492 693,787 92,802 ‐ ‐ 786,589 733,590 177,903 3,800 ‐ 915,293 757,736 157,557 ‐ ‐ 915,293 Account Title 6,066 Tools and Equipment 221,706 Gasoline/Fuel 3,407 Oil‐General 2,937 Oil‐Transit 210 Safety Equipment ‐ Fleet Vehicles Op Cost 439,137 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES ‐ Fleet Contingency SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ 33,114 OP Transfer to Facilities 9,566 OP Transfer to Technical Svc. ‐ Transfer to Debt Service 150,000 Res Trans to Capital Reserve SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 192,680 ‐ Gain/Loss on sale of Equip ‐ Equipment ‐ Equipment‐Police 39,156 Shop Improvements SUBTOTAL CAPITAL 39,156 733,741 880,942 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense Net Recurring Rev/Exp (641) (24,146) 75 Internal Service Fund Facilities Fund Description The Facilities Fund was established as of July 1, 2011. Its purpose is to provide for the maintenance and repair of all City-owned structures except the Swim Center and the Sewer facilities whose maintenance is provided by their respective funds. The costs of heating and cooling, cleaning, etc. that were formerly changed to individual departments and funds are now paid through the Facilities Fund. The establishment of this fund is in direct response to City Council policy that the City provide for the ongoing maintenance of City buildings. Funding comes from charges to other funds that receive services. The allocation is based on current square footages. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 None Budget at a Glance Personal Services –Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes contract services for janitorial services and alarm system monitoring. This also covers supplies needed for building maintenance and repairs, HVAC maintenance for City facilities as well as the Adult Center, small tools and utilities. Capital Outlay – Capital projects include re-striping of the Adult Center parking lot and the installation of new curb stops in the parking areas. Also included in the capital improvements is exterior painting of the “City Hall” complex. This will include the Council Chambers and the Hose Tower. Much of this area has the same product that was on the Public Library, and is in need of new paint before it is in total disrepair. Additional funds are being set aside for the Library for repairs to restrooms etc. An additional $11,500 is allocated to the Cemetery which is residual from a bequest several years ago. A portion of these dollars may be used to repair or replace siding on the Cemetery office. Contingency – A contingency equal to 25% of operating expenses (personal services plus materials and services) is proposed as this fund would absorb unexpected repairs if necessary. 76 Facilities Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget ‐ 442 ‐ 1,315 ‐ 99,488 1,906 31,503 27,428 34,484 2,173 2,472 2,880 ‐ 16,457 ‐ 66,624 287,172 ‐ 547 ‐ 2,015 ‐ 146,341 389 30,252 23,843 33,114 2,087 2,374 2,432 1,134 10,535 10,535 ‐ 265,598 Miscellaneous Revenues Interest Revenues Cash Carryover Canby Utility Internal Revenue‐Facilities Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Building Transfer From Library Transfer From Streets Transfer From Fleet Transfer From Tech Services Transfer from Transit Transfer from Urban Renewal Transfer from Sewer Transfer from SewerCollections Transfer from Stormwater Transfer from Capital Reserve TOTAL REVENUE ‐ 500 73,375 1,900 250,230 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 326,005 814 450 79,358 1,900 250,230 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 332,752 ‐ 300 69,148 1,900 299,047 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 370,395 31,117 232 15,455 400 47,204 914 38,125 20,163 ‐ 1,283 33,232 93,717 2,000 2,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,962 2,772 8,311 58,195 Facilities Lead Worker ‐ Overtime 33,099 Employee Benefits 400 Clothing Allowance 91,694 SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 3,108 Contract Services 46,253 Janitorial Services & Supplies 20,744 Building Repairs & Maintenance ‐ Internal Charge‐Fleet 1,743 Supplies and Small Tools 52,205 Utilities 124,053 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 3,000 OP Transfer to Fleet SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 3,000 ‐ Contingency SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ ‐ Capital Equipment ‐ Capital Exp‐ City Hall Complex ‐ Capital Exp ‐ Transit/Fin Bldg 53,885 Capital Exp ‐ Library Bldg 59,044 1,000 39,060 400 99,504 3,000 58,000 28,500 3,000 4,000 67,000 163,500 ‐ ‐ 39,001 39,001 7,500 ‐ ‐ 5,000 59,044 1,000 39,060 400 99,504 3,000 58,000 28,500 3,000 4,000 60,500 157,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 5,100 ‐ ‐ 2,000 60,509 1,000 38,313 400 100,222 5,800 61,000 30,000 5,000 4,500 65,000 171,300 ‐ ‐ 71,073 71,073 ‐ 5,800 4,000 5,000 77 Facilities Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 28,037 ‐ 3,330 ‐ 47,412 2,199 6,725 ‐ 1,520 64,329 190,333 283,076 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Capital Exp ‐ Shops Complex Capital Exp ‐ Adult Center Bld Capital Exp ‐ Planning Bldg Capital Exp ‐ Cemetery SUBTOTAL CAPITAL ‐ ‐ ‐ 11,500 24,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 7,100 11,500 27,800 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 326,005 263,604 370,395 NET BALANCE ‐ 69,148 ‐ Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 252,130 79,358 1,264 ‐ 332,752 300,947 69,148 300 ‐ 370,395 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 256,504 7,100 ‐ ‐ 263,604 271,522 98,873 ‐ ‐ 370,395 Net Recurring Rev/Exp (4,374) 29,425 1,500 78 Internal Service Fund Technical (Tech) Services Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Technical Services Department is to provide reliable phone services and computer-based informational systems and services for all city staff. Department Description The computer system represents the basic infrastructure for all office operations and is fundamental to efficient staff performance. It is important to the work done by all departments that this infrastructure continues to be well maintained. The Technical Services Department operates on a cost reimbursement basis through charges to departments serviced. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-15 The City contracts with KinTechnology to provide IT services. There is no increase over the contract costs for last fiscal year. The office specialist II who is allocated to this function has been reduced from full time to 32 hours a week in response to the budget constraints in the general fund. The capital outlay budget includes $35,000 for the Gigabit Internet Project which includes hardware, labor and subcontractors that would be required to make this upgrade. The capital outlay budget includes $8,000 to pay for the implementation of online payment portals and accounting module updates for various departments. Budget at a Glance Personnel Service - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies, technical consultant contract services, computer and network cards, boards, switches, cables, servers, surge protectors and other associated parts, employee training and technical materials, and other incidental expenses. Software licenses, city web page maintenance and domain cost, and external cable access costs are also included. Capital Outlay - Equipment replacement and system software are maintained and scheduled for replacement/updates based on recommendations from our IT contractors and input from departments. Contingency – A contingency equal to 25% of operating expenses (personal services plus materials and services) is proposed as this fund would absorb unexpected equipment failure if necessary. 79 Technical Services Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget ‐ 1,477 ‐ ‐ 13,316 13,316 15,536 2,219 4,439 42,168 13,316 11,097 7,768 11,097 15,536 12,207 4,439 6,658 2,000 5,000 10,500 192,089 20 1,227 ‐ ‐ 19,132 14,349 14,349 4,783 5,979 86,095 14,349 7,175 10,763 9,566 19,132 20,328 4,782 8,370 ‐ 20,000 7,000 267,399 Miscellaneous‐Income Interest Revenues Cash Carryover Internal Revenue‐Tech Services OP Transfer From Admin OP Transfer from Court OP Transfer from Planning OP Transfer from Parks OP Transfer from Building OP Transfer from Police OP Transfer from Finance OP Transfer from Library Fund OP Transfer from Streets OP Transfer from Fleet OP Transfer from Transit OP Transfer From Sewer OP Transfer From Sewer Coll OP Transfer from UR Reserve Transfer from Court Reserve Transfer from Police Reserve Transfer From Finance TOTAL REVENUE ‐ 900 181,611 336,908 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 519,419 229 650 176,640 336,908 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 514,427 ‐ 500 121,851 297,011 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 419,362 15,898 37,807 33,612 87,317 80,612 1,320 1,576 6,200 ‐ 692 ‐ 2,939 93,339 ‐ ‐ 2,173 75,000 77,173 589 2,127 18,054 Assistant City Administrator 44,016 Office Spec II 41,886 Employee Benefits 103,956 SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 91,639 Technical Consultant 59,379 Communications ‐ Cable Billing 6,436 Web Page ‐ Travel & Training 26,985 Fees & Dues ‐ Internal Charge‐Facilities 5,177 Supplies & Services 189,616 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES ‐ Contingency SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ 2,087 OP Transfer to Facilities ‐ Res Transfer to General Fund SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 2,087 923 Computer Equipment 349 Computer Equip‐Admin 17,680 45,732 48,527 111,939 93,550 57,500 ‐ 8,900 1,000 3,460 1,985 6,700 173,095 56,610 56,610 ‐ 94,806 94,806 82,969 ‐ 18,321 45,732 48,589 112,642 93,550 57,500 ‐ 8,900 1,000 3,460 1,985 1,689 168,084 ‐ ‐ ‐ 94,806 94,806 17,044 ‐ 19,133 37,500 38,736 95,369 93,600 57,260 10,420 1,000 6,720 4,175 10,200 183,375 69,029 69,029 ‐ ‐ 71,589 ‐ 80 Technical Services Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 2,111 5,000 18,020 ‐ 2,360 30,207 3,242 16,088 6,770 566 ‐ 27,938 288,036 323,597 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Computer Equip‐Court Computer Equip‐Police Computer Equip‐Finance Computer Equip‐Fleet Computer Equip‐Phone System SUBTOTAL CAPITAL ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 82,969 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 17,044 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 71,589 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 519,419 392,576 419,362 NET BALANCE ‐ 121,851 ‐ Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 336,908 176,640 879 ‐ 514,427 297,011 121,851 500 ‐ 419,362 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 280,726 17,044 ‐ 94,806 392,576 278,744 140,618 ‐ ‐ 419,362 Net Recurring Rev/Exp 56,182 18,267 81 Sewer Combined Fund: Sewer-WWTP Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Sewer Combined Fund is to facilitate protection of the environment and public health in the wastewater arena, through proper operation of the treatment facility, effective planning and design, community awareness, and public education. As well as provide excellent customer service and maximize operating efficiency to maintain reasonable rates for customers. Department Description Efficiently operate and maintain the wastewater treatment plant to meet Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requirements for collection, treatment, and discharge of wastewater. Goals Integration By combining capital improvement projects with the utilization of existing structures we have prepared a budget that will make it possible to meet our goals of maintaining infrastructure and upgrading 20 year old equipment. With public safety and education in mind we have also prepared several line items that include both training for personnel and interns along with continued education to the public for reducing Fats, Oils, and greases in our collection system. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 Starting a capital improvement project (headworks project) to replace some 20 year old equipment and refurbish the existing pump room. The law suit against Therma Flite was settled in fiscal year 2013-14 and we have stopped hauling sludge to landfill. Signed a contract with Heard Farms to Haul Canby’s sludge to their treatment facility which resulted in approximately 42,000 a year savings. Due to structural efficiency considerations the Environmental Services Manager position has been proposed for elimination and a Public Works Director and parttime Pre-treatment Coordinator have been budgeted to meet supervisory, strategic planning and compliance needs. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Materials and Services - Includes office supplies, employee training, internal charges for fleet, facilities and technical services, consulting engineer, utilities, communications, safety items, parts and materials, equipment and tools, lab testing, billing and collections costs, lime, chemicals, polymer, permit fees, and other miscellaneous supplies, materials and equipment. Transfers - Include charges for finance and administrative services and a 7% franchise fee on sewer rate revenue paid to the General Fund. Capital Outlay – See Sewer Combined Fund Reserve. Contingency – Is 15% of the combined total of personal services and materials and services for the WWTP, Collections and Stormwater departments. 82 Sewer Combined Fund: Sewer Collections & Stormwater . Department Description The objective of the Sewer Collections and Stormwater departments is to meet Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requirements for sewer collections and stormwater systems including catch basins and underground main lines. . Goals Integration We have prepared a budget to maintain infrastructure in order to preserve our ability to provide reliable sewer service to citizens of Canby. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 We have included a Public Works Director in the proposed budget allocated across various public works departments to address the need for supervision, strategic planning and compliance initiatives. Budget at a Glance Personal Services - Includes salaries and benefits of City employees allocated to this function. Material and Services - Includes supplies and services, small tools and equipment, consulting engineer, internal charges for fleet, facilities and technical services and other maintenance costs. Transfers – Includes charges for finance and administrative services. Capital Outlay – See Sewer Combined Fund Reserve. 83 Capital Projects Fund Street Reserve Statement of Purpose The Street Reserve Fund exists to accumulate revenues from different sources in order to plan and implement large capital street projects. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 All funding sources for street capital are recorded into the Street fund and then excess or balances net direct expenses are transferred to the street reserve therefore we have proposed closing this fund and executing capital projects directly from the street fund. 84 Sewer Combined Fund: Sewer Debt Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Sewer Debt section of the Sewer Combined Fund is to accumulate resources to pay principal and interest due on the long term debt of the fund. The current obligation is scheduled for payoff in December 2017. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 None 85 Sewer Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 7,720 11,043 ‐ 3,181,472 ‐ 10,284 30,851 5,285 2,265 10,939 ‐ ‐ 3,259,859 ‐ 46,648 21,407 8,793 23,052 8,464 24,192 83,557 ‐ 67,285 75,458 2,247 13,319 12,395 169,785 1,600 558,202 626 3,080 48,394 ‐ 86,797 ‐ 39,494 1,364 809 34,388 16,075 2,674 725 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 3,647 12,908 ‐ 3,301,858 16,272 23,591 63,878 8,028 770 ‐ ‐ 301,776 3,732,728 Miscellaneous‐Income Interest Revenues Cash Carryover Service Charge AFD ‐ North Redwood SDC Improvement (Sewer) SDC Reimbursement (Sewer) SDC Improvement (Storm) SDC Reimbursement (Storm) Transfer from GF for LID 0100 IF Loan from Transit IF Principal & Interest TOTAL REVENUE 2,500 12,000 3,092,319 3,417,015 4,200 16,851 50,555 9,000 ‐ ‐ 201,043 ‐ 6,805,483 1,141,248 16,350 3,326,959 3,570,000 7,244 27,300 81,667 17,093 ‐ ‐ 201,043 ‐ 8,388,904 6,000 10,000 5,228,976 3,700,000 ‐ ‐ 65,414 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 9,010,390 ‐ ‐ 45,780 11,227 24,481 21,951 ‐ 132,028 ‐ 68,856 60,664 2,766 15,675 14,911 197,331 619 596,289 ‐ ‐ 198,419 ‐ 133,605 1,401 47,552 19,027 753 35,764 19,353 2,173 3,146 WWTP Public Works Director Plant Supervisor Environmental Services Mgr Office Specialist II Office Specialist III Pre‐Treatment Tech Operator I Operator III Pre‐Treatment Coordinator Operator Lead Operator II Overtime Stand By Weekend Surveillance Employee Benefits Clothing Allowance SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Contract Labor‐Utility Billing Professional Services Contract Services Bond Issuance Costs Disposal Services Street Repairs Maintenance Operations Pump and Motor Repair Grounds Maint Sewer Billing Effluent Testing Sludge Testing Pretreatment Testing ‐ ‐ 46,824 11,433 12,897 23,629 ‐ 136,800 ‐ 70,440 62,508 6,000 16,914 18,005 229,385 2,000 636,835 ‐ 7,000 170,000 ‐ 150,396 1,750 48,700 22,400 1,235 36,000 22,000 7,200 5,000 ‐ ‐ 46,824 11,433 12,897 23,629 ‐ 136,800 ‐ 70,440 62,508 6,000 16,914 18,005 229,385 2,000 636,835 ‐ 5,000 50,758 ‐ 115,000 1,500 45,000 18,000 1,200 37,400 20,000 2,500 2,000 8,897 ‐ ‐ 6,539 13,370 ‐ ‐ 140,220 29,969 72,201 117,277 6,000 16,484 16,569 236,272 2,000 665,798 ‐ 20,000 ‐ ‐ 149,000 1,850 53,000 22,000 1,800 39,000 22,000 3,500 5,000 86 Sewer Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 4,736 1,868 2,224 12,347 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,944 1,366 452 175 ‐ 4,993 10,068 16,187 33,917 9,452 88,703 59,271 484,129 121,452 21,009 ‐ 12,207 250,000 ‐ 404,668 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,547 1,946 2,011 13,005 ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,328 1,709 349 8,567 1,385 5,013 14,972 1,886 30,432 3,828 69,024 ‐ 622,195 160,050 21,499 1,134 20,328 250,000 228,824 681,835 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Communications Travel & Training Membership Dues & Fees NPDES Permit Fees Internal Charge‐Fleet Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Safety Supplies Tools & Equipment Computer Supplies Uniforms Bldg Cleaning Service Lab Equipment & Chemicals Bulk Chemicals Lime Biosolids ‐ Polymer Utilities Bad Debt Expense SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES O/H Transfer to General Fund OP Transfer to Fleet OP Transfer to Facilities OP Transfer to Technical Svc. IF Loan to Transit Revenue Trans Franchise Fee SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS Contingency OPEB Expense Depreciation Expense SUBTOTAL OTHER 5,760 4,500 2,670 13,640 24,385 1,080 23,584 7,055 2,525 615 15,700 2,000 6,900 18,850 20,000 42,000 12,000 76,200 ‐ 751,145 163,728 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 241,800 405,528 313,361 ‐ ‐ 313,361 3,300 3,000 2,200 13,000 20,307 1,080 23,584 5,550 2,362 615 11,500 ‐ 6,900 17,000 15,000 40,000 10,000 70,000 ‐ 543,756 163,728 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 252,000 415,728 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,300 4,500 2,670 14,400 18,020 1,275 23,761 8,900 3,125 790 8,940 ‐ 6,900 13,800 20,000 48,000 12,000 75,000 ‐ 582,531 147,689 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 261,000 408,689 295,413 ‐ ‐ 295,413 1,446,999 1,900,319 SUBTOTAL WWTP REQUIREMENTS 2,106,869 1,596,319 1,952,431 COLLECTIONS City Administrator Planning Director Public Works Director Environmental Services Mgr Office Specialist II Senior Planner Associate Planner Utility Worker I Utility Maint Worker II Utility Worker III 21,782 25,041 ‐ 9,365 10,912 7,544 14,544 42,272 25,404 27,588 13,763 25,041 ‐ 9,365 10,912 7,544 14,544 42,272 25,404 27,588 21,224 10,268 22,242 ‐ 7,031 3,867 21,903 45,898 26,045 28,428 ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,281 6,464 ‐ ‐ 26,508 73,401 9,025 ‐ ‐ ‐ 9,156 6,705 ‐ ‐ 38,964 48,950 52,632 87 Sewer Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 22,694 7,261 77,277 439 227,350 788 1,013 4,312 9,385 4,664 5,490 15 689 1,628 ‐ 963 34 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,386 541 261 ‐ 950 5,280 39,399 44,422 36,828 16,457 4,439 102,146 16,589 6,642 96,719 1,200 277,557 200 ‐ 4,630 10,031 17,598 3,187 ‐ 626 1,353 ‐ 680 310 ‐ ‐ ‐ 3,555 736 ‐ ‐ 367 4,465 47,738 74,152 34,344 10,535 4,782 123,813 368,895 449,108 ‐ ‐ ‐ 17,125 ‐ 6,641 ‐ ‐ 8,464 ‐ ‐ ‐ 36,624 ‐ 6,705 ‐ 6,575 21,950 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Public Works Lead Man Overtime Employee Benefits Clothing Allowance SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Consultant Engineer Software Maint Lateral Repair Lift Station Maint Lift Station Telemetry Collection System Maint Equipment Rental Copier Lease & Maint Communications Publications Travel & Training Membership Dues & Fees Internal Charge‐Fleet Internal Charge‐Facilities Internal Charge‐Tech Services Supplies & Services Small Tools Uniforms Cleaning/Supplies Safety Supplies Utilities‐Lift Stations SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES O/H Transfer to General Fund OP Transfer to Fleet OP Transfer to Facilities OP Transfer to Technical Svcs. SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 17,716 6,500 115,339 1,200 325,207 2,500 1,700 4,000 10,000 ‐ 6,000 250 700 1,890 150 1,500 250 41,950 10,022 10,107 4,090 2,000 ‐ 150 400 5,375 103,034 45,863 ‐ ‐ ‐ 45,863 17,716 6,500 113,713 1,200 315,562 2,500 1,700 4,000 10,000 3,080 6,000 250 700 3,612 ‐ 1,850 250 13,577 10,022 10,107 4,090 2,000 ‐ 50 400 5,375 79,563 45,863 ‐ ‐ ‐ 45,863 18,489 6,500 112,955 1,200 326,050 2,500 2,600 4,000 10,000 3,100 6,000 250 700 1,890 150 1,500 250 18,685 11,838 11,880 4,090 2,000 ‐ 150 400 5,375 87,358 44,988 ‐ ‐ ‐ 44,988 SUBTOTAL COLLECTIONS 474,104 440,988 458,396 STORMWATER City Administrator Planning Director Public Works Director Environmental Services Mgr Office Specialist III Office Specialist II Senior Planner Associate Planner Storm/Pretreatment Tech 14,521 25,041 ‐ 37,459 12,897 10,912 7,544 14,544 23,629 9,175 25,041 ‐ 37,459 12,897 10,912 7,544 14,544 23,629 14,150 20,536 22,242 ‐ 13,370 7,031 7,734 6,258 ‐ 88 Sewer Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget ‐ ‐ 22,800 ‐ 26,747 81,777 3,171 ‐ 7,780 20,425 7,045 ‐ 686 1,406 496 ‐ 1,390 525 ‐ 2,883 877 ‐ 505 371 47,560 48,108 ‐ 48,108 ‐ ‐ 18,222 388 46,917 137,381 3,227 ‐ 8,197 ‐ 18,902 ‐ 626 1,951 896 ‐ 485 552 ‐ 2,153 532 ‐ 459 566 38,546 75,393 10,535 85,928 Utility Maint Worker II Utility Worker III Public Works Lead Man Overtime Employee Benefits SUBTOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES Consultant Engineer Software Maint Catch Basin Repair BMP Devices Storm System Maintenance Equipment Rental Copier Lease & Maint Storm Water Analysis Communications Publications Travel & Training Membership Dues & Fees Internal Charge‐Facilities Supplies & Services Small Tools Cleaning/Supplies Safety Supplies GPS Mapping Project SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES O/H Transfer to General Fund OP Transfer to Facilities SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 25,404 27,588 19,356 500 124,084 343,479 4,000 1,000 6,000 ‐ 20,000 250 700 ‐ 1,500 150 500 600 10,022 2,500 2,000 50 600 650 50,522 29,073 ‐ 29,073 25,404 27,588 19,356 500 123,978 338,027 4,000 1,900 6,000 ‐ 20,000 250 700 ‐ 4,115 ‐ 500 700 10,022 2,500 2,000 ‐ 600 650 53,937 29,073 ‐ 29,073 26,045 28,428 20,170 500 93,940 260,404 4,000 1,900 6,000 ‐ 20,000 250 700 ‐ 1,500 150 500 700 11,838 2,500 2,000 ‐ 600 1,000 53,638 42,084 ‐ 42,084 177,445 261,855 SUBTOTAL STORMWATER 423,074 421,037 356,126 235,000 63,534 ‐ 298,534 240,000 54,925 ‐ 294,925 Sewer Bond Princ‐08 Sewer Bond Int‐08 Sewer Bond Res SUBTOTAL DEBT SERVICE 250,000 46,044 302,285 598,329 250,000 46,044 ‐ 296,044 255,000 36,891 302,285 594,176 298,534 294,925 SUBTOTAL SEWER DEBT 598,329 296,044 594,176 Sewer Rate Study Stormwater Management Plan Stormwater Master Plan Biosolids FeasibilityStudy/SDC SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES Building WWTP Effluent Diffuser ‐ 4,000 26,825 25,000 55,825 15,800 65,000 ‐ 4,000 26,825 ‐ 30,825 13,700 59,725 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 15,000 ‐ 10,626 1,416 ‐ ‐ 12,042 6,774 ‐ ‐ ‐ 73,175 ‐ 73,175 10,000 6,253 89 Sewer Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual ‐ ‐ Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 865,000 ‐ 150,000 ‐ ‐ 13,000 ‐ 50,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 6,993 ‐ ‐ 293,418 ‐ 81,297 ‐ 81,297 1,000,000 515,000 ‐ 34,000 ‐ 80,000 ‐ 200,000 ‐ 92,000 400,000 ‐ ‐ 3,273,261 5,609,261 ‐ ‐ 40,000 40,000 600 600 Headwords Improvements/SDC 14‐15 Infrastruture Improvements Phase III Equipment Police Access Road 34th Pump Station Rehab/SDC 1st Avenue Redevelopment Proj Willow Creek Non‐Capitalized Equipment TV Truck Equip Replacement Vactor Truck Sewer Push Camera Non‐Capitalized Computers Sewer Project Reserve SUBTOTAL CAPITAL O/H Transfer to General Fund Transfer to SDC Fund Transfer to Street Fund SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 235,103 302,912 SUBTOTAL SEWER RESERVE 3,203,107 405,540 5,649,261 2,526,976 3,209,119 TOTAL SEWER FUND 6,805,483 3,159,928 9,010,390 NET BALANCE ‐ 5,228,976 ‐ Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues 3,570,000 3,453,019 1,164,842 201,043 8,388,904 3,700,000 5,294,390 16,000 ‐ 9,010,390 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense 2,458,344 701,584 ‐ ‐ 3,159,928 2,471,540 6,499,804 ‐ ‐ 8,971,344 Net Recurring Rev/Exp 1,111,656 1,228,460 32,065 9,157 ‐ ‐ 46,262 ‐ 30,354 15,000 ‐ 167,530 12,891 111,260 ‐ ‐ 4,052 ‐ 222,461 600 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 229,137 600 99,909 18,000 ‐ 130,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 400,000 14,000 ‐ 1,539,573 3,147,282 ‐ 90 Special Revenue Fund Parks Development Statement of Purpose The Parks Development Fund accumulates funds primarily from Park System Development Charges (SDC), and to a much lesser degree from grants and donations. Funds are used to implement planning, capital, and acquisition projects of the Parks Master Plan, Parks Acquisition Plan, Willamette Wayside Master Plan, and Canby's Community Vision aspirations for Parks and Recreation, thus enhancing community quality of life. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 We are proposing closing this fund, integrating the activities that use to be funded through this fund into the General Fund Parks Department and recording the SDC revenue to a new SDC Fund where all SDC improvement revenue will be recorded so that compliance with allowable use can be more easily tracked and controlled in accordance with state statutes. 91 ParksDev Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 58,657 600 4,623 ‐ 34,133 ‐ 98,013 102,438 600 4,933 27 17,067 ‐ 125,065 SDC's Parks‐Improvement Miscellaneous‐Income Interest Revenues Donations Parks IF Principal & Interest Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 60,000 500 5,200 10,000 ‐ 860,961 936,661 173,876 600 4,750 2,500 ‐ 944,499 1,126,225 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Supplies & Services ‐ SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES 74,764 Molalla Rrv PW/Will. Wayside ‐ NW Neighborhood Park 17,820 North Woods Estates Park ‐ Logging Road Corridor Project ‐ Community Park Expansion 7,116 Park SDC Engineer Study SUBTOTAL CAPITAL 99,700 600 O/H to General Fund Transfer to SDC Fund SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS 600 600 5,000 5,000 200,000 31,661 375,000 25,000 300,000 ‐ 931,661 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 27,294 ‐ 228,104 ‐ 1,500 ‐ 256,898 ‐ 869,327 869,327 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 21,801 100,300 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 936,661 1,126,225 ‐ NET BALANCE ‐ ‐ ‐ 92 92 10,341 ‐ 3,638 ‐ ‐ 7,130 21,109 600 92 Capital Projects Fund Street Reserve Statement of Purpose The Street Reserve Fund exists to accumulate revenues from different sources in order to plan and implement large capital street projects. Noteworthy Changes for 2014-2015 All funding sources for street capital are recorded into the Street fund and then excess or balances net direct expenses are transferred to the street reserve therefore we have proposed closing this fund and executing capital projects directly from the street fund. 93 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual ‐ 187,584 16,311 9,311 5,814 ‐ 454,637 443,964 206,687 ‐ 1,324,308 164,266 91,514 13,220 ‐ 2,640 328,000 ‐ 436,980 199,528 ‐ 1,236,148 19,201 ‐ 718,985 626,032 143,927 343,767 ‐ ‐ ‐ 260,810 ‐ ‐ 6,105 2,118,827 600 59,888 17,898 540,628 ‐ 521,204 158,247 30,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 31,919 3,483 5,488 1,368,755 600 Street Reserve Fund Budget 2013‐14 Cur Year Budget 2013‐14 Projected Yr End Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 185,000 189,026 36,883 ‐ 2,600 348,778 ‐ 430,000 166,700 834,320 2,193,307 ‐ 164,719 36,235 ‐ 2,500 348,778 ‐ 435,000 195,000 872,348 2,054,580 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ SDC Storm Project‐1st Avenue Other Projects Street Maint Fee Projects Wait Park ST/SW Reconstruction 1st Avenue Redevelopment Proj NE 4th Ave Improvements Police Access Road N Juniper Reconstruc N Ivy‐9th Eco Park Frontage/Sidewalk NE 3rd & 4th Ave CDBG/SDC SE Canby Sidewalk CDBG/SDC S Ivy Sidewalk Project/SDC SDC Trans Engineer Study SUBTOTAL CAPITAL O/H Transfer to General Fund Transfer to Street Funds Transfer to SDC Fund 600 600 SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS ‐ 630,307 650,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 464,000 80,000 ‐ ‐ 369,000 ‐ 2,193,307 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,119,427 1,369,355 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS Account Title Federal Fund Exchange SDC's Trans Improvement SDC's Trans Reimbursement Miscellaneous Revenue Interest Revenues Reserve Transfer from Streets Res Trans Fed Fund Exchange Res Trans Street Maint Fee Res Trans Local Gas Tax Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE NET BALANCE 649,491 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 400,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,049,491 ‐ 310,856 694,233 1,005,089 2,193,307 2,054,580 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 94 Special Revenue Fund 911 Emergency Department Description In the past, the city received distribution of state 9-1-1 excise tax directly into its 911 Emergency Fund. An annual transfer from the Police Department to the 911 Emergency Fund was made in an amount sufficient to subsidize the cost of dispatch services provided by CCOM. However, with the passage of SB 1559, 911 distributions made after January 1, 2013, will be made directly to CCOM. The Police Department is now responsible for paying what is billed for dispatch services. This fund was closed by City Council resolution in June 2013. 95 911FundBudget 2011Ͳ12 PY2 Actual 2012Ͳ13 PY1 Actual 77,388 214 Ͳ 77,602 152,197 600 152,797 19,192 14 111,902 131,108 154,961 600 155,561 AccountTitle 911ExciseTax InterestRevenues OPTransferInfromPolice TOTALREVENUE CentralDispatch O/HTransfertoGeneral TOTALREQUIREMENTS 2013Ͳ14 CY Budget 2013Ͳ14 Projected YETotals 2014Ͳ15 Proposed Budget Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 96 Special Revenue Fund Library Endowment Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Library Endowment Fund is to accumulate funds from transfers and donations that can be used to improve the facilities and services of the Canby Public Library. Department Description The Endowment Fund was set by Ordinance and appears in Chapter 3.16 of the Canby Municipal Code. Fund principal may only be used for capital expenditures such as a new or remodeled facility, remodeling or repair of the present facility, purchase of new furnishings or shelving of direct benefit to the Canby Public Library. Principal funds may be used only after the Library Board has so recommended. At the time of this publication it is expected that this fund will be closed to the Library Fund per the Library Board recommendation in April 2013 that the funds will be restricted to use on the new Library facility. Future endowment gifts will go to the newly formed Library Foundation. This fund was closed by City Council resolution in June 2013. 97 LibraryEndowmentFundBudget 2011Ͳ12 PY2 Actual 696 696 600 Ͳ 600 2012Ͳ13 PY1 Actual AccountTitle 669 InterestRevenues 669 TOTALREVENUE 600 O/HTransfertoGeneralFund 135,481 TransfertoLibrary 136,081 TOTALREQUIREMENTS 2013Ͳ14 CY Budget 2013Ͳ14 Projected YETotals 2014Ͳ15 Proposed Budget Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 98 Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Department Description The Debt Service Fund was created to combine all non-bond debt into one fund. This created added layers of transfers between funds and it was deemed more efficient and transparent to show debt payments from the departments that incurred the obligation, therefore this fund is recommended for closure. This fund was closed by City Council resolution in June 2013. 99 DebtServiceFund Budget 2011Ͳ12 PY2 Actual 2012Ͳ13 PY1 Actual 1,079 Ͳ (60) 202,812 42,455 7,285 99,588 353,159 69,970 42,455 7,285 99,588 40,507 12,536 10,403 6,070 Ͳ 34,133 24,636 Ͳ 347,583 883 434 476 188,635 42,455 Ͳ 101,277 334,160 70,546 42,455 Ͳ Ͳ 42,860 17,664 8,050 5,444 9,735 17,067 24,636 101,277 339,734 AccountTitle AFD3LRIPPhaseIPrin/Int AFD4LRIPPhaseIPrin/Int InterestRevenues TransferfromGeneralFund TransferfromStreets TransferfromFleet TransferfromTransit TOTALREVENUE PoliceCarLeases SweeperLease VehicleLiftLease BusLease LoggingRoadPrinciplesPhs1 LoggingRoadPrinciplePhs2 LoggingRoadInterestPhs1 LoggingRoadInterestPhs2 TransfertoGeneralFund IFLoantoParksDevelopment IFLoantoCemPerpetualCare IFLoantoSewer TOTALREQUIREMENTS 2013Ͳ14 CY Budget 2013Ͳ14 Projected YETotals 2014Ͳ15 Proposed Budget Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 100 Capital Project Fund Capital Reserve Department Description Historically, the Capital Reserve Fund receives transferred amounts from General Fund departments, as well as interest revenue. Capital expenditures from this fund were used for items that do not fit into Facilities, Fleet or Technical Services purchases. For example, the Police Department had used this fund to save for protective vests and replacement police dogs. PEG fees for capital equipment were also collected and distributed from this fund. This fund was closed by City Council resolution in June 2013. 101 CapitalReserveFundBudget 2011Ͳ12 PY2 Actual 2012Ͳ13 PY1 Actual 13,474 234 12,400 Ͳ 26,108 Ͳ 66,624 1,647 Ͳ 68,271 60,429 567 Ͳ 150,000 210,996 183,225 Ͳ 63,780 24,800 271,805 AccountTitle PEGAccessFees InterestRevenues ReserveTransferfromPolice ReserveTransferfromFleet TOTALREVENUE O/HTransfertoGeneralFund TransfertoFacilities CapitalͲPEGAccess CapitalͲPolice TOTALREQUIREMENTS 2013Ͳ14 CY Budget 2013Ͳ14 Projected YETotals 2014Ͳ15 Proposed Budget Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ Ͳ 102 Canby Urban Renewal Agency Agency Directors Budget Message for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 To the Urban Renewal Budget Committee: Following is the proposed budget for the Canby Urban Renewal Agency for the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year. The proposed budget is balanced, as required by state law. Background Urban Renewal Agency is considered a separate entity from the City in relation to local budget law. The budget development process mirrors the City’s, but the Agency Budget Committee is a separate entity from the City’s Budget Committee, although the membership is similar (the Agency’s Budget Committee has two additional members, the Mayor and one additional citizen). Agency budgeting and Budget Committee deliberations are subject to all the same laws regarding open meetings, auditing standards, and fund accounting as is the City’s budget. The Canby Urban Renewal Agency is the Mayor and six members of the Council. Under Oregon Urban Renewal Law, financing of projects, administration, and activities of the Agency must be funded through debt, consisting of long-term and short-term debt from internal or external sources. Funds The Urban Renewal District has two separate funds; the Urban Renewal Debt Service Fund which accounts for tax increment revenue and repayment of debt obligations issued to fund Agency projects, and the Urban Renewal General Fund, where administration and project implementation are accounted for. The Agency contracts with the City to provide staff to administer programs and required materials and services. In addition, the Agency at times contracts with outside experts, including financial consultants, engineers, and an attorney specializing in Urban Renewal law. Total contract costs for all of these functions are budgeted to be $530,796. Total debt obligations outstanding for the Agency as of July 1, 2014 will be approximately $28,000,000. If paid in accordance with debt payment schedules as issued, all currently outstanding debt will be paid in full on June 1, 2036. However all of the debt has early payment provisions, the latest of which allows debt outstanding to be paid in full on June 1, 2022 if that is the will of the governing body and funds are available. The Urban Renewal Plan projected completing all plan projects with 20 years of inception or fiscal year 2020. However the Agency has the authority to continue issuing debt until it has reached its maximum indebtedness of $51,149,000. As of June 30, 2013, debt incurred was $38,261,723 and additional debt capacity was $12,887,277. Legally the Agency will exist until all debt has been extinguished. 103 Urban Renewal General Fund Revenues The majority of revenues are from cash carryover which primarily represents unspent restricted bond proceeds for the Library / Civic Center. Other revenues include a transfer from the Urban Renewal Debt Fund and other sources such as grants, revolving loan income and interest revenue. Collectible tax increment revenue is estimated at $2,397,500 in FY 2014-2015, up approximately 3% from 2013-2014 actual revenues. Continued growth in Agency tax revenues can be attributed to growth in commercial and industrial projects within the district. Urban Renewal General Fund Expenditures The largest expenditure is the $8.2 million Library / Civic Center that the Agency has bond proceeds in hand to complete. An advisory vote will determine if the Agency will move forward with this or other projects identified in the plan. Other major programs budgeted in the current year include the Revolving Loan Program, the Façade Improvement Program, pending SDC incentive reimbursements, other projects and contingency. 104 Projects and Programs include: The Library / Civic Center: $8,206,934 for the design and construction of a new first floor library and second story city administration space. The building will be a community gathering space as well as to provide access books, information, computers and other technology. This building replaces cramped, inefficient space and will meet the growing needs of the community. Planning, permitting and early construction will occur next fiscal year, pending approval by voters in May. The project should be completed in late 2015. Revolving Loan Fund: $250,000 for capital projects ranging from $10,000 to $250,000 for building expansions, new construction, building code upgrades, seismic retrofits, and fixtures that are part of the building. The fund partners with commercial banks and other lenders to provide loans to Canby businesses. The maximum loan amount is 40% of the project and the borrower contributes at least 10% with the balance coming from banks or other lending institutions. The first loan funded extensive façade improvements for the American Legion Building. Façade Improvement Program: $150,000 to help property owners and businesses spruce up their appearance. The program offers grants of up to $1,500 for design, $1,500 for construction documents and a 50% match up to $25,000 for façade improvement construction. Over fifteen businesses have taken advantage of the program with more planned. SDC Incentive Program: $96,227 to reimburse city related systems development charges to Shimadzu Manufacturing USA, Inc. and Pioneer Pump who added major expansions in the Canby Pioneer Industrial Park in 2011. The program provides an incentive for existing and new industrial businesses to create and maintain better paying new jobs. Beautification and Marketing: $25,000 towards beautification and marketing to be used to fund art in the downtown area. A newly formed citizen’s advisory board has solicited proposals from artists and will install art downtown that engages Canby residents and visitors. The art will reflect Canby’s unique history and character. Other beautification projects could include a mural and other place making efforts to create an attractive and engaging downtown. 105 The Main Street Program: Includes salary and benefits for a full time staff member to implement the National Main Street 4-Point Approach in Canby focused on Promotion, Design, Organization, and Economic Restructuring. Events and promotions throughout the year include The First Friday program and annual events such as the Kiss Summer Goodbye Party, Halloween Spooktacular Village, and Light Up The Night. These events invite Canby residents and tourists to downtown Canby and supports the strong business community downtown. The Design focus identifies and supports beautification efforts within the Urban Renewal District. Organization focuses on volunteer recruitment and coordination with outside community organizations. Economic Restructuring focuses on recruiting and retaining businesses throughout the downtown area. Staff updates the available properties database to promote vacant sites and buildings. The Main Street program also works with others to provide targeted outreach to businesses who may be struggling. Each area of focus is important in continuing the momentum occurring in downtown Canby. This is accomplished through new and current events, attracting visitors, business recruitment and retention, strengthened relationships with other community organizations and effectively creating a beautiful, walkable downtown. Sequoia / 13th Avenue Connection: $25,000 for the final segment of the Sequoia Parkway in the Canby Pioneer Industrial Park. The agency invested $4.2 million to make the final phase of the park development ready. The project adds critical transportation access and infrastructure to 60 acres of prime industrial land. More traffic safety improvements are planned for 13th Avenue. RARE Program: $20,000 to participate in this University of Oregon program to bring technical assistance to rural communities. A graduate student with full access to university resources will assist with 1) a business survey, 2) supporting businesses and developers in using the new Open Counter program that provides cost, time and permit requires needed in the development and expansion process, 3) researching best practices and long term funding options for the Main Street program and 4) working with volunteers and expanding and coordinating events. Wait and Community Park: $13,000 to continue a successful partnership with Wilderness International and community groups to upgrade areas of the Park. The URA is investing money and is leveraging funds from donors. Projects include removing brush, blackberries and other invasive species, adding on to the nature trail, restoring wetlands areas, installing native plants and spreading bark dust. 106 Urban Renewal Funds Statement of Purpose The purpose of the Canby Urban Renewal Agency is to administer the statutory tax increment revenues for funding of the goals and objectives of the Canby Urban Renewal Plan through designated projects within the Urban Renewal District. Department Description The Canby Urban Renewal Agency, composed of the Mayor and City Councilors, began operating under the Oregon Urban Renewal Laws and the adopted Canby Urban Renewal Plan on December 24, 1999. The Urban Renewal Agency will be working on programs to carry out the goals and objectives of the Canby Urban Renewal Plan: 1) To diversify economic base and family wage jobs within the district; 2) To maintain effective, efficient and safe traffic system for vehicular and pedestrian users; 3) To improve and retain existing businesses and 4) To improve attractive visual amenities for customers and community members throughout the district. Goals Integration Major goals that align with Canby’s Community Vision for this fiscal year include: Promote industrial and business growth by marketing the Pioneer Industrial Park to businesses and developers, and targeting Advanced Metals as part of a statewide business recruitment effort. Maintain Canby Identity by implementing a public art program, blade sign incentives and murals. Foster a strong business community by connecting companies to the URA Revolving Loan Program, Façade Improvement Program, SDC Reimbursement Incentive program and the Explore Canby mobile App to promote Canby businesses. Keep a vital and active downtown by investing in a library/civic center building, supporting the Main Street Program and exploring rail road quiet zone options. Budget at a Glance Urban Renewal General Fund: Materials and Services – Includes contracted wages and benefits: all employees are employees of the City not the Agency. Other administrative costs include office and meeting supplies, employee training, contract professional services, and charges for services for facilities, administration and technical services. Capital Outlay – Includes design, and early project development of a new Library/Civic Center, traffic safety improvements on 13th Avenue as part of the Sequoia Avenue extension project, matching funds for a RARE participant, the facade improvement program, the revolving loan program, the SDC incentive reimbursement program, beatification and marketing, Wait and Community Park upgrades, and downtown rail related quiet zone improvements. Urban Renewal Debt Service Fund: Debt Service – Principle and interest to pay outstanding obligations of the Agency. Transfers – To the Urban Renewal General Fund to pay contract expenses directly from tax increment in excess of required debt service. 108 Urban Renewal General Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual 9,000,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 62 42,937 1,000,000 ‐ ‐ 10,042,999 ‐ 15,179,711 10,300 ‐ 6,527 51 47,332 522,000 ‐ ‐ 15,765,921 ‐ 340,058 47,706 ‐ 34,254 ‐ 99,956 521,974 ‐ Employee Benefits 330,229 Personal Service contract 34,476 Mat & Svc Contract 262,893 Bond Issuance Costs 9,890 Main Street Project ‐ City Logo Products 57,934 Due to City 695,422 SUBTOTAL MATERIALS & SERVICES Fire Dept Capital Projects ‐ RARE Program 1,060,810 Sequoia/13th Ave Connection 1,678,839 1st Avenue Redevelopment 65,757 URD Projects ‐ Office Building Renovation 398,636 URD Project‐Library/City Hall 1,595,741 URD Project‐Police Station 11,231 Beautification & Marketing 65,770 Facade Imp. Program ‐ Redevlop. Grt Progrm ‐ Walnut St. Imp. SDC Incentive Program 2,935 Wait and Community Park ‐ Railroad Quiet Zone ‐ Revolving Loan Fund SUBTOTAL CAPITAL 4,879,719 ‐ Contingency ‐ Other Financing Use SUBTOTAL OTHER ‐ 19,000 117,886 695,567 29,750 10,047 13,362 7,348,787 1,485 91,468 ‐ 5,422 1,300 ‐ ‐ 8,334,074 ‐ 23,749 23,749 Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget Debt Proceeds‐Police Station Debt Proceeds‐2012 Bond Issue URD Grants Revolving Loan Income Miscellaneous‐Income City Logo Product Sales Interest Revenue OP Transfer In from UR Debt Transfer from Library Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE ‐ ‐ 11,030 6,000 ‐ 60 30,000 500,000 ‐ 12,070,965 12,618,055 ‐ ‐ 8,750 6,837 396 189 59,950 500,000 ‐ 12,143,066 12,719,188 ‐ ‐ 3,000 10,255 ‐ 25 35,000 500,000 ‐ 388,895 57,443 ‐ 29,865 100 117,127 593,430 ‐ 358,830 57,443 ‐ 20,000 100 117,127 553,500 ‐ ‐ 2,680,926 2,456 10,000 ‐ 121,862 ‐ 19,325 78,828 ‐ ‐ ‐ 13,000 10,000 35,000 2,971,397 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,514 ‐ ‐ ‐ 530,796 556,310 ‐ 20,000 25,000 ‐ 120,000 ‐ 8,206,934 ‐ 25,000 150,000 6,000 ‐ 96,227 13,000 10,000 250,000 8,922,161 264,100 ‐ 264,100 ‐ 3,139,190 2,456 70,000 ‐ 8,101,364 ‐ 25,000 150,000 6,000 ‐ 38,000 50,000 200,000 11,782,010 242,615 ‐ 242,615 9,194,291 9,742,571 109 Urban Renewal General Fund Budget 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget ‐ 2,212,853 ‐ 2,212,853 Transfer to URD Debt Svc SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 8,879,797 7,787,994 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 12,618,055 3,524,897 9,742,571 NET BALANCE ‐ 9,194,291 0 Recurring revenue Restricted or one‐time revenues Inconsistent/unreliable revenues prospectively irrelevent revenues ‐ 12,658,653 60,535 ‐ 12,719,188 ‐ 9,707,546 35,025 ‐ 9,742,571 Recurring expense Restricted or one‐time expense Inconsistent/unreliable expense prospectively irrelevent expense ‐ 3,524,897 ‐ ‐ 3,524,897 ‐ 9,742,571 ‐ ‐ 9,742,571 110 Urban Renewal Debt Service Fund 2011‐12 PY2 Actual 2012‐13 PY1 Actual Account Title 2013‐14 CY Budget 2013‐14 Projected YE Totals 2014‐15 Proposed Budget 1,881,761 36,864 41,115 7,799 2,675 26,475 4,172 66,578 ‐ ‐ 2,067,439 2,119,121 63,885 31,904 8,274 2,844 22,766 3,697 62,144 2,212,853 ‐ 4,527,488 Tax Increment Tax Increment ‐ Prior LID Walnut St Princ LID Hazel Dell Way Princ Interest Revenues LID Walnut St Int. LID Hazel Dell Way‐Interest Bond Interest Rebate (ARRA) Trans From Urban Renewal Gener Cash Carryover TOTAL REVENUE 2,187,967 66,400 33,850 8,778 2,400 19,966 3,193 63,244 ‐ 237,664 2,623,462 2,322,795 63,500 33,850 8,778 3,000 19,966 3,193 58,691 ‐ 252,749 2,766,522 2,397,500 63,500 38,549 9,313 2,500 18,940 2,659 57,125 55,438 44,806 39,734 72,704 240,000 41,062 40,000 95,000 ‐ 40,043 31,651 28,068 81,846 36,188 13,061 346,699 147,950 ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,354,250 1,000,000 1,000,000 891,840 758,577 672,701 73,085 300,000 35,280 45,000 100,000 ‐ 46,388 44,353 39,332 79,665 26,463 18,843 426,638 144,294 220,017 ‐ ‐ 3,922,476 522,000 522,000 Debt Payments‐Sequoia Pkwy Debt Payments‐Hazeldell Way Debt Payments‐Seq & SE 4th Debt Pmts‐Sequoia St 5 & 6 Debt Pay‐NW 2nd/Lot (Cinema) Debt Pay‐Walnut St Debt Pay‐Police Building Debt Pay‐1st Ave Redev Debt Pay‐2012 Bond Principal Debt Pay‐Sequoia Pkwy Int Debt Paymts‐Hazeldell Interest Debt Pay‐Sequoia & SE 4th Int Debt Pay‐Sequoia 5 & 6 Int Debt Pay‐NW2nd/Lot Int (Cinema Debt Pay‐Walnut St Int Debt Pay‐Police Building Int Debt Pay‐1st Ave Redev Int Debt Pay‐2012 Bond Int Loan Payment Reserve Series 2008 Bond Reserve SUBTOTAL DEBT SERVICE OP Transfer to UR General SUBTOTAL TRANSFERS ‐ ‐ ‐ 78,543 335,000 37,045 ‐ 100,000 145,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 77,108 13,903 17,080 425,738 140,544 489,788 72,213 191,500 2,123,462 500,000 500,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 78,543 335,000 37,045 ‐ 100,000 145,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 77,108 13,903 17,080 425,738 140,544 489,788 ‐ ‐ 1,859,749 500,000 500,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 79,018 ‐ 38,897 ‐ 100,000 550,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 74,359 ‐ 15,228 425,738 136,794 479,363 405,962 191,500 2,496,859 500,000 500,000 TOTAL REQUIREMENTS 2,623,462 2,359,749 2,996,859 NET BALANCE ‐ 406,773 ‐ 2,354,250 4,444,476 406,773 2,996,859 111
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