MANDATORY WRITTEN INFORMATION ON ADOPTION Information for parents of a child in out-of-home care CONTENTS Introduction and Summary 1. Alternatives to adoption 6 2. Emotional effects of adoption 7 3. A child’s identity needs 9 4. The legal process of adoption 12 5. Post adoption rights 18 6. Conclusion 19 7. Contacts 20 Emotional Effects of Adoption 2 INTRODUCTION This booklet, Mandatory written information on adoption, is for parents whose child is in out-of-home care and where adoption is being considered for their child. It provides information about what adoption is and the process of adoption. Adoption has consequences for all involved and it is important that you as a parent understand what adoption might mean for you and your child. The law governing adoption, the NSW Adoption Act 2000, requires that if a parent is considering giving consent to their child’s adoption, the parent must have the opportunity to read the information in this booklet and talk with an appropriately qualified person to ensure they understand the contents before they give their consent. SUMMARY OF THIS BOOKLET This booklet provides information about: 1. Alternatives to adoption 2. Emotional effects of adoption 3. Your child’s identity needs 4. The legal process of adoption 5. Post adoption rights 1. ALTERNATIVES TO ADOPTION When adoption is being considered for a child in out-of-home care, other alternatives are considered, for example, seeking an order allocating parental responsibility to the carers or the child remaining in out-of-home care long term under the care of the Minister. 2. EMOTIONAL EFFECTS OF ADOPTION There are a number of both short and long term emotional effects of adoption. There are a range of short term issues like dealing with the fact that adoption is being considered for your child and what this can bring up for you. Parents can also experience long term issues like dealing with not being a parent on a day to day basis and having to see other people raise their child. Some parents find that their emotional as well as physical health can be affected as a result of their feelings about the adoption of their child. Some have had to seek ongoing counselling and support. 3. A CHILD’S IDENTITY NEEDS Like you, your adopted child will experience lifelong effects from the adoption. Adoption used to be shrouded in secrecy but we have learned from those who have experienced adoption that it is much better for everyone to be ‘open’ about adoption. Still, over a child’s lifetime, they need to deal with the fact that they are growing up in another family and to make sense of this and feel okay about it. They need to have information about their family and hopefully will be able to have some form of ongoing contact with them as well. Emotional Effects of Adoption 3 4. THE LEGAL PROCESS OF ADOPTION Adoption is the legal process which permanently transfers all the legal rights and responsibilities of being a parent from you, as the child's parent, to the adoptive parent(s). In New South Wales, adoptions are made legally binding by the Supreme Court. STEPS IN THE ADOPTION PROCESS FOR A PARENT WHOSE CHILD IS IN OUTOF-HOME CARE AND ADOPTION IS BEING CONSIDERED FOR THEIR CHILD: 1. Inquiry: If your child is in out-of-home care, your child’s carer/s may inquire about adopting your child; your child may ask about being adopted; or adoption may be raised in the context of a case planning meeting arranged by Community Services or the foster care agency. You, as a parent, are invited to take part in discussions about planning for your child’s future. 2. Assessment: An assessment of your child’s situation is undertaken to see if adoption is in their best interests. This usually involves talking to you, your child and their carers. 3. Decision: If a decision is made from the assessment that adoption is in your child’s best interest, approval is sought from the Minister’s delegate. All parents and anyone holding parental responsibility for a child must consent to a child’s adoption or the need for their consent must be dispensed with by the Court. If your child is over the age of 12 years and has been with their carers for over two years, only your child’s consent is required. If you do not wish to consent to your child’s adoption and your child is under 12, the law still allows the Court to make an adoption order. Community Services or the adoption service provider would have to ask for a ‘consent dispense’ order and show that it is in your child’s best interests for the adoption order to be made. If you wish to give consent to your child’s adoption, you need to go through the following steps: 4. Information: You are given a package of information which includes this Mandatory written information on adoption, a booklet on post adoption access to information and copies of forms, such as the consent document, which you would need to sign if you were to consent to your child’s adoption. 5. Registered Counselling: You must meet with a Registered Counsellor who makes sure you have been given all the required Emotional Effects of Adoption 4 information about adoption and you understand the effects of adoption. 6. Consent: When you give your consent to your child’s adoption, you sign a consent document in front of an independent witness which means you agree to give up all legal rights to parent your child. In some circumstances, your consent may not be able to be given. An application then needs to be made to the NSW Supreme Court to request an order to dispense with your consent (this means your consent is not required for the adoption). 7. Revocation Period: After giving consent, you have 30 days to change your mind about adoption and revoke (or take back) your consent. As your child is already in care and it has been decided that adoption is in their best interests, the adoption application generally would still be lodged with the Court even if you revoke your consent. 8. Adoption Plan: This is a written document about contact arrangements that you and your child’s carers agree on. You may have been having contact with your child already or you may be just re-establishing contact with them. Other things can be covered in the Adoption Plan like cultural issues for your child. The Adoption Plan is part of the adoption application. 9. Adoption Application: Legal documents, including the consents and a report done by an approved assessor as to why adoption is in the best interests of your child, are lodged in the form of an application to the NSW Supreme Court by Community Services or your adoption service provider, requesting that a Judge makes an adoption order. 10. Adoption Order: If the Judge agrees from the information in the adoption application that adoption is in your child’s best interest, they will make an adoption order in favour of your child’s carers. 11. Post adoption services: Any ongoing support (after an adoption order is made) to you, your child and their adoptive family is provided by the Adoption Information Unit of Community Services, your local Community Services Centre, your adoption service provider or foster care agency. You could also be referred to a non-government post adoption service like the Post Adoption Resource Centre. Emotional Effects of Adoption 5 1. ALTERNATIVES TO ADOPTION When adoption is considered for a child in out-of-home care, as part of the assessment, all options for the child must be looked at. The Adoption Act 2000 states that adoption must be “determined among all alternative forms of care to best meet the needs of the child”. The alternative forms of care that are generally considered for a child in out-of-home care are: a sole parental responsibility order being made to the carers the child remains under the parental responsibility of the Minister until they are 18. These two options do not provide a child with the permanency, legal security and sense of belonging that adoption can, so may not be the chosen option. Emotional Effects of Adoption 6 2. EMOTIONAL EFFECTS OF ADOPTION Short-term effects Parents tell us that when adoption is being proposed for their child who is in out-ofhome care, this can raise a number of issues for them. It is a reminder that the decision about parenting their child was taken from them at some point in time and their child was placed in out-of-home care. The discussion around adoption can bring up this previous loss and the associated grief and take them back emotionally to that time. Also it reminds the parent again that they have lost the opportunity of parenting their child. Many parents in this situation have also said that adoption can bring a sense of finality which can be very distressing. Adoption extinguishes the last hope a parent may have that their child may come home. It can be like a bereavement represented by the final act of the making of an adoption order. There are practical issues that can also be emotionally distressing like dealing with the fact that your child will have a new birth certificate and their last name is likely to be changed to that of the adoptive parents. You might feel concerned that wrong information has been given to your child about you during their time in care or through the adoption process. In an article entitled ‘Birth Parents Experience of Contested Adoption” in Adoption and Fostering Vol 21, No1, 1997, Mason & Selman detailed the experiences of parents whose child had been adopted from care. They found that: Birth parents experience anger and guilt which continues long after the decision to place their child in a new family. The move to adoption is ‘a very public declaration that brings with it anger, shame, guilt and bitter recrimination’. Some parents felt pressured to give consent and not to be ‘selfish’. Parents didn’t fully understand what was happening. The finalisation of adoption left parents with feelings of isolation and emptiness. Some parents felt they were painted as ‘bad parents’. Long-term effects To some degree, you will always feel the loss of your child. Some parents have said that their physical and emotional health was affected and they needed to seek ongoing professional counselling or support from talking to other parents in a similar situation. Having ongoing contact through open adoption means that you will not have to wonder how your child is or what he or she looks like, but it will also mean that you are often reminded that someone else has the day-to-day care of and responsibility for your child. Contact with your child may bring with it a mixture of happiness and sadness. Your relationship with your child may be easier at some times than others, causing you Emotional Effects of Adoption 7 to wonder whether you can cope with the contact. Your relationship with your child’s carers may be difficult as you can resent them for having the care of your child. Being a parent who is not raising your child is often difficult. People in your life may not know how to acknowledge your role as a non-custodial parent and you may feel hurt and disappointed by the way they handle this. Special occasions like Mother’s Day or your child’s birthday can be hard, as it brings up the grief again of the loss of your child and you may not feel entitled to mark the occasion. You may find there are some people you won't want to tell that your child has been adopted and you might find it difficult to think of yourself as being a parent. Some parents have positive feelings about the adoption of their child and may choose to consent to their child’s adoption. They may like their child’s carers and believe they are doing a good job raising their child and are reassured by the adoption that their child will remain permanently with that family. Support Groups It is important to remember that there are supports available to you along the way – post adoption counselling, support groups and contact with other parents who have been through what you are now facing. See Chapter 7:Contacts for details of support groups. Emotional Effects of Adoption 8 3. A CHILD’S IDENTITY NEEDS Children's experience of adoption For children unable to be raised in their families, adoption has been shown overall to provide a successful alternative. Studies have shown that adopted children appear in general to do as well as other children in the community. Nonetheless, adopted children, like you as their parent, will experience life-long effects from the adoption. When strongly attached to a secure and nurturing adoptive family, an adopted child will be better able to deal with the extra issues that are associated with their adoption. A child who is raised with openness and understanding will be less likely to struggle with feelings of grief or difference. An open adoption arrangement can assist a child to know who they are and why they were adopted. The child’s wishes and consent If your child is over the age of 12 years and capable of giving consent, they must consent to being adopted, which is evidence to the court that the child is aware of, and agrees to, the proposed adoption. In these adoptions, generally your child will have lived for a number of years with carers who wish to adopt him or her. If your child is over 12 and has been with the prospective adoptive parents for 2 years, it may be that only your child’s consent is needed. A Registered Counsellor must meet with your child and discuss adoption, before your child can give consent to their adoption. If your child is aged between 12 and 16 years, they must have their capacity to consent evaluated by a registered psychologist or other appropriate expert. If your child is incapable of giving consent, due to exceptional circumstances, the Supreme Court may decide to dispense with their consent. Your child is able to withdraw (revoke) their consent at any time before the adoption order is made. If your child is under the age of 12, they will have the opportunity to express their views about being adopted in an age appropriate manner. Your child may see a psychologist or have discussions with a caseworker or other advocate. Your child's consent to adoption is not required but their views and needs must be given due consideration by the Court. Identity - your child's name at birth An important part of your child's identity is their name. As a parent you should have registered the birth of your child. Generally parents choose to give their children a first, middle and last name. This is your child's full legal name until it is changed by a later re-registration or at the time of making an adoption order. In most instances after an adoption order is made, a child will retain their first names and take on the surname of the adoptive parents. Some children may add an extra middle name at the time of the adoption. Post Adoption Rights 9 The Court will not change the name of your child if they are over the age of 12 years unless your child has consented to the change. Sometimes an older child may wish to continue using their original last name, or may choose to use a hyphenated surname. Identity - your family history When a child enters out-of-home care, information is gathered about you and your family to pass on to your child. This Life Story work should be kept up to date so your child has ongoing access to information about their family and background. Life Story work is shared with your child’s carers to help them make sure your child knows about you and their background. When adoption is looked at for a child in out-of-home care, it provides an opportunity to make sure Life Story work is up to date and being shared appropriately with your child. It also allows for any gaps to be filled in. Life Story work - what does it include Adopted children like to know about their parents' lives, what kind of family their parents grew up in, education, employment, hobbies and interests. Interests, abilities and personality traits can be inherited. Other family characteristics are interesting to children, like family cultural or religious practices. Members of your family can help by providing information. Sharing family history is something really important that you and your family can do for your child. It provides a starting point for a child in developing their own identity. You will be asked to give medical information about yourself and your family. This might include family health conditions that could be inherited, and anything that may have affected your child's health during pregnancy and birth. The medical information you give is also used to help identify your child's present and future medical and developmental needs. It is important that children learn about their birth parents’ cultural and religious heritage. Parents or other family members can provide information about the family’s history and culture. Your family background, interests, rituals, religious and cultural practices are the things that make you unique. Your child will be interested to learn more about you and your family as he or she grows older and the information that you give will help them learn more about you. My identity - what will my child and the adoptive parents know about me? Adoption services observe the provisions of the NSW Adoption Act 2000, the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 and the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 about how information is managed. If you have any concerns, ask for an explanation about why information is needed, how the information you provide will be used, stored and passed on, and how you may have access to amend or update the information. Your child’s adoptive parents will be given a copy of the adoption order which has your name on it and can apply for a copy of the child’s original birth certificate at any time Post Adoption Rights 10 after the adoption. Further information about this and your rights to information can be found in the booklet, Adoption Act 2000 How it Affects You: Post Adoption for Adoptions made after 1 January 2010. What is 'openness in adoption'? Adoption is now very different to the ‘closed’ system that existed from the 1950s until the mid 1980s, where the parents and child had no contact or information about each other. The parents and adoptive parents did not get to know each other and there was a general atmosphere of secrecy. Adoption now recognises the benefit for children and both their families to remain in contact with each other after an adoption placement has been made. 'Openness in adoption' refers to ongoing contact of some kind between you as the parent with your child and their adoptive parents. When adoption is being considered for a child in out-of-home care, contact may already be occurring between you and your child. This may or may not involve your child’s carers. Contact can be by letter or email exchange, face-to-face meetings or telephone contact. The form and frequency of contact is determined on an individual basis, with what is best for your child being the main focus. Adoption services are committed to open adoption and make all efforts to ensure that adoptive parents have the same level of commitment. Adoptive parents are educated and assessed to ensure they have the capacity to support the child’s right to ongoing contact with their parents and family members. Openness should also be reflected in a willingness by everyone to openly discuss adoption in the family and the issues that are raised over the child’s life. Post Adoption Rights 11 4. THE LEGAL PROCESS OF ADOPTION Who arranges adoptions in NSW? If a child in NSW is to be adopted by a family to whom they are not related, this must be arranged by an accredited adoption service. The accredited adoption services in NSW are: Anglicare Adoption Services Barnardos Find-a-Family Program CatholicCare Adoption Services Adoption and Permanent Care Services, Community Services, Department of Human Services NSW. See Chapter 7: Contacts of this booklet for details of the accredited adoption service providers. INFORMATION Who do I talk to about adoption? It is important to talk with your child’s caseworker about the proposal that your child be adopted by their carers. Even if you do not agree with the adoption, your views will be considered and written down so it is important that you discuss these with your child’s caseworker. Parents' rights and responsibilities The Adoption Act 2000 requires that both parents consent to their child’s adoption. Fathers' rights If you are a father and your name is not on your child's birth certificate, you still have rights and must be given an opportunity to consent to the adoption. There is protection for your legal rights as a father in any adoption arrangement. You must be given information about your child and the proposed adoption. You must have the opportunity to be notified of, and have the chance to oppose (if you wish), an adoption proceeding. If you want to be involved in the adoption process, the caseworker will talk with you. If you do not want to be involved, or clearly state that you are not the child's father, then adoption arrangements may proceed without your further involvement. Post Adoption Rights 12 What if a mother doesn't want to identify a father? As a mother, you may be reluctant to disclose information about the father of your child for a number of reasons. You may be unsure about who the father of your baby is, and may have difficulty talking about this. If have been sexually abused or assaulted, you may also have difficulty talking about your experience. You may decide that you don't want to identify the father because you have had an extremely difficult or violent relationship with him. In these circumstances, you may want to ignore the father and the issue of his role with the child. A lack of information about the father also means that your child will not have access to information about him or his family. As an adopted child gets older, social and medical information about both birth parents often becomes more important to them. If you don’t wish to have contact with the father, the caseworker can work with you both separately, helping you to work through issues as they arise. REGISTERED COUNSELLING What is the role of the Registered (Adoption) Counsellor? If you make a decision to consent to your child’s adoption, you will need to see a Registered Counsellor. They will make sure that you have been given this 'Mandatory Written Information on Adoption' booklet and a copy of an adoption consent document and that you have considered them both. The Counsellor must make sure that you understand the legal effect of adoption and both the short and long term emotional effects of adoption on you and your child. CONSENT How do I consent to adoption? Consent is given when you sign an adoption consent document. Before you give consent, you must meet with a Registered Counsellor. You must receive a copy of this Mandatory written information on adoption booklet and an adoption consent document at least 14 days before giving consent. A suitably qualified person, who is separate and independent of the Registered Counsellor, must witness your consent. Your caseworker will arrange the Registered Counsellor and witness for you. You will be given a copy of the adoption consent you signed and a notice informing you of the date on which the 30-day revocation period ends. During these 30 days you may withdraw (revoke) your consent at any time. As your child is under the parental responsibility of the Minister, the responsibility for making decisions still stays with the Minister even after you give your consent to their adoption. The Minister for Community Services, or his or her delegate, must consent to an application for adoption being lodged with the Supreme Court. Post Adoption Rights 13 Dispensation of a parent’s consent There are provisions in the NSW Adoption Act 2000 which allow the Supreme Court to make a 'consent dispense order', if it is satisfied that it is in the best interests of the child to do so. This means that an adoption order can be made without your consent. The court may decide to dispense with a parent's consent in situations where the court is satisfied that it is in the best interests of the child and: the mother or father cannot be found, or identified the mother or father are unable to consent due to their physical or mental condition there are serious concerns for the welfare of the child a child is in foster care and has a stable relationship with their carers and the adoption of the child by those carers will promote the child’s welfare. All reasonable efforts are made to give the parent notice of the legal proceedings. The parent is able to seek legal advice and representation so that they can put their views before the Supreme Court. What if I am under the age of 18 years? There is no minimum age for a consenting parent, but if you under the age of 18 years, you must receive independent legal advice concerning the effect of adoption, before giving consent. See Chapter 7 Contacts for legal services. Your parents (the child's grandparents) do not need to give consent to the adoption, however it is important that you discuss your decision with them, if this is possible. What if I am under the age of 16 years? In addition to receiving legal advice, if you are under the age of 16 years, the Registered Counsellor needs to certify that you understand the consent documents and the legal and emotional effects of adoption. What if my child is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? It is acknowledged that adoption is not generally accepted within Aboriginal culture and is differently arranged in Torres Strait Islander communities. Written information about the impact of adoption in Aboriginal families is available. The Director-General of the Department of Human Services NSW must be satisfied that the making of an adoption order for an Aboriginal child is clearly preferable to any other action that could be taken by law in relation to the child. The application of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child placement principles is considered as part of the adoption application. If your child is Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and you wish to consent to your child’s adoption, your caseworker will ask you to meet with an approved Aboriginal person or Torres Strait Islander person as defined by the Adoption Act 2000. Alternatively, you are able to nominate a person in the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Post Adoption Rights 14 Islander community who is recognised as being aware of the issues in adoption or substitute care of children. A local, community based and relevant Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander organisation will also be consulted in relation to the adoption of your child. REVOCATION PERIOD How do I revoke (withdraw) my consent? There is a period of 30 days, commencing on the day you consent to your child’s adoption, during which you have an absolute right to revoke your consent to adoption. You will receive a revocation notice with your consent information. If you change your mind and want to revoke your consent, you must inform the Supreme Court by filling out the revocation notice. The current address of the Supreme Court is on the revocation notice for your information. You will also receive a written reminder no less than seven days prior to the end of the revocation period. You are able to take the revocation notice to the Supreme Court yourself, send it by ordinary mail or by courier. The revocation notice, which must be in writing, must reach the Supreme Court by 4pm on the 30th day. If the end of the revocation period falls on a weekend or public holiday, then the 30th day is taken to be the following court sitting day (usually the following working day). Do not worry if you have lost or misplaced the blank revocation notice. You are able to write a letter stating clearly, ‘I wish to revoke my consent to the adoption of my child’ with the following details: the name of your child the date and place of birth your name, address, phone number the date you gave consent to adoption the adoption service you are in contact with Sign and date your letter before sending it to the court. If you are worried about how to revoke your consent, you can ask for help from a Legal Aid office, a clerk of the local court, your caseworker, your local Community Services’ office or your adoption agency. What is my child's legal status if I revoke my consent? As your child is subject to care orders made in the Children’s Court (generally an order for Parental Responsibility has been made in favour of the Minister), those orders will remain in place. Post Adoption Rights 15 Opposing an adoption application All parents, or any person who has parental responsibility for the child, who do not wish to consent to a child’s adoption must be given legal notice of the adoption application being lodged with the Supreme Court. If you as a parent do not respond to this notice, the court is likely to make a ‘consent dispense order’ and the adoption order will be made. If you want to oppose an adoption application, you should seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity, so that you can prepare your case and be clear about your position. You, as the parent, would be required to attend court and be available to answer questions. See Chapter 7 Contacts for Legal advice numbers. THE ADOPTION PLAN An Adoption Plan is a plan agreed to by two or more of the parties to an adoption. The parties to an adoption can be you as the child's parents, the child, the adoptive parents, the Director-General and the Principal Officer of an adoption service. The Adoption Plan can include: the arrangements for exchange of information/ contact between the parties after the adoption the ways in which a child will be assisted to develop a healthy and positive cultural identity. The Adoption Plan is filed with the adoption application and may be registered by the Supreme Court. If the post adoption contact arrangements approved by the court are not maintained, any of the parties may request a review. If contact arrangements have been occurring for some time and are working well for all parties, the same arrangements are likely to continue and will be reflected in the Adoption Plan. THE ADOPTION ORDER The legal effect of adoption Adoption is the legal process which permanently transfers all the legal rights and responsibilities of being a parent from the child's parents to the adoptive parent(s). In New South Wales, adoptions are made legally binding by the Supreme Court. For children in out-of-home care, the parental responsibility order held by the Minister ceases to have effect once an adoption order is made. When the adoption application is made, the court looks carefully at: the best interests of the child, both in childhood and later life the parents' consents or evidence about why the parents’ consent is not required the suitability of the adoptive family Post Adoption Rights 16 the arrangements for the Adoption Plan If the court is satisfied with the above, the Judge proceeds to make an adoption order. Once an order has been made, the adoptive parents will, from that time on, be the child’s legal parents. Advice of the adoption order When an adoption order is made, each of the parties is notified and provided with a copy of any Adoption Plan. The adoptive parents will also receive a copy of the adoption order. Birth parents can apply for a copy of the adoption order. For more detail, see booklet, Adoption Act 2000 How it Affects You: Post Adoption for Adoptions made after 1 January 2010. Changing the child's birth certificate When an adoption order has been made, the court instructs the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages to issue your child a new (amended) birth certificate. This new official birth certificate names the adoptive parents as your child's parents, as if your child was born to them. Your child’s original birth certificate is kept at the Registry for future reference. You are able to apply for a copy of this amended birth certificate from the time the adoption order is made, if you are successful in obtaining a supply authority from Community Services. Your child (with the permission of their adoptive parents) and their adoptive parents are able to obtain a copy of your child’s original birth certificate at any time after the adoption. As a parent, you are able to apply to the NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) at any time for a copy of your child's original birth registration after paying the relevant fee. The certificate you receive will be marked 'not for official purposes'. Inheritance Following the making of an adoption order, your child has an automatic right to inherit from their adoptive parents (subject to any will). Your child loses the automatic right of inheritance from you and members of your family, unless he or she is specifically named as a beneficiary of a Will (made before or after the adoption order). Once the adoption order has been made, you and your family members would have to alter your Wills to ensure your child’s entitlement to inherit from you all. Is adoption permanent? Yes. An adoption order is a very final order and is rarely changed. The only grounds for a formal application to the Supreme Court for discharge of an adoption order are if: there is evidence the adoption order or consent was obtained by fraud, duress or improper means there are exceptional reasons why the order should be discharged. Post Adoption Rights 17 . 5. POST ADOPTION RIGHTS See enclosed booklet, Adoption Act 2000 How it Affects You: Post Adoption for Adoptions made after 1 January 2010. Post Adoption Rights 18 6. CONCLUSION It is hoped that this booklet has answered the questions that you have about adoption where your child is in out-of-home care and its possible impact on you and your child. However, everyone’s situation and support needs are unique and there are a range of services to ensure that you are given clear information and useful support. If you are unsure about any of the information given here, you are encouraged to approach any of the services listed in the last chapter of this information called Contacts Chapter to discuss your situation in detail. Conclusion 19 7. CONTACTS Adoption service providers: Community Services Adoption and Permanent Care Services 2-4 Cavill Avenue ASHFIELD NSW 2131 Locked Bag 4028 ASHFIELD NSW 2131 Australia DX 21212 ASHFIELD Phone: (02) 9716 3003 Fax: (02) 9716 3001 Email: Website: Community Services Adoption and Permanent Care Services provide a statewide adoption service, working with Community Services local offices in NSW metropolitan and country centres. Includes services for local, special needs, Intercountry and intrafamily adoptions and permanent care placements. Community Services Adoption Information Unit Address as above Phone: 1300 799 023 Fax: (02) 9716 3400 Email: Community Services Adoption Information Unit provides post adoption services for all parties to an adoption including extended family members. Anglicare Adoption Services 19A Gibbons Street TELOPEA NSW 2117 Phone: (02) 9890 6855 Fax: (02) 9890 3700 Email: Website : Anglicare provides adoption services to parents considering adoption for their baby or young child, to children with specific needs who need adoption or permanent care, to Contacts 20 prospective adoptive parents, and post adoption services. Parents and adoptive parents must live within a 200km radius of Sydney. Barnardos Find-a-Family Program 23 Nelson Street ANNANDALE NSW 2038 PO Box 137 ANNANDALE NSW 2038 Phone: (02) 8596 5000 Fax: (02) 8596 5001 Email: Website: Barnardos specialises in the adoption or permanent placement of children under the Parental Responsibility of the Minister from 0-12 years, including sibling groups, and provides ongoing post adoption services. Barnardos provides services in the Sydney Metropolitan, Central Coast and Illawarra areas. CatholicCare Adoption Services Level 1, 8 Jacobs Street BANKSTOWN NSW 2200 PO Box 3127 BANKSTOWN CENTRO NSW 2200 Phone: (02) 8709 9333 Fax: (02) 8700 3390 Email: Website : CatholicCare provides adoption services to parents considering adoption, to babies and children needing adoption or permanent care placement, and to prospective adoptive parents and post adoption services. CatholicCare provides a statewide service conducted from Sydney utilising a network of counsellors who are closely supervised by experienced adoption workers. Government or Funded Support Organisations: Post Adoption Resource Centre Mailing address: PO Box 239, Bondi, NSW 2026 Street address: Scarba House 24A Ocean Street BONDI NSW 2026 Contacts 21 Phone: (02) 9365 3444 Fax: (02) 9365 3666 Email: Toll Free: 1800 024 256 Legal Advice: Chamber Magistrates Chamber Magistrates are usually located in local courts, and can sometimes provide free legal advice, or help you understand legal forms. For the nearest local court look up Local Courts in the L-Z volume of the White Pages of the phone book. Hours and the need to make appointments vary from court to court. Community Justice Centres Office of the Director and Administration for Community Justice Centres Street Address: Level 5, Parramatta Justice Precinct, 160 Marsden Street, PARRAMATTA 2150 Postal Address: Locked Bag 5111, Parramatta 2124 Phone: (02) 8688 7455 Fax: (02) 8688 9615 Email: Website: Phone for general enquiries about their services: 1800 990 777 Community Justice Centres provide free mediation services to the community to help people resolve their own disputes. The service is free and confidential. Matters suitable for mediation are family and neighbour disputes, some workplace disputes and financial disputes. Family Court of Australia Sydney Registry Level 2, 97-99 Goulburn Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 National Enquiry Centre Phone: 1300 352 000 Email: Website: Contacts 22 The Family Court provides a confidential counselling service for parents who are separating or divorced and who have made application to the Court regarding arrangements for their children in relation to residence, contact or other specific issues. Intellectual Disability Rights Service 2C/199 Regent Street REDFERN NSW 2016 Phone: (02) 9318 0144 Fax: (02) 9318 2887 FREECALL 1800 666 611 Email: Website: This service is involved with the rights of people with intellectual disabilities. It provides legal advice, education, resources and publications to those with a disability, their family, carers and friends; assists solicitors working with people with an intellectual disability. The Law Society of NSW Community Assistance Department: Solicitor Referral Service 170 Phillip Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Phone: (02) 9926 0300 Website: Toll Free: 1800 422 713 This service can refer callers to private law firms practising in a particular area of law in a location convenient to the caller, as well as to firms with solicitors or staff who speak community languages. The Service also refers callers to a wide range of government and non-government agencies that can provide free information or help. Legal Aid Commission Phone: 1300 888 529 Website: The Legal Aid Commission provides a free legal advice service at all Legal Aid offices. Legal representation is available in most areas of the law subject to a means and merit test. Branch offices around the state. Appointments must be made for advice. Contacts 23 Support Organisations: (Members with personal experience of adoption) Adoptive Parents Association of NSW PO Box 629 RYDE 1680 Phone: (02) 9837 6769 Email: If you want to talk with an adoptive parent about a particular issue, this support group for adoptive parents welcomes telephone enquiries. ARMS & Co (Action for the Rights of Mothers and Children Organisation ) Phone: (02) 9773 6384 A pro-active group working toward healing, justice and reconciliation for all families suffering as a result of adoption. Origins Inc. PO Box W18 FAIRFIELD WEST NSW 2165 Bonnyrigg Community Centre Bonnyrigg Avenue BONNYRIGG NSW 2177 Phone: (02) 9604 9352 A self-help organisation supporting people separated by adoption. Parramatta Holroyd Adoption Self-Help Group 37 Collins Street PENDLE HILL NSW 2145 Phone: (02) 9636 8437 E-mail: A Post Adoption Support meeting takes place on the first Wednesday evening of the month from 6:30-8:30. Please contact on number above before attendance. This group is offered to all who have been affected by the adoption experience. Contacts 24 Suggested Reading: Adoption and Loss: The Hidden Grief by Evelyn Burns Robinson, Clova Publications 2000. A birthmother talks of her personal experience of adoption and loss as well as looking at the effects on other members of the triangle. Birthmothers by Merry Bloch Jones. Chicago Review Press, 1993. A comprehensive study of the impact of adoption on birth mothers' lives. Lost and Found: The Adoption Experience by Betty Jean Lifton. New York, Harper & Rowe 1988. Explores the range of issues faced by adoptees, birth and adoptive parents while considering the search process and the benefits of openness in their adoption experience. Out of the Shadows by Mary Martin Mason. O. J. Howard Publishing, Edina, Minnesota, USA, 1995 17 US birth fathers with contrasting stories are interviewed by Mason, who is both an adoptee and an adoptive parent. One of the world's few books dealing with birth fathers' experiences and feelings. The Primal Wound by Nancy Verrier The Open Adoption Experience by Lois Melina, Harper Collins Publishers, New York, 1993 A complete guide for adoptive and birth families – from making the decision through the child’s growing years. Reflections: Birthparents Stories Ed: Centacare Adoption Services, Sydney, 2002 The experience of adoption explained in their own words, by parents who have arranged adoption for their child in the recent past. The Colour of Difference Ed: Sarah Armstrong and Petrina Slaytor, Sydney, 2001 This book looks at the issue of trans-racial adoption from the perspective of 27 adult adoptees. It has accounts of adoptees who were born in Australia (9) and from intercountry (18) and their experience of being adopted trans-racially in Australia. Releasing the past: Mothers’ stories of their stolen babies Ed: Christine A Cole, Sydney, 2008 Information current at 1 July 2010 Contacts 25
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