Strong Frame ® One-Story x Two-Bay Moment Frame Worksheet (1 of 2) Simpson Strong-Tie offers one-story x two-bay Strong Frame ® moment frame solutions. Simply copy this form, fill it out and fax to 925-847-1605, or visit our website to download an electronic version and email the completed worksheet to 1. Project Information Project Name: Date: Project Address: Phone: Engineer: Strong Frame Type: Email: Special Moment Frame (SMF) 2. Design Criteria 2009 IBC Design Code: 2012 IBC Beam Deflection Limits: Response Modifcation Coefficient, R=8.0 R=6.5 R=3.5 R, for Design: R=3.0 R<3.0 R= Redundancy Factor, r : r = 1.0 r = 1.3 Beam 1 Beam 2 System Overstrength Factor, Wo: Wo=3.0 Wo=2.5 LL: L/ L/ Seismic Importance Factor, I: I=1.00 I=1.25 I=1.50 DL + LL: L/ L/ Seismic Drift Limit: 0.025h 0.020h 0.015h Snow/Wind: L/ L/ Seismic SDS Value: SDS = g Wind Drift Limit: h/ 3. Loading (Provide all loads at ASD level. Negative values for uplift direction) 3.1 Lateral Loads FEQ= 3.2 Uniform Loads Load (plf) lbs R used to calculate FEQ: R=3.5 R=6.5 R=8.0 Other FWind= lbs Apply Lateral Loads as : Uniform Load XL (ft) XR (ft) To RCC W DL1 1 2 W DL2 W DL3 W RLL1 W RLL2 W LL1 W LL2 W LL3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Snow Wind Rain Point Load 3.3 Vertical Point Loads on Beam (Include W o as applicable, negative values for uplift) DL LL RLL Snow Rain Wind Seismic Wo included ? P1 (lbs) P2 (lbs) P3 (lbs) P4 (lbs) P5 (lbs) P6 (lbs) P7 (lbs) P8 (lbs) Xi Left Column Centerline (LCC) Beam Pi FEQ, FWind XL XR W Xi (ft) at RCC Beam 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Right Column Centerline (RCC) X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 Strong Frame ® One-Story x Two-Bay Moment Frame Worksheet (2 of 2) Project Name: Date: Engineer: Phone: Strong Frame Type: 4. Frame Geometry 4.1 First Bay Minimum Clear Opening Width: Wall Width at Column 1: Wall Width at Column 2: Top of Concrete to Top of Plate: Minimum Clear Opening Height: Top of concrete to bott. of non-shrink grout - Column 1 Top of concrete to bott. of non-shrink grout - Column 2 in. in. in. in. in. in. in. W1 = A= B= H1 = H1min = HO1 = HO2 = Note: Minimum A,B,C dimension (SMF) required Hi - Himin = 13'' (OMF) = 19" (SMF) in. in. in. in. W2 = C= H2min = Beam Depth (inc. nailers) HO3 = Extend field installed single top plate over beam nailer = 13 1/2" Top of Strong Frame wood nailer . . "B" wall dimension "C" wall dimension Column Depth (inc. nailers) . . . All heights assume 1 1/2" non shrink grout . H2min , Clear. opening height Top of concrete to top of opening "A" wall dimension . Column 3 . W2 Clear wood to wood . Column 2 W1 Clear wood to wood Beam 2 H 1min , Clear opening height . Top of concrete to top of opening Beam 1 Column 1 H1, top of concrete to top of field-installed top plate (1 1/2" grout and 1 1/2" top plate assumed) . . Field installed double top plate (OMF) Note: Minimum beam depth 4.2 Second Bay Minimum Clear Opening Width: Wall Width at Column 3: Minimum Clear Opening Height: Top of concrete to bott. of non-shrink grout - Column 3 = 9'' Anchor rods "H O3 ", top of lowest concrete to bottom of non shrink grout "H O2 ", top of lowest concrete to bottom of non shrink grout Note: Beam to column connection not shown for clarity. Figure is for illustration purposes only. Final locations and quantities of nailer attachments and beam or column web holes/openings may vary. 5. Foundation Design Foundation Type: Slab-On-Grade Step Height = in. Concrete f'c = psi Seismic Design Category: Curb/Brick Ledge Curb Height = in. Concrete: Stemwall Curb/Stemwall Height = Uncracked Cracked in.
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