Document 69189

About Thanks and Giving ®
•Thanks and Giving asks consumers to “Give thanks for the
healthy kids in your life, and give to those who are not.”
Give thanks for
the healthy kids
in your life, and
give to those
who are not.
•Funds raised through the campaign benefit St. Jude and
the breakthrough discoveries that lead to life-saving cures
for children in communities everywhere.
•Thanks and Giving was created to benefit St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital® – the world’s epicenter
of childhood catastrophic disease research that was
founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas.
•Customers of many retailers nationwide can support
St. Jude by participating in Thanks and Giving by adding
a donation at the register or purchasing specialty items
that benefit St. Jude.
•National TV ads featuring Jennifer Aniston, Antonio
Banderas, Ray Romano, Bernie Mac and Robin Williams,
along with Marlo Thomas, will air during the months of
November and December on network, cable and Spanishlanguage television stations.
Madelyn, 5
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
1. Apron Card / Pocket Card
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
2. Paycheck Stuffer
2007 Thanks and Giving ®
Thanks for helping
the kids of St. Jude
employee /store name here
Your support of the Thanks and Giving ® campaign
raises funds and awareness for St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital® and our life-saving work to find cures
and save children in communities everywhere.
Manager’s signature here
Marlo Thomas with
St. Jude patients Hunter and Jerkerria
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
3. Photography with Marlo
4. Photography with Patients
5. Certificate
2007 Thanks and Giving
Help us reach our goal
Quick Facts About Thanks and Giving
and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
About Thanks and Giving
About St. Jude
• Thanks and Giving asks consumers to “Give thanks for the
healthy kids in your life, and give to those who are not .”
• St ..Jude Children’s Research Hospital is where doctors
send their sickest patients and toughest cases ..It is a
place where cutting-edge research and revolutionary
discoveries happen every day .
• Funds raised through the campaign benefit St ..Jude and
the breakthrough discoveries that lead to life-saving cures
for children in communities everywhere .
• Thanks and Giving was created to benefit St ..Jude
Children’s Research Hospital – the world’s epicenter
of childhood catastrophic disease research that was
founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas .
• Customers of many retailers nationwide can support
St ..Jude by participating in Thanks and Giving by adding
a donation at the register or purchasing specialty items
that benefit St ..Jude .
• National TV ads featuring Jennifer Aniston, Antonio
Banderas, Ray Romano, Bernie Mac and Robin Williams,
along with Marlo Thomas, will air during the months of
November and December on network, cable and Spanishlanguage television stations .
Marlo Thomas with
St. Jude patients Adam,
Madelyn and Taylor
How Much Does
it Take to Help?
Daily operating costs of St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital. . . . . . . . $1,216,247
Thank you for joining us to help
St. Jude save children’s lives in
communities everywhere.
Breakfast meal ticket (1 week) . . . . . . . . . . . . $15
Lunch meal ticket (1 week). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20
Dinner meal ticket (1 week). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25
New patient education packet . . . . . . . . . . . . $27
One night of family housing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $154
• No child is ever turned away from St ..Jude because
of a family’s inability to pay .
• We cover all costs for treatment, travel, food and
lodging for patients and one family member .
Jordyn, 3, Neuroblastoma
Madelyn, 5, Neuroblastoma
Give thanks for the healthy
kids in your life, and give
to those who are not.
• St ..Jude has increased the survival rate for the most
common form of childhood leukemia from 4 percent
to 94 percent .
• Your support benefits St ..Jude Children’s Research
Hospital and the breakthrough discoveries that lead to
life-saving cures, for children in communities everywhere .
• St ..Jude is a leader in pediatric AIDS research and has
pioneered the development of a novel three-tiered vaccine
designed to provide protection against the wide diversity
of AIDS viruses ..The vaccine is now in FDA-approved
clinical trials .
• St ..Jude was the first institution to cure sickle cell
disease with a bone marrow transplant and has one of
the largest pediatric sickle cell programs in the country .
St ..Jude is also the first center to receive government
approval for a unique transplant procedure that makes
it possible for parents who are not exact matches to be
donors for their children .
Your support of the Thanks and Giving ® campaign raises
funds and awareness for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®
and our life-saving work to find cures and save children
in communities everywhere.
• Russell Ware, MD, PhD, who leads St ..Jude’s sickle
cell disease program, is heading a national study, which
involves more than 20 pediatric sickle cell centers, to
determine if a new treatment is more effective than one
currently being used for those sickle cell patients who
have suffered strokes .
One hour of physical therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . $332
One day of intravenous chemotherapy. . . . . . $712
Your support of the Thanks and Giving ®
campaign raises funds and awareness
for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®
and our life-saving work to find cures and
save children in communities everywhere.
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
Average outpatient visit per day. . . . . . . . . . . $2,281
Average inpatient stay per day. . . . . . . . . . . . $5,033
Radiation treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to $52,000
Average cost for treatment of
acute lymphoblastic leukemia per patient . . . $546,000
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
6. Thank you sign
7. Goal tracker
8. Quick facts
2007 Thanks and Giving
9. Flyer
2007 St. Jude Thanks and Giving ®
Sebastien, Age 5
Sebastien inherited many wonderful things from his
parents, Nathalie and Wilbert, including an ear for
language and a passion for soccer. Sadly, he also
inherited sickle cell disease, an often-deadly affliction.
His early symptoms were acute, and he suffered a
stroke at age 3.
Messaging Requirements
Primary messaging
Sickle Cell Disease
A bone marrow transplant was Sebastien’s
best hope. A doctor in Miami referred his family
to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital®.
Nathalie soon learned that all of Sebastien’s
medical costs would be covered. Knowing that
at St. Jude, Sebastien would receive the best
treatment regardless of their ability to pay, his
parents could focus completely on his care.
Sebastien, 5, is currently at St. Jude awaiting
his bone marrow transplant. To ready his body,
he receives blood transfusions and chemotherapy.
He and Nathalie live at Target House, a home-awayfrom-home for those facing long-term treatment at
St. Jude, where he plays and interacts with other
patients. “When it’s time for him to get treatment,
he’s not afraid,” Nathalie said. “He’s not overwhelmed
because he sees the same kids in the hospital as
he does at home.”
• Give thanks for the healthy kids in your life, and give
to those who are not.
The Better Business Bureau’s Standard 19 offers several
ways to make the necessary disclosures:
Secondary messaging
1. State the specific amount in dollars and cents of the
donation that St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will
receive – i.e., $1.00 of the purchase price of this item will
be donated to St. Jude; or
• At St. Jude, no child is ever turned away because
of a family’s inability to pay.
• Eighty-five cents of every dollar received at St. Jude
Children’s Research Hospital goes directly to research
and treatment.
• Every breakthrough made at St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital is immediately and freely shared
with the scientific community worldwide.
Collateral Approval Process
ALSAC/St. Jude retains the right to review all
collateral materials to ensure the brand standards
of the Thanks and Giving campaign. Please e-mail
your artwork to your ALSAC/St. Jude representative
for approval. We request 3-5 days for all approvals.
Trademark Usage
2. The percentage of the purchase price which will be
donated to St. Jude – i.e., 5% of the purchase price
of this item will be donated to St. Jude.; or
3. If applicable, state the maximum or guaranteed minimum contribution amount – i.e., a minimum contribution
of $100,000 will be donated to St. Jude; or a maximum
contribution of $200,000 will be donated to St. Jude.
The following statements DO NOT comply with the
Better Business Bureau’s Standard 19:
1. “Net proceeds benefit St. Jude.”
2. “Net profits benefit St. Jude.”
3. “X% of the net proceeds benefit St. Jude.”
4. “X% of the net profits benefits St. Jude.”
Web site and Phone Number
Templates must include the St. Jude phone
number and Web site where possible.
1-800-4STJUDE |
Thanks and Giving Trademarked Logo – Thanks and Giving
Partners must use the revised version with registration
marks on Thanks and Giving and on the image of the
child silhouette over the arc.
Hispanic promotional materials should display:
1-800-2STJUDE |
Disclosure of Donation
ADD-ON DONATIONS. For participants soliciting “add-on”
donations at registers, we recommend that collateral state
that “100% of the donation will benefit St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital.”
Alexis, Age 7, Rhabdomyosarcoma
Give thanks for the healthy kids in
your life, and give to those who are not.
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
Give thanks for the healthy kids in
your life, and give to those who are not.
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
SALE OF PRODUCTS. In order to satisfy all applicable
legal standards, including consumer protection laws to
prohibit false advertising and charitable fundraising laws,
all promotions for goods or services, which use the
St. Jude Name or Trademarks, must clearly and
conspicuously disclose the following information in a
reasonably-sized font and type on the packaging or on
supporting point-of-sale or point-of-promotion materials.
For questions about the 2007 Thanks and Giving Employee Communications Guide, please email All collateral must be approved by ALSAC/St. Jude before publication.
©2007 ALSAC/St. Jude
10. Patient letters
11. Patient bios
Karelys, 2, Retinoblastoma
• Eighty-five cents of every dollar St ..Jude receives
goes directly to research and treatment .
12. Messaging