Book Agents - Non Fiction Agents 2M Communications 3 Seas Literary Agency Contact Information Agency Details Specializes in adult non-fiction. Email query to Madeleine Morel. Accepts: Romance, women's fiction, historical, regencies, paranormal, romantic suspense, non-fiction, young adult and children's. Send a query letter, synopsis, the first three chapters, a bio sheet and SASE to: Michelle Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency, P.O. Box 8571, Madison, WI 53708 or e-mail her at Aardvark Literary Alexis Starr Productions and Literary Agency Rep books and screenplays. A literary management and motion picture company Specializes in first-time authors who write commercial fiction and screenplays whose story lines involve, "thrillers, conspiracies, dramas, mysteries, war stories, comedy, and intrigue. Seeks commercial adult fiction and non-fiction, middle grade and juvenile fiction. Accepts e-queries. Fiction and non-fiction: adult, young adult, and juvenile. Represents non-fiction, novels, short stories, novellas, and juvenile books. Represents non-fiction, novels, short Story collections, juvenile books and scholarly books. Query with SASE to Robert Allred. Submit first 25 pages plus 1-2 synopsis. Handles fiction (children's, mainstream, crime & mystery, action/adventure, with a specialty in sci-fi / fantasy) and is just starting to represent non-fiction. Accepts e-queries for non-fiction and fiction. See site for more. See site for details American Literary Agents Handles fiction, non-fiction, scripts, screenplays , children's books, etc. American Literary Agents Of Washington, Inc. Represent all categories of books. Alison J. Picard Alison Picard Alive Communications P.O. Box 2000, cotuit, MN 02635 Allred and Allred Literary Agents 7834 Alabama Ave., Canoga Park, CA 913044905 Altair Austrailia Altair Literary Agency AmediaLit Amicus Literary Agency Andrea Brown Literary Agency Andrea Hurst & Associates Literary Agency Andree Abecassis, AAR, Ann Elmo Agency 1076 Eagle Dr., Salinas, CA 93905 P.O. Box 19010, Sacramento, CA 95819-0010 (916)736-3745 ( P.O. Box 7283, Berkeley, CA 94707 (510)526-5099 ( Andrew Lownie Literary Agency Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency Ann Elmo 60 E. 42nd St., NY, NY 10165 (212-661-2880) Ann Rittenberg Literary Agency Ann Wright Representatives Anne McDermid & Associates AP Watt Artists and Artisans 165 W. 46th St., Ste. 1105, NY, NY 10036 Manuscripts wanted: Mainstream, literary fiction, mysteries/thriller, current events, and non-fiction. Fiction: Query letter and first 50 pages or first 3 chapters. Nonfiction: Query letter with SASE. Accepts children's and YA fiction and non-fiction and some adult fiction (historical and Asian-related). Send query with outline, sample pages and bio. E-mail to see if e-queries are acceptable at ( Non-fiction: personal growth, self-help, memoirs spirituality, parenting, business, cookbooks, holistic health, narrative , true crime. Fiction: Commercial, women's, mystery, thriller. Primarily non-fiction: politics, biography, careers, health, parenting, selfhelp, psychology, medical, memoirs, gardening, meteorology. Specializes in history, biography, current affairs, reference, and celebrity books. Commercial and literary fiction, narrative and proactive non-fiction. 100% of clients are new/unpublished. Equery okay to Accepts Fiction (literary, contemporary, mystery, romance, thriller) and non-fiction (business, cooking, bio/memoir, self-help, pop culture, science, technology). Send query and SASE. Accepts up-market contemporary fiction and serious narrative nonfiction. Query with first chapter via regular mail. Fiction and screenplays with strong film potential. No e-queries. For questions e-mail at ( Represents commercial and literary fiction and non-fiction (memoir, biography, literary travel, and investigative journalism). No e-queries. Founded in 1875. Represents a wide range of fiction and non-fiction. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Accepts e-queries. See site for needs. 1342 18th Street, San Pedro, CA 90732 Ashley Grayson Literary Agency (310)548-4672 General fiction, mystery, romance, fantasy / sci-fi, juvenile fiction, computers/technology, business/investing/finance, history, mind/body/spirit, health, lifestyle, and science. Send by mail query letter, first three pages of manuscript or an overview of non-fiction proposals. No e-queries. Allow up to 4 months of reading. Represents fiction and non-fiction. No e-mail queries, but does accept phone pitches. Accepts fiction (mainstream and literary) and non-fiction (true crime/ organized crime, how to, sports, business, personal and corporate finance, politics and current events. Fiction: Adventure, historical, murder mysteries, romance, suspense, and literary fiction. Non-fiction: business, crafts, how-to, humor, political, true crime, and women's issues. Accepts fiction, non-fiction, and children's books. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Email to see if e-queries are allowed. cy.htm Australian Literary Management Authentic Creations Authentic Creations Literary Agency Author Management Group Axelrod Agency 5130 Bellaire Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91607 Literary and women's fiction, narrative and trade non-fiction. Include 3 sample chapters with fiction query proposal with non-fiction query and SASE. Questions can be directed to ( Barbara Hogenson Agency Barbara Kouts P.O. Box 222, Amherst, MA 01004, 413-548-9835, ( 1165 W. End Ave., Ste 19-C, NY, NY10023 P.O. Box 560, Bellport, NY 11713 Accepts adult non-fiction, professional books and college textbooks. Query with outline and sample chapter. Adult fiction, non-fiction and stage plays. Mail query. Children's fiction and non-fiction. Mail query. Barbara Markowitz Literary P.O. box 41709, LA, CA 90041-3032 Specialized in mid-level YA, contemporary fiction, adult trade fiction and non-fiction. Send a query with SASE and 2-3 sample chapters. B.J. Robbins Literary Agency Balkin Agency Inc., Bert P. Krages Betsy Amster Literary Enterprises P.O. Boix 27788, LA, CA 900270788 Betsy Nolan Literary Agency Betsy Thorpe Literary Management 224 W. 29th St., 15th FL., NY, NY 10001 P.O. Box 16524, Stamford Ct. 06905 Beverly Slopen Literary Agency Big Score Productions Blanche C. Gregory Bleecker Street Associates Blominghouse Literary 532 LaGuardia PL., Ste. 617, NY, NY 10012 Bob Erdmann Bob Mecoy Bobbe Siegel 41 W. 83rd St., Ny, NY 10024 Bohrman Agency Book Blast 8899 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 811, LA, CA 90048 Book Deals BookEnds Bookhome Publishing Books & Such Seeks nonfiction in the areas of science, health, fitness, psychology, technology, architecture, business, legal, visual arts, performing arts, humor and memoir. Accepts e-queries. Query with SASE and proposal (for non-fiction) and first three pages for fiction to Betsy Amster. Member of AAR. Social issues, history, adventure, travel, psychology, self health, women's issues, parenting, popular culture. Literary fiction. Accepts adult non-fiction, especially pop psychology, child care, cookbooks, and African-American and Jewish issues. This is a new agency, started in 2002, by a former acquiring editor for Wiley & Sons, Harper Collins, etc. Her specialty is health and parenting books. She is looking for non-fiction proposals in the areas of health, parenting, lifestyle books (including decorating and cooking) and narrative non-fiction on these topics. Accepts a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction (No fantasy, horror, or romance). Accepts e-queries. Markets books rights to general and religious publishers. Accepts fiction and nonfiction. Email query to ( Interested in adult fiction and non-fiction. Accepts e-queries. See site for needs. 25% fiction, 75% non-fiction. Mail query Accepts fiction (mysteries, thrillers & supernatural tales that are researched and sophisticated and literary novels with eccentric storylines) and non-fiction (popular history, history, Americana, biographies, current events, self -help & reference. Will show your book and represent you to international publishers if he's interested in your material. Bob McCoy, seeks commercial fiction/mystery Adult fiction and non-fiction. Mail query. Send query letter marked attention Literary Dept. Interested in features, all TV formats, and novels in all genres. Accepts traditional and underground fiction and non-fiction. No horror, crime, fantasy, children's, cooking, poetry, or health. Seeks commercial non-fiction (Business, personal finance, investing, diet, parenting, lifestyle, relationships, self help, and women's health. Query to, serious non-fiction (American studies, history, science, current affairs, and business. Query to narrative nonfiction (book length narrative work. Query to, and novels (with fresh voices and rich characters. Query to fiction bookdealsinc. com) Seeks Fiction (romance, chic lit, romantic suspense, mystery, women's fiction, and literary fiction" and non-fiction (spirituality, self-help, business/finance, health psychology, relationships, parenting, pets, and general non-fiction. Was created to meet the need for book about better living and building better home businesses. See site for more details. Accepts novels (including young adult), nonfiction and children's books Accepts e-queries. Bookstop Literary Agency Brandt & Hochman Bright Lights Associates Bukowski Agency Cambridge Literary Associates Candace Lake Agency Carlisle and company Carol Mann Agency Carol Suan Roth Literary Carol Susan Roth Castiglia Literary Agency Cat Ledger Literary Agency Catherine Fowler Celia Catchpole 67 Meadow View Rd., Orinda, CA 94563 Accepts children's and young adult fiction and non-fiction. Mail complete manuscript or sample chapters in non-fiction. 30% of clients are new writers. Clients include Scott Turow. They want you to write a query that will give the agent a sense of you as a professional writer, your long term interests as well as a short description of the work at hand. Gail Hockman--literary fiction or 10114 memoirs Carl Brandt, Marianne Merola, Charles Schlessiger, and Meg Gils--Interested in mystery, history, current affairs, western issues, biography. Snail mail query.1501 Broadway, NY, NY 10036 Seeks novels in the following genres: romance, women-in-jeopardy, horror, occult, women's fiction, suspense, paranormal, gothic, and time travel. Also seek non-fiction: self help books, women's issues, current affairs. Query via e-mail to Suzanne Hoos with title, premise, genre and word count. She is a published romance author herself and never charges reading fees. Accepts commercial fiction (no genre fiction, short stories) by mail only, and non-fiction proposals by e-mail query or mail. See site for needs. Represents novels, screenplays, TV MOWs, and episodic dramas. Fax query to 310-247-2116 to Candance Lake. Or e-mail for other info. Interested in commercial and literary fiction, narrative non-fiction, science, history, memoir, business, sports, and culture. No Sci-Fi, romance, or children's books. Accepts literary fiction and narrative non-fiction, including psychology, biography, memoirs, history, pop culture, spirituality. Etm mail about e-queries at ( Specializes in spirituality, health, personal growth, personal finance, and business. Email query to Carol Susan Roth at ( Only accepts non-fiction in these categories: spirituality, health, personal growth, personal finance, and business. 1155 Camino Del Mar, Suite 510, Del Mar, CA 92014 (858) 456-5085 Literary Mainstream, ethnic fiction, health, science, biography, women's issues, pop culture, true crime. Query (via mail) the following depending on area of interest: Julie Castiglia-Young women's fiction Winifred golden-Thrillers and edgy fiction Both women look for literary, ethnic and commercial fiction as well as narrative non-fiction by experts. Mail query with a one paragraph synopsis and bio. Accepts general fiction and non-fiction. Accepts e-queries. Nonfiction: health, self-help, pop culture, food, gift books, women's narrative, memoirs, current affairs. Represents children's authors. Chadwick & Gros Literary Agency Send them a brief email query Charlotte Gusay Literary Agency 10532 Blythe Avenue, LA, CA 90064 (310) 559-0831 Cheshire Agency Fiction: Mainstream and literary fiction. Non-fiction. Narrative nonfiction/memoir, political/social subjects, business, film/television, fashion, biography, humor, cookbooks, and others. Accepts e-queries. Seeking fiction (Mainstream, suspense, crime novels and thrillers) and non-fiction (memoirs, high concept non-fiction, and creative nonfiction). Accepts e-queries. Represents non-fiction books and novels. Specializes in AfricanAmerican fiction and non-fiction. Send outline and sample chapter to Claudia Menza. Accepts fiction (literary and commercial) and non-fiction (narrative, history, biography, memoir, politics, sports, science, and humor) See site for details. No e-queries. Send query with outline and 3 sample chapters to Thomas R. Lee via mail or fax. Has 20 clients 50% are new/unpublished. Accepts movie scripts, non-fiction, and novels. Christina Pechstein Agency Claudia Menza Literary Agency Collins McCormick Literary Agency Communications Management Associates 1170 Broadway, Suite 807, NY, NY 10001 1129 Sixt Ave., #1 Rockfor, IL 61104-314 Fax :815-964-3061 Cooke Agency 278 Bloor St. E., Suite 305, Toronto, ON M4W 3M4 Canada Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Doesn't want: How to, self-help, spirituality, genre fiction. Mail query with SASE to Elizabeth Griffen or email ( to see if e-mail query is acceptable. Core Creations Visit site for more details. 115 W. 18th St., 5th Floor New York, NY 10011 Mr. Nelson is a former executive editor with Random House, Villard, Hyperion, and Harper Collins. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Accepts non-ficti0on (celebrity and /or media-based books) and commercial fiction. E-mail query to Susan Crawford. Craig Nelson Company Crawford Literary Agency Creative Books Services Crossman Literary Agency Cyd LeVin & Associates Cypher Agency Dale Harney Productions Darhansoff, Verrill, Feldman Literary Agents David Black Literary Agency Dee Mura Enterprises, Inc. Defiore and Co. Denise Marcil Literary Agency DHS Literary Doe Coover Agency Bob McCoy has been an editor at Crown, Simon &Schuster, Morrow/Avong, Dell/Delacorte. He is interested in literary and commercial fiction (mystery, sci-fi / fantasy) and narrative non-fiction (business, sports, adventure, science, politics and current affairs. No romance, children's' or you adult books. Query via e-mail. Non-fiction, self help, gift books. Email to see if query is acceptable. Send a e-query to Rob Gallagher with you title, genre log line and 50 word synopsis. Accepts general and commercial non-fiction. Email query. Only for Canadian writers. Accept email queries. 236 W. 26th St., #802, NY, NY 10001 Fiction, non-fiction, literary fiction. Mail query. 130 W 42nd St New York, NY 10036 (212) 840-9414 156 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 10010 269 West Shore Drive, Massapequa, NY 11758 685 West End Ave., Ste. 9C, Ny, NY 10025 (212-932-3310) Don Congdon Associates, Inc. 425 Sherman Ave. #200, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Donna Levin Manus & Associates (650) 347-8121 ( Doris S. Michaels Literary Agency Douroux & Co. Dreyer & Helland Literary Agency Dunham Literary Dystel & Goderich Literary Management E S Agency Elaine P. English Elise Proulx, Lowenstein Yost Assoc. 30% of clients are new writers. Interested in literary fiction , alternative spirituality, and children's books (fastest growing area of agency). Mail query to Jennie Dunham or Dona Lieberman. Accepts adult fiction and non-fiction. Brief e-queries are okay. 6612 Pacheco Way, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 (916-)723-2794 55 Central Park West, Suite 6, NY, NY 10023 (212-362-9488) Elizabeth Pomada, AAR, Larsen- 1029 Jones Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 Pomada Literary Agents (415) 673-0939 Elizabeth Puttick Seeks new and experienced writers in all genres. Most of their previous work has been in academic publishing, but they are branching out into other areas. They are located in Grand Forks, ND. Educational Design Services, Inc. P.O. Box 253, Wantaugh, NY 11793 Elaine Koster Literary Agency Query with outline and SASE. Accepts non-fiction and novels. Specializing in sports and politics. Snail mail a query letter, synopsis and brief author bio and SASE to Dee Mura. Interested in features, TV Movies, and novels in the following genres: Drama, comedy, horror, sci-fi, action/adventure, romantic comedy, true life drama, crime, espionage, thriller, medical thriller, non-fiction, women's issues. Fiction: Commercial, suspense, modern. Non-fiction: Business books, finance books self help, inspiration, health, memoir, biography, entertainment, cooking, sports, psychology. Query via e-mail Accepts commercial fiction (thrillers suspense, contemporary mainstream women's fiction and chick lit) and non-fiction (self help, how to, reference, business, parenting/relationships, health, popular psychology, and books that help people's lives). Send one page query with SASE. Areas of Interest: Mainstream fiction, suspense, mystery, thrillers, business, historical fiction, pop culture, film, technology, true crime, travel/adventure, humor, and music. As of June 1, 2003 they will no longer be accepting unsolicited queries or submissions. Accepting new material by referral only. E-mail queries to Accepts literary fiction and non-fiction (bio/memoir, business, social science, cooking, and gardening). No e-queries. Looking for new talent. Fiction: Commercial and literary, mysteries. Non-fiction: Memoirs. Author of Get that Novel Started. Fiction: commercial, literary, women's, novels with strong screen potential. Non-fiction (see site) E-mail queries only. Represent both books and screenplays. Have an online query form on their site. Represents fiction, non-fiction, movie scripts, feature film, TV movie-ofthe-week. Query via fax (916) 723-2796 or via e-mail with SASE to Ed Silver, president. For more information e-mail them at Accepts k-12 educational texts only. Submit query with outline, sample pages or complete mss and bio/resume. Accepts commercial and literary fiction, narrative non-fiction, self help, and memoir. Mail query. actively seeking women's fiction, including single title romance. E-mail query to ( Fiction: literary, women's fiction, quirky fiction, mysteries. Non-fiction: serious, health, psychology. Literary & commercial fiction, romance, historical, mysteries, thrillers. Nonfiction: Women's interest, travel , narrative, memoir, biography, and new voices. Specializes in general non-fiction. No fiction. Accepts equeries. Ellen Levine Literary Agency Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency Farber Literary Representation Faris Literary Fegen/Parrent Literary Management Felicia Eth Literary Representation Fielding Agency First Books First Look Talent and Literary Agency Florida Literary Agency Accept email queries Accepts 85% non-fiction (provocative non-fiction on a wide array of commercial subjects) and 15% fiction (mainstream and contemporary -represented Jane Austen in Boca). E-mail query ok. 1140 Wickfield Ct., Naperville, IL 60563 Fogelman Literary Agency ForthWrite Literary Agency Francesca & John Vrattos, Vrattos Literary Agency Front Matter Agency Futerman, Rose & Associates Gail Ross Garamond Agency Gelfman Schneider 250 W. 57th St., Ste. 2515, Ny, NY 10107 Georges Borchardt, Inc. Gina Maccoby Literary Agency Gislason Agency Golvan Arts Management Goodman Associates Graham Literary Agency Established in 1984. 10% of clients are new writers. Looking for submission for fiction ad nonfiction. Represents commercial and literary fiction as well as children's books and serious non-fiction. Sells over 100 tiles per year and actively seeks new authors. See guidelines on site. E-mail query ok. Agent@ethanellenbergcom Accepts adult fiction, non-fiction, YA / children's, and plays. Query with outline and 3 sample chapters via mail only. Seeks fiction (thrillers, suspense, mysteries, romance, mainstream, horror, action/adventure, literary, Christian, westerns) and non-fiction (how to, self help, law, true crime, current affairs, popular culture, women's issues, biographies, history, travel, sports, politics, entertainment, spiritual, and inspirational). Flaming Star Literary Enterprises 320 Riverside Dr., NYC, NY 10025 Flannery Literary Represents non-fiction (biography, memoir, history, sociology, health, business) and fiction (thrillers, strong stores for women, multicultural fiction, and a wide range of literary fiction). Will accept queries via email. See submissions section of site for details. 136 E. 57th St., NY, NY 10022 (212-753-5785) P.O. Box 60, Chappaqua, NY 10514 (914-238-5630) Specializes in selling foreign rights for a handful of literary agencies, but does represent a few writers domestically. Whitney Lee, an agent here, is interested in commercial and literary fiction, narrative non-fiction, science, history, memoir, business, sports, and culture. Her e-mail address is Mainstream fiction and non-fiction. (No romance, westerns, short stories, or extremely violent novels) Have an online query form on their site. Query by mail with SASE Fiction and non-fiction for children and young adults; all genres infant to college age. For questions email at Query by mail only. Accepts fiction (mysteries, legal thrillers, literary novels) and non-fiction (pop culture, women's issues, how to's). Also accepts children's books. Accept e-queries. Fiction: Novels targeted to women, all categories of romance. Nonfiction: Subjects that target a female audience, pop culture, commercial non-fiction. Seeks "professional manuscripts by highly qualified authors." Represents non-fiction books, specializing in "serving authors who are or plan to also be speakers." Email query to Wendy Keller at ( Represents 40% fiction, 60% non-fiction. They are interested in all nonfiction projects, mysteries, thrillers and women's fiction. Visit site for more information. Accepts screenplays, commercial, literary and non-fiction, particularly where there's is a strong film potential. Adult non-fiction. Equery okay. Represents non-fiction only. No equeries. Contemporary women's commercial fiction, literary and commercial fiction, mystery and suspense. Mail query. For questions e-mail at Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Fiction and non-fiction for adults and children. Handles non-fiction books and novels. All queries must be by mail to Barbara Gislason. For fiction: query with synopsis, first three chapters, and SASE. For non-fiction: query with proposal and sample chapters. Represents writers of adult and children's fiction and non-fiction, poetry, screenwriters, and playwrights. 500 West End Ave., Ny, NY 10024 (212-873-4806) Accepts adult fiction and non-fiction. Mail query with SASE. Seeks commercial fiction, particularly suspense/thrillers, and sci-fi. Accepts and prefers e-queries. Graybill & English Grey Literary Enterprises Greyline Grosvenor Literary Agency Harold Ober Associates Harris Literary Harris, Harris,& Donahue, Ltd. Hartline Literary Agency Harvey Klinger, Inc. Helen Rees Literary Agency Henry Morrison, Inc. Hill & Barlow Agency 65% of clients are new/unpublished. Needs fiction (women's, incl. Romance and mystery; literary/commercial, particularly character driven novels) and non-fiction (current events, biography, health, science, narrative-women's stories, self help, sports, politics. Accepts e-queries. E-mail Lynn Whittaker at Member of AAR. Seeks non-fiction, novels, and short story collections. Seeks commercial fiction, horror, hardcore murder mysteries, and medical thrillers. Will consider any quality fiction. E-mail to see if they accept e-mail queries Management company for novels and screenplays Mail outline/proposal for non-fiction and query with 3 sample chapters for fiction. No e-mail/fax queries. 5510 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814 (301-564-6231) 452 Madison Ave., NY, NY 100017 (212-759-8600) Accepts general fiction and non-fiction. Query with SASE. Mainstream fiction, thriller, mystery, humor, sci-fi, children's, young adult , historical fiction. Nonfiction: True story, how to, adventure, historical, medical, self help. Email queries okay. Query letter with SASE, E-mail 300 word description New agency looking for fiction and non-fiction. See site for details. Accepts mainstream and inspirational fiction and non-fiction. Accepts mainstream adult fiction and non-fiction, literary and commercial. E-mail query to ( Accepts literary fiction and non-fiction (business, bio, and health). Query with outline, bio, and up to 50 page sample. Direct all questions to ( 376 North St., Boston, MA 02113 P.O. Box 235, Bedford Hills, NY 10507 666-3500) (914- One International Place Boston, MA 02110 Hornfischer Literary Management Hy Cohen Literary Agency International Literary Representation and Management, Inc. Irene Krass Agency Jacqueline Simenauer Literary Agency JCA Literary Agency Jeff Herman Literary Agency Welcomes queries from published authors. (Not vanity or selfpublished). P.O. Box A.G., Mantoloking, NY 08738 (732-262-0783) Accepts fiction (literary and mainstream) and non-fiction (health/medicine, popular psychology, how to/self help, women's alternative health, spirituality, New age, fitness/nutrition, current issues, true crime, business, celebrities, reference and social issues). For fiction query with first 3 chapters. For non-fiction send query only. 318 E. 51st St., NY, NY 10022 P.O. Box A.G., Mantoloking, NJ 08738 Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency 216 E. 75th St., Ny, NY 10021 Jeanne Fredericks Literary Agency Jed Mattes, Inc. Accepts adult and yung0adult fiction and no-fiction. E-Query okay. Irene Krass: Psychological thrillers, medical thrillers, mysteries, and literary fiction. Ashley Krass: Romance, women's fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction. Send a short cover letter and the first 50 pages on a completed manuscript. No query letters. Jane Dystel Literary Management. Jaqueline Simenauer Literary Agency Accepts a broad range of serious and commercial non-fiction and select fiction. Accepts e-queries. Send one-page synopsis and the first 30-35 pages of the manuscript. We are no longer accepting unsolicited fiction queries via the mail. Call for any questions on submissions. 507 NW 22nd Ave, suite 104, Portland, OR 97210 (503)721-7442 James Levine Communications P.O. Box 358, New Canaan, CT 06840 James Peter Associates, Jandy Nelson, Manus & 425 Sherman Ave. #200, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Associates (650) 347-8121 ( Jane Rotrosen Agency Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Query with SASE. Accepts Non-fiction and fiction proposals for books, film and television rights for books, life-story rights, screenplays and treatments. No equeries. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Accepts equeries. General and commercial adult non-fiction any subject. Include outline, sample pages and bio. No electronic submissions. Literary and commercial fiction and nonfiction. Fiction: Action/adventure, ethnic, gay/lesbian/ literary, mainstream, suspense, thriller,/espionage. Specializes in commercial fiction (all varieties, including suspense, romance, and mystery) and non-fiction (narrative). Represents well known writer Iris Johansen. Mail query to Jane R. Berkey, Andre Cirillo, Annelise Robey, or Margaret Ruley. Literary and commercial fiction; general non-fiction. Equery is okay. Email address? Accepts adult fiction (literary, thrillers, mysteries, commercial) and nonfiction (narrative, history, science, pop culture, true crime). Query with 50 sample pages and synopsis. Adult mainstream fiction, literary and commercial fiction; narrative nonfiction. Include outline, bio and resume. Consider novels occasionally Fiction and non-fiction. See for details. General adult non-fiction and fiction. (Mostly non-fiction) Query to Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency Jennifer Jackson of Donald Mass Agency Jenny Bent Jim Donovan Literary J-Net Joan Brandt Agency Jodie Rhodes Jody Rein Books Joelle Delbourgo Associates John A. Ware Literary Agency John Hawkins and Associates John Talbot Agency Jonathan Dolger Agency Jonathan James Agency Seeks mystery/suspense/romance/ and women's fiction ml A lit agent with Harvey Linkter where she represents literary fiction, women's commercial fiction and popular non-fiction (health, psychology, spirituality, history, biography, and memoir)> Accepts non-fiction and novels. For non-fiction send query and SASE. 4515 Prentice St., Suite 109, Dallas, TX 75206 For fiction send 2-5 page outline and 3 sample characters. Looking for (214)-696-9411 books with something fresh to say. Specializes in marketing/selling books in other languages to the Japanese by selling Japanese translation rights to Japanese publishers. "No initial fee is required to evaluate the possibility that…your book might be sold in Japan." Represents non-fiction, novels, and short story collections. Query with 788 Wesley Dr., Atlanta, GA 30305-3933 SASE. Almost all clients are new/unpublished. Especially interested in women's stories, sophisticated thrillers, memoirs, inspirational stories, literary fiction, character-driven mysteries, young adult novels and quality romances with memorable protagonists in meaninful love affairs. 8840 Villa La Jolla Dr., Ste. 315, Lajolla, CA 92037. Doesn't want: erotica, horror, fantasy, romance, sci-fi, children's books, religious, inspirational books. Mail query with brief synopsis, first 20-50 pages and SASE to Clark McCutcheon (fiction) and Bob McCarter (nonfiction) 7741 S. Ash Ct. Littleton, CO 80122. Commercial and narrative non fiction; commercial and literary fiction; Screenplays. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. No e-queries. Accepts adult fiction (non-category thrillers and mysteries) and nonfiction (biography, history, current affairs, investigative journalism, 392 Central Park W., NY, NY 10025-5801 social criticism, nature, Americana and folklore, science, medicine, and sports). Wants fiction of all sorts, non-fiction (contemporary journalism, history, biography, etc.), juvenile (mainly young adult and middle grades). See site for more details Seeks commercial and literary fiction and general and narrative non fiction. No children's, sci-fi / fantasy, poetry or screenplays. Accepts equeries. 49 E. 96th St., 9b, NY, NY 10128 Adult fiction and non-fiction. Mail query. Seeks new literary fiction Jonothan Harris LitWest Agency Joy Harris Agency Julie Barer of Sanford J. Greenburger Associates Julie Pokin Karen Lewis & Co. Karen Nazor Literary Agency Kidde, Hoty, & Picard 15340 Albright Street, #204, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-2520 335 E 51st St., NY, NY 10022 Kimberley Cameron, AAR, Resse- 98 Main Street #704, Tiburon, CA 94920 Halsey Knight Agency Knox Burger Associates Specializes in children's literature for all ages--picture books, middle grade, and young adult; but also represents adult fiction (literary and commercial, mysteries, thrillers) and non-fiction (humor, celebrity biographies, psychology, self-help, women's and men's issues, social issues). No e-queries. 425 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10017 (212-759-8600) Non-fiction of all kinds. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Accepts fax queries to joy Harris at (212) 924-6609. Check site to see if email queries are accepted. Email address is ( Likes working with emerging writers on developing their careers. The agency seeks literary fiction, narrative non-fiction, history, biography, religion, and cultural studies. E-mail her for queries. Mail query to Ms. Popkin with SASE. Has 35 clients. 30% are new/unpublished. Accepts non-fiction (art, architecture, government, politics, history, women's issues) and fiction (mainstream novels). Seeks non-fiction, novels and juvenile books. Send query to Karen Lewis. Specializes in non-fiction (arts, culture, politics, technology, civil rights and fiction. Query to NOTE: She charges for express mail services and photocopying costs. Mainstream fiction, literary fiction, romance, mysteries, and general nonfiction. E-mail at ( to see if e-queries are accepted. Non-fiction: culture, history, biography, self-help, spirituality. Mainstream & literary fiction, sci-fi. Seeks Romance: Contemporary, historical, time travel, paranormal scifi, romantic suspense, woman's fiction, commercial fiction, literary fiction. For non-fiction, they seek--business, self help, finance, music, entertainment, media-related, pop culture, how to, psychology, travel, health, inspirational/religious/reference, and holiday books. Query via email Accepts adult fiction (no sci-fi, fantasy, or romance) and non-fiction Mail query with SASE LA Literary Agency Larry Sternig Literary Agency Adult fiction and non-fiction. Mail query, including outline and 50 sample pages + bio of author. For questions you can e-mail at ( No e-queries. Agency's fiction submission guidelines Name is now Sternig & Bryne Literary Agency. Check site for detail. P.O. Box 46730, Los Angeles, CA 90046 Larsen Pomada Literary Agents Laura Rennert, Senior Agent, Andrea Brown Agency Laurens R. Schwartz Agency 5 E. 22nd St., Suite 15D, NY, M 10010-5325 Lazear Agency Lennie Literary Agency Leo P. Haffey Agency Lescher & Lescher, Ltd Lescher Agency Lewis & Co. Lilly Ghahremani, Full Circle Literary Agency Lilly Ghahremani, Full Circle Literary Agency Linda Konner Literary Agency Linda Roghaar Literary Agency 47 East 19th St. New York, NY 10003 General fiction and non-fiction. Adult commercial non-fiction. Equery okay. 90% nonfiction 10% fiction. Handles everything but romance, horror, or sci-fi. No e-queries. Check website for details. Accepts fiction (mystery/suspense/thriller, mainstream, romance, women as strong heroines) and non-fiction (self-help, psychology, women's , some metaphysical). For fiction query with synopsis, first 3 chapters, and brief bio. For non-=fiction query with proposal, writing sample, brief bio detailing credentials and platform. Include SASE. For further questions email at ( Focus is on authors living in the Southern U.S. Special focus on "new authors with something to say, who have a vision of where they are going as an author." Accepts 50% fiction and 50% non-fiction (specializes in true crime, military, history, biography, sports, how to). Mail query along with an outline and 3 sample chapters to Frank Weimann with SASE or e-mail him at ( 30-50% of clients are new-unpublished. Interested in well-researched historical fiction, literary fiction and mystery/thriller. For non-fiction they seek business, self help, health, parenting, women's issues, fitness/sports, leisure, travel, pop culture, memoir, current affairs, intelligent religion/spirituality. Literary Agency for Southern Authors 2123 Paris Metz Road, Chattanooga, TN 37421 Literary Group LitWest Group Lori Perkins Associates Lowenstein Associates Accepts fiction (general and mystery, short story compilations) and nonfiction (biography, Latin America, Women's Literature, history, social, political, and public policy). No e-queries. Represents non-fiction books (self-help), novels, short story collections, novellas, feature films. E-mail query to Robi Swenson at ( along with synopsis, treatment or summary in the body of the e-mail. Accepts serious non-fiction (current affairs, history, biography, memoir, politics, law, sociology, psychology, pop culture, and food/wine) and literary and/or commercial fiction (mysteries/thrillers and some children's books). Accepts fiction (including mysteries) and non-fiction (travel, cookbooks, bio/memoir, psychology, and spiritual). E-mail query. Accepts fiction (mystery/suspense/thriller, commercial/mainstream, romance, and some literary) and non-fiction (self-help, how-to, metaphysical, gay/lesbian, memoir, psychology, and ethnic). E-mail query. General fiction and non-fiction. 7502 Greenville Ave., Ste. 500, Dallas, Ty 75231 (214-890-9262) Lori Perkins Represents non-fiction, novels, juvenile books, feature, film, TV scripts, etc. Query by mail with SASE and outline/proposal to Editorial Board. Lindsey's Literary Services Loretta Barret Books, Inc. 40-45% of clients are new/unpublished. For fiction (literary or commercial) query Mike Larsen. For non-fiction contact Elizabeth Pmada. Snail mail query with outline and sample chapters (or first 10 pages of completed novel0. All categories of children's books. Nonfiction: history, thrillers with female angle, narrative & popular, memoirs. Fiction: historical, literary & thrillers. Handles fiction, non-fiction. Query with SASE 101 Fifth Ave., F1. 112, NY, NY 10003 (212-242-3420) 10% of clients are new writers, 80% are first-time novelists. Accepts non-fiction (up-market psychological/spiritual, sophisticated theology, self help, history, biography) and fiction (thrillers, romantic suspense, contemporary women's). Snail mail query with SASE. Lit agent for books 5800 Arlngton Ave., Riverdale, NY 10471 10% of clients are new/unpublished. Accepts non-fiction (popular culture) and fiction (fantasy horror, dark literary and sci-fi). Mail query. 121 West 27th St., Suite 601, NY, NY 10001 Send Query and SASE to Barbara Lowenstein (for fiction, send outline and first chapter). Has 150 clients. 20% are new/unpublished. Accepts non-fiction (health, business, spiritualism, creative non-fiction, crime, and women's issues) and fiction (literary, commercial, suspense). Lowenstein-Yost Associates Lukeman Literary Management Lynda Tolls Literary Agency M. Courtney Briggs Agent Nancy Yost handles fiction in these areas: crime, suspense, mysteries, women's fiction, and romance. The agency represents such know authors as Perri O'Shaughnessy, Stephanie Laurens, Leslie Glass. You should mail a query along with the first 10 pages (the 1st chapter). Visit site for more info. Rep both fiction and non-fiction 100 North Broadway Ave., 20th Floor, Oklahoma City, OK 73102-9906 Malaga Baldi Literary Agency 204 W. 84th St., Ste. 3C, NY, NY 10024 Manus & Associates Literary Agency March Tenth Margret McBride Literary Agency Maria Carvainis Agency Marjacq Martha Casselman Martha Jewett McClean Literary Associates McHugh Literary Agency Meredith Bernstein Mic Cheetam Michael Larsen, AAR LarsenPomada Literary Agents Michael Meller Literary Agency Michelle Tessler of Carlisle & Company Mocknick Productions P.O. Box 342, Calistoga, CA 94515. 50% of clients are new/unpublished. Seeks women's fiction, literary fiction, thrillers, narrative non-fiction, health, and sophisticated self help. Handles fiction and non-fiction. Email query to Harry Choron, vice president at Accepts fiction (legal, historical) and non-fiction (business, leadership, management). Mail Query 8830 Villa Lajolla Drive, suite 315, La Jolla, CA 92037 Fiction: Mainstream, literary fiction, mystery/suspense, thrillers, fantasy, historical, young adults, contemporary women's fiction. Non Fiction: biography memoirs, health, self help, business, finance, psychology, and popular science. Accepts general and literary fiction with a particular interest in crime, thrillers, sci-fi and contemporary women's fiction. Also accepts nonfiction and screenplays. Trade non-fiction, food books, and cookbooks. Mail query letter. Mainly wants business and motivational books. Represent fiction, mysteries, true crime, literary fiction, and non-fiction. THEY DO CHARGE A READING FEE Accepts most fiction (except SF/Fantasy, Horror, Children's Books) and all areas of non-fiction, such as Animals, anthropology, biographies, parenting, cooking/nutrition, education, gardening, military, finance, recreation, alternative medicine, and others. E-mail Elisabeth McHugh with a query first. She has recent sales to Harlequin, Time-Warner, Bantam, and more. Looking for new clients, 20% are new writers. 10102 Interested in edgy literary fiction, crime fiction, thrillers, historical fiction, and sci-fi / fantasy. Non-fiction: how-to, self-help, business, humor, spirituality, technology. Author How to Write a Book Proposal, Literary Agents, Guerrilla Marketing for Writers. For questions contact Michael at ( Seeks fiction, non-fiction and children's. Seeks literary fiction and non-fiction (narrative, biography, cultural and social history, memoirs, popular science, travel, and spirituality.) Contact here at Accepts new writers of novels, poetry, short stories, screenplays, stage plays, new age, and children's stories. Mountainview Literary Associates Mysterious Content Literary Agency Nancy Love Literary Agency 250 E. 65th St., NY, NY 10021-6614 Natash Kern Literary Agency Biography, education, cultural interests, health/medicine, history, travel, current affairs, others. Fiction, multicultural, history, literary, suspense, mystery, romance. Non-fiction: query with SASE, fiction: query with synopsis. Send query with SASE. 25% of clients are new/unpublished. Actively seeking children's friction, children's picture books, and young adult fiction and non-fiction. Accepts literary adult fiction and no-fiction. Mail query. For questions email National Writers Literary Agency Adult fiction and all non-fiction. E-mail queries okay. Seeks fiction (mystery, thriller, suspense, espionage, crime fiction, noir, adventure, military fiction, literary novels, short-story collections, commercial fiction, children's and you adult fiction) and narrative nonfiction, life stories in an identifiable narrative voice, and books about writing. E-mail Query to Debbie Carter. Seeks non-fiction (health/medicine, alternative medicine, etc.) and fiction (mysteries and thrillers only). Member of AAR. Mail query. 15% of clients are new/unpublished. Fiction: commercial and literary, mainstream women's, romance, historical, thrillers, suspense, and mysteries, mainstream sci-fi. Non-fiction: investigative journalism, health, science, women's issues, parenting, spirituality, and more. Email query to ( Represents authors like Coleman Stokes. Non-fiction books in music, business, cutting edge novels, pop culture, true stories. Contact Andrew J. Whelchel III. Equeries okay. Nelson Literary agency New Brand Agency Group New England Publishing Associates Norris Literary Agency Otitis Media Literary Agency Accepts only book length non-fiction. General interest adult non-fiction. Include outline, table of contents with one paragraph description, bio and sample chapters. Mail query. P.O. Box 5, Chester, CT 06412 Prefers mainstream fiction, literary non-fiction and children's books. Accepts e-mail queries. If he finds an author has promise, he goes through one edit before signing any kind of contract with the author as a way for both parties to evaluate working with each other. B.R. Boylan Hannibal Harris takes e-mail queries. Interested in: history of music, biography satire, anthropology, archaeology, true crime. Otto R. Kozak Literary and Motion 114 Coronado St. Atlantic Beach, N.Y. 11509 Picture Agency Owen Prell Literary Agency Pacific Northwest Literary Associates Paraview Literary Agency Partricia Teal Literary Agency Paul and Peter Fritz 2036 Vista Del Rosa, Fullerton, CA 92831 Paul S. Levine Literary Agency 1054 Syperba Ave, Venice, Ca 90291 (310) 450-6711 Fax(310) 450-0180 Pearson Morris & Belt Literary Management Pema Browne Pema Browne LTD Peter Fraser and Dunlop Peter Lampack Agency P.O. Box 4063, North Hollywood, CA 91617 22284 Avenue San Luis, Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (818) 340-4302 551 Fifth Ave., Ste. 1613, NY, NY 10014 Peter Rubie Literary Agency PFD Philip G. Spitzer Literary Agency 50 Talmage Farm Ln., East Hampton, NY 11937 Pinder Lane & Garon-brooke Associates PMA Literary and film Management Pollinger Publishers Weekly Qcorp Literary Seeks fiction: Literary, commercial mainstream, women's, historical romance, romantic suspense, sci-fi/fantasy. Non-fiction: Narrative, memoir, biography, history, popular culture, business spiritual, established in 2002 on advice from the head of Harcourt's trade dept. Accepts e-queries. Fiction: adult/ya-thrillers, mysteries, suspense, light horror, mainstream, light literary fantasy, magical realism, historical, soft sci-fi, non-genre romance, women's literary. Nonfiction: Pop culture, women's issues, success/leadership, psychology/self help, relationships, personal growth, spirituality, biography, humor, business/investing, and more. Accepts e-mail queries. Seeks "socially relevant and female issue oriented material." Email query to Robert Kozak at ( Send e-mail to find their policy on e-mail queries Accepts fiction and non-fiction. No e-queries. Accepts non-fiction in these areas: mind, body and spirit; health and fitness; business; investing; finance; biography; travel; lifestyle; reference; religious; science. Accepts e-queries. Women's fiction, commercial non-fiction. Specializes in the representation of English Language writing for publication in German. Also represents writers writing in German. Accepts e-mail queries. Represents 30% non-fiction, 30% novels, 10% movie scripts, 30% TV scripts. No sci-fi, fantasy or horror. Adult non-fiction, commercial fiction. Contact" Query by mail, fax, or e-mail. ( Accepts fiction (women's commercial, literary, African-American literary, and commercial) And non-fiction (computer, self help, parenting, business, health, fitness, science, current events, narrative non-fiction, etc.). Actively seeking adult non-fiction, romance, juvenile, middle grade, some young adult, picture books, and novelty books. Mail query and SASE to Pema Browne. Fiction and non-fiction, most genres. Visit site for further details. Commercial and literary fiction; non-fiction. Include the nature of the submission, author's credentials, sample chapter, synopsis, and e-mail address. For questions you can e-mail at ( No e-queries. 20% of clients are new/unpublished. Reps pop culture, business, history, pop science, narrative non-fiction, Judaic, New Age, children's, literature, thrillers, crime novels, sci-fi, fantasy, and literary fiction. Email query to One of Europe's leading literary and talent agencies. Represents writers, actors, athletes, etc. No e-mail. Adult fiction, literary, and suspense/mystery. Non-fiction. For questions e-mail at ( Fiction: Commercial and literary fiction, incl. Thrillers, techno-thrillers, adventure, romance sci-fi, fantasy. Non-fiction: Cookbooks, pop culture, personal lifestyle, etc. Fiction: Action, suspense, thrillers, particularly legal thrillers Non-fiction: Pop culture and current events. Contact their website for submission details. They have an impressive list of clients which you can see on the website. Accepts children's and adult fiction and non-fiction. Accepts e-queries. Lists all agents with AAR membership Accepts fiction (children's, romance, experimental, erotica, occult, science fiction, fantasy, mainstream, literary) and non-fiction (biographies, sports, the outdoors, reference, texts, self help, computers, religion). Also handles Screenplays. Quicksilver Books Quietpoly Rachel Vater, Donald Maas Literary Agency 160 W. 95th St., Suite 1B, NY, NY 10025 Randi Glass Murray, Randi Murray Litera Agency Redwood Agency Reece Halsey North Literary Agency Reece Halsey North Literary Agency 804 Vista Road, Hillsborough,k CA 94010 (650-347-8121 ( Agency seeking new writers. 75% nonfiction, 25% fiction. Seeks adult mainstream trade and /or mass market fiction. Prefers literate suspense thrillers and contemporary novels with bestseller potential. Accepts e-queries. Worked at Writer's Digest magazine as the trade books editor. She is taking clients now. Literary & commercial fiction, mysteries, historical, chick lit. Nonfiction:prescriptive/narravtive, memoirs, humor, science, politics/current affairs, business, and sports. Accepts Non-fiction for the general consumer market. Has online query form. Adult fiction and non-fiction. Equery okay. Adult fiction and non-fiction. Equery okay. 69 Cooks Crossroad, Pittstown, NJ 08867 (908) 730-8523 Accepts adult mainstream non-fiction only. Query with SASE via regular mail. RG Management Send query letter via email with no attachments to Rebecca Gallegos. Interested in features, all T.V. formats, plays, and novels in all genres. Richard Henshaw Reid Boates Literary Agency Richard Parks Agency 138 E. 16th St., 5th Fl., NY, NY 10003 Richard Parks Agency Ricia Mainhardt Agency Rita RosekranzLiterary Agency 440 West End Ave., #15D, NY, NY 10024 Rita Rosenkranz Literary Agency 440 West End Ave., Suite 15D, NY, NY 10024 RLR Associates Robert Ducas, The Barn House Robert Lecker 244 Westside Rd., Norfold, CT 06058 Robert Preskill, Attorney at Law, Legal & Literary Representation Robert Shepard Agency Robin Wade Literary Agency Rosenberg Group Rosentone/Wender Russel & Volkening, Inc. Ruth Cohen Inc. Sagalyn Literary Agency 38 E. 29th St., 10th Fl., NY, Ny 10016 50 W. 29th St., Suite 7E, NY, NY 10001 (212-684-6050) P.O. Box 2244, La Jolla, CA 92038 858-456-5085 Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency Sandra Watt & Associates Sandum & Associates Sanford J. Greenburger Associates Specializes in commercial fiction and non-fiction, with a special interest in all areas of crime fiction. General trade and adult non-fiction Represents literary and commercial fiction and trade non-fiction. Especially interested in: narrative non-fiction, biography and autobiography, history, popular culture, medicine and health, psychology, parenting, nature and environment, outdoors/adventure, women's issues, cultural and ethnic issues. No children's books, poetry, plays or screenplays. represents adult and young adult fiction, non-fiction, picture books and early readers. General non-fiction. Check site for details. Specializes in Adult non-fiction. Send proposal package, outline, and SASE by mail. Represents non-fiction, novels, short stories. Seeks fiction (all types accept for romance and fantasy) and non-fiction 9current affairs, history, art, popular culture, health, and business. Represents non-fiction (journalistic expose, bio, history), novels, and novellas. Query with SASE. For questions e-mail at Specializes in books about entertainment, pop culture, popular science, food, and travel. E-mail query to Commercial men's fiction, mysteries and thrillers. Non-fiction of all kinds. Specializes in personal finance, business, gay/lesbian subjects. Actively seeks works by experts recognized in their fields whether or not they're well known to the general public and books that offer fresh perspectives or new information even when the subject is familiar. Memoirs, spirituality, history, current affairs, pop culture, business, science, Judaic, and gay / lesbian. Email query to ( Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Accepts e-queries. Fiction: Women's, mystery, literary, romance, and sports. Non-fiction Commercial non-fiction. Check site for submission requirements. Adult and juvenile fiction and non-fiction; stage plays. Accepts fiction and non-fiction. Query with outline. Selective women's fiction, mysteries, juvenile literature, young adult novels. Focuses on up-market non-fiction, business books and commercial fiction. E-mail query to Raphael Sagalyn. ( Fiction: commercial and literary (no westerns, romance, fantasy, sci-fi) Non-fiction: history, psychology, health, business, spiritual, self-help. And children's fiction/non-fiction Query to 1750 N., Sierra Bonita, LA, CA 90046 144 E. 84th St., NY, NY 10028 (212-737-2011) Adult fiction and non-fiction. Include bio/resume. Accepts non-fiction and literary fiction. Query with sample pages and bio. General non-fiction. Check site for details. Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency Schiavone Literary Agency Scott Treimel Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency Seliteray Serendipity Literary Agency Seymour Agency 434 Lafayette St., New York, NY 10003 Fiction: Mainstream, commercial, literary, thrillers, mysteries, romances, historical, and al children's. Contact James Schivone. Juvenile/young adult fiction and non-fiction. Adult fiction and non-fiction. E-mail query to ( Lit agent for books Sheree Bykofsky Associates, Inc. Silver Screen Placements Sligo Literary Agency Snyder Literary Agency Sound Boy Entertainment & Management 602 65th St., Downers Grove, IL 60516-3020 7123 East Jan Avenue, Mesa, AZ 85208 Speciality Book Marketing Spectrum Literary Agency Spieler Agency Stadler Literary Agency 85% non-fiction, 15% fiction. E-mail query. 154 W. 57th St., Rm. 135, NY, NY 10019 Stanlake, Mitchell Literary Agency Represent 60% non-fiction (actively seeking African-American nonfiction, computer books, and juvenile books0 and 40% novels. E-mail query to Regina Brooks at Ms. Brooks was an editor at McGraw-Hill and John Wiley and sons. Reps Christian romance, self help, romance, westerns and general nonfiction. E-mail query to ( Accepts literary and commercial adult fiction and non-fiction (popular reference, business,, self-help, humor, biography, memoir, women's, spiritual, health, fitness, multicultural, parenting, gay/lesbian, and cooking. Accepts novels (all genres), movie scripts, non-fiction (all genres). Email query to William Levin at ( In house literary agency for its own publisher. Dawn Snyder agent non-fiction. Charges a reading fee. email query letter. Interested in features, all T.V. formats, plays, and novels in these genres: drama, comedy, horror, and action/adventure. Accepts Children's and middle-grad fiction and non-fiction. Accepts equeries. Represents new and established writers of non-fiction and novels. Agent Lucieene Driver handles 95% fiction and accepts queries for scifi, fantasy, mystery, suspense, and romance. Non-fiction and literary fiction. All non-fiction. Especially interested in history, politics, current affairs, pop culture, health, general reference, business, science, and biography. Represents writers of literary and contemporary/mainstream fiction. Stephen Pevner 382 Lafayetter St., 8th Floor, NY, NY 10003 Sternig & Byrne Nees 100% romance and mainstream women's fiction. E-query to Pattie Steele-Perkins. Fiction: multicultural. Literary and women's fiction, young voices. Nonfiction: prescriptive & narrative non-fiction, Gen X/Gen Y issues, popular science. Specializes in motion pictures, novels, humor, pop culture, urban fiction, and independent filmmakers. Mail query to Stephen Pevner with SASE and outline. (He represented the Vagina Monologues) Email address, just in case, is ( Will consider sci-fi / fantasy and mysteries. Accepts e-queries. Preschool through young adult fiction and non-fiction. Equery okay. Strachan Literary Agency Accepts fiction (literary, mystery/suspense and legal/psychological thrillers if beautifully written) and non-fiction (memoirs, travel, parenting, self help, decorating, food/cooking, gardening, etc.) Accepts e-queries. Stuart Krichevsky Agency Steele-Perkins Literary aGency Stephanie Lee, AAR, Manus and 425 Sherman Ave. #200, Palo Alto, CA 94306 Associates (650) 347-8121 ( Stimola Literary Studio Stuart Miller Co Sunshine Coast Literary Agency Susan Ann Protter Literary Agent Susan Zeckendorf Associates Susijn Agency TC Wallace, LTD Ted Weinstein Literary Management 110 W. 40th St., Ste 1408, NY, NY 10018 (212-8400480) 171 W 57th St., #11B NY, NY 10019 (212-245-2928) Visit site for further details. Represents non-fiction, fiction, and movie scripts. E-mail query with 23 page narrative and outline/proposal. Based in Australia and is fairly new. Will consider anything but Sci-Fi. Contact Cindy Lloyd via e-mail. Accepts fiction (mysteries, thrillers, sci-fi / fantasy) and non-fiction (health/medicine, how to, science, psychology, biography, reference, and self help). Query with SASE Accepts commercial fiction (mysteries, thrillers, and literary) and nonfiction (science, bio, health, parenting, social history, and classical music). Query with outline, bio, and SASE. Represents fiction and no-fiction. Specializes in international works, selling world rights, representing non-English language writing as well and English. E-mail query to Laura Susijn or Charles Buchau at ( British, serious fiction and serious non-fiction Seeks non-fiction only in these areas: current affairs, politics, biography, history, business, science, technology, environment, pop culture, lifestyle, travel, self-help, health and medicine. Email query to ( The Literary Group Toby Eady Associates Toni Lopopolo Literary management Trident Media Group United Tribes Venture Literary Victoria Sanders & Associates Vines Agency Wainwright Agency Wales Literary Agency Waterside Productions Seeks new writers in all areas of fiction Narrative non-fiction and literary fiction. Non-fiction projects that have cultural or political impact. Elizabeth Wales accepts books designed for a female readership. No genre fiction, westerns, romance, sci-fi or horror. Has a special interest in Pacific Rim, West Coast, and Pacific Northwest stories. Accepts e-mail queries less than 1 page. Waxman Literary Agency Wendy Schmalz Agency William Morris Agency Williams Literary Agency Wilson Devereux Company Witherspoon Associates WM Clark Associates Writers House Writers' Representatives Zachary Shuster Harmsworth Literary Agency Zack Company Represents 85% commercial fiction and 15% non-fiction. Clients include Dean Koontz, Catherine Coulter, and Janet Evanovich. Specializes in secular spirituality and serious non-fiction; ethnic, social, gender and cultural issues, comparative religions, self-help and wellness, science and arts, history and politics, nature, travel and any fascinating future trends. Email query to Jan-Erik Guerth. Specialize in non-fiction in business, sports, pop culture, gambling and anything narrative. Will accept a fantastic novel if it has film potential. Accept e-queries. Commercial and literary fiction; general non-fiction. Equery to ( Accepts fiction (women's romantic suspense, historical, supernatural thrillers, mainstream fiction, literary, political thrillers, and legal thrillers) and commercial non-fiction. E-mail query to ( 133 E. 35th St., Ste. 1, NY, NY 10016 Wieser & Elwell, Inc. Good mysteries with unusual protagonists like Latin American, Italian American etc. Also, non-fiction on today's most important subjects. Watkins/Loomis Agency Wendy Sherman & Assoc. 70% of clients are new/unpublished writers. Specializes in narrative non-fiction, suspense/thrillers, history, and sports. Represents fiction and non-fiction. 80 Fifth Ave, Ste. 1101 NY, NY 10011 (212-260-0860) 1325 Avenue of Americas, NY, NY 10019 235 E. 31st St., NY, NY10016 (212) 889-8626 21n W. 26th St., NY, NY 10010 Accepts only computer and technology books. Query via online form. For computer and technology authors. "Since our founding in 1982, Waterside agents have successfully represented more than 5,000 books to over 50 publishers, generating more than $150 million for authors. NOTE: They charge photocopying fees. Adult literary fiction; also biography/memoir and cookbooks. Include first three chapters (fiction) or synopsis (non-fiction). Accepts narrative non-fiction, literary and commercial fiction, memoir, sports, business, culture, health and fitness. Query via online form. Adult fiction and non-fiction. E-mail query In search of quality fiction, thrillers, suspense, narrative non-fiction, practical non-fiction, memoir, human drama. 15-20% of clients are new/unpublished. Seeks fiction (literary and quality/quality women's fiction, and suspense) and non-fiction (narrative , popular psychology, and parenting). Mail query. 450 Seventh Ave., Suite 3004. NY, NY 10123 Accepts trade and mass market adult fiction and non-fiction. Query with 25 sample pages, outline, bio, and a SASE. Fiction and no-fiction. Include synopsis and publication history. Accepts mainstream, contemporary and literary fiction, and general nonfiction. Accepts e-queries. Accepts non-fiction popular science topics. Accept e-queries. Query with SASE to David Forrer. Accepts non-fiction and novels. Mainstream literary fiction and non-fiction in the following areas" Memoirs, pop culture, current events. Query via email at 50% of clients are new/unpublished. Specializes in all types of popular fiction and non-fiction, everything you might find in a bookstore. Query. Clients include Nora Roberts, V.C. Andrews, Stephen Hawking, Ken Follett, and Heinrich Boll. Represents authors of trade books in the sale or licensing of rights to appropriate publishers. Accepts literary and commercial fiction, memoirs, biography, history, science, narrative non--fiction, and prescriptive books in the areas of business, health, relationships, parenting, and general psychology. Andrew Zack non-fiction and commercial fiction, esp. thrillers of every type! See site for details.
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