20 08 -2 00 9A nnual Report Luckily, there is Casa de los Niños “I can’t think of a more important contribution than to invest in the life of a child.” -- Oscar de la Renta From time to time, glaring headlines remind us that child abuse remains a serious issue in Pima County. The man who shakes his girlfriend’s baby into a coma to stop her from crying … the student who abandons a newborn on-campus … the couple that locks their child in a closet so they can have a night on the town. These are horrendous stories. They send chills through us all, but the sad truth is that child abuse happens every day – in every corner of our community. Did you know Pima County authorities investigate more than 650 cases of documented child abuse each year? Luckily, there is a place such as Casa de los Niños. For more than 35 years, we have provided a safe haven for abused and neglected children. On any given morning, between 35 and 45 kids will wake up in our shelter. We will give them a warm, safe home and as much T.L.C. as they can take! Less well known but no less important are the programs we provide children and families long after abuse occurs. We have a mental health clinic for kids who have experienced or witnessed violence. Our foster care network includes more than 120 foster homes. Even less well-known is the array of services we offer families to help them avoid child abuse in the first place. Our Nurse-Family Partnership program, funded by First Things First, helps first-time moms get through pregnancy and delivery. Another new effort funded by First Things First, Raising Healthy Kids, supports at-risk parents who are raising kids under 5. Our Parent Education program helps young parents recognize and address specific Sadly, helping abused and neglected kids is a fulltime job. 24 hours a day. Every day of the year. Luckily, there is a place such as Casa de los Niños. These kids need us. They need all of us. Thanks for caring, and for sharing with the children of Casa de los Niños! 1 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report problems in their own families. Almost 500 parents attended classes last year. Casa de los Niños Leadership Board of Directors Dee-Dee Samet, Esq. Norman Spindler Executive Committee Nicole Stoops Lisa Suarez Vicki Began, R.N., M.N. Jennifer Waddell President Heidi Yribar Executive Staff Susie Huhn, M.A. Executive Director Beverly Bryant, M.A. Director of Human Resources Raymond E. Magnuson 1st Vice-President G. Todd Jackson, Esq. 2nd Vice-President Kim Blanchard Secretary Shannon Shepherd Treasurer William A. Estes III Member-at-Large Jonathan Rothschild, Esq. Past President Board of Trustees Officers Gary L. Fletcher, Esq. President Lisa Owens-Sredzinski Secretary Mark E. Cowley, CPA Treasurer William Finley Director of Development, Community Relations Maureen Johns, M.B.A. Director of Business Operations Joanne Karolzak, M.A. Director of Community Education, Family Support Kathryn C. Tuscaney, C.P.A., C.M.A. Director of Finance Members Richard J. Demeree Julie Downer Gary L. Fletcher, Esq. Susan Maxwell Foundation President Christian W. Reaney Jonathan Rothschild, Esq. Susan Maxwell Dee-Dee Samet, Esq. Foundation Representative Sven Silberschlag 2 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Members Ali Abbasi Fil Barrera Mary Kathleen Clark, CSJ, R.N. Founding Director Emeritus Kim Blanchard Stephanie Boreale Katherine Dykes Dianne Grobstein Sr. Michelle Humke, CSJ Lynn Maynard Moira L.M. Richards, M.D. Renee Rodgers, Ph.D. Casa de los Niños 1101 N 4th Ave Tucson, AZ 85705-7467 Tel: 520-624-5600 www.casadelosninos.org Dear Family and Friends: Casa de los Niños touches the lives of some 4,000 children a year, and on their behalf I would like to say “Thank You All!” for keeping them in your hearts during the last 12 months. Thank you donors for the sacrifices you made, financially. Thank you volunteers for sharing your talents with our children and staff. And thank you shoppers for making it a great year at our popular Thrift Store! You are all important members of our extended family, and never were you more meaningful than in 2008-2009. As you know, the meltdown of the U.S. economy led to record demand, jittery donors and huge cutbacks in state funding. Sadly, it was a Perfect Storm that washed away many important programs. Fortunately, Casa de los Niños survived. And the reason we survived the storm? It was you! This is not to say Casa de los Niños is the same agency today that it was a year ago. We were forced to close two programs when the legislature cut their funding. We experienced layoffs. We “streamlined.” We remained standing, though, and today we find ourselves uniquely positioned to launch several new programs that will help the area’s children. We now offer at-risk mothers a support system called Raising Healthy Kids. We are also a newly approved Nurse-Family Partnership program, meaning we soon will manage a home nursing program to help firsttime moms manage their pregnancies and deliveries. We are expanding our infant mental health program. So while times are a-changin’, Casa de los Niños is changing with them. And with your help, we will always “be there” for the children of Southern Arizona. Thanks for caring, and Susie Huhn Executive Director 3 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report for sharing with the kids of Casa de los Niños! Helping Kids Isn’t Child’s Play Casa de los Niños offers a number of programs designed to help children and families. These programs are all about people … particularly the children we help every day. Meet Monica, Willie, Liza and Lea: Monica, herself a former foster child and now a divorced mother of three, voluntarily brought 2-year-old Daniel to live at Casa de los Niños while she tried to save her home … and her family. Monica had been laid off by a local retailer. She desperately needed to find work because she did not want the kids to live in a shelter. Monica’s older children attend school, but she had nowhere to leave Daniel when she interviewed for jobs. At Casa de los Niños, she knew, Daniel would be safe and well-taken-care-of. It was the only safety net she had. 351 children lived at our Crisis Shelter last year. The average stay was 40 days. The average number of children in residence was 37 a night. Willie was 6 when he first became a foster child. Neglected for years by a mother with dependency issues, Willie had developed some issues of his own. He had a serious hearing problem. He had a learning disability and an attention-deficit disorder. Fortunately, he then met Bill and Adrienne – foster parents in the Casa de los Niños foster care network. They drove 50 miles a day to make sure Willie could attend his regular school. They made sure his various needs were addressed and treated by specialists. And when Willie’s mom proved her determination to get a second chance, Bill and Adrienne helped her rebuild a relationship with her son. That was two years ago, and Willie is now living a happy and healthy life with his mom and two sisters. Not only did Bill and Adrienne save a child, they saved a family. Casa de los Niños manages and supports parents in 130 foster homes in Pima and Pinal counties. We cared for 409 children last year. Liza had seen a lot more of life than a 3-year-old should see. Her father drank, and 4 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report was combative when he did. He sometimes confronted Liza’s mom, and occasionally Liza herself. When a concerned friend phoned a domestic abuse hotline, Liza was removed from her home and placed with her grandparents. Her parents soon divorced, but Liza began demonstrating emotional problems. Her CPS case worker referred Liza, her grandmother and mom to Great Beginnings – the infant mental health program at Casa de los Niños. After a thorough assessment, the child and both adults began weekly therapy designed to redefine and re-build the relationship between mother and child. Work still needs to be done, but the scars are beginning to heal. Great Beginnings is a mental health program for infants and children under 5 who have seen or experienced trauma. We provided assessments and treatment for 183 kids last year. 2008-2009 S helter Censu s Gender All Programs Food Service Boys Girls Total 189 162 351 Ages Under 2 80 Preschool (2 -6)205 7 and Older 66 Bed Nights Total Bed Nigh ts13,671 Avg. Per Nigh t 37 Average Stay 40 Meals Snacks Program 37,446 Crisis Shelte r 351 Foster Care 409 Great Beginni ngs 183 Healthy Fam ilies 309 Judicial Supe rvision 1,485 Parent Educat ion 1,236 37,492 Why Children Come Danger, Negle ct63% Danger, Drugs 16% Domestic Vio lence 9% Physical Abu se 6% Homelessnes s3% Sexual Abus e3% Children Total 3,973 Lea was 19 when she delivered twin daughters at 26 weeks. Eva and Rosa were both born with medical issues that included vision problems, digestive problems, speech problems and cognitive delays. Early on, value of our new Raising Healthy Kids program funded by First Things First. The RHK team has provided Lea with bus passes, transportation to doctor’s appointments, home safety assessments and a monthly trip to the Food Bank. Lea also gets medical referrals when needed for her girls. Thanks to Casa de los Niños, she has a support system that is helping her keep the family together. Launched late last spring, Raising Healthy Kids is a program that provides a support system for at-risk parents with children under the age of 5. 5 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Casa de los Niños helped Lea learn how to care for her very small children. More recently, she has learned the Casa de los Niños Foundation If Casa de los Niños is focused on making the most of today, the Casa de los Niños Foundation has a different goal in mind. Our Foundation worries about tomorrow, and ways to make sure the doors stay open as long as there are children who need us. Established in 1988, the Casa de los Niños Foundation invites donations from friends who are interested in the long-term health of the organization. Trustees also manage the investments that form our reserve. This portfolio amounts to a “rainy day” fund that could become critical if state budget cutbacks and a stagnant economy jeopardize the care we offer our children. As a general practice, donations that come in the form of wills and bequests are forwarded to the Casa de los Niños Foundation and become part of our reserves. For more than 20 years, these funds have enabled the agency to adapt to an ever-changing environment. We have a number of named funds which honor friends and relatives. Two new funds were established this year. One is the Juan Agustín Perez Morales Memorial Fund. He was a Mexican orphan who did not let his unfortunate childhood stop him. When he died last year, Agnese Haury wished to honor her friend by establishing a fund in his name at Casa de los Niños. Another new fund is the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Endowment, a gift from the sisters’ Provencial Council. It honors the founder of Casa de los Niños, Sister Kathleen Clark, CSJ. Named funds managed by the Casa de los Niños Foundation include: Carey Charitable Remainder Trust Phillip B. Quinsler Sr. and Fuller M. Established by Marguerite Carey Quinsler Endowed Fund Established by Phillip B. Quinsler Jr. Edward R. Fernandez Memorial Fund Established by Carol Fernandez AuClair Larry and Sara Santora Endowed Fund Established by Larry and Sara Santora 6 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report George Mason and Lois C. Green Memorial Endowment Sister Mary Kathleen Clark Endowment Established by Lois C. Green Public Donations Honoring Sister Kathleen Moore Charitable Remainder Trust Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet Established by Marjorie and Loyal Moore Endowment Established by the CSJ Provencial Council Juan Agustín Perez Morales Memorial Fund Beth D. Stern Medical Services Fund Established by Agnese Haury Established by James, Shirley and Robert Lipsey Our Casa is Your Casa! It would be stretching a point only slightly to suggest Casa de los Niños has been “Tucson’s baby” since the day it opened in 1973. Truth be known, community support goes back even farther than that. When Sister Kathleen Clark went to City Hall to obtain the agency’s first permit, she did not have the $49 needed for fees. Staff members in the Planning Department quickly passed the hat to raise the needed amount. So it began, and the people of Tucson have been with us ever since. Preliminary figures from the 2008-2009 fiscal year show that 27 cents of every dollar we spent came from friends in the community. Private donations, private grants, special events and Thrift Store sales provided the agency with more than $1.6 million. What is more, a caring cadre of Casa de los Niños volunteers donated 16,128 hours of time. We couldn’t do it without you, and can’t thank you enough! The preliminary financials on this page represent activity in the 12 months ending June 30. On the pages that follow, you will see many of those who belong to our extended family. These are the friends and neighbors who gave cash donations of $200 and more during the 2008-2009 fiscal year. Again, thank you all! 2008-2009 Revenue Government Awards $ 4,328,850 Private Donations, Grants $ 987,650 Thrift Store (net) $ 319,480 Special Events (net) $ 221,170 Other Thrift Store 5% Private Donations, Grants 18% $ 57,000 $ 5,914,150 2008-2009 Expenses Program Services $ 5,454,500 Fundraising Costs $ 535,300 Administrative & Operating $ 324,700 Total $ 6,314,500 Administrative & Operating 5% Fundraising 8% Program Services 87% 7 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Total Government Awards 73% Special Events 4% Our Casa is Your Casa! Sister Kathleen’s Circle Sundt Foundation Paul & Darlene Earls ($10,000+) Robert & Lisa Swift Estes Co. Fred & Christine Armstrong Fdn Union Pacific Foundation Chuck Fellows Arizona State Prison - Perryville Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. Donald & Marji Fey Mary C. Bartol BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona Carondelet Center, Provincial Council Community Foundation So. Az. Cole & Jeannine Davis Agnese Haury The Jasam Foundation Madden Publishing Inc O’Rielly Family Foundation William and Mary Ross Foundation, Inc. Stocker Foundation The Stonewall Foundation Johanna Troller-Barr University Medical Center Founders Circle ($5,000 - $9,999) Paul & Mary Jan Bancroft Bed Mart Bernie & Susanne Collins E & M Charitable Fund Deborah Elkins Foundation EMS Realty, Inc. Jon & April Fenton The Gordon Foundation The Robert E. Hopper Family Fund In-N-Out Burger Fdn 8 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Jewish Community Foundation So. Az. Kautz Family Foundation Sam Levitz Furniture Co., Inc. Vern & Maria Lewis Marylin S. Broad Foundation Kenneth & Margaret McNealy MindPlay, Inc. Pima County Attorney, Criminal Division Nancy Richards James & Janet Ruby Elmon & Anne Sapp Harold & Kathleen Snyder Ronald S. Stano ’73 Circle ($1,000 - $4,999) ABC Supply Co Inc Holly Abeles AFNI David & Shirley Allen Allyn Family Foundation Mark Alvarez American Property Exchange Alberto Araujo Arizona Department of Corrections Thomas & Marcela Ball Marto & Jill Ballesteros Frederick Banfield Renate Beer Peter Bigot Stan & Amy Brewster Donald & Anne Brooks Mary Louise Brown Daniel & Allison Bryson Deborah L. Caldwell Calvary Chapel of Oro Valley John & Michelle Campbell Canyon State Equity, Inc. Carondelet Health Network Carondelet Medical Network John & Denise Carpenter Rick & Gail Chronister Cochise Community Foundation Commerce Bank of Arizona Community Worship at Trails West Compass Bank Employees Josephine Corso Jim & Ginny Cosbey Cummins Rocky Mountain LLC Cure IS Healthcare, Inc. Thomas Dasse Angela DeMaria Frank DiChristofano Don Mackey Cadillac-Pontiac, Inc. Boyd & Polly Finch Price Fishback & Pamela Slaten Lyn & Carol Fletcher Nystedt & Fletcher, PLLC James & Kim Frontz The Howard Gilman Foundation Gugino & Mortimer, PLC Joan Hall Harris Bank John Hartnett Hidden Valley Roofing Richard & Carla Hinton Jim Hogan Herbert & Jeanette Hoover Susie Huhn Catharine Hurley Independent Operators Association Intuit Ironwood Financial LLC Todd & Eileen Jackson Jade Tree Foundation Jim & Shelley Kais Alice Kessler Stan & Karen Kissinger Al & Janice Kivel Anne Klick La Canoa Lion’s Club La Casa Cards Regis & Pam Langelier Peter & Elizabeth Lerch Marian Lisitzky Bobbie Lloyd Donna J. Logan Edith Low Ann T. Luther Phyllis MacDonald Raymond E. Magnuson Susan M. Maxwell Jennifer McAninch McNamara, Goldsmith, MacDonald Our Casa is Your Casa! Miller’s Surplus Samuel Swift Doug & Sherry Cain Mintec, Inc Target Roger & Ellen Caldwell Loyal & Marj Moore TMC HealthCare Dee Chandler Donald & Julie Morton Tretschok McNamara & Miller PC Chapel of Light Daniel & DeLaine Mueller Tucson Airport Authority Jimmy & Isabel Chavez Mark & Tamra Myers Tucson Children’s Charity Foundation Lec & Robin Coble David & Shona Naccarati Tucson Electric Park Gem & Mineral Show Frank & Beverly Collins Law Office of William D. Nelson Tucson Electric Power Co. Complete Landscaping, Inc. Karen Nichols Universal Wallboard Corporation James & Charlotte Cordes Gary & Susan Nowak Voyager RV Resort Mark & Janice Cowley Jerry Opava Jennifer Waddell & Ryan Madar Dalio Family Foundation, Inc. Fred Pace Joan Wagener Mark & Annette David Art & Lois Pacheco Roy E. Walker Charles A. Davis Gilbert Padilla Wal-Mart Desert Industrial Supply LLC Pain Management Nursing Robert D. Walther Desert Willow Diamondbacks Ben & Mary Palazzo Tom & Diana Webster Barry & Linda DiSimone Claudia G. Perchinelli Todd Welch Jonathan E. DuHamel Presstek Wells Fargo Bank Daniel & Elizabeth Duquette Boz & Bonnie Prichard Wells Fargo Community Partners Kate & Sonny Dykes Cole & Robin Quilliam Susan F. Wick Doris Edelen Raging Sage Coffee Roasters, Inc. Jody Wilkinson David & Suzanne Emory Christian W. Reaney Wilson K-8 School Bill & Kathleen Estes Benjamin Rebeske Mary D. Wilson Evo-Ora Foundation Rita Reed Cecilia Wise Jim & Mary Ella Fetzer Deborah Reynolds Bob & Jane Young Bill Finley Irvin & Moira Richards Veronica Young Eileen Fitzmaurice Sherry Fowler Joan F. Robles Directors Circle Geary & Margaret Rummler ($500 - $999) Grant & Karen Freeland Billie Rusk Ali Abbasi Michael & Jo Helen Gasky Dr. & Mrs. John P. Sachs Toby & Pam Allen John Taigue Gaudielle Sahuaro HS Student Council American Express Gift Matching Program Gerald & Marion Gendell Santa Rita Abbey Cistercian Nuns Arizona Insurance Clinic, A.C.C. Nicholas W. Genematas Foundation Sven E. Silberschlag Clark & Ardith Arnold Kathleen Gibson Irving Silverman William & Molly Assenmacher Alan & Sammy Gilden Byron & Patricia Snyder Vahid & Cynthia Bagheri Jerry & Lucy Gosselink Sonora Vending Group Bryant & Betty Bannister Granite Construction, Inc. Southwest Energy, L.L.C. Steve & Carrie Barancik Jeff & Dianne Grobstein Norm Spindler Fil & Karen Barrera Marjorie Grochola St. Mark’s United Methodist Church Patricia Barry Patricia Henry The Harry & Marjorie Stewart Foundation Tom & Lisa Baumann Shannon Heuberger Mike & Nicole Stoops Vicki Began, R.N., M.N. Hi-Tech Machining & Engineering LLC MJ Stoops, Inc. Frances Beren Prudence Hoffman J. William & Helen D. Stuart Foundation Scott & Kim Blanchard William Hohmann Steve & Roxanne Suffecool Donald & Elizabeth Brosnan Honeywell Hometown Solutions Martin & Maureen Fox 9 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Robinette Architects, Inc. 10 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Our Casa is Your Casa! Jack & Mary Horner Melvin & Virginia Roberts James C. Ansier Kenneth & Arlene Jaeger Reneé Rodgers Abdullah & Donna Arik Stella Kahn Jonathan & Karen Rothschild Arizona Chapter of CPCU Society Norma Kastre Thomas & Mary Ryan Christopher & Kelly Arnold Charles & Zoe Dunn Mary Rybus Keith Arnold Chris & Amy Kelling Dee-Dee Samet, Esq. Boyd & Kristin Ashdown Carolyn F. Kerr Sargent Controls & Aerospace Eduardo Asunsolo Donald & Beatrice Kimball Michael & Linda Schwindenhammer David Atler Caroline Krause Lex & Carol Sears Carol Atwood David & Sandee Landsburg Carl & Elizabeth Segerstrom Michael Autry & Susan Dick Barry & Janet Lang Jana Sheffield B.A.S.I.C. Sally Lanyon & Paul Hawkins Daniel Sherman Theodore & Audrey Bailey Lawrence & Glenda Leach Randall & Anne Springer Mark & Janet Baker Michelle D. Livengood State Farm Insurance Gary & Karen Ball Mikel W. Lo George Stevens Doris Ballmer Humberto & Czarina Lopez Nan Stockholm Walden & Richard Walden Michael & Margaret Barnacastle R. J. & Debbie Lytle Martin & Lisa Suarez Joanne Baron Thomas & Ellen Maher Bazy Tankersley Stephen Barrera Ken Marsh & Penny Simms TGI Fridays Hale Barter & Kay Nelson Bill Martinez Matt Thorndal Bret & Mary Batchelor Leroy & Donna Masseth Margaret Tilford Kathryn Bates Stanley & Shirley Matlick Dale & Diane Tretschok Mary Lou Baxter Roy & Lynn Maynard Tucson Medical Center Robert & Pamela Becker John & Katrina McNerney Albert & Martie Weber Bonnie Beckmann Linda McSpadden McNeil West University Neighborhood Association Paul & Monica Bejarano MJKL Enterprises, LLC Mary Whaley Paul Bennett Mountain View Gastroenterology Ronald & Julie Widman Brooke Bentz Paul & Nancy Murphy William & Gail Wilson Edward Benzenhoefer Northwest Medical Center George Wooten John & Kathryn Bergan Northwest Medical Center Oro Valley Dan & Heidi Yribar Beyond Parties James O’Brien Mario Yrun Bill & Barbara Bickel Orthodontic Specialists of Tucson, PC Doug Zanes & Associates Alan & Krista Binnie Lisa Owens-Sredzinski Parallel Ventures, Inc. Circle of Friends Tamara Birch Denise Birger Leonard & Janet Parker ($200 - $499) Greye & Linda Passarelli Jean Aboud Thomas Bisping The Planning Center AIR Marketing Kathleen Black Albertson’s, Inc. Peter Bleasby Noreen Albright Frank Bohac Kathy Alexander & Paul Lindsey George & Betty Bowden Jack & Nancy Allen Jerry & Carol Bratton John & Lolly Almquist Carol Breckner Jimmy & Elisabeth Anderson Margaret Briehl & Dennis Ray Jessica Andrews Bright Future Business Consultants Frank & Jeannine Anjakos Bob & Marie Brown Dan & Pat Ponce H.K. & Jeri Dee Poole Ruth Ann Pozez Bill & Ruth Ramsey Seymour & Elinor Reichlin Ruben & Patsy Reyes Kirke Rice Klara Rieble David & Kathy Bishop C. J. & Laury Browning Davis Selected Advisors Paul Flasch Lloyd & Barbara Bruce Christina DeConcini & James Sweeney Foothills Social Club Lori J. Bryant Denise DeConcini & Robert Ramin Elizabeth D. Francisco Alan & Doreen Burbank Carol DeLillo Anne W. Froedge Gail Burd Johann Demmel Mary Fuller Clare Byrne Jane DeNigris Richard & Marjorie Furash Les & Debra Caid The Desert Neighbors Club Helen Gaebler Julien & Sandal Caillet Desert Skies United Methodist Church Mike & Kathy Gagnon Dennis & Anne Cain Margaret DesPortes Kelvin Gaiser William Cain Richard Diebold Carl Gajdorus California Portland Cement Company Robert & Brenda Dinius Erlinda Galindo Bobby & Pat Campbell Brian & Maggie Disbury Rachel Galindo Jimmy & Priscilla Cantu Charlie & Julie Dodd Victoria Gallon Carmelite Priory Norman & Tricia Don Frank & Cora Garcia Mary Carter Carol Donisi Jack Gardiner & Courtney Daniels Verne & Georgeann Casey Amy & Pete Drewek A. M. J. Gehrels Gary & Megan Chaplin Debra L. Drysdale William & Mona Gentz Chapman Acura Donald & Marjorie Dudley Faber & Sharon Glover Anita Clark David & Sandra Dunford Robert & Lorna Golseth Don & Sally Clark Ethel Durall Vern Gomez Larry & Hallie Clark Robert Eaton Janet A. Gordon Nate Clark Hannelore Eckert Douglas & Ronda Granrath Jim Click Ford Lincoln Mercury E.L. Edwards Jeanette Green Sam & Miki Coffman Elizabeth Edwards Joseph Green Mark Collingham Suzanne Edwards Green Tree Nursery Cornell & Carole Collins Arnold & Mary Carol Elias John & Nancy Groh John & Leanna Connelly Norman & Shirley Elliott Mike & Michelle Groseclose Nancy Copp Katharine R. Engels Raphael Gruener CoreSource Gwenn Engle Judy Guadagnoli Isabel Corres Paavo & Marguerite Ensio Josephine Guillen Catherine Cosentino EP Sports LLC Martin & Linda Gyuro William Cox Michael Epstein Debra Haddock Robert & Lynn Craig David & Brenda Ericsson Walter & Bonnie Hagen Jason Crane Donald & Rosemary Esposito Clifford & Pamela Halbert Robert Crowley Donald Eve Bruce & Nikki Halle Deirdre Crutchfield Brenda Even Thomas & Pamela Halpern Warren & Mary Culbertson Lori Fabbri Anne H. Hameroff, Attorney at Law Frank & Mary Culin Michael & Ana Facemire Don & Judy Hanning Ann Cunningham Gregory & Lisa Fahey Richard Hartje Dagmar Cushing Britt & Jil Feldhausen Don & Cathy Hatcher Paul D’Alessio Joseph & Colleen Fernandes Kathleen Haun Thomas & Valla Dalrymple Jerry & Leah Fileman Michael & Betty Headrick Mary Danser John & Karen Filippelli Charles Hebert Vince & Adrienne Dastole Dennis & Eileen Firebaugh John & Mary Jo Heffernan Ann Davidson Olin & Elizabeth Fisher Robert & Janine Hernbrode 1 | |2008 11 2008- -2009 2009Casa Casade delos losNinõs NinõsAnnual AnnualReport Report Our Casa is Your Casa! 12 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Our Casa is Your Casa! Hill Brothers Chemical Eva Lange Ann McDermott Cheri Holgerson Chance Lares Stu & Beb McIntyre James Hosea Jean Larson Robert & Virginia McKay Steven & Norine Houtz Charles Lathrem Mary McMillan & Theodore Waldron Darrel & Mary Hund Ralph & Patricia Lautmann Martha McMillen Dean & Judith Huntsinger Chuck & Carol Lawrence Patrick McQuade Marla Husz Roger Lawson Steve Melton Dennis & Wilma Jackson Dan R. Leach Eduardo & Geraldine Mendez John Jamieson LeCroy & Milligan Assoc., Inc. Wesley & Jean Mengert Thomas Jancic Robert & Elizabeth Lee Jeff & Michelle Meyer John & Mary Janezic Kate Lehmann Sharon L. Miller Mahendra Jani Yoram Levy Joseph & Michelle Millstone Gloria Jarab James Liebert Rudy & Corinne Moctezuma Tim Jefferson George & Sheila Lindsay Rose Mofford Betty Jett James Lonergan MomBomb LLC Rudy Jimenez Raymond & Joanne Lopez Maggie Moreland Byron & Perla Jones Kevin & Jane Loughrey Robert Moreno Margaret Jorgensen Lovitt & Touche, Inc. Marsha Morgan Rory & Elizabeth Juneman Rita Lugo Tom & Dorothy Morgan Kalil Bottling Co MAGA Daniel Morrison Lori Kamins Eileen Macario Katherine Morrissey Shelley Kaplan Donald & Claire Macha Jerry & Danielle Moser Joanne M. Karolzak Cameron Madaras Daniel Motley Joanna Katsanis John & Beverly Manfredonia Mike & Ann Moynihan Tim & Carol Keefer David Mann Frank & Carolyn Mueller Peter Keesal Steve Manson & Kim Braun Patrick Murphy & Janice Hephner Jeanne Keiter-Marek Rose Marie Manweiler Keith & Judy Murray Steven & Marta Ketchel Susan Marroney Kudagal & Swarna Murthy Hema Khan Edna Martin Music Box Lounge James & Kathi Kiel James & Phyllis Martin John Naegele Burton & Nancy Kinerk Scott Martin National Air Traffic Controllers Assoc. Dori Klass Jim & Grace Mason Tom & Charlotte Nelson Barbara Ann Klensin Barbara Mather William & Dianne Nelson Edith Knisely Lambert & Virginia Matl Barbara Newman McCabe Robert Knowlden Gerald Matyk New-Way Auto Parts, Inc. Jeanne C. Koch Warren & Felicia May Alan Nichols Howard Kong Noe & Lucille Mayotte Joan Noble Mildred Kortsen Star Mazza Hella Nordberg & Alicia Tonnies Carolyn Kowalcek Linda McAlister Paul Norman George & Catherine Krauja Mark & Helen McCarty Mike & Marcia Notheis Maria Kristofl John McClain Susan Nuhn Neil Kunst Tim & Eva McClaughry Ob-Gyn Nurse Practitioners Lois Lagerman Barbara McCormick Chris & Diane O’Brien Sue Lambert Robert McCue Claudia C. Ochia Ione Odermann Robert & Martha Rodriguez So Arizona Correctional Release Center Robert & Lucille Offerle Patricia Roediger Southwest Gas Corporation Koliti Okada Burton Rogers Mark & Gloria Spies Ronald & Sharon Olding Larry & Melanie Rogovein Jim & Harriet Spiesman Anna O’Leary Francisco Romo Joseph & Shirley Spitler Chris Olfano Tom & Eileen Rotkis & Caitlin Bill & Mary Anne Springer Laurel Olson Douglas & Kathy Rowsell St. Bede’s Anglican Church Oracle Corporation Mark Rubin, Attorney Mary Stark Robert & Debra Oro John Rudd Bill Stein Harley & Sally Ostergaard Dianne Ruehle Judy Stevens Alan Osumi & Bonnie Scott-Osumi Barbara Russek Thomas & Janice Stillwell Curtis & Brenda Ousley Dana P. Ruvalcaba Daniel Stromberg Adolf & Geraldine Paier Walter Ryan George & Gayla Strong Fred & Candace Parker Patrick Ryder Robert & Frances Suarez Michael Pastula Nick & Terry Saban T. L. Roof & Associates Conrad Paul Adib & Entisar Sabbagh Tanque Verde Guest Ranch Bob & Jan Paullette Sahuaro Girl Scout Troop 1310 Gary Tardivel The Payson Family Foundation Ronald Salik Patrick & Joyce Taylor John & Beth Peterson Pat & Lyn Salvo Sara Taylor-Chanez Raymond Peterson Richard & Wilma Sandberg Territorial Nancy Petras Brent & Wendy Sandweiss Kenneth Tertel Gregory & Roberta Lynn Pivirotto Irene M. Sarver Ross & Amanda Teske Joseph & Joan Pobrislo Dan & Mary Beth Scheller Cole & Carol Thies Misty Pond Frederic & Marcia Schilling Thompson Creek Metals Company Paul Powell Jolyon & Diane Schilling Hugh & Allyn Thompson William & Teresa Powell Joseph Schlacks James & Donna Thompson Charles & Maria Preble Jim & Mary Ann Schnitzer Jack & Susan Thompson Georgina A. Preston Brad Schwab & Nancy Day Margaret R. Thornton Kathleen Price Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc. Sheila Tongue Richard Puckett Helen Seagraves Town & Country Foods, Inc Jimmy & Diane Quihuis Matthew & Ellen Sears Donald & Louise Tracy Quik Mart Stores Inc. Milford Seby Mary Trammell Scott & Robin Rash Richard Sedway Richard & Christine Treveloni Delores E. Ray Steven & Wynema Shapiro Tucson Woman’s Club Donald E. Ray Lawrence & Dolores Sheehy Tucson Youth Football & Spirit Patrick & Barbara Couzens Ziad & Leila Shehab Mark & Karen Reeves Sherrida Shepard Bob & Pat Turnbull Richard & Cheryl Reif Shannon Shepherd Alvin & Julie Turner Bob & Carol Renfro Bill & Edie Shields Dorothy Tustison Dan & Elsa Reyes Pat Shorey Kristofer & Janet Tvedt Armando & Maria Cristina Reyna Richard & Pamela Simoneaux U.S. Marshals Service Clarke & Grace Richards Bill & Jeanne Sisco William & Celina Valenzuela Noel Ring Dan Skevington Jerome & Joan Van Lancker Haydn & Alison Roberts Francine Smith Edwin & Julie Van Woert Barbara Rodgers Almarene J. Snead George & Dawn Vance Scorpions 13 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Our Casa is Your Casa! Our Casa is Your Casa! Brian Winkle William Hohmann - 24 Eva Koldovsky - 24 Bill Martinez - 24 John Naegele - 24 Norm Spindler - 24 Roy E. Walker - 24 Edward & Ceilia Warapius - 24 Dave & Jackie Faulkner - 23 Dorothy Kalil - 23 Robert Knowlden - 23 Edith Lowery - 23 Maurice & Amy Schlossberg - 23 Dale & Diane Tretschok - 23 Anne S. Guillery - 22 Mike & Gerri Koen - 22 Donald & Elizabeth Brosnan - 21 Stan & Karen Kissinger - 21 F. Sayre Lawrence - 21 Kaoru & Carmen Matsuda - 21 Mary D. Wilson - 21 Fred & Ann Boice - 20 Mary K. Burke - 20 Lyle Frohberg - 20 Audrie Johnston - 20 Joseph Lacagnina - 20 Francis & Marilyn Murray - 20 Ben & Mary Palazzo - 20 Annegret Perlmutter - 20 Christopher & Elena Wintzer Raymonde S. Perricone - 20 Georgia Velarde Pamela Villar Ryan & Emily Vondrak Jessica Walker Lois Warner John & Sue Warnock Arthur & Shan Warrick Washington Mutual Employees Robert & Evie Wasik Dave & Lucille Weaver Mike & Teresa Weaver Ted Weinert Frances W. Werner Karen West & Evan Iverson James & Amy White Tommye Wiers Jerry & Donna Wilcox Jim & Cindy Wilhelmi Donovan Williams Harold & Nancy Willingham Rex & Carol Willoughby Glenn & Mic Wilson Hubert & Nancy Jo Winebrenner 14 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Kathleen Witt & Millard Cluck Gerald & Gayl Woityra Circle Of 30 James M. Wolf During our 30th anniversary year, Nick & Pat Woolf Susan Maxwell and Ben Palazzo led Marie Yonkers a campaign that persuaded these David & Patricia York 30 great friends to pledge $10,000 Remus & Tanya Zaharescu apiece to Casa de los Niños. James Zeeb James Zimmerman Teresa Zimmerman Every Year Circle Record-keeping in the early days of the nursery was not an exact science, but our files indicate the following friends have made annual donations for 20-plus years: Billie Rusk - 25 Neil & Garnet Ashley - 24 Grant & Karen Freeland - 24 Arizona Lithographers Deborah Caldwell Marguerite Carey Clara & Bob Caylor Susanne & Bernie Collins Ginny & Jim Cosbey Richard Coulter Joe & Cindy Dhuey Ellen H. DuMont Brandy & Larry Dyer Pamela Slaten & Price Fishback Bonnie Fortunato Pritchard Nancy Hannan Adolph Hauser Jeanette & Herbert Hoover Shirley & Curtis James Al Kivel Investments Karin S. Krauter Ginny & Jaime Ledesma Susan Maxwell Susie & Tim Moncher Marjorie & Loyal Moore Mary & Ben Palazzo Pat & Chuck Pettis Karen & Jonathan Rothschild Dee-Dee Samet, Esq. Pamela & Richard Simoneaux Jeanne & William Sisco Myrna Strelinger Kristi & William Trimble Abuelo Circle Using a word that means “grandparent” in Spanish, the Abuelo Circle includes those who have included Casa de los Niños in their wills or estates. Kent Bader Mary C. Bartol Loretta Boccuzzi Willis & Carol Brewer Bel Campbell Don & Kathryn Cottey Richard Coulter Lee & Annette Davis Judith C. Day Kirby Fones Carl Holder June Irvine Dee Kabbaj Jerome Kaufman Patricia Kelly John & Margot Macy Duncan Martin Loyal & Marj Moore William Polon Veronica Porter Bill Rice Charlotte Selling Marguerite Smith Catherine E. Tapley Lucy J. Tarbox Loren & Virginia Vance Mary D. Wilson Our Casa is Your Casa! Las Estrellas Circle Las Estrellas are the shining stars who hosted 2009 Night for Children parties. These events were presented by Diamond Children’s Medical Center and University Medical Center. Other sponsors were BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona, EMS Realty and Commerce Bank. Randy and Barbara Armenta Fil and Karen Barrera Vicki and Chris Began John and Paulette Bremond Mardee and Jim Briscoe Chris and Evelyn Brown Marguerite Brown Debi Butler Casa de los Niños Trustees Nancy Cox Fred Cross Linda and Barry DiSimone Peggy Drachman Steve and Dee Eddy Chuck and Mary Beth Edmonds Peter Eisner Jil and Britt Feldhausen Anita and Antonio Rush Tretschok, McNamara & Miller PC Tom and Judy Stefanek TMC Healthcare Nicole and Mike Stoops Tucson Electric Power Lisa and Martin Suarez Richards Group Sharon Young and Keith Ellis Heidi and Dan Yribar Car Raffle Circle These generous sponsors took part in the 2008 Madden Media Casa Car Raffle: Holiday Wish Tree Circle Thank you to those who helped promote the Casa de los Niños Holiday Wish Tree: Macy’s Department Stores MEGA 106.3 Madden Media FOX Channel 11 KMSB Tucson Home Magazine KTTU Channel 18 Adams Automotive Olive Garden SAHBA Home Show Sam Hughes Place KGUN Channel 9 In Memoriam 94.9 MIX FM 104.1 The Truth The Casa de los Niños family mourns the 1490 The Fan passing of Mary Bartol, who died August MEGA 106.3 13th in Morristown, NJ. Mary was 86. A former resident of Sonoita, Mary had been Golf Classic Circle one of our most caring supporters. We will These generous sponsors took part in the 2009 Sam Levitz Casa Golf Classic at Arizona National Golf Club: miss her deeply. Dianne and Jeff Grobstein Sam Levitz Furniture Marlene and Larry Harris BlueCross BlueShield of Arizona Nicola Hartmann EMS Realty Wendy Hendrickson and Dave Fraser Ben Palazzo & Family Sister Michelle Humke Law Office of Bill Nelson Todd Jackson Carondelet HealthCare Tim Jefferson Nystedt & Fletcher PLLC Pamela and Regis Langelier Harris Bank Sally Lanyon Silberschlag Group Raymond E. Magnuson Mike Stoops Lynn Maynard Cure IS Healthcare Glee McCruley Estes Land & Development Co. Meghan M. Miller McNamara, Goldsmith, MacDonald Moira Richards Wells Fargo Bank Reneé Rodgers 15 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Cedrick Fletcher Our Mission: To prevent child abuse and neglect by offering services that promote child safety and family stability. Our Vision: To live in a world where all children 16 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report are protected and cherished. 1 | 2008 - 2009 Casa de los Ninõs Annual Report Casa de los Niños 1101 N 4th Ave Tucson, AZ 85705 520-624-5600 www.casadelosninos.org
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