Principles of Management of Cor Pulmonale* Peter Harris, J1.D. ' or pulmonale.' medns different things to different people and so it is necesmry to start with a definition. Here is the definition given b! \VHOz: "Hypertrophy of the right ventricle resulting from diseases affecting the function and/or structure of the lung, except \\,hen the pulmonan alterations are the result of diseases that primaril) affect the left side of the heart or of congenital heart disease." The \VHO' classificat~ondnides the causes of cor pulrnonale into three main groups. The first group consists of diseases primarily affecting air passages, lungs and alveoli and includes the pulmonary hypertelisio~l of high altitude. The second group consists of diseases primaril! affecting movements of the thorac~ccage. .\nd the third group consists of diseases primarily affecting the pulmonan vasculature. Each of these groups contains a large number of diseases and it tvould not be possible to discuss each one in detail. I proposc. therefore. to select a small number of causes of car pulmonale which will illustrate the main processes occurring during the evolution of this disease. These processes are threefold-mechanic:~I overload of the right ventricle, hypoxia and hypercapnia. Table 1 sho\vs the diseases which have been chosen to illustrate the three processes. Overload of the right ventricle can he acute as in massive pulmonary embolis~n or chronic as in multiple diffuse embolization of the pulmonary arterial tree or as in primary pulmonary hypertension. Chronic hypoxia in its simplest form occurs in life at high altitude. It may also be due to diffuse pulmnnar) fibrosis or granulomata which impair the diffusing capacity of the lungs. In these latter diseases, ho\vever. the situation may often be complicated by involvement of the pulmonary arterial vessels by organic disease. Finally, there is no example of pure c.ul)on dioxide retention, but I have chosen the classic and common disease of chronrc bronchitis in which there is a combination of carbon dioxide 'Instihit? of C.nrd~olop!, L'nnrrsih retention, hyposia and right ventricular overload \IECHASICAL OVEHLOAD OF THE RICM VESTRITLE llthooah acute masswe pulmonary embolizahon i~ a dramahc and f a d ) common etpenrnce to all of us in horp8tal prachce, it may not be enhrrly realized how eeteenalre the ~ r c l u i o nnf the polrnonary arteries ha\ to Iw In thu clt\e.~u. The sudden occln\ion of one main branch of the polmonar) .arter> hy rnrana of a balloon on the end of a cardlac catheter leads to an increae m p o l r n o n a ~ arterial prrcsurr of nnl) \"me 5 rnm HE.?-' T h k bean nut the obser\.ahuns of the pathologists that maoi\.e pulmonan ernbol~zationto l x fatal lhas tu tn\.i,l\.r cons~derabl) more than 50 percent of the pulmonary arterial hrc. Here we are faced w ~ t hthe effects of a wddm cnrrloadtne of the nght \.enhbcle and thew are rathrr dlfferrnt from the more well-knoun effects of a gradual incrmqr an lo.ld tvliich ma) lart fur loonthq or for )ran.In the c z e of maslve pulmonary embol~~?tion the presmre ~n the puIm,,n,>q nrtrr? d w r not oruall) nse nearly to th? -me rttcnt as ~t can do in chronlr dbease. Nr\erthele\s, the r i ~ h t ~ m t n c l rd w s not ha\.r time to de\elop h?pertrophy I" order t,, cope with the exha load and becomes rapidly and aenonsl) rinbarraa\ed. It\ uutput falls and the rllnical ptcttlrr is often ciomlnatrd as much h) the appearance of shwk a 5 it i, b? the ,pcrlfic rffrch of pullni,nan I?? wrtrnston. Therapy d i t ~ d e srtsrlf tnto thore measures whlch are taken d~rectl?on the rrnir,lus and those ohtch are taken to prc\mt further release of etnholi from their rttc of origin. \V~ththe .td\ancea ~n cardlac \urger).. dl-t *t~rgicalattack on the r l n h l u r h z I m a m e a prachcal propnsihon. But, while the procrdr~re is logical and there are e\-~dmtlypatients who d ~ e under !nore conventional regimms u h o might be smed by ernerEency surgPr), it ,till has to be demonshated that the overall mortality k irnprov~l.The inhcdochoo of fibrinoly*~ agents has placed the p,,slb~lity of direct attack on d ~ e embolus in the hands of the physictans. The pre\rntlon of further emboliahon also has both surgical and medical prop,nenh. Here there are rather clearly defined trans-Atlanhc differences of opinion, since operations on the lnferior vena c a m are not mrnrnonly perfomled in Enplnnd where reliance 1s uruall) placed on the unaided effecb of adrquate anticoapulahon. ~ e s sspectacular hot certainly no less sinister than the effects of rnasrlre pulmonary thrarnboernholization are the effects of widespr~adocclvsion of the srualler pulmonary arterial vessels by thrornboemboli. To affect the pulmonary artenal precsure rrich embolization ha\ to Ix widespread and occon o\.rr a penod w h ~ h may e\tend from a few weeks tn of Loodon. London, 43 Downloaded From: on 06/09/2014 PETER HARRIS Table I - D i e a m Choren t o Illu.rrote Meehon"ms Leadins t o Cor Pulnuonak. .I &lerhanieal uvrrload oi t h r~~ g h tventr~rlc B C Arute thromboemlml~sm Chronlr recurrat pulmonar)- rmhhzation Prtmary pulmannry hypertea%iun Hypoxia Htgh alt~tude D i f f w pulmonary fibrosm Retention of carbon dloxlde Chrunir I,ronrhitl> several yean. Under the m~croscope~t is the muscular pulmonary arteries and the small elashc pulmonary artenes which are affected. Their lumens become m l u d e d by clot and organlzahon and recanalmation cmor. The pressure in the pulmonary artery rises sometimes to an extreme degree and the right ventricle hypertroph~esand ulhmately fails. The symptoms of the disease are ~nsidious.There is not usually any history of hemoptysis or pleontic pain. Instead the patient complains of a gradually increasmg shortness of breath sometimes with an unproducb\.e cough, w a s ~ o n a l l y with syncope from bme to hme with . . on effort and wrhaps . rpaodxler of une~plaineddyrpnea. Perhapp the most important contnbotir,n the physician can bring to the management of this disease IS an awareness of its frequency, for m its early stages it a a treatable disease while in iis later stages tt is untreatahle and fatal. Treatment in the early stager is by anticoagulation which has to be prolonged and probably should be conhnued indefinitely. Certainly I can recall on one m a s i o n stopping ~t after three yean only to have the patient return with a pulmonary infarction a few weeks later. Probably tt is best to err on the safe s ~ d eas the risk to the patient's life are serious. Another condition giving me to chron~coverload of the right ventricle is the rare dihease of primary pulmonary hypertenston. It tends to occur most frerluently ~n young women and is masionally familial. Under the microsmpe the muscular pulmonary arteries undergo the changes described by Heath and Edwards3 under the term "hypertensive pulmonary vascular disease." Thew is an increa.e m the rnurculature of the media with intimal proliferation in the early stages. Latrr in the m u n e of the disease the muscular polrnonar) arteries become m l u d e d and fibrotic while their small arteriolar branches debclop the bizarre dilated malformations which are called by Edwards and Heath the "dilatation Ipsions." In this disease the pulmonary artery pressure rises to rinkter proportions, the right venbicle hypertrophies and the patient dies ultimately with a failing nght renhicle. There is unfom~nnhlylittle enough one can do for patients with this disease which is invariably fatal. Drugs which might wssibly have a vasodilating action on the pulmonary c~rculationh a w been hied without success. Pulmonary s)mpathectomy has also been found to have no affect and anticoagulant drugs are of no value Cardiac catheterizahon and especially angiographg carry sn increased nsk In t h s mndition. Although there s no eRective keatment for pnmary pulmonary hypertension. the last few years have brought new information which might possibly lead to a greater understanding of tts etiology and thus greater hope for ,is prevention. R ~ e n t l yGurtner" has d r a m attention to an epidemic of primary pulmonary hypertenston ~ ~ r in nS w i~~ e r lga n d . Among 65 patients, 50 had taken an anorectic drug, Amino~ rex ( 2 amino-5 phenyl4 oramline) Similar epidenlin h a \ e been noted in Austria and Gern~anywhere the dnlg was also marketed, the geagraph~cdlitrrbution of the zp~delnicas well ar the date of its appearance rn~ncidedwlth the availablllty of thr dnrg. Although the epidemiologic evidence is strong, no effects of Aminore\ m\en by mouth have so far k n reported in animah. Lest. however, it be doubted whether a rutstance given by month can cause a specific prtlrnonar?. h>pertens~nn, we have the example of the effects of Crotabno rpectabilis ~n the rat.' \\%en the seeds of t h a plant are added to the dirt of weanling rats they develop severe pulnlonary hypertension which causes right ventrinllar hypertrophy and failure fmm which they die In about four weeks. Conmand and his c a l l e a ~ \ l e r6~n t sho\ved the increare in polmunary arterial pressure whlch ackompanies acute hypoxla in man. People h l m g at high alhhide are subjected to chrontc h>poiva and also shou, an Increase in the pressure in the pulmonary artery. In the Prnnian Andes there ir an mdigenous population li\ing at an altihlde in the region of 1 5 , W feet above sea Iwel where studies of the pulmonary circulation ha\" been earned out by Peaalow and his colleagues."'o Table 2 shows data taken from PeBalnza 'I' In the normal wptllahon the pohlonary arterial pressure ha\ a mean value of borne 33 to 30 mm Hc. Such a mild elevatnon ~n pressure doer not seem to affect the funchon of the heart to any practical extent. People l i \ ~ n gunder such condibnns are capable of se\.err physical rxerclsr and the effects of h > p > r i a do not seem to limit the length of their life. \\hen they are taken to sea level the polmonar) arterial presborr falls to nonnal. Although their ptdmonary arteridl and muscular pulmonary artenrs show some increase in medial muscle" the severe changes described by Heath and Edwards in extreme hypertenalve pulrnonar) vascular d~sease do not IICCIIT. Therr is, however, a small group of people Intng permanently at high altitude who develop what has become Lmoum as c h m n s mountain sichess or \longr's disease. These patientt become dyrpnelc. To look at, they are ckarly polycythernlc and they dexelop a high hematowit and hemoglobin (Table 2 1. The pulmonary arterial pressure is no\+ dstinctly elevated and may lead to rlght vcntrlcular failure. It s usually consider~dthat the condition arises becanw of a lack of response of the rsplrator) center tn the hyporic stimulus, and Table 2 shows that the arterial oxygen saturation tends to k lower in thts group of patients than it a in normal people at the same altitude. Another poss~bilityis that these patients hale some degree of emphysema, for the disease appean to Table 2--Loboratory Findin68 in Chronic Mountain Sickness m 4,300 meter. (Data from PeMlolo. 1969) Arterlnl oxygen snturntlon (51 Hematorrit ( % ) \lean ~,nlmonaryarterial prssnre imm H R I Cardtar output ( I ~ t r r srmn m21 Chronic llo~mtaln Slrknew IlOCa.% Sormal Kesldents (IPCa-sl 70 79 8I 59 47 4.0 23 3.8 CHEST, VOL. 58, SUPPLEMENT NO. 2, OCTOBER 1970 Downloaded From: on 06/09/2014 MANAGEMENT OF COR PULMONALE be more common in men of middle age. .4t this altitude the oxygen saturation of the arterial blmd is poised an the elbow of the oxygen dissociation curve. Thus a small decrease in the parfial pressure of oxygen due to alveolar hypoventilation can h a w a very much greater effect on the oxygen saturation of the arterial blood than it would at sea level. Whatever the p m w nature of the patholog~cprocess the only advice one can give to such pahenb is that they should remove themselves to sea level w k r e their disability rapidly dirap -.I@ How the myocardium responds to the stimulus of chronic hypoxia might well be an impartant factor in the natural history of many diseases associated with hypoternla. h great deal of knowledge has been accumulated concerning the metabolic response of the myocardium to acute hypoxia. The respiratory physician, however, would be more interested in how the myocardium responds to chronic hypoxia, and here one is more m n c e d with changes in the activity of enzymes than ~n the immediate changes in substrate concenbations which arc so obvious in acute hypoxia. Knowledge of the effech of chronic hypoxia on the myocardium a, hawever, scanty. R e n t studies m the Peruvian Andes have shorn a sltbstantial increase in the activity of m)ocardial succinic dehydmgenase in high altitude animak while lactic dehydrogena~eactivity remains unaffected. Thus the shmulus of chronic hypoxia appears to stimulate activity or ryothesis of a mitochondria1 enzyme linked to the respiratory cham and playing an important role in oxidative catabokm.'? There is great need for further knowledge concerning the metabolic adaptations of the heart to chronic hypoxia. There are also important changes in the functional capacity of the heart during adaptation to high altitude.13 Soon after arrival at high a l h h ~ d ethe cardiac output is abnormally high during exercise. Within two to three week, however. the reslxlnsr of the cardiac output to exercw return to normal. I believe ~t IS importaot to bear in mind these adaptation5 of the heart to chronic hypoxja just as ~t is Important to di\tinpu\h Iwhveen the e f f f f h of an acute and c h m n ~ cmechantcal overload on the right ventricle. The nert group of patienb with chronic h m x i a are those with diffuse fibmru or granulomatmis of tbe lungs in whom there is a prominent deficiency of the diffusing capactty. In these patients the pulmonary hypertensinn tends to be more severe because to the effects of h y p ~ x i a are added the mechanical effecb of disease in relation to thr small pulmonary arteries. Thus the right ventricle tends to be more seriously overloaded and ruffen at the same time fmm the disabil~tyof a shortage of artenal o\ygen. The Pro1 tends to be low k n a r e of the hyperventilation which so often accompanies such diseases and because there is no impediment to the parrage of carbon dioxide across the alveolar-apillary nwmhnne. For these patienb the giving of oxygen is the logical t r e ~ t m e n tand some of them indeed can only exist under these circumstance. Occasionally one might hope that the giving uf oxygen might allow the patient to sunive until same other means of therapy ( p e r h a p steroids) can alleviate the pathr,!ogic p r m s in the lungs themselves. Slore often, however, the outlook for these patients is very limited. Nevertheless. the giving of oxygen a important in order to keep them comfortable during the last days of their hves. In this everyday d i s e ~ s e~ , have e to deal not only with the effecb crf h y p x i a hut also with the effects of hypercapnia. The pullnonary hypertension in such patients tends to be CHEST. VOL. 58, SUPPLEMENT NO. 2, OCTOBER Downloaded From: on 06/09/2014 labile, increasing dramatically when an acute respiratory infection occun. Under there circumstance there is a sharp decrease in the arterial oxygen saturation which is probably the main cause of the pulmonary hypertension. There is endeoce, however, that the ~ n c r e a datrways resistance may lbelf contribute mechanically to the raised pulmonary vascular resistanm.14 The retention of carbon dioxide which accompanies the hypoxia adds a risk to oxygen therapy which is not present in the other condrtions we have been dirursing. Thus it has been known for many years that the administration of h ~ g b conceobahons of oxygen to these patienb may caw a dangerous fall ~n ventilatian.l5 This is a problem which has been considered ekewhere in the symposium. What s unequivocal, however. is the need to unprove overall alveolar vinhlation-by hronchdilators, antibioticr, respiratory stimulants. mehanical vendahon or hacheostomv. The details of such therapy do not come strictly wlthin the terms of reference of the present communication. It may, nevertheless, be helpful to emphasize here that probably the most important therapy to the heart ibelf in this condition u the establ>shlnent of an increased exchange of respiratory gases in the lungs. This is the fint princ~pletn the management of the cor p u h o n a l e of chron~cbronchihs. The semnd principle is almost a corollary to the first-the reduction of the need to exchange respiratory gases in the lungs by a reduchon in the metabolic requirement\ of the body. Some of the measwe have already mns~deredudl have this effect, for instance, a reduction in the work of breathing or in the body. tempera. h~re.Within this principle also one should consider the o-ity for bodily rest. The third principle ir to improve the function of the myocardium, but this is not such a simple problem as in other forms of heart disease. Thew patienb have an elevated qrtemlc venous pressure and edema-the classic phyrical signs of congestive cardiac failure. Nevertheless, in contract to patienb with valvar disease of the heart it doer not appear that this situation is ammpanred by a decrease in the cardiac output.16 It might, therefore, be debated whether one is strictly dealing with a mndltion of cardiac failure. The combination of a normal resting cardiac output with an increased filling pressure might suggest that the right ventricle is not behaving normally. On the other hand, cyclical changes in inhathoracic pressure may, by themselves, cause the mean hydrostahc pressure in the cardiac chambers to increase without the need to invoke ventricular failure.'? Oplnions have varied concerning the e5cacy of digitalis ~n this condihon. The careful hemodynamic studies of Dr. Ferrer and her c o l l e a g u e s , ~ ~ o w e v e rhave , s h o w that the gi\ing of digitalis is a-mparued by an increase in the cardiac output and a fall in the end diastolic pressure in the right ventricle although there is some increase tn the pulmonary arterial pressure. On hemdynamic grounds, therefore. there would seem to be an indtcatioo for the giving of thls drug, although rt has to be admitted that its clinical effecb are not so oh\ious in this dkeare as they are in patienb with chronic valvar disease associated with atrial fibrillation. These patienb also show a greater tendency than others to develop ectopic rhythms following treaiment with digitalis. The cause of this increase in senriti\ity has not been properly elucidated. It may possibly be due directly to the presence of hrpaxia or it may be associated with the depletion of potassium which is so common in this conditian.'a,20 Venesection either in the acute or chronic phase of hronchitic cor pulmonale has its advocates, although 1 am not PETER HARRIS numbered among them. The studies of Srgel and Bishop" on the rffects of repeated venesection lo patients with chronic bronchatis who were suffering from a chronic p o l ~ c ~ t l ~ e m i a ga\.e ven lnttle evidencr of benefit. The fourth pnncnple of management is the restoration of electrolyte imbalnnm. The effects of a retention of carbon dioxide on electrolyte metaboli5m ar? probably dictated more by ewhangrr between the tissue cells and the e\tracellular fluid than they are by altrrahons in renal function.223 There i* a lms of sodium and potassium from the eel$ in exchangr for hydrogen iona and a specific exchange of chloride for hicarbunate by the red e l l s . The reabsorption of bicarbonate by the kidney wr lncrraced and thew s an increased orinar) loss of potasir~m. In pntirnts in an edmmatous state, however, these even& are complicat~l by specific changer in renal h1nction.24 There is a reduction tn renal b l d Bow and a smaller rerluction ~n glolnemlar filtration rate with a renal rptention of sndiurn similar to that found in patients with edema doe to valvar d i s e a ~ Whatever duuhts one might ha\e concerning the cllniral efficacy of d ~ g i t a l ein this condition the value of d~ureticc must be undicputed. Both mercurial and nonrnercunal dlureti n am effective although mndern practice tends to favor the latter especially now that such drugs are available for inhavenous rl*r. The rmponsp is often dramahc and in some mysterious wny the giving of diumtin appears to tmpn,\.e respirator). gas etchange bringing the arterial levek towards One mold lmagine that this action e due to the the norn~al.s% removal of Auld retamed in the lung hrsor spaces. The u,ork of Tunno and his colleagnessu suggests that the \olnme of exhava*c~tlarr a t r r in the lungs a h~gherin ernphyse~nntou\ patients with edema than in t h w without. In the giving of thiaz~drdjurrtin one has to be particolarlj careful to prevent a Ims of patassiom s i n e so many of these patients have a depletion of bod) potaqrium before the Iwginmng of treatment. SUXI~IMY Three main processes underlie the pathogenesis of cur pulmonale-mechanical overload of the right ventricle, hypoxia and hypercapnia. A number of causes of cur pulmonale has been selected to illustrate the varying role of these three processes and the way in which an understanding of their nature prolldes principles on which therapy can be based. REFERES~ 1 Bull \VHO: Tech RepSer So. 213, 1961 2 Snderholm B: The h a e m o d p a m i n of the lesser circulation in pulmonary hikrcttlmis. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 9 ( rupp126 ), 1957 3 Widimsky J, Fa*altcky J . Cardiovascular adaptation to acute pulmonary hyperternion. \led Tharac 21.339-382, 1964 4 H a m s P. Segel S . Bishop 111: The relation between presaore and Row in the polmonar). circulation m normal subjects and in p a t i w b with chronic bronchitis and mitral stenoris. Canliovas Rrs 2373-83. 1968 5 Heath D, Edwards J E : The patholog). of hypertensive pulmonary vascular <lnea\r. Circulation 18533-547, 1958 6 Gurtner HP. Pulmonary hypertension produced by ingestion of substances. Bull Phyaio-path Resp 5:435-441, 1969 7 Kay J\I. Hamr P. 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