INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALTER HIGH SCHOOL TUITION WORKSHEET AND COMMITMENT FORM Registration due date: February 7, 2014 1. Enter name(s) of student(s) who will be enrolled at Alter for 2014-15 and your Parish. 2. Using criteria defined below, determine the annual tuition for the student(s) identified in one above. Category 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Parish families with an annual gross income of less than $60,000 and who file a completed financial aid application with FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. Both eligibility requirements must be met. Parish families with an annual gross income between $60,000 and $80,000 and who file a completed financial aid application with FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. Both eligibility requirements must be met. Parish families with an annual gross income between $80,000 and $100,000 and who file a completed financial aid application with FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. Both eligibility requirements must be met. Parish families with an annual gross income between $100,000 and $200,000 and who file a completed financial aid application with FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment. Both eligibility requirements must be met. Parish families with an annual gross income over $200,000 Non-Parish families – Private Students Annual Gross Income = Line 22 of 2013 Form 1040 2014-15 Tuition $6,140 $6,765 $7,440 $8,115 $8,580 $8,950 The actual cost to educate a student for the 2014-15 academic year exceeds $11,000. The difference between the actual cost to educate and tuition is made by fundraising, fees, and other revenues. 3. Add course fees $200 per student. This covers consumable materials, the daily planner, lab and art fees, and Theology course materials. 4. Add technology fee $200 per student. Fee includes available hardware, file storage, network and internet accessibility and online access to student information. 5. Student Activity Pass. Optional $150 fee includes a yearbook, $55 value; admission to Fall Play, Spring Musical and band concerts; admission to all home, non-tournament athletic events (over 50 to choose from, $200+ value). The KnightCard issued early in the school year will serve as the student’s activity pass. 6. Yearbook. Do not fill in this area if you purchased a Student Activity Pass above unless you want additional books. Multiply $55 by the number of books you want for your student(s). 7. Freshmen Fees $460. Includes Retreat, Bible, and year 1 of 4 year lease fee for tablet computer, licensing, & peripherals, which your student will use during his/her four years as an Alter Knight! 8. Sophomore Fees $440. Includes Retreat and year 2 of 4 year lease fee for tablet computer, licensing, & peripherals. 9. Junior Fees $500. Includes Overnight Retreat and year 3 of 4 year lease fee for tablet computer, licensing, & peripherals. 10. Senior Fees $870. Includes baccalaureate and graduation activities $150; Kairos Retreat $320; and year 4 of 4 year lease fee for tablet computer, licensing, & peripherals $400. 11. Senior DVD. Optional $40 fee for DVD of Senior Awards Assembly, baccalaureate and graduation. 12. Total payment (2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11) 13. Multiple Child Discount. Deduct 25% of line 2 if you have 3 or more students enrolled in #1 above. 14. Deduct the $200 per student, non-refundable deposit. Only families moving out of the area are eligible for a refund. This deposit must be paid in order for your student to be eligible to schedule classes for the upcoming year. Please submit with the Tuition Worksheet and Commitment Form. Failure to submit the deposit will delay registration processing and prevent student from scheduling classes. 15. If your student has received a Scholarship or Boosters Grant, deduct amount on line 15. 16. Total payment due to Alter for 2014-15 pending Financial Aid/Scholarships, if applicable. (Line 12-13-14-15) 17. Financial Aid/Grant/Scholarship – leave blank; to be completed by Business Office, if applicable. 18. Total Payment after Financial Aid/Grant/Scholarship – leave blank; to be completed by Business Office, if applicable. All new families are asked to enroll in FACTS Tuition Management via a convenient, secure, online portal. Current families will be automatically reenrolled. There are three tuition payment options: 1. Full payment by June 20, 2014. No enrollment fee. Note: Any outstanding balance after June 30, 2014 will be assessed a monthly late fee. 2. Partial payment by June 20. 2014. A partial payment in an amount of your choosing may be made by June 20, 2014, and installment payments for the balance will begin in July 2014 ending in April 2015. A 6% fee will be assessed on the balance remaining as of July 1, 2014. A $41 enrollment fee will be collected by FACTS when your account is activated for 2014-15. 3. Total monthly payments including a 6% fee automatically processed from your checking, savings or credit card account from July 2014 thru April 2015. A $41 enrollment fee will be collected by FACTS when your account is activated for 2014-15. . A $30.00 FACTS Missed Payment Fee will be automatically deducted from the account for each payment attempt that is returned. Questions? Contact Nancy Kaczala, Business Manager at 428-5337 2014-15 REGISTRATION CHECKLIST Due date: February 7, 2014 • Tuition worksheet completed through line 16 _________ • Tuition commitment form o Student name(s) on form o ONE payment option selected o Partial payment amount entered if option 2 selected o Form signed and dated _________ _________ _________ _________ • Tablet PC Financial Agreement (freshmen families only) o Form signed by student and parent ____________ • Check made payable to Alter High School o $200 per student _________ • Worksheet, tuition commitment form, Tablet PC Financial Agreement (if applicable) & check to AHS _________ (must be signed by an authorized party of FACTS account) • Return completed forms & deposit by Feb. 7, 2014 via: o Registration night on Feb. 5, 2014, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. o Deliver to main office o Mail to: Alter High School Attn: Business Manager 940 E. David Road Kettering, OH 45429 • Online registration for FACTS completed (new families only; _________ _________ _________ ____________ must create a user name & password AND complete a payment agreement) ALL STEPS MUST BE COMPLETED IN ORDER FOR STUDENT(S) TO BE ELIGIBLE TO SCHEDULE CLASSES ALTER HIGH SCHOOL TUITION WORKSHEET 2014-15 1 Students enrolled at Alter for 2014-15 Parish:____________________________ Name: ________________________________________________ Grade in 2014-15 ___________ Name: ________________________________________________ Grade in 2014-15 ___________ Name: ________________________________________________ Grade in 2014-15 ___________ 2 Number of Students at Alter times Tuition. (See instructions for tuition amount) + __________________________(2) 3 Course Fees $200 per student above (See instructions for items covered by this fee) + __________________________(3) 4 Technology Fee + __________________________(4) $200 per student above 5 Student Activity Pass $150 per pass (optional) Includes a yearbook $55; admission to Fall play, Spring Musical and band concerts; admission to all home, non-tournament athletic events (over 50 to choose from). + __________________________(5) 6 Yearbook $55 per yearbook (optional) Choose this option if you would like a yearbook, but not a Student Activity Pass. + __________________________(6) 7 Freshmen Fees $460 Includes Retreat, Bible, & Year 1 of 4 yr lease fee for Tablet Computer & Peripherals + __________________________(7) 8 Sophomore Fees $440 Includes Retreat & Year 2 of 4 yr lease fee for Tablet Computer & Peripherals + __________________________(8) 9 Junior Fees $500 + __________________________(9) Includes Overnight Retreat & Year 3 of 4 yr lease fee for Tablet Computer & Peripherals 10 Senior Fees $870 Includes Graduation activities $150, Kairos Retreat $320 & Year 4 of 4 year lease fee for Tablet Comptuer & Peripherals $400 + __________________________(10) 11 Senior DVD + __________________________(11) $40 (optional) 12 Total payment to Alter for 2014-15 before non-refundable deposit and adjustments, if applicable (Sum Lines 2 through 11) + __________________________(12) 13 Multiple Child Discount 25% of Line 2 Must have 3 or more students enrolled above to qualify - __________________________(13) 14 Non-refundable deposit - __________________________(14) $200 per student above 15 Scholarship/Booster Grant previously awarded 16 Total payment to Alter for 2014-15 pending Financial Aid/Scholarships, if applicable (Line 12 - 13 -14 -15) 17 Financial Aid/Grant/Scholarship______________________________ 18 Total payment after Financial Aid/Grant/Scholarship Awards - __________________________(15) __________________________(16) - __________________________(17) __________________________(18) If you will be completing a FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment application, please check here ____________ Notification of awards will be issued by early May 2014 and will be updated on FACTS Payment Agreements Alter High School Tuition Commitment Form 2014-15 All new families are required to establish a payment agreement with FACTS. Upon enrollment, families establishing an ACH agreement will automatically be enrolled in Incidental Billing Auto Pay unless they choose to opt out. Information is available on the Tuition/Fee Payment page of our website. To enroll, please visit our website at and select Admissions > FACTS Features of the FACTS Management Program: • Secure and easy on-line enrollment and account management for families • Account balance available on-line upon agreement activation • Ability to choose from four payment dates: 1st, 5th, 15th, or 20th of the month • Check, ACH checking or ACH savings payment options for full payment agreements • ACH checking, savings or credit card payment options for installment agreements • Ability to switch payment type for installment agreements • Failed payment amount(s) (after 3 unsuccessful attempts) may be allocated to all future payments increasing the monthly installment • Optional Peace of Mind Benefit (details on-line) • No enrollment fee for Full Payment agreements • $41 enrollment fee will be assessed when installment agreement is activated • Automatic reenrollment for current families • Other school fees such as Athletic Pay-to-Play fees will be billed via Incidental Billing Print Student(s) Name(s):_______________________________________ We select payment option: 1. ______ Full Payment by June 20, 2014. (No enrollment fee) Note: Any outstanding balance after June 30, 2014, will be assessed a monthly late fee. 2. ______ Partial Payment by June 20, 2014 and 10 Installment Payments. ($41 enrollment fee) Enter amount of partial payment: $_____________ ($1,000 per student if blank) Account balance as of July 1, 2014, plus a 6% fee are due in 10 monthly installments; July 2014 thru April 2015 3. ______ 10 Installment Payments ($41 enrollment fee) Tuition & fee total is assessed a 6% fee and payments are due in 10 monthly installments; July 2014 thru April 2015 By signing below, I agree to pay all tuition, fees and incidental billings via FACTS. I understand that: • A monthly late fee will be charged for any unpaid balance after June 30, 2014 for option 1 • A $41 enrollment fee will be charged upon activation and a 6% fee will assessed on balances paid July 2014 to April 2015 for option 2 or 3 • If I am newly enrolling in FACTS and select a payment option with an ACH payment, I will be automatically enrolled in Incidental Billing Auto Pay unless I choose to opt out. _________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (must be signed by authorized party of FACTS account) Make checks payable to Alter High School ___________________________ Date A $25 fee will be assessed for any returned checks. (Print) Student Last Name_____________________________First Name___________________ Financial Agreement Class of 2018 • Cost • The tablet PC is subject to a four year lease. The annual lease fee will be approximately $430 per year. Alter High School maintains ownership of the tablet PC until it is purchased for $1 upon student's graduation. All fees and tuition must be current. Warranty & Repair Four year Protection/Accidental Damage Protection covers damages incurred through normal usage. Second plus occurrence will result in a fee as listed if negligence is the cause. These are subject to change by the manufacturer. o o o o o o o LCD screen replacement: $250 LCD front casing: $25 LCD rear casing: $30 Palm rest casing: $30 Bottom casing: $25 Keyboard replacement: $30 Hard Drive $85 Fees will be charged to student's FACTS account. • Loss or Theft Parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for reimbursing Alter High School for the entire replacement cost of a stolen or lost tablet PC. It is strongly recommended that parent(s)/guardian(s) obtain a rider on their homeowner's/renter's insurance policy to cover loss or theft of the tablet PC. • Loss or Stolen Accessories Lost or stolen tablet accessories are the responsibility of the student and will be subject but not limited to the following fees: o AC power adapter: $60 o Main Battery: $143 o Slice Battery: $154 o Carrying case: $50 o Stylus: $58 o SD Memory Card: $10 Fees will be charged to student's FACTS account. They are subject to change by the manufacturer. • Reimaging It is required that all tablet PC's be returned to the technology department for software reimaging by Alter High School during the summer. Specific dates will be announced. Students whose tablets are not returned for reimaging by the specified date will be charged a $50.00 reimaging fee. • Student accounts must be current for tablets to be reimaged. Non-Returning Students Students that do not return to Alter High School, prior to completion of their senior year, have the option of purchasing their tablet PC or returning it to Alter High School. A prorated fee will be assessed. Signing this form indicates that the student and parent(s)/ guardian(s) have read and fully understand the financial agreement for the Tablet PC program at Alter High School. **These documents are located on the Archbishop Alter High School website for your reference. ______________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Printed Name) ____________________________________ (Student Printed Name) ___________________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) ________________________ Date __________________________________________________ (Student Signature) ________________________ Date
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