Name _________________________________________ Hour ______ 4-6 Isosceles and Equilateral Triangles Worksheet RACTICE GPUIDED PRACTICE TICE ! ! ! ! Find the unknown measure(s). Tell what theorems you used. 1. Describe the meaning the of equilateral equiangular. y Check 1. Describe meaning ofand equilateral and equiangular. Vocabulary Check 1. Describe the meaning of equilateral and equiangular. t Check Find the unknown measure(s). Tell what theorems you used. you used. Concept Check Find the unknown measure(s). Tell what theorems 2. 2. 2.B B ? ? 50! ? A 50! 3. A B 3. E ?50! ? E 4. 5 cm 5 cm ? C 3. E F F ? C D H 4. H 5 cm ? H 4. ? ? F ? G G J J 2. A Is every equilateral C triangle isosceles? D G J D Is every isosceles triangle equilateral? your reasoning. Determine whether youwhether are given enough information to prove that l Check SkillExplain Determine you are given enough information tothe prove that the Check Determine triangles whether you are given enough information to prove that the aretriangles congruent. Explain your answer. are congruent. Explain your answer. triangles are congruent. Explain your answer. Describe meaning FD Vocabulary Check 6. equiangular. 7. Uequilateral Vand M Pofthe 1.5.the Describe the1. meaning equilateral and equiangular. Check 5.of 6. 1. Describe meaning equilateral and U equiangular. V D 7. M P of D F 5. Find 6. 7. U V M the unknownPmeasures. B S B S youtheorems Concept Find the unknown measure(s). Tell what you used. Check Find the unknown measure(s). Tell 3.the Check 4. what theorems 5. Find unknown measure(s). Tell what theorems you used. B used. S ? ! PRACTICE G UIDED ! PRACTICE TICE ! ! ! ! ! ! B2. 2. B 2. ? ? N A 50! A 50! ? q R ? 50! A C E B3. ? N q N 3. C E 5 cm W R q T ? ? C D 3. 4. E 5 cm W F TR AF LGEBRA Find the value of x. Hxy4.USING AH E E ? ?17. 18. CA C (x + 13) ft 24 ft 4.H 5 cmW ? AE T F C ? ? DG G J GJ 2x in. J CE AND APPLICATIONS P AND PPLICATIONS Determine are given information prove that the Check ! Awhether Determine you whether are givenyou enough information prove the !Skill ARACTICE PPLICATIONS Determine whether you are given enough information toenough prove to that the thatto !Check are congruent. Explain your answer. Solvetriangles for x andare y. triangles congruent. Explain your answer. D F 12 in. xxy congruent. triangles are your answer. HELP for value x and y. x. USING SING A AxLGEBRA LGEBRA Find the of yExplain STUDENT HELPy U USINGSolve ALGEBRA Solve for x and y. xy U8. 6. 7. SING ALGEBRA Find the values of x and y. xy U SING A LGEBRA Solve for xPand y. F 5. 6. U V M P D F D 5. 6. 7. U V M D F 7. 19. ctice 5. Practice U V 9. 7. M 56 17. P8. 6. ft8. 9. 10. Extra 18. 19. 5620. ft10. 21. x! y ! 9. B y! master y! y! B to help 8. you master 10.x ! S B S (x + 13) ft x! 24x!ft S y! 810. y! skills is on p. 810. 2x40! in. x! 8x ft x !8x ft x ! 75! 40! y! 46! y! x! 46! x! x ! 40! E W E 63! W E W 63! 46! x! x! y! y! A C 63! R T N q A C A C RT N Rqy! N q 12Tin. 9. 10. 11. REASONING whether enough is given to is given to xy L LOGICAL RDecide EASONING Decide whether enough information UOGICAL SING ALGEBRA Find the values of x and y. information 23. 24. x! prove that the triangles aretriangles congruent. yourExplain answer. LOGICAL REASONING Decide enough information is givenyour to answer. prove that whether the are Explain congruent. 22. 20. triangles 22. 40! y ! are congruent.21. prove that the Explain your answer. y! F y! 11. 13. T y! F 11. 12. B x ! 13. T 12. B F 11. 12. B ALGEBRA Solve 13. T xy U STUDENT HELP xyA 75!y. for x and x ! SING y ! y. HELP xy USING U xSING ! y ! ALGEBRA LGEBRA Solve forSolve x and for y. x and x! E H A C E H U A C U W W x! 140! Practice 8. 9. 10. 140! iceExtra x ! 8. 9. 10. 8. 9. 10. E H A C U master W y! x ! y ! y ! to help you x! x! y! y! aster y! G D G D 10.skills is on p. 810. V V x! 40! x ! x ! G D PROOF In Exercises 26–28, use the diagrams th 40! T HELP STUDENT HELP x ! 40! 46! x ! x !46! 46! V 25. 63! 236 and 237. theorems on pages 23. 24. 25. 63! 63! x! HELP HOMEWORK HELP14. y! D K q D y ! q 15. y ! 14. 15. 16. A K 16. A xs.Example 26–28 1: Exs.60! 26. The Converse of the Base Angles Theorem on pag 26–28 y ! 40! A D 14. 15. 16. K q y! 60! PEARACTICE AND APPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS PPLICATIONS 22. y! 12. "# ! 13. 14. x! ! 140! 12. 13. 14. ! ! 25. 60! !"#$%&'() $%&'() !"#$%&'()x ! y! !"#$%&'() !"#$%&'() ! ! $%&'()Find the value of the missing variables. ! !"#$%&' 17. !"#$%&' 15. 16. !"#$%&' Find the value of the missing variables. %&' that accompany the 15. !"#$%&' ! 16. %&' ge 236 states, “If two angles e them are congruent.” 17. ! ! ! , “If a triangle is equilateral, lary. 18. is equiangular, , “If a triangle ry. 18. D 19. 19. 20. 20. "# ! ! ! ! ! ! 21. 21. 22. ! 22. 23. ! ! ! 23. 24. 25. 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34.
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