Physics Worksheet Electrostatics Section: Name: Electrostatics Charging by Friction 1. 10. Electrons are being transferred ___________________ when one material rubs against another. The one that gains electrons becomes _______________. Electrostatics is the ___________________. It involves: a) ___________________________________________. b) ___________________________________________. c) ___________________________________________. Electric Charges 2. Based on the experiment situations, Benjamin Franklin concluded that: The one that lose electrons becomes ________________. Different materials have different tendency to gain or lose electrons Charging by Contact 11. What will happen when two identical metal balls in the diagram contact each other? Q a) ___________________________________________. b) ___________________________________________. 3. The fundamental rule of all electrical phenomena is: Like charges ____________, opposite charges ___________ 4. Thomson’s cathode ray experiment proved that: _____________________________________________. 5. Millikan’s oil drop experiment showed that: a) ___________________________________________. Net charge inside is ______________________________. 13. On symmetric objects, charge distributes ___________, on non-symmetric objects, charges stay at ____________. 14. If the object is a poor conductor, charge cannot move, so it will ______________________________________. c) ___________________________________________. 15. Three identical metal balls A, B, and C. Ball A has 4 C, and both ball B and C are neutral. If ball A contacts ball B momentarily, and then ball B contacts ball C momentarily, what will be the charge on all three balls afterward? _____________________________________________. 7. ______________________________________________. b) ___________________________________________. Millikan’s oil drop experiment proved that: 6. 12. If an object is good conductor, the charge will spread to The SI unit of charge is _____________, symbol _____ The charge of an electron is ______________________ The charge of a proton is ________________________ 4C 4 A B C ____________ ______________ _____________ 16. Write down the Law of conservation of charge. The charge of a neutron is _______________________ ________________________________________________ 8. 1 C is the charge of _____________________electrons. ________________________________________________ Charging an Object 9. There are three ways to charge an object: 1) Electrons are being transferred when one material rubs against another _________________________________________________ 2) Electrons can be transferred from one material to another by simply touching _________________________________________________ 3) A charged object can be used to charge another object without contact is called: _________________________________________________ Mr. Lin 17. When a charged rod touched an insulator at B, where can you find the highest density of charges? ________________ 18. When a charged rod touched a metal at B, where can you find the highest density of charges? ________________ 1
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