W University of Washington Bothell Office of Admissions Box 358500, 18115 Campus Way NE Bothell, Washington 98011-8246 www.uwb.edu E-mail: info@uwb.edu Phone: (425) 352-5000 Fax: (425) 352-5455 School of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) MATH / EE / ME Admissions Planning Worksheet Name: ___________________________________ Qtr/Year to enroll: _________ Mathematics (Autumn / Winter / Spring) Phone: ______________________ Email: _______________________________ Electrical Engineering (Autumn / Summer) Advisor name: ________________________________ Date: ________________ Mechanical Engineering (Autumn Only) Advisor email: _____________________________________________________ Program Requirements Intermediate Algebra English Language Proficiency CumulaƟve College Transfer GPA (2.0 minimum) Required TOEFL: 92 ~ test score valid 2 yrs. IELTS: 7 test score valid 2 yrs. Complete Pending (Date): ____________ 90 CR. OPTION: 90 CÙ. ÙÄ (3.0) ENGL 131 (3.0) ENGL 182 Bothell Bridge (AIEP): One of the following 2.75 Ã®Ä çà GPA test scores for level placement: LVL 4: TOEFL 65/IELTS 5.5 LVL 5: TOEFL 76/IELTS 6.0 HS OPTION: 4 ùÙÝ Ê¥ «Ý Ħ½®Ý« (3.0 ®Ä «) (500) SAT CR OR (20) ACT English test scores valid 5 years CIEP: Enroll to receive an admission decision ~ A score of 90 or 91 may be allowed if the cumulaƟve GPA is 3.4 or higher. UW Area of Knowledge Requirements VLPA (15 Ù®ãÝ) Total Ù. NW (15 Ù®ãÝ) Ù. IΙS (15 Ù®ãÝ) Ù. 5 See program req. Calculus 2 5 Calculus 3 5 Total 15 Total *English Composition is a prerequisite for all majors. > Must be met with college-level courses > Program prerequisites may double count in Area of Knowledge http://admit.washington.edu/EquivalencyGuide Prerequisites* English ComposiƟon UW Equiv. ENGL 131 Calculus 1 Calculus 2 MATH 124 MATH 125 Calculus 3 Engineering Physics 1 Engineering Physics 2 General Chemistry 1 MATH 126 PHYS 121 PHYS 122 CHEM 142 Engineering Physics 3 Solid Mechanics 1 Solid Mechanics 2 Solid Mechanics 3 PHYS 123 AA 210 CEE 220 ME 230 VLPA = Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts ex. art, literature, drama, speech, music, linguisƟcs... Transfer Course Grade Prerequisite GPA: EĦ½®Ý« CÊÃÖÊÝ®ã®ÊÄ* (5 Ù.) 2.0 Ã®Ä ¦Ù Calculus 1 Find out how courses from your Washington Community College will transfer to the UW Bothell: Applicants applying to Math, EE, or ME must complete the following courses designated below: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING World Languages MATH ELECTRICAL ENGR. Minimum University Core Requirements Note: All prerequisite courses need a minimum 2.0 grade to be considered. Refer to the back of this worksheet for compeƟƟve criteria. Application Requirements Submit official transcripts from all schools attended, to the UWB Admissions Office Apply online --> Personal Statement - word count 650 If applicable, proof of English Language Proficiency NW = Natural World ex. biology, chemistry, physics, math, geology,... I&S = Individuals and Society ex. history, psychology, economics, philosophy,... Rev. 10-7-14 Competitive applicants to MATH will have the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. All prerequisite courses complete or in-progress. A minimum grade of 3.0 in all math prerequisites. A minimum cumulaƟve college GPA of 3.3 If applicable, compleƟon of English Language Proficiency Academic Year 2014-2015 Competitive applicants to EE will have the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. All prerequisite courses complete or in-progress. A minimum cumulaƟve math & science prerequisite gpa of 3.4 A minimum cumulaƟve college GPA of 3.3 If applicable, compleƟon of English Language Proficiency Academic Year 2014-2015 hƩp://www.uwb.edu/stem MATH/ EE/ ME Prerequisite Courses and Equivalencies Prerequisite course CTC common course UW equivalency WA (if available) English ComposiƟon ENGL 131 ENGL& 101 Calculus 1 MATH 124 MATH& 151 Calculus 2 MATH 125 MATH& 152 Calculus 3* MATH 126 MATH& 153 OR MATH& 163 General Chemistry 1 CHEM 142 CHEM& 161 Engineering Physics 1 PHYS 121 PHYS& 231 OR PHYS& 221 Engineering Physics 2 PHYS 122 PHYS& 232 OR PHYS& 222 Engineering Physics 3 PHYS 123 PHYS& 233 OR PHYS & 223 Solid Mechanics 1 AA 210 ENGR& 214 Solid Mechanics 2 CEE 220 ENGR& 225 Solid Mechanics 3 ME 230 ENGR& 215 * Applicants taking Math& 153 at many WA Community Colleges will also need to complete Math& 254 to meet the Calculus 3 requirement at UWB. Be sure to check the UW Equivalency Guide to confirm how your Math& 153 will transfer. hƩp://admit.washington.edu/EquivalencyGuide Application Review All applications are holistically reviewed and admission is based on a summation of the following: • • • • • Advising Notes: Preparation for your major as indicated by the grades earned in courses required for admission GPA, with an emphasis on grades earned in your selected major courses Evidence of a commitment to your selected major Personal statement reflecting an interest in and commitment to major Official transcripts/documenation from all schools attended Our intention of listing “competitive applicant” profiles is not to overstate the importance of grades, but to offer some guidance as you plan for transfer. If you find yourself finished with prerequisite coursework but you fall short of our competitive applicant profile, you are still encouranged to apply. Rev. 10-7-14
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