ISSN 1443–4288 November 2008 Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 November 2008 © Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies GPO Box 553 Acton ACT 2601 Tel: (02) 6246 1111 Editor: Alison Cone Cover Image: Barry Parsons holds his tired grandchild at NAIDOC on the Peninsula, July 2008. Photo by Kerstin Styche Design and typesetting: Rachel Ippoliti, Aboriginal Studies Press Contributors: Chris Ryan, Rebecca Stubbs, Rod Stroud, Otis Williams, Caroline Carmody, Jason Lee, Tran Tran, Tony Boxall, Rhonda Black Senator Kim Carr Minister for Industry, Innovation, Science and Research 2 Vision for 2020 6 NAIDOC 2008 Feedback welcome 4 Sorry Day 1 1 5 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 17 12 Native Title Conference 2008 Welcome from Senator Kim Carr Senator Eric Abetz visits AIATSIS Arnhem Land elders welcomes to AIATSIS ATSILIRN Conference Indigenous information online Addition to collection Australian Research Council funding Condolences Accolades for AVA photographer Filmmaker makes gift Institute mourns Dr Marika User-friendly interface improves access AIATSIS Indigenous Researchers’ fund AIATSIS farewells research fellows AIATSIS Conference 2007 Aboriginal Australia map wins bands’ attention Launch honours Doreen Kartinyeri Recent releases from Aboriginal Studies Press Rob Riley’s story wins Stanner Award Link-up case-workers gain skills at AIATSIS Online exhibitions a big hit A welcome from Senator the Hon. Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research It’s great to have AIATSIS in my portfolio. There are so many things we agree on. We agree that research should be scholarly, ethical, community-based and policyfocused. We agree that it should be about improving people’s lives. That may mean raising standards of living. It may mean strengthening communities, increasing cultural understanding or protecting the environment. These are all worthwhile outcomes. AIATSIS has an international reputation for research and publishing in anthropology, ethnography, linguistics and Indigenous history. What really impresses me, however, is AIATSIS’ willingness to cast its net wider and wider in response to the needs and aspirations of Indigenous Australians. The institute is increasingly focused on social, legal, educational, environmental, economic and health research. For all that, AIATSIS has been underappreciated and underused in recent times. That’s about to change. As far as I’m concerned, the institute is critical to the great project this government has embarked on. By putting it on the same footing as CSIRO, the Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, we have confirmed its position as a major Commonwealth research agency and the federal government’s leading centre for Indigenous studies. Having AIATSIS in the fold will expand horizons all round — both within the portfolio and within the institute itself. I want to see more collaboration and networking in research, and AIATSIS already has a head start. It has very close links not only with the ANU — formalised in a memorandum of understanding last year — but also with Indigenous studies programs and researchers at universities across the country. It has 600-plus Australian and overseas members involved in every aspect of Indigenous studies. It is a partner in the CRC for Aboriginal Health, the Agreements, Treaties and Negotiated Settlements Project based at the University of Melbourne, and many similar initiatives. I plan to reorganise university research so that disciplines have one or more national hubs, linked by spokes to other institutions with expertise in the field. AIATSIS is living proof of how well this model can work. The institute will be the primary source of advice on Indigenous issues in the areas I am responsible for, and I look forward to it becoming a research and policy powerhouse for the Government as a whole. It is already providing advice to the Treasury and the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, and it will make a big contribution to our review of the national innovation system. AIATSIS can and should be a major player in the expanded national research effort I am calling for — not only through its research activities, but also through research training. The first significant cohort of Indigenous researchers is reaching mid-career. The next generation is coming through. It is fantastic that 62 per cent of the research grant applications AIATSIS received in 2006-07 involved Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander scholars. That’s a great result, but it doesn’t mean we can go home early. If we are to maintain and augment this pool of talent, we must be ready to support both the established researchers of today, and the emerging researchers of tomorrow. AIATSIS is a model of Indigenous leadership in research. It is fast becoming a model of Indigenous leadership in public policy. It is a priceless resource, and I’m determined to make the most of it. Welcome aboard. Senator Eric Abetz visits AIATSIS AIATSIS welcomed Senator Eric Abetz, deputy leader of the Opposition in the Senate, and gave him a tour of the Institute and its functions on Monday 21 April 2008. Senator Abetz described his visit as “a real eye-opener”, and he was impressed by the Institute’s wide range of activities. “You can read as many Annual Reports as you like, but until you actually visit a place and meets its staff you can’t get a real idea of what goes on,” Senator Abetz said. The senator praised AIATSIS staff for their obvious passion and dedication to their work. “The staff are involved in making a real difference in conserving Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait heritage for future generations, and helping all of us today to gain a better understanding of the Indigenous community,” he said. INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 Deputy Principal, Collections, Bronwyn Nimmo The AIATSIS vision for 2020 AIATSIS was strongly represented at the Federal Government’s April 2020 Summit, with the Principal, Deputy Principal Collections and several board members participating in the Indigenous Futures Group. Additionally, an AIATSIS visiting fellow participated in the Strengthening Families and Social Inclusion Group, putting forward a vision for inclusiveness for Indigenous Australians. AIATSIS Principal Steve Larkin Steve Larkin Principal, AIATSIS Indigenous Futures Group What issues did you want to raise at 2020? I wanted to promote discussion about pubic administration in Indigenous affairs at the summit — asking the question ‘are there better ways to be more effective in government for Indigenous people?’. I am interested in how cultural heritage and transmission of culture is a determinant of equal weight contributing to Indigenous disadvantage as other high priority areas such as health, education, employment. I wanted to make the argument that cultural heritage matters. It is critical to achieving better outcomes for Indigenous people. For example, it is very difficult to identify an Indigenous person in good health, with a good education and a good job who doesn’t have cultural affiliation. These are not separate domains, but interlocked. Positive self-identity, high selfesteem, a sense of knowing who you are and where you’re from, leads you to have a better capacity to engage with the world. And from that comes the potential for leadership. I wanted to see the sorts of things AIATSIS does illuminated and understood in that light. It’s not simply soft and ‘feel-good’ policy issues; cultural identity is critical and impacts on people’s capacity to achieve health, education and employment outcomes. What did you think of the outcomes of the summit in general for Indigenous Australians? It was a good overall outcome, contrary to the opinions expressed by some that it might have been dominated by particular individuals. It was positive and held within a secure, comfortable environment where everyone had the chance to speak and express their differences of opinion. Some suggested there was a difference between the group decision and what was expressed by government. All those ideas and suggestions we expressed were recorded and I understand the government will examine all of them. I was honoured to be invited. Bronwyn Nimmo Deputy Principal — Collections, AIATSIS Indigenous Futures Group What issues did you want to raise at 2020? I was interested in sentencing in juvenile justice and the use of traditional as opposed to custodial sentencing. I also wanted to push for Indigenous Knowledge Centres in communities and encourage the coordination and assistance to see that that happens with a seamless government approach through local, State, Territory and Federal governments and collecting institutions. Indigenous Knowledge Centres are not just about paintings and stories. They are about oral histories — a keeping place for culture. They are a dynamic thing that enables young people to see who they are. There are issues that are still happening that need to be recorded and kept within communities. There are social, cultural and health benefits to keeping these records in community. It gives the community a sense of strength in themselves. What did you think of the outcomes of the summit in general for Indigenous Australians? Indigenous Knowledge Centres were certainly one of the recommendations carried forward — with a view to AIATSIS having a role in setting them up. It’s something that should involve private sector partnerships in training communities to build and run their own archives. It’s an opportunity for the private sector to have technical expertise input into communities. I was impressed by the absolute goodwill of the 100 people in that room, all of whom had good intentions. Media reports didn’t accurately reflect that spirit of our discussions and the outcome of the summit is difficult to quantify for Indigenous people. It was the first opportunity in some time for Indigenous people to get together and share ideas. The Minister assured us those ideas would be heard by government. There was a wealth of ideas and I am looking forward to having an ongoing influence on policy for sustainable outcomes for Indigenous communities. Terri Janke Member, AIATSIS Council Indigenous Futures Group It was extremely engaging to meet people from the other streams in the networking sessions and events. What issues did you want to raise at 2020? I raised the idea that a National Indigenous Cultural Authority (NICA) should be established to promote Indigenous cultural and intellectual property rights and to develop standards for appropriate use including royalties, cultural integrity and attribution. The membership would be made up of Indigenous stakeholders. Collective administration benefits rights holders and rights users. NICA could foster a marketplace that works with cultural respect using efficiency of scale to administer rights, standardise agreements, develop protocols, undertake public education, monitor exploitation and enforce rights. NICA could facilitate negotiations and, like copyright collecting societies, distribute income to Indigenous stakeholders, supporting artistic endeavour, creating jobs and maintaining culture. Toni Bauman Visiting Research Fellow, AIATSIS Native Title Research Unit Strengthening Families and Social Inclusion group What did you think of the outcomes of the summit in general for Indigenous Australians? There was limited time to talk about the big issues in Indigenous affairs as well as cover the many good ideas that explored language, health, social justice, cultural heritage, Indigenous business and education. Yet, the power of the Summit was that it created a space for the participants to put on the table a great range of ideas, and opinions. I hope that these will be discussed in detail in the future. AIATSIS Councillor, Terri Janke The ‘big idea’ ideas from this session, which I think hold the most promise, are the creation of a National Development Index. This would be based not only on economic factors, but also on social and environmental measures and an Office of Social Innovation and Charter of Community Engagement. My major concern was to ensure that discussions of social inclusion specifically acknowledged the unique position of Indigenous people in Australia as ‘first nations’, as well as the fact that they are the most disadvantaged group. I was thus pleased to see in the final report that embracing and celebrating Indigenous people is included in the ambition statement from the session, and that other comments include the need to ensure recognition of Indigenous communal ownership. Prior to the summit I also made a ‘big idea’ submission to the Indigenous session. The submission related to the need for a national Indigenous facilitation, mediation and negotiation service which was also a recommendation of the Indigenous Facilitation and Mediation Project at AIATSIS. There is an urgent demand for highly trained and skilled independent, locally and regionally based Indigenous (and non-Indigenous as appropriate) process experts. These are experts who can manage processes of engagement with government in a timely and impartial manner, and assist in building community capacity to manage disputes. The service, which could be part of a national Indigenous governance institute, could also develop training and evaluation measures and act as a clearing house for best practice. Being a participant at the 2020 summit was a remarkable opportunity. I was particularly impressed with the facilitation of our group which is reflected in the richness of ideas in the final report. This was a major challenge given the limited time and numbers in the group. INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 important to Indigenous people so it was a really emotional thing for me. “I think everything takes time. I think it’s a good start and let’s see what the future will bring.” Kayeleene Brown, Bundjalung — Weilwan/ Thawarwal “I’ve come up here to say this is the first step and it’s a big step. “Sorry is a small gesture for a big atrocity. I would have hated to have been taken away from my mum. “I’m here in support to show we care.” Mitzi Jesudason, Melbourne I’m from the Barkanji tribe and I’m here to support all the Aboriginal people. It means a lot to Aboriginal people all over Australia to acknowledge that they were done wrong. Ross Andrew Knight, Year 12, St Ignatius College, Riverview, Lane Cove Sydney Left: “Hi all the Stolen Generations people, put your hands up and give me a big wave!” Ngunnawal Elder Ruth Bell. Top: Jamie Ngurra Williams and Jerome Coe-Williams witnessing The Apology to the Stolen Generations. I’m here to show my respects. I’m from Broken Hill, I think [the Apology] it’s good that we’re finally recognising that a bad thing was done to Aboriginal people. I think its going to build bridges, I think we’re all going to have a lot more respect for each other. Cyril Johnson (Barkindji), Year 11, St Ignatius College, Riverview, Lane Cove Sydney “I’m here to finally put to rest the Stolen Generations story and to hear the word ‘sorry’. “My father was stolen. We don’t know where he comes from and we can’t trace it back. So with many others out there, I suppose, were all looking for the same thing — a little bit of easement. “This allows us to move forward to send our descendants on their way so we can move forward. It now gives us recognition so we can recognise who we are, where we come from and why we are the way we are. “What we want now is to move forward. People need to understand that we’ve buried the hatchett, now let them bury it as well.” Rob Clegg, Member, Wiradjuri Council of Elders Ngunnawal Elder triumphant at survival on Sorry Day On 12 February 2008, on the lawns between old and new Parliament, thousands of people assembled for the parliament’s Apology to the Indigenous people of Australia. Ngunnawal Elder Ruth Bell gave a moving welcome to country and told her story. “I grew up in an orphanage and was told that my mother had died. “To me that was the most distressing thing that ever, ever happened. I had three brothers — never saw them. “I was a lonely little girl growing up because I was the only little black girl in that orphanage. The nuns tried very hard to tell me that it was for my own good. “Even today — at 72 years of age — I often wonder, was it for the good of me or was it for the good of the white man? “Today is a very, very special day. It’s wonderful to see all the people, particularly the Stolen Generations, gathering outside Old Parliament House where a lot of decisions about Aboriginal people were made. “Today is very special. Not just for me but for everyone here. Generations of kids coming behind will remember this day forever. And I would like you all to remember that. “I hope that this will go down in history as one of the best days in Australia for Aboriginal people and in particular, the Stolen Generations.” In a special tribute to her husband, Mrs Bell thanked him for nurturing her throughout her life. “When we first met up and got married I said to him ‘You’ve got to help me,’ and he said ‘I’ll help you all the way.’ He has done that and he’s been my pillar of strength for what I went through as a little girl.” Sadly, Mr Bell passed away on 16 March 2008 after a sudden illness. “When I did Australian history at the Australian National University in 1974 we spent the whole year studying Australian history and there was never any mention by any of our teachers of Aboriginal Australia. It was not on the agenda. “So in 30 years we’ve gone a long way and I think in the next three years we’ve got to go a lot further — not just in remembering but in creating a new history. “It’s been a very emotional day for everyone.” Andrew Pike, Independent documentary maker, Canberra “I really wanted to see this for myself. If there was going to be an apology after all that time I wanted to see it. “We’ve come down with a group of elders. It has been very emotional. “I thought [the Prime Minster] did a brilliant job and he took such a long time to construct every aspect of it which was important. I think he did a really good job. “I think that [having no apology] has held us back for a long time. To do the things to our people for 220 years and not have an apology is very serious. I think that they can move on now.” Janice Bruny, Cranbrook Sydney “I came here for personal reasons as well as to represent the Department (Australian Government AttorneyGeneral’s Department). “My grandmother’s brothers got taken away at a young age so it was good to come along and support my grandmother and be with her in spirit. Also I’ve got family on my father’s side that have had things happen [regarding] the stolen generation. “The apology was really emotional. It’s a really hard thing to get over and a really big thing to accept. Family is really Joe Gumbula views part of AIATSIS’ extensive audiovisual collection. Arnhem Land elders welcomed to AIATSIS Nine Arnhem Land elders visited AIATSIS on Monday 2 June as part of a week-long tour of Canberra’s national collecting institutes. The group visited Canberra intending to audit materials for repatriation to community libraries and cultural centres and ensure that materials were correctly categorised in accordance with traditional law. In the delegation was Mr Joe Gumbula, a Gupapuyngu Yolngu elder from North East Arnhem Land and a leading authority on Yolgnu law, knowledge and culture. He said that auditing the material held at AIATSIS and other institutions was a responsibility the delegation owed to the Arnhem Land communities and to the future. “We want to get these materials back to the communities, digitising it into a good database,” Mr Gumbula said. “We want the information to be there for future generations — for the kids.” As part of their visit, three of the visitors performed a traditional ceremony to honour Dr Marika, AIATSIS council member and Yolgnu woman of the Rirratjingu clan, who died suddenly in May 2008. “She was a person from our clan and she worked for AIATSIS for a very long time,” Mr Gumbula said. “She was a knowledge keeper for Yolngu people, she was a great ambassador for our community. That was part of our remembrance of her.” During their week-long visit, the men were scheduled to visit other national collecting institutions including the National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA), the National Museum of Australia, the National Library of Australia, the National Gallery and the Australian National University. The visit was organised by the NFSA. INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 NAIDOC on the Peninsula 2008 AIATSIS played host to NAIDOC on the Peninsula on Saturday 12 July, headlines by Troy CassarDaley and featuring 20 market stalls and childrens activities in conjunction with the National Museum of Australia. INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 A day of music and art celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture in Canberra and across Australia. Canberra was the national focus city for this year’s NAIDOC celebrations. AIATSIS, in partnership with the National Museum of Australia (NMA), gave Canberra its biggest ever NAIDOC festival, with performers such as Deline Briscoe, Adam James, the Brolga Boys and Troy Cassar-Daly, and children’s art activities, market stalls and a sausage sizzle. Several thousand people joined AIATSIS on Acton Peninsula for the party, on a winter’s day that was crisp and miraculously sunny. AIATSIS thanks all its sponsors: ACT Health; the Department of Family, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA); ActewAGL; the National Museum of Australia; Qantas, and Indigenous Community Volunteers. Opposite page (top): Troy Cassar-Daley and Adam James perform a duet; (left) Deline Briscoe gives a passionate performance at NAIDOC on the Peninsula; Judith Cannon from the AIATSIS Family History Unit gives out information at at the AIATSIS stand; (right) Sean Choolburra was entertaining as the MC. This page (above): 25 art, craft and information stalls lined the path between AIATSIS and the NMA; (below) Around 2500 people made it along to NAIDOC on the Peninsula 2008. Photographs by Kerstin Styche. INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 Lightning talks light up ATSILIRN Conference This year’s annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Library Information and Resource Network (ATSILIRN) conference, organised by Alana Garwood-Houng of the AIATSIS Library, featured 5-minute “lightning talks” for those that were not keen on a formal presentation. Entitled Listen Up! Speak Up!, the lightning sessions were a hit with participants. “They were a big success,” Ms Garwood-Houng said. “They were a way for people who haven’t spoken before to share information about a project and gave us all the chance to learn about projects we might not have heard about otherwise.” AIATSIS celebrates Indigenous information online The search for information relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and cultures has become easier with the launch of the AIATSIS Library’s new online tools in March 2008. The Institute has developed a national thesaurus — or word list — to describe documents relating to INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 Library Director Rod Stroud spoke about the Memory of the World conference, held in Canberra in April, and Audiovisual Archives (AVA) Director Di Hosking told of the AVA Access Unit and the return of digitised copies of materials from the archives to the Cherbourg community. One of the main outcomes of the conference was the refinement of 12 protocols that will encourage libraries, archives, resource centres and other information providers to use and access Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander materials in an appropriate way. “It’s important to have Indigenous staff in these places, or to provide cultural awareness training for nonIndigenous staff,” Ms Garwood-Houng said. Ms Garwood-Houng organised the conference as part of her duties as then President of the ATSILIRN network. The new President is Melissa Jackson of the State Library of New South Wales and the next conference will be held Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and issues. The three thesauri cover language and people, place and subject and are used in the Mura catalogue. The thesaurus was launched at AIATSIS by Chairperson Professor Mick Dodson, who encouraged people to use the new resource. “The thesauri are AIATSIS’ gift and I strongly encourage others to use them,” Professor Dodson said. “I am proud to say that the United States of America’s Library of Congress Welcome addition to AIATSIS collection AIATSIS AVA Director Di Hosking talks about returning materials to Cherbourg community in Queensland. at Notre Dame University in Broome, Western Australia in April 2009. ATSILIRN website atsilirn/home/index.html has now approved the thesauri to be used internationally in catalogue records.” The launch of the thesaurus coincided with the tenth of the Institute’s online collections catalogue, Mura. Launched in 1998 and named after the Ngunnawal word meaning “pathways”, Mura has demonstrated how Indigenous materials should be sensitively and appropriately described. The Thesauri can be found through the Library section of the Institute’s website www.aiatsis. Institute gains Australian Research Council support AIATSIS is pleased to acknowledge the donation by Mrs P Stanner of a significant artwork, a 1959 bark painting by Nym Bandak. Ku Wanddatji and Ku Kukbi (Rock Python and Black Nosed Python) is a particularly significant addition to AIATSIS’ collection, not only because of the exceptional quality of the artwork. The artwork also has immense historical significance to AIATSIS because of the association between the artist, Nym Bandak and the late Professor WEH Stanner, who was a prominent figure in the foundation of AIATSIS in the 1960s. Nym Banduk’s 1959 painting is a rare and excellent example of the Murrinh-Patha style, and was collected by Professor Stanner in 1959 during the course of his fieldwork in the Port Keats (Wadeye) area. Professor Stanner’s documentation of similar paintings has long been held at AIATSIS. Ku Wanddatji and Ku Kukbi was exhibited in The Likan’Mirri Connections: The AIATSIS Collection of Art , at ANU Drill Hall Gallery in February–March 2004. AIATSIS is grateful to Mrs Stanner for her generous donation, and welcomes its addition to the AIATSIS collection. For cultural reasons, Institute News cannot publish the image of the painting AIATSIS researchers will now be able to lead research projects on Indigenous issues with changes to the Institute’s Australian Research Council eligibility status in July. The changes mean AIATSIS is eligible to apply for and be approved for funding under ARC-administered funding schemes. “Gaining ARC eligibility status means we can potentially act as the lead agency in research projects and initiate research in our own right, rather than work to or for other agencies,” Principal Steve Larkin said. Further promoting the work of Indigenous researchers, AIATSIS announced the inaugural AIATSIS Indigenous Researchers Fund in September. See story on page 13 for more details. Condolences Gale was a Foundation Member of the Institute and a member of numerous Institute committees in the 1970s, including the Social Anthropology Advisory Committee. She also headed up a review of the Research Program a few years ago. She was a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Western Australia and Pro Vice-Chancellor of the University of Adelaide. As her funeral notice in The Canberra Times noted, she was ‘a pioneering woman in academia and Aboriginal studies’. Emeritus Professor and former AIATSIS Principal Les Hiatt died suddenly in London on February 10, 2008, aged 77. Les was a scholar of Aboriginal traditional life and social organisation He was a principled researcher who maintained relationships over the span of his career with people at Maningrida on Australia’s north coast, his main field site from 1958. Les was principal of AIATSIS in Canberra and Council chair from 1974 to 1982. He was central in bringing to Canberra an Arnhem Land ritual of diplomacy and friendship, called Rom. This was enacted by people from Maningrida in Canberra in 1982 and 1985 as an expression of exchange and equivalence between Aboriginal and settler Australia. Readers can access an obituary about Professor Hiatt by Francesca Merlan through the AIATSIS website at www.aiatsis. This article was first published on 8 March 2008 and appears courtesy of The Canberra Times. AIATSIS Council member Dr Marika passed away suddenly on 11 May 2008. As well as being a valuable member of Council, Dr Marika had been a member of numerous Aboriginal education committees in the Northern Territory and is a past member of the Northern Territory Board of Studies, Aboriginal Education Standing Committee Working Party. A tribute to Dr Marika’s contribution to the Institute, to her community and to Australian society can be found on page 11 of this issue of Institute News. It is with sadness that we report Ellie Gaffney, an Institute Member from 1985 until 2000 and a previous Council member, passed away in October 2007. She was a pioneer of Indigenous women’s rights and women’s health in the Torres Strait and published a number of papers that are held by the AIATSIS Library, including papers on Torres Strait Islander women’s history, health issues and Indigenous media, as well as her autobiography, Some Body Now, which was published by the Institute in 1989. The Hon. Kim Beazley senior, AO, an Institute Member for more than 40 years and a past Council member, also passed away in October 2007. He was a pioneer for land rights in the 1950s and supported the efforts of the Institute’s ‘founding father’ WC Wentworth in Parliament in 1964, which led to the establishment of the Institute. Sadly, Professor Fay Gale passed away on Saturday 3 May 2008. Fay 10 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 Accolades and opportunities for AVA photographer 2008 has been a good year for Audiovisual Archive (AVA) photographer Otis Williams. Named Trainee of the Year in the ACT NAIDOC Awards in 2008, Otis has also launched his first solo photographic exhibition, and worked with the Wiradjiri Condobolin Council (WCC) to photograph important cultural heritage items. Otis started with AIATSIS in 2000 in Corporate Registry, and moved to the Native Title Research Unit before landing in the AVA Access Unit in 2003. “I hadn’t had any training and qualifications under my belt since I completed my HSC,” Otis said. “The qualifications section in my resume looked bare, and I needed a qualification to compete for jobs in AIATSIS and the broader employment market.” Otis took up a position of trainee photographer with AVA’s Still Pictures Unit in 2004, and completed ANU College’s Certificate 4 in multimedia. He then commenced fulltime study at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), completing an advanced diploma in photography in 2007. “I soon found out that there was more to photography than just pointing a camera and shooting,” Otis said. “ I learnt about digital and analogue, and darkroom processing and printing, from developing my own film to preparing and displaying photos for assessments.” With the completion of his studies came new opportunities. In May 2008, Otis was hired by the Wiradjuri Condobolin Council (WCC) to photograph furniture, artefacts, and art works, as well as to capture images of the general running of the WCC. These images were destined for the WCC’s new website and other promotional purposes. In July 2008, Otis held his first solo exhibition at the Huw Davies Gallery in Manuka — Crossing comprising 19 images of Fitzroy Crossing. In the same week Otis was named 2008 Canberra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Trainee/Apprentice of the Year at the Canberra NAIDOC Awards. To achieve all this, Otis has not only had to juggle fulltime work with fulltime study; he also had to manage his family life. “Having three children can be quite hectic, and we sometimes found ourselves sitting down at the dinner table doing our homework together, which was quite bizarre.” AIATSIS is pleased to recognise Otis’s achievements since commencing in 2000, and congratulates him on his successes this year. Otis Williams with one of his “Crossings” prints [Kerstin Styche]. Filmmaker makes important cultural gift Institute mourns passing of Dr Marika: Indigenous filmmaker Rachel Perkins has made an extensive cultural gift of film, video and associated documentation to AIATSIS. Rachel Perkins’ collection is a valuable addition to the AIATSIS collection. The works in this collection reflect the resurgence in Australian filmmaking over the last twenty years and highlight the growth of Indigenous filmmaking, with films such as “Radiance” and “One Night the Moon”. Uniquely, the collection includes interviews with both political and creative Indigenous people. Rachel Perkins is a consummate storyteller, and her work is powerful. Her examination of her own Aboriginality through oral histories she made with key elders from the Arrente community, as well as her thorough research and documentation make an outstanding contribution to the personal histories held in the AIATSIS collection. The works and materials donated are projects which Rachel Perkins has been directly involved in over the past 19 years, including completed programs, costume items and props, multiple drafts of scripts, diaries, press materials and stills. It also includes oral history video interviews with key elders of the Arrente people and members of her own family. The Chairperson, Board, Principal and staff of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Studies (AIATSIS) mourned the passing of well loved and respected AIATSIS Council member, Dr Marika on Sunday 11 May 2008. “Dr Marika’s contribution to the Institute, to her community and to Australian society throughout her life goes beyond what most of us ever hope to achieve,” AIATSIS Chairperson Professor Mick Dodson said. “A Yolngu woman of the Rirratjingu clan, Dr Marika was an exceptional Indigenous Australian. She was committed to improving the education outcomes for Indigenous children and always fought to keep culture and language strong for her people and more broadly for all Indigenous Australians.” AIATSIS Principal Steve Larkin said Dr Marika’s work for the Institute over the past seven years was carried out with high distinction and unrivalled depth and breadth of expertise about remote Indigenous Australia. “As a representative of Council on the AIATSIS Research Advisory Committee, in particular, her critique of applications for research grants brought an important perspective and unique scholarly contribution to the Committee’s work,” Mr Larkin said. Dr Marika had been a member of numerous committees relating to Aboriginal education in the Northern Territory and is a past member of the Northern Territory Board of Studies, Aboriginal Education Standing Committee Working Party, which was charged with developing NT policy in line with the National Aboriginal Languages Framework. She held the position of Research Fellow at the Mulka Centre, Yirrkala. Her previous positions have included an appointment as Research Fellow and Lecturer at the Centre for Indigenous Natural and Cultural Resource Management, Northern Territory University; working for Alcan Gove Ltd as a translator and running Indigenous culture induction courses for new User-friendly interface improves access AIATSIS recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people want partnerships with linguists and archives to document, maintain and revitalise their languages — while speakers of those languages are still alive. The new interface came about as a result of feedback from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities during phase one of the program — it became clear that the interface was hard for less computer-literate people to navigate. The new interface is a cleaner, clearer format to read, and provides one primary site per geographic region, making it simpler for users to find information about their own region. Further, the interface provides information on categories such as talk and conversation, Dreaming stories, song and dance, without the user having to search on that category. Another feature of the interface is the combination of audiovisual resources, language transcription and translation on the same page to help improve literacy skills. This features A still from Spirit to Spirit, part of Rachel Perkins’ cultural gift. a brilliant Indigenous colleague and friend The Online Language Community Access Program (OLCAP) is moving into its second phase, with the ongoing development of a new userfriendly interface for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to access language and cultural heritage resources. OLCAP was set up with the intention to trial the internet as a way to repatriate recordings of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages to speakers and their descendants. The trial centres around the languages of the Victoria River district in the NT, the Iwaidja language spoken on Croker Island, and the languages spoken around Lockhart River in Cape York. Australian Indigenous languages embody unique knowledge systems. Their value is practical as well as spiritual with scientific value, and these languages are in catastrophic decline. Senior men from Arnhem land perform a cleansing ceremony at AIATSIS in remembrance of the late Dr Marika employees; and Coordinator of the Bilingual Appraisal Review at Yirrkala Community Education Centre. Dr Marika won Northern Territory Australian of the Year in 2007 in recognition of her work in Indigenous education, teacher training, twoway education strategies, advocacy for mixing western and Indigenous knowledge and reconciliation. She was then a finalist for Australian of the Year in the same year. Charles Darwin University granted Dr Marika a Doctor of Education, Honorius Causa, in October last year for her contribution to education, especially to the education of Aboriginal people in the NT, and her services to reconciliation and inter-cultural understanding. time-aligned (where the written word appears on screen with the audio pronunciation) subtitles, which have been proven to improve literacy skills. The interface has been developed by James McElvenny in collaboration with developers at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics in the Netherlands using open source software. The interface is already functional, and features will continue to be revised as the OLCAP trial progresses. 12 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 13 National Native Title Conference 2008 Koorah, Yira, Boordah The annual National Native Title Conference, held in Perth in June 2008, attracted over 600 native title holders and their representatives from across Australia. The conference, hosted by the Noongar people and co-convened by AIATSIS and the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC), is the largest Indigenous policy conference in Australia. The Noongar people set this year’s theme of Koorah, Yira, Boordah (past, present, future) coinciding with the Federal government’s proposed review of the native title system. Conference sessions included native title agreement making, negotiation and compensation, recent reforms to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NTA), Indigenous leadership and women’s roles, the relationship between native title and industry, health and country, wealth and economic development, and land management. Traditional owners and native title representative bodies engaged in free and open dialogue in the preconference workshops, where they shared knowledge on current issues in native title. Indigenous Talking Circles provided a forum for Indigenous delegates to discuss how native title has impacted upon their communities. A Youth Form involving 300 young Noongar people discussed how younger generations are a part of passing on knowledge and looking after country. Sessions examined alternative native title processes and agreement making, and the increasing government expectation of agreements to deliver social and economic change without a corresponding level of support or funding for agreement making processes. Chief Judge of the Maori Land Tribunal Joe Williams delivered the annual Mabo lecture, highlighting how Australia is in a state of transitional justice. He said that discussion of process alone would not lead to the philosophical change that will recognise Indigenous rights. Professor Mick Dodson and Dr Lisa Strelein highlighted the discriminatory nature of the current legislation which requires native title claimants to establish continuity in a manner that ignores the history of dispossession in Australia. The language of the NTA gives little scope to understand the forced removal and dispossession of many Indigenous people in Australia. It was proposed that the concept of occupation was more suitable and should be legislatively entrenched in order to avoid the development of restrictive case law. The conference received extensive support from both industry and government including the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, the Office of Native Title, Western Australia, Newmont, the AttorneyGeneral’s Department, the Department of Employment Education and Workplace Relations, Indigenous Business Australia, the Department of Indigenous Affairs Western Australia, and the Minerals Council of Australia. Next year the conference will be returning to Melbourne and will be hosted by the Wurundjeri people and co-convened by Native Title Service Victoria. Selected conference papers are available online: conf2008/papers.html Opposite: South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council CEO Glen Kelly responds to Mr Ripper. Top: Noongar Dance group performers entertained the 500+ crowd at the Native Title Conference held at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre, 3–5 June 2008. Indigenous researchers urged to apply to new AIATSIS fund AIATSIS is calling on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to apply to become visiting researchers in any field of interest as part of the newly launched AIATSIS Indigenous Researchers Fund. AIATSIS hopes the $1 million fund will enable Indigenous researchers to have a greater influence over public policy and programs for Indigenous communities. “Australia needs more Indigenous researchers to influence public policy in order to provide the best possible outcomes for Indigenous Australians,” Chairperson Professor Mick Dodson said at the launch of the Fund in September. “We need to transfer Indigenous knowledge from the community-based researchers and thinkers - where people know what works and what doesn’t – to the area of public policy development and implementation. Indigenous involvement in decision making is a key indicator of success in Indigenous policy,” Professor Dodson said. The Fund was established in partnership with the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations and the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs has already provided additional funding. The Fund is open to contributions from other agencies and the private sector. The AIATSIS Indigenous Researchers Fund will provide $1million over three years to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research Fellows and Scholars to undertake research in their fields of interest and, where appropriate, work with relevant government departments to discuss policy and practice. 14 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 15 AIATSIS farewells research fellows Three research fellows have recently left the Institute, following the completion of their contracts. Mr Steve Kinnane is a descendent of the Miriwoong people of the East Kimberley, and has worked on a variety of community-based cultural heritage projects and has published on history, social justice and sustainability. He has worked as a producer, heritage officer and policy officer for independent research centres and Aboriginal community organisations. His work has centred on investigations of Aboriginal history, removal of children and the surveillance and control of Aboriginal community members by various state regimes. His research at AIATSIS examined the incorporation of Indigenous approaches to ‘country’ in future resource management of our natural and cultural world. The project will facilitate the sustainable occupation of country in the Kimberley region, by documenting and critiquing past, present and planned developments within the region and their impact upon Indigenous communities. The project will investigate avenues by which Indigenous approaches to sustainable development of country through culturally appropriate economies are operating in the region. It will identify necessary strategies for the support and development of sustainable practices that will benefit Indigenous peoples in regard to development in the region. It will evaluate the viability and efficacy of partnership projects, market-based A moving experience at the AIATSIS Conference 2007 A hush descended on the ANU theatre as Yuwali, co-author of Cleared Out: First contact in the Western Desert, spoke. In language she responded to Sue Davenport’s invitation to retell her experience of being ‘brought in’ to Jigalong in 1964: her first contact, or knowledge of, white people. projects and government-based Natural Resource Management (NRM) against mainstream sustainability principles, policies and movements, as well as identified Indigenous aspirations and visions for the region. Steve will continue to work on this project at Notre Dame University in Broome. Dr Patrick McConvell has been with AIATSIS for eight years as Linguistics Fellow. He has studied Australian Indigenous languages for many years, especially in the west of the Northern Territory, the Kimberleys and the Pilbara of Western Australia. Dr McConvell is interested in the maintenance of languages, and in the shift to Kriol, code-switching and mixing of languages. He was involved in setting up the Kimberley Language Resource Centre, working in bilingual schools, and training of Indigenous language workers at Batchelor. His recent projects include: • Aboriginal Children’s Language Acquisition ARC project with Sydney and Melbourne Universities, investigating how children currently learn languages in four Central Australian communities. • the DoBeS (Documentation of Endangered Languages) project on languages and cultures of the Victoria River District, funded by the Volkswagen Foundation, and • linguistic prehistory of Australia and investigation of the past through linguistic evidence. With the power of a born storyteller, Yuwali described being 17 and first seeing white people and their trucks, the ‘rocks that moved’. While not understanding the words, the audience were in no doubt about what happened and how Yuwali felt. Co-authors, Sue Davenport and Peter Johnson used a set of photographs from the book to fill in the backstory and to talk about how they came to understand the importance of Yuwali’s story. With members of her family, Yuwali was within range of the Blue Streak Prior to joining AIATSIS, Dr McConvell taught linguistic and social anthropology at Northern Territory (now Charles Darwin) and Griffith Universities. Dr Anthea Jo Taylor has returned to her position at Edith Cowan University after three years at AIATSIS. She has a background in education and anthropology and has taught in schools, TAFEs and universities in metropolitan and remote Western Australia. Her research interests and publications include aspects of Indigenous identities and literacies, community politics, neighbourhood risk and trust in childhood over time, and youth career decision-making and transition to vocational education, training and work. Dr Taylor undertook a longitudinal ethnographic study with Indigenous children, examining the reproduction and transmission of culture in early childhood education processes. The project sought to identify and understand important points of tension for Indigenous children in this sociocultural interface. It focussed on three interrelated aspects of cultural transmission — language, interaction style(s) and power (and authority) — to discern cultural understandings in the communicative language, literacy and interaction of Indigenous students, their parents and the Aboriginal and Islander education workers with whom they are associating. AIATSIS wishes Mr Kinnane, Dr McConvell and Dr Taylor well in their future studies. rockets being tested and fired from the Woomera Rocket Range across their traditional lands. A film crew were in the audience and they are now filming on Martu land, a film option having been signed for a documentary based on the book. Authors Professor Larissa Behrendt and Bruce Pascoe completed the session, presenting their valuable and thoughtful ideas. All were taking part in the Aboriginal Studies Press-run session, ‘A Literary Coming of Age?’ in the AIATSIS conference last year. Aboriginal Australia map wins bands’ attention Two top Australian bands reproduced the Aboriginal Australia Map on the back of a programme for their Across the Great Divide tour last year. Powderfinger and Silverchair promoted a new community conversation about reconciliation and how Australians can help to close the gap in life expectancy between Indigenous and non-Indigenous children. Hot off the Press recent releases from Aboriginal Studies Press Professor Paul Hughes, Professor Lester Irabinna-Rigney and Professor Peter Buckskin at the launch of My Ngarrindjeri Calling. Launch honours Doreen Kartinyeri Family, elders and community members from the Kaurna and Ngarrindgeri people gathered on 8 July 2008 to honour Dr Doreen Kartinyeri’s life at the launching of her autobiography Doreen Kartinyeri: My Ngarrindjeri Calling. One of Doreen’s grandchildren gave a welcome to country in language, and MC Professor Lester Irabinna-Rigney led the audience through the event. One after the other, people spoke about their memories of Doreen: her strength, her investigative powers, her companionship, her mothering, her scholarship and her storytelling. A common theme was the way Doreen’s voice comes through the book, as if she were just across the table, cup of tea in hand, having a yarn. Professor Paul Hughes, who encouraged Doreen Kartinyeri to investigate genealogy, was followed by Professor Peter Buckskin who officially launched the book. Co-author Sue Anderson spoke of the process of writing the book, while Doreen’s niece and her daughter Lydia Rankine spoke about Doreen from the family’s viewpoint. Sandra Saunders, who stood strong alongside Doreen from the hard times of the Hindmarsh Island Royal Commission and the devastating outcome, to the Federal Court’s vindication of the women, spoke too. Her artwork features on the front cover of the book. A song, written in honour of Doreen, was sung. Tandanya in NAIDOC Week was a great setting for the launch of this Ngarrindjeri warrior’s life story. Aboriginal Studies Press republished its best-selling children’s picture book, Anna the Goanna, with an accessible paperback format and price early in the year. It was promoted through online review forums used by teachers, and the magazine Magpies promoted its use: ‘This is a valuable resource. Recommended.’ Sales of the paperback are going well as this is a book that can be used in the classroom with children whose reading skills aren’t strong, but it also makes a great gift. One teacher said that waving the book around in front of the students was her way of getting her students back into the classroom after lunch. Doreen Kartinyeri’s autobiography, Doreen Katinyeri: My Ngarrindjeri Calling, was published in April. Interviews with her son, Klynton Wanganeen, have made superb radio listening, especially that on Radio National’s Awaye!. Co-written with Sue Anderson, the book’s strength is the way the subject’s voice comes through. As Professor Peter Buckskin said at the launch, “It’s as if Doreen is sitting across the table from you, cup of tea in hand, yarning.” Brian McCoy’s book, Holding Men: Kanyirninpa and the health of Aboriginal men, emanated from his research into ‘growing up’ young men, and this concepts importance in Kimberley communities. Sales are very strong, and health service organisations in particular are recognising how useful McCoy’s elaboration of the concept can be — and not just for Kimberley remote communities. 16 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 INSTITUTE NEWS NOVEMBER 08 17 From left: Marilyn Beresford, Mrs Stanner, Quentin Beresford, Mick Dodson and Steve Larkin at the presentation of the Stanner Award. Rob Riley’s story wins Stanner Award The moving story of an Aboriginal activist in an unreconciled Australia won the 2007 Stanner Award from AIATSIS. Rob Riley: An Aboriginal Leader’s Quest for Justice by Quentin Beresford (Aboriginal Studies Press, 2006) had already gained critical acclaim: shortlisted for the NSW Premier’s Award 2007, and winning the Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission Arts Non-Fiction Award in 2006, and the Western Australian Premier’s Literary Award, 2007 for nonfiction. In August 2008 the book was shortlisted for the Victorian Premier’s Award for Indigenous Literature, which is presented every two years. Widely regarded as one of the great Aboriginal leaders of the modern era, Rob Riley was closely involved in the Indigenous fight for land rights, a treaty, self-determination and justice. He tragically took his own life in 1996, weighed down by the unresolved traumas of his exposure to institutionalisation, segregation and racism, and his sense of betrayal by the Australian political system to deliver justice to Aboriginal people. His death shocked community leaders and ordinary citizens alike. In receiving the award, Mr Beresford paid tribute to Chairperson, Professor Mick Dodson and Rob Riley’s family, and thanked Aboriginal Studies Press for supporting the project. “It was the courage of Mick and several other activists of that era that enabled the story to be made,” Mr Beresford said. “I’d like to put on record too the courage of Rob’s family. It took tremendous courage on their part to open up Rob’s often painful personal history. Rob had a political career but he also had a terribly bad and tragic personal life characterised by institutionalisation, segregation and of course 15 years of grinding political activism.” “I can’t avoid mention of the apology that the Rudd Government has made to the Stolen Generations and the timing of that apology in relation to this award and Rob’s story. For those of you who don’t know Rob, he was one of three successive generations who were forcibly removed from their families. His grandmother, his mother and all his siblings and of course Rob himself. I’ve been privileged to be involved in the reconstruction of what I think is a powerful family story that represents this larger history of the Stolen Generations . And I know how much that apology means to people like Rob’s family and of course to thousands of other Aboriginal people who were affected by this policy.” Rob’s wife, Jeannie Morrison, took six years to find the right person to write Rob’s story. “I wanted the book to be written about Rob and his experiences of fighting for social justice for his daughters who were still minors when he passed,” Jeannie said. “They knew their father had an important job that kept him away from home for long periods of time and even when he was home he was preoccupied with his work a lot of the time. I wanted them to know that his work was not in vain and that he worked so hard to contribute to making a better society for them to live in. It was his life’s work. Rob’s experiences made him the way he was and gave him the strength and drive to continue to make a change.” Jeannie felt it was important for Rob’s story to be told, not just for his children and family, but for his community as well. “He will be remembered for his courage and his leadership; to be one of the first to take Aboriginal issues to the highest levels,” Jeannie said. “I hope that Aboriginal and nonAboriginal people alike will have a respect for the difficulties he endured and how much he lost in his commitment to the rights of Aboriginal people. To me his loss is seeing his daughters grow into beautiful young women and mothers. To see his grandsons play football and his granddaughters becoming miniature impressions of their mothers.” Quentin Beresford’s award-winning book, Rob Riley: An Aboriginal Leader’s Quest for Justice. Link-Up caseworkers gain skills at AIATSIS The Family History Unit held a family history training workshop for Link-Up caseworkers from 16 to 20 June 2008. Eleven caseworkers attended the workshop, travelling to Canberra from Western Australia, New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland and South Australia. The five-day workshop aimed to equip Link-Up caseworkers with the skills and knowledge to assist members of the Stolen Generations to research their family history. Participants received an introduction to the research process, and training in the skills and resources involved in Indigenous family history research. Also included in the workshop were guest speakers and visits to relevant record-holding organisations such as the National Archives of Australia and the National Museum of Australia. Participants had the opportunity to practice searching for a range of family history records including war Online exhibitions a big hit Online exhibitions are proving to be a huge success for the AIATSIS Library, with 6.25 million hits on exhibition web pages since the project’s inception in 2005. The AIATSIS Library began developing online exhibitions as part of the 2005–08 AIATSIS Digitisation Program. The exhibitions bring together materials from the Library and other collecting agencies, with a strong focus on the history of Indigenous struggle for justice and recognition, family history and language. The online exhibitions are updated regularly, and visitors are encouraged to contribute additional information or offer corrections. Current exhibitions include Indigenous Australians at War; Yes! The 1967 Referendum; Treaty; The Freedom Ride; To Remove and Protect; and Day of Mourning and Protest. Top: Rita Metzenrath showing the participants some of the rare items held in the AIATSIS Library collections. Right: Link-Up participants following their certificate presentation. service records, photographs, cemetery records, and birth, death and marriage records. The participants also accessed AIATSIS’ library and audiovisual collections for information on their own families and those of their clients. Staff from a number of AIATSIS programs participated in the workshop and contributed to its success. The Library intends to capitalise on the success of the project by creating new content and redeveloping current exhibition sites over the next three years. Visit exhibitions to view any of the AIATSIS online exhibitions. Indigenous Australians at War Launched by AIATSIS in April 2008, Indigenous Australians at War was originally compiled by Garth O’Connell, himself an Indigenous soldier. The site is dedicated in part to “the kids in communities today, that they find out that we’ve got heaps of pride when it comes to fighting for our country — we’ve always stepped up when freedom was being threatened both here and overseas.” The website includes biographies and an honour roll as well as information about Indigenous Australians in the armed forces from the Boer War to current Australian military missions. Cultural Gifts Program Institute members are reminded that they may be able to make use of the benefits of the Cultural Gifts Program. The program was established in 1978 to enhance the nation’s public collections through the generosity of private collectors. Since its inception, the program has attracted more than $200 million worth of gifts covering a wide diversity of material. The Cultural Gifts Program plays an important role in ensuring that our cultural treasures are preserved for generations to come by offering significant tax deductions to donors. The focus of the Cultural Gifts Program is to encourage owners of culturally significant materials to donate to the nation’s public libraries, museums and art galleries. The Institute would welcome enquiries from members if they are considering the donation of manuscripts, audiovisual collections or other materials. Enquiries should be made to: AIATSIS Library Director Rod Stroud Tel: 02 6246 1197 Email: Acting AIATSIS Audiovisual Archives Director Mark Denbow Tel: 02 6246 1134 Email: Subscribe now to Australian Aboriginal Studies Australian Aboriginal Studies (AAS) is inter-disciplinary journal promoting high-quality research in Australian Indigenous studies, with a focus on the humanities and social sciences. Each issue contains scholarly articles, research reports, book reviews and news and information. AAS provides a forum for dialogue about the key themes in the disciplines involved with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research. Thematic editions are comprehensive and diverse: from health and ethnomusicology to the archaeology of native title. Importantly, AAS is networked to universities and research centres and includes practical research with policy relevance. Subscription rates — save 15% for a 2-year subscription Individual:A$60.00 (1 year) (A$51 per year for a 2-year subscription) Student: A$40.00 (1 year) (A$34 per year for a 2-year subscription) Institution: A$130.00 (1 year) or choose a Standing Order. AIATSIS member A$50.00 (1 year) (A$42.50 per year for a 2-year subscription) All subscription rates include GST (but do not include postage & handling). For more information or to subscribe, visit our website: publications/australian_aboriginal_ studies Or c/o AIATSIS, GPO Box 553 Canberra ACT 2601 AIATSIS membership Do you know anyone who might be eligible for membership of AIATSIS? There are plenty of benefits, not least joining an existing network of more than 500 people in Australia and overseas involved in all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies. AIATSIS members must have a demonstrated interest in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies and be able to satisfy at least one of several criteria relating to research experience or achievements in, meritorious service to, or involvement in the teaching of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies. The Institute Council appoints members of the Institute for a period of five years (renewable). Membership benefits include: • Members may stand for, propose and second other members for election to the AIATSIS Council and the Research Advisory Committee • Members are entitled to a discount of 25% on most Institute publications and to subscribe to the AIATSIS journal Australian Aboriginal Studies at a cost of $33 p.a. for two issues (non-members pay $38.50) • Members may borrow most books overnight from the AIATSIS Library while they are in Canberra • Members receive Institute News and other information from time to time as appropriate, and are invited to book launches and other Institute events, and • No membership fee. For further information or an application form, visit the AIATSIS website at or telephone the Executive Officer on 02 6246 1123. AIATSIS artwork posters for sale You can buy our beautiful high-quality posters for only $12 each or the set of five for $48 (includes postage and handling). Staff and member discounts apply. Call Aboriginal Studies Press on 02 6246 1183 or go to www.aiatsis. to order online. Only available through AIATSIS!
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