SPECIAL ORDER SALES (SOS) EDI VENDOR PACKET MODIFIED: 1/15/2015 LOWESLINK® IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF LF, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED SOS EDI VENDOR PACKET LOWE’S EDI LOWE’S SPECIAL ORDER SALES (SOS) EDI Lowe’s Special Orders Sales (SOS) program provides Lowe's vendors with additional revenue opportunities in our stores and is one of our primary growth vehicles. As with any major initiative, we are constantly reviewing the operational model, looking for ways to reduce costs for both our customers and suppliers. The implementation of EDI for Special Orders is one of these initiatives. If a vendor has been asked to utilize this process with Lowe’s, their company has been selected by their Lowe’s Merchandising Team to participate in Lowe’s EDI program for Special Orders Sales. SOS EDI will benefit the vendor in the following areas: Increase accuracy of orders Improve information flow to vendors Reduce SOS Adjustment Errors by systematically eliminating the manual process Improve customer service by providing timely, accurate order status information Reduce Invoice Discrepancies SOS EDI REQUIREMENTS: SOS Approved - vendor must be approved by Lowe’s Merchandiser to supply Lowe’s Special Order product. Electronic Catalog - All SOS EDI Item Data must be setup in Lowe’s E-Catalog, SOS Kitchen Design Catalog, or SOS Configurable Catalog. This is required before EDI testing can begin. EDI-INT - Internet EDI (EDI-INT) is recommended to exchange data with Lowe’s. SOS EDI vendors are asked to retrieve orders throughout the day as Lowe’s will process SOS EDI Orders in a Realtime mode. EDI 850 SOS PO – EDI SOS POs for shipments to Lowe’s store or direct to a customer/installer and EDI SOS PO Cancellations will be transmitted to the vendor. EDI 997 Functional Acknowledgement (FA) – used by the vendor to confirm receipt of the EDI 850 SOS PO. Lowe’s will send the vendor an EDI 997 FA to confirm receipt of the EDI 870 and 810 transactions. EDI 870 Order Status Report - used to convey information on the status of SOS orders by the vendor. EDI 810 Invoice – required via EDI for all SOS POs that are shipped. EDI Testing - All vendors must complete testing of all EDI documents before advancing to production. SOS ORDER FLOW: 1. Create EDI PO - When an SOS order is created, Lowe’s system confirms the vendor is SOS EDI certified and verifies the SOS items exists in one of Lowe’s electronic catalogs before it can be transmitted. 2. 2-hour remorse window – All SOS POs, excluding PO Cancellations, are held at the store for 2-hours to allow the customer to change the order prior to transmitting it via EDI. Once the order has been paid for by the customer, the 2-hour timeframe begins. A process runs every 15 minutes in the store to send all EDI orders that exceed the 2-hour threshold to Lowe’s host system for transmission to the vendor. 3. EDI 997 FA from vendor – a. All SOS PO Originals and PO Cancellations must be acknowledged by the vendor with an EDI 997 FA at the transaction level (include AK2 and AK5 segments in 997s). b. The vendor should transmit the 997 within 6-hours, or earlier, from the time the order is transmitted to the vendor. The 6-hour window begins when Lowe’s transmits the 850, not when the vendor receives the 850. If this is not feasible on weekends, the 997 document must be transmitted within the first-hour of business of the vendor’s next business day. WWW.LOWESLINK.COM -2- SOS EDI VENDOR PACKET 4. LOWE’S EDI EDI 870 Order Status Report for SOS PO Originals – a. Multiple 870s are required from the vendor throughout the life cycle of the SOS PO to provide Lowe’s stores/customers with order statuses until the order is shipped/delivered. An 870 can include status updates at each stage of the order or it can include exceptions at the order level or item level when identified by the vendor. Use the 870 Order Status Milestones document on LowesLink® to ensure the 870s are sent timely. b. A minimum*** of three 870s must be returned from the vendor for all SOS Original POs without exceptions. 1st 870 required within 24-hours from the time the SOS PO is transmitted – The ‘IN’ 870 is required to indicate the order is approved and can be filled as ordered. 2nd 870 required within 48-hours from the time the SOS PO is transmitted – The ‘AP’ 870 is required when the order is committed and allocated to production. 3rd 870 Required – The ‘CC’ 870 is required when the order is shipped. It should be sent before the PO Requested Delivery Date. ***When an SOS PO has data exceptions, such as rescheduling the ship/delivery date when the PO requested delivery date cannot be met by the vendor, invalid item information, out-of-stock conditions, etc., specific 870 statuses are required to report the data exception. These exceptions should be identified upon receiving the SOS PO and the appropriate EDI 870 sent within 24-hours from the time the SOS PO is sent. Use the 870 Order Status Matrix on LowesLink® to find the next steps for POs with data exceptions. When it is not feasible to transmit the 870s within the 24 and 48 hour windows on weekends or holidays, the 870 must be transmitted the morning of the vendor’s next business day. 5. EDI 870 Order Status Report for SOS PO Cancellations – a. These are the business rules for sending the EDI 850 PO Cancellation in regards to the stage of the PO. For shipments to a Lowe’s store, the EDI 850 SOS PO Cancellation can be transmitted along various stages of an SOS PO. The PO can be cancelled until the customer picks up the shipment or until Lowe’s delivers it to the customer. This means the PO can be cancelled by Lowe’s after receiving the EDI 870 Approved/In Process Order Status (IN), the EDI 870 Committed Order Status (AP), or the EDI 870 Shipped Order Status (CC). For direct to customer shipments, the EDI 850 SOS PO Cancellation can be transmitted until the EDI 870 Shipped Order Status (CC) is received from the vendor. This means the PO can be cancelled by Lowe’s after receiving the EDI 870 Approved/In Process Order Status (IN) or the EDI 870 Committed Order Status (AP). b. Lowe’s SOS Team should contact the vendor to review the Order Status and to confirm the PO Cancellation before the EDI 850 SOS PO Cancellation is transmitted to the vendor. It will also be determined at that time whether the shipment will be returned to the vendor. c. When Lowe’s transmits the EDI 850 SOS PO Cancellation to the vendor, an EDI 870 Deleted Order Status (DE) should be transmitted by the vendor. The 870 DE Status is mandatory within 24-hours from the time the EDI 850 PO Cancellation is transmitted. The DE 870 confirms the vendor has cancelled the PO and it should not be sent until the vendor receives an EDI 850 SOS PO Cancellation from Lowe’s. It confirms the vendor has cancelled the PO and it cannot be used by the vendor to submit a PO Cancellation. 6. 870 Order Status posts in Lowe’s Systems – a. Lowe’s SOS system application is updated with each 870 status within 15-30 minutes from the time Lowe’s receives the vendor’s 870. This allows Lowe’s to keep our customers current on the status of their SOS PO. b. All 870 statuses with exceptions that are conveyed to Lowe's will be negotiated by Lowe's with the customer and vendor. 7. 870 Order Status Compliance – vendors will be notified by Lowe’s EDI when an 870 Order Status is not received as required. WWW.LOWESLINK.COM -3- SOS EDI VENDOR PACKET LOWE’S EDI ADDITIONAL SOS 850 DETAILS: 1. 2. 3. 4. If an order is revised by the customer, Lowe’s will cancel the PO and transmit a new PO with a new PO number. The entire PO must be shipped together as Lowe’s does not accept multiple shipments for a PO. Two different PO numbers with the same project number can be created and sent to the same vendor when a project is split into multiple POs due to freight charges. Assembly of Multiple Items - For vendors with items in the SOS Kitchen Design Catalog or SOS Configurable Catalog, some items may be ordered as individual line items but may need to be assembled together prior to shipment. See the EDI 850 SOS PO Guidelines and review the information on the PID segment. ADDITIONAL SOS 870 DETAILS: Include only one SOS PO per EDI 870 Order Status transaction. The sequence of the PO1-01 numbers in the 870 must be the same as sent on the EDI 850 SOS PO. The project number must be sent back in the 870 exactly as it is transmitted in the EDI 850 SOS PO. Only one exception can be reported per line item in the 870. When item exceptions exist for an SOS PO, full item detail is required for every item on the order. For items without an exception in this scenario, include ‘IN’ as the status at the Item Level. All order exceptions must be resolved before sending the ‘AP’ Committed and ‘CC’ Shipped 870 statuses. No replacement items, substitution items, or backordered items are allowed. Lowe’s will send the vendor an EDI 997 FA to confirm receipt of the EDI 870 transactions. An 870 is not required for SOS POs that are not transmitted via EDI. For SOS POs that are sent both via Fax and EDI, the 870 is required. If sent manually via Fax and the vendor enters the PO before receiving the EDI SOS PO, the EDI 870 is mandatory to report the status of the EDI PO. Review the ‘870 Order Status Milestones’ on LowesLink® to ensure all 870s are in compliance. The following is a summary of the various 870s that can be submitted. It is IMPORTANT to reference the ‘EDI 870 Order Status Matrix’ when determining the type of 870 to transmit. Order Status ISR01 NN IN ED/EX AP CC Order Reason ISR03 Summary of the 870s WITHOUT Item Level Exceptions Type of EDI 870 Order Status Not In Process; vendor is Reviewing PO Approved, In Process; without Item Exceptions Ship/Delivery Date Change for Entire PO* Committed (Allocated to Production) Shipment Complete (Shipped) - only 870 in this section that requires Item Details, also include ‘CC’ in the Item Status ISR01 for each line item DD Order Delivered to Customer/Installer DE Order Deleted/Cancelled after receiving an EDI 850 SOS PO Cancellation IN A03 Approved with Incorrect Address ED/EX A03 Date Change due to Incorrect Address* ED/EX 051 Date Change due to Carrier Delay* ED/EX 052 Date Change due to Import Container Delay* ED/EX A45 Date Change due to Delivery Not Completed to Customer/Installer* *Rescheduled Ship/Delivery Date is required in Order Level ISR02 when Order Status ISR01=‘ED’ or ‘EX’. Summary of the 870s WITH Item Level Exceptions Item Item Status Reason ISR01** ISR03 Type of EDI 870 Status IN W05 Approved with Price Discrepancy for Item ED/EX Date Change for Item in a multi-line PO* ED/EX W05 Date Change and Incorrect Price for Item* REJ DS W08 Out-of-Stock for Item REJ IC REJ Item Cancelled due to Invalid Item, Discontinued, or Incorrect Saleable Unit *Rescheduled Ship/Delivery Date is required in Item Level ISR02 when Item Status ISR01=‘ED’ or ‘EX’. **Item Status ISR01=’IN’ for items without an issue when other items have one of the above exceptions. Order Status ISR01 IN IN IN IN IN Order Reason ISR03 WWW.LOWESLINK.COM -4- SOS EDI VENDOR PACKET LOWE’S EDI ADDITIONAL EDI SOS DOCUMENTATION: KEY DOCUMENTS – o 870 Order Status Matrix o 870 Order Status Milestones EDI 870 Guidelines & Business Examples EDI 850 Guidelines & Business Examples EDI 810 Guidelines, Business Examples, & Best Practices EDI 820 Guidelines & Business Examples EDI 997 Guidelines & Business Examples WHO TO CALL WITH QUESTIONS: Lowe’s - All questions for customers will be negotiated by Lowe’s with the customer and vendor. Lowe’s Merchandising Team - Approval as a Lowe’s SOS Vendor, Identifying the types of POs for a vendor Lowe’s SOS Team - SOS Electronic Catalogs, Pricing Discrepancies Lowe’s Store - Phoned/Faxed POs Lowe’s SOS Hotline 855-658-2700, Option 2 - PO Content, Shipping Address, Resolving PO Exceptions EDI-Production@Lowes.com – EDI data transmission, Change Email Address for PO Alerts EDI-Implementation@Lowes.com - SOS EDI Implementation & Testing EDICompliance@Lowes.com - SOS EDI 870 Order Status Compliance – Lowe’s EDI Compliance will notify the vendor via email VendorInquiry@Lowes.com - Invoice questions Thank you for your continued partnership with our SOS Program at Lowes! WWW.LOWESLINK.COM -5-
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