The Daily Review, Morgan City, La., Tuesday, January 20, 2015, TODAY IN HISTORY By The Associated Press Today is Tuesday, Jan. 20, the 20th day of 2015. There are 345 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Jan. 20, 1265, England’s first representative Parliament met for the first time; the gathering at Westminster was composed of bishops, abbots, peers, Knights of the Shire and town burgesses. On this date: In 1649, King Charles I of England went on trial, accused of high treason (he was found guilty and executed by month’s end). In 1887, the U.S. Senate approved an agreement to lease Pearl Harbor in Hawaii as a naval base. In 1936, Britain’s King George V died; he was succeeded by Edward VIII. In 1942, Nazi officials held the notorious Wannsee conference, during which they arrived at their “final solution” that called for exterminating Jews. In 1945, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was sworn into office for an unprecedented fourth term. In 1954, “The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial,” a play by Herman Wouk based on part of his novel “The Caine Mutiny,” opened on Broadway. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson was inaugurated for a term of office in his own right. Rock-and-roll promoter Alan Freed, 43, died in Palm Springs, California. The Byrds recorded the Bob Dylan song “Mr. Tambourine Man” at Columbia Records in Hollywood. In 1975, several former William Morris talent agents, including Michael Ovitz, founded Creative Artists Agency (CAA). In 1981, Iran released 52 Americans it had held hostage for 444 days, minutes after the presidency had passed from Jimmy Carter to Ronald Reagan. In 1985, President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George H.W. Bush were sworn in for second terms of office in a brief White House ceremony (it being a Sunday, the public swearing-in was held the following day). In 1986, the United States observed the first federal holiday in honor of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. In 1990, actress Barbara Stanwyck died in Santa Monica, California, at age 82. Ten years ago: President George W. Bush was inaugurated for a second term as Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, ill with thyroid cancer, delivered the oath of office; anti-Bush demonstrators jeered the president’s motorcade during the inaugural parade. Five years ago: National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair conceded missteps in the government’s handling of the Christmas Day 2009 airline bombing attempt in testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee. One year ago: Iran unplugged banks of centrifuges involved in its most sensitive nuclear enrichment program, prompting the U.S. and the European Union to partially lift economic sanctions as a landmark deal aimed at easing concerns over Iran’s nuclear program went into effect. American missionary Kenneth Bae, jailed in North Korea for more than a year, appeared before reporters in Pyongyang and appealed to the U.S. government to do its best to secure his release. (Bae and fellow American Matthew Miller were freed in Nov. 2014.) Italian condcutor Claudio Abbado, 80, died in Bologna after a long illness. Today’s Birthdays: Comedian Arte Johnson is 86. Former astronaut Buzz Aldrin is 85. Olympic gold medal figure skater Carol Heiss is 75. Singer Eric Stewart is 70. Movie director David Lynch is 69. Country-rock musician George Grantham (Poco) is 68. Israeli activist Natan Sharansky is 67. Actor Daniel Benzali is 65. Rock musician Paul Stanley (KISS) is 63. Rock musician Ian Hill (Judas Priest) is 63. Comedian Bill Maher (MAR) is 59. Actor Lorenzo Lamas is 57. Actor James Denton is 52. Rock musician Greg K. (The Offspring) is 50. Country singer John Michael Montgomery is 50. Sophie, Countess of Wessex, is 50. Actor Rainn Wilson is 49. Actress Stacey Dash is 48. TV personality Melissa Rivers is 47. Singer Xavier is 47. Actor Reno Wilson is 46. Singer Edwin McCain is 45. Actor Skeet Ulrich is 45. Rap musician ?uestlove (questlove) (The Roots) is 44. Rock musician Rob Bourdon (Linkin Park) is 36. Singer/songwriter Bonnie McKee is 31. Country singer Brantley Gilbert is 30. Rock singer Kevin Parker (Tame Impala) is 29. Actor Evan Peters is 28. Thought for Today: “To enjoy life one should give up the lure of life.” — Mohandas K. Gandhi, Indian religious leader (1869-1948). ASK DOCTOR K Dental Checkups Are Necessary Even For Faithful Flossers by Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D. DEAR DOCTOR K: I take good care of my teeth, brushing and flossing regularly. Do I still need to have regular dental checkups? DEAR READER: Even if you brush your teeth three times a day and floss daily, regular checkups with a dental professional are a must. For most people, two checkups per year are enough. That’s what I have. Routine visits usually include a professional cleaning, an exam and possibly X-rays. Professional cleaning rids your teeth of tartar. This thick stuff can build up in places that are hard to reach with a toothbrush. Or in places that are easy to reach with a toothbrush — if you don’t regularly use a toothbrush! If tartar is not removed, it can lead to cavities and tooth decay. During the cleaning, the dentist or hygienist might use a small metal instrument with a bladelike end to scrape off tartar above and below the gum line. He or she may also use an ultrasonic vibrating device to shake loose plaque and tartar. The dentist or hygienist will polish your teeth with a lightly abrasive paste and finish up with a flossing. After your teeth are clean, your dentist will examine them, looking for early signs of cavities, gum disease, oral cancer or other dental problems and take appropriate action. He or she will look for signs of decay, using a metal probe and a small mirror with an angled handle. The dentist will check for gum disease by examining your gums for swelling and redness and by measuring the spaces between the teeth and the gums. Your dentist will test how your upper and lower teeth come together. He or she will look for evidence of tooth grinding, or problems with the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. The dentist will also check for signs of infection and oral cancer. Finally, your dentist will look for clues as to whether problems in your mouth are actually symptoms of other diseases in the body. Virtually everyone who visits the dentist will have Xrays taken at some point. Teeth, bones, fillings and restorations appear lighter because they block more of the X-rays than soft tissue. Decayed or swollen, pusfilled areas around teeth appear darker than healthy teeth. X-rays are valuable for uncovering problems in places that can’t easily be seen — cavities inside and between the teeth, for example. They can also show wisdom teeth that have failed to come through the gum and bone deterioration below the gum line. For me, regular cleaning of the teeth has almost always been a pleasant experience — with one notable exception. The dental hygienist had escaped from Communist Czechoslovakia. She liked to talk, and, given the circumstances, I couldn’t say much in reply. That day, she was talking about all of the reasons she hated the Communists. With each new reason, she cleaned the teeth by the gum line a little harder. I blame the Czech Communists for making my mouth sore. (Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. To send questions, go to, or write: Ask Doctor K, 10 Shattuck St., Second Floor, Boston, MA 02115.) COPYRIGHT 2015 THE PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE DISTRIBUTED BY UNIVERSAL UCLICK FOR UFS Page 11 Services Offered Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Furnished Apartments Free Dumping Site For Broken Concrete Patterson Cafe Jo Jo’s accepting applications for Cajun Country Now Hiring Bartenders & Waitresses 985/518-1513 Furnished Efficiency Apt. on 316 Veterans #35 in Patt. water pd. W/D included $395dep. $395mo. and $200 pet fee, call 397-1124 or to apply 384-8200 Gerry’s Stump Removal 985/312-9300 Dump Trailer Rental J in C Concrete Finishers Concrete work, haul off, scraping, painting, stucco, tear down trailer houses & buildings, land clearing, spread dirt and sand, storm debris removal, roofing, carpentry work, brick & blocks. We erect metal bldgs. & all types of fences Free Estimates! 397-7917 Pressure Washing Reasonable Rates Free Estimates 985/714-1684 Bartender, Wait Staff, Will train. ALSO need part time Servers for catering. Apply @ 624 Front St., M.C. Wed. - Fri. 4:30 - 5:30pm HELP WANTED Water and Sewer District in Bayou Vista looking for dependable, motivated individuals for positions to include maintenance and electronic meter reading. Applicants must possess a valid LA driver’s license and a clean driving record. Applicants must be able to pass random drug screening. No calls please, applications may be obtained at 1333 Belleview Street in Bayou Vista, LA. Pay scale is dependent on experience and position being filled. Help Wanted General Local Janitorial service looking for a part-time worker, 3 days a week, approximately 8 hours a day. Must have own transportation. Immediate Opening Cashier/Clerk •Shift work •Experienced •Reliable •References Call for information Doiron’s Landing Call 985/395-5558 Hwy 70, Morgan City 384-8135 between 8am & 4pm Services Offered Services Offered CENTRAL BOAT RENTALS, INC. Boat/Barge Repairs Fleeting for Boats/Barges Oilfield Equip. Storage Waterfront for Lease 985-384-8200 Help Wanted General Help Wanted General Coastwide Transportation Weekend Dispatcher needed in Fourchon. Salary plus Per Diem. Call: 985-396-4400 Looking for a Front End Loader Operator Call 985/384-5896 Relief Security Guard needed immediately, shift work . Must have TWIG Card Must apply in person @ Guard Gate at Diamond Services Corp. 503 S. Degravelle Rd., Amelia. No Phone Calls Help Wanted Medical Fairview Treatment Center is in immediate need for a Part Time Psychiatric Aide, and a PRN LPN, shift work, experience preferred. Please Apply in Person or by mail @ 1101 Southeast Blvd. Bayou Vista, LA 70380 Medical Assistant or LPN needed for OB/GYN practices(s) in Morgan City and Thibodaux. TOP PAY. Please send resume to PO Box 2527 Morgan City, LA 70381 The Medicine Clinic of Morgan City is looking for a full time LPN Please bring resume to 1126 Marguerite St/MC or fax to 985/702-8507 Business Rentals For Rent or Lease: Commercial yard, 5 acres on Bayou Teche in Patterson across from high school. Call 985/384-8200 Modern business office w/street access, good location for insurance agency, accountant or some medical services. 1006 8th St. 518-4981 WAREHOUSES FOR LEASE Call 985-384-8200 Waterfront property For lease -Morgan City & Charenton Canal Areas. 985-384-8200, ask for Joy Now Hiring Certified Outboard Mechanics 5 Years minimum experience required 40 Hr. work week min. Starting pay depending on experience Brands Serviced: Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha This is a long term position with great benefits. Apply in person or send resume’ 995 Utah St., Berwick, LA 70342 A.J. Dohmann Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram NOW HIRING SALES CONSULTANTS Benefits: •Huge Inventory •Great Hours •Health Insurance •401K •Paid Vacation •Guarantee While Training •Positive Work Environment Only positive, motivated individuals welcome See Steve Grabert for your confidential interview A. J. DOHMANN Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge-Ram 802 Robison Rd/Berwick, LA 384-8070 Furnished Apartments *2 story unfurn. 3BR 2½BA Townhouse w/fenced in backyard. $900/mo., $900 dep. *1BR apt. completely furn., w/utilities & cable paid. Gated premises, exceptionally nice. $850/mo., $850 dep. *1 small eff. apt. w/small kitchen, partially furn. $500/mo., $300 dep. Utilities not Paid *1 room furn., utilities pd. $500/mo., $100 dep. Call 384-5315 or 759-2233 after 11am Help Wanted Medical Unfurnished Apartments 1BR/1BA. in MC, Water, sewerage & garbage pd. No pets. $500/mo., $500dep. 985/498-9560 or 631-0038 1BR apt. loc. at 422 Neptune St/BV. $475 mo., $475 dep. Call 985-860-6625 or 985-860-4303 2BR., CAH, washer/dryer hook-up. 510 Egle St./MC $650/mo. + dep. Breezeway Apts. Call 985/395-9791 2BR. luxury apt. A/C, D/W, W/D. 508 Brashear. $775+ dep. 504/905-5671 For pictures & contact info. Non Smoking Unit GRANDWOOD APARTMENTS 2BR, CAH, Walk-in closet, washateria & pest control . 985-395-9855 Unfurnished Houses 2703 6th St./MC, unfurn., has stove & ref., 3BR/1BA., CAH, fenced in yard, good location, walking distance to school. $800/mo, $800 dep. No Pets. Ph. 337/967-6334 or 337/453-0280 1BR/1BA House carport, all appliances furnished, nice neighborhood, no pets, single or couple $650mo. + deposit Call 504-782-3677 2BR/1BA. house, newly remodeled, all new appliances. Adults only. 1136 River Road, Berwick. Call 985/384-8200 2BR/2BA Home for Rent, available in February. Fenced Yard, Storage Shed, Double Carport, All Appliances Call 985-518-7950 Patterson: Gorgeous, single family, 2BR, 1BA, totally renovated, available now. $850. 985-492-0104 Homes For Sale 3123 Vine Dr., 3BR/2BA., 1303 sq. ft. liv. $125,000 Call (985) 714-3066 or (985) 385-1836 3BR, 2BA, 501 Neptune/BV Covered dbl. carport and large workshop. Asking $155,000. 985-519-1349 or 985-395-7241 Real Estate For Sale 6.5 acres, Red Cypress, 54K 1/3 acre, MLK, $22K 66x200, L St., $14K 985-518-9294 Help Wanted Medical ATTENTION LPN Come join a winning team at MORGAN CITY HEALTH CARE CENTER OPENING FOR FULLTIME LPN We offer many benefits including Insurance, Vacation, Holiday, and Sick Pay MUST have positive references and a POSITIVE attitude. Apply in person @ A.J. Dohmann Chevrolet/Cadillac 740 Justa Street, Morgan City, LA BODY SHOP Has an IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR A QUALIFIED BODY TECHNICIAN Body Shop paint experience. APPLY IN PERSON AT 800 Robison Road at the foot of bridge in Berwick, LA Body Shop Building at rear of dealership Has an immediate opening for the following positions: Medical Technologists/ Medical Laboratory Technicians PRN Positions/Variable Shifts Must be currently licensed by the State of Louisiana Apply online at For More Information Contact: Human Resources Department 1125 Marguerite, Morgan City, LA 70380 985-380-4424 Miss Your Paper...Call Before 6pm...We’ll Get You One Pronto!!!
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