January 17 official - Mexican American Bar Association

The Mexican American Bar Association
Invites you to attend
MABA MCLE Day: "Hands Up: Don't Shoot and Don't Deport Me"
Civil Rights Litigation & Immigration MCLE Day
Saturday, January 17, 2015
8:30am Registration
9:00am-3:30pm MCLEs
Loyola Law School
919 S. Albany Street
Los Angeles, 90015
Parking Available for $9
*25 — Law Students with
valid I.D.
9:00 am to 10:30 am
Civil Rights Panel 1
Ho n. F ernando M. Olg uin, Jim De Sim one, Humberto Guizar
1) Prese nting claims for e xcessive forc e i n State and F ederal C ourt, be ne fits and burdens i n State and Fe der al
court, di ffer enc es relate d to discovery & trials, and rece nt case l aw
2) Motion practice, ho w to o btain the evide nce to maximi ze yo ur chanc e o f success
3) Foll ow the rul es, from a j udg e’
s perspective
10:45 am to 12:00 pm
Civil Rights Panel 2
Immigration Panel 1
Sam Paz, S oni a Merc ado
Saira Hussain, Asian Americans Advancing Justice
1) Proving supervisori al liability: how and why to
target law e nforcement officials at the hig hest levels
in e xcessive force c ases
ThomasA. Saenz, Mexican American Legal Defense and
Educational Fund
Exc essive policing i n the immigratio n co nte xt
2) Rece nt case law and practical to ols
TRUST Act gui dance
*$75 —Government & NonProfit Rate
$100—MABA Members and
Non-Members Rate
*A redu ced rate of $75 will b e offered
to MABA members w ho pay their
dues on or before January 17, 2015.
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Lunch and Keynote Address
Special Keynote Address on President Obama’
s Executive Action
Felicia Escobar, White House Official
Special Assistant to the President for Immigration Policy
1:15 pm to 2:30 pm
Eight MCLE Credits
* One hour of Ethics
* One hour of Substance Abuse
*One Hour of Elimination of
*Five hours of General
Limited Space!
To Reserve Contact
Maria Torres
(213) 749-2889
Fax Reservation Form
(213) 749-1740
Civil Rights Panel 3
Immigration Panel 2 (Ethics MCLE)
J ohn B urto n, Ar nol do Casill as
Alvaro Huerta, Natio nal Immigr ati on Law Ce nter (NI LC)
1) Jur y selectio n and trials in shooting cases
How Preside nt Obama’
s Admi nistrative Relie f affects yo ur
immigrant clients in Los Ang eles
2) Understandi ng how the tas er works and when
its use may be actio nable
2:30 pm to 3:30 pm
Substance Abuse MCLE
Elimination of Bias MCLE
Hum berto Gui zar, Richard C hac on
Alexis Nava Teodoro, ACLU, Eden Jequinto, UCLA Law
Student, Edna Monroy, CIYJA, Hector Alessandro Negrete,
CIYJA, Betty Jaspeado, DTLA
Moderator: Ilse Escobar, MCF
Smell the co ffee and get re al: substanc e abus e and
its effect o n the pr actice of law
Understanding the unique issues faced by undocumented
The Mexican American Bar Association
Invites you to attend
MABA MCLE Day: "Hands Up: Don't Shoot and Don't Deport Me"
Civil Rights Litigation & Immigration MCLE Day
Registration Form
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Please write legibly and fill out form completely. Registration form may be faxed
to (213) 749-1740 or emailed to mabalaco@sbcglobal.net.
Please provide full name and circle the payment category:
8:30am Registration
9:00am-4:00pm MCLEs
$25 Law Student
Loyola Law School
919 S. Albany Street
Los Angeles, 90015
Parking Available for $9
Eight MCLE Credits
* One hour of Ethics
* One hour of Substance
*One hour of Elimination
of Bias
*Five hours of General
Government/Non-Profit $75
MABA Dues Paying Member $75
Non-Member $100
Address (including city and zip code)
Billing Address on credit card if different from above (including city and zip code)
Name as it appears on Credit Card
Telephone Number
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
s Signature
Paying by check? Please make payable to MABA and mail to:
Mexican American Bar Association (MABA)
714 W. Olympic Blvd., #450
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Event Generously Sponsored by
Law Offices of Humberto Guizar