Kondagaon - Indira Gandhi Agricultural University

bafnjk xka/kh Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky;
Øaekad &3 DL-2015
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
'kghn xqaMk/kwj Ñf"k egkfo|ky; ,oa vuqla/kku dsUnz
Shaheed Gundadhoor College of Agriculture & Research Station
dqEgjko.M] txnyiqj & 494005 Kumhrawand, Jagdalpur – 494005 (C.G.)
Ph. (O) - 07782 - 229150, (Fax) 229360 (R) 229343 www.naip-sgcars.com, Email - zars_igau@rediffmail.com
Ø-@'k-xq-d`-egk-,oa vuq-dsUnz@2014&2015@
txnyiqj fnukad 09@01@2015
cLrj iBkj Ñf"k tyok;q {ks= ds fy, Ñf"k lykg lsok cqysfVu ¼02 ls 06 tuojh 2015½
fiNys lIrkg dh fof'k"B ekSle fLFkfr;k¡
o"kkZ fe-eh7.0
vf/kdre rkieku fMxzh- ls25.2-29.0
U;qure rkieku fMxzh- ls8.2-18.5
lkis{k vknzZrk izfr'kr
ok;q xfr fd-eh-@?kaVk
fiNys lIrkg Ñf"k ekSle os/k'kkyk ]dqEgjko.M esa fe-eh- 7.0 o"kkZ ntZ dh xbZA vf/kdre rkieku 25.2 ls 29.0 fMxzh
lsax-zs ds chp jgkA U;wure rkieku 8.2 ls 18.5 fMxzh lsxzs- ds e/; jgkA lkis{k vknzZrk 40 ls 98 izfr'kr ds e/; ntZ dh xbZZ A
ok;q xfr 2.2 ls 6.8 fdeh-@?kaVk ds e/; jghA
09 ls 14 tuojh 2015 rd ekSle iqokZuqeku dksa.Mkxkao
ekSle dkjd
o"kkZ fe-ehvf/kdre rkieku ¼fMxzh ls-xsza½
U;wure rkieku ¼fMxzh ls-xsza½
dqy ckny dh ek=k ¼izfr'kr½
lkis{k vknzZrk ¼lqcg@'kke½
ok;q xfr fd- eh-@?k.Vk ,oa fn'kk
Ñf"k ekSle lykg
vukt Hk.Mkj.k 
iwoZ izfrca/kkRed
fnol &1
10 tuojh
fnol &2
11 tuojh
fnol &3
12 tuojh
fnol &4
13 tuojh
fnol &5
14 tuojh
HkaMkj.k LFkku ¼ik= ;k dejk½ iwjh rjg lkQ dj ysuk pkfg,A fo'ks"kdj iqjkuk HkaMkfjr vukt vo'; fudky
ysuk pkfg,A
dPps ik=ksa vFkok dejs esa mifLFkr njkj ;k xM~Mksa dks lhesVa vkfn ls Hkj nsAa nhokj iqrkbZ gsrq ,d yhVj
pwus ds ?kksy esa 15 xzke fQVdjh ds fglkc ls feykdj iksrkbZ djuk pkfg,A xksnke dh nhokj ij tehu ls
4&5 QhV ÅpkbZ rd dksyrkj yxk nsus ls ueh jks/kh gks tkrh gSA
 /kkrq dh dksBh esa vukt j[kuk T;knk lqjf{kr gksrk gS ijUrq iqjkuh dksBh esa HkaMkj.k iwoZ lkQ djds /kwi esa
j[kuk pkfg,A rkfd dksBh esa mifLFkr fofHkUu dhV voLFkk,sa u"V gks tk;sA
 tgka rd gks lds ,d izdkj dk vukt ,d gh xksnke esa HkaMkfjr djuk pkfg,A
 HkaMkj.k esa mifLFkr pwgs ds fcyksa esa dkap ds VqdM+s Mkydj lhesaV ls Hkj nsuk pkfg,A
 HkaMkj.k ds iwoZ esykfFk;ku nok ds ,d Hkkx dks 100 Hkkx ikuh esa feykdj 3 yhVj izfr 100 oxZ ehVj ds
fglkc ls fNM+dko djuk pkfg, ftlls HkaMkjx`g@ik= esa iwoZ mifLFkr dhM+s lekIr gks tk;sAa
jch Qlysa
 ikuh dh lqfo/kk ij fdjhV tM+ ¼'kh"kZ tM+½ volFkk ds le; ¼cksuh ds 18&21 fnu ij½ ikuh nsuk pkfg,A nks
ikuh lqfo/kk esa igyh flapkbZ fdjhV tM+ voLFkk nqX/kkoLFkk 75 ls 80 fnu ij djuk pkfg,A rhu ikuh dh
lqfo/kk gksus ij flapkbZ fdjhV voLFkk] nljh ruksa ij xkaBsa curs le; ¼40&45 fnu½ o rhljh nkuksa esa nw/k
iM+rs le; nsuk pkfg,A pkj ikuh dh lqfo/kk gksus ij igyh fdjhV tM+ voLFkk] nwljh xkaB curs le;]
rhljh Qwy vkrs le;] rhljh Qwy vkrs le; ¼60&65 fnu½ o pkSFkh nw/k iM+us okyh voLFkk esa nsuh pkfg,A
 ljlksa esa ,fQM@eSuh@yk[k dhV jksdFkke ds fy, feFkkby MsfeVku uked dhVuk'kd dk mi;ksx djsaA
 eVj ,oa ljlksa esa HkHkksfr;k jksx dk izdksi gksus ij lYQsDl ;k dsjkfFk;ku uked QQwnuk'kd dk mi;ksx
 eDds dh Qly esa ruk Nsnd fn[kkbZ nsus ij ikS/ksa esa QksjsV 10th- dk 2&4 nkus u;h ifRr;ksa esa MkysA
 vkyw dh ifRr;k id dj lw[k xbZ gks rks] ifRr;ksa dks dkVdj vkyw esa iw.kZr& ifjiDork vk tk;s ,oa vf/kd
fnuksa rd lajf{kr j[k tk ldrk gSA
e`nk ,oa
ty  lfCt;ksa ,oa Qyksa dh [ksrh esa fLizdyj ,oa fMªi i|fr ls flapkbZ djsa ftlls lajf{kr ty dk lnqi;ksx dj
vf/kd iSnkokj izkIr dh tk ldsA [ksr lery djus dk iz;kl djsa lfCt;ksa dks fjt ,oa Qjksa fof/k ls yxk;sa
rkfd flapkbZ ty dl leqfpr mi;ksx fd;k tk lds ,oa de ikuh esa Hkjiqj mRiknu izkIr fd;k tk ldsA
 QwyxksHkh ,oa iRrkxksHs kh esa Mk;eaM cSd dk vkØe.k gksus ij 'kke ds le; fLizadyj ls flapkbZ dj izks<+ dh
la[;k de dh tk ldrh gSA
 lfCt;ksa esa eSuh] rSyk ,oa pSaik dk vkØe.k gksus ij ihyk iziap yxk;s lkFk gh Mk;esFkks,V dk 1-5 fe-yh@fyVj ikuh dh nj ls fNM+dko dj ldrs gSA
 lCth okyh Qlysa tSls VekVj] xksHkh] cSxu esa bYyh izdksi dks de djus ds fy, ulZjh mipkj bfeMk
DyksjksfiM 11-8 ,l ,y dh 0-6 feyh-@yhVj ikuh dh nj ls mipkj djsA
 lCth Qly ds pkjks vksj /kfu;k dh Qly yxkdj fe=thoksa dk laj{k.k fd;k tk ldrk gSA
danh; Qlysa
 Mkax dkUnk dk rksM+kbZ djus ds i'pkr~ cht gsrq Hk.Mkj.k B.Ms LFkku esa ?kj esa djsaA
 xzh"e dkfyu dkspbZ ,Ok ftfedUn dh jksikbZ dk dk;Z tuojh ekg ds vUr rd iw.kZ djsa rFkk jksikbZ i'pkr~
7&10 fnuks ds vUrjky esa vko';drkuqlkj flapkbZ djsAa
 dlkok ,oa 'kdjdUn dh gkjosfLVax djus ds i'pkr~ ukj ,oa ruk dks flafpar LFkku ij vkxkeh [kjhQ Qly
ds cht ;i esa jksfir dj j[ksAa
eNyhikyu ,oa  eNfy;k B.Ms [kwu okys izk.kh gksus ds dkj.k 'khr _rq esa de vkgkj xzg.k djrh gS] vr% rkykcksa esa eNfy;ksa
dkss iwjd vkgkj flfer ek=k esa nsA blls rkykc dk ikuh iznfq "kr ugha gksxkA
 bl ekSle esa rkykc dk ty Lrj rsth ls fups fxjus yxrk gS vr% tagk ty dh lqwfo/kk gks ogka rkykc esa
ty dk Hkjku djds vko';d ty Lrj cuk;s j[ks blls rkykc ds ikuh dh xq.koDrk cuh jgsa vksj eNfy;ksa
ds fy, i;kZIr ty {ks= izkIr gksxkA
 'khr _rq esa eNfy;ksa esa chekjh vkus dh vR;f/kd lEHkkouk gksrh gS vr% 250 fdxzk-@gsDV- dh nj ls pqus
dk mi;ksx dj chekjh;ksa dh lEHkkouk dks de fd;k tk ldrk gSA
iz;kstd & Hkkjrh; ekSle foHkkx (Hkwfe foKku ea=ky;)] ubZ fnYyh] lg;ksx&vf[ky Hkkjrh; lefUor ckjkuh [ksrh ifj;kstuk]
bafnjk xka/kh Ñf"k fo'ofo|ky;
Buletin No.3 D 09/01/2015
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya
'kghn xqaMk/kwj Ñf"k egkfo|ky; ,oa vuqla/kku dsUnz
Shaheed Gundadhoor College of Agriculture & Research Station
dqEgjko.M] txnyiqj & 494005 Kumhrawand, Jagdalpur – 494005 (C.G.)
Ph. (O) - 07782 - 229150, (Fax) 229360 (R) 229343 www.naip-sgcars.com, Email - zars_igau@rediffmail.com
No. /SG CARS/ 2014-15/
Jagdalpur, Dated 09 January, 2015
Medium Range Weather Forecast
Agroadvisory services bulletin for Bastar Plateau (10-14 Jan, 2015)
Weather forecast till 09 January District Kondagaon
Weather parameters
Weather forecast
Day 1
Day 4
Day 2
Day 3
Day 5
10 Jan
13 Jan
11 Jan
12 Jan
14 Jan
Rainfall mms
Max. Temperature ( C)
Min temperature (oC)
Cloud amount (%)
Relative humidity (%)
Wind speed kmph and direction
Forecast as received from Met Centre IMD, Raipur
As per weather forecast received from RMC, India Meteorological Department,
Raipur in the coming 5 days in Bastar districts, there no rainfall. Cloud amount will be 012.5 %. Maximum temperature will vary between 26 to 28oC and minimum temperature
will vary between 9-10oC. Relative humidity will vary between 50 to 95 percent. Wind
speed will be about 3-4 kmph and wind direction will be north- east/south-east.
Weather recorded from 02-09 Jan. 2015 at Agro met-Observatory, SGCARS
Rainfall (mms)
Max. temperature (oC)
Minimum Temperature (oC)
Relative humidity (%)
Wind speed (kmph)
During the last week, rainfall recorded in agrometeorological observatory was 07
mm. Maximum temperature varied between 25.2 -29.0oC. Minimum temperature varied
between 8.2-18.5oC. Relative humidity varied between 40-98 per cent. Wind speed varied
between 2.2 to 6.8 kmph.
Agroadvisories services in Bastar districts
Storage gains
All harvested seeds of grains are subjected to stored after sun drying of one
day for maintaining germination. Seeds should keep in to well moisture
resistance storage structure to avoid loss of viability.
Clean the place and container for using storage of grains. Remove and clean
Rabi crops
Vegetables &
husbandry and
fish farming
previous stored grains.
Use metal container for storage of grains.
Filled the hole of storage room with broken glasses to control from rats.
As per viability of water supply irrigation water to wheat crop. If two
irrigation is available then supply water at CRI stage(21 days) and II irrigation
after 75-80 days at milking stage. If three irrigation is avaialble then I at 21
days, II at 40-45 days and III 75-80 days.
For the control of aphid in mustard crop spry the insecticide methyl dematon.
For pea and mustard the attack of powdery mildew spry the fungicide sulfex
or kerathion.
For the control of stem borer use the granule of phorate 10 G 2-4 granules in
each whoral part of the plant.
Cut the matured leaves of potato and when the crop got physiologically
matured then dug the tuber and stored it.
In kulthi crop, the attack of alternaria blight and thrips is being seen. For its
control, spray of copper oxychloride and monocrotophos should be done.
Marigold and coriander should be planted around the vegetable for the
attraction of natural enemies.
Farmers having Sprinkler irrigation facilities they must try to give irrigation in
evening time that may kill the adults of DBM in cauliflower crop.
Spraying of neem based insecticide twice at 15 days internal for better the
management of borers.
For rainfed use straw(3 to 5 th-1) or plastic mulch in different crops
Rabi crops like bean, cabbage, tomato, brinjal and gram are affected by
sucking and borer insects. For sucking insects pests like aphid, jassids, white
fly are controlled by application of dimethoate 40 EC@ 1.5ml/litter of water.
Borer pests like potato and gram borer, brinjal fruit borer are controlled by
application of Imidacloprid 17.8 SL@ 150ml/ha.
In cauliflower type vegetables at many place, attack of saw fly in being
observed and for its control, neem oil should be sprayed @ 5%.
In cashew monitoring should be done for tea mosquito bug attack. Its attack is
being observed in twigs and leaves like eye shaped spot. For its control,
endosulfan 1.5ml/litre water of quinalphos 2ml/litre water should be used.
Irrigation should be given to sweet potato nursery at 15 days interval.
 Fishes are cold blooded animal so they having low feeding habit in winter
season, so farmers are advised to given some supplemental feeds.
 In fish pond at present situation continuous falling water level is noticed.
Try to supplement water to maintain the water level of pond.
 In winter season possibility of infestation of diseases in fishes so farmers
are advised to apply Calcium carbonate @ 250 kg/ha. prevent the diseases.
Sponsor: Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi.
Co-ordination: All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad