POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR BOARD MEETING AGENDA January 20, 2015 District Office Community Room 15250 Avenue of Science – San Diego, CA 92128 REGULAR MEETING BEGINS AT 6:00 P.M. NOTE: At 3:30 p.m., there will be an open session to allow for public comment on the closed session agenda items, followed immediately by a closed session in the Board Conference Room. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agent Negotiator: Tracy Hogarth PFT, PSEA, SEIU CLOSED SESSION: STUDENT DISCIPLINE Consideration and/or deliberation of student discipline matters CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION: (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) 3 cases: Case No. 37-2014-00013209-CU-PO-CTL Case No. 37-2014-000-35745-CU-PT-CTL Case No. 37-2014-000-40788-CU-CR-CTL Legal Counsel: Dan Shinoff CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION: (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) Case No. 37-2014-00015021-CU-CR-CTL Legal Counsel: Marlon Wadlington CLOSED SESSION: CAHSEE WAIVER FOR GRADUATION FOR STUDENT WITH DISABILITIES – CONSIDERATION (EC 56101, 60851) In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance, disability-related modifications, or accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, in order to participate in the public meetings of the District’s Governing Board, please contact the office of the District Superintendent at (858) 521.2700 [15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego]. Notification 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accommodation and accessibility to this meeting. Upon request, the District shall also make available this agenda and all other public records associated with the meeting in appropriate alternative formats for persons with a disability. Written materials relating to an item on this agenda that are distributed to the Poway Unified School District Board of Education within 72 hours before it is to consider the item at its regularly scheduled meeting will be available for public inspection at 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, during normal business hours. Such written materials will also be made available on the district website [www.powayusd.com], subject to staff’s ability to post the documents before the regularly scheduled meeting. A. PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. Call to Order 6:00 p.m. Report Out of Closed Session Salute to Flag Members in Attendance Welcome to Public – Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff Approval of Minutes Approval of Agenda Sequence Approval of Consent Calendar REPORTS / PRESENTATIONS / EARLY AGENDA ITEMS 1. Student Board Representative Reports 2. Superintendent’s Reports (a) Superintendent’s Briefing (b) Student Recognition (c) School Recognition 3. Board Member Reports 4. Student, Staff and Community Engagement Plan Presentation C. PUBLIC COMMENTS The public is cordially invited to participate in this meeting of the Board of Education. Item “C” is placed on the agenda for the purpose of providing visitors with an opportunity to address the Board. If there are concerns regarding specific individuals, it is preferred that the speaker refrain from naming them publicly in order to respect their privacy. The Board will accept and review any written material that would provide more specific information. The Brown Act (Government Code) states that Board members may not engage in a discussion of non-agenda items or issues raised during public comments except to ask clarifying questions, make a brief announcement, make a brief report on his or her own activities, or to refer the matter to staff. The law does not permit Board action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda. Requests to speak during Agenda Item C will be granted only if a Speaker Slip is given to the Clerk of the Board of Education before Item C comes up in the agenda. EARLY AGENDA ITEMS G-502 Information on Proposed Community Facilities Districts Refunding Special Tax Bonds D. ACTION ITEMS 100 – LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES 101 Ratification of Student Discipline 102 Readmission of Students on Expulsion 200 – PERSONNEL SUPPORT SERVICES 201 Approval of Resolution No. 29-2015 Entitled “Revision of Date for Observance of Lincoln Day 2016” 202 Staff Recommendation Process for Recruitment of the Board Appointee to the Personnel Commission *Early Agenda Item 300 – BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 301 Approval of Monthly Budget Revisions 400 – SCHOOL FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 500 – COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 501 Approval of Resolution No. 19-2015 Entitled “Ordering Judicial Foreclosure Pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 of Certain Properties for Which the Payment of Special Taxes are Delinquent, Approving and Ratifying Certain Actions of Special Counsel, and Ordering that the Tax Collector be Credited with those Special Taxes” 600 – SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE 601 Approval of Resolution No. 30-2015 Entitled “Local Reserves Cap per CSBA Recommendation to Repeal the Language Contained in SB858” 602 Amendment of 2015 Board Meeting Dates 603 Appointment of CSBA (California School Boards Association) Delegate E. ACTION/CONSENT ITEMS 100 – LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES 103 Approval of the 2014-2015 Revision of the Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP) 104 Approval of Resolution No. 28-2015 Entitled “National School Counseling Week 2015” 105 Approval/Ratification of Out-of-State Field Trips 106 Acceptance of Gifts 200 – PERSONNEL SUPPORT SERVICES 203 Approval of 2015-2016 Year-Round Student Attendance Calendars for Abraxas High School and Valley Elementary School 204 Approval of Resolution No. 25-2015 Entitled “Authorization to Teach out of Major or Minor Fields” 205 Allocation of New Classification to the Salary Schedule – Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Technician 206 (a) Approval of Certificated Personnel Report No. 06-2015 (b) Approval of Classified Personnel Report No. 06-2015 300 – BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 302 Approval/Ratification of Contractual Services Report No. 06-2015 303 Ratification of District Purchase Orders, Revolving Cash Fund Expenditures, and Purchase Card Transactions 304 Authorization to Award a Contract for Bid No. 2014-24B Pool Filter Replacement at Mt. Carmel High School 305 Acceptance of Project as Complete and Authorization to File a Notice of Completion for Projector System Installation at Westview High School Sole Source Provider without Soliciting Competitive Bids 400 – SCHOOL FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 500 – COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 600 – SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE *Early Agenda Item F. FIRST READING ITEMS 100 – LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES 200 – PERSONNEL SUPPORT SERVICES 300 – BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 400 – SCHOOL FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 500 – COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 600 – SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE G. INFORMATION ITEMS 100 – LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES 200 – PERSONNEL SUPPORT SERVICES 300 – BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 306 Enrollment Report No. 4/2014-2015 400 – SCHOOL FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 500 – COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 502* Information on Proposed Community Facilities Districts Refunding Special Tax Bonds 600 – SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE H. NEW BUSINESS – BOARD MEMBERS Establishment of Board Committees I. CORRESPONDENCE J. CLOSED SESSION Closed Session: STUDENT DISCIPLINE Consideration and/or deliberation of student discipline matters Closed Session: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – THREATENED LITIGATION (Subdivision (d)(2) of Section 54956.9) Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES: Reelection / Resignation Discipline / Dismissal / Release / Non- Closed Session: CONFERENCE WITH AND/OR RECEIPT OF ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL – PENDING LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 Closed Session: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agent Negotiator: Tracy Hogarth PFT, PSEA, SEIU *Early Agenda Item Closed Session: DISCUSSION(S) / ACTION(S) PURSUANT TO Government Code Section 54956.8 Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT / EMPLOYMENT Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS (Position(s): classroom teacher / program specialist / probationary-temporary certificated employee / administrative employee) Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT(S) Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE(S) K. ADJOURNMENT / NEXT MEETING The next regularly scheduled Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10**, at 6:00 p.m. at the Poway Unified School District Office, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego. ** Pending approval of Agenda Item D-601, Amendment of 2015 Regular Board Meeting Dates *Early Agenda Item TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: A-6 Staff Support: SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the minutes of the December 8, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, the minutes of the January 5, 2015 Board Study Session, and the minutes of the January 7, 2015 Special Board Meeing be approved as presented. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The minutes of the December 20, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, January 5, 2015 Board Study Session, and January 7, 2015 Special Board Meeting are attached. LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ DAVIS ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ GUTSCHOW ___ PATAPOW ___ RANFTLE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AT A REGULAR MEETING December 8, 2014 District Office Community Room REGULAR MEETING A. PRELIMINARY FUNCTIONS A-1 Reconvene/Call to Order The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order at 6:03 p.m. by President Todd Gutschow. A-2 Report Out of Closed Session There were no closed session items. A-3 Salute to Flag President Gutschow led the salute to the flag. A-4 Members in Attendance All Board members were present. Superintendent Collins announced the meeting format would be somewhat different because of the retirement of Board members Marc Davis, Todd Gutschow, and Penny Ranftle, and the swearing in of the recently-elected Board members. A-5 Welcome to Public Mr. Patapow welcomed the public and offered instructions on the procedure for addressing the Board during the Public Comments segment of the meeting. He explained the procedure now in place which limits public comments to 15 minutes on any one topic unless waived by the Board president. A-6 Board Member Reports Mrs. Beatty and Mr. Patapow thanked the three departing Board members for their dedicated service. Mr. Davis, Mr. Gutschow, and Mrs. Ranftle each gave departing remarks, thanking the community for their ongoing support of educational excellence, and recognizing the staff of the District for their dedication to students. A-7 Approval of Minutes It was moved by Mr. Davis and seconded by Mr. Patapow that the minutes of the November 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting, be approved as presented. M otion carried, 4-0 w ith M rs. R anftle abstaining due to absence. A-8 Organizational Meeting of the Board (a) Oath of Office Superintendent Collins administered the Oath of Office to newly-elected Board members Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff, Charles Sellers, and T.J. Zane. (b) Election of Officers, Appointment of Board Representatives to Committees, and Confirmation of 2015 Board Meeting Dates In the absence of an incumbent President or Vice President, Clerk Patapow called for the election of the new president. He nominated Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff to be elected as President. There was no second. Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff nominated Mrs. Beatty for President and Mr. Sellers seconded the nomination. Nomination passed 4/1 with Mr. Patapow voting nay. Mr. Sellers nominated Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff as Vice President and Mr. Zane seconded. Nomination passed unanimously, 5-0. Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff nominated Mr. Patapow as Clerk and Mr. Zane seconded. Nomination carried unanimously, 5-0. A short recess was called for reorganization of the dais. President Beatty reconvened the meeting at 7:01 p.m. She announced that the meeting would continue slightly out of order to allow the student representatives to give their reports at this point. B-1 Student Board Representative Reports Student Board Representatives Ashley Furniss from Abraxas High School, Ammar Alsaid from Del Norte High School, Nathan Dunford from Mt. Carmel High School, Megan Miller from Poway High School, Julia Moluf from Rancho Bernardo High School, and Nathan Glovinsky from Westview High School reported on events and activities at their respective schools. A-8(b)(Continued) Appointments by the President: County Board of Education Representative: Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff California Association of Suburban School Districts (CALSSD) Representatives: T.J. Zane, Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff; Alternate: Kimberley Beatty California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly: President Beatty asked for any volunteers for this position. Hearing none, she declared that this appointment be deferred for now. Palomar Health: Andy Patapow City of Poway Subcommittee Liaisons: Andy Patapow, Kimberley Beatty City of San Diego Subcommittee Liaisons: T.J. Zane, Charles Sellers Poway Chamber of Commerce Liaison: Rotating San Diego North County Chamber of Commerce: T.J. Zane Palomar Council PTA Board Representative: Rotating San Diego County Board of Supervisors Representative: Charles Sellers, T.J. Zane Confirmation of 2015 Regular Board Meeting Dates Mr. Zane asked if the other Board members would be open to move the three upcoming 2015 regular Board meeting dates: from February 9 to February 10; from March 9 to March 10; and from October 12 to October 19. President Beatty asked that this item be deferred until January to allow staff and Board members to check their calendars. With the agreement to defer the vote on the 2015 regular Board meeting dates, on a motion by Mr. Patapow and a second by Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff, agenda item A-8(b) passed unanimously 5-0. A-8(c) Nominations for California School Board Association Delegate Assembly On a motion by Mr. Zane, and a second by Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff, no nominations were made to the California School Boards Association Delegate Assembly. M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. A-9 New Board Member Comments The three new Board members introduced themselves to the community. 2 A-10 Approval of Agenda Sequence On a motion by Mr. Zane and a second by Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff, the Board voted to approve the agenda sequence. M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. A-11 Approval of Consent Calendar 100 – LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES 102 Acceptance of Gifts 200 – PERSONNEL SUPPORT SERVICES 202 Ratification of the Tentative Agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) (MOU) with Poway School Employees Association (PSEA) 203 Adoption of the 2015-2016 Student Attendance Calendar 204 (a) Approval of Certificated Personnel Report No. 05-2015 (b) Approval of Classified Personnel Report No. 05-2015 300 – BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 303 Approval/Ratification of Contractual Services Report No. 05-2015 304 Ratification of District Purchase Orders, Revolving Cash Fund Expenditures, and Purchase Card Transactions 305 Award a Contract for Bid No. 2014-18B for Band Uniforms for Poway, Rancho Bernardo, and Westview High Schools to Fred J. Miller, Inc., DeMoulin Bros & Co., and Stanbury Uniforms, Inc., Respectively, and Reject Bids from DeMoulin Bros & Co., for Poway High School and Fred J. Miller, Inc., for Westview High School 306 Award a Contract for Bid No. 2014-20B Expand Video Security Surveillance System at Rancho Bernard High School to Nexus IS, Inc. 307 Ratification of an Amendment to the Contract with Computer Automation Systems (CAS) 308 Find North Star Transportation in Contract Default; Terminate Contract and Award Bid Line Items 1-4, 6, and 10 to Wess Transportation, Inc. 400 – SCHOOL FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 500 – COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 600 – SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE Mr. Patapow asked that item E-308 be pulled for discussion; Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff asked that item E-304 be pulled for discussion; and Mrs. Beatty asked that item E-307 be pulled for discussion. It was moved by Mr. Patapow and seconded by Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff, that with the exception of items E-304, E-307, and E-308, the items on the consent calendar be approved as presented. M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. B. REPORTS / PRESENTATIONS / EARLY AGENDA ITEMS B-1 Student Board Representative Reports These were presented earlier during agenda item A-8(b) in order to allow the students to leave if necessary. B-2 (a) Superintendent’s Briefing 3 Dr. Collins reported on his trip to Washington, DC to attend President Obama’s ConnectEd Superintendents Summit at the White House. Dr. Collins explained the selection process for this event, and noted how encouraging it was to hear President Obama speak of several initiatives, programs, and ideas that we have been utilizing throughout our District for several years. B-3 Board Member Reports Board members reported on their activities and events attended in the previous month. C. PUBLIC COMMENTS 1. Jennifer Purczynski, Shalyn Thomson, and Chris Bjork expressed their concerns with student safety at Tierra Bonita Elementary School. 2. Marcos Villalobos, Laura Reden, Chris Rohrer, Lisa Hughes, Tiffany Rohrer, Christine Crafton, Justin Reden, and Courtney Findley submitted speaker slips in support of the three previous speakers regarding student safety at Tierra Bonita Elementary School. D. ACTION ITEMS D-101 Ratification of Stipulated Agreements for Student Expulsions It was moved by Mr. Patapow and seconded by Mr. Zane, that the Board ratify student discipline case number 2014-2015.09. M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. D-201 Public Announcement of Governing Board Appointee to the Personnel Commission Following discussion, Mrs. Beatty asked for a motion to table the issue indefinitely with direction to staff to come back to the January 20 Board meeting with an action item to the Board to approve a Board-created ad hoc advisory committee to determine the process for appointing the three year appointee by the Board to the Personnel Commission. On a m otion by M r. Sellers the item passed, 5-0. D-301 Approval to Proceed with Process for Potential Sale, Lease, and/Other Asset Management Options for Existing Surplus Properties Tom Moore inquired if these properties are any part of a Mello-Roos district and recommended that if so and if they are sold, that the funds received be delegated to those corresponding districts. Following discussion, Mr. Zane motioned to table the item pending further information from staff. Following further discussion, Mr. Zane withdrew his motion to table and motioned instead to approve the item. Mr. Patapow seconded the motion. M otion passed 4-1 w ith M rs. Beatty voting nay. D-302 Approval and Certification of First interim Financial Report and Approval of Resolution No. 26-2015 Entitled “Authorization to Revise the 2014-2015 Budget as Reflected in the First Interim Financial Report” Following a presentation by Mrs. Tholandi, on a motion by Mr. Sellers, and a second by Mrs. O’Connor-Ratcliff, the Board voted to approve Resolution No. 26-2015 and certify to the County Superintendent of Schools that the District will met its fiscal obligation in the 2014-2015 fiscal year and the two subsequent fiscal years. M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. Agenda items E-304, E-307, and E-308 were pulled from the Consent Calendar for discussion. E-304 Ratification of District Purchase Orders, Revolving Cash Fund Expenditures, and Purchase Card Transactions 4 Following discussion, on a motion by Mr. Zane, and a second by Mr. Patapow, the Board voted to ratify the District purchase orders, revolving cash fund expenditures, and purchase card transactions. M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. E-307 Ratification of an Amendment to the Contract with Computer Automation Systems (CAS) Following discussion, the Board voted to ratify the amendment to the contract with Computer Automation Systems (CAS). M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. E-308 Find North Star Transportation in Contract Default; Terminate Contract an Award Bid Line Item 1-4, 6, and 10 to Wess Transportation, Inc. Jack Leer, attorney for North Star Transportation requested that the Board table this item until he could prepare a response to the staff recommendation. Following discussion, the Board voted to terminate the contract with North Star Transportation due to default and awarded bid line items 1-4, 6, and 10 to Wess Transportation, Inc. M otion carried unanim ously, 5-0. D-501 Approval of Ordinance No. 2015-01 Entitled “Authorizing the Levy of Special Taxes in a Community Facilities District and in the Improvement Area Therein, Poway Unified School District Community Facilities District No. 16 (Del Sur East II) and Improvement Area ‘A’ Within” On a motion by Mr. Patapow and a second by Mr. Zane, the Board voted to approve Ordinance 2015-01. M otion carried, 5-0. F. G. FIRST READING ITEMS There were no first read agenda items. INFORMATION ITEMS G-311 Enrollment Report No. 3/2014-2015 This item was presented as information only. H. NEW BUSINESS – BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Beatty proposed the addition of two Special Board Meetings in January to discuss the following items: creating a Board Governance Handbook, crafting a strategic vision for the years 2015-2030, and proposing that staff attend to educate the Board. January 5, 2015 was agreed upon for the first special meeting and a day in the last week of January was proposed for the second meeting. I. CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence presented. J. CLOSED SESSION There were no additional items discussed in Closed Session. K. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. ________________________________ Kimberley Beatty, President ________________________________ Andy Patapow, Clerk _________________________________ John P. Collins, Secretary 5 POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AT A STUDY SESSION January 5, 2015 District Office Conference Room 204 STUDY SESSION The study session was called to order at 8:40 a.m. A. PUBLIC COMMENT Mary Baker encouraged transparency and open communication from the District and Board and made three recommendations: offer a subscribe option on the PUSD website where community members can opt in to receive District information; post all syllabi, textbooks, and literature used in classrooms on website; and form a Citizens Review Committee for syllabi and budget items. Jing Xu, Frank Xu, Charina Schmitigal, and Erin Cole expressed concerns about the use of technology in the classroom at Deer Canyon Elementary School. B. BOARD STUDY SESSION The Board and Superintendent discussed and made recommendations regarding Board governance, Board roles and responsibilities, and related Board policies, procedures, and protocols. C. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP GOALS, 2015 – 2030 The Board and Superintendent discussed long term strategic goals and visions for the District. D. ADJOURNMENT The study session was adjourned at 12:18 p.m. ______________________________ Kimberley Beatty, President ______________________________ Andy Patapow, Clerk _________________________________ John P. Collins, Secretary wa POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION AT A SPECIAL MEETING January 7, 2015 District Office Conference Room 204 SPECIAL MEETING The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m. A. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. B. CLOSED SESSION – CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – EXISTING LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.0) 2 cases Case No. 37-2014-000-35745-CU-PT-CTL Case No. 37-2014-000-40788-CU-CR-CTL The Board heard an update from legal counsel on the status of two legal cases. No action was taken. C. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 2:16 p.m. ______________________________ Kimberley Beatty, President ______________________________ Andy Patapow, Clerk _________________________________ John P. Collins, Secretary wa TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: A-7 Staff Support: SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF AGENDA SEQUENCE Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the following agenda items be considered prior to routine agenda items. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: G-502 Information on Proposed Community Facilities Districts Refunding Special Tax Bonds LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: None MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: A-8 Staff Support: SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CONSENT CALENDAR Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: The following items comprise the Consent Calendar. Action may be taken on these items by a single motion of the Board, allowing time for discussion on other routine items. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: 100 – LEARNING SUPPORT SERVICES 103 Approval of the 2014-2015 Revision of the Local Education Agency Plan (LEAP) 104 Approval of Resolution No. 28-2015 Entitled “National School Counseling Week 2015” 105 Approval/Ratification of Out-of-State Field Trips 106 Acceptance of Gifts 200 – PERSONNEL SUPPORT SERVICES 203 Approval of 2015-2016 Year-Round Student Attendance Calendars for Abraxas High School and Valley Elementary School 204 Approval of Resolution No. 25-2015 Entitled “Authorization to Teach out of Major or Minor Fields” 205 Allocation of New Classification to the Salary Schedule – Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Technician 206 (a) Approval of Certificated Personnel Report No. 06-2015 (b) Approval of Classified Personnel Report No. 06-2015 300 – BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES 302 Approval/Ratification of Contractual Services Report No. 06-2015 303 Ratification of District Purchase Orders, Revolving Cash Fund Expenditures, and Purchase Card Transactions 304 Authorization to Award a Contract for Bid No. 2014-24B Pool Filter Replacement at Mt. Continued… LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ 305 Carmel High School Acceptance of Project as Complete and Authorization to File a Notice of Completion for Projector System Installation at Westview High School Sole Source Provider without Soliciting Competitive Bids 400 – SCHOOL FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 500 – COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT 600 – SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: B-1 Staff Support: SUBJECT: STUDENT BOARD REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Abraxas High School: TBD Del Norte High School: Ammar Alsaid Mt. Carmel High School: Nathan Dunford Poway High School: Ashley Fallon Rancho Bernardo High School: Michael Menzer Westview High School: Nathan Glovinsky Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: B-2(a) Staff Support: SUBJECT: SUPERINTENDENT'S BRIEFING RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Dr. Collins will present a brief update on current issues and events. Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: B-2(b) Staff Support: SUBJECT: STUDENT RECOGNITION Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: • Oak Valley sixth grader Jessica Carscadden appeared on the Today Show recently to discuss “We Care Bears,” a charitable organization Jessica founded that donates stuffed animals to first responders to share with children they encounter in their work. In October, Jessica was awarded a $50,000 grant through Peace First Fellowship, a non-profit organization that supports the projects of students motivated to help others. • Oak Valley seventh grader Jenna Kim won first place in the San Diego California Association of Teachers of English (CATE) student creative writing contest for grades 7-8. Jenna and her teacher Michele Gallo will be invited to attend an awards ceremony at the San Diego County Office of Education. • Three Poway Unified students have been recognized by the College Board for earning the highest score of 2400 on the national SAT (School Aptitude Test). The three-part test includes sections on Writing, Mathematics, and Language Arts. The students are: Jane Huang, Del Norte High Isabella Ortiz, Rancho Bernardo High Henry Z. Xu, Westview High • The following Poway Unified School District students received the maximum possible score of 800 in a subject area test on the SAT (School Aptitude Test): Biology Jack Creed, Westview High Math Stephanie Chan, Mt. Carmel High Tyler Chang, Westview High Hye Sim Chung, Del Norte High Robert Coughlin, Poway High Edward Hassell, Del Norte High Sam Hodges, Mt. Carmel High Chloe Jiang, Mt. Carmel High Helen Jin, Westview High Franklin Kong, Westview High Albert Lee, Del Norte High Ha Eun Lee, Westview High Justin Li, Westview High Maia Li, Westview High Tony Liu, Del Norte High Aanchal Mehniratta, Westview High Damon Moelter, Poway High Mark Nasielski, Westview High Emily Park, Del Norte High Quhyung Park, Del Norte High Gaurav Paryani, Westview High Emmit Pert, Westview High Edward Qiao, Westview High Robert Quitt, Westview High Jack Rosenman, Westview High Anish Sathe, Westview High Nikhil Shinde, Rancho Bernardo High Matthew Smith, Mt. Carmel High Grant Stinebaugh, Mt. Carmel High Sohan Subhash, Westview High Joe Sun, Del Norte High Kevin Sun, Westview High Adam Victor, Westview High Angela Wang, Westview High Irene Wang, Westview High Aaron Wilhelm, Westview High Jenna Won, Westview High Xinke Yu, Westview High Brandon Zhang, Westview High Kevin Zhang, Mt. Carmel High Angela Zhou, Westview High Physics Edward Liang, Westview High Matthew Smith, Westview High Reading Hye Sim Chung, Del Norte High Kevin Dinh, Westview High Catherine Fan, Westview High Christine Fan, Del Norte High Kevin Hu, Rancho Bernardo High Jason Kang, Westview High Thomas Kim, Del Norte High Franklin Kong, Westview High Rae Lan, Westview High Justin Li, Westview High Jiashen Lu, Rancho Bernardo High Alicia Lunardhi, Del Norte High Damon Moelter, Poway High Hannah Oikawa, Westview High Bansi Parekh, Westview High Emmit Pert, Westview High Amir Rezvani, Rancho Bernardo High Nicholas Rui, Rancho Bernardo High Rahul Salvi, Rancho Bernardo High Ellen Shea, Del Norte High Daniel Shi, Westview High Joe Sun, Del Norte High Nicholas Wong, Del Norte High Writing Seungeun Cho, Westview High Catherine Fan, Westview High Jason Kang, Westview High Wanfei Kwan, Westview High Rae Lan, Westview High Grace Li, Del Norte High Bansi Parekh, Westview High Edward Qiao, Westview High Quhyung Park, Del Norte High Rebekah Tang, Westview High Aivi Tran, Rancho Bernardo High Eriko Wong, Rancho Bernardo High Nicholas Wong, Del Norte High TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: B-2(c) Staff Support: SUBJECT: SCHOOL RECOGNITION Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: • Oak Valley Middle School’s FIRST Lego League (FLL) Team was victorious at the Annual FLL Legoland Tournament, taking home both trophies awarded annually to Southern California schools. The winning OVMS FLL teams will now go on to the U.S. and World Competitions. TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: B-3 Staff Support: SUBJECT: BOARD MEMBER REPORTS RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Dominique Barrett – Kimberley Beatty – Michelle O’Connor-Ratcliff – Andy Patapow – Charles Sellers – T.J. Zane – Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: John P. Collins Staff Support: Learning Support Services; RichNewman; Noreen Walton SUBJECT: STUDENT, STAFF AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN PRESENTATION January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: B-4 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Tonight, PUSD Director of Innovation, Rich Newman and Director, Noreen Walton will present the Community Engagement Plan for the 2014-2015 school year. The plan is designed to seek and incorporate input from a wide range of stakeholders to guide the refinement of the District’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) for the 2015-2016 school year, as required by the California Education Code. No action will be taken. TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: C Staff Support: SUBJECT: PUBLIC COMMENTS Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: PUBLIC COMMENT WILL BE LIMITED TO THREE MINUTES PER SPEAKER. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda. If there are concerns regarding specific individuals, it is preferred that the speaker refrain from naming them publicly in order to respect their privacy. The Board will accept and review any written material that would provide more specific information. Requests to speak during Public Comment will be granted only if a Speaker Slip is given to the Clerk of the Board of Education before Public Comment comes up in the agenda. Individuals wishing to discuss concerns regarding District personnel issues should follow District policies and procedures available in the Personnel Office. Student problems should be placed on the regular agenda only after all administrative remedies have been exhausted. They will most likely be held in closed session with the Board in order to respect student confidentiality. The Brown Act (Government Code) states that Board members may not engage in a discussion of nonagenda items or issues raised during public comments except to ask clarifying questions, make a brief announcement, make a brief report on his or her own activities, or to refer the matter to staff. The law does not permit Board action or extended discussion of any item not on the agenda. If a member of the community would like to have an item placed on the regular agenda under Public Comment so that more time can be provided for discussion, this can be done by sending a written request to the Superintendent ten days prior to the meeting at which he/she wishes to speak. LEGAL REFERENCE: Government Code Section 54950 et seq. TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Sandi Burgoyne SUBJECT: PROPOSED COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICTS SPECIAL TAX BONDS REFUNDING January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: G-502 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Agenda Item D-507 was approved by the Board at their November 17, 2014 meeting, engaging those financial consultants necessary to evaluate the opportunity to enter the municipal bond market when a refunding would produce significant savings. It has been determined that there is a refunding opportunity for the following Special Tax Bonds issuances that are economically feasible and advantageous and in accordance to the refunding guidelines of Board Policy 6.37: • • • 2003 Public Financing Authority Special Tax Bonds (CFD No. 2, 3, 5, and 7) 2005 CFD No. 6 and CFD No. 6A 2006 CFD No. 14 and CFD No. 14A Historical Municipal Market Data for AAA rated general obligation bonds for the last 12 months and summary historical information showing potential savings and assumptions for each proposed refunding have been provided to the Board electronically. LEGAL REFERENCE: Poway Unified School District Board Policy 6.37 FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Mel Robertson Staff Support: Paul Gentle SUBJECT: RATIFICATION OF STIPULATED AGREEMENT FOR STUDENT EXPULSION January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-101 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education approve and ratify the Stipulated Agreement for expulsion in the case number listed below. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Case Number 2014-2015.10 A twelfth grade student and parent entered into a Stipulated Agreement in lieu of appearing before a Hearing Panel for Violation of Education Code Sections 48900 and 48915. The Stipulated Agreement recommends that the student be expelled for the remainder of the first semester of the 2014-2015 school year and the second semester of the 2014-2015 school year. The Stipulated Agreement further states that the expulsion be suspended and that the student be allowed to enroll at New Directions. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Sections 48900 and 48915 FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Mel Robertson Staff Support: Paul Gentle SUBJECT: READMISSION OF STUDENTS ON EXPULSION January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-102 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the students represented by the case numbers listed below be readmitted to the Poway Unified School District. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Case Number 2013-2014.07 The student and parent have submitted documents presenting satisfactory evidence that they have completed requirements set forth as conditions for return to the District. Therefore, staff is recommending that the student represented by the case number listed above be readmitted to the Poway Unified School District. Case Number 2013-2014.16 The student and parent have submitted documents presenting satisfactory evidence that they have completed requirements set forth as conditions for return to the District. Therefore, staff is recommending that the student represented by the case number listed above be readmitted to the Poway Unified School District. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Sections 48900 and 48915 FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Tracy Hogarth Staff Support: Dawn Zwibel SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 29-2015 ENTITLED "REVISION OF DATE FOR OBSERVANCE OF 'LINCOLN DAY' 2016" January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-201 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That Resolution No. 29-2015 be approved, and the Clerk of the Board be authorized to sign the Resolution for the Board. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: California Education Code Section 37220 (e) provides that for any of the mandated holidays contained in statute, except Veterans Day, the Governing Board may revise the day upon which schools are closed in observance by adoption of a resolution. Unless revised by such a resolution, the observance of Lincoln Day is to be the Monday or Friday in the week in which February 12 occurs. The 2015-2016 school calendar approved at the December 8, 2014, Board meeting observes Lincoln Day on Friday, February 19, 2016, to achieve a full week of recess including Washington Day on February 15, 2016. The week-long break during February has shown to be fiscally beneficial with improved Average Daily Attendance (ADA) of students and lower employee absences. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Section 37220 (e) FISCAL IMPACT: Positive Fiscal Impact MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District RESOLUTION NO. 29-2015 REVISION OF DATE FOR OBSERVANCE OF ‘LINCOLN DAY’ 2016 ON MOTION OF Member ___________________________, seconded by Member ________________________________, the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, the approved School Calendar for the 2015-2016 school year contemplates the observance of “Lincoln Day” on Friday, February 19, 2016. WHEREAS, California Education Code 37220 (e) provides, “Except for Veterans Day... the governing board of a school district, by adoption of a resolution, may revise the date upon which the schools of the district close in observance of any of the holidays identified…”. WHEREAS, the observance of Lincoln Day in conjunction with Washington Day during the same week, with intervening days as District recess, will have beneficial educational impacts for student instruction and positive fiscal impacts for the District through mitigation of loss of student ADA and reduction in substitute teacher replacement costs. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED THAT the Board adopt this resolution to observe “Lincoln Day” on February 19, 2016. PASSED AND ADOPTED on January 20, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) This is to certify that the foregoing document is a true copy of the Resolution of the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District of San Diego County. ____________________________________ Andy Patapow Clerk of the Board of Education TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Tracy Hogarth Staff Support: Debby Wulff SUBJECT: THE APPOINTMENT OF A PERSONNEL COMMISSIONER (BOARD OF EDUCATION) January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-202 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve a process prepared by staff for the recruitment, interview, and selection of the Board of Education’s Appointee to the Personnel Commission. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: At the December 8, 2014 meeting of the Board of Education, staff recommended to the Board the reappointment of Mrs. Rosemarie Straight as the District’s appointee to the Personnel Commission. As required by current Board Policy 4.3, in that recommendation staff outlined for the Board Mrs. Straight’s willingness to continue to serve in the position as well as her exemplary experience, qualifications, and dedicated service for the past eight years. On a motion by Mr. Sellers to table the item, the Board voted unanimously to do so. President Beatty gave direction to the Superintendent to bring to the January 20, 2015 meeting, a proposed process for recruiting, interviewing, and selecting new candidates for the position. That proposal is attached. Currently Mrs. Straight is serving in an extended capacity following the expiration of her three-year term on November 30, 2014. That extension is for 90 days. If an appointee has not been selected by February 28th (the 90th day), the Director of the Personnel Commission will request that the Board declare an emergency and make an interim appointment to fill the vacancy. The interim appointment cannot exceed 60 days (Education Code 45248). If needed, this 60 day interim appointment must be made at the February meeting of the Board. Based on these extensions, a permanent appointee of the Board must be approved no later than April 29th, 2015. The process, as specified in Education Code 45246, calls for the Board to publicly announce the name of the person it intends to appoint or reappoint, followed by a public hearing to be held after 30 and within 45 days, to provide the public, District administration, employees, and employee organizations the opportunity to express their views on the recommended appointment. The Board, at that time, may make its appointment, or may make a substitute appointment or recommendation without further notification or LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Sections 45244, 45246, 45248 Personnel Commission Rules Sections 20.100.1, 20.100.2, 20.100.3, 20.100.4 FISCAL IMPACT: None MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: Continued… SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ public hearing. In order to meet this extended deadline, an announcement of the intended appointee must be made at the March meeting of the Board. PROCEDURE FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A PERSONNEL COMMISSIONER (Board of Education) If the Board intends to reappoint its current appointee: 1. Reappoint its current appointee by publicly announcing the reappointment at a Board meeting, followed by a public hearing and appointment to be held after 30 and within 45 days. If the Board desires to open the position to additional applicants or if a vacancy occurs: 2. Seek through public announcement names of individuals who are interested, eligible, and capable of serving on the Personnel Commission. 3. The candidates shall have the following qualifications: A. Be a registered voter and resident within the territorial jurisdiction of the school district. B. Be a known adherent to the principle of the Merit System. Known adherent to the principle of the Merit System means a person who by the nature of his/her prior public or private service has given evidence that he/she supports the concept of employment, continuance in employment, in-service promotional opportunities and other related matters on the basis of merit and fitness. With respect to a candidate seeking reappointment, known adherent to the principle of the Merit System shall mean a Commissioner who has clearly demonstrated through meeting attendance and actions that he/she does, in fact, support the Merit System and its operation. (Education Code 45244) The following characteristics are highly desirable: A. B. C. D. E. Demonstrated ability to work well with others. A reputation for ethical behavior. Willingness to work through defined channels of authority and responsibility. Knowledge of Public Personnel Administration, preferably demonstrated by related paid or voluntary experience. Residence in the area long enough to have become familiar with the operations and background of the public agency. 4. The Personnel Commission office will assist the nominating body by posting the application online through the Commission’s usual and customary recruitment sources, Edjoin.com and Governmentjobs.com (NeoGov) and through all district employee notification systems. The vacancy will also be posted on the front page of the District website and in the front lobby of the District office. An advertisement can also be placed in the local paper upon the request of the nominating body. 5. Recruitment will be posted for the usual and customary timeline of Personnel Commission recruitments which is a minimum of 15 calendar days. 6. Candidates shall submit an application to the Director of Classified Personnel electronically through the Personnel Commission web page. 7. Applications will be screened by the Commission Director to determine if the applicants meet the required qualifications for this position. Candidates determined to meet the required qualifications of the position (a registered voter and resident within the territorial jurisdiction of the school district, and not a member of the Board of any school district or county Board of Education, nor an employee of the school district). 8. All applicants who meet the minimum qualifications, including the current incumbent, will be invited by the Commission Director to interview with the Board of Education in open session. At the conclusion of the interview process, the Board will vote to approve their recommendation for appointment to the Commission. OR An ad-hoc committee may be established by the Board President, comprised of two members of the Board and either the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee. All applicants who meet the minimum qualifications, including the current incumbent, will be invited by the Commission Director to interview with the ad hoc committee. At the conclusion of the interview process, the committee will make a recommendation to the Board of their intended appointee. The name of the intended appointee will be forwarded to the Superintendent to prepare a “green sheet” to comply with Education Code 45246 (b)(1). 9. The Board of Education, in compliance with Education Code 45246 (d) shall provide the public, the District administration, employees, and employee organizations the opportunity to present their views on the intended appointment in open session at a Board meeting to be held after 30 and within 45 days of the announcement of its intended appointment. Following the public hearing, the Board members may affirm their intended appointment, or may substitute a qualified appointee without further notification to the public. 10. Terms shall be for three years commencing at noon the first day of December, or immediately upon approval by the Board of Education for a vacant position. TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Joy Ramiro SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF MONTHLY BUDGET REVISIONS January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-301 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the attached monthly budget revisions for the month of December, Fiscal Year 20142015, be approved. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The Revised Budget Report for the General Fund Combined, including detailed changes to revenue accounts and expenditure accounts, for the month of December, is attached for the Board’s review and approval. The projected multi-year projection for 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 is also attached. LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: As reflected in the attached/enclosed documents MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ 2014-15 Revised Budget - First Interim General Fund / Combined DESCRIPTION A. REVENUES LCFF Federal Revenues Other State Revenues Other Local Revenues TOTAL REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Services and Other Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Other Outgo 7100-7299 & Direct Support / Indirect Costs EXPENDITURES before cuts Proposed reductions in 2014-15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES after cuts I OBJECT CODES Unrestricted II III Restricted Combined 8010-8099 8100-8299 8300-8599 8600-8799 236,622,089 60,955 8,385,004 9,601,500 254,669,548 1,019,823 9,337,461 19,946,294 3,588,181 33,891,759 237,641,912 9,398,416 28,331,298 13,189,681 288,561,307 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999 5000-5999 6000-6599 7400-7499 7300-7399 116,371,547 34,261,300 47,964,489 16,948,539 23,158,200 5,083,756 1,964,130 (1,310,000) 244,441,961 244,441,961 24,437,553 16,083,653 14,453,329 7,919,646 12,549,947 38,960 990,878 958,852 77,432,818 77,432,818 140,809,100 50,344,953 62,417,817 24,868,185 35,708,147 5,122,716 2,955,008 (351,148) 321,874,779 321,874,779 10,227,587 (43,541,059) (33,313,472) C. EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Interfund Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out Other Sources/Uses Sources Uses Contributions TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES BOE 12-8-14 8910-8929 7610-7629 2,746,977 1,782,566 10,000 2,746,977 1,792,566 8930-8979 7630-7699 8980-8999 5,431,114 (36,507,588) (30,112,063) 36,507,588 36,497,588 5,431,114 6,385,526 (19,884,476) (7,043,470) (26,927,946) Beginning Balance 46,229,994 10,243,470 Ending Balance COMPONENTS OF ENDING BALANCE A) NONSPENDABLE Revolving Cash 9711 Stores 9712 B) RESTRICTED 9740 C) COMMITTED 9750 D) ASSIGNED Sites Carryover (Projected) 9780 E) UNASSIGNED & UNAPPROPRIATED Economic Uncertainties @ 2% 9789 Reserve to reduce deficit per June 24, 2013 BOE presentation Reserve to balance 2015-16 budget Reserve 1% for PSEA, SEIU and APSM TOTAL COMPONENTS OF ENDING FUND BALANCE Unappropriated Fund Balance 26,345,519 3,200,000 56,473,46429,545,519 109,500 283,587 - 3,200,000 - 109,500 283,587 3,200,000 - 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 6,473,347 3,120,500 10,108,585 750,000 25,845,519 500,000 - 6,473,347 3,120,500 10,108,585 750,000 29,045,519 500,000 E. NET INCREASE / DECREASE F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 3,200,000 1 of 5 2014-15 December Revisions Budget Adjustments Beginning Balance Adjustment 2014-15 First Interim Budget, Net Increase/Decrease Total Beginning Balance Adjustment Unrestricted (19,884,476) (19,884,476) Restricted Combined (7,043,470) (7,043,470) (26,927,946) Revenue Adjustment 8010-8099 LCFF Total LCFF Sources 8100-8299 Federal Revenue Total Federal Revenue 8300-8599 Other State 8600-8799 Other Local Expenditure Adjustment 1000 Certificated Salaries 2000 Classified Salaries 3000 Employee Benefits 4000 Supplies 5000 Services 6000 Capital Outlay - - 18,744 8,123 290,431 14,904 - Update Workability Funding Update Voc Agricultural funding Prop 39 - Year 2 funding 332,202 332,202 3,780 1,513 1,076,205 Total Other State Revenue Update After School Education and Safety (ASES) funding Miscellaneous Local Grant Microsoft Voucher funding - Total Other Local Revenue - 471,658 471,658 Total Revenue Adjustments - 1,885,358 1,885,358 1,081,498 (175,927) ① 150,326 Total 1000 Update budget for Office Specialist for PSS effective January 1, 2015 (MITI project) IDEA Basic Local Assistance Budget Adjustment (175,927) 150,326 214,289 ① 276,292 10,568 Total 2000 Update budget for Office Specialist for PSS effective January 1, 2015 (MITI project) Budget Adjustment 215,861 286,860 ② (27,132) ② 72,664 (27,132) Total 4000 (730,617) Prop 39 - Year 2 funding IDEA Preschool Entitlement Budget Adjustment 112,534 ① Total 5000 112,534 Total Expenditure Adjustments (25,601) 1,605 71,059 ① (434,422) (296,195) ① Prop 39 - Year 2 funding - Indirect at 5.12% IDEA Basic Local Assistance - Indirect at 5.12% Title I, IDEA Preschool, ASES - Indirect at 5.12% Budget Adjustment Total 7000 ② 1,572 Total 3000 Perkins 131, Title I, Workability, Voc Agricultural Grant, ASES and Misc. Local Grant Microsoft Voucher Budget Adjustment Budget Adjustment 1,081,498 30,692 6,544 434,422 Budget Adjustment Total 6000 7000 Other Outgo - Update Perkins 131 funding Update Title I funding Update IDEA Basic Local Assistance funding Update IDEA Preschool Entitlement funding 502,721 45,532 67,065 434,422 (116,069) ② 385,418 (345,199) 1,023,787 14,177 10,774 ② 1,048,738 1,161,272 44,625 ① 44,625 (52,418) (14,139) (3,058) 29,615 ① (40,000) (500,860) 52,418 14,139 3,058 (28,467) ② 41,148 1,885,358 44,625 1,148 1,384,498 Transfer Adj. & Other Sources 8910-8929 Transfers In 7610-7629 Transfers Out Update budget for Office Specialist for PSS effective January 1, 2015 (MITI project) 3,177 Total Transfer Adjustments 3,177 8930-8979 Other Sources 7630-7699 Other Uses 8980-8999 Contributions - Total Net Increase/Decrease (19,380,439) (7,043,470) Total Net Change (19,380,439) (7,043,470) 3,177 (26,423,909) (26,423,909) ① Net to zero ② Net to zero 2 of 9 2014-15 Revised Budget - December 2014 General Fund / Combined DESCRIPTION A. REVENUES LCFF Federal Revenues Other State Revenues Other Local Revenues TOTAL REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Services and Other Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Other Outgo 7100-7299 & Direct Support / Indirect Costs EXPENDITURES before cuts Proposed reductions in 2014-15 TOTAL EXPENDITURES after cuts I OBJECT CODES III Restricted Combined 8010-8099 8100-8299 8300-8599 8600-8799 236,622,089 60,955 8,385,004 9,601,500 254,669,548 1,019,823 9,669,663 21,027,792 4,059,839 35,777,117 237,641,912 9,730,618 29,412,796 13,661,339 290,446,665 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999 5000-5999 6000-6599 7400-7499 7300-7399 116,195,620 34,477,161 48,037,153 16,217,922 23,270,734 5,128,381 1,964,130 (1,350,000) 243,941,101 243,941,101 24,587,879 16,370,513 14,426,197 8,305,064 13,598,685 38,960 990,878 1,000,000 79,318,176 79,318,176 140,783,499 50,847,674 62,463,349 24,522,986 36,869,419 5,167,341 2,955,008 (350,000) 323,259,277 323,259,277 10,728,447 (43,541,059) (32,812,612) C. EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Interfund Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out Other Sources/Uses Sources Uses Contributions TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Unrestricted II 8910-8929 7610-7629 2,750,154 1,782,566 10,000 2,750,154 1,792,566 8930-8979 7630-7699 8980-8999 5,431,114 (36,507,588) (30,108,886) 36,507,588 36,497,588 5,431,114 6,388,703 (19,380,439) (7,043,470) (26,423,909) Beginning Balance 46,229,994 10,243,470 Ending Balance COMPONENTS OF ENDING BALANCE A) NONSPENDABLE Revolving Cash 9711 Stores 9712 B) RESTRICTED 9740 C) COMMITTED 9750 D) ASSIGNED Sites Carryover (Projected) 9780 E) UNASSIGNED & UNAPPROPRIATED Economic Uncertainties @ 2% 9789 Reserve to reduce deficit per June 24, 2013 BOE presentation Reserve to balance 2015-16 budget Reserve 1% for PSEA, SEIU and APSM TOTAL COMPONENTS OF ENDING FUND BALANCE Unappropriated Fund Balance 26,849,556 3,200,000 56,473,46430,049,556 109,500 283,587 - 3,200,000 - 109,500 283,587 3,200,000 - 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 6,501,037 3,120,500 10,584,932 750,000 26,349,556 500,000 - 6,501,037 3,120,500 10,584,932 750,000 29,549,556 500,000 E. NET INCREASE / DECREASE F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES 3,200,000 3 of 5 2015-16 Projected Budget General Fund / Combined DESCRIPTION A. REVENUES LCFF Federal Revenues Other State Revenues Other Local Revenues TOTAL REVENUES I OBJECT CODES Unrestricted II III Restricted Combined 8010-8099 8100-8299 8300-8599 8600-8799 248,907,622 60,955 5,976,144 9,401,500 264,346,221 1,019,823 9,120,085 20,175,271 2,612,739 32,927,918 249,927,445 9,181,040 26,151,415 12,014,239 297,274,139 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999 5000-5999 6000-6599 7400-7499 7300-7399 117,555,620 34,453,982 51,139,098 13,539,703 20,230,888 1,645,704 2,473,935 (1,037,978) 240,000,953 (1,500,000) 238,500,953 25,087,879 16,698,888 14,726,197 5,534,300 11,293,671 38,960 990,878 687,978 75,058,751 75,058,751 142,643,499 51,152,870 65,865,295 19,074,003 31,524,559 1,684,664 3,464,813 (350,000) 315,059,703 (1,500,000) 313,559,703 25,845,269 (42,130,833) (16,285,564) B. EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Services and Other Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Other Outgo 7100-7299 & Direct Support / Indirect Costs EXPENDITURES before cuts Proposed reductions in 2015-16 TOTAL EXPENDITURES after cuts C. EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Interfund Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out Other Sources/Uses Sources Uses Contributions TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 8910-8929 7610-7629 684,602 1,782,566 8930-8979 7630-7699 8980-8999 2,715,000 (42,140,832) (40,523,796) E. NET INCREASE / DECREASE (14,678,527) 10,000 684,602 1,792,566 42,140,832 42,130,832 2,715,000 1,607,037 (0) (14,678,527) F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES Beginning Balance 26,849,556 3,200,000 Ending Balance COMPONENTS OF ENDING BALANCE A) NONSPENDABLE Revolving Cash 9711 Stores 9712 B) RESTRICTED 9740 C) COMMITTED 9750 D) ASSIGNED Sites Carryover (Projected) 9780 E) UNASSIGNED & UNAPPROPRIATED Economic Uncertainties @ 2% 9789 Reserve 1% for PSEA, SEIU and APSM (2014-15 and 2015-16) TOTAL COMPONENTS OF ENDING FUND BALANCE Unappropriated Fund Balance 12,171,028 3,200,000 107,500 275,000 - 3,200,000 - 107,500 275,000 3,200,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 6,307,045 1,500,000 11,189,545 981,483 - 6,307,045 1,500,000 14,389,545 981,483 3,200,000 30,049,55615,371,028 4 of 5 2016-17 Projected Budget General Fund / Combined DESCRIPTION A. REVENUES LCFF Federal Revenues Other State Revenues Other Local Revenues TOTAL REVENUES B. EXPENDITURES Certificated Salaries Classified Salaries Employee Benefits Books and Supplies Services and Other Operating Expenditures Capital Outlay Other Outgo 7100-7299 & Direct Support / Indirect Costs EXPENDITURES before cuts Proposed reductions in 2015-16 Proposed reductions in 2016-17 TOTAL EXPENDITURES after cuts I OBJECT CODES III Restricted Combined 8010-8099 8100-8299 8300-8599 8600-8799 263,364,309 60,955 5,976,144 9,401,500 278,802,908 1,019,823 9,120,085 20,558,485 2,377,074 33,075,467 264,384,132 9,181,040 26,534,629 11,778,574 311,878,375 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999 5000-5999 6000-6599 7400-7499 7300-7399 118,915,620 34,686,986 56,355,689 15,049,785 20,630,888 3,114,704 2,983,740 (1,037,978) 250,699,435 (1,500,000) (13,500,000) 235,699,435 25,587,879 17,198,888 15,026,197 5,934,300 11,593,671 38,960 990,878 687,978 77,058,751 144,503,499 51,885,874 71,381,885 20,984,085 32,224,559 3,153,664 3,974,618 (350,000) 327,758,185 (1,500,000) (13,500,000) 312,758,185 43,103,474 (43,983,284) C. EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES D. OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Interfund Transfers Transfers In Transfers Out Other Sources/Uses Sources Uses Contributions TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Unrestricted II 8910-8929 7610-7629 624,390 1,782,566 8930-8979 7630-7699 8980-8999 2,715,000 (43,993,284) (42,436,459) E. NET INCREASE / DECREASE 667,015 77,058,751 (879,810) 10,000 624,390 1,792,566 43,993,284 43,983,284 2,715,000 1,546,825 0 667,015 15,371,02816,038,043 F. FUND BALANCE, RESERVES Beginning Balance 12,171,028 3,200,000 Ending Balance COMPONENTS OF ENDING BALANCE A) NONSPENDABLE Revolving Cash 9711 Stores 9712 B) RESTRICTED 9740 C) COMMITTED 9750 D) ASSIGNED Sites Carryover (Projected) 9780 E) UNASSIGNED & UNAPPROPRIATED Economic Uncertainties @ 2% 9789 Reserve 1% for PSEA, SEIU and APSM (2014-15 through 2016-17) TOTAL COMPONENTS OF ENDING FUND BALANCE Unappropriated Fund Balance 12,838,043 3,200,000 107,500 275,000 - 3,200,000 - 107,500 275,000 3,200,000 - 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 6,291,015 2,250,000 11,923,515 914,528 - 6,291,015 2,250,000 15,123,515 914,528 3,200,000 5 of 5 TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Sandi Burgoyne SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 19-2015 ENTITLED "ORDERING JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE PURSUANT TO THE MELLO-ROOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES ACT OF 1982 OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR WHICH THE PAYMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES ARE DELINQUENT, APPROVING AND RATIFYING CERTAIN ACTIONS OF SPECIAL COUNSEL, AND ORDERING THAT THE TAX COLLECTOR BE CREDITED WITH THOSE SPECIAL TAXES” January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-501 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That Resolution No. 19-2015 be approved, authorizing the Superintendent to proceed, on behalf of the Board, with foreclosure procedures. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The District is contractually obligated to protect the holders of special tax bonds and uphold the covenant of bond documents mandating initiation of judicial foreclosure procedures when an event of delinquency of the magnitude specified in such covenant occurs. Pursuant to Section 53356.1 of the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982, in the event of delinquency in the payment of special taxes, Community Facilities Districts (each, a “CFD”) may order the initiation of a judicial foreclosure action to recover such taxes. This foreclosure process is, however, mandatory, pursuant to the covenant with the CFD bondholders required in order to market such bonds. Such action is triggered pursuant to the covenants within the Bond Indentures when a determination is made that: (a) any single parcel subject to a CFD special tax is delinquent in an amount of $5,000 or more or; (b) less than 95% of the aggregate CFD special taxes for a particular CFD have been collected in the current fiscal year. The District shall be required to disclose to the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC) draws on CFD Reserve Funds made to pay scheduled debt service on special tax bonds of a CFD and to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s (MSRB) Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA), as LEGAL REFERENCE: Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act of 1982 Government Code Section 53311, et seq. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ Continued… SECONDED BY: _________________________ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ a material event, if any such draw reflects financial difficulties of the CFD. To date, staff has initiated the following sequence of events in order to avoid the necessity to commence judicial foreclosure of these delinquent special taxes: • Letter of Delinquency sent on September 2, 2014 by Dolinka Group, Special Tax Consultant, to all property owners who had delinquencies totaling over $5,000 on June 1 after the April 10, 2014 Second Installment due date to San Diego County Treasurer – Tax Collector. • Final Letter of Delinquency Notice sent to all such property owners by Best Best & Krieger, CFD Legal Counsel, on October 16, 2014, informing the property owners of the legal obligation of the CFDs to commence judicial foreclosure proceedings and offering such property owners the option for direct payment of any delinquent CFD taxes to the Planning Department or Dolinka Group, Special Tax Consultant, by October 31, 2014. Payments must be made for the total amount due and by Cashier’s Check or Money Order. • Verification on November 7, 2014, December 12, 2014, and January 9, 2015, with Dolinka Group and County of San Diego on the current status of the outstanding delinquencies. If payment has been received on any of the delinquent parcels, an oral report will be made to the Board of Education at the meeting. Despite these efforts to have the delinquent special taxes brought current, delinquency levels on one individual parcel within each of the following CFDs are such that the foreclosure covenant has been triggered and judicial foreclosure proceedings must be initiated: CFD No. 6 10 10A 11 Zone 2 11B Delinquent Special Tax $5,126.28 $5,673.24 $7,608.70 $6,116.46 $8,605.06 Interest and Penalties $1,468.85 $1,934.08 $2,593.90 $3,375.95 $4,759.51 Sub Total $6,595.13 $7,607.32 $10,202.60 $9,492.41 $13,364.57 Mandated Legal Fees $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 $475.00 Total Due $7,070.13 $8,082.32 $10,677.60 $9,967.41 $13,839.57 So long as such efforts do not jeopardize the affected CFD compliance with the foreclosure covenants, School District staff, Dolinka Group, and Best Best & Krieger LLP, will continue to work with the affected property owners to have the delinquent special taxes brought current prior to the actual filing of judicial foreclosure proceedings. Resolution No. 19-2015 is attached. Poway Unified School District RESOLUTION NO. 19-2015 ORDERING JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE PURSUANT TO THE MELLO-ROOS COMMUNITY FACILITIES ACT OF 1982 OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES FOR WHICH THE PAYMENT OF SPECIAL TAXES ARE DELINQUENT, APPROVING AND RATIFYING CERTAIN ACTIONS OF SPECIAL COUNSEL, AND ORDERING THAT THE TAX COLLECTOR BE CREDITED WITH THOSE SPECIAL TAXES ON MOTION of Member ________________________________________, seconded by Member ______________________________________, the following resolution is adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Education (the “Board”) of the Poway Unified School District (the “District”) that: WHEREAS, the Poway Unified School District (the “School District”) has heretofore formed various community facilities districts (each, a “CFD” and collectively, the "CFDs") pursuant to the MelloRoos Community Facilities Act of 1982, as amended (the "Act") commencing with Government Code section 53311, et seq. of the State of California (the “Government Code”); and WHEREAS, one or more series of bonds have been issued by each such CFD (“CFD Bonds”) pursuant to the Act and each such series of bonds is secured by special taxes levied within the CFD for which such series of bonds were issued; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the School District, acting for and on behalf of the CFDs, has duly and regularly levied the special taxes, the payment of which is secured by a continuing lien on the properties against which the special taxes are levied; and WHEREAS, certain special taxes and installments have not been paid when due, and certain installments of those special taxes may not be paid in the future; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of section 53356.1 of the Government Code of the State of California (“Section 53356.1”), this School District Is authorized, not later than four (4) years after the due date of the last installment of special taxes, to order the same to be collected by an action brought in the Superior Court to foreclose the lien of those special taxes; and WHEREAS, in order to market the CFD Bonds, the CFDs have been required to covenant with the purchasers of such CFD Bonds to institute judicial foreclosure proceedings as authorized by Section 53356.1; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of section 53356.2 of the Government Code (“Section 53356.2”), when such judicial foreclosure action is ordered, the county tax collector is to be credited upon the current tax roll with the amount charged on account of the delinquent special taxes to be subject to such a foreclosure action, including applicable penalties, interests, and costs and to be relieved of further duty in regard thereto; and WHEREAS, the Board of Education, acting in its capacity as the legislative body of each of the CFDs, desires to authorize and order the Superintendent to cause an action or actions to be brought in the Superior Court to foreclose the lien of special tax when required by the covenants of any CFD with the holders of the bonds issued for such CFD to collect any delinquent special taxes levied in whole or in part for the payment of such bonds, together with penalties, interest, and costs thereon. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, DETERMINED, AND ORDERED by the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District, acting in its capacity as the legislative body of Community Facilities District No. 1 through Community Facilities District No. 16 as follows: Section 1. The Board of Education hereby authorizes and orders the Superintendent to cause an action to be brought in the Superior Court to foreclose the lien of special tax when required by the covenants of any CFD with the holders of the CFD Bonds issued for such CFD to collect any delinquent special taxes levied in whole or in part for the payment of such CFD Bonds, together with penalties, interest, and costs thereon. Section 2. The Board finds that the Act provides for the payment of the costs and attorneys fees for prosecution of the foreclosure lawsuits hereby authorized by the Board of Education on redemption prior to entry of judgment as well as on post-judgment redemption, and hereby authorizes the Superintendent to require payment on its behalf of all costs and all attorneys fees incurred in the applicable foreclosure lawsuit as a condition of such redemption. Section 3. Best Best & Krieger LLP, as special counsel for the School District, is hereby authorized and directed to institute such actions in the name of the School District and the affected CFD or CFDs to foreclose the liens of all such delinquent special taxes. All actions taken on behalf of the School District and the affected CFD or CFDs by special counsel in furtherance of such foreclosure are hereby approved and ratified. Section 4. The Superintendent, in cooperation and in conjunction with special counsel, is authorized and directed if and as applicable, pursuant to Government Code Section 53356.2 to: (a) record notices of intent to remove the delinquent special taxes from the tax rolls; and (b) to request that the applicable County officials remove current and future delinquent special taxes from the tax rolls. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect from and after its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED on January 20, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) This is to certify that the foregoing document is a true copy of the Resolution of the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District of San Diego County. Andy Patapow, Clerk of the Board of Education 2 TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-601 Staff Support: SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 30-2015, ENTITLED "LOCAL RESERVES CAP" Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve Resolution No. 30-2015 Entitled "Local Reserves Cap." DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Senate Bill (SB) 858 requires school districts to spend their assigned and unassigned balances in their reserves to no more than two to three times the minimum level of the statutory reserve for economic uncertainties (depending upon district size) in the fiscal year following the year the State of California makes a payment of any amount to the Public School System Stabilization Account. It will take many years for the State to build up adequate funds to support public school districts in an economic downturn; however, school districts would be forced to spend down their reserves and ending balances to levels that would jeopardize fiscal solvency. The attached resolution is from the California School Boards Association requesting that the Legislature and the Governor repeal or substantially change the language contained in SB 858 immediately. LEGAL REFERENCE: Senate Bill (SB) 858, Section 27/California Education Code Section 42127.01 (Rev. 09-22-14) FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ Poway Unified School District RESOLUTION NO. 30-2015 LOCAL RESERVES CAP Senate Bill (SB) 858, Section 27/California Education Code 42127.01 (Rev. 09.22.14) ON MOTION of Member ____________________________________, seconded by Member , the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, School district governing boards have the obligation to provide a quality education that is essential for an informed citizenry, a competitive economy, a fulfilling life for all students, and the foundation of our democratic society; and WHEREAS, School district governing boards are responsible for maintaining fiscal solvency of the school systems they govern; and WHEREAS, The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), based on the principle of subsidiarity, provides governing boards, working with interested stakeholders, with the authority to prioritize funds in order to provide quality education for all students, especially those who are English learners, from low income households and who are Foster Youth; and WHEREAS, Funds for crucial services for school operations, such as payroll, classroom materials, school construction projects, technology, home-to-school transportation, deferred maintenance, etc., often require successful ongoing cash-flow management and disciplined planning, including the creation and maintenance of prudent financial reserves; and WHEREAS, School district reserve levels, as well as their fund balances, are determined by governing boards to meet local priorities and allow districts to save for potential future expected and unexpected expenditures and for eventual economic downturns; and WHEREAS, community funded schools (Basic Aid Districts) receive funds only twice a year and must rely on adequate reserves to manage cash flow for normal daily operations and for future purchases and unforeseen events; and WHEREAS, the statutory minimum for school district reserves for economic uncertainties ranges from 1 to 5 percent, depending on district enrollment, and covers between one to five weeks of payroll, or less than 20 days of total cash flow; and WHEREAS, Prudent budgeting raises expectations for school districts to establish and maintain reserves above the statutory minimum; and WHEREAS, the governing board of the Poway Unified School District currently maintains an assigned and unassigned reserve of approximately 8.0% for purposes of site carryover, economic uncertainties, deficit reduction, and reserves to help balance the 2015-2016 budget. WHEREAS, On June 20, 2014, the Governor signed into law SB 858 (Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review, Chapter 32, Statutes of 2014), now embodied in California Education Code 42127.10, and WHEREAS, SB 858, Section 27 Education Code 42127.01, did become operative since voters passed Proposition 2 on the November 2014 state ballot, and requires school districts to spend their assigned and unassigned account balances down to no more than two to three times the minimum level of the statutory reserve for economic uncertainties (depending on district size) in the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which the State of California makes a payment of any amount to the Public School System Stabilization Account; and WHEREAS, Under SB 858 this provision, a deposit by the State of California of even $1 to the Public School System Stabilization Account would result in school districts throughout California having to spend down billions of dollars in their reserves and ending balances; and WHEREAS, It could take many years for the State of California to build up an adequate Public School System Stabilization Account; yet, in one year, school districts would be forced to spend down their reserves and ending balances to levels that could jeopardize fiscal solvency; and WHEREAS, The LCFF is not fully implemented, many school districts are still funded below their 2007-08 levels, and districts cannot survive another downturn without fiscally responsible reserves; and now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District calls upon the Legislature and the Governor to repeal the language contained in Section 27 of SB 858 (Chapter 32, Statutes of 2014) now in Education Code 42127.01 immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED on January 20, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) This is to certify that the foregoing document is a true copy of the Resolution of the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District of San Diego County. _________________________________________ Andy Patapow, Clerk of the Board of Education TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-602 Staff Support: SUBJECT: AMENDMENT OF 2015 BOARD MEETING DATES Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the previously approved 2015 Regular Board meeting dates be amended as presented. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: At the August 19, 2014 Regular Board meeting, the Board approved the dates for 2015 regular Board meetings. At the December 8, 2014 Regular Board meeting, the current Board was asked to review and amend the dates if necessary to accommodate their schedules. The new proposed dates for the remainder of 2015 are listed below. All dates are on Mondays unless noted otherwise. January 20 (Tuesday) February 9 February 10 (Tuesday) March 9 March 10 (Tuesday) April 20 May 18 June 22 August 24 September 16 (Wednesday) October 12 October 19 November 16 December 8 (Tuesday) Regular Board Meetings are held at the Poway Unified School District Office, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, beginning at 6:00 p.m. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Section 35140 FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: D-603 Staff Support: SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT TO CALIFORNIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION DELEGATE ASSEMBLY Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Board appoint a delegate to the California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly is the primary policy-making body of the association. Delegates adopt the association’s legislative platform, take positions on other critical issues that may come before it, elect the officers and directors, and adopt bylaw changes. Delegates also serve as a two-way communications link between Board members in the region and the regional director, and play an important role in fostering collegiality within their region. There are two Delegate Assembly meetings each year, one in May, 2015 in Sacramento, and one in December, 2015, in San Diego. According to the California School Boards Association’s (CSBA) Bylaws and Standing Rules, districts with an ADA of 30,000 or above, must vote to either re-appoint their current Delegate or appoint another member from its Board to serve a two-year term beginning April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2017. PUSD’s current Delegate, Penny Ranftle, is no longer a member of the Board and the current Board must vote to appoint another Delegate. Any Board member may volunteer to be the appointed Delegate or may nominate another member to be the Delegate. LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A??? FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Mel Robertson Staff Support: Mercedes Hubschmitt SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF THE 2014-2015 REVISION OF THE LOCAL EDUCATION AGENCY PLAN (LEAP) January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-103 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the 2014-2015 revision of the Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP) be approved. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 2001, also known as the No Child Left Behind (NCLB), required LEAs to develop a five year plan with annual updates, as needed. District staff has updated the Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP), which was developed and initially adopted in 2003. Due to congressional inaction since 2008, the reauthorization of NCLB has lapsed. Under guidance from the California Department of Education (CDE), the district has continued the implementation and revision of the LEAP. The updates and revisions are to be approved by the local school board annually, and kept on file with the original plan. The current LEAP aligns with the District Strategic Vision/Goals and Initiatives. The plan is also aligned to the implementation of the new CA State Standards, the Poway Unified School District college and career Readiness performance targets, and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals. The California State Accountability Plan and the Academic Performance Index (API) are scheduled to be revised in 2016. These new measures, the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASP), and LCAP, will direct future alignment and requirements of the LEAP. LEGAL REFERENCE: No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110) FISCAL IMPACT: Budget of $8,812,414 (Federal Programs) and $6,277,234 (State Programs) MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Mel Robertson Staff Support: Elaine Cofrancesco/Mercedes Hubschmitt SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 28-2015 ENTITLED "NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK 2015" January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-104 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That Resolution No. 28-2015, proclaiming February 2-6 as National School Counseling Week 2015, be approved. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: This resolution is being presented tonight to the Board of Education as part of National School Counseling Week to focus public attention on the unique contribution of professional school counselors within the Poway Unified School District. National School Counseling Week 2015 highlights the tremendous impact school counselors make in helping students achieve school success. The comprehensive counseling program promotes and enhances the learning process by facilitating development in three broad areas: academic development, personal/social development, and career development. This special week provides recognition for our school counselors who implement these counseling programs. Our counselors are being recognized for their constant encouragement of students and helping them examine their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents. National School Counseling Week 2015, February 2-6, highlights the tremendous impact that counselors have in helping students achieve school success. LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ Poway Unified School District RESOLUTION NO. 28-2015 NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK 2015 ON MOTION of Member __________________________________________, seconded by Member _________________________________________, the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, school counselors are employed in public and private schools to help students reach their full potential; and WHEREAS, school counselors are actively committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents as these traits relate to career awareness and development; and WHEREAS, school counselors help parents focus on ways to further the educational, personal, and social growth of their students; and WHEREAS, school counselors work with teachers and other educators to help students explore their potential and set realistic goals for themselves; and WHEREAS, school counselors seek to identify and utilize community resources that can enhance and complement comprehensive school counseling programs and help students become productive members of society; and WHEREAS, comprehensive developmental school counseling programs are considered an integral part of the education process that enables all students to achieve success in school; and WHEREAS, school counselors assist students to successfully transition to high school and meet all graduation requirements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District, having realized the importance of school counselors, that we do declare the week of February 2 to February 6 as National School Counseling Week 2015; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that, all citizens and organizations of goodwill should join in the counseling effort by coming together and working with school counseling programs that address the academic, personal/social, and career development needs of all students. PASSED AND ADOPTED on January 20, 2015, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) This is to certify that the foregoing document is a true copy of the Resolution of the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District of San Diego County. ___________________________________________ Andy Patapow, Clerk of the Board of Education TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: Mel Robertson MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E- 105 Staff Support: SUBJECT: APPROVAL/RATIFICATION OF OUT-OF-STATE FIELD TRIPS Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the out-of-state field trips be approved or ratified. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Date School To No. of Students Purpose of Trip Mode of Travel Days Missed 2/18 to 2/22/2015 WHS Phoenix, AZ 4 NJROTC Marksmanship Competition Rental Van 0 2/25 to 3/1/2015 PHS Fort Lauderdale, FL 24 Robotics Competition Commercial Air 3 3/18 to 3/22/2015 PHS Kenner, LA 5 Robotics Competition Commercial Air 3 3/18 to 3/22/2015 WHS Port Clinton, OH 4 NJROTC Marksmanship Competition Commercial Air 3 3/25 to 3/29/2015 WHS Honolulu, HI 16 Volleyball Tournament Commercial Air 3 4/8 to 4/12/2015 WHS Pensacola, FL 45 NJROTC Drill Nationals Military Air 0 4/10 to 4/14/2015 PHS New York, NY 50 Music Performance at Carnegie Hall Commercial Air 2 4/16 to 4/19/2015 MCHS Denver, CO 16 Journalism Conference Commercial Air 2 Continued…. LEGAL REFERENCE: FISCAL IMPACT: MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ 5/28 to 5/31/2015 WHS Chicago, IL Activities are paid for by donations and/or ASB funds. 4 National Quiz Bowl Championship Commercial Air 2 TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-106 Staff Support: SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the listed gifts be accepted and the Superintendent write a letter of appreciation to the donors. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: GIFT DONOR TO $250 Thomas and Nancy Prutzman Transportation Department - FTS (Fees for Transportation Services) to assist student(s) in need with transportation services $5,000 Northrop Grumman Rancho Bernardo High School Robotics Team LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Section 41032 FISCAL IMPACT: As Listed MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Tracy Hogarth Staff Support: Dawn Zwibel SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF 2015-2016 YEAR-ROUND STUDENT ATTENDANCE CALENDARS FOR ABRAXAS HIGH SCHOOL AND VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-203 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Board approve the proposed 2015-2016 year-round student attendance calendars for Abraxas High School and Valley Elementary School as presented. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The first reading of the traditional “student” calendar for the 2015-2016 school year was presented to the Board on November 17, 2014, and was approved earlier this evening. This calendar includes 180 student days. Current state law does allow for the reduction of five student attendance days, and extends through the 2015-2016 school year. Therefore, the proposed student calendar provides for 180 student days, but could be reduced if necessitated by budget considerations or future state mandates and would be implemented through newly negotiated agreements with our three employee Exclusive Representatives. The Abraxas and Valley calendars, like the 2015-2016 student attendance calendar approved, provide for flexibility for the potential reduction of additional student/work days. Parents and the community should be aware that there may be subsequent modifications. However, under any scenario, Abraxas students will start no earlier than July 16, 2015, and Valley students will start no earlier than August 4, 2015. Abraxas students will dismiss no later than June 21, 2016, and Valley students will dismiss no later than June 9, 2016. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Sections 37220 et seq. California Education Code Section 41420 Government Code Sections 3540 et seq. FISCAL IMPACT: MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ ABRAXAS HIGH SCHOOL POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT CALENDAR 2015-2016 Important Note: The Abraxas calendar provides flexibility for potential reduction of student/work days. Parents, community, and staff should be aware there may be subsequent modifications. NOTES SCHOOL MONTH July July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug/Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept/Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov/Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec/Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb/Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar/Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May May/June June June June June/July July MON 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 {23} 30 7 14 {21} {28} 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 4 {11} [18] 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 TUES 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 {24} 1 8 15 {22} {29} 5 [12] 19 26 2 9 {16} 23 1 8 15 22 29 5 {12} 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 3 WED [15] 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 [7] 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 {23} {30} 6 13 20 27 3 10 {17} 24 2 9 16 23 30 6 {13} 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 [22] 29 6 THURS 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 {18} 25 3 10 17 [24] 31 7 {14} 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 7 FRI 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 [18] 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 [18] 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 8 7/15 - Non Student Day 7/16 - School Begins (Start of Diploma Bound Program at Abraxas) 9/7 - Labor Day 9/18 - Non Student Day 9/21-10/6 - Intersession 10/7 - Non Student Day 11/11 - Veterans Day 11/23, 11/24 - District Recess 11/25 - Admission Day, 11/26, 11/27 - Thanksgiving Holiday 12/17 - December Graduation 12/18 - Non Student Day 12/21-1/1 - Winter Break 12/24 - Local Holiday, 12/25 - Legal Holiday 12/31 - Local Holiday, 1/1 - New Years Day Observance 1/4-1/11 - Intersession 1/12 - Non Student Day 1/18 - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2/15 - Washington's Birthday 2/16-2/18 - District Recess 2/19 - Lincoln's Birthday 3/24 - Non Student Day 3/25-4/8 - Intersession 4/11-4/15 Spring Break, 4/15 - Spring Holiday 4/18 - Non Student Day 5/30 - Memorial Day Holiday 6/21 - June Graduation 6/21 - School Ends 6/22 - Non Student Day 6/23-7/1 - Intersession 7/4 - Independence Day Observance Student Days = 180 Local Holiday District Recess - { } District Recess/Holiday Legal Holiday Non-Student Day [ ] Non Student Workday School Begins/Ends School Day Intersession (1/20/15) VALLEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT CALENDAR 2015-2016 Important Note: The Valley calendar provides flexibility for potential reduction of student/work days. Parents, community, and staff should be aware there may be subsequent modifications. (1/20/15) NOTES SCHOOL MONTH July July July July July Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug/Sept Sept Sept Sept Sept/Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov/Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec/Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb/Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar/Apr Apr Apr Apr Apr May May May May May/June June June June June MON 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 [28] /5/ 12 19 26 [2] 9 16 {23} 30 7 14 {21} {28} 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 /4/ {11} 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 TUES 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 /6/ 13 20 27 3 10 17 {24} 1 8 15 {22} {29} 5 12 19 26 2 9 {16} 23 1 8 15 22 29 /5/ {12} 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 WED 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 /7/ 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 {23} {30} 6 13 20 27 3 10 {17} 24 2 9 16 23 30 /6/ {13} 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 THURS 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 1 /8/ 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 {18} 25 3 10 17 24 31 /7/ {14} 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 FRI 3 10 17 24 31 7 [14] 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 /9/ 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 [15] 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25 1 /8/ 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 7/3 - Independence Day Observance 8/4 - School Begins 8/14 - Non Student Day Pro Grow 9/7 - Labor Day Holiday 9/28 - Non Student Day Pro Grow 10/5 -10/9 Intersession 11/2 - Non Student Day Pro Grow 11/3 & 11/5 Minumum Day - Conferences 11/11 - Veterans Day 11/23, 11/24 - District Recess, 11/25 - Admission Day 11/26,11/27 - Thanksgiving Holiday 12/21-1/1 - Winter Break 12/24 - Local Holiday, 12/25 Legal Holiday 12/31 - Local Holiday, 1/1 - New Years Day Observance 1/15 - Non Student Day Pro Grow 1/18 - Dr. Martin L. King Jr. Day 2/15 - Washington's Birthday 2/16-2/18 - District Recess 2/19 - Lincoln's Birthday 4/4-4/8 - Intersession 4/11-4/15 - Spring Break, 4/15 Spring Holiday 5/30 -Memorial Day Holiday 6/9 - School Ends Student Year = 180 days Local Holiday District Recess - { } District Recess/Holiday Legal Holiday Non-Student Day - [ ] Non Student Workday School Begins/Ends Intersession - / / School Day Intersession TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Tracy Hogarth Staff Support: Genny Girten SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION NO. 25-2015 ENTITLED “AUTHORIZATION TO TEACH OUT OF MAJOR OR MINOR FIELDS” January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-204 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That Resolution No. 25-2015 be approved and the Clerk of the Board be authorized to sign the resolution for the Board. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Annually, the Board of Education is asked to review and approve this resolution. With the increasingly complex nature of the secondary curriculum and scheduling and with the advent of the middle school basic education concept, the California Legislature determined that school districts needed flexibility in the assignment of teachers. At the same time, the Legislature recognizes the need to ensure that teachers are properly prepared and competent to teach in their assigned area. As a result, several separate provisions are included within the California Education Code (EC). EC 44256(b) allows, by resolution of the Governing Board, the holder of a Multiple Subject or Standard Elementary Teaching Credential to teach, with his or her consent, any subject in departmentalized classes below grade 9 if the teacher has completed 12 semester units, or six upper division or graduate semester units, in the subject to be taught. The teachers teaching under this provision meet the following qualifications: • All have completed at least the required semester hours of course work. • All are teaching at the middle or high school level. • Many have been teaching successfully in the assignment in previous years. • All are well-qualified to teach in their assignment. EC 44258.7(b) allows a full-time teacher who holds a credential in a subject other than physical education to coach a competitive sport for which the students receive physical education credit for one period a day if that teacher has completed a minimum of 20 hours of first aid instruction appropriate to the specific sport Continued… LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Sections 44258.1, 44256(b), 44258.2, 44258.7, 44258.7(b), 44258.7(c) and (d), 44263, 44264, and 44865 FISCAL IMPACT: None MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ with action by the local Governing Board. EC 44258.7(c) and (d) states a full-time teacher who has special skills and preparation outside of his or her credential authorization may, with teacher’s consent, be assigned to teach an elective course in the area of special skill (no English, mathematics, science, or social science). Assignments must have prior approval by a committee established by Board and Superintendent action. District plans for making assignments under this Education Code section must be submitted to the County Superintendent of Schools. EC 44258.2 states that the holder of a Single Subject or Standard Secondary Teaching Credential may, with his or her consent, be assigned by action of the local Governing Board to teach classes in grades 5 through 8 in a middle school, provided that the teacher has a minimum of 12 semester units, or six upper division or graduate semester units, of course work at an accredited institution in the subject to be taught. EC 44263 allows the holder of a teaching credential to teach, by resolution of the Governing Board and with the consent of the teacher, in a single-subject departmentalized class if the teacher has completed 18 semester hours of course work, or nine semester hours of upper division or graduate course work, in the subject to be taught. The teachers teaching under this provision meet the qualifications stated below: • All have completed at least the required semester hours of course work. • Many have majors in related fields. • Many have been teaching successfully in the assignment in previous years. • All are well qualified to teach in their assignment. For the purposes of No Child Left Behind teacher quality requirements, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing has deemed these authorizations as a proper credential for the assignments, and other No Child Left Behind criteria would be applied accordingly. EC 44264 allows the holder of a pre-Ryan credential authorizing service in grades 7-12 to be assigned to teach the subject(s) authorized by their credential in grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 in middle and junior high schools. EC 44258.1 allows the holder of a self-contained teaching credential to teach a separate group of students at the same grade level as the students in his or her Core classes provided it does not exceed one-half of the teacher’s total assignment. EC 44865 allows the holder of a valid teaching credential, based on a bachelor’s degree, student teaching, special fitness to perform, and teacher consent to accept the following assignments: Home Teacher, Hospital Classes, Continuation Schools, Opportunity Schools, County Community Schools, Necessary Small High Schools, Alternative Schools and Juvenile Court Schools. RESOLUTION NO. 25-2015 AUTHORIZATION TO TEACH OUT OF MAJOR OR MINOR FIELDS ON MOTION of Member __________________, seconded by Member _________________, the following resolution is adopted. WHEREAS, the Governing Board of the Poway Unified School District, San Diego County, pursuant to Education Codes 44258.1, 44258.2, 44263, 44264, 44256(b), 44258.7, 44258.7(b), (c), and (d), and 44865, does hereby authorize the following named teachers to teach in a field other than their major or minor. Name Ed Code Credential Major/Minor Assignment Meadowbrook Middle School Cynthia Arellano 44256(b) Michael Billings 44258.2 David Bristow 44256(b) Timothy Blakeney 44258.2 Teresa Heaslet 44258.2 Kelly Caravelli 44256(b) Multiple Subjects Social Science Multiple Subjects English Social Science Multiple Subjects Social Science Language Arts Math Language Arts/Social Science Language Arts Language Arts Bernardo Heights Middle School Karen Bungard 44258.2 English English/Social Science Black Mountain Middle School Rose Dotran 44258.2 Elaine Page 44256(b) Michael Lantz 44256(b) Nancy Flexer 44264 R. Dennis Moore 44258.2 Brian Frost 44263 Mesa Verde Middle School Kelly Kangas 44263 Aimee McCoy 44263 Twin Peaks Middle School Suzanne McKibbin 44256(b) Mikki Matautia 44258.1 Bruce May 44258.2 Oak Valley Middle School Stephanie Connors 44256(b) Robin Radlauer 44256(b) Biological Sciences Life/Physical Science Multiple Subjects/English Science English Social Science/English Standard Secondary 6th Grade Basic Education Language Arts/Social Science P.E./Social Science P.E./Social Science/Language Arts Multiple Subjects/Business Language Arts English Multiple Subjects English/Social Science English/Language Arts Multiple Subjects Multiple Subjects Industrial Technology/ Math/Physics Language Arts Social Science Physical Science Multiple Subjects Multiple Subjects Social Science/Math English/Social Studies/Language Arts 1 Name Ed Code Credential Major/Minor Assignment Poway High School Bob Parry Marla Brewer Michael Cook Sylvester Sybilski Mark Liska Anthony Manly 44263 44263 44258.7(b) 44258.7(b) 44263 44263 P.E./Biology Life Science/Intro. Science Music Music Chem/Geol/Intro. Math Life Sci/ Physical Sci P.E./Health Zoology/Geoscience Music/Marching Band (PE) Music/Marching Band (PE) Advanced Math Chemistry/ Geo Science Mt. Carmel High School Monique Tamayoshi 44263 Scott Currie 44263 Garry McPherson 44258.7(b) Social Science History/Intro. English Music English English Music/Marching Band (PE) Rancho Bernardo High School Duane Otani 44258.7(b) Christine Millsap 44263 Rebecca Outlaw 44263 Diane Hotz 44263 Donald Jones 44263 Carmela Sabatano 44263 Music Biological Science Life Science/Geoscience Life Science/Chemistry P.E./Biology Biological Science/Chem Music/Marching Band (PE) Physical Science On-Line Health Physics P.E./Health Marine Science Del Norte High School Jay Hendricks 44263 Jennifer Kitelinger 44258.7(b) Life Science Music Physics Music/Marching Band (PE) Westview High School Steve McLaughin 44263 Jeri Webb 44258.7(b) Sally Sheldon 44263 Brad Johnson 44263 Kellie Oydna 44263 Tim Medlock 44263 Karen Lafferty 44263 Daniel Greenberg 44258.7(b) P.E. Music Social Science Business Education Social Science/Intro English P.E. English Music P.E./Health Music/Marching Band (PE) Spanish Math US History/Honors Amer. Lit. P.E./Health English/French Music/Marching Band (PE) 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Governing Board of the Poway Unified School District, San Diego County, California, this 20th day of January 2015. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) This is to certify that the foregoing document is a true copy of the Resolution of the Board of Education of the Poway Unified School District of San Diego County. ______________________________________________ Andy Patapow Clerk of the Board of Education 3 TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Tracy Hogarth Staff Support: Debby Wulff SUBJECT: ALLOCATION OF NEW CLASSIFICATION TO THE SALARY SCHEDULE - FACILITIES, MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-205 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the new classification of Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Technician be allocated to Range 32 of the Office, Technical, Business Services and Paraprofessional Salary Schedule. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: At the request of the incumbent employee, a Classification Study was conducted by the Personnel Commission staff for the Maintenance and Operations Purchasing Assistant. Over time, her responsibilities of her position have grown with duties in addition to her purchasing responsibilities. The incumbent employee works with the Director of the department to analyze the budget and prepare budget projections for the various areas of the department and monitors the Facilities, Maintenance and Operations (FM&O) budget, moving funds to accomplish the needs of the department. In addition, the incumbent employee verifies that expenditures are properly charged by object codes, submitting change orders for purchase orders. Timesheets for overtime work are submitted to the incumbent to determine the correct budget that must be charged. The incumbent is responsible for the department’s revolving cash accounts, the writing of checks, usage of the P-card, and oversees the budgets for relocatable buildings for payment through developer fees, Preschool, ESS, or CFD. The incumbent is responsible for obtaining lease agreements for these relocatable buildings, as well. Another responsibility of the incumbent is administering the Facilities Public Works/Service contracts for FM&O. At the request of the Superintendent, a new classification of Facilities, Maintenance and Operations Technician was written to encompass the responsibilities of budgeting, accounting, purchasing and Public Works/Service contracts for the FM&O department. The salary recommendation was based on knowledge, complexity, accountability and working conditions of the job in relation to internal position alignment. No positions similar to this exist in districts in our geographical area and of comparable size. This new classification was approved by the Personnel Commission at their regular meeting on January 12, 2015, and is supported by PSEA. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Section 45285 and 45268 Personnel Commission Rules Section 30.300.8 and 30.300.9 FISCAL IMPACT: $7,170 MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CLASSIFIED POSITION DESCRIPTION BUSINESS Assistant Superintendent, Personnel Date: January 2015 Issue No: 1 Page 1 of 3 FACILITIES, MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN BASIC FUNCTION: Under the direction of the Director of Facilities, Maintenance and Operations, oversee business services functions including budget, accounting, and purchasing functions, and the Facilities Public Works/Service contracts administration for the FM&O department. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: This position is distinguished from other Purchasing positions in that it is responsible for acquisition of the services and supply needs of the FM&O department; it is distinguished from other Finance positions in that it reviews and maintains the accounting records and budget analysis of the FM&O department. REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES: Assist FM&O Director in analyzing the budget and preparing budget projections for multiple departments within Facilities, Maintenance and Operations; monitor FM&O budget; move funds to accomplish needs of department; submit change orders as necessary. E Maintain budgetary and accounting functions for general upkeep, deferred maintenance, capital outlay, timesheets, and other areas. E Maintain revolving cash account and reconcile expenditures; monitor budget for availability of funds and transfer funds as necessary. Code, monitor and track requisitions by account code; analyze budget documentation to ensure expenditures are properly charged. E Receive department invoices, verify purchase requisitions and submit for payment. E Facilitate lease agreements for Relocatable Buildings and ensure that yearly budgets are sufficient. E Write professional service contracts; receive and track payments for service and repairs. E Prepare, oversee and assist in the development of specifications, and purchasing of equipment, goods and services. E Write and assist in the development or preparation of Public Works/Service contracts utilizing applicable codes, such as Public Contract Code, Labor Code, Government Code, Education Code, and Health and Safety Code. E Interpret, and apply statutes, regulations, policies as pertinent to Public Works/Services contracts. E FACILITIES, MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN Page 2 of 3 Prepare Public Works/Service Contracts with scope of work, non-collusion affidavit, and insurance and bond requirements. E Analyze contracts received for conformance and compliance with established standards; assist in the process of awarding contract. E Review and monitor Facilities, Maintenance & Operations purchases to ensure compliance with applicable laws, codes and policies. E Establish and maintain positive supplier relationships; work with vendors regarding invoice discrepancies or late invoicing; investigate and resolve complaints. E Evaluate and select cost effective vendor sources, negotiate agreements and oversee the Public Works/Services contracts. E Confer with administrators, supervisors and with staff members regarding the procurement requirements related to Facilities, Maintenance & Operations and other related matters. E Obtain quotes, prepare requisitions and input into County Department of Education FACS System. E Coordinate services and deliveries; code and approve invoices for payment. E Prepare and maintain a variety of records and reports related to requisitions, cash accounts, correspondence and others related to assigned activities. E Monitor records for expiration of bids for services and renew as needed; maintain databases and spreadsheets pertaining to services & pricing. E Perform related duties as assigned. KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITIES: KNOWLEDGE OF: Basic purchasing policies, practices and terminology. Basic accounting and bookkeeping principles and procedures. Laws, rules and regulations related to assigned activities. Types and sources of supplies, materials and equipment used in school District facilities. Use and processing of requisitions, purchase orders, invoices and related documents. Operation of a computer and assigned software. Financial record-keeping and report preparation techniques. Interpersonal skills using tact, patience and courtesy. Oral and written communication skills. Mathematic skills. Modern office practices, procedures and equipment. ABILITY TO: FACILITIES, MAINTENANCE & OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN Page 3 of 3 Purchase a variety of goods and services for the District according to established guidelines and procedures. Perform a variety of duties related to the acquisition of supplies, equipment and materials. Perform accounting clerical work without immediate supervision. Prepare accurate financial reports. Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative and effective working relationships with others. Learn district purchasing policies and procedures. Learn applicable laws, rules and regulations related to assigned activities. Read, interpret, apply and explain rules, regulations, policies and procedures. Prepare, review, verify and process purchasing forms and documents. Obtain verbal and written price quotations. Evaluate prices, items, discounts and quantities to purchase items cost-effectively. Operate a computer and assigned software. Maintain records and prepare reports. Add, subtract, multiply and divide quickly and accurately. Meet schedules and time lines. Plan and organize work. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE: Graduation from high school supplemented by college-level course work in purchasing, business administration, finance, accounting or a related field and two years of experience in purchasing, finance or accounting. WORKING CONDITIONS: ENVIRONMENT: Office and warehouse environment. Constant interruptions. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Hearing and speaking to exchange information in person or on the telephone. Seeing to read a variety of materials. Dexterity of hands and fingers to operate a computer keyboard. Lifting, pushing, or pulling heavy objects as assigned by position. Sitting for extended periods of time. Bending at the waist, kneeling or crouching to inspect shipments. HAZARDS: Working around or with machinery having moving parts. TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Tracy Hogarth Staff Support: Genny Girten SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CERTIFICATED PERSONNEL REPORT NO. 062015 January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-206(a) Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Certificated Personnel Report No. 06-2015 be approved as presented. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Tracy Hogarth Staff Support: Michelle Ackerman SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CLASSIFIED PERSONNEL REPORT NO. 062015 January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-206(b) Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Classified Personnel Report No. 06-2015 be approved as presented. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Janay Greenlee SUBJECT: APPROVAL/RATIFICATION OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPORT NO. 06-2015 January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-302 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That Contractual Services Report No. 06-2015 be approved and/or ratified. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The attached Contractual Services Report summarizes contracts in excess of $15,000 which have been submitted subsequent to the last Board meeting and for which Board approval/ratification is now being sought. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Section 17604 and California Government Code Section 53060 FISCAL IMPACT: As noted on attached list MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REPORT NO. 06-2015 Description of Service DATE: January 20, 2015 School/Department Fee Budget Not to Exceed Contract Effective Dates Consultant/Vendor 07-01-14 to 06-30-15 Asbury Environmental Services Removal of hazardous waste at Mt. Carmel High School General Fund Original amount: $4,000 Increased to: $18,383 07-01-14 to 06-30-15 CRS, Inc. Licensing for SubFinder hardware, software support, and upgrades General Fund Original amount: $19,380 Increased to: $19,856 02-01-15 to 02-01-18 Spigit, Inc. Renewal of licenses and support for PUSD InnovationU Site for 4,000 PUSD faculty and staff users General Fund $75,000 ($25,000 annually) 01-01-15 to 12-31-15 Wilkinson Hadley, King & Co., LLP Independent Audit Services General Fund $29,750 1 of 1 TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Janay Greenlee SUBJECT: RATIFICATION OF DISTRICT PURCHASE ORDERS, REVOLVING CASH FUND EXPENDITURES, AND PURCHASE CARD TRANSACTIONS January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-303 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the District purchase orders, revolving cash fund expenditures, and purchase card transactions be ratified. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The purchase order listing for the District’s purchases during the period December 1 through December 31 is attached. The purchase order report itemizes all purchases above $5,000. This report is sorted by fund. A legend describing the fund and location numbers appears at the end of the report. The dollar amount of all purchases under $5,000 is included in the summary purchase order total, along with the total of those itemized in the report. We are requesting that these purchases be ratified. All contracts which exceed $15,000 are submitted and described for approval/ratification in a separate item E-302 on this agenda. District revolving cash fund and purchase card transactions are summarized, in total, at the end of the purchase order report. We are requesting that these also be ratified. LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: As noted in attachments MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ Poway Unified School District Purchase Orders over $5,000 - December 2014 Item PO Date Fund 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13934 13936 13980 14005 14028 14055 14059 14078 14196 14205 14214 14230 14257 14259 14283 12/2/2014 12/2/2014 12/4/2014 12/5/2014 12/8/2014 12/9/2014 12/9/2014 12/9/2014 12/16/2014 12/16/2014 12/17/2014 12/18/2014 12/19/2014 12/19/2014 12/22/2014 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 03-00 16 14236 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 13938 13939 13973 13974 13976 13977 13978 13979 13983 14038 14053 14090 14091 14092 14115 14170 14258 34 35 36 13950 14197 14198 37 14161 38 14138 Vendor Motorola Solutions, Inc. Pathway Communications Lightspeed Technologies Apple Computer, Inc. Arey Jones Business Systems Arey Jones Business Systems California Financial Services Neff Company Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe DataSpan Nexus IS, Inc. Digital Networks Group, Inc. Apple Computer, Inc. U.S. Bancorp Arey Jones Business Systems GENERAL FUND UNRESTRICTED 12/18/2014 03/06 Laguna Tools, Inc. GENERAL FUND UNRESTRICTED/RESTRICTED 12/2/2014 06-00 ABA Education Foundation 12/2/2014 06-00 ACES, Inc. 12/4/2014 06-00 Arey Jones Business Systems 12/4/2014 06-00 Arey Jones Business Systems 12/4/2014 06-00 Arey Jones Business Systems 12/4/2014 06-00 Arey Jones Business Systems 12/4/2014 06-00 Arey Jones Business Systems 12/4/2014 06-00 Arey Jones Business Systems 12/4/2014 06-00 Ramona Paving & Construction Corp. 12/8/2014 06-00 WestEd 12/9/2014 06-00 Western D.E. Systems 12/11/2014 06-00 ACES, Inc. 12/11/2014 06-00 ACES, Inc. 12/11/2014 06-00 ABA Education Foundation 12/12/2014 06-00 Stein Education Center 12/15/2014 06-00 Core Support Systems, Inc. 12/19/2014 06-00 Jimmie Johnson's Kearny Mesa Chevrolet GENERAL FUND RESTRICTED 12/3/2014 35-00 eRacks Systems 12/16/2014 35-00 B&H Photo 12/16/2014 35-00 B&H Photo STATE SCHOOL FACILITIES 12/15/2014 67-15 CA Dept. Industrial Relations SELF INSURANCE/WORKERS' COMP 12/15/2014 67-30 Star One Federal Credit Union INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE LOSS 406 669 Loc 629 329 329 080 037 030 612 006 610 329 329 329 005 612 320 005 324 324 318 318 318 318 318 318 619 333 619 324 324 324 324 619 629 302 302 302 636 636 Total of all Purchase Orders Purchase Card Transactions Revolving Cash Fund 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 1 Description Amount Equipment Replacement $500-4999 Equipment Replacement - Under $500 Equipment Replacement $500-4999 Equipment <$500 Equipment $500-4999 Equipment <$500 Bond Consultant Supplies Legal Expense Storage Area Network Equipment, $5000 & Over Contracted Repairs Computer Hardware $500-4999 Payment 1 of 10 - Bus Purchase Equipment <$500 TOTAL FUND 03-00 Equipment, $5000 & Over TOTAL FUND 03/06 Consultant Consultant Equipment <$500 Equipment <$500 Equipment <$500 Equipment <$500 Equipment <$500 Equipment <$500 Contracted Repairs Consultant Repair Supplies Consultant Consultant Consultant Contracts/Private School Contracted Repairs Contracted Repairs TOTAL FUND 06-00 Equipment $500-4999 Equipment <$500 Equipment $500-4999 TOTAL FUND 35-00 Other Services & Contracts TOTAL FUND 67-15 P&L Claims Exp Total Fund 67-30 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total POs over $5,000 $ 1,099,043.19 $ $ $ 1,391,436.06 87,976.82 30,536.83 268,621.92 26,055.00 6,998.40 5,063.18 6,471.36 57,230.84 7,500.00 5,000.00 12,500.00 11,482.56 124,124.61 6,064.03 5,602.82 120,863.00 15,125.76 678,703.48 19,990.79 19,990.79 5,025.00 12,757.50 18,262.63 18,262.63 18,262.63 18,261.72 18,262.63 18,262.63 7,130.00 5,000.00 7,507.91 10,800.00 8,392.50 14,100.00 26,782.56 7,427.04 9,699.77 224,197.15 66,334.80 35,254.07 24,464.48 126,053.35 37,577.26 37,577.26 12,521.16 12,521.16 Poway Unified School District Purchase Orders over $5,000 - December 2014 005 006 030 037 080 302 318 320 324 329 333 610 612 619 629 636 Poway High Mt. Carmel High Twin Peaks Middle Oak Valley Middle Pomerado Elementary Career Tech and Adult Ed (CTAE) LSS/Testing & Acct./Lehew LSS/Newman Special Education Information Technology LSS/Robertson Business Services Finance Maintenance and Operations Transportation Risk Management 12/01/2014 - 12/31/2014 2 TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Janay Greenlee/Michael Tarantino SUBJECT: AUTHORIZATION TO AWARD A CONTRACT FOR BID NO. 2014-24B POOL FILTER REPLACEMENT AT MT. CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-304 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the Superintendent or his designee, be authorized to award a contract for Bid No. 201424B for a pool filter replacement at Mt. Carmel High School. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The filtration systems currently in use at the two pools at Mt. Carmel High School are systems that were installed when the school was built; they are in need of replacement. The Purchasing Department will solicit competitive bids for work to be completed over the spring holiday week. To allow for an anticipated eight week lead time for the equipment order, we are requesting authorization to award so a contract is in place by February 1, 2015. Contract award information will be brought back for Board ratification at a future board meeting. LEGAL REFERENCE: Public Contract Code Section 20111 FISCAL IMPACT: Approximately $200,000 from the General Fund MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Janay Greenlee/Michael Tarantino SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT AS COMPLETE AND AUTHORIZATION TO FILE A NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR PROJECTOR SYSTEM INSTALLATION AT WESTVIEW HIGH SCHOOL January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: E-305 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: That the project be accepted as complete and the Superintendent, or designee, be authorized to file a Notice of Completion for the projector system installation at Westview High School. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The District entered into a contract on May 19, 2014, with Digital Networks Group, Inc., for the projector system installation at Westview High School, and on December 22, 2014, the project was completed. A copy of The Notice Of Completion is attached. LEGAL REFERENCE: California Education Code Section 17402 and 17406 FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ To be recorded with County Recorder within 10 days after completion. No recording fee. Recording requested by: POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT And when recorded mail to: Janay Greenlee C/O PURCHASING DEPARTMENT POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 13626 TWIN PEAKS ROAD POWAY, CA 92064-3034 ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER’S USE ONLY _______________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTICE OF COMPLETION Civil Code Section 8180-8190 – Public Works Notice is hereby given by the undersigned owner, a public entity of the State of California, that a public work of improvement has been completed as follows: Project title or description of work: Westview High School Projector System Installation Bid# 2013-30B Date of completion: December 22, 2014 Nature of owner: Fee owner, public school district Name of contractor: Digital Networks Group, Inc. Street address or legal description of site: Westview High School 13500 Camino Del Sur San Diego, CA 92129 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date contract entered: May 19, 2014 POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ) By: __________________________________________ Malliga Tholandi, Associate Superintendent 15250 Avenue of Science San Diego, CA 92128 I am the clerk of the Governing Board of the POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, the public entity which executed the foregoing notice and on whose behalf I make this verification; I have read said notice, know its contents, and the same is true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at San Diego, California, on January 20, 2015 ____________________________________________ Andy Patapow, Clerk of the Governing Board TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: F Staff Support: SUBJECT: FIRST READING RECOMMENDATION: There are no first read items. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING DATE: FROM: Malliga Tholandi Staff Support: Joy Ramiro SUBJECT: ENROLLMENT REPORT NO. 4/2014-2015 January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: G-306 Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Information only. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The fourth month enrollment report for the period ending December 5, 2014, is attached for the Board’s review. Current school year enrollment comparison: Elementary schools Middle schools High schools Special Education Non-Public Schools (NPS) Month 1 to Month 4 Increase of 15 Decrease of 5 Decrease of 70 Increase of 2 The District’s total enrollment at the end of the fourth month was 35,563 and represents a net loss of 58 students from month one of this year. The attendance rate for month four is 96.78 percent. LEGAL REFERENCE: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: SECONDED BY: _________________________ BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ Poway Unified School District 2014-2015 Enrollment Report Month 4 November 10, 2014 - December 5, 2014 K-5 Enrollment School Adobe Bluffs Canyon View Chaparral Creekside Deer Canyon Del Sur Design 39 Garden Road Highland Ranch Los Penasquitos Midland Monterey Ridge Morning Creek Painted Rock Park Village Pomerado Rolling Hills Shoal Creek Stone Ranch Sundance Sunset Hills Tierra Bonita Turtleback Valley Westwood Willow Grove New Directions TOTAL ELEMENTARY Month 1 2014-15 372 524 840 574 531 577 726 440 744 537 634 1,036 823 669 651 445 425 611 989 550 454 489 572 739 796 761 12 16,521 2014-15 Enrollment Report Month 4 Month 4 2014-15 TK Kind 9 15 26 25 12 24 25 25 26 17 26 25 25 26 23 17 19 25 44 20 16 18 23 25 38 25 599 46 73 124 83 74 104 124 48 107 64 92 187 120 90 68 58 54 85 123 72 54 82 72 122 130 118 1 2,375 Grade 1 63 81 128 73 67 114 103 72 121 81 103 160 140 92 91 63 69 92 118 78 63 63 105 118 104 104 2 2,468 Grade 2 Grade 3 54 84 122 87 84 89 109 72 118 80 106 163 123 108 108 67 80 82 173 79 61 61 94 114 134 111 3 2,566 55 95 134 98 98 97 111 68 123 84 110 144 119 110 117 68 53 108 158 98 82 80 90 120 128 130 3 2,681 Grade 4 68 84 148 97 98 77 115 57 113 107 97 187 122 127 99 84 64 91 169 83 58 79 79 122 136 141 3 2,705 Grade 5 Sub -Total Sp Ed Total 65 80 138 102 92 69 130 75 117 95 101 148 132 96 115 66 81 89 189 78 67 72 87 115 122 120 3 2,644 360 512 820 565 525 574 717 417 725 528 635 1,014 781 649 621 423 420 572 974 508 401 455 550 736 792 749 15 16,038 15 20 27 10 9 23 17 10 0 34 38 17 30 19 0 39 12 36 50 39 30 9 14 498 Total 375 532 847 575 534 574 717 440 742 538 635 1,048 819 666 651 442 420 611 986 544 451 494 580 736 801 763 15 16,536 Difference 3 8 7 1 3 (3) (9) 0 (2) 1 1 12 (4) (3) 0 (3) (5) 0 (3) (6) (3) 5 8 (3) 5 2 3 15 6 - 8 Enrollment School Bernardo Heights Black Mountain Design 39 Meadowbrook Mesa Verde Oak Valley Twin Peaks New Directions TOTAL MIDDLE Month 1 2014-15 1,450 1,280 111 1,349 1,272 1,362 1,182 30 8,036 Month 4 2014-15 Grade 6 471 411 110 441 410 414 395 10 2,662 Grade 7 Grade 8 488 400 462 435 446 416 486 382 7 2,625 439 411 430 383 19 2,579 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Sub-Total 1,421 1,246 110 1,326 1,237 1,330 1,160 36 7,866 Sp Ed Total 31 28 20 28 27 31 165 Total Difference 1,452 1,274 110 1,346 1,265 1,357 1,191 36 8,031 2 (6) (1) (3) (7) (5) 9 6 (5) 9 - 12 Enrollment School Del Norte Mt. Carmel Poway High Rancho Bernardo Westview New Directions & TPP TOTAL COMP. H.S. Abraxas TOTAL HIGH SCHOOL Non Public Schools Total District Mo. 1/2014-15 Month 1 2014-15 1,935 2,011 2,253 2,182 2,288 84 10,753 238 10,991 73 Month 4 2014-15 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 N/A N/A 2,614 479 503 601 538 553 15 2,689 9 2,698 497 475 540 544 555 31 2,642 43 2,685 428 483 492 514 551 55 2,523 109 2,632 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,885 1,923 2,190 2,125 2,235 110 10,468 161 10,629 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 481 462 557 529 576 9 2,614 35,621 Sub-Total TOTAL DISTRICT Sp Ed Total 28 57 39 51 36 211 81 75 Total Difference 1,913 1,980 2,229 2,176 2,271 110 10,679 242 10,921 75 35,563 (22) (31) (24) (6) (17) 26 (74) 4 (70) 2 (58) * Certified Adult Ed. - To Date 2,319 ROP - To Date 4,605 PAL - To Date 51 2014-15 Enrollment Report Month 4 2014-15 CALPADS 2013-14 CALPADS* 2012-13 CBEDS* 2011-12 CBEDS* 2010-11 CBEDS* 2009-10 CBEDS* 35,574 35,498 35,196 34,569 34,135 33,797 CALPADS - California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data Systems CBEDS - California Basic Educational Data Systems Students POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TOTAL SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 36,000 35,900 35,800 35,700 35,600 35,500 35,400 35,300 35,200 35,100 35,000 34,900 34,800 34,700 34,600 34,500 34,400 34,300 34,200 34,100 34,000 33,900 33,800 33,700 2014‐15 2013‐14 2012‐13 2011‐12 2010‐11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Month Students POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 16,800 16,700 16,600 16,500 16,400 16,300 16,200 16,100 16,000 15,900 15,800 15,700 15,600 15,500 15,400 15,300 15,200 2014‐15 2013‐14 2012‐13 2011‐12 2010‐11 1 2 3 4 5 6 Month 7 8 9 10 11 POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MIDDLE SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 8,100 8,050 Students 8,000 7,950 2014‐15 7,900 2013‐14 7,850 2012‐13 2011‐12 7,800 2010‐11 7,750 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Month Students POWAY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL ENROLLMENT 11,100 11,050 11,000 10,950 10,900 10,850 10,800 10,750 10,700 10,650 10,600 10,550 10,500 2014‐15 2013‐14 2012‐13 2011‐12 2010‐11 1 2 3 4 5 6 Month 7 8 9 10 11 TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: H Staff Support: SUBJECT: NEW BUSINESS – BOARD MEMBERS Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: At the Board Study Session on January 5, 2015, the Board directed the Superintendent to agendize the creation of Board Advisory Committees under New Business. Tonight, the Board will discuss and give direction for specific agreed-upon committees. The California School Boards Association (CSBA) recommends the following guidelines be followed in the formation of Citizen Advisory Committees: Community Relations AR 1220(a) CITIZEN ADVISORY COMMITTEES Committee Charge When committees are appointed, committee members shall receive written information including, but not limited to: 1. The committee members' names 2. The procedure to be used in the selection of the committee chairperson and other committee officers 3. The name(s) and contact information of staff member(s) assigned to support the work of the committee 4. The goals and specific charge(s) of the committee, including its topic(s) for study 5. The specific period of time that the committee is expected to serve 6. Legal requirements regarding meeting conduct and public notifications Continued… 7. Resources available to help the committee perform its tasks 8. Timelines for progress reports and/or final report 9. Relevant Board policies and administrative regulations Members of advisory committees are not vicariously liable for injuries caused by the act or omission of the district or a committee and are not liable for injuries caused by an act or omission of a committee member acting within the scope of his/her role as a member of the committee. However, a member may be liable for injury caused by his/her own wrongful conduct. (Government Code 815.2, 820.9) (cf. 3530 - Risk Management/Insurance) Meetings of the above councils or committees shall be open to the public. Any member of the public shall have the opportunity to address the council or committee during the meeting on any item within its jurisdiction. Notice of the meeting shall be posted at the school site or other appropriate accessible location at least 72 hours before the meeting, specifying the date, time, and location of the meeting and containing an agenda that describes each item of business to be discussed or acted upon. (Education Code 35147) The above councils or committees shall not take action on any item not listed on the agenda unless all members present unanimously find that there is a need to take immediate action and that this need came to the council's or committee's attention after the agenda was posted. In addition to addressing items on the agenda, members of the council, committee, or public may ask questions or make brief statements that do not have a significant effect on district students or employees or that can be resolved solely by providing information. (Education Code 35147) Councils or committees violating the above procedural requirements must, at the demand of any person, reconsider the item at the next meeting, first allowing for public input on the item. (Education Code 35147) Any materials provided to a school site council shall be made available to any member of the public upon request pursuant to the California Public Records Act. (Education Code 35147; Government Code 62506270) (cf. 1340 - Access to District Records) AR 1220(d) Committees created by the Superintendent or designee to advise the administration and which do not report to the Board are not subject to the requirements of the Brown Act or Education Code 35147. (cf. 2230 - Representative and Deliberative Groups) TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: I Staff Support: SUBJECT: CORRESPONDENCE RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: J Staff Support: SUBJECT: CLOSED SESSION Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Action / Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: Closed Session: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – THREATENED LITIGATION (Subdivision (a) of Section 54956.9) Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEES: Discipline / Dismissal / Release / Non-Reelection / Resignation Closed Session: CONFERENCE WITH AND/OR RECEIPT OF ADVICE FROM LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Subdivision (b)(1) of Government Code Section 54956.9. Closed Session: STUDENT DISCIPLINE Consideration and/or deliberation of student discipline matters Closed Session: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR Agent Negotiator: Tracy Hogarth PFT, PSEA, SEIU Closed Session: DISCUSSION(S) / ACTION(S) PURSUANT TO Government Code Section 54956.8 Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT / EMPLOYMENT Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATIONS (Position(s): classroom teacher / program specialist / probationary-temporary certificated employee / administrative employee) Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE COMPLAINT(S) Closed Session: PUBLIC EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCE(S) LEGAL REFERENCE: As Listed FISCAL IMPACT: N/A MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ O’CONNOR-RATCLIFF ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ PATAPOW ___ SELLERS ___ ZANE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___ TO: BOARD OF EDUCATION FROM: John P. Collins MEETING DATE: January 20, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: K Staff Support: SUBJECT: ADJOURNMENT / NEXT MEETING Action Consent Calendar First Reading Information Presentation Public Hearing Roll Call Vote Required RECOMMENDATION: Information. DISCUSSION/PROGRAM: The next regularly-scheduled Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015*, at 6:00 p.m. at the Poway Unified School District Office, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego. * Conditional upon the approval of agenda item D-602 to move the February 9, 2015 Regular Board Meeting to February 10, 2015. MOVED BY: _________________________ VOTE: BEATTY ___ DAVIS ___ SECONDED BY: _________________________ GUTSCHOW ___ PATAPOW ___ RANFTLE ___ STUDENT PREFERENTIAL VOTE: BARRETT ___
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