January 18, 2015 LEARN to code IN STNMAST2008 1 day MAKE YOUR OWN APP: part one CREATE AN APP IN A DAY If you can’t code, you’ll be left in the past — so snap to it Coding is no longer a geeks’ hobby: it’s everywhere. Now is the time for families to hone their HTML, crack CSS and jump into JavaScript together, and our hi-tech snap app is a brilliant way to get started, writes Kathryn Parsons W hether you are 60 or six years old, understanding the technology behind the screen is becoming increasingly valuable. In today’s world digital literacy and programming skills are in high demand and short supply across every industry and sector. By taking your first steps behind the screen, you may unearth a latent talent and love of programming or at the very least begin to understand the machines influencing our lives. An exciting journey lies before you. Only a tiny percentage of the world is code-literate, but coding is one of the most creative skills that anyone could have — and this is what we’ve set out to prove in our Learn to Code guide over the next two weeks. More than 12,000 of you took your first steps into the world of programming in September last year, coding your very own quiz game app. This week and next we bring you another tutorial in our Learn to Code series, using the Playto online code education platform designed by the team at Decoded. We’ll be teaching you to code your own web app called Snap That! (well, that’s what we’ve called ours — you can give yours any name you like). It’s a game of snap that you can code, customise and then play with friends or family on your smartphone or tablet. Snap That! will introduce you to algorithms — using logical reasoning to design computer programs that make decisions — while guiding you through the creating and debugging process. Not only is this valuable and fun for adults; we’ve also taken care to ensure the tutorials cover the key aspects of the new computing curriculum for key stages 1 and 2 — so you and your kids can learn together. Apply your problem-solving skills, creativity, persistence and imagination to the task at hand. You are about to go further behind the screen than a vast proportion of the web-consuming population has ever been. You are about to become a creator of something that could be as simple and fun as a game or could inspire a business idea or help formulate new ideas in your job — the possibilities of code are truly endless. The future is being written in lines of code. Become part of that future. Everyone loves the card game snap. We’re going to build a touchscreen version 1 THE BRIEF 1 The Playto Editor Introduction to our editor environment Wireframing If you fail to plan, plan to fail 3 Coding our content First bits of content using HTML Kathryn Parsons, chief executive of Decoded Since the start of this school year coding has been part of the national curriculum, so there’s never been a better time for families to get coding together. Don’t worry if this tutorial challenges you: it’s the equivalent of finishing key stage 2 ! 2 “You are about to go further behind the screen than most of the population has been. The future is being written in lines of code. Be part of that future” STNMAST2008 4 Valid HTML Following the rules of html to make our content ‘valid’ 5 Meta and Structural HTML Giving our app shape and description 6 Intro to CSS Connecting our stylesheet to do some design 7 Designing our User Interface Getting creative with CSS 8 choosing images Finding pictures for the game to use 9 programming overview The three key ideas behind computer languages 10 intro to javascript We will start by “wireframing”, or planning, the app. We’ll then work on defining the content and setting up our page. With our basic content in place, we can focus on the design of our app. Once it looks right, we can begin to make it work. The Playto Editor On any computer, start by going to: thesundaytimes.co.uk/learntocode. Sign in to the Playto Editor (you’ll need to sign up first if you haven’t before), and then start following the instructions below. As you create your app, the editor will automatically save your work and update a preview to give you feedback as you progress. But first we need to do some planning. 2 Wireframing 12 Random Image Selecting a random image absolutely vital to building an app. If you sit down and start sketching, it’s possible to explore multiple options for what your app could do and how it could look. the Google Docs Draw app, with a template of app wireframes — go to tinyurl.com/nun28lr. We want to include the title of our app, a button to start the game, space for two images to display and a space to show the player scores. Carrier 12:00 Snap That PLAY Player 1:0 Player 2:0 Carrier This is looking a little busy. We could hide the player scores until play begins. This gives us space to put the images stacked on top of each other ... 12:00 Snap That PLAY Better. But we could make things even neater by combining the title with the play button, and move it between the images to balance the layout ... We now know what we need to build and how it’s going to look. So let’s dive into the HTML! in the frame Wireframes are basic designs that are incredibly useful for planning the user feel of a digital experience, before a single line of code is written. Originally, wireframes tended to be long lists of specifications and page elements but today they are often very visual representations of the app or website that is going to be built. If you're thinking of commissioning an application, or working with a developer, often bringing wireframes (however sketchy!) can be a useful starting point for discussion and design. 2There TOOLS is a ton of tools out there 3We’ll GOOGLE DOCS start with some rough sketching. We’re going to use Random Numbers Generating a random number 1ThePLANNING planning process is for making basic prototypes. You can get a very long way with tools such as fluidui.com and proto.io. But actually nothing beats a pencil and paper. The key thing is to get the idea out of your head and into a medium where you can play around with it. A huge part of the development process is Googling, reading, thinking, sketching. Let’s get to it. Using Javascript to make our app come alive 11 Our snap game app for smartphone or tablet will use our own images. Although it is a touchscreen game, it is a web app, running on a web browser such as Chrome or Safari. 3 coding our content Carrier 12:00 PLAY SNAP THAT! Every web page and many of the apps you know and love use HTML. It allows us to tell the browser what everything is: our logos, paragraphs, any images, videos and so on. HTML is a universal language — it is understood by every browser, and all smartphones can run apps built in HTML. We want our app to be accessible to everyone. HTML is the only language that everyone’s device can understand. 1Create NEWaPLAYTO PROJECT new project in the Playto Editor. 2Replace APP NAME “Hello, universe!” with the name of your app. 3PutHEADING 1 the app name text inside an <h1> element. MOBILE FIRST Web design used to be mainly for desktop computers, but as more and more people now use mobile devices to access the web it is best practice to design "mobile first". This means thinking about a mobile user's experience first, and then extending your design to desktop. <h1>PLAY SNAP THAT!</h1> 4Under PARAGRAPH your h1 add text for your two players in paragraph elements. <p>PLAYER 1</p> <p>PLAYER 2</p> 5AddCANVAS a new canvas element above and below your code. A canvas allows the browser to draw — or create images — in an area on the page. In our case, we’ll be using the canvas to display the snap images. <canvas>Canvas not supported</canvas> <h1>PLAY SNAP THAT!</h1> <p>PLAYER 1</p> <p>PLAYER 2</p> <canvas>Canvas not supported</canvas> Turn to page 4 Â {HTML} HTML — THE LANGUAGE OF CONTENT HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, was developed by the inventor of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. The original idea behind HTML was to write an open set of rules so that any browser could interpret a piece of content and know where there were paragraphs, headings, lists and so on. BernersLee's idea was to allow the transfer of information between different computers, and so HTML is purely a language of content. The fact that HTML is a "markup language" means that rather than writing rules and instructions for a computer, we are simply "marking up" content with tags. AN EVOLVING STANDARD FIRST HTML is constantly evolving and developing as new features come out. If you use a browser like Chrome, updates will happen in the background, meaning that you'll always have the latest version. Aa THE IMPORTANCE OF CASES You may have seen that whether you type in upper or lower case matters sometimes when you’re coding, but not all the time. It’s usually best practice to keep everything lower case when you are coding, to make sure that you can always references files and elements. CREATE AN APP IN A DAY ERROR! Don't panic Inevitably it won't always work. If you get an error message, go back through and check every line and punctuation mark carefully. Then check the detail of your error message for clues. If that doesn't work, help is on hand at our forum — forum.playto.io. Key in your question and everything will be OK. We’ve also printed a complete rundown of how your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files should look on the back cover 4 Valid HTML When Sir Tim Berners-Lee created the language of HTML, he set rules for how a page should be laid out. We need to add a few more HTML elements in our page before the content can be considered “valid”, or as adhering to the rules of HTML. HTML is the language we use for telling the browser what things are. If you check out your app in the browser (by clicking “View Your App” in the Editor) you will notice that there’s no title in the tab at the top. We need to give the app its own name, which means adding in a bit more structure. All HTML pages are made up of two sections: the head for information about the page, and the body for content the user sees. The content we’ve written will therefore go in the body. We can also indent our code. This is purely to show us, as coders, what’s where. The browser ignores white space. <html> <section> <canvas>Canvas not supported</canvas> When HTML was created there were other competing markup languages. One of the reasons HTML has become so widely used is that Berners-Lee decided to make it completely open. This means that if you right click on any page on the web and select "View page source" you will be able to see the raw HTML that makes up the page. <body> !DOCTYPE <html> <head> </head> <body> <canvas>Canvas not supported</canvas> </section> 2 GIVE YOUR APP A TITLE This “title” is not part of the body content. It gives the page a name, which displays on the tab in your browser and is what a search engine will use. <head> <title>Snap That!</title> </head> Doctype tells the browser what version of HTML we’re going to be using. Since HTML is now an evolving standard (which means there will never be an HTML6), it means that this tag is slightly less important. However, for older browsers in particular, we need to make sure it is the first line of our HTML page. content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> </head> <p>PLAYER 2</p> </> 2 COMMENTS Let’s add in a comment at the very top of the page to label who created this page (using your name, of course). <!-- This app was made by Harriet --> 5 Meta and Structural HTML Now we have the important elements in HTML in our code, we can add a few more meta and structural elements to help give our page a name, ensure it is mobile-ready and add a little more structure. 1 CREATE A SECTION ELEMENT AROUND YOUR CONTENT The “section” element tells the browser that this area is a piece of generic content. keeping up STANDARDS HTML is often described as quite a "forgiving" language to code in. If you miss some tags out, like the head or the body for example, your website will probably still display. However, there are web standards that every developer should try to stick to. By keeping to these standards you can be sure that your web page will look the same on every device and browser. CSS (cascading style sheets) is the way you give your HTML project a design. It works by targeting HTML elements and giving them a list of style instructions. Look out, though, because they are spelt the American way — color, center and so on. 6 Intro to CSS <canvas>Canvas not supported</canvas> scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> 3 CREATE A BODY SELECTOR IN CSS To create an instruction in CSS we first tell it what element to target, and then we list the changes between curly brackets. Start your style.css file with: body { } 4 ALIGN YOUR TEXT AND CHANGE THE FONT FAMILY Each instruction starts with a property to change, for example “text-align”. This is followed by a colon and then the value it should be changed to, for example “center”. Finally we add a semicolon to tell the browser that we’ve finished. CSS, THE LANGUAGE OF DESIGN CSS stands for cascading style sheets. It was developed by Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos in the early 1990s. Fundamentally, CSS gives developers the ability to breathe life into HTML – colours, borders, backgrounds and more. We’ll be showing you a variety of CSS commands, but to see an entire list of them have a look at the W3. font-family:Helvetica; If you think about it, any particular part of a design could be described by how it looks. You say things like: I want my h1 to be big, bold, red and centred. Lots of HTML tags are not very descriptive. Div, for example, just stands for ‘division’ and could be anywhere on a page. With HTML5 came a number of new more ‘semantic’ (descriptive) tags – things like section, footer and header. These semantic tags make it easier for a computer to read and understand an HTML page, which is especially useful for things like accessibility (so that text can be enlarged for people with visual impairments, for example). h1 { font-weight: bold; text-align: center; 1 CREATE A NEW STYLESHEET Click the plus sign in the file panel to the left of the Playto Editor. We can call this new stylesheet anything; style.css is a sensible name, as it’s short and clear. 2 CONNECT YOUR STYLESHEET TO YOUR HTML We connect a stylesheet with a link tag. This is like the meta element — it doesn’t require a closing tag. So, back in the HTML file: There are many “word colours” that have already been defined by developers. If you want to truly customise your design, you’ll need to create your own (see “In the pink” panel, far right). 1 BACKGROUND COLOUR body { text-align:center; 3 MARGIN AND PADDING Our h1 will start the game, so we want it to look like a button. We can give it a bright background colour and then add padding and margin instructions to give our heading text a little space to breathe. Padding is a property that adds space inside an element. Margin adds space around it. These border instructions give our h1 a solid black border 2 pixels wide. h1 { background:yellow; padding:2%; margin:2%; SEPARATION OF CONCERNS In computing we often talk about the idea of the "separation of concerns", and in web development this means having separate languages and files for content, design and interactivity. This separation is important because it makes our code easier to change. For example, multiple content files can reference the same design file. This means that a change only needs to be made in that one style page and it will affect all the content pages. ONLINE RESOURCES There are a whole host of online resources related to CSS styles. Pretty much anything you can imagine from a design perspective is possible with CSS. One of the best starting points is to Google what you want to do (e.g. ‘make the background red’) and find the code. RGB } p { width:40%; float:left; padding:2%; margin:2%; border:2px solid black; border-radius:40px; background:yellow; } 5 DISPLAY NONE Finally, we don’t want our player score to show until play begins. We can insert “display:none;” to hide the paragraphs until we are ready to show them. p { width:40%; float:left; background:LightGrey; padding:2%; border:2px solid black; Our next instruction targets the HTML, body and section element at the same time. We need to set their heights to 100% so the canvas height of 42% will be rendered properly. canvas { width:100%; height:42%; background:yellow; border-radius:15px; border-radius:40px; When Berners-Lee created the language of HTML, he decided to use international (American) English as it is the most widely used version. This can sometimes trip up those of us in the UK when we are spelling words like colour (color) and centre (center). If you find this frustrating, just remember how lucky we are it is written in our language. in the pink There is a set number of "word colours" that have already been defined by developers, but if you truly want to customise your design, you'll need to pick your own. To do this, you can go to colorpicker.com, and you'll see that each colour has an R, G and B value (standing for red, green, blue). Just select a colour you like, and then copy the RGB colours to your CSS. For example, you might change your heading to a lovely shade of pink: h1 { color: rgb(222, 38, 210); } If you'd like to have a bit of transparency in your colour, you can also give it an "alpha" value between 0 and 1, with 0 being completely transparent and 1 being opaque. h1 { color: rgba(222, 38, 210, 0.8); } margin:2%; divided by the same language Once you understand the principle of CSS, you can add as many rules for each bit of the page as you like. What's great too is that they're all interchangeable, so if you know how to change the size of a heading, you can change the size of a paragraph (or anything else you like). border-radius:40px; font-family:Helvetica; Our canvas elements will display the snap images. Right now they are not showing on the page as they don’t have a size. First we create a new set of instructions for the canvas elements; then we create changes for the width, height, and background colour. The last instruction rounds the corners, adding a curve with a radius of 15 pixels. BE AS CREATIVE AS YOU LIKE border:2px solid black; 2 SIZE AND COLOUR color: red; But hold on — that code needs to go in a CSS file, so let’s set one up. Designing our User Interface Let’s start by giving our apps a little more colour and structure. Add a new design instruction to our body in our stylesheet for “background”. Note the international spelling of “color”. } } font-size: 48px; } 7 height:100%; Our player paragraphs will eventually display our player scores. We can style them the same as our h1. However, we want them to sit next to each other. To do this we need to add a “float” value so that they sit side by side. text-align:center; SEMANTIC ELEMENTS html, body, section { 4 FLOAT body { Now we’ve got everything set up, we can start to design our user interface. STNMAST2008 } CSS } <meta name="viewport" <p>PLAYER 1</p> </html> INITIAL SCALE When the iPhone was launched in 2007, one of the reasons it revolutionised the mobile computing landscape was because it pretended to every web page that it had a much greater width than the screen size. This meant an iPhone could display a site as it had been designed, and the user could double-tap to zoom in and see more. As we’re designing specifically for mobiles, we must get mobile devices to tell us their true width, and to automatically have a zoom level of 1 that makes up the page. content="width=device-width, initial- <title>Snap That!</title> <h1>PLAY SNAP THAT!</h1> </body> 3 <meta name="viewport" <head> <!-- content goes in the body --> <!DOCTYPE html> <canvas>Canvas not supported</canvas> This line probably looks a bit intimidating, but essentially it’s a “meta” description — a piece of information about our file that gives the browser information about how to display it. The initial-scale and user-scalable parts ensure our games will look correct on a mobile device. This element is selfclosing — it doesn’t need a closing tag. </head> Why do we need to add !DOCTYPE? See panel, right. <p>PLAYER 2</p> 3 TELL THE BROWSER THIS APP IS MOBILE-READY head --> 1 HTML, BODY AND HEAD <p>PLAYER 1</p> A RADICALLY OPEN LANGUAGE <!-- meta information goes in the </html> <title>Snap That!</title> <h1>PLAY SNAP THAT!</h1> <head> </body> <head> background:yellow; display:none; } 8 Storing Images Now that we’ve got our page looking at bit better, let’s take a look at how we can add images to our project. You can use any images that are hosted online — all you need are the URLs. 1. CHOOSE SOME IMAGES You could get images of your family from your Facebook, use some holiday snaps from Turn to page 6 Â AA AA custom-built Why not customise your app? "Google Fonts" is a great tool that allows you to import a font direct into your page. CREATE AN APP IN A DAY Instagram or just find some pictures of cats on a search engine (Snap Cat!). If you use Google, we recommend you filter your search by size (click “Search tools”, then select “Medium” from the “Size” filter), and also filter “Usage rights” to “Labelled for reuse” to ensure they are copyright-free. In our tutorial we are just going to use 5 images. However, you can use as many as you want. Be as creative as you like! 2 TEST YOUR IMAGE URLS Let’s check our images are working properly. We can add some CSS to our canvas instructions to define the “backgroundimage” URL. When you add this code, your image should appear as the background of both canvas elements. ! NATIVE FUNCTION A "native" function is a one that is already understood by a programming language. For example, all programming languages understand the rules of mathematics. JavaScript has various native functions, for example an "alert", which produces a pop-up. There are many native functions in JavaScript. Here are some examples: alert (message), if (condition), prompt (question), Math.round (number), etc. Make sure you test all your image URLs. They should have a similar structure to our example in the code above. The code below won’t actually work — you need to get your own images. Don’t worry if your URL is really long, but it should end in “.jpg”, “.jpeg”, “.png” or similar. These are all types of image file. canvas { width:100%; All programming languages are made of the same three ideas: Variables fl Data Functions fl Actions Logic fl Decisions Variables are the bits of information the program is concerned with. Functions are predefined sections of code that do a certain thing. Logic is the decisions the code needs to make at any given time. It’s always helpful to break down your desired outcome into the variables, functions and bits of logic we’ll need to write. Let’s do this together. Variables height:42%; background-color:yellow; border-radius:15px; background-image:url("http://image-url/ image1.jpg"); We’ll need to know where the images we’re using are stored, and we’ll also need a way to make the images random. For the players, we need to define which part of the screen detects a tap for each player and their scores. Finally, to stop them both gaining a point, we will need a variable to define if a snap has been correctly made. appear. See “Native function” panel for more information about the alert function. alert("Hello World!"); THE CONSOLE The console displays diagnostic information about the web page being displayed. It has two purposes: 2) It is an interface in your browser where you can execute JavaScript commands directly in your browser. This lets you test out JavaScript commands before adding them to a script. You might find that your images aren’t filling the space in the way you would like. There are two properties for background that we can add — “size” and “position” — which will help to place the images so they fill the canvas element without distorting the aspect ratio and are positioned in the centre. canvas { width:100%; height:42%; background-color:yellow; border-radius:15px; background-image:url("http://imageurl/image1.jpg"); background-size:cover; background-position:center; } 9 Programming Overview It’s all well and good having a beautifully designed page — we’re certain some of your apps will be more beautiful than others ;-). But if it doesn’t do anything, it’s a bit ... pointless. This is where JavaScript comes in. JavaScript is a programming language. It enables us to tell the app to respond to certain events, compute certain calculations, and essentially do the things we want it to do. In our case we want to display a random cycle of images and allow our users to gain points when they match. But you can do anything you can imagine using a programming language. The only limit is the speed of your hardware and your own imagination! Let’s do a quick intro to programming. Run a looping function which randomly changes the images Detect if a user has tapped the screen Check if the images match Change the scores if there was a winner. LOGIC What logical decisions might we make? If a user taps the screen when the images match, increment their score and prevent further “snaps”. If the user taps the screen when the images do not match, reduce their score. Note how logic makes use of our functions and variables. Logic is the glue that holds a program together. Let’s get cracking. 10 Intro to JavaScript // alert("Hello World!"); Random Numbers At the moment our canvas elements are displaying the same image. This won’t work for our snap game! We can put our images in an “array” and use a random number to select an image randomly. 1 DELETE THE BACKGROUND IMAGE LINE IN THE CSS Before we start making our image randomly cycle, we need to delete the line in our CSS that adds it as the background image — background-image:url(“http://image-url/image1.jpg”);. We are going to change the image dynamically using JavaScript. canvas { We will need to: 3 BACKGROUND IMAGE SIZE AND POSITION // Test if script.js is working The CSS file should now look like this. FUNCTIONS } Before moving on, add a comment above your alert to remind yourself what the line was for (see “Comments” panel). We do this by adding // at the start of the line. Now we are sure the file is working, we can comment out the alert. 11 In line with our “separation of concerns” idea, rather than typing our JavaScript directly into our content HTML we can instead create a new JavaScript file and link this to our HTML. 1 CREATE A NEW JAVASCRIPT FILE Click the plus sign in the file panel to the left of the Playto Editor. We can call this new Javascript file anything: “script.js” is a sensible name, as it’s short and clear. But first: 2 CONNECT YOUR JAVASCRIPT TO YOUR HTML </section> <script src="script.js"></script> </body> </html> 3 TEST THAT SCRIPT.JS IS CONNECTED PROPERLY Now that our .js file is connected, let’s do a little test to see if it’s working. Add this native “alert” function code in your .js file. Then click “View Your App” and a pop-up box should Now we put a random number in each variable. This is done with a native JavaScript “Math” function. // Randomly change number 4 COMMENTING IN JAVASCRIPT 1) It is a place to output diagnostic information like JavaScript and CSS errors and any information passed to the console. width:100%; height:42%; num1 = Math.floor( Math.random() * imgArray.length); num2 = Math.floor( Math.random() * imgArray.length); 5 TEST RANDOM NUMBERS We should test if our random number generator is working OK. We could use an alert function again; however, there is a more sophisticated way of testing our code. Every browser has a “Developer console” that shows the live activity of any JavaScript running on a website. Click “View Your App” to see your app preview. If you’re using the Chrome browser from the toolbar select View > Developer > JavaScript Console. This will open a panel at the bottom of your screen where you should see the random results of your Math function. If you refresh the page, you should see a new pair of random numbers. See “The Console” panel for more information about this. // Test random numbers console.log("First random number is " +num1); console.log("Second random number is "+num2); background-color:yellow; comments These are essential for any web project. One reason you should always try to put comments in your work is in case another developer picks up the project and wants to continue with it. In the open-source community, where hundreds or thousands of people will be working on a project, comments allow people to express how they decided to structure the code. Even if you’re the only one who will ever be coding your project, if you write some code and then come back to it a year later you may have forgotten what you wrote. Comments are really useful for jogging the memory. border-radius:15px; background-size:cover; background-position:center; } 2 CREATE AN ARRAY Create an array in script.js to define which images to use in your game. Use the URLs of your images surrounded by quote marks. (The code below won’t link to any real images. You need to use the images you found in section 8!) // Test if script.js is working // alert("Hello World!"); // Define images to use var imgArray = ["http://image-url/image1. jpg","http://image-url/image2.jpg", "http://image-url/image3.jpg", "http:// image-url/image4.jpg", "http://image-url/ image5.jpg"] 3 CREATE NUMBER VARIABLES We want our game to randomly cycle through the images. To do this we need to create a random number for each. Create two new variables in script.js to store the random number. We could use any names here, but “num1” and “num2” are short and clear. // Create variables for random numbers var num1; var num2; STNMAST2008 4 RANDOM NUMBER SELECTION 12 Random Image Now we are generating two random numbers, we can use these to change the images displayed in our canvas elements. 1 CREATE IMAGE VARIABLES Create two new variables to store the random images. We could use any names here, but “img1” and “img2” are short and clear. // Create image variables var img1 = imgArray[ num1 ]; var img2 = imgArray[ num2 ]; 2 CREATE URL VARIABLES Next we create two new variables to store the location of our images. We combine the “img” variables with the required CSS syntax — url(“”); — to produce the final URL needed to locate the image. As the images are changing randomly we need to use dynamic information. A plus sign in JavaScript combines two things. We’re using it here to mix a variable [eg, img1] with the opening CSS code [url(“] and the closing CSS code [“);], but if these were numbers it would add them together. // Create css value for background image var url1 = "url("+ img1 +")"; var url2 = "url("+ img2 +")"; That’s it for this week. Turn over to see how your complete code should look. NEXT WEEK: Don’t miss part two of Learn to Code in The Sunday Times next week. In it you will find the final eight steps to bring your Snap That! app to full functionality. On top of that we’ll show you how to share your game with millions of others by launching it on social media. Don’t worry if you have found this difficult — just think how much you have learnt and congratulate yourself on having joined the 1% of humanity who have learnt the skill set of the future. Quick check: if you have followed the instructions in the previous pages correctly, the code you have written should look as it does in the boxes below — if you have any problems there is a forum waiting to help you at forum.playto.io. Key in your question and it will be answered index .html <!-- This app was made by Harriet --> body { font-family:Helvetica; <!DOCTYPE html> <title>Snap That!</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, background:LightGrey; } <link href="style.css" <h1>PLAY SNAP THAT!</h1> <p>PLAYER 1</p> <p>PLAYER 2</p> <canvas>Canvas not supported</canvas> </section> width:100%; image3.jpg", "http://image-url/ height:42%; image4.jpg", "http://image-url/ background-color:yellow; image5.jpg"]; background-image:url("http:// image-url/image1.jpg"); <section> supported</canvas> image2.jpg", "http://image-url/ border-radius:15px; rel="stylesheet"> <canvas>Canvas not // Define images to use var imgArray = ["http://image-url/ canvas { scalable=no"> <body> // alert("Hello World!"); image1.jpg", "http://image-url/ initial-scale=1.0, user- </head> // Test if script.js is working text-align:center; <html> <head> Script.js STYLE.CSS // Create variables for which card to pick randomly background-size:cover; var num1; background-position:center; var num2; } // Randomly change number html, body, section { height:100%; } num1 = Math.floor( Math.random() * imgArray.length ); num2 = Math.floor( Math.random() * imgArray.length ); h1 { <script src="script.js"></ script> </body> </html> background:yellow; // Test random numbers padding:2%; console.log("First random number is margin:2%; " +num1); border:2px solid black; console.log("Second random number is border-radius:40px; "+num2); } // Create image variables to get started go to THEsundaytimes. co.uk/learntocode p { width:40%; var img1 = imgArray[ num1 ]; var img2 = imgArray[ num2 ]; float:left; padding:2%; // Create css value for background margin:2%; image border:2px solid black; var url1 = "url("+ img1 +")"; border-radius:40px; var url2 = "url("+ img2 +")"; background:yellow; display:none; }
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