TIDINGS Vicar JANUARY 2015 Rev. Sumod. C. Cherian Christ Church Parsonage DBRA-61, Near Devaswom Board Jn, Nanthencode, Trivandrum-695 003 Mobile : 94471 76033 Telephone : 2316033 vicar@csichristchurch.org Tidings January 2015 Asst. Vicar Rev. Saji Cheriyan Mammen Christ Church Parsonage PRA/248, Parottukonam Nalanchira, Trivandrum-695 015 Mobile : 9447006033 asst.vicar@csichristchurch.org Church Wardens Mr. John Kurien Prof. K.V. Thomas Church Secretary Mrs. Omana Abraham Lay Treasurer Mr. A.J. Thomas Internal Auditor Mr. Abraham Mathew Church Committee Members Mr. George Ninan Mr. Godwin Mathew Mr. Hezekiel V.S. Mr. M.M. John (Munduparambil) Mr. Joshy Mathew Mrs. Laila Jacob Mr. Luke P.K. Mr. Mesfin Zachariah Abraham Ms. Nimmi Rachel Mathew Mr. Reuben Daniel Koshy Mrs. Susan Thomas Diocesan Council Members Mrs. Mary Mathew Mr. Renju Philip Mr. Saji Sam George Mr. Suku C. Oommen Mrs. Susan Ebby Dr. N.O. Varghese Senior Presbyters Very. Rev. Mathew Mathew Rev. Dr. Jacob Verghis Rev. Mathai John Rev. Shiju Samuel Rev. Joseph Samuel Rev. Dr. George Joseph Rev. A. Viswasaraj (Tamil) Church Staff Mr. Aji George Jacob Mr. S. Samuel (Joy) Mr. K.C. Thomas Mr. Roy Daniel 9847175080 8547247910 9745692727 9447020738 9847181820 8289909503 9895332868 9447071185 9544689029 9809788681 9446018091 9495880774 9847062108 9995458461 9895223223 9447751085 Editorial Board Rev. Sumod C Cherian Rev. Saji Cheriyan Mammen Mr. John Kurien Mr. Saji Sam George Mr. M M John Mr. Renju Philip Mrs. Susan Ebby Mr. Godwin Mathew Mr. Ebby Kuruvila Mr. A.J. Thomas Mr. Soman John Mr. Rakesh Jayaprakash 9447054335 9846065640 9447303524 9447059920 9447890411 9847065697 2559965 2432560 9447958556 9447613389 8281291203 9447452473 9495349325 9495304997 9495300681 9846807826 9605242882 CSI CHRIST CHURCH (Diocese Of Madhya Kerala) Palayam Trivandrum Telephone : 2305902 Office : 2726033 Email : office@csichristchurch.org www.csichristchurch.org Online Edition - http://tidings.csichristchurch.org TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Vicar’s Reflections I praise God for this blessed New Year. When we look back at the year 2014 that has departed from us, we remember the many blessings that we have experienced. Though the paths that we have trod may not always have been pleasant, God has guided us through them all. When we consider the sum of all our experiences, we should be able to praise and thank God. I wish everyone all the blessings of the New Year. In the parable in Luke 13:6-9 we read of the desire of the gardener who appeals for God’s mercy. Through this parable of the fig tree planted in the vineyard Jesus reveals what God expects from us in return for the gift of life that He has granted us. Though the owner of the vineyard gives instructions for the barren fig tree to be cut down, he decides to spare the tree. He lets it stand in the hope that it will produce fruit in the future. Here we see God’s hope for us: the hope of our Lord who, in spite of our repeated failures, continues to uphold us. Jesus has faith in us. He desires that our lives will produce spiritual fruit that grows through the grace of God. It is this hope in us that inspires us to live. It strengthens us to live for Christ and to be fruitful. God has given us another year to enable our lives to flower according to His desire for us. May the Triune God help us to produce the fruits of transformation according to His will. Let us pray to God that our good deeds may produce a plentiful harvest. I once again extend my New Year greetings to you all. Sumod Achen 2 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 I¿Ømhn¬ {]nbsc, A\p{KloXamb Hcp ]pXnb h¿jØn\mbn ssZhsØ kvXpXn °p∂p. 2014 \sΩ hn´p IS∂pt]mbn. Xncn™p t\m°ptºmƒ [mcmfw ssZhIr]Iƒ \mw A\p`hn®p. ]n∂n´ hgnIƒ A{X kpJIcambncp∂n√, F¶n¬ t]mepw, ssZhw \SØnb hn[߃ A\h[n Bbncp∂p. F√mw Hm¿Øp ssZhØn\v kv t Xm{Xw sNøphm≥ CSbmIWw: F√m¿°pw ]pXph¿jØns‚ \∑Iƒ Biwkn°p∂p. hn. eqt°mkns‚ kphntijw 13˛mw A≤ymbw 6 apX¬ 9 hscbp≈ hmIy߃ ssZhIr]bv°pth≠n At]£n°p∂ tXm´°mcs‚ B{Klw Cu D]abn¬ IqsS hmbn°phm≥ km[n°pw. ap¥ncn tØm´Øn¬ \´ncp∂ AØnhr£Øns‚ D]abneqsS ssZhoI Zm\amb \ΩpsS PohnXsØ∏‰nbp≈ ssZhoI{]Xo£Iƒ tbip ]¶phbv°p∂p. bmsXmcp ^ehpan√mØ hr£sØ sh´n°f bphm≥ D]tZin°ptºmƒ bPam\≥ hr£sØ sh´n°fbp∂n√. taen¬ ^ew Imbv ° pw F∂p {]Xo£n®v hr£sØ \ne\n¿ ØpIbmWv. ChnsS ssZhoI {]Xo£sb \mw ImWp∂p. ho≠pw ho≠pw ]cmPbs∏´n´pw, \sΩ ssIhnSmØ \√ \mYs‚ \Ωnep≈ {]Xo£Iƒ. tbiphn\p \Ωnsemcp {]Xo£bp≠v. ssZhIr]bn¬ Imbv t °≠ PohnX^eßsf°pdn®v tbip B{Kln°p∂p. \Ωnep≈ Cu {]Xo£bmWv Pohn°phm≥ \sΩ t{]cn∏n°p∂Xv. {InkvXphn\mbn Pohn∏m\pw, ^ew Imbv°m\pw CXp \sΩ _es∏ SpØpw. \sΩ∏‰nbp≈ ssZhoIkz]v\߃ ]qhWnbn°phm≥ ssZhw CXm Hcp h¿jw IqSn Zm\ambn \¬Inbncn°p∂p. ssZhw B{Kln°p∂ {]Imcw am\km¥cØn\p tbmKyamb ^ew Imbv°phm≥ {XotbIssZhw \sΩ klmbn°pamdmIs´. ssZhta, A¿∞hØmb BNcWßfneqsS kar≤amb ^ew Imbv°m≥ CSbm°Wta, F∂p {]m¿∞n°mw. ho≠pw Hcn°¬ IqSn ]pXph¿jmiwkIƒ Adnbn°p∂p. kptamZv A®≥ NEW TELEPHONE FOR THE CHURCH OFFICE The number of our new telephone at the Church Office is: 2726033. Members may dial this number to contact the Office staff. 3 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 hm¿ØIfpw Ipdn∏pIfpw A`n\μ\߃ !!! \ΩpsS CShI hnImcn kptamZv kn. sNdnbm≥ A®≥ almbnShI FUyqt°jW¬ t_m¿Untebv°pw, {io. kpIp kn. DΩ≥ almbnShI ]mÃd¬ t_m¿Uv, saUn°¬ t_m¿Uv, en‰td®¿ t_m¿Unte°pw Xncs™Sp°s∏´ncn°p∂p. IqSmsX, {io. tPm¨ Ipcys\ A`nhμy Xncpta\n, ^n\m≥kv t_m¿Un tebv°v t\mant\‰v sNbvXncn°p∂p. k`bpsS A\ptamZ\߃ Adnbn°p∂p. Annual Thanksgiving and Harvest Festival Unkw_¿ 7˛mw XobXn \SØs∏´ Annual Thanks giving & Harvest Festival ¬ 1400 A[nIw t]¿ cmhnsesØ ip{iqjbnepw, {]`mX`£WØn\pw, D®`£WØn\pw ]s¶SpØp. hnhn[ kwLS\IfpsS ÃmfpIfptSbpw, teeØns‚bpw {IaoIcW ߃ hfsc `wKnbmbn \S∂p. `£W{IaoIcW߃ Dƒs∏sS s^Ãnh¬ Ip‰a‰Xm°m≥ t\XrXzw \¬Inb {io. F{_lmw amXyp, {io. kPn kmw tPm¿÷v, {ioaXn. kqk≥ tXmakv F∂nhsc A`n\μn°p∂p. lm¿shÃv s^Ãnhens‚ F√m {IaoIcWßfpw C{Xbpw A\p{Kl{]Zambn \SØphm≥ Ign™Xn¬ ssZhsØ alXzs∏SpØp∂p. klIcn® k`mwKßtfmSp≈ lrZbw \nd™ \μn tcJs∏SpØp∂p. 850 IhdpIƒ hnXcWw sNbvXpsh¶nepw 591 IhdpIƒ am{Xta XncnsI In´nbn≈q. _m°nbp≈ IhdpIƒ F{XbpwthKw FØn°Wsa∂v A`y¿∞n°p∂p. CXphsc e`n® XpIbpsS IW°phnhc߃ NphsS tN¿°p∂p. 4 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Harvest Festival Receipts (Up to 25-12-2014) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Thank Offering / Tithe Cover Collection .... 14,29,460 (591 Covers) Auction Receipts ...................................... 4,42,240 Harvest Festival Offertory ............................. 45,790 Sale of Food Coupons ................................. 73,530 Stalls - Women’s Fellowship ........................ 44,400 - do - Sunday School ................................ 25,975 - do - Choir ................................................... 50,000 - do - Ecology Forum ..................................... 6,650 - do - Youth Movement ................................. 26,068 - do - Young Family Fellowship .................... 75,918 - do - Tamil Service Members....................... 25,000 - do - Hindi Service Group ............................. 5,575 Total ........................................................ 22,50,606 The total expenses incurred so far for conduct of the Harvest Festival is Rs.3,63,967/- tIcf ss{IkvXh aZyh¿÷\ kanXnbpsS kac{]Jym]\ tbmKw, 2014 Unkw_¿ 18˛mw XobXn D®bv°v 2 aWn°v sk‚n\dn lmfn¬ sh®p \SØs∏´p. \ΩpsS _nj∏v ssd‰v dh. tXmakv sI. DΩs\ IqSmsX hnhn[ k`mhn`mKßfn¬ \n∂pw _nj∏pamcpw, sshZnIcpw, Aflmbcpw, Cu tbmKØn¬ ]s¶SpØp. X’mas Carol Rounds ]Xnhpt]mse Gcnb s{]b¿ {Kq∏v eotUgvkns‚ t\XrXzØn¬ Cu h¿jhpw Itcmƒ du≠vkv \SØs∏´p. \ΩpsS CShI hnImcn kptamZv kn. sNdnbm≥ A®t\bpw, Akn. hnImcn kPn sNdnbm≥ amΩs\bpw IqSmsX IÆΩqe skan\mcnbn¬ \n∂p jnPp kmaph¬ A®\pw, tPmk^v kmaph¬ A®\pw, tPm¿÷v tPmk^v A®\pw, ko\nb¿ A®≥amcpw, hnhn[ Gcnbm s{]b¿ {Kq∏pItfmsSm∏w Itcmƒ du≠vkn\v t\XrXzw \evIn klmbn®p. hfsc tPmenØnc°n\nSbnepw Itcmƒ du≠vkn\v h∂v kw_‘n®v klmbn® A®≥amtcmSp≈ kv t \lhpw \μnbpw tcJs∏SpØp∂p. Details of Houses visited as advised by Area Prayer Convenors. 5 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Kesavadasapuram Kowdiar - Kuravankonam Kunnukuzhy - Barton Hill Medical College - Kannammoola Nanthencode Palayam - Vazhuthacaud - Thycaud Pattom - Plamoodu Peroorkada Pettah - Anayara - Manacaud Pongumoodu - Sreekariam Poojappura-Karamana-Pappanamcode PTP Nagar - Vattiyoorkavu - Tirumala 74 51 24 29 42 11 30 74 15 9 38 72 Total 469 Wishing you all a very happy and blessed New Year. Hma\ F{_lmw (sk{I´dn) CSI CHRIST CHURCH ANNUAL CONVENTION 22, 23 & 24 JANUARY 2015 Main Speaker : Vicar General (Retd.) Rev. Abraham Samuel Malankara Marthoma Syrian Church Family Seminar : 24 January 2015 (09.30 AM to 12.30 PM) Speaker : Mr. Manu Rusell Missions India 6 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Organisations’ Corner Almaya Fellowship {InkvXpakv BtLmjßfpsS `mKambn 16˛12˛2014 sNmΔmgvN dh. kptamZv kn. sNdnbm≥ A®s‚bpw dh. kPn amΩ≥ sNdnbm≥ A®s‚bpw t\XrXzØn¬ A¬ab s^temjn∏v AwK߃ Im´m°Sbv°SpØp≈ am\knI sshIeyßfp≈ 35 At¥hmkn Iƒ hkn°p∂ “XW¬” F∂ ÿm]\Øn¬ kμ¿i\w \SØpI bpw {Inkv X pakv Km\߃ Be]n°pIbpw {]m¿∞n°pIbpw sNøpIbp≠mbn. AXn\ptijw AhnSpsØ At¥hmkn Iƒs°m∏w D®`£Ww Ign°pIbpw 7000 cq]bpw X’mas tI°pw Ah¿°p sImSp°pIbpw sNbvXp. A®∑mcpƒs∏sS 21 AwK߃ Cu kμ¿i\Øn¬ ]s¶SpØp. lnμn Bcm[\bv°p t\XrXzw sImSp°p∂ A`bpw kwLØnep≠mbncp∂p. ]s¶SpØ F√mhtcmSpw {]tXyIn®v Cu ]cn]mSnbpsS I¨ho\¿ Bbn {]h¿Øn® AUz. ]n.sP. tImin Ah¿ItfmSpap≈ \μn tcJs∏SpØp∂p. Golden Age Fellowship Wishing you a Christ controlled Blessed New Year 2015. First Bimonthly worship of 2015 will be held on Friday, the 9th January 2015 at 7.30 am Rev. Sumod C. Cherian, President, will share the Word of God. Let us commit our life for the glory of God in this coming year Youth Movement Christmas celebrations by Christ Church Youth Movement As our Church celebrated the birth of our Savior, so the youth fellowship was blessed in celebrating the joy of Christmas with the inmates of children’s & Cheshire homes. 13thof Dec saw us celebrating Christmas at the CMS Boys Home (Kannanmoola) and at the Orthodox Home (Chavadimukku). The program included teaching the children Christmas songs, followed by a Christmas message by Mr Sathyadas, Finger Print Bureau Dept, Kerala Police. We spent time with the children & distributing cakes. On 20th Dec, Rev. Saji Cherian led us in Carol celebrations at Cheshire Home. It included three songs, a video presentation & the Christmas message shared by our achen. An hour program saw the active involvement of 25 youths. The proceedings were wound up by distributed cake among the inmates. It was a blessing for us visiting these homes, sharing the love of the season with prayers & smiles. 7 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Ecology Forum Haritha Bhavanam Award 2014-15 Nominations are invited from Christ Church members for the Haritha Bhavanam Award 2014-15 Kindly give your name at the counter outside the Church on Sundays, or call the Secretary, Ecology Forum, on Mobile 9447734292. The last date for submission is 11th January 2015. One Day Exposure Programme A full day training on Organic Farming, Terrace Gardening, Waste Management – vermi compost, Pesticides Applications, etc. is scheduled exclusively for our members at College of Agriculture Research Station on Friday, 9th January 2015. Seats are limited. Kindly contact the Secretary, Ecology Forum (Mobile No.; 9447734292). Registration fee is Rs. 20/- per person. KmbIkwLw Cu h¿jsØ Itcmƒ Bcm[\ Unkw_¿ 24˛mw XobXn \SØs∏´p. dh. h’≥ Xºp {Inkv X pakv ktμiw \ev I n. k`msk{I´dn {ioaXn. Hma\ F{_lmw kzmKXhpw, Izb¿ sk{I´dn {io. tXmakv tP°_v \μnbpw Adnbn®p. lrZyamb Itcmƒ Km\߃ Be]n® F√m KmbIkwLmwKßtfmSpw, Ahsc ]cnioen∏n® Izb¿ amÿ {io. tPmK≥ amXyp, Akn. Izb¿ amÿamcmb {io. dn®n h’ew, F{_lmw kn.F., Hm¿K\nÃv {io. tdkv tPm¨ tImin, Akn. Hm¿K\nÃpamcmb t_mWn, sI\n F∂nhtcmSpap≈ \μnsb Adnbn°p∂p. lm¿hÃv s^Ãnh¬ kwbp‡mcm[\bn¬ ]pXnb 5 t]sc KmbkwLmwKßfmbn tN¿°pIbp≠mbn. KmbIkwLmwKßfpsS t\XrXzØn¬ \SØnb Ãmfn¬ \n∂pw 50,000/˛ cq] kamlcn°bp≠mbn. F√mh¿°pw \∑Iƒ \nd™ ]pXph’cw Biwkn°p∂p. Change of Address Mr. Nithin J. Cherian (ID 152 A) Mrs. Jenitha Salomi Vincent Miss Jovana Ann Jacob 1D, B’Canti C - Coqueiro, Opp. Govt. Law College, Barton Hill, Trivandrum 8 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Almanac 04-01-2015 Second Sunday after Christmas Revelation for Liberation hntamN\Øn\mbp≈ shfn∏mSv 07-01-2015 09-01-2015 11-01-2015 OT : Isaiah 61:1-11 Epistle : Revelations 5:1-10 Psalm 76 Gospel : Luke 4:16-21 6.15 a.m. H.E. (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel H.E. (English) 6.00 pm Wednesday H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday First Sunday after Epiphany Live Worthy of Your Calling hnfn°v tbmKycmbn Pohn°pI OT : Proverbs 20:01-11 Epistle : Romans 6:12-21 Psalm 14 Gospel : Matthew : 7:16-23 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. Matins (Malayalam) 7.00 a.m. H.E. at Zion Hall 6.00 p.m. H.E. at Zenana Chapel 14-01-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 16-01-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 18-01-2015 Second Sunday after Epiphany One Lord, One Baptism Hcp I¿Ømhv Hcp kv\m\hpw 21-01-2015 23-01-2015 25-01-2015 OT : Numbers 11:23-30 Epistle : 1 Corinthians 10;1-4 Psalm 23 Gospel : John 10:7-18 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday Third Sunday after Epiphany Unity for Justice and Peace (Ecumenical Sunday) \oXnbv°pw kam[m\Øn\pambp≈ sFIyw OT : Ezekiel 37:15-28 Epistle : Philippians 4:8-20 Psalm : 4 Gospel : Matthew 5:21-26 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. Matins (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 7.00 a.m. H.E. at Zion Hall 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel 9 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 28-01-2015 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 30-01-2015 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 01-02-2015 Ninth Sunday before Easter The Goodness of Creation krjvSnbpsS \∑ 04-02-2015 06-02-2015 OT : Genesis 1:24-31 Epistle : Ephesians 1:3-14 Psalm 104:1-13 Gospel : Matthew 6:9-13 6.15 a.m. H.E. (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday Roster For Reading Lessons ENGLISH Date 04-01-2015 11-01-2015 18-01-2015 25-01-2015 01-02-2015 First Lesson Mr. Vinod Das Mathew Mr. A.G. Abraham Mr. Ebenezer Rajakumar Mr. Franklin Knox Mr. George John Second Lesson Dr. Indumathi Rajakumar Mrs. Jessie Mathew Mrs. Jessy John Ms. Jyothi Jacob Mrs. Mary Mathew MALAYALAM Date 04-01-2015 11-01-2015 18-01-2015 25-01-2015 01-02-2015 First Lesson Mr. John M.M. Mr. Korah Abraham Mr. Mani K.C. Mr. M.M. John Munduparambil Mr. Samuel V.S. Second Lesson Mrs. Molly George Ms. Jyothi Job Mrs. Reena Kurian Mrs. Rosamma Samuel Mrs. Rekha Varghese Obituary Mrs. Premalatha Benroy (69) T.C. 12/579, Kunnukuzhy (ID 320) on 9th December 2014. Mrs. Annamma Abraham (87), Summer Breeze Flat No. 14 B, Kuravankonam, Trivandrum (ID 407), on 26th December 2014 10 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Baptism Abel Varghese Vivek, S/o Dr. Vivek Oommen Varghese and Dr (Mrs) Dhanya Elsa James, Seonpurathil, Chekkalmukku, Sreekairyam (ID 1032) on 21st December 2014 (Date of Birth 09th October 2014) Jovan Enathickal Varghese, S/o Rev. Varghese Enathickal and Mrs. Rekha Susan John, Enathickal House, Neerazhi Lane, Ulloor, Medical College P.O., Trivandrum (ID 101), on 28th December 2014 (DOB: 24th September 2014) Samara Annie Abraham, D/o Mr. George Abraham and Mrs. Sheenu Abraham, (9A, Cliff Dale Apts., Nanthencode, Trivandrum (ID 529) on 29th December 2014 (DOB: 5th October 2012) P r o g r a m m e f o r January z z All Fridays Choir Practice (English) - 5.00 PM z All Saturdays Intercessory Prayer (Youth Fellowship) – 4.30 PM Choir Practice (Junior Choir) - 4.30 PM Choir Practice (Malayalam) - 5.00 PM z z All Sundays Sunday School - 8 AM Bible Study (Youth Fellowship) – After the English Service Prayer Meeting (Almaya Fellowship) – After the Malayalam Service Hindi Service at Centenary Hall - 4.30 PM z z z z z 6th Tuesday Church Cleaning Day 11 9th - Friday Intercessory Prayer - 10 AM Bible Study (Golden Age Fellowship) After the Intercessory Prayer 13th - Tuesday Prison Visit - (Women’s Fellowship) - 2 PM 17 th - Saturday Bible Study (Women’s Fellowship) - 3.30 PM 23rd - Friday Visiting the Sick (Golden Age Fellowship) - 9 AM 24 th - Saturday House Visit (Women’s Fellowship) - 10 AM 27th - Tuesday Prison Visit - (Women’s Fellowship) - 2 PM TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Contributions From 25/11/2014 to 24/12/2014 Book Collections: November 2014 MEDICAL HELP A well wisher EDUCATION HELP A well wisher HOUSING HELP (ROY DANIEL) A well-wisher Dr. Annie Jiya Tharian Brig. Oommen John CHARITY Mr. K.M. Abraham PARKAL ORPHANAGE Mr. K.M. Abraham Mrs. Leela Stephen Mr. M.M. John HOME OF LOVE PARKAL Pattom Area Prayer Group Dincy Zachariah Dr. Mohan John Mathew PARKAL MISSION Mrs. Leela Stephen Mrs. Thankamma George MYSORE MISSION Mrs. Leela Stephen Mr. C.A. Abraham CHARKARI MISSION Mrs. Leela Stephen ANDHRA MISSION Mrs. Leela Stephen Mr. Sabu Jacob THOTTAPRADESH MISSION Rs . 3,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 1,000 600 1,200 1,000 150 1,000 5,000 5,000 1,000 500 500 200 500 500 300 Mrs. Leela Stephen CITY MISSION Mr. George Joseph Mrs. Elizabeth Mathew CHURCH MAINTENANCE Mr. Sajith Wilson Mr. Sabu Jacob Mr. M. Mani Mr. M.M. John CHOIR Mr. M.M. John FOOD FOR THE NEEDY Brig. Oommen John Mr. Abraham Rony Philip Juvin & Reuben Mr.Varghese Kurien Mr. Paul George Mr. Saju George Nikhil & Nimish Mr. George Cherian Mrs. Annamma Abraham Mr. Jibu Solomon Mr. Sajith Wilson Miss Nisha Mary Verghis Mr. Eapen Koshy A Well wisher Mrs. Thankamma George Mr. C.A. Abraham Mr. George Thomas PARKAL JANGEDU Mr. George Thomas THANK OFFERTORY Mrs. Mary George 500 500 3,000 500 200 200 75 75 1,000 5,000 10,000 500 500 1,000 500 1,500 3,000 1,000 1,000 2,000 1,400 2,000 1,000 200 1,000 2,000 1,000 Marriage Tejal Thilak Baker, D/o Mr. Thilak Baker and Mrs. KochuraniThilak Baker, “The Hamlet”, Nalanchira, Trivandrum, of this Parish, and Prathap Wilson, S/o Mr. James Wilson and Mrs. AnnammaSaratha Wilson, TC 11/1172 (2) Watts Lane, Nanthencode, Trivandrum, of the CSI M.M. Church, Trivandrum, on 27th December 2014. K J John, S/o Mrs. Grace Emily and (Late) B. Jacob, Killimangalam, Valikode, Nedumangad, of this Parish, and Rinsa Susan Abraham, D/o Mr. John K. Abraham and Mrs. Leelamma John, “Bless Cottage”, Anakulam, Anchal, of Ebenezer Marthoma Church, Anakulam, on 29th December 2014. 12 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Area Prayer Meetings Time Area Name ID Phone 03-01-2015 Saturday 5.00 PM Kunnukuzhy – Gowrees. Mr. M.M.John 330 2307845 9544689029 5.00 PM Palayam-Vazhu-Thy Mrs. Anitha Kurien (D/o the late P.I. Kurien) 667 2476209 Rev. Dr.Jacob Verghis 823 2432560 Mrs. Ammini Thomas Mr. KuruvillaKurien 859 132 2733815 2440960 Mrs. Saramma Kuruvilla 411 9947356333 Mr. I. Mathew ( Memorial Prayer ) 920 2507070 9446567070 443 813 9895635458 2439965 2731915 04-01-2015 Sunday 4.00 PM Peroorkada 11-01-2015 Sunday 4.00 PM 4.30 PM Peroorkada Kesavadasapuram 15-01-2015 Thursday 5.00 PM Med.Coll – Kannanmoola 18-01-2015 Sunday 4.00 PM Pettah – Manacadu 4.30 PM 6.00 PM Med.Coll – Kannanmoola Mr. Joseph Mathew Peroorkada Mrs. Ponnamma Mathew 25-01-2015 Sunday 4.00 PM Peroorkada Mr. George Thomas K. 869 4.30 PM 4.30 PM Poojappura Pattom – Plamoodu Mr. Y. John Mr. G. John Chandy 1126 702 4.30 PM Kesavadasapuram Mr. Jacob Cherian 152 2540158 27-01-2015 Tuesday 5.00 PM Kesavadasapuram Prof. George Thomas 178 2732334 31-01-2015 Saturday 5.00 PM Palayam-Vazhuthacaud Mr. K.M. George 183 9846217305 Mrs. Reena Kurien 127 2448070 9349384562 9447771482 01-02-2015 Sunday 4.30 PM Kesavadasapuram 13 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 “I WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN” “For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’ Isaiah: 41:13 Our Father in heaven, the Almighty God is the God of the universe. He is not only the Lord of the Church, but also the Lord God of each and every individual. He holds in His hands the entire universe, He decides the destiny of civilizations, yet He listens closely to each of our utterances. He is a God who makes covenants with nations, but He pays serious attention to our individual commitments and pledges. Each year the New Year begins for us with a covenant service. We make new promises and renew our pledges, meaning to give ourselves in total commitment to the Lord. Our Lord who is the covenant Keeper takes our pledges seriously. In Isaiah: 41:13 the Lord says, For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Giving and taking the right hand is a sign of full consent. Our Lord who established a covenantal relationship with His chosen people says, holding our right hand, “Fear not, be confident of Me.” In the same chapter, in verse 10 we read a very precious promise. So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. The Lord says three things through this verse. He makes three strong promises to His people a) I will strengthen you: –He promises to provide for us the needed ability to discharge all our duties; giving us the physical and mental strength to carry out our responsibilities. He will also enable us with inner strength to bear the pains, sorrows, agonies, disappointments and the unexpected happenings in our life. As St. Paul prayed -”to be strengthened with power through the Spirit in the inner man” (Eph: 3:16). b) I will help you: –I will help you to sort out the priorities of life, giving you the needed wisdom, guidance and definite leadings. 14 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 c) I will uphold you: - My right hand is always available. He tells us, ‘Whenever you feel weak, frightened, insecure, stumbled or shaken, be confident, I stand very close with my outstretched hand to uphold you. I will never fail, under neath are My everlasting arms’. Let us listen to the tender tone of our Heavenly Father’s words and clasp His outstretched right hand. Along with the Psalmist may we be able to say, “I am continually with Thee, Thou dost hold my right hand” Psalm: 73:23 “Put your hand in the hand of the Man who stilled the waters Put your hand in the hand of the Man who calmed the sea Take a look at yourself, & you can look at others differently By putting your hand in the hand of the Man from Galilee” Mrs. Elizabeth Matthew (ID 340) “ W aiting 25 Y ears for the Crown Years of HIS Justice” ABRAHAM PHILIP (09-01-1990) “Parackal” (Retd. Addl. Secretary) Fondly Remembered by Family Members (ID 120) 15 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 “BLESSED ARE THE MEEK” Jesus taught this beatitude in the Sermon on the Mount so that his Father would get the glory for the way the disciples lived. His aim was to create a lifestyle in His disciples that would make people think about the value of God. The first petition of the Lord’s Prayer which stands at the centre of Jesus’ teaching is “Hallowed be Thy Name”. This was the passion of the Lord’s life. How does becoming meek and being meek promote the hallowing of God’s name? This beatitude is a quotation from Psalms 37:11 “The Meek shall possess the land and delight themselves in abundant prosperity”. Let us try to portrait the characteristics of “THE MEEK” (i) They Trust in God The biblical meekness is rooted in the deep confidence that God is for you and not against you. (ii) They Commit their Way to the Lord Meek people discover that God is trustworthy and so they commit their way - their business, their problems, their relationships, their health, their fears, their frustrations, to the Lord. They accept that they are insufficient to cope with the complexities, pressures and obstacles of life, and they trust that God is able to sustain, guide and protect them. (iii) They are quiet before God and wait for Him The Meek wait patiently in stillness for the work of God in their lives. They have a kind of steady calm that comes from knowing that God is omnipotent and that He has their affairs under His control; that He is gracious and will work things for the best. (iv) They don’t fret over the wicked Meekness does not give way to anger or fretfulness when faced with opposition and setbacks. The translation of the beatitude thus could be: 16 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 “Blessed is the man who is always angry at the right time and never angry at the wrong time” OR in other words, “Blessed is the man who has every instinct, every impulse, every passion under control”. Blessed is the man who is entirely self-controlled. In meekness, there is true Humility, which banishes all pride Without Humility, a man cannot learn; for, the first step to learning is the realization of our own ignorance. Without Humility, there can be no true religion; for, all religions begin with a realization of our own weakness and our need for God. Man reaches only true manhood when he is always conscious that he is the Creature and that God is the Creator, and that without God he can do nothing. Meekness is an attitude of humility toward God and gentleness toward men, springing from a recognition that God is in control. Meekness and weakness may look similar, but they are not the same. Weakness is due to lack of strength or lack of courage, but meekness is due to a person’s choice. It is strength and courage under control, coupled with humility and kindness. Meekness is a virtue practised and commended by our Lord Jesus Christ (Mathew 5:5, 11:29). Meekness is part of the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Therefore it is part of the equipment every follower of Christ should wear (2 Corinthians10:1, Galatians 6:1, Ephesians 4:1-2) John Kurien (ID 827) Let us Keep our Beautiful Church and its Premises Clean! The first Tuesday of every month from 10 AM to 12 PM is set apart for the cleaning of our Church and its premises with the participation of our members. For this month the programme is scheduled for Tuesday, 6th January. All members who are able and willing, and can make themselves free on this day, are welcome to participate. 17 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 HUMILITY Humility F∂ Cw•ojv ]ZØn\v aebmfØn¬, Xmgva, hn\bw, AS°w, HXp°w, hW°w, Ffna Fs∂ms° A¿∞w D≠v. Hcp hy‡n°pth≠ ASnÿm\ kz`mhßfn¬ ap∂n´v \n¬t°≠ KpWamWv Xmgva AYhm hn\bw. C∂sØ temIØn¬ Ipd™phcp∂Xmbn ImWp∂ Hcp kz`mhKpWw IqSnbmWv Xmgva. Xncn™p t\m°ptºmƒ AXn\m[mcambn ]dbm≥ [mcmfw kw`hßfpw, PohnXNcn{Xßfpap≠v. Xmgva C√msX \nKftØm sSbp≈ Hcp s]cpam‰Øns‚ ^eambn DSseSpØXmWv Cdm°ns‚ Ipssh‰v A[n\nthihpw AtX XpS¿∂p≠mb bp≤hpw. F{X PohnXßfmWv AXn¬ s]men™sX∂v hnkvacn°m≥ km[yXbn√. [\nI\pw ]mhs∏´h\pw, ]finX\pw ]mac\pw Xmgv a AXy¥mt]£nXamWv. XmgvatbmsS {ihn∏m≥, ]dbm≥, {]XnIcn°m≥, Pohn°m≥ C∂v \ap°v IgnbWw. Ip´n°mew apXte ssIapXemt°≠ Hcp henbKpWamWv Xmgva. hnip≤ thZ]pkv X IØnte°v \mw IS∂phcptºmƒ At\Iw hN\ßfn¬ Xmgvasb°pdn®v {]Xn]mZn°p∂p≠v. kZriyhmIy߃ 22:4 “Xmgvabv°pw btlmhm `‡nbv°pap≈ {]Xn^ew [\hpw, am\hpw, Poh\pw BIp∂p” Fs∂gpXnbncn°p∂p. sk^\ymhv 2:3 “btlmhbpsS \ymbw {]h¿Øn°p∂hcmbn `qanbnse kIe kuay∑mcpambhtc, Ahs\ At\zjn°phn≥, kuayX At\zjn°phn≥; ]s£ \n߃°v btlmhbpsS tIm]Znhk Øn¬ ad™ncn°mw”. As∏m. {]hrØnIƒ 20:19 “Rm≥ Bkybn¬ h∂ H∂mw\mƒ apX¬ F√mbvt∏mgpw \nßtfmSp IqsS Fßs\bncp∂p F∂pw hfsc XmgvatbmSpw IÆp\otcmSpw sblqZ∑mcpsS Iq´psI´pIfm¬ F\n°p≠mb IjvSßtfmSpw IqsS I¿Ømhns\ tkhn®ph∂p F∂pw {]tbmP\ap≈Xv H∂pw ad®pshbv°msX ]ckyambn hoSptXmdpw \nßtfmSdnbn°bpw D]tZin°pIbpw sNbvXp F∂pw ssZhØn te°p≈ am\km¥chpw, \ΩpsS I¿Ømhmb tbip{Inkv X p 18 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 hnep≈ hnizmkhpw, sblqZ∑m¿°pw, bh\∑m¿°pw km£oIcn®p F∂pw \n߃ Adnbp∂pht√m”. sImsemky¿ 2:18 “I]Shn\bØnepw ZqX≥amsc Bcm[n°p∂Xnepw aZn®v kz¥Z¿i\ßfn¬ {]thin°bpw Xs‚ PVa\ n\m¬ hy¿∞ambn No¿°bpw Xebmbhs\ apdpsI]nSn°mXncn°pIbpw sNøp∂h≥ Bcpw \nßsf AtbmKycm°m≥ CShccpXv ”. sImsemky¿ 3:12 & 12 “AXpsIm≠v ssZhØns‚ hrX∑mcpw, hnip≤∑mcpw, {]nbcpambn a\ enhv, Zb, Xmgva, kuayX, Zo¿L£a F∂nh [cn®psIm≠v At\ym\yw s]mdp°bpw, Hcpht\mSv Hcph\v hg°p≠mbm¬ XΩn¬ £an°bpw sNbvhn≥”. 1 ]t{Xmkv 5: 5&6 “AΔÆw Cfbhtc aq∏∑m¿°v IogSßphn≥. F√mhcpw XΩn¬ XΩn¬ IogSßn Xmgva [cn®psImƒhn≥. ssZhw \nKfnItfmSv FXn¿Øv \n¬°p∂p. Xmgv a bp≈h¿t°m Ir] \¬Ip∂p. AXpsIm≠v Ah≥ X°kabØv \nßsf Db¿Øp hm≥ ssZhØns‚ _eap≈ ssIIogv XmWncn∏o≥”. tbml∂m≥ 4:30 “Ah≥ hftcWw. Rmt\m IpdbWw”. aoJm 6:8 “a\pjym \√sXs¥∂v Ah≥ \n\°v ImWn®v X∂ncn°p∂p. \ymbw {]h¿Øn∏m\pw, ZbmX¬]c\mbncn°m\pw \ns‚ ssZhØns‚ k∂n[nbn¬ Xmgv a tbmsS \S°m\pw A√msX F¥mIp∂p btlmhm \nt∂mSv tNmZn°p∂Xv”. {InkvXpakv XmgvabpsS A\p`hsØ ImWn°p∂p. ssZhwXºpcm≥ kz¿temIalna shSn™v Xs‚ {]nbP\sØ c£n∏m≥ `qanbn¬ ]nd∂Xv AYhm h∂Xv F{X XymKw kln®mWv F∂p≈ hkvXpX \mw Hm¿°Ww, Nn¥n°Ww. Xmgvabp≈h¿°v am{Xta XymKa\xÿnXn D≠mIpIbp≈q; kuayXtbmsS Pohn°m≥ IgnbpIbp≈q. BbXn\m¬ Xmgv a tbmsS, £atbmsS Pohn°m≥ Xmgv a tbmsS a‰p≈hsc ssIsImƒhm≥, Ahcpambn CSs]Sphm≥, Ahsc \sΩt∏mse ImWphm≥ CSbm°s´ F∂v ssZhtØmSp {]m¿∞n°mw, ssZhw \sΩ Ghtcbpw A\p{Kln°s´. Fw.Fw. tPm¨ (ID 330) 19 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 A Prayer for the New Year Dear God Praised are You who created the universe. Thank You for giving me and my family life. Thank You Dear God for creating such glorious beauty in this world and thank You for giving me the ability to appreciate Your creation. Please Dear God, I humbly ask You to shine Your love on me, my family and all people and may Your love bring perfect holiness, perfect health and peace, peace in my heart and soul, peace in my family, peace in my nation, and peace in the entire world. Please Dear God, help me to know my highest purpose and to realize total success. Please grant me wisdom in order to best serve You here on earth. Please Dear God, forgive me for my shortcomings in the past and help me to walk in Your ways from this day forward. Thank You God for hearing my prayer and for giving me and all life, holiness, perfect health, peace, wisdom, success, and forgiveness. Praise You Dear God who loves His creation and brings peace, love and holiness to all life. May peace prevail on Earth. Amen. Courtesy: The “Institute for World Peace through Prayer and Meditation”, Seattle, USA WELCOME! Holy Communion Services of one hour duration in English are conducted on Wednesdays at 6.00 PM. Convenient for those who are unable, for any reason, to attend Sunday morning services. Those who are employed in Trivandrum, but are away during weekends will be able to attend the Wednesday evening service. Please bring elders who are unable to attend the early Sunday morning worship. 20 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 In Fond Remembrance of our Former Treasurer for many years P. Issac Kurien (ID 667) Puthiyadam, Tutor’s Lane, Statue, Trivandrum Alamaya Fellowship, Christ Church Unit THREE DAY PREMARITAL COUNSELLING CAMP Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 15 19 19 16 21 18 16 20 17 15 19 17 (Special Programme) Place: Tiruvalla, Varikkad Bethel Ashram Or Any other Diocesan Centre Online Registration is Compulsory www.csimkdmarry.com Only 30 seats - Ensure your Admission Thursday 9.30 AM to Jan 17 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Feb 21 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Mar 21 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Apr 18 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to May 23 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Jun 20 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Jul 18 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Aug 22 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Sep 19 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Oct 17 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Nov 21 Saturday Thursday 9.30 AM to Dec 19 Saturday Please bring your Bible, pen, bed sheet, etc. 21 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM 2 PM TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 CSI COUNSELLING CENTRE Chalakunnu, Kottayam - 1 Three Day Premarital Counselling Camp 2015 January - December Place: CSI Retreat Centre, Kottayam - 1 Jan 1 Thursday 9.30 AM to Jan 3 Saturday 2 PM Feb 12 Thursday 9.30 AM to Feb 14 Saturday 2 PM Mar 5 Thursday 9.30 AM to Mar 7 Saturday 2 PM Apr 9 Thursday 9.30 AM to Apr 11 Saturday 2 PM May 7 Thursday 9.30 AM to May 9 Saturday 2 PM Jun 4 Thursday 9.30 AM to Jun 6 Saturday 2 PM Jul 2 Thursday 9.30 AM to Jul 4 Saturday 2 PM Aug 6 Thursday 9.30 AM to Aug 8 Saturday 2 PM Sep 3 Thursday 9.30 AM to Sep 5 Saturday 2 PM Oct 1 Thursday 9.30 AM to Oct 3 Saturday 2 PM Nov 5 Thursday 9.30 AM to Nov 7 Saturday 2 PM Dec 3 Thursday 9.30 AM to Dec 5 Saturday 2 PM Please register your names at least two days earlier Please bring your Bible For Online Registration visit: www.csimkdmarry.com Email: csimkdpremarital@yahoo.com Rev. Abraham C. Prakash Mob : 9446203323 Office : 0481-2566374 Mob : 9605649146 22 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Kid’s zone 23 TIDINGS JANUARY 2015 Drop your answers in the suggestion box before 22nd January B I B L E C R O S S W O R D - 68 ACROSS 3. Lot pitched his tent toward this city 5. Ruth's second husband 7. An order from God that must not be broken 9. Rachel’s weeping voice was heard here 11. Father of Joshua 12. Collective pronoun 14. Tribe Samson came from 17. Peter said that if a Christian woman lives a godly life, her husband might be ___ without her saying a word 19. Samson tied these together on foxes 21. John said in Revelation 3:4, “ ___ are You, O God, to receive glory” 23. Jezebel’s king husband 25. Fear not those who kill the body but cannot kill the ____ 27. Separates us from God 28. Oldest son of Judah. The Lord slew him 29. The apostle to the Gentiles 30. While Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments Aaron crafted a golden one of these for the people to worship 32. Her daughter was Judah's wife 34. Bathsheba’s husband before she married King David 35. Christians are to rejoice with those who rejoice, and ___ with those who ___ 36. The number of thieves crucified alongside Christ 37. " Thus Noah did, according to all that God commanded him, ____ he did." 38. Paul said in Colossians 3:25, “ He who does ___ shall be repaid for what he has done, without partiality” DOWN 1. Nehemiah said “ Oh no!” when invited to a meeting on this plain 2. Condition of eyes (Lamentations 5:17) 3. God said regarding Jesus, this is My beloved ____ 4. Father of Ahab 5. On Mt. Carmel, Elijah defeated the prophets of this false god 6. Cliff mentioned in 2 Chronicles 20:16 7. James 5:16 says that we must ___ our sins and pray for forgiveness 8. Form of verb " to be" 10. The younger son of Isaac 13. Paul’s companion during his second missionary journey 15. One of the containers made of gold used in the tabernacle 16. Paul admitted in Acts 22:4 that before he was a Christian, he had persecuted “ The ___” 18. Egyptian city (Jeremiah 46:25) 19. As Jesus was dying on the cross, He forgave the sins of this man 20. Seagoing vessel 22. She hid spies 24. Man along with his wife who was struck dead for lying to the Holy Spirit 26. What God swore to David (Acts 2:30) 31. That which Jesus took and gave thanks (Matthew 26:27) 32. “ Awake, awake, Deborah! Sing a ____” 33. Book in the New Testament that records conversions of people to Christianity 35. In the O.T., this is what the Philistines often made against Israel 24 AMBATT PRINTERS # 9388542776
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