Make checks payable to Williamson County Extension. Please return this registration form with payment to: Amy Dismukes 4215 Long Lane, Suite 200 Franklin, TN 37064 Directions to Williamson County Ag Expo Center Take I-65 to exit 61 (Peytonsville Road). If coming from the north, turn left off of the interstate and if coming from the south, turn right. Make a left onto Long Lane. Williamson County Expo Center is on the right. Address: ______________________________ Phone Number: _________________________ Samara Farms Email: ________________________________ 248-7757 ______________________________________ ______pre-registrations at $100 per person ______single day registration at $75 per person Contact us for a student rate. I plan on attending ___ Tues ___ Wed Total amount included: _______________ Additional names included with this registration (you may register all of your employees on this form). ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ For more information please call: Cheatham County, Sierra Knaus: 615-792-4420 Davidson County, David Cook: 615-862-5995 Lawrence County, Wendell Smith: 931-762-5506 Montgomery County, Karla Kean: 931-648-5725 Rutherford County, Mitchell Mote: 615-898-7710 Sumner County, Bob Ary: 615-452-1423 Williamson County, Amy Dismukes: 615-790-5721 Wilson County, Justin Stefanski: 615-444-9584 January 13 &14, 2015 Company: _____________________________ Williamson County Ag Expo Center Name:_________________________________ 2 0 1 5 M idd l e Te nn es s ee La nd s cap e Ma na g em en t Sh o r t C o ur s e Tuesday, January 13, 2015 9:00-10:00 Anni Self, Tennessee Department of Agriculture, “Exotic Invasive Plants” 10:00-11:00 Phil Hurst, Tennessee Department of Agriculture 11:00-12:00 Douglas Airhart, TTU “Care of Urban Trees to Reduce Pesticide Inputs” 12:00-1:00 Eric Bridges, Certified Arborist, “Building a Successful UF Program in Your Community” Business Management 1:00-2:00 Josiah Lockard, Landscape Architect & Certified Arborist, “Bidding Yourself Into a Job” 2:00-3:00 Josiah Lockard, Landscape Architect and Certified Arborist, “How you know when it’s time to grow (your business)”. Basics of Plant Pathology 1:00-2:00 Amy Dismukes, Extension Agent, “The Basics of Plant Pathology” 2:00-3:00 9:00-10:00 James Newburn, UT Gardens Assistant Director, “Best of 2014 Plants for TN” 10:00-11:00 Debbie Joines, UT Soil, Plant & Pest Center, “Utilizing the UT Soil, Plant & Pest Center” 11:00-12:00 Lunch and Pesticide Video Urban Forestry 1:00-2:00 Mark Follis, Certified Arborist, “Crape Myrtle Scale” 2:00-3:00 Wednesday, January 14, 2015 Amy Dismukes, Extension Agent, repeated 12:00-1:00 CSI 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 Insects 1:00-2:00 2:00-3:00 Karla Adesso, Tennessee State University, “Organics, Systemics, and Alternative Products for Pest Control” Lunch and Pesticide Video David Cook, Extension Agent, “Practices & Principles of Landscape Pest Id and Control” David Cook, Extension Agent, repeated Frank Hale, UT Entomologist, “General Insect Control” Frank Hale, UT Entomologist, “Common Borers and Control Methods” Turf Management 1:00-3:00 Greg Breeden, UT Turf Weed Specialist, “Weed Control Methods” 2:00-3:00 Alan Windham, UT Plant Pathologist, “Sick and Puny Grass” Complete the information on the reverse side to register. Registration fee includes meals (both days), refreshments and resource materials. Registration both days - $100 per person Single day registration - $75 per person ISA Points will be awarded TCNP Points will be awarded TN Pesticide Applicator points will be awarded Registration must be received by January 6, 2015 to guarantee meals; meal tickets will be dispersed at sign-in Registration/ sign-in will be required daily to ensure point assignment and will begin at 7:30 am. Reserve your spot for this exciting conference!
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