WILLOWGROVE UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER JANUARY 2015 Outdoor Youth Soccer & Softball Registration nights: February 26 and March 2, 2015 7-830pm Centennial Collegiate Main entrance (160 Nelson Road) We hope to have online registration for some groups. We continue to work towards online registration as a priority for our programs. Please check our website for updates on this. To help the lines move quickly, please bring with you: •At least one cheque per family or cash. •A valid WUHCA membership. $15 Family membership available on registration night; yearly expiration in August. Print & fill out the membership form at home: http://wuhca.ca/executive-board/ •Child's full name and birthdate. •A pen. •Patience. The lines can be long, and we are all volunteers. Please be prepared to coach or assist. Think about what team you would like to help with. If we have no coaches, we have no teams. In an effort to remain accessible and current to our community members, WUHCA NEWSLETTERS ARE TRANSITIONING MOST CONTENT TO THE WEB! We welcome your feedback as we navigate through this year of change. For more information about schools, businesses, & events in your community, or to volunteer: Like us on Facebook or visit our web site at WWW.WUHCA.CA We'd love to hear from you! PO Box 32017, Saskatoon SK,S7S 1N8 Phone Number (306)371-7036 Email contact@wuhca.ca Volunteer coaches make these leagues possible. Sign up to coach at registration night or contact us online. ALL INFORMATION IS TENTATIVE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE Please check www.wuhca.ca before registration nights for most updated information 2015 Outdoor Youth Soccer League (May & June) www.saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca Kindersoccer Co-Ed Teams Born 2011/2012 Age 3 yrs at time of play $40/player Team practices/non competitive games Wednesday evenings in Wallace Park kinder.soccer@wuhca.ca Under 6 Co-Ed Teams Born 2009/2010 $65/player Games Monday &/or Tuesday evenings with the possibility of some Fridays under6.soccer@wuhca.ca Under 8 Boys, Girls, or Co-Ed Teams* Born 2007/2008 $75/player Games Wednesday &/or Thursday evenings with the possibility of some Fridays under8.soccer@wuhca.ca *Co-Ed Games scheduled at city wide locations Under 10 Boys, Girls, or Co-Ed Teams Born 2005/2006 $85/player Games Monday &/or Wednesday evenings *New* Developmental League: $90/player wuhca.ca or saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca for info Dev. Games Tuesday &/or Thursday evenings League All teams have possible Friday evening games. under10.soccer@wuhca.ca 2015 Softball Rookie League (May & June) softballcoordinator@WUHCA.ca www.smsl.ca Kinderball Born 2011/2012 Age 3yrs at time of play $35/player Games Thursday evenings in Wallace Park Blast Ball (Fast paced T-ball) Born 2009/2010 $50/player Majority of games will be on Mondays and Wednesdays Rookie Ball Born 2007/2008 $60/player Mites Ball Born 2005/2006 $70/player Rookie and Mites Ball scheduling will be determined in April once the number of teams to play is determined. Uniform deposit cheques will be required by the teams at the start of the season. 2014 Hustler Fastball League softballcoordinator@WUHCA.ca www.saskatoonzone1hustlers.ca Hustler Fastball is for children born 2004 & earlier. Please see above website for details. *All fees & schedules subject to change.* Participant numbers are not limited for on-time registrations. Late registrations accepted March 3 rd to 9th,then only as space allows; but will be subject to a late penalty of 50% of the program cost after registration nights. Thanks to these local businesses for their continued support of your WUHCA! http://wuhca.ca/supporting-businesses/
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