Bulletin - Catholic Community of Cape Vincent, Rosiere and

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, “New Year Blessings! Next weekend’s second collection
will support the ongoing Respect Life efforts in the Diocese of Ogdensburg. Last year, we were
able to fund twenty-seven grants totaling over $82,000 to help build a culture of life in the North
Country. This was a significant increase from the previous year’s appeal. Those receiving grants
supported important local Pro-Life efforts such as the Gabriel Projects in Gouverneur, Potsdam,
Brasher Falls, Massena, Plattsburgh and Canton . These parish-based crisis pregnancy
apostolates provide spiritual and material help to single mothers and families. Also receiving
grants: Malone Catholic Charities’ counseling services; Plattsburgh’s Birthright which supports
women in distress with an unplanned pregnancy, offering alternatives to abortion and free
pregnancy tests; and Carthage’s Brook Haven House, a Christian home for unwed moms. These
grants also supported education efforts such as: funding for five buses for the March for Life in
Washington, DC (three buses transporting 150 youths and two ‘family’ buses for 100 marchers);
a Pro-Life media campaign; and a USCCB Respect Life Month informational packet for pastors.
The End of Life Issues Conference led by Fr. Tad Pacholczyk at Wadhams Hall, was also a
recipient. Liferight of Watertown, Lewis County Right to Life and the St. John XXIII Newman
Center received grants for education materials. The Diocesan Offices of Evangelization and
Natural Family Planning were able to provide informational materials purchased through grants
made available by this collection. With much appreciation for your past contributions, I seek
your generous response to this year’s Respect Life Appeal. As you see, your generous response
last year has enabled us to promote and support, in various ways, efforts that build up a culture of
life in our North Country. God bless you for your continued assistance. Gratefully yours in
Christ, Most Rev. Terry LaValley, Bishop of Ogdensburg.”
THE SECOND COLLECTION next week will be for Respect Life. Each of us is a
Masterpiece of God’s creation. Imagine yourself pausing in front of a design of great beauty.
Your soul quiets and is filled with wonder and awe. If art, created by man, can evoke such a
response within us, how much more is the same wonder, reverence and respect due to each
person we encounter, who was handcrafted by the very God who spoke the world into being?
Now think of an artist stepping back from a great work of art and admiring his or her creation.
When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us
with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness. Moreover, the Lord invites each of
us to behold ourselves and each other with the same wonder and awe. No matter how the world
might view us or others, let us treat each person as the masterpiece he or she is. “Even the
weakest, and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of
God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost
reverence and respect.”
Pope Francis’ Day for Life Greeting.
P.O. Box 288, 139 N. Kanady St., Cape Vincent, New York 13618
E Mail: cvrchparish@aol.com Web Site: www.cvrchparish.org
Web Site: Missionary of the Sacred Heart Website: www.misacor-usa.org
Diocese of Ogdensburg Website: www.rcdony.org
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: www.Facebook.com/The Catholic Community of
Cape Vincent, Rosiere and Chaumont
Parish administered by the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (MSC)
“May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Loved Everywhere”
Pastor: Fr. Pierre Aubin, MSC………………………………. 654-2662 Fax: 654-4721
Sr. Anne Hogan, SSJ………………………………………………………. 649-2717
Religious Education: CH: Julie Moots ……………………………………. 782-6451
Religious Ed: CV: Joanne McCarthy… …………………………………… 654-4746
Youth Ministry: Sharon Turner……………………………………………. 955-5725
Secretary: Bev Hennigan…………………………… 315-654-2662 Fax: 315-654-4721
January 18, 2015
Baptism: Call the pastor for an appointment. Marriage: Ar r angements must be made at least
six months in advance by calling the pastor. Confessions: 2:45 pm to 3:15 in Cape Vincent every
Saturday and 3:40 to 4 pm in Rosiere. and 8:40 am to 9:00 am in Chaumont every Sunday.
Parish Office hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., & Fri. from 9 am till noon.
Cape Vincent Community Food Pantry located at the United Chur ch, hour s ar e 4-5 pm on the
first Wednesday of the month, 10 -11 am on the 2nd Wednesday and 7-8 pm on the 3rd Wednesday.
Call 654-4083, 654-3406 or 501-5021. Chaumont Food Pantry: located behind the Chaumont
Presbyterian Church. Donations of non-perishable foods and personal items can be dropped off at the
Food Pantry or the Three Mile Bay Post Office. Call 649-2424 for more information. The All Saints
Parkinson’s Group meets ever y Tuesday at 11 am with exer cise (Tai Chi), a meal and activities.
K of C Meetings ar e on the 1st and 3r d Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 pm in Rosier e.
PRAY FOR A PRIEST: Sat., J an. 17, F r. Paul Beyette; Sun., J an. 18, F r. Gilbert Boisvert; Mon., J an. 19,
Frr. Timothy Canaan; Tues., Jan. 20, Fr. Christopher Carrara; Wed., Jan. 21, Fr. Gerald Cerank; Thurs.,
Jan. 22, Benedict XVI Pope Emeritus; Fri., Jan. 23, Fr. Tojo Chacko; Sat., Jan. 24, Fr. Daniel Chapin.
PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Please send the names of the sick you wish us to pray for, or call the rectory at
654-2662. Maria West, Paul Kucvynski, Joe Docteur, Michael Farley, Edna Corrigan, Greyson Trottier,
Peter Docteur, Justine Booth, Alan Roolas. Shut-Ins: Sam Keep: Ver a Fitzger ald, Ter esa McTague,
Isabella Rockefeller, Sr. Arline Schmeer. The Summit: Lillian Mason.
Please call the rectory (654-2662) to add or have names taken off the list.
Sunday, Jan. 18, 8:35 am –8:55, Confessions.
The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9:00 am, Mass for Terrence & Helena Kelly by Michael
Monday, Jan. 19, 8:30 am, (Martin Luther King Day), Morning Prayer followed by Mass for Our
Living and Deceased Parishioners.
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 8:30 am, St. Fabian & St. Sebastian, Morning Prayer with Communion
Wednesday, Jan. 21, 8:30 am, St. A gnes, Morning Prayer with Communion Service.
Thursday, Jan. 22, 8:30 am, (Day of Prayer for the legal protection of Unborn Children), Mass
for All Souls.
Friday, Jan. 23, 8:30 am, St. V incent & St. Marianne Cope, Morning Prayer with Communion
Sunday, Jan. 25, 8:40 am – 8:55, Confessions
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 9:00 am, Mass for Madeleine Lafleur by Art and Carolyn
Saturday, January 17, Confessions, 3:15 pm until mass time.
Saturday, Jan. 17, 4:00 pm, The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass for Pat Kuellertz by
Barb and Frank Florio.
Sunday, Jan. 18, 10:30 am, Mass for the Deceased Members of the Lawrence R. Clickner F amily by
the Estate followed by Brunch. Menu: Roast pork, mashed potato, gravy, applesauce, eggs,
pancakes, dessert and beverage. All are welcome!
Tuesday, Jan. 20, 8:30 am, St. Fabian & St. Sebastian, Mass for All Souls.
Friday, Jan. 23, 8:30 am, St. V incent & St. Marianne Cope, Mass for the Intentions of the
Saturday, Confessions, 3:15 until mass time.
Saturday, Jan. 17, 4:00 pm, The Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mass for Barb Wood by J im,
Janet, Doris and Harold Wiley.
Sunday, Jan. 18, 10:30 am, Mass for Marilyn Mason by David and Mary Docteur.
MINISTRY SCHEDULE: Cape Vincent: Jan. 17: 4:00 pm: Lector: Dolores Bell. E. Ministers: Marilyn Peters, Sue Lail, Janet Wiley. 10:30 am: Lector: Tippi Haag-Olson. E. Ministers:
Chris Parker, Melissa Goetz, Mark Stewart. A ltar Servers: Tyler & Jordan Smith. Jan. 24: 4 pm:
Lector: Joanne Faulknham. E. Ministers: Bernadette Kirchgessner, Margaret & Darrel
Aubertine. 10:30am: Lector: Mike Brennan. E. Ministers: Mary Ann Dermady, Mary Docteur,
Bill Crossley. A ltar Servers: Jason & Garrett Thompson, Nicholas, Sarah & Matthew Mason.
Chaumont: Jan. 18: L ector: Philip Moots. E. M inisters: Ver na Docteur , Ar t Montondo,
Julie Sharlow. A ltar Servers: Brooke & Mallory Peters, Tamra, Annika Balk. Jan. 25: Lector:
Cathy Roberts. E. Ministers: Verna Docteur, Philip Moots and Julie Sharlow. A ltar Servers:
Alexandria Moots, Jillian Alberry, Haylee Aveola.
ALL SAINTS ROSARY & ALTAR SOCIETY will have a meeting after the 9am mass on Sunday, F eb.
1st. We are looking for a volunteer to clean and iron linens for the altar in Chaumont. This important
ministry would require about 1-2 hours of work in your home on a bi-weekly basis. Call Marie at
649-3527 if you can help. Cans and bottles are still being collected to send the children to Camp
Guggenheim. Drop them off in the back of the hall.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES: 9:30 am in Cape Vincent, for more information call J oanne
McCarthy at 778-8359, and after the 9 am mass in Chaumont, call Julie Moots at 782-6451.
THE WATERTOWN CURSILLO COMMUNITY is celebrating their J anuary ultreya on
Friday, January 23 from 6:30 to 8 pm in the chapel at St. Patrick’s Church, Watertown. All
Cursillistas are encouraged to attend. We also welcome those interested in deepening a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ. For more info, contact Anne at ams2962@gmail.com or Pat at
LUNCHEONS: Our luncheons in Cape Vincent have begun again on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of
January and February. Please RSVP by the Sunday before. Call Sam at 654-8166. Menu for Jan. 28:
Linguini and clams, salad, dessert and beverages.
END HUMAN TRAFFICKING Prayer Service on Sunday, J anuary 25 from 1:30 - 3:30 pm
followed by a presentation on human trafficking “Modern Day Slavery...Different Times but Same
Reality” will be held at the Sisters of St. Joseph, Washington St., Watertown. The presentation will be
given by David Buggs, SUNY Potsdam professor of international criminal law. This is open to the public
but please RSVP at 782-3460 to reserve a place.
NOTE: The 8:30 am mass in Cape Vincent is held in the r ector y.
YOUR OFFERINGS for January 10 & 11, 2015
Plate………..$233 Envelopes…………$1852 Fuel……..$95 Total……$2180
Attendance: CH: 9:00 am – 73, CV: 4:00 pm – 40, CV: - 10:30 am: - 83
Docteur on their 58th wedding anniversary on January 19th. We still need volunteers for flowers
in May and June. Call Janet at 654-3106 if interested.
CHRISTMAS REMEMBRANCES: In Memory of Marion Dodge by Glenn Dodge.