2014 China Copper Industry Database The data for China’s copper industry are based on SMM’s survey of copper smelters, copper wire rod producers, copper tube/pipe producers, copper plate/sheet, strip and foil makers, and wire & cable producers in China. SMM has been collecting information about production, order books, inventories and market forecast from these enterprises every month since January 2007, so as to keep ourselves informed about market conditions and provide accurate and timely information on supply, consumption, stocks, and market sentiment across the industry. Copper Smelting deliverable on Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) are included in SMM’s survey samples. Operating rate Aug/14 Apr/14 Dec/13 Aug/13 Apr/13 Dec/12 46000 Aug/12 51000 80% Apr/12 total. Nearly all smelters that produce copper 56000 83% Dec/11 these smelters represents over 80% of the national 61000 86% Aug/11 and maintenance progresses. Combined capacity of 66000 89% Apr/11 goods inventories, raw material stocks, and expansion 71000 92% Dec/10 smelters every month on their operating rates, finished Unit: RMB/mt 95% Aug/10 SMM conducts survey of major Chinese copper China average spot copper price China Copper Smelter Operating Rate Vs Spot Copper Price Copper Wire Rod The capacity at copper wire rod producers surveyed by SMM every month accounts for over 50% of China’s total, and more than 70% of copper wire rod capacities employing imported continuous casting and rolling equipment are covered in SMM’s survey samples. The survey results which reflect sales and production of copper wire rod makers help market players get to know copper consumption in the sector. Copper Tube/Pipe Copper tube/pipe producers included in SMM’s survey samples hold over 60% of China’s total copper tube/pipe capacity. These producers are mostly suppliers of China’s well-known air-conditioner manufacturers, such as Gree, Midea, Haier, AUX, and Chigo. Their products are used not only in air-conditioners and heat exchangers, but also in bathroom equipment and military products. database.metal.com TEL:+86 21 5155 0306 E-mail:service.en@smm.cn Copper Plate/Sheet, Strip and Foil SMM surveys major Chinese copper plate/sheet, strip 100% and foil producers every month, including large ones 90% listed in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong, with their 80% combined capacity making up more than half of the 60% 70% 50% national total. Producers in south China where a large 40% Jul/14 Sep-14 (E) Copper wire rod producer operating rate manufacturers concentrate, as well as some large May/14 Mar/14 Jan/14 Nov/13 Sep/14 Jul/13 May/13 Mar/13 Jan/13 Nov/12 Sep/12 May/12 east China where large plate/sheet and strip Jul/12 30% number of downstream producers cluster and those in Copper plate/sheet strip and foil producer operating rate Copper tube/pipe producer operating rate companies elsewhere in China are all included in the Operating Rate at China Copper Fabricators survey. Wire & Cable highly fragmented. SMM undertakes survey of listed wire & cable companies and those companies qualified to bid for projects of the State Grid, China Southern Power Grid, and local electric power bureau. The survey results help market players understand wire and cable consumption in China. database.metal.com Unit: Day 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 Jun/14 are Mar/14 producers Dec/13 cable Sep/13 and Jun/13 wire Mar/13 China’s Days of Inventories at Downstream Enterprises TEL:+86 21 5155 0306 E-mail:service.en@smm.cn Table of Contents Copper Consumption Company Information Capacity Company By Region By Scale Product Category - √ √ Region √ √ - Ownership √ - - Company Size √ - √ Capacity - √ √ Monthly Output - √ √ Output Forecast Next Month - √ √ Monthly Operating Rate √ √ √ Operating Rate Next Month √ √ √ Normal Copper Demand - √ √ Monthly Refined Copper Demand - √ √ Monthly Scrap Copper Consumption - √ √ Refined Copper/Scrap Copper Demand ratio √ - - Monthly Raw Material Inventory √ √ √ Monthly Finished Goods Inventory √ √ √ Orders Forecast Next Month √ √ √ Reasons for Orders Forecast √ - - Price Forecast √ √ √ Reasons for Price Forecast √ - - Remark √ - - Output Operating Rate Raw Material Inventory Orders Forecast Next Month Price Forecast database.metal.com TEL:+86 21 5155 0306 E-mail:service.en@smm.cn Table of Contents Copper Smelting Company Information Company By Region/Scale Region √ √ Ownership √ - Company Size √ √ Blister Copper Capacity - √ Refined Copper Capacity - √ Normal Daily Output - √ Actual Daily Output - √ Refined Copper Output This Month - √ Operating Rate √ √ Copper Concentrate Inventory √ √ √ √ Refined Copper Inventory √ √ Price Forecast √ - Reasons for Price Forecast √ - Export √ √ Spot TC/RC and Copper Concentrate Imoport √ - Remark √ - Capacity Output Operating Rate Inventory Price Forecast database.metal.com Invnetory of Other Raw Mateirals (Blister Copper, Scrap Copper, etc.) TEL:+86 21 5155 0306 E-mail:service.en@smm.cn
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