Ea arlsfiield P Prima ary Sc chooll New wslettter Earlsfie eld Primary School Tran nmere Roa ad Londo on SW188 3QQ Th he London Borough of o Wandsw worth Issue 1 16 Monday 122th January 20 015 We ha ad a great starrt to the new term last week! It was nice to see th he children in n school lookin ng fit and heaalthy after the eir break. In the two weekss before Christmas, our non n‐ dance tumbled d from 2.8% to 3.4% due to o the sickness bug that has been hitting sschools and soome classes w were down by 50%. attend Hopefully this has n now passed bu ut we are impressing upon the children tthe importancce of hand waashing and being dressed priately in thee poor weatheer. Many of yo ou promote thhat message aat home, thank you! approp We ma anaged to ach hieve a great deal last wee ek. • On Monday, w O we were visited d by Tim Bentton of Indepe ndent Thinkin ng who certain nly livened upp the room! http:///www.indepeendentthinkingg.co.uk/peoplle/associates‐‐a‐c/tim‐bento on.aspx Tim ttalked to the sstaff about fearless teachin ng and taking risks, someth hing that is diffficult to do in a prescriptivee curriculum. • On Tuesday se O enior leaders m met with each h year group tto talk about aattainment an nd progress off the children.. • On Wednesday O y Key Stage 2 sang beautifu ully with Mr H Hopcraft ‐ we don’t understtand why our r choir numbers are so low! • On Thursday Y O Year 5 started their vocal prroject – in aroound 8 weeks they will be at the Royal Feestival Hall sin nging in front o of family and friiends! • On Friday Alex O x Webster starrted work with Year 2 on thheir animation n project; Year 5 visited thee Tower of Lon ndon; Year 1 h had an amazin ng Astrodomee in the bottom m hall and another set of pprospective paarents visited the school. As you u know childreen are currenttly levelled in their work ussing the National Curriculum m levels e.g. 22A, 3B etc. Fro om September levels as we know them w will be disappearing. This w will be a huge shift in the cu ulture of assesssment. This iss a significant piece of reform and h we have deccided to workk alongside a ffew other Wa ndsworth schools as we de evelop our sysstem. Mrs Harre and I attend ded our as such first m meeting on Frid day and otherr staff will be iinvolved alongg the way. We e will be holdiing a meeting g on this in the e summer term m. In the meanttime I would liike to direct yyou to relevan nt articles but there are so m many out therre I would sugggest that you u have a web b browse for ‘Liffe without Levvels’. Happy reeading! Debbie e Stockwell (LLearning Mentor) will now be working thhree days a we eek – Monday y to Wednesdday. If you wish to leave a m message for Debbie on a Thu ursday or Fridaay you may do o so by approaaching the sch hool office. Thank you u for all your h help in reduciing the amount of cash we e handle in school. We had a raftt of people siggn up for Pare ent Mail last w week. We ad for the officce so if you ha ave internet isssues at have also bought an iPa nd use the AP P. We hope to o have this up p and home you can pop in an website is also o up to date and all running in the next two weeks. The w dates are ccurrent. Pleasse check in reggularly. The PTA w will be moving swiftly into a ction on Thurrsday 5th February for Earlsfield's annual Quizz Night. Pleasee start gettingg your teams o of 6 n preparation for a great niight! Ticket ap pplication form ms together in coming ho ome in Book B Bags soon. We hope yyou can join u us on 27th Jan uary to discuss E Safety. Th he meeting w will promote awareness wit h parents of yyounger childrren and challenge parents of old der children oon their underrstanding of so ocial ng. Did you know that childrren under the e age of 13 sho ould not networkin be registered on Faccebook, Instaggram and most social netw work sites? Do you know wh ho are on friennd’s lists? Havve you met them? Just a few tthings to think about. Everyy year we havve a few issuess with older children in Yea ars 5 and 6 whho shouldn’t b be registered iin the first place! If the issues raise them mselves in sch hool then we ffeel that as a school we havve a duty to taackle that as tthey shouldn’t be ered with thesse sites in the first place! registe n has returned to Australia. Her post hass been taken b by Nichole Cra awley. NIcholle will be working in a number of Finallyy, Kym Newton classro ooms with you ur children an nd we offer he er a warm wel come and hope she enjoyss her time at EEarlsfield. Have aa good week. Steve TTrow Earlsfield All Stars Class Star Student Whole school Star of the Week RD RS 1B 1H Sam Cai Joshua Rory 1K 2P 2S 2T Ruby Ameera Suha Harry 3A 3V 4A 4V Sam Lola Aisha Nouman 5D 5R 6S 6W Sam Zain Tabby Lucy Camara – fantastic learning and enthusiasm in all areas – this has been noticed by lots of other adults around the school. Phase Stars Reception Key Stage 1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2 Isaac M Aahil Taliyah Maida 100 435 98 99 98 430 96 425 420 Weekly 94 Termly 92 90 415 88 410 Piccadilly Kensington Paddington Waterloo 96 95 96 95 94 Weekly Termly
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