Weekly Bulletin - Saint Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas Parish
24252 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637
(949) 837-1090; FAX (949) 837-9510; www.st-nicholaschurch.org
School of Religious Education: (949) 837-7676
Our Parish Mission Statement
St. Nicholas Parish is a Catholic community, celebrating our faith
through the Sacraments, Liturgy, Prayer and Service. We strive to nurture family life
and to create one body out of many in the Lord.
We share the Good News with people of all ages, cultures and faith backgrounds.
Senior Priest:
In Residence
Visiting Priest
Visiting Priest
Visiting Priest
Visiting Priest
Spanish Deacon
Pastoral Intern
Rev. Richard Delahunty
Rev. Michael Mai Khai Hoan
Rev. Timothy MacCarthy, Retired
Rev. Msgr. Colm Conlon
Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Gibson
Rev. Msgr. John Campbell
Rev. Gerald Walker
Wayne Thompson
Luis Gallardo
Phuong Nguyen
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 P.M., 7:00 P.M. in Spanish
Sunday: 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 10:45 A.M., 12:30 P.M.,
and 5:00 pm in Vietnamese.
Monday through Friday: 7:00 A.M., and 9:00 A.M.
Saturday at 9:00 A.M.
Filipino Mass: 5:30 P.M. First Saturdays, October-June.
Holy Days: 4PM Vigil; 7AM, 9AM, 12PM, 6PM, and
7:30PM (Vietnamese)
Saturday 9:45-10:15 A.M., and 3:00-3:45 P.M.,
or by appointment.
Fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M.
Arrangements must be made a month in advance.
Parents must attend two preparation sessions.
Arrangements must begin at least three months in
advance with a priest of the parish.
Call Parish Office in an emergency.
Special Service celebrated in fall/spring as announced.
At the death of a family member, please call the
Parish Office at your earliest convenience to plan
for the Mass of Christian Burial.
24-hour adoration begins the second Wednesday
of the month at the 9:00 A.M. Mass.
Wednesday evenings at 7:30 P.M.
Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Benediction.
Parish Office Hours: Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M.
Monday through Friday: 9A.M. -12 Noon; 1P.M. - 4:30P.M.;
6P.M. - 8P.M. Saturday: 9A.M. - 12 Noon
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel story of John and his disciples seeing and following
Jesus sounds so simple and casual, it’s easy to miss the significant
acts of faith that are made.
John points to Jesus: “Look,” he says, “there is the Lamb of
God.” John’s faith in Jesus is evident, so evident that John’s
disciples immediately leave his side to follow this Jesus.
The two disciples make their own act of faith. They follow
Jesus, spend time with him, and are quick to spread the good news
of their discovery: “We have found the Messiah.”
It is easy to forget that the expectations of generations, the
hopes of many ages of faithful people were being fulfilled in these
simple acts of faith. The Lamb of God, the Messiah, foretold by the
prophets, had finally come. Nearly everyone among the Jewish
people was watching for the Messiah back then; who in our own
society watches for signs of the presence of the Messiah today?
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Start the New Year with….
Pastoral Services Appeal News:
We are grateful to all our generous donors for their
participation in the 2014 PSA Appeal
which closed on December 31st, 2014.
A final report will be out in mid-January. All
donations from this point on will be credited to the
2015 Appeal, which will begin on February 14 & 15.
Be on the lookout for more information.
And again, thank you for your generosity!
God bless you!
Fr. Dick’s Bible Study
Meets on Fridays at 9:45AM
upstairs in the Parish Center—Room 201
The main presentation each week is on the
Readings for the up-coming Sunday.
Come, join in and bring your Bible.
All are welcome!
The Parish and School of Religious
Education Offices
Will be closed on Monday, January 19,
in observance of the
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday.
One Mass will be celebrated at 9AM on
Monday, January 19th.
Parish Liturgical Secretary:
Business Manager:
Ministry to Sick & Homebound:
Director, Youth Ministry
Director, Religious Education
Religious Education:
Music Ministry:
Plant Supervisor:
Cate Wolski
Irma Contreras
Karen Falagrady
Barbara Price
Gwen Wieser
Gwen Wieser
Debbie Treister
Emett Loera
Steve Burton
(949) 837-1090, Ext. 116
Sr. Maria Loan Tran, LHC, (949) 837-1090, Ext 137
Stewardship of Treasure
“Stewardship is not about our generosity; it is our response to God’s generosity.”
January 11
52-Weekly Required Budget
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Calendar This Week
7AM No 7AM Mass—Martin Luther King Day
9AM Connie and Clara Ambrico (d)
7AM Pacita Enrile
9AM Funeral Mass for Donald Oschmann
7AM Sylvia Nobat (d)
9AM Joyce Lizardo (d)
7AM Thomas Truyen Nguyen
9AM Funeral Mass for Margarite Muessel
7AM Joseph Conroy (d)
9AM Kailana Ha—Birthday
9AM Funeral Mass for Noelle Sothie Elliott
4PM In Thanksgiving
7PM Alejandro Chavarro
7:30AM Richard Madrid (d)
9:00AM For the Parish
10:45AM Eric Bernardi (d)
12:30PM Fr. Benedict Grueshell (d)
We Remember
Donald Oschmann, Margarite Muessel
Frances Schmidt and Hugo Lara
who entered their new and eternal life
in Christ. Our parish condolences are
extended to their families.
Grant them eternal rest, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19
Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.
MONDAY—Martin Luther King Day
Mass at 9AM only
Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM
7th & 8th SRE Classes, Parish Center downstairs, 7PM
Confirmation I, Parish Center upstairs, 7PM
St. Nicholas Chorale, Small Hall, 7:15PM
ESL Classes, Rooms B&C, 9AM
Council Catholic Women Exec Committee, Small Hall, 10AM
Charismatic Prayer Group, Room A, 10AM
Library Ministry, Room C, 2PM
Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM
Knights of Columbus, Room 104, 6PM
Devotions & Benediction, Church, 7:30PM
Filipino Choir, Small Hall, 8PM
St. Vincent de Paul, Room C, 7:30AM
Faith Alive, Room A, 10AM
Hispanic RCIA, Room B, 6:30PM
Hispanic Council Meeting, Room C, 6:30PM
RCIA, Rooms 201-204, 7PM
St. Nicholas Choir, Small Hall, 7:15PM
Teen Choir, Choir Loft/Church, 7:30PM
Fr. Dick, Bible Study, Room 201, 9:45AM
Divine Mercy, Room C, 1:45PM
Hispanic Bible Study, Small Hall, 7PM
Hispanic Choir, Room C, 4PM
Baptisms—English, Church, 2PM
Interfaith Choralfest, Church, 6:30PM
Interfaith Choralfest Reception, Parish Center, after the event
Micah’s Way—Second Collection
Next weekend, January 24-25, a second collection will
be taken for Micah’s Way, a charity that originated at
St. Nicholas over 10-years ago, and continues to serve
the poorest of the poor in Orange County.
Please help us continue our work.
We thank you in advance for your generosity!
Psalm: Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20
Your bodies are members of Christ; glorify God in your
Gospel: John 1:35-42
The first disciples saw where Jesus was staying and
they stayed with him.
Attention Parishioners
This is cold/flu season, so please do not be offended
if other parishioners do not offer their hand during
the Sign of Peace or at the Our Father.
Thank you for your
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
School of Religious Education
In observance of the Martin Luther King Holiday, there
will be NO SRE CLASSES on Monday, January 19th.
Tuesday and Wednesday Classes will meet on
January 20 and 21st as usual.
ATTENTION: Parents of Students in our SRE
Second Grade First Communion Preparation:
The students will be making their
Saturday, January 31st.
Please meet in the Large Hall at 10:15 AM.
The Reconciliation Service will last approximately
one hour. If you have any questions, please contact
the SRE Office at 837-7676.
Check us out on Facebook!
Teen/Family Choir Rehearsals:
Thursday, January 22 at 7:30PM in the Choir Loft
Teen/Family 4PM Mass on January 31st--Join us!
Confirmation II Retreat Leaders:
Meeting on Tuesday, January 27 at 6:30PM
and then we’ll join the Confirmation II Students
for their Confirmation Class at 7PM.
Please pray for the Confirmation Candidates and
their leaders who are on retreat this weekend!
7th & 8th Grades and Confirmation I Classes will meet
on Tuesday, January 20 at 7PM in scheduled classes.
TODAY! Sunday—January 18
Outside the Church Large Parking Lot
Today, Sunday, January 18, volunteers for Concern
America will be here with a Craft Sale featuring unique
quality handcrafts that provide us with the opportunity to
purchase conscientiously. The gifts we find for special
events, holidays, or to brighten our own homes are an
exchange of caring with impoverished communities in
developing countries. This year we have many new
crafts from Bangladesh, El Salvador, Guatemala and
Mexico. Inspired by nature, these beautifully handcrafted
textiles, ceramics and wood products, honor indigenous
traditions, and were selected to be reminders that when a
Concern America product is purchased we are providing
a source of income to materially poor communities;
promoting human scale endeavors; eco-friendly work
patterns; and fair working conditions.
Concern America is an international development and
refugee aid organization based in Santa Ana. View a
selection of their crafts at www.concernamerica.org.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day;
Julian Calendar Theophany (Epiphany)
St. Fabian; St. Sebastian
Wednesday: St. Agnes
Thursday: Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of
Unborn Children
St. Vincent; St. Marianne Cope
Saturday: St. Francis de Sales
We are OPEN January 18th; CLOSED January 25th
We are now open two Sundays a month,
the first & third Sunday of the month.
We have many helpful books—come in and see!
FREE book cart, pamphlets, rosaries, prayer cards!
We need volunteers for the Library one Sunday a month.
The Library Hours: Sunday 10AM to 12:30PM &
Wednesday, 2PM to 4PM.
The Library is located behind the Parish Office in Room C.
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
South County Outreach thanks all those parishioners who
donated toys or other items for Christmas —
you made many children SMILE!!
Our annual Parish Mission will be in the evenings
starting March 15th through the 18th
Fr. Tom McCarthy, O.S.A., an experienced
teacher, administrator, retreat director and parish
mission preacher, will be with us to discuss
The Sacraments: The Treasures of Our Faith.
Food Donations in 2014
13,546 pounds of food was donated by St. Nicholas
parishioners. SOC Families -WE THANK YOU!!!
Be sure to mark the dates on your calendar!
For those who are ill and their caregivers
Celebration in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes
Saturday, February 7 at 10AM—St. Columban Church
10801 Stanford Ave, Garden Grove, 714-534-1174
Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Principal Celebrant
Coming in May…“A Taste of St. Nicholas”
Mass and ceremonies for anointing of the sick, laying on
of hands, blessing of caregiver’s hands
and blessing with Lourdes water.
On May 16th, our Parish will have a Festival Event called,
“A Taste of St. Nicholas.”
This event will combine Ethnic Foods,
Carnival Games and a Ministry Fair.
Additionally, we will have a Silent Auction which will be
the main fund raising activity for the entire
50th Jubilee Celebration!
Evening Prayer for Life
Come pray for an End to Abortion
with members of Clergy, Religious
Communities, and Representatives
of all Parishes in Orange County.
Thursday, January 22, at 7PM
Christ Cathedral Arboretum
13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove
Reception & Ministry Fair to follow in Cultural Center
Bishop Vann invites our Catholic community as well as
all people of good will to join together for a day of
fasting, prayer and works of charity in our desire to
restore a culture of life and a civilization of love.
We will hear compelling witness stories and
honor Ruth Rozak, Director of Life Center, Santa Ana.
We need donations for this Silent Auction and the type of
items that we have in mind are:
♦ A boat for an afternoon or evening cruise for 4 to 6
people with the owner
♦ A Resort Hotel, Vacation Cabin or Condo for a
weekend or a few days
♦ Tickets to a Sporting Event
♦ Round of Golf for a foursome
♦ Tickets for Special Events: Concerts, Pageant of the
Masters, etc.
♦ Dinner for 2 or more at a nice Restaurant
♦ Free sitting at a Photography Studio
♦ Discount on Lasik Surgery
♦ Free Dental Services
♦ Gift Baskets
♦ Valuable Ceramics or Art Work
If you are able to help with the donation of an item or
service, please contact Marie Thomas—949-460-0525 or
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Did You Know…
Building St. Nicholas Church
Very shortly after the ground-breaking ceremony on
Dec. 5, 1965, work commenced on the church,
rectory and small hall. Father Sporrer photographed
and filmed the construction with a watchful eye in
his imitable style. The day the footings were put in,
Father Sporrer noticed that they were not located
exactly where they should be. He advised the job
superintendent of the fact and was told, “Don’t
worry about it. We will adjust as we go along with
the job.” Father revved up his motorcycle and ran it
through the footings, destroying them. “Now you
will put them where they belong,” he said.
He posted progress reports and pictures in the
bulletin on a monthly basis.
Next week, we will feature interesting information
on the interior of the Church!
The St. Nicholas Knights of Columbus...
would like to thank those parishioners who have
generously donated a vehicle to the Knights.
These parishioners have received a tax deduction
for their vehicle and all the proceeds
received by the Council will be used to benefit the
parish and/or the community.
Should you, or anyone you know anywhere in the
United States, wish to donate a vehicle,
please contact any Council Member
or phone Ron Wells at 949-606-5089.
Mark your calendars!! Plan to attend….
The St. Nicholas Parish Choirs
and our St. Nicholas 5oth Anniversary Committee presents….
“Community of Faith Choralfest” — January 25 at 6:30 PM
in St. Nicholas Church
As part of our 50th Anniversary celebration,
St. Nicholas Parish is hosting a neighborhood choir festival.
Our “9:00 am” and “10:45 am” choirs will be joined by the Cantors from Temple
Judea, as well as the choirs from Lutheran Church of the Cross (including their
handbell ensemble), Geneva Presbyterian Church, Laguna Country Methodist
Church, and St. George’s Episcopal Church, for an evening of outstanding,
scripture-based music. A nice reception will follow in the Parish Center. Come
experience the music of our own great choirs, as we share our ministry with
that of our fellow liturgical musicians who serve their own congregations
here in the Laguna Woods community. Admission is FREE!
(If you wish to help support this program financially, see Emett, Music Director.)
(This Choralfest program may not be suitable for very small children.)