Into all the World - North Lexington Church of Christ

Privileged to Serve January 18
D E AC O N S :
Danny Brown
Terry Carter
David Crutchfield
JT Dunn
Dennis Faulkner
David Gardner
Paul Glenn
Dan Guffey
Jason McReynolds
Ken Morgan
Brandon Rader
Ron Ray
Bobby Ricks
Alan Robinson
Greg Simmons
Steve Johnson
Bart Rogers
Wickliff Moore
Ken Sturdivant
P R E AC H E R S :
Steve Johnson
Brian Egerton
S E C R E T AR Y :
Sarah Faulkner
Bible Study --- 9:30 am
Worship ----- 10:30 am
Worship ----- 6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2280 Hume Road, Lexington, KY 40516
Phone (859) 299-9511
Building Blocks Preschool
Meets every Tuesday
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
September - May
Prepare Communion------------------------------- Faulkners
Collect Cards -------- C. Thacker, M. Robinson, A. Alcorn
Ushers--------- Ken Morgan, Chris Free, David Gardner
Hospital Baskets ------------------------------- Tammy Lewis
Meal Coordinator ------------------------------ Tammy Lewis
Count Team -------------------------- Chris Keath, Matt Holt
Song Leader -------------------------------------- Bart Rogers
Preside Lord’s Table ------------------------- Ken Sturdivant
Serve ----------------------- David Parsley, Andrew Rogers
Jim Lewis, Jerry Wise, Lincoln Justice
Jason Justice, Michael Orr, Michael McVey
Scripture Reading ---------------------------- Rusty Lewis III
Opening Prayer --------------------------------------- Ed Little
Announcements ---------------------------------Bobby Ricks
Closing Prayer -----------------------------------David Rader
A/V PC ------------------------------------ Jason McReynolds
MAC -----------------------------------------------------Ron Ray
Attend Nursery ----------- Jenny Asher, Cindy Sturdivant
Greeters --------------------- Gina Parsley, Sabrina Rader
Song Leader --------------------------------- Kwaku Osebreh
Opening Prayer ------------------------------ Kendell Seaton
Scripture Reading ---------------------------- Ted Nicholson
Preside Lord’s Table ------------------------- Gene McCarty
Serve ---------------------------------- Conner Holt, Matt Holt
Announcements ---------------------------------Bobby Ricks
Closing Prayer -------------------------------------- J.T. Dunn
A/V PC --------------------------------------- Dennis Faulkner
Mac ------------------------------------------------------Ron Ray
Greeters ---------------------- Dean Dunn, Genny McCarty
WEDNESDAY, Janua ry 21
Song Leader --------------------------------------John Lugger
Invitation ----------------------------------------- Kalib Lindsey
Announcements ---------------------------------Bobby Ricks
Closing Prayer ----------------------------------- Terry Carter
A/V PC ---------------------------------------------- Nick Lowell
MAC -----------------------------------------------------Ron Ray
Greeters ------------------- Ashley Wilkes, Alyson Kennon
Today’s Sermons
“Laying the Right Foundation”
Last Sunday
Year Ago
Bible Study ....................... .213……....……239
AM Worship ....................... 302 .…………..335
PM Worship ....................... 144…….......... 175
Wednesday ....................... 166 …….........219
Contribution ................ $12,072 …........$9,151
Budget ........................ $13,220…........$11,706
A.M. You Have Heard that it Was Said
Matthew 5:38-48
P.M. Laboring in Vain
Psalm 127:1-5
Contact elder for January
Steve Johnson
Volume XLVII
Into all
the World
Campton, KY
Larry Shoemaker
Cynthiana, KY
Licking Valley
Dry Ridge, KY
(Grant County)
Jerry Carmichael
Frenchburg, KY
(Menifee County)
Randy Imel
Hawesville, KY
George Jensen
Jackson, KY
Virgil McIntosh
Apologetics Press
Montgomery, AL
Bear Valley Preacher Schools
Keith Kasarjian
Bible School of the Americas
Panama City, Panama
Calovebora, Panama
Silvestre Vasquez
Victor Jimines
Jose Rodriguez
Colon, Panama
Huaral, Peru
Mission Trip
Latin America
Jack Farber
Panama Satellite Bible Schools
Simion Vasquez
El Salvador
Busia, Uganda
.... ....
“Forgiving Yourself
Sunday, January 25, 7:30 a.m.
WDKY-TV Cable Channel 7
John Kachelman
India, Myanmar
Louis & Bonnie Rushmore
January 18, 2015
No. 3
Family Matters
“Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty we are
free at last!” In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered one of the most
dynamic and influential speeches in the history of our country from the
steps of the Lincoln Memorial that ended with these powerful words. This
speech took place during the famous March on Washington and was a
defining moment of the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King, Jr.
had been preaching about his dream for freedom for all people in America
regardless of race or skin color beginning in 1960, which culminated into
his “I Have A Dream” speech. The famous last words from this speech
gave all Americans hope of equality, freedom from segregation and
discrimination, and a better future.
I wonder what the world would be like if we were all as passionate
about freedom as Martin Luther King, Jr.? We talk a lot about the great
joys of living in a free country. We love the fact that we live in a
democratic nation where we have the right to speak freely and voice our
opinions. Since we say we love freedom so much, why is it that we find
ourselves constantly running back into slavery? Paul, in writing to the
Church in Galatia, observed that they were doing the same thing. “For
freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit
again to a yoke of slavery.” (Gal. 5:1) As children of God, Christ has set
us free from the slavery of sin through His blood! Christ has set us free
from the worst kind of slavery that we could ever imagine, but for some
reason we find ourselves constantly running back to the shackles. Again,
Paul said to the Romans, “There is therefore now no condemnation for
those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you
free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what
the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in
the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in
order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us,
who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” (Rom.
8:1-4) What an amazing thought!
Christ loved us so much that He came and offered Himself that we
might be free. With that sacrifice Christ left us with a choice. We can
choose to run back to the shackles of sin and be enslaved to it or we can
stand triumphantly with great passion and say, “Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty we are free at last!”
~Brian Egerton
Prayer List
Tibby Beck
Betty Carpenter
Frank Carroll
Pearl Couch
Rhonda Juett
Bob Kirby
Charlene Lugger
Michael McVey
Phil Owens
Virginia Rice
Wayne Sebastian
Foster & Deloris Sword
Keith & Agatha Wallace
Alberta Yonts
Betty Beard [Holt]
Debbie Bowen [Logan]
Bobby Bradley [May]
Donna Cochran [Corman]
Margaret Coffey [Leonard]
Wirt Cook [Warne]
Crystal Cooley [Onesi]
Kay Crawford [Bratcher]
Rhodella Fleming [Fleming]
Janis Friend [Wall]
Melody Gibson [McReynolds]
Judy Gloy [Lewis]
Lance Gorlow [Gorlow]
Clay Hawks
Dennis Hogan [Taylor]
Tammy Hunt [Whitt]
Bertie Jeffries [Faulkner]
Carl Lamkin [Wilkerson]
Judi Lewis [Simpson]
Erica Lutes [Wise]
Ken Marshall [Simpson]
Eula McGuire [Grow]
Charles Morris [Delpont]
Jon Morris [Wallace]
Gary Murphy [Simpson]
Jackie O’Donnell [Reilly]
Peggy Rice [Justice]
Deloris Rogers [Rogers]
John Rogers [Yonts]
Vicky Rogers [Rogers]
Kathy Russel [Sturdivant]
Bill Silvia [Ray]
Patsy Smith [Whitman]
Larry Spicer [Spicer]
Kathleen Stone [M. Wise]
Stephanie Trefz
Todd Walker
Daena Ward [Whitt]
Barbara Whitt [Whitt]
Michele Whitaker [Sturdivant]
Opal Williams [Whitt]
Calvin Wise [Wise]
Brianna Wright [Simpson]
R e m e m b e r i n P r ay e r
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
-Matthew 21:22
 Bonnie Wise fell and broke her hip.
She had full hip replacement surgery at
Good Samaritan Hospital on Thursday.
She will remain there a few days.
 Wick Moore fell and sprained his foot,
and must stay off of it as much as
possible. His back surgery went well. Please pray for him as he
recuperates from the surgery and the fall.
 Linda Moore has the same back condition as Wick. She is also in
considerable pain, and will be scheduling surgery soon.
 Carolyn Simpson’s father has been in the hospital with an
infection. He was expecting to be released from the hospital Friday.
 Joy Yonts requests prayers for Lenville Yonts, brother to Gary
Yonts. He had triple heart bypass surgery on January 2nd.
 Christene Fleming requests prayers for her mother-in-law,
Rhodella Fleming. She is dealing with an eye infection.
 Sharon Allen has requested prayers for Clyde Taylor, who is her
uncle and Joe Taylor’s brother. He is suffering from a broken
vertebra and is in severe pain. He will be going to Vanderbilt Hospital
for back surgery in February.
 Sean LaBuy has requested prayers for Betty Jo Shearer. Her
condition is now serious following an auto collision.
 Gina Parsley has requested prayers for her friend, Frances Barna.
Frances has had another stroke. She is only 31 and has 3 young
children. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
I n Sy m p a t hy
We offer our condolences to Denise Ray and her
family. Her aunt, Ann Mayberry, passed away last Sunday
and the funeral was Wednesday in Franklin, Tennessee.
Please keep them in your prayers.
Te a c h e r Wo r k s h o p
We are hosting a Teacher’s
Workshop January 31st from 9:00–
3:00. Our speaker will be April
Meacham, and she will provide
information, bring visual aids to show
(and to purchase if interested), and
answer questions to help us be more
effective teachers. Area
congregations have been invited,
and lunch will be provided. Please
sign up on the list in the hallway.
L o o ki n g A h e a d
TODAY - Congregational Potluck - Team 3 Host
TODAY - Younger L2L Storyline Filming - 2-6 PM - Room 113
MONDAY - Central KY Youth Rally - 10:30-4:30 - Rolling Hills
Church of Christ Meet at the building at 9:15 AM
WEDNESDAY - Teen Souper Wednesday & Devotional - 5:45 PM - MPR
FRIDAY - The Agape Group - 10:30 AM - MPR
FRIDAY - Singing Night & Potluck - 6:30 PM - MPR
January 27 - Singing at Sayre Christian Village - 6:45 PM
January 31 - Teacher Workshop - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
February 8 - Teen Valentine Lunch Babysitting - 12:00-2:30 PM - MPR
 Please get the Lads to Leaders paperwork in to Brian Egerton. The
youth who have already turned in paperwork have a list in their mailboxes.
Please verify the information, make any changes needed, and then return
the slips to Brian. Please sign the sheet on the bulletin board if everything is
correct. Pre-convention events must be completed by TUESDAY.
The sign-up sheets for 2015 are posted on the bulletin board in the foyer. If you can help to
prepare communion, deliver hospital baskets, or coordinate meals for those in need, please
sign up.
Two volunteers are needed on Tuesdays for the Building Blocks Preschool Program. If you
can assist, please sign up on the sheet posted in the foyer.
There is a sign-up sheet for food for the Teen Souper Wednesdays. Please sign up today!
If you plan to go to Perfect North for snow tubing on January 31st, please sign up on the list
on the foyer bulletin board by January 21st.
Vo l u n t e e r s N e e d e d !
Are you looking for a way to be more involved in 2015? Or maybe you
would like to try something new! Please consider helping in these areas:
Deliver Hospital Baskets
Prepare Teaching Materials
Lead Singing at Owenton
Help with the Preschool Program
Provide Transportation to Services Prepare Communion
Teach a Bible Class
Coordinate Meals
Local Evangelism
Most jobs are one-time, once a month, or for one month. Pray about it, and remember:
Every Member, Every Task, Every Soul!
Pantry Items Needed
Chicken and Dumplings Canned Pears
1 pound canned ham
Canned Whole Potatoes
Chicken Noodle Soup