INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY REGIONAL CENTRE, C-1 INSTITUTIONAL AREA BHUBANESWAR-751013 Dated: 25th August, 2014 Sub: Re-Registration Form January, 2015 – MAWGS – II and IV Semester Dear Student, You must be busy with your studies of ____ semester of MAWGS. Now it is the time for Re-Registration for II and IV Semester of MAWGS. The course details for MAWGS – II and IV Semester are given in the table below: Semester II S. No. Course Code 1 MWG 3 2 MWG 4 3 MWGP 1 Course Constructing Gender through Arts & Media Gendered Bodies & Sexualities Project Work Semester IV Specialization A: Gender, Literature, Culture (Group – I) Semester IV S. No. Course Code Course 1 MWG 7 Postmodernism & Gender 2 MWG 8 Gender & Life Narratives OR Specialization B: Women‟s Studies (Group – II) Semester – IV 1 MWG 10 Women & Political Process 2 MWG 11 Women in Economy Credits 8 8 2 Credits 8 8 8 8 A student can pay the fee of Rs. 3000/- per semester pertaining to „one semester‟ only at a time. The Re-Registration form is enclosed along with this letter. You are required to fill-in the same irrespective of whether you have appeared/not appeared in the Term-End Examination for the courses registered earlier for MAWGS programme. For Re-Registration to Semester – II and IV of MAWGS, following actions are required at your end: (1) Fill in the enclosed Re-Registration Form. (2) Remit Re-Registration Fee as mentioned in the enclosed form. (3) The filled-in form along with the Demand Draft towards the Re-Registration Fee should be mailed to the address given below from 1st August 2014 to 01st October 2014 positively. (4) The last date for submitting the Re-Registration Form with a late fee as per schedule: For January, 2015 session 01.08.2014 to 01.10.2014 03.10.2014 to 31.10.2014 01.11.2014 to 30.11.2014 01.12.2014 to 20.12.2014 (5) Late Fee - Nil Rs.200/Rs.500/Rs.1000/- The Re-Registration Forms received after the due date will be summarily rejected. The envelope containing the Course Re-Registration Form and Demand Draft should be super scribed with the words “RE-REGISTRATION FORM MAWGS – January 2015” at the top left corner of the envelope. With best wishes, Encl. : Re-Registration Form Address of the Regional Centre Yours sincerely, Regional Director IMPORTANT NOTES (1) Please write your Name, Programme Code and Enrolment Number on the back of the Bank Draft to ensure proper credit to your fee account. (2) Re-Registration fee is to be paid by means of a Bank Draft obtained from any of the Scheduled Banks in the name of IGNOU and should be payable at BHUBANESWAR. (3) Change/Correction of Address and Study Centre : There is a printed proforma for change/correction of address and change of Study Centre provided in the Programme Guide given/sent to the admitted learners along with the study material in the very first lot of dispatch. In case there is any correction/change in the address, the learners are advised to make use of the proforma provided in the Programme Guide and send it to the Regional Director concerned who will make necessary corrections in the database and transmit the corrected data to Registrar, Student Registration Division, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068. Requests received directly at SRD, New Delhi, or any other Office of the University will not be entertained. The form of change of address can also be downloaded from IGNOU Website : Learners are advised not to write letters to any other officer in the University in this regard. Normally, it takes 4-6 weeks to effect the change. Therefore, the learners are advised to make their own arrangements to redirect the mail to the changed address during this period. In case a change of Study Centre is desired, the learners are advised to fill the Proforma and address it to the Regional Centre concerned. Since counselling facilities are not available for all Programmes at all the Centres, learners are advised to make sure that counselling facilities are available, for their subjects, at the new centre they have opted for. Request for change of Study Centre is normally accepted subject to availability of seat for the programme at the new centre asked for. Change of Address and Study Centre are not permitted until admissions are finalized. Similarly, change of Study Centre is not permissible in programmes where practical components are involved. (4) Non-receipt of Study Materials : In case of non-receipt of study material and current assignments please contact the concerned Regional Centre (5) Identity Cards are issued by the Regional Centre. In case of loss, the student may get duplicate identity card on payment of Rs. 200/- by means of demand draft drawn in favour of IGNOU and payable at BHUBANESWAR. (6) Change of Address is not permitted until the commencement of session. (7) For any other problem, please write to the Regional Director. INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY COURSE RE-REGISTRATION FORM FOR MAWGS (II and IV Semester) January, 2015 Enrolment No. Regional Centre Code Student Centre Code Semester to which registration is sought (Please √ in appropriate box:) : MAWGS II 1. 2. IV Name of the Student (in capital letters): _______________________________________________________ Complete Address : ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Details of fee paid: Draft is to be made in the name of IGNOU payable at BHUBANESWAR. a. Name of the Bank ________________________________ Place ____________________________________ b. Bank Draft No. ___________________________________ Dated ___________________________________ c. Amount Rs. _________________________________________________________________________________ (Rs. 3000/- + the late fee as applicable) (If you have paid the fee by way of Challan at the designated Bank Branch, attach the Challan, in original). I hereby register for the following courses of 2nd OR 4th semester (choose either 2nd or 4th with √ mark) of MAWGS commencing January.............. If registration is for 4th semester, choose either Specialization in Gender, Literature, Culture OR Specialization in Women’s Studies with √ mark in relevant specialization box. List of Courses The list of courses on offer for II & IV semesters is given below. All courses are compulsory. SI No. Course Code 1. MWG003 2. MWG004 MWGP001 3. Second Semester Title of the Type Course Course Constructing Gender Through Arts & Media Gendered Bodies & Sexualities Project Work of Credits SI No. Compulsory 8 1. Compulsory 8 2. Compulsory 2 3. 4. Note: 1) 2) 3) Fourth Semester Title of the Type of Credits Course Course Either Specialization in Gender, Literature, Culture MWG-007 Postmodernism Compulsory 8 & Gender Course Code MWG-008 Gender & Life Compulsory Narratives OR Specialization in Women’s Studies MWG-010 Women & Compulsory Political Process MWG-011 Women in Compulsory Economy 8 8 8 A student can pay the fee pertaining to „one semester‟ only at a time. For all the above courses, a student is eligible for appearing in TEE after six months of commencement of session. For this she/he is required to fill up the examination form as per schedule notified by the University. Please keep a photocopy of this form for your record. Date: _________ Signature of student E-mail : _________________________ Mobile/Ph. No. __________________ *Schedule for submission of Re-registration form at the Regional Centre only: S.No. July Session January Session Late Fee 1. 1st February to 31st March 1st August to 1st October Nil 2. 1st April to 30th April 3rd October to 31st October Rs.200/3 1st May to 31st May 1st November to 30th November Rs.500/4 1st June to 20th June 1st December to 20th December Rs.1000/PS: Students are required to fill-up compulsorily the statistical information in the enclosed AnnexureI of the RR Form. . ANNEXUR-I (to RR Form of JULY 2014 session) INFORMATION FOR STATISTICAL PURPOSE. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO FILL UP THIS ANNEXURE COMPULSORILY. 1. Name of student: __________________________ 2. Enrol. No.: 3. Programme Code: 4. Category: (Cross (X) the appropriate Box only) General SC ST OBC 5. Whether Kashmiri Migrant: (Write ( ) if applicable) 6. Whether Physically handicapped: (Write ( ) if applicable) 7. Whether minority: (Write ( ) if applicable) 8. Social Status: (Cross (X) the appropriate Box only) Ex-service man War-widow Not applicable 9. Employment Status: Cross (X) the appropriate Box only) Unemployed Employed IGNOU Employee KVS Employee 10. Religion: Cross (X) the appropriate Box only Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh Jain Buddhist Parsi Jews Others (Please specify ____________) 11. Details of Scholarship being received, if any. (a) Amount (annually) (b) Govt./Deptt. 12. Family income (yearly) Rs. Rs. TO O.I.G.S FROM: REGIONAL DIRECTOR, IGNOU, REGIONAL CENTRE, C-1 INSTITUTIONAL AREA, BHUBANESWAR-751013 BOOK POST
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