Auckland Pride Parade 2015 Information and Rules The mission of the Auckland Pride Festival is to facilitate New Zealand’s pre-eminent festival for the Rainbow Community (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Takatapui, Fa’afafine, Intersex, Queer) to celebrate our culture, sexual orientation and gender identity. The Auckland Pride Festival 2015 runs for three weeks and four weekends, from Saturday 7 February until Sunday 1 March, right across the Auckland region. The Auckland Pride Parade 2015 on Saturday 21 February is the main event and the divine spectacle of the Auckland Pride Festival, celebrating our wonderously diverse Rainbow Community, here in Aotearoa New Zealand. The theme for the Auckland Pride Parade 2015 is Gods and Monsters! The 2015 Pride Parade will start at 7.30pm. The Parade will begin at Western Park and will travel the length of Ponsonby Road to end at Three Lamps, running for 90 minutes. GODS & MONSTERS He tatai whetu ki te rangi, ko te ira tangata ki te whenua. The stars come out to play at the Auckland Pride Parade! This is your invitation to release the beauty, or the beast, within. Whether you’re marching down Ponsonby Road in the parade procession, dancing and prancing with the nymphs and satyrs, cheering on your followers from the back of a float, or just checking out the heavenly bodies. The Auckland Pride Parade is a time for revelation and celebration! Deities and mythical creatures tower over humanity. They are central to our story-telling and the great presence in our arts and culture. From the all-powerful beings who cover our nights with stars, to Maori taniwha and Chinese dragons, their magical force remains potent in all our lives. Ancient secrets live on in present day worlds. New Zealand has become a melting pot of cultures and peoples, each with their own gods and monsters, radiant divinities and cult beasts, saints and sinners, icons and pariahs, whose sexuality embraces every possible variation. The Greek male gods, like muscled Zeus and blond Apollo, often lusted for young men and whisked them off to the sky on eagle’s wings. The Australian Aboriginal rainbow serpent, Ungud, was transgendered. In Hawaii, Wahineomo was in passionate relationships with two other goddesses, Hi’iaka and Hopoe. For the Japanese, same-sex male love was introduced to the world by the godlovers Shinu no Hafuri and Ama no Hafuri, who could not endure separation. All of these beings of love and light, and our most delicious creatures of the night, will congregate together for a parade procession down Ponsonby Road on Saturday 21 February, commencing at the later time of 7.30pm. Come and join them in that magical summer twilight hour, when the inner self is released from the constraints of sunlight, when sexuality finds itself free in the shadows, when old tales come leaping into vivid life, and when every transformation is possible! Information and Rules for Pride Parade Entrants Who Can Enter 1 Eligibility falls into the following 2 categories: Category A All applications from Rainbow Community individuals, groups or organisations are welcome. Your entry need not be focused on LGBTTIF related messages. Category B Other organisations supporting or celebrating the Rainbow Community are welcome. You must communicate a clear, supportive and positive message relating to LGBTTIF people. 2 Entries must not be discriminatory, homophobic, racist or sexist. No entries of this kind will be accepted. 3 All entries must provide details of your artistic concept and production values (i.e. how you are going to make your vision a reality). This information will be used to help develop your overall look in order to deliver the best possible viewing experience for attendees. 4 Auckland Pride Festival Inc reserves the right to refuse participation to entries that have breached Parade guidelines. Assessment You will be assessed to ensure that your ideas are in alignment with the mission of the Auckland Pride Festival Inc. We will also assess your creative concepts and production standards, and will offer advice and support to ensure your entry reaches its creative potential. We want to assist you to inspire, excite and challenge the audience. Animals Dogs, cats, or other household pets are permitted in the Parade. We recommend that you make prior arrangements with the SPCA and Auckland Council Dog Patrol. In accordance with Auckland Council regulations, you are responsible for cleaning up after your animals in the Parade set-up area, along the Parade route, and in the pack-down area. Choreography/Performance Manoeuvers Please attach a description of all choreography, manoeuvres, formations, or other exhibitions that have the potential to slow or stop the pace of the Parade. Your description should include the time required for each manoeuver. You will be asked to demonstrate the manoeuvers at the Parade Participant Training Workshops. Failure to submit an accurate description of planned manoeuvers, or any attempt to insert a non-disclosed manoeuver on Parade day, may result in removal and/or denial of future participation in the Auckland Pride Parade. Conduct All Parade participants must demonstrate respect for the tone of the Parade and consideration for the audience. The following artistic guidelines will apply to all Parade participants in addition to Health, Safety and Logistical requirements: 1. Sexy is acceptable – sexual acts are not permitted 2. Provocative is acceptable – to shock is not acceptable 3. Satire is acceptable – degrading is not acceptable 4. Interaction is acceptable – altercation is not acceptable 5. Celebration is acceptable – crassness is not acceptable 6. Floats and individuals must not present images or messages that promote or condone violence or hatred of any person or group 7. Handing out food or beverages is strictly forbidden 8. Full nudity and genital displays are not permitted Corporate Businesses, Franchises and Third-Party Sponsorship Corporations or franchises must obtain written permission from the Auckland Pride Parade Director in order to participate in the Parade. No logos or trademarks from third party businesses or organisations are allowed without the express written permission of the Parade Director. Such permission, if granted, may include additional fees and conditions. Please contact us for more information. Lighting Lighting packages are now available. Given that it will/may still be light – and to ensure their effective use – face your lights towards reflective surfaces that will maximise illumination. Parade Marshalls There are three types of Parade Marshalls: • Float Marshalls (Float can mean walkers or vehicles) • Stationary Marshalls • Gap Marshalls Float Marshalls Every float must supply its own team of Float Marshalls, who will walk the Parade route with your float and act as safety marshalls. It is your responsibility to source these marshalls and ensure they are present on Parade day. If your entry includes a powered (electric, petrol or diesel) vehicle, additional marshalls will be required. Float Marshalls are required to attend a training session. At least one member of your group must also attend the training session. Training is mandatory for certification as a Float Marshall. The training sessions cover the Parade setup area, route, pack-down area, as well as health and safety information. Float Marshalls learn the 5 Safety Rules: • Nobody gets hurt • Float Marshalls must stay with their entry • Float Marshalls must be alcohol and drug free • No throwing anything into the crowd • No getting on or off vehicles You must have the correct number of trained Float Marshalls on the day of the Parade, otherwise this will jeopardize your participation in the Parade. No refund will be provided. How many Float Marshalls do you require? Examine the following table to determine how many Float Marshalls you require. If there are vehicles (e.g. trucks, cars, convertibles, floats) additional Float Marshalls will be required. Motorcycles do not count as vehicles. Walkers (No Vehicle) 1 to 5 people marching = 0 Float Marshalls 6 to 25 people marching = 2 Float Marshalls 26 to 50 people marching = 4 Float Marshalls 50+ = add another 2 Float Marshalls per 25 people Walkers and a Small Vehicle (based on 2 axles less than 3.5 meters apart, i.e. a car or small truck) 1 to 5 people marching plus vehicle = 2 Float Marshalls 6 to 25 people marching plus vehicle = 4 Float Marshalls 26 to 50 people marching plus vehicle = 6 Float Marshalls 50+ = add another 2 Float Marshalls per 25 people 2 marshals must remain on either side of the vehicle at all times Walkers and Large Vehicle (based on 2 axles more than 3.5 meters apart, i.e. a large truck) 1 to 5 people marching plus vehicle = 4 Float Marshalls 6 to 25 persons marching plus vehicle = 6 Float Marshalls 26 to 50 persons marching plus vehicle = 8 Float Marshalls 50+ = add another 2 Float Marshalls per 25 people 4 Float Marshalls must remain on either side of the vehicle at all times Small Vehicle (No Walkers) 2 Float Marshalls with one on each side of the vehicle located by the rear wheels Large Vehicle (No Walkers) 4 Float Marshalls with two on each side of the vehicle located by the wheels Examples: A Parade entry with 20 people and a car must have a total of 4 trained Float Marshalls: 2 for the car and 2 for the people. A Parade entry with 26 people and a large truck (float) must have a total of 8 trained Float Marshalls: 4 for the truck and 4 for the people. Stationary Marshalls Stationary Marshalls, provided by the Parade, are located at regular intervals along the entire Parade route. Their primary roles are to avert injury and prevent the crowd from moving onto the Parade route. Stationary Marshalls are complimented with Security Officers, as and when required. Stationary Marshalls are required to attend a training session. Gap Marshalls Gaps in the Parade can disrupt the steady flow of the procession. The primary role of Gap Marshalls is to minimize gaps and to ensure the flow of the Parade. The success of this plan depends on the cooperation of all Parade participants. Stationed along the Parade route on traffic Islands, the Gap Marshalls will provide instructions to your group to slow down, increase your speed, or resume a safe pace. Your Float Marshalls will be responsible for helping to get your group to comply with directions from Gap Marshalls. At no point should you be asked to assume a pace that is faster than what is safe for you, or for other participants in the Parade. Gap Marshalls are required to attend a training session. Order of Parade A number of factors determine your placement in the Parade, such as the theme, the number of large trucks in the Parade, the type of entries, the size of the entry, and the number of participants. With the Parade starting at the later time of 7.30pm, consideration will be given to those that wish to be placed towards the beginning of the Parade order. The Parade Director has the final say on the order of the Parade. Parade Route The Parade will begin in the set-up area (Crummer Road, Maidstone Street and Pollen Street) and proceed north along Ponsonby Road to the pack-down area (Pompallier Terrace, Redmond Street and Sheehan Street). Set-up is from 3.00pm. You must be in your allocated position, ready to depart, no later than the time that is given to you. The Parade will commence promptly at 7.30pm. Safety You must listen to and comply with all directions given by Parade Marshalls. In particular you must: • not throw items into the crowd • not board or dismount a moving vehicle • consider how many people can safely ride on your float A warning will be given to your group should any of these infractions occur, and a penalty of $500 for each infraction may be levied. If infractions continue after the warning has been given, your entry may be removed from the route. Traffic Islands The use of traffic islands is prohibited. Traffic islands are exclusively for the use of the Gap Marshalls and emergency stations. Training All volunteers and marshalls, as well as one of your group members, must attend the training sessions. You will be advised of the training dates via email. Vehicles Driver and Vehicle Information All drivers must possess a valid driver’s license, which will be checked at the training sessions and on the day of the Parade. All vehicles must be insured and registered for the day of the Parade. Vehicles must be road-worthy and in good operating condition. The pack-down area is designed for you to dismantle your vehicle and make it road-safe for removal. Please comply with New Zealand Road Code regulations. Automatic vehicles are preferred. Manual vehicles are most prone to breakdowns due to excessive clutch use. Ensure your vehicle has a first aid kit and a tool kit. Plan for a driver to stay with the vehicle at all times in the set-up area. Motorcycles If you wish to ride with the Dykes on Bikes, please do not fill out this application. Please contact the Auckland Pride Parade Director: Vehicle/Float Dimensions To follow are the maximum dimensions for floats that can be displayed on Ponsonby Road and in the pack-down and exit streets. Please contact us if your float will be larger than these dimensions. Height: 4 metres (to clear traffic lights, pedestrian crossing lights and power lines) Length: 12 metres (there is a sharp turn from Crummer Road into Ponsonby Road) Width: 3 metres (including rails) Street Clearance: 40 centimeters above the ground (to clear traffic island edges) Visibility You can increase your visibility during the Parade by: • Wearing matching coloured t-shirts, hats and headbands • Playing amplified music • Making effective use of lighting • Displaying signs (unbranded) and flags (unbranded) • Inviting your friends and family Waste Management We are endeavouring to keep the cost of running the Parade to a minimum – and in turn to keep the registration fees low. We need your help to achieve this. Please remove all rubbish from the set-up area before you commence onto the Parade route. There are rubbish bins located in this area. Please be respectful of resident’s rubbish bins, as they are not for our use. Leaving rubbish along the Parade route is not permitted. If you have approved/permitted giveaways, please hand these to the crowd rather than throwing them. Please note that there is a charge for any giveaways or handouts. Use paper streamers in place of confetti, as it is easier to clean up. The pack-down area is designed for you to dismantle your vehicle and make it road-safe for removal. Please comply with New Zealand Road Code regulations. You must remove all waste from the packdown area. Registration Fees 2015 These fees assist us to meet the costs of running a Parade of this size. They are set according to the size and type of the entry. Should you have difficulty meeting the cost of the fee, please contact the Auckland Pride Parade Director: ** Permits one vehicle. Additional vehicles to a maximum of 2 (total) per entry, pending approval, may be purchased. Due to limited space the Auckland Pride Parade reserves the right to approve/not approve extra vehicle requests to maintain the size and safety of the event. Vehicles requiring sound, lighting and power should contact us. We have a special rate for this equipment, which includes drop-off and collection. ++ Group 3: Businesses with 2 or fewer physical stores/retail outlets/franchises in NZ only. All other business are classified as Group 4 2015 Parade Awards The Auckland Pride Parade Awards recognise those that have truly captured the essence of the theme and have inspired our community. We are looking for that WOW factor – and we want to celebrate creativity, humour, culture and passion – so think outside of the box. Create a powerful message that hones in on your purpose. Comedy can be key! Challenge your creative friends to assist in developing your idea and putting it into action. Plan early, so your vision can become a reality. Remember, some people may only glance at you once, so you need to make an impact! Simple and punchy can be very effective! And remember to smile and enjoy the experience! Key Dates Registrations Close 5pm, Friday 16 January 2015 Should Parade entries reach maximum capacity, registrations will close sooner Parade Date and Time 7.30pm, Saturday 21 February 2015 Key Contact Richard Taki Auckland Pride Parade Director E: W:
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