WEEKLY ACTIVITIES OF THE COURT OF BiH Section I, II and III (12 January 2015 – 16 January 2015) MONDAY, 16 January 2015 Friday, 9 January 2015I • In the Radoman Fundup (S1 1 K 017721 14 Kro) case, the Court rendered the decision extending custody of the accused Radoman Fundup. Pursuant to this decision the custody may last up to three years as of the day the Indictment was confirmed more precisely until 7 January 2018. • The Court rendered the decision in the Zlatko Tadić (S1 3 K 018051 15 Eks) case ordering the requested Zlatko Tadić into 18 day custody. Pursuant to this decision the custody may last until 26 January 2015. Zlatko Tadić is requested by the Republic of Serbia for the execution of a prison sentence for the criminal offence of Aggravated Theft in violation with Article 145 (2) of the Criminal Code of Republic of Serbia. ****** • On 8 January 2015, the Court rendered the decision in the Dušan Milunić et al. (S1 1 K 017538 14 Kro) case extending custody of the suspects Dušan Milunić, Radomir Stojnić, Radovan Četić, Zoran Stojnić, Željko Grbić, Ilija Zorić, Zoran Milunić, Boško Grujčić, Rade Grujčić, Uroš Grujčić, Rajko Grbić, Rajko Gnjatović and Zdravko Antunović for one month. Pursuant to this decision the custody may last until 8 February 2015. • On 7 January 2015, the Court confirmed the Indictment in the Alija Raščić et al. (S1 2 K 017945 14 Ko) case charging Alija Raščić and Adnan Raščić with the criminal offence of Tax Evasion or Fraud. • On 6 January 2015, the Court rendered the decision in the Muradif Salkić (S1 1 K 013002 14 Kro) case referring the criminal proceedings in relation to the accused Muradif Salkić to the Cantonal Court in Tuzla as the Court with the territorial jurisdiction. • In the following cases, the Court confirmed the Indictments on 6 January 2015 in the following cases: • Zaim Laličić (S1 1 K 017982 14 Kro) charging Zaim Laličić with the criminal offence of War Crimes against Civilians; • Hedin Džambegović (S1 1 K 017843 14 Kro) charging Hedin Džambegović with the criminal offence of War Crimes against Civilians. • The Court confirmed the Indictment on 6 January 2015, in the Edo Čolaković (S1 2 K 017942 14 Ko) case charging Edo Čolaković with the criminal offence of Tax Evasion or Fraud. • On 6 January 2015, the Court confirmed the Indictment in the Admir Šehić (S1 3 K 017994 14 Kps) case charging Admir Šehić with the criminal offence of Impermissible Use of Copyrights. • The Court confirmed the Indictment on 5 January 2015 in the Safet Čolaković (S1 2 K 017946 14 Ko) case charging Safet Čolaković with continued criminal offence of Tax Evasion. • On 31 December 2014, the Court confirmed the Indictments in the following cases: • Predrag Marjanović (S1 1 K 017954 14 Kro) charging Predrag Marjanović with the criminal offence of War Crimes against Civilians; • Miroslav Šušak (S1 2 K 013827 14 Ko) charging Miroslav Šušak with the criminal offence of criminal offence of Tax Evasion or Fraud. • The Court confirmed the Indictment on 30 December 2014 in the Jusuf Mutapčić (S1 3 K 017981 14 Kps) case charging Jusuf Mutapčić with the criminal offence of Counterfeiting of Money. • In the Miroslav Perišić (S1 2 K 013527 14 Kž) case, the Court sent out the second-instance Verdict on 25 December 2014 dismissing as unfounded the appeal filed by Defence Lawyer for the accused Miroslav Perišić and confirming the Court's Verdict of 10 June 2014. • On 23 December 2014, the Court confirmed the Indictment in the Veselko Ducanović (S1 2 K 017916 14 Ko) case charging Veselko Ducanović with the criminal offence of Illicit Trade. ****** Monday, 12 January 2015 • The Court rendered the decision in the Ljubomir Stevanović et al. (S1 2 K 012891 14 K) case separating the proceedings in relation to the accused Milenko Milivojević, therefore from now on this case shall be conducted under the number of Milenko Milivojević (S1 2 K 018067 15 K). • At the plea hearing before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, in the Miroslav Rakić et al. (S1 2 K 015894 14 Ko) case, the accused Miroslav Rakić, Vladislav Anđelić, Miroslav Maksimović, Goran Kobaš, Miladin Jokić, Emir Eminović, Milan Grgić, Rasim Eminović and Drago Perić pleaded not guilty of the criminal offence of Organizing a Group of People or Association for Smuggling or Distribution of Goods on Which Duties Were Not Paid in conjunction with the criminal offence of Smuggling. • The Court rendered the decision in the Saša Kljajić et al. (S1 2 K 009353 12 Krn) case terminating the following prohibitive measures of the suspect Željko Cvijetić: ban on leaving the place of residence, ban on meeting with certain persons and mandatory reporting to the relevant Police Station while the measure of ban on travelling shall remain in force. The next review will be on 11 March 2015. • In the Emir Lepenica (S1 3 K 016659 14 K) case, the Court pronounced the first-instance Verdict acquitting the accused Emir Lepenica of the charges for Obstruction of Justice. Case Section I Petar Kovačević S1 1 K 014093 14 KrI Section I Goran Sarić S1 1 K 007949 13 KrI Section I Savo Tepić et al. S1 1 K 014788 14 KrI Trial panel Davorin Jukić Jasmina Kosović Darko Samardžić Staniša Gluhajić Minka Kreho Željka Marenić Zoran Božić Mira Smajlović Mediha Pašić Hearing Continuation of trial One Prosecutor's expert witness and witness heard Continuation of trial Continuation of trial Two Prosecutor's witnesses heard Section I Mensur Memić et al. S1 1 K 003369 10 KrI Section I Dragan Šekarić S1 1 K 014550 14 KrI Section I Željko Stanarević et al. S1 1 K 017149 14 KrI Željka Marenić Vesna Jesenković Staniša Gluhajić Mira Smajlović Zoran Božić Mediha Pašić Mira Smajlović Mediha Pašić Zoran Božić Section II Araz Jukić et al. S1 2 K 017004 14 K Section II Milenko Milivojević S1 2 K 018067 15 K Section II Vlado Ilić et al. S1 2 K 009050 13 K Section II Zijad Turković et al. S1 2 K 006087 14 Kžk Section II Ljubomir Stevanović et al. S1 2 K 012891 14 K Mirsad Strika Izo Tankić Nenad Šeleda Biljana Ćuković Nenad Šeleda Biljana Ćuković Izo Tankić Senadin Begtašević Mirko Božović Miloš Babić Izo Tankić Nenad Šeleda Biljana Ćuković Continuation of trial Prosecutor's and Defence witness heard Status conference Status conference Continuation of trial Two Prosecutor's witnesses heard Plea agreement hearing postponed for 15 January 2015 Defence closing arguments Continuation of trial before the Appellate Panel Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Section II Miroslav Rakić et al. S1 2 K 015894 14 Ko Section II Božidar Kundert et al. S1 2 K 017740 14 K Section II Zoran Tubić et al. S1 2 K 014954 14 K Zoran Božić Ranko Debevec Tatjana Kosović Hasija Mašović Branko Perić Mirsad Strika Tatjana Kosović Section III Emir Lepenica S1 3 K 016659 14 K Tatjana Kosović Plea hearing Commencement of trial postponed until further notice Continuation of trial Two Prosecutor's witnesses heard Pronouncement of the first-instance Verdict TUESDAY, 13 January 2015 • In the Branko Vignjević (S1 3 K 018061 15 Eks) case, the Court rendered the decision ordering the requested Branko Vignjević into 18 day custody. Pursuant to this decision the custody may last until 29 January 2015 or pending the new Court’s decision. Branko Vignjević is requested by the Republic of Serbia for the execution of four years and six months prison sentence according to the Verdict of the Supreme Court of Republic of Serbia for the criminal offence of Aggravated Theft in violation with Article 169 (1) in conjunction with Article 168 (1) of the Criminal Code of Republic of Serbia. Case Section I Željko Jukić S1 1 K 008728 12 Kžk Section I Ramiz Avdović et al. Trial panel Miloš Babić Miraz Jusufović Mirko Božović Željka Marenić Minka Kreho Hearing Continuation of trial before the Appellate Panel Continuation of trial Defence expert witness heard S1 1 K 008241 12 KrI Section I Edhem Godinjak et al. S1 1 K 016301 14 KrI Section I Bosiljko Marković et al. S1 1 K 012024 14 KrI Section I Ekrem Ibračević et al. S1 1 K 016488 14 KrI Section I Marijan Brnjić et al. S1 1 K 016706 14 KrI Section I Aleksandar Cvetković S1 1 K 013789 13 KrI Section II Arif Peleš S1 2 K 017043 14 K Section II Mladen Ždrale S1 2 K 013421 13 K Section II Mlađen Kekerović et al. S1 2 K 013758 14 K Section II Ismet Gutlić et al. S1 2 K 016485 14 K Section III Veldin Oklopčić S1 3 K 017278 14 K Halil Lagumdžija Mediha Pašić Mira Smajlović Zoran Božić Šaban Maksumić Vesna Jesenković Staniša Gluhajić Šaban Maksumić Vesna Jesenković Staniša Gluhajić Jasmina Kosović Darko Samardžić Davorin Jukić Darko Samardžić Jasmina Kosović Davorin Jukić Izo Tankić Nenad Šeleda Biljana Ćuković Mirsad Strika Amela Huskić Ranko Debevec Amela Huskić Ranko Debevec Hasija Mašović Tatjana Kosović Branko Perić Hasija Mašović Mirsad Strika Amela Huskić Ranko Debevec Section III Branko Vignjević S1 3 K 018061 15 Eks Amela Huskić Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Continuation of trial Prosecution presented its physical evidences Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Continuation of trial Three Defence witnesses heard Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Continuation of trial Defence presented its physical evidences Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Continuation of trial Two Prosecutor's expert witnesses heard Commencement of trial Hearing re order of extradition custody WEDNESDAY, 14 January 2015 • Upon consideration and acceptance of Plea agreements, the Court pronounced the following Verdicts: • Ajlin Ahmić (S1 2 K 018029 15 K) finding the accused Ajlin Ahmić guilty of the criminal offence of Organized Crime in conjunction with the criminal offence of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs. In that regards, the Court sentenced the accused to one year in prison. As an accessory punishment, the Court fined the accused with BAM 45,000.00. The Court seized from the accused items used in the perpetration of a criminal offence. • Draženko Ivković (S1 2 K 017882 14 K) finding the accused Draženko Ivković guilty of the criminal offence of Organized Crime in conjunction with the criminal offence of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs. In that regard, the Court sentenced the accused to one year in prison. The Court seized from the accused items used in the perpetration of a criminal offence. • In the Ivan Tomić (S1 2 K 015617 14 K) case, the Court pronounced the first-instance Verdict acquitting the accused Ivan Tomić of Tax Evasion. • The Court reviewed justification of prohibitive measures in the Boris Kordić et al. (S1 2 K 014225 15 Krn) case of the suspect Luca Cobre. The Court found that reasons for the measures still remain. The next review will be on 14 March 2015. • Upon consideration and acceptance of a Plea agreement, the Court pronounced the Verdict in the Ivan Agatić (S1 2 K 002900 10 Ko) case finding the accused Ivan Agatić guilty of the criminal offence of Organized Crime in conjunction with the criminal offence of Smuggling of Persons. In that regard, the Court imposed on the accused a suspended sentence in the duration of one year in prison which shall not be executed if the accused within four year period of time, as of the day the Verdict becomes final, does not commit a new criminal offence. • In the Arif Peleš (S1 2 K 017043 14 K) case, the Court reviewed justification of prohibitive measures of the accused Arif Peleš. The Court found that reasons for the measures still remain. The next review will be on 11 March 2015. Case Section I Vitomir Racković S1 1 K 014365 13 KrI Section I Slavko Savić S1 1 K 017213 14 KrI Section I Mehura Selimović et al. S1 1 K 003368 13 Kžk Trial panel Zoran Božić Mediha Pašić Mira Smajlović Mira Smajlović Mediha Pašić Zoran Božić Redžib Begić Mirko Božović Senadin Begtašević Section I Hedin Džambegović S1 1 K 017843 14 Krn Section I Goran Popović S1 1 K 013866 14 KrI Section I Ostoja Stanišić et al. S1 1 K 010315 12 KrI Section I Goran Maksimović et al. S1 1 K 011258 14 Krn Section II Draženko Ivković S1 2 K 017882 14 K Section II Ajlin Ahmić S1 2 K 018029 15 K Section II Božo Vučenović et al. S1 2 K 008235 14 K Section II Haris Čaušević S1 2 K 002596 14 Kžk Davorin Jukić Staniša Gluhajić Šaban Maksumić Vesna Jesenković Staniša Gluhajić Vesna Jesenković Šaban Maksumić Zoran Božić Mira Smajlović Mediha Pašić Branko Perić Tatjana Kosović Mirsad Strika Branko Perić Tatjana Kosović Mirsad Strika Mirsad Strika Ranko Debevec Amela Huskić Tihomir Lukes Azra Miletić Dragomir Vukoje Section II Ivan Agatić S1 2 K 002900 10 Ko Section II Željka Marenić Hearing Continuation of trial Defence presented its physical evidences Status conference Continuation of trial before the Appellate Panel Hearing re Prosecutor's motion to extend prohibitive measures upon confirmation of the Indictment Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Continuation of trial Prosecution presented its physical evidences Hearing re Prosecutor's motion to extend custody Plea agreement hearing Pronouncement of the Verdict Plea agreement hearing Pronouncement of the Verdict Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Commencement of trial before the Appellate Panel Plea agreement hearing Pronouncement of the Verdict Continuation of trial Miladin Đurđević S1 2 K 017388 14 K Amela Huskić Section II Ivan Tomić S1 2 K 015617 14 K Tatjana Kosović Defence witness heard; closing arguments Pronouncement of the first-instance Verdict THURSDAY, 15 January 2015 • The Court reviewed justification of prohibitive measures in the Slavko Savić (S1 1 K 017213 14 KrI) case of the accused Slavko Savić. The Court found that reasons for the measures still remain. The next review will be on 15 March 2015. • In the Zaim Laličić (S1 1 K 017982 14 Kro) case, the Court rendered the decision partly upholding the Prosecutor’s motion to extend prohibitive measures upon confirmation of the Indictment for the accused Zaim Laličić in a way that from now the measures of ban on leaving the place of residence and ban on meeting with certain persons have been altered in a way that the movement of the accused is limited to the Municipality of Ilidža and he is banned from meeting or contacting in any manner with Prosecution witnesses while other measures have been extended. The next review will be on 15 March 2015. • Upon consideration and acceptance of a Plea agreement, the Court pronounced the Verdict in the Milenko Milivojević (S1 2 K 018067 15 K) case finding the accused Milenko Miivojević guilty of the criminal offence of Organized Crime in conjunction with the criminal offence of Smuggling. In that regard, the Court imposed on the accused a suspended sentence in the duration of four months in prison which shall not be executed if the accused within one year period of time, as of the day the Verdict becomes final, does not commit a new criminal offence. • The Court reviewed justification of prohibitive measures in the Zoran Tubić et al. (S1 2 K 014954 14 K) case of the accused Zoran Tubić. • Upon consideration and acceptance of a Plea agreement, the Court pronounced the Verdict in the Bojan Ćalasan (S1 2 K 017881 14 K) case finding the accused Bojan Ćalasan guilty of the criminal offence of Organized Crime in conjunction with the criminal offence of Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs. In that regard, the Court sentenced the accused to one year and six months in prison. The Court seized from the accused items used in the perpetration of a criminal offence. • The Court rendered the decision in the Ismet Gutlić et al. (S1 2 K 016485 14 K) case terminating the measure of ban on leaving the place of residence of the accused Ismet Gutlić and Enes Gutlić while other measures shall remain in force. The Court reviewed justification of prohibitive measures of the accused Edina Šarić and Adnan Sadibašić. The Court found that reasons for the measures still remain. The next review will be on 15 March 2015. • At the plea hearing before Section III for General Crime in the Marko Krtolica (S1 3 K 010414 14 Kpp) case, the accused Marko Krtolica pleaded not guilty of the criminal offence of Smuggling of Persons. Case Section I Nikola Marić S1 1 K 015124 14 KrI Trial panel Mediha Pašić Mira Smajlović Zoran Božić Hearing Continuation of trial Three Prosecutor's witnesses heard Section I Savo Babić S1 1 K 003807 14 Kžk Section I Mustafa Đelilović et al. S1 1 K 007914 12 KrI Redžib Begić Mirza Jusufović Miloš Babić Minka Kreho Staniša Gluhajić Željka Marenić Section I Zaim Laličić S1 1 K 017982 14 Kro Section I Indira Kamerić S1 1 K 010132 14 KrI Mira Smajlović Šaban Maksumić Vesna Jesenković Staniša Gluhajić Section I Predrag Marjanović S1 1 K 017954 14 Kro Zoran Božić Continuation of trial before the Appellate Panel Continuation of trial Prosecution presented its physical evidences Hearing re Prosecutor's motion to extend prohibitive measures upon confirmation of the Indictment Continuation of trial Defence presented its physical evidences Hearing re Prosecutor's motion to order prohibitive measures upon confirmation of the Indictment Section II Nevenko Božičić et al. S1 2 K 017287 14 K Section II Zijad Turković et al. S1 2 K 006087 14 Kžk Section II Vlado Delić et al. S1 2 K 013430 14 K Section II Bojan Ćalasan S1 2 K 017881 14 K Section II Milenko Milivojević S1 2 K 018067 15 K Amela Huskić Senadin Begtašević Mirko Božović Miloš Babić Ranko Debevec Hasija Mašović Tatjana Kosović Branko Perić Tatjana Kosović Mirsad Strika Izo Tankić Nenad Šeleda Biljana Ćuković Procedural issues Continuation of trial before the Appellate Panel postponed Continuation of trial Three Prosecutor's witnesses heard Plea agreement hearing Pronouncement of the Verdict Plea agreement hearing Pronouncement of the Verdict Section III Marko Krtolica S1 3 K 010414 14 Kpp Biljana Ćuković Plea hearing FRIDAY, 16 January 2015 Case Section I Srećko Bošković S1 1 K 017133 14 KrI Section I Ibro Macić S1 1 K 011047 13 KrI Section I Dževad Dulić S1 1 K 017348 14 KrI Section II Muhamed Marić et al. S1 2 K 010279 13 K Section II Vaso Ljubibratić S1 2 K 013756 14 K Trial panel Zoran Božić Mira Smajlović Mediha Pašić Davorin Jukić Darko Samardžić Jasmina Kosović Mediha Pašić Zoran Božić Mira Smajlović Amela Huskić Nenad Šeleda Branko Perić Biljana Ćuković Tatjana Kosović Izo Tankić Hearing Continuation of trial Prosecutor's witness heard Status conference Status conference Continuation of trial Continuation of trial Three Prosecutor's witnesses heard Section II Nasmer Karić et al. S1 2 K 009921 14 K Tatjana Kosović Branko Perić Hasija Mašović Continuation of trial Section II Nevenko Božičić et al. S1 2 K 017287 14 K Amela Huskić Plea agreement hearing Mirsad Strika Commencement of trial Section III Bojan Starović S1 3 K 017364 14 K NEXT WEEK • For Monday 19 January 2015, scheduled in the following cases: • Milorad Trbić (S1 1K 017791 14 Krž) public session of the Appellate Panel of Section I for War Crimes of the Court, starting at 2.30 p.m. in Courtroom 5. • Adil Vojić et al. (S1 1 K 012506 14 Kro) plea hearing before Section I for War Crimes of the Court, starting at 11.00 a.m. in Courtroom 8. Adil Vojić and Bekir Mešić are charged with the criminal offence of War Crimes against Civilians. • Miladin Đurđević (S1 2 K 017388 14 K) pronouncement of the first-instance Verdict before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 1.00 p.m. in Courtroom 3. • Vlado Ilić et al. (S1 2 K 009050 13 K) pronouncement of the first-instance Verdict before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 1.00 p.m. in Courtroom 7. • For Tuesday 20 January 2015, scheduled in the following cases: • Aleksandar Ivković (S1 2 K 018028 15 K) plea agreement hearing before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 10.00 a.m. in Courtroom 4. • Ranko Koprivica (S1 2 K 018031 15 K) plea agreement hearing before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 11.00 a.m. in Courtroom 4. • For Wednesday 21 January 2015, scheduled in the following cases: • Mile Puljić (S1 1 K 017799 14 Kro) plea hearing before Section I for War Crimes of the Court, starting at 3.00 p.m. in Courtroom 3. Mile Puljić is charged with the criminal offence of Crimes against Humanity. • Rifet Šepić et al. (S1 2 K 018035 15 K) commencement of trial before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 9.00 a.m. in Courtroom 6. • Borislav Bajić (S1 2 K 018030 15 K) plea agreement hearing before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 1.00 p.m. in Courtroom 3. • For Friday 23 January 2015, scheduled in the following cases: • Stevo Jovanović et al. (S1 1 K 017259 15 KrI) status conference before Section I for War Crimes of the Court, starting at 10.00 a.m. in Courtroom 7. • Milun Kornjača (S1 1 K 003541 14 Krž) session of the Appellate Panel of Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 1.00 p.m. in Courtroom 3. • Josip Tolić (S1 1 K 013929 13 KrI) Prosecution closing arguments before Section I for War Crimes of the Court, starting at 1.00 p.m. in Courtroom 6. • Radomir Marković et al. (S1 1 K 014089 14 Kro) plea hearing before Section I for War Crimes of the Court, starting at 1.00 p.m. in Courtroom 4. Radomir Marković, Mile Kušić, • Dragan Božović, Saša Perković, Radomir Gluhović, Pero Radović, Ilija Vukašinović and Miloš Vukašinović are charged with the criminal offence of Crimes against Humanity. Miha Amon (S1 2 K 012843 14 K) commencement of trial before Section II for Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption of the Court, starting at 1.00 p.m. in Courtroom 7. STATISTICS WITNESS SUPPORT SECTION Section No. of cases No. of witnesses War Crimes 12 19 Organized Crime, Economic Crime and Corruption 1 2 Number of hearings held in Courtrooms 1-8 Number of requests for AV materials (Public Information Section) 77 31 In order to subscribe or unsubscribe from the list, please send an email: PIOS@sudbih.gov.ba, www.sudbih.gov.ba On duty phone +387 61 475 205 The weekly review of the Court’s activities contains activities from previous week which were not contained in previous weekly review. I
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