f ,;z 'J4 No. 1-210 18/48120 14/Estt.- 50 Directorate General, ITS Police ~ MHAIGovemment of India Block-II, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-l 10003 Dated: 1-3/0 1/2015 To, The Directorate General, Directorate of Audio and Visual Publicity, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Soochana Bhawan, Lodhi Road New Delhi-II 0003 Sub: Release', Of Advertisement fo1"19 .posts of Snb Inspector up on "transfeYon deputatjon/re~employment (Armourer) in ITBP to basis in ITBP Force. be filled .• . .. Sir, ,lam directed to forward. herewith .an advertisement ',(1.9}.posts.ofSub :' Batrd-2 Inspector (Armourer);"Grblip-B Rs, .9300-348001- ,><:Gbvet'r\mentemployees iii 'EMPLOYMENT , .",,,,,. for.fHling up nineteen (Non- Ministerial) postin the Pay '42001- and other al!owalices"'ildrhissible to'Central inTFBP Force for.publication . NEWS IROZGAR 5AMAcI-iAR'. News.' advertisement (Non -Gazetted) on transferbli.deputatibnlre-employmentbasis :!tis requested 'employment with.Gi'ade"PayRs; as at Annexure-I that theadvertisementmay'piease It is also be arranged for immediate intiina:ieci".1:!lat payment .. towards will be borne by lTBPF. publication cost of ' publication in of above .' Encl: as above. Yours faithfully. ... e-opy along-with a copy of advertisement ~ (K.D. Dwivedi) Dy.lnspector General (Estt.) to:- I .2 All MinistrieslDepartments, GoV!. of India The Direct0r General. . CRPF l BSF l CISF l SSB lARs 3 The Director General. Door Darshan. Mandi House. New Delhi The Director, A.I.R. Akashwani Bhawan, New Delhi Director General (Re-settlement}Mlo Defence; West BlockA. Wing NO.1, R.K.' Puram,New Delhi110066 The JAGlDIG, Dte. General, ITBP Dy. Comdt. IT Cell, Dte Gen. ITBP with the request to upload the advertisement and application form on official website of ITBP -I 5 8 t(. With' the request that wide publicity of' . advertisement may' please be' given ;n your MinistrylDepartmentlForce and suitable candidate be sponsored for deputation PS to DG i IG ((HQ) i [G (Trg.) i [G (Ops & Int.)! IG (Prov.&Comn.). Dte Gen, [TBP ..Dc. (j.\el"",,:> I ])1"".c;"....t, I n9 )s- -~., .-I )'/ , ANNEXUREcI Directorate General" Indo-Tibetan BorderPo~ceForce (MHA/Govt. ofIndia), Block-2, eGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-l10003 Applications Inspector are invited from Indian citizen for filling up nineteen (Armourer), 9300-34800/- with Government Group Grade employees 'B' Non-Gazetted Pay Rs, 4200/- in Indo-Tibetan (Non- Ministerial) and Border other allowances Police Force admissible (Ministry Gov!. of India, New Delhi on transfer on deputation/re-employment subjected to change (decrease or ncre;]se) at any stage, (19) posts of Sub in the Pay Band -2 Rs. to Central of Home Affairs) basis. The vacancies are Eligibility criteria:- A) By Deputation:From amongst officials of the Central/State Government Department holding equivalent or analogous posts and having experience in tile line. Note .:The departmental officers in the feeder categories who are in the direct line of promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation. Similarly, deputationists shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion. Note 2:The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in same or some other organisation or"" deputation of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed four years. Note 3:The maximum age-limit for appointment closing date of receipt of application. Re-employment by deputatibn shall not exceed 52 years as on the of Ex-servicemen:- The Armed Force personnel due to retire or who are to'be transferred to reserve with in a period of one year and having requisite experience and qualifications prescribed if any, shall also be considered. Such person would be given deputation terms upto the date on which they are due to release from Armed Forces; thereafter they may be continued on ~e-employment. The maximum age limit for eligibility for re-employment shall be not exceeding fifty, two years on the date of receipt of application. (B) Pay & Allowances:The pay of the candidate selected for appointment regulated in accordance with Department No.6/8/2009/Estt.Pay-1i dated 17,-06-20 I O. of on deputation Personnel & basis Training, will be OM , r ~I ."7 , } (C) Other Conditions: Following conditions will also be applicable on the Sub Inspector(Armourer) selection on deputation in ITBP Force: _ i) on Selected candidate will be governed by ITBPF Act-1992 & RuJel994 and will have to wear unifonn as per rules of the Force. Ii) Selected candidate will be liable to serve anywhere in or outside India .. iii) The selected candidate will be entitled for leave as per CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 as amended from time to time. iv) The selected candidate will be entitled for Leave Travel Concession: as per CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 as amended from time to time. 2. Applications through proper channel of willing and suitable officers along-with their bio-data in the prescribed proforma (enclosed) as Annexure-f1 together with up-to-date ACRJAPAR dossiers (attested copies .each page) for the last 05 years, DElVlgilance Clearance ... Certificate and Integrity Certificate,.should; feach "S •.. Admn. Officer (Estt.),l)irectorate •...Geiler~l,rt8P,'MHAlGovt.of [Mia; ~16ck.2,CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, Ne\~nelhi- '.lioo03"'wlthin tWo' rit6Iiths-from~thed'ateof~publication of the ad~ertiseniertt Employment, NewsIRozgar Samacbar ..Officersoncenoritinated will not be perm,fteino withdraw their candidature. 'hi ***** ANNEXURE-II I APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SUB INSPECTOR (ARMOURER) IN ITBPF ON TRANSFER ON DEPUTA TION/RE-EMPLOYMENT BASIS I. NAME (IN BLOCK LETTERS) 2. DAlE OF BIRTH (DD/MMNYYY) 0 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION J. I I NAME 4. OF OFFICE I DEPARTMENT I I MINISTRY I I I . '. . I ! PRESENT POST HELD AND SCALE OF 5. i !i PAY WITH GRADE PAY '. 6. I PRESENT PAY DRAWN (BASIC AND GRADE PA Y) . 7. POST HELD ON REGULAR BASIS W.E.F. I 8. 8. I I DATE OF CONFIRMATION DETAILS OF POSTS HELD IN VARIOUS PAY SCALES IN PAST: I S.NO. NAME OF POST PAY SCALE HELD GRADE PAY I 9. 10. II PERIOD FROM TO REMARKS,' IPANY .. EXPERIENCE ANY OTHER DETAILS RELEVANT TO THE POST NOT COVERED IN ABOVE COLUMNS DATE:- . (SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT) NAME: . DESIGNATION: . CONTD ... 2... .. .~.. ,.>{I i t f .'" : \f / --2-- I CERTIFICATE TO BE GIVEN BY HEAD OF OFFICE / DEPARTMENT OF THE APPLICANT (To be attested not below the rank of Dy. Secretary) 1. IT IS CERTIFIED THAT PARTICULARS FURNISHED BY THE OFFICIAL ARE CORRECT AS PER SERVICE RECORD. 2. IT IS CERTIFIED THAT NO DISCIPLINARYIVIGILANCE CASE IS PENDING OR CONTEMPLATED AGAINST THE APPLICANT AND HE/SHE IS CLEAR FROM THE VIGILANCE ANGLE. 3. HISIHER INTEGRITY IS CERTIFIED AS BEYOND DOUBT. 4. DETAILS OF MAJORIMINOR PENALTIES (MMP) IMPOSED DURING THE LAST 10 YEARS, IN ORIGINAL, DULY SIGNED & STAMPED BY COMPETENT AUTHORITY. 5. HE/SHE WILL BE RELIEVED OF HISIHER DUTIES TO TAKE UP ASSIGNMENT IN ITBPF ON HISIHER SELECTION ON DEPUTATION/ RE-EMPLOYMENT. 6. CADRE CLEARANCE 7. DETAILS OF COURT CASES, IF ANY. PLACE: DATE: SIGNATURE . NAME . DESIGNATION WITH OFFICE SEAL TELEPHONE NO.
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